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twilightdomain 2 months ago
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sneakret santa albaauru for @sylvaridreams 馃拰
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signifiedsatyr 4 months ago
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ArtParty [November] [NA] Auruim --- @sylvaridreams
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sylvaridreams 17 days ago
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Alba/Auruim, "Worship" for ockissweek 2025
(based off of and color picked from The Kiss by Klimt)
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sylvaridreams 8 months ago
our schmoves
(here's the best shot i got)
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too busy chatting with friends at pride this year to take screens but HAD to at least grab some with the [BOYS] feat. @twilightdomain and @sylvaridreams
@hawkepockets was there but left before we could take a pic together. like a goober
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mix-de-sentimentos 2 months ago
Indica Tumblrs?
@philippebrg @perol4 @auruim @fhlorism @aluniar @seu-bobo-da-corte @essencial @brutamente-meiga @escritosdacarol @bohemizado @mundodeideias13 @tha-barbosa @almadoria @contagioverbal @amoraando @afetoeternoo @abismoadois @saraaruiva @carteldapoesia @imsosorrylove @deennes @markowisks @ressignifc4rrblog @maeecka @i-am-batman @mangalil-ar @hirugus @5-32pm @angelic-girl @anemicpsicotic @7maress @caosdesentimento-deactivated202 @iescorpionn @sr-montagnassa @fuzzyshoegoopprune @dendada @ba-co @15landguy007 @rei-preguica @hey-brother-1999 @bruneera @satisnaofeito @souerrada-souerrante @lardepoetas @escassa @outro-sagitariano-no-mundo @autoflagelar @princesa-estrelinha @o-druida-ebrio @jbc-nightskies @in-desejo
Converso com poucos, mas indico uma lista generosa.
Tem mais alguns, 茅 s贸 ver os que reblogo. 馃槉
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nurllius 1 year ago
So...those are all from the art party...Yknow what there's never enough screenshots and imma share some of them with yall lovely ppl.
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The illiterate book club.
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The puppies had a playdate...or a gang showdown?
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This is how you adopt a kid, right?
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Father's council
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The hogging of the hog began soon after.
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And the peer pressure arrived but also a new dad lesson. (Aahrtur didn't wanna)
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The turtle war. (Team Dad)
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The real party started, the ball afterparty (+branded breakdown)
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Auruim tried to make Aahrtur dance with his drumming skills...he did not give up
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Canach jumpscare (he kidnapped Uda he wouldnt tell me where)
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In the end Aahrtur had too much ooze
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Thanks yall to coming I had absolute blast as always and I cant wait for the next one. Imma go actually draw some beautiful peeps and sketch down some of the scenarios that I found hilarious (like everything that happened but I gotta only choose few :cries:) see yall at the next post <3
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cheddargoblin 2 years ago
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a commemoration of the class of july earning their Beegrees Rownea @lunecycle Huang Shen @starlightsuncrow Lyhil @lyhil Auruim @sylvaridreams and deidre is me bc i was there. honorable mentions to madam cookie who i didnt have a reference for, you are with me in spirit i lov u.
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sylvaridreams 1 year ago
For Auruim, as the jungle dragon's champion, he loved being mordrem. From the moment Mordremoth called out to the Pact, and he instantly caved to the pressure, he loved it. His corruption was nearly instant; he does not remember suffering in those moments, only a rush of energy and excitement. He felt powerful, for the first time in his young life, he had control. After Mordremoth鈥檚 death he maintained his position of leadership for almost five years, keeping a foothold in the jungle, but unable to expand the territory further. He later described it as a horrifying experience, fighting on that side of the war and losing mordrem daily; in a way he spent the first 5 years of his life in this warzone, first on one side and then the other. But in the moment, it was difficult if not impossible to feel fear.
He was captured with four others by one of Taimi's krewes as group 9 of an ongoing, years long mordrem reformation experiment, and spent 6 months being forced back through the agonizing blighting in the opposite direction, at a snail's pace. It was only after a couple of months in captivity that the group started to lose some of their hivemind features, and their heads started to clear somewhat.
Auruim wanted to stay mordrem though; it was devastating to him when he realized he was losing his mordrem features, his pheromones that distinguished him as the Champion and the guy in charge. Mentally he's severed from the hivemind, but he's changed a lot from how he was as a sapling, before going into the jungle with the Pact. Physically he does not look fully sylvari, and it's clear to others that he is or was mordrem. He knows he will never fit back into sylvari society or be able to walk among them, and he doesn't want to. He wants to go home to the jungle, but the remaining mordrem there would kill him for smelling not-mordrem. He feels he's forced to walk outside of these two worlds, always gazing in longingly but never allowed to breach either.
Physically as a reformed mordrem, he has a lot of health issues (which are difficult to treat while he's in captivity, as he's very aggressive to anyone entering his cell; after released into the Commander's care he then is dragged back into a warzone and those problems lie on the backburner for a long time.)
I have four other mordrem with varying experiences but that's my main lil guy 馃槉
question for my fellow mordrem-havers:
what was it like for them under the dragon's influence? if they weren't 'born' mordrem, what was their corruption experience? how are they handling life without the dragon?
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aestheticpostssss 2 years ago
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Gonna love myself, no, I don't need nobody else - Hailee Steinfeld
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sylvaridreams 7 days ago
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Commissions from 2024, by my dear sweet friend Pepe @kingpear -- Canach & Alba and Canach & Auruim. 馃槉 thank you Pepe for bringing my plant boys to life, I hope we can do more this year!
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aepex 2 years ago
Hii I LOVE your blog 馃挅 would you mind checking out my blog?
hey gorgeous! tysm, followed you x
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sylvaridreams 6 months ago
ellie youre incredible THANK YOU
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auru & alba for @sylvaridreams! thank you for making a donation, this was super fun & challenging to draw!!!
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sunnie 3 years ago
coming from the theme queen herself 馃憫 I adore yours the most 馃
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xlfdesigns 3 years ago
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For @auruim
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gholdness 4 years ago
Hii, I LOVE your blog馃挅 would you mind checking out mine?
tysm <3 your blog is beautiful +f <3
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sylvaridreams 2 years ago
Most loved: Alba
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Poor little meow meow: Auruim
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Babygirl (derogatory): Lacrimosen / Lala
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Honorary mention for babygirl (complimentary): Bourbon
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I'm feeling down so it's show off your kids time lads.
I want to see your most loved blorbos. Who did you wrote the most back story for? Who is your favorite aesthetically? Who's your little babygirl?
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