scmcnymuses · 5 years
@aurorofconfidence​ liked for fanatic Ariana
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“Fancy meeting you here,” Ariana commented, unsure what Percival’s reaction would be to seeing her. “You know, I expected you to be out of commission a bit longer than this. Especially considering the papers say you’ve been out and about for a while now.” Her comments were casual, but she knew she was letting on that she obviously was invested in what happened to him. It wasn’t as if he would know that she had tipped people off on where to find him.
“I can guess that your government has its hands very full these days,” she added, taking a seat. “Is that why you’re forcing yourself to be on your feet, or is it just sheer hatred for Gellert at this point?”
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pueraeternuspan · 5 years
@aurorofconfidence​ continued from here
“Glad to hear you missed me so.” Fighting sarcasm with sarcasm, he only smirked at the older man before him, clearly amused by the not so welcoming Auror. “Uh uh, I’m only sadistic and unpleasant to those that deserve it.. and everyone deserves some of it, laddie. No, I think you may have some use for me after all... come on. I just got back into town and a little adventure will do us well.” 
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fcntcsticmuses · 5 years
@aurorofconfidence​ liked for fanatic Ariana
Ariana knew they were holding him - Gellert had been very clear about the plan, and the Director’s involvement in it. But she hadn’t been around to see him before now. She had been conducting her own search through the city, but it was fruitless so far. She wanted nothing more than to just end the woman at the head of the society, but she was their biggest clue until the child was found.
One thing she hadn’t realized was where they were holding him. The building they had commandeered wasn’t exactly meant for holding prisoners, so when she entered one of the rooms and found him dangling from his wrists, she shouldn’t have been surprised.
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She was only staring for a moment before she made up her mind, and instead of leaving, she shut the door behind her. She remained on the opposite side of the room, though. “I see that VInda has had her fun with you,” she said, gesturing to his clearly broken nose. “That’s one of her favorites. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her not do it.”
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seersblood · 5 years
@aurorofconfidence liked for a supporter verse
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“You look like crap,” Lillian commented, glancing up at Graves. “He running you through the gauntlet today?”
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magiccaretaker · 5 years
@aurorofconfidence liked for a starter
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“I assure you Mister Graves, I have not done anything to warrant this visit aside from receive an invitation from your Madam President to sit in on the creation and amendments of some of your laws regarding beasts.” As well as make a small presentation if it was deemed necessary, but he didn’t mention that part. He shifted his case slightly in his hands before realizing the sight of it might be a problem in itself. “And my case comes with me during all international travels. Just as my wand does.”
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Past Scars || closed starter|| aurorofconfidence
They had handled most paper work before moving to the states, but something had gotten lost or misplaced which led both witches to be at MACUSA headquarters. If it had been a nicer day, Schuyler may not have minded, however, it was raining, and there was a chill as fall approached. It left her joints to be less then thrilled to be used, let alone to be in proper shoes. It would be a slow day, she knew, trying to be fast would only tire her out, and possibly hurt more later. Thankfully, Trinity had know before they stepped out the door, and was appropriately not rushing them through to their destination. Schuyler appreciated that greatly to say the least. She was equally thankful, that the only paperwork that seemed to be missing was to register her as an animagus. It wasn’t the worse thing that could have happened.
By some miracle, it hadn’t taken them the longest to get it situated either.
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powerstrung · 5 years
@aurorofconfidence liked for a starter
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“You’re awfully quiet this evening,” Gellert comment, not looking up from the parchment he held in his hand. “No clever quips, or misinformed opinions to share? Or are you just biding your time until you can think of the proper words to use?”
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misxnderstccd · 6 years
Newt swore he had prepared enough suppressants for his trip, extra, even. But taking a boat to travel across the Ocean had taken longer than expected, given how they hit bad weather out there, and somehow he was finding himself at the end of his suppressants after only being in New York a week for a visit. He hadn’t realized it until he went to take his suppressants that morning and he had no more. It was just one day, right? He could go to the shop and get more later. One day should not affect him that badly.
He thought his body may have built up a tolerance, that it would take days then for the effects of the suppressants to wear off. So he went out on some business. And by business, that was slipping into a collector’s auction and rescuing four baby dragon eggs that clearly were not being well taken care of. The other things he found there were rather disgusting to the poor omega. Pelts of various magical creatures, tusks, horns, blood. He felt ashamed of his own race for what they did to these creatures.
With the eggs safely nestled inside of his suitcase, getting careful heating to ensure they stayed alive, Newt was now on his way to a clinic to get himself more suppressants. He knew you need a prescription so he had to see a doctor for it. He hoped that there wouldn’t be any issues seeing a doctor or getting a prescription. If he did then there was going to be a problem.
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Newt hadn’t realized that his scent had grown stronger, nor that his body was already shifting towards a much needed heat. Something he had not allowed himself to have in years. He was currently unaware of this shift though, walking along the streets and minding his own business. He knew there was a clinic near the Woolworth building so that was where he was heading. Unfortunately for him, he was not going to make it there.
From behind, two pairs of hands grabbed the lanky omega and pulled him into an alleyway. The strangers forced him up against a wall, causing Newt to drop his case with a gasp. “Look what we have here,” chuckled one of them. Newt could smell alpha dripping off of them. There were three. “An omega outside his leash,” the one pressing him against the wall said, “No one to take care of you, hmm?” “Oh, we can take care of you instead,” laughed another. Newt could feet hands tugging at his jacket and he knew he could not just stand there while they did whatever alpha’s did. He knew their cruelty and he wanted no part in it. 
Raising a foot, Newt stepped down hard onto the ones foot behind him, causing a yelp from the man. The omega made a grab for his case, hoping to make a run for it. But one of the other two men grabbed him by his hair, yanking him back and pushing him against the wall again, facing forward this time. Now, as he was pressed there, Newt was able to get a good look at his three attackers. They were all alpha’s, rather rough looking. two dark haired and one blonde. Two seemed to be built rather normally, normal muscle and all that, but the one that was now pinning him to the wall seemed bigger than the rest and he was thrusting his scent all over Newt, which had the omega feeling rather sick.
“I think you need someone to put you in your damn place, omega..” the big one hissed, slapping Newt harshly across the face. He winced, trying to pull the mans hands off of him. “Please leave me alone..” he murmured, nails suddenly digging into the mans arm as he wrapped his large hand around his throat. He did not squeeze, but he held him like that as a very clear threat. “Can’t let you go, sweetheart. Not everyday a jewel finds itself lost and in need...Come on now, your heat is close, isn’t it?” he leaned in close to Newt, face mere inches from his, “Just let it happen. We can make you feel good..” The other two laughed behind him.
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styleoverlaw · 6 years
@aurorofconfidence continued from here
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“I have answered all of the Ministry’s questions to the best of my ability and as truthfully as I can. Just because those answers are not to their liking, or not as enlightening as they would have hoped, does not mean I am withholding information. My brother has nothing to do with Gellert Grindelwald, and if you had bothered to come to me first, I could have told you that.”
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melandreia-aa · 6 years
Just Another Night II Closed Starter
Mel didn’t mind attending the parties that MACUSA hosted every so often. Since her grandmother died she had had more money than she knew what to do with, and she would rather have the murder of her parents solved, that is why she decided to make donations to their Department of Magical Law Enforcement and that is what earned her invitations to the exclusive events.
This one was going about the same as the others usually did. She had arrived wearing a dark lilac gown with black and silver details, been offered a drink and accepted it. She had exchanged a couple of polite words with a few people, and as usual it hadn’t taken long for her to draw back towards the edge of the room, alone. She didn’t really mind, however her gaze was drawn to the dance floor and the graceful figures dancing there. It would be nice to dance sometime, if someone would only ask her.
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scmcnymuses · 5 years
@aurorofconfidence​ is also enabling and technically didn’t ask for a starter but is getting it anyway
Ariana sat with her hands clasped tightly in front of her, staring straight ahead at the wall. She hadn’t seen a single person since she was brought in the room. She didn’t know if that was good or bad, but hoped somebody would come in sooner rather than later. The door opening made her turn her head, and she didn’t try to control her expression at seeing who was there.
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“Director Graves?” she asked incredulously. “Why are you of all people here? Did I somehow get brought to America and not realize it, or are you just that involved with the search for Grindelwald’s followers?” She found herself feeling incredibly relieved that she had followed his advice and destroyed any files with her name on it, but she didn’t doubt that he had one he could pull out if he wanted. “What exactly is about to happen?”
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unheardmagic · 6 years
@aurorofconfidence liked for an Emmeline Starter
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A light near Emmeline’s desk went off as Graves stepped through the door. Glancing at the light momentarily before turning her attention away from her work and to the Director in front of her. She gave him a polite smile as she set down her pen, and folded her hands on her desk in front of her. Showing that her attention was now on him, raising a brow slightly in question.
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fcntcsticmuses · 5 years
@aurorofconfidence​ started this
Bane was going to give her whiplash. After months of being told to let Graves do his own thing, and she was better off being paired with one of the other men, she was paired with him. They were all dumbasses, of course, and more often than not, it felt like she was doing her own thing with the men she was paired with nothing more than dead weight. She had joined the aurors after a failed attempt at jump starting her political career (she hadn’t been able to advance further than the simple position of aide for two years, after the other 4 years spent to even get that high), so she should have been behind. But they were all idiots.
And apparently, this job for two was too big for any of them to screw it up. She sat across from him in one of the interrogation rooms, the file she had already read sitting in front of her. He had been perfectly silent, and she wondered if he thought the whole ‘brooding auror’ thing he had going was to try to seem tough.
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“Are you going to sit there silently the whole time, or are we actually going to discuss what we’re supposed to do here?” she finally asked. She didn’t care if she sounded impatient or pushy - one of many things that had hindered her advancement on the political side of things. “I’ve heard enough to know that you throw plans out the window, but I’d at least like to know some of how you’re going to fuck it up to suit you.”
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seersblood · 6 years
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She didn’t blame the healers for not being able to completely heal her. Still, it didn’t stop her from staring at the burn like scar that snuck over the neckline of her shirt. She mindlessly held her arm as she thought about the similar scars that were hidden under the sleeve. Hearing a knock at her door, she carefully grabbed her wand and cast an illusion charm to hid the scars. Making them look normal, before calling for the person on the other side of the door to enter.
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@aurorofconfidence continued from here
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Credence’s blood ran cold at the sight before him, and he could feel his heart hammering in his chest, the darkness pulsating and wanting to escape, seeking to protect. He’d been unable to sleep and had thought a walk might help to tire him a little, but now, seeing Mr Graves like...what was this? Backing up a few steps, he couldn’t help but stare before tearing his eyes away and turning on his heel and running. As he finally slammed the door behind him, he crumbled to the floor, letting out a soft whimper as he curled up, trembling.
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madamprcsident · 6 years
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As soon as the news was delivered that Percival Graves has been found alive Seraphina had taken a moment by herself before exiting the Woolworth building and proceeding to apparate to outside the hospital. When she arrived at the appointed ward, it was obvious that the efforts to talk gently to Percival hadn’t been working as the room was a mess and filled with a chorus of raised wands. And it seemed he’d taken a captive. Fantastic. If it had been any other time Seraphina might have found the sight before her mildly amusing.
❝ Graves, ❞ she barked trying to get his attention when he continued to fight the people that were trying to help him. ❝ What do you think you are doing ? ❞
What did any of these idiots think they were doing. Obviously they weren’t being helpful in restoring her former Head of Security to good health. ❝ Get out, ❞ she said after a moment. When the healers gave pause she grew more annoyed. ❝ Now. ❞ One of the aurors that had followed her in started to protest before being silenced by a look. ❝ All of you. ❞
As the group cleared the room, with the exception of Graves and his hostage she watched him. Wand remained in her pocket. ❝ Welcome back, ❞ she greeted coolly. ❝ Is there any particular reason you are being difficult or are you just being your usual self? ❞
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