sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
Where: Along the canal east of the Palace of Juno When: Around sunset Who: Cal & @wintersaurora
Cal didn’t need exercise to maintain his stunning physique since his mortal death had frozen him in physical perfection forever. When he did exercise, he preferred the activities to be carnal in nature, preferably with multiple partners. Sometimes, however, it was necessary to just take a walk and mull over one’s thoughts and that’s what Cal found himself doing this evening. He’d left the Palace of Juno, crossed the bridge leading east towards the forum, but stayed near the water as it looked rather pretty with the sun sinking below the horizon. He wasn’t alone, it was hard to be on the busy streets of Rome, but he wasn’t as outwardly friendly and jovial as he usually was. He gave smiles and nods if people made eye contact but his thoughts were turned inward. 
He’d recently found out that the Eladrin Winter Chancellor was in town, mostly because he kept tabs on things like that and his network tended to give him reports on when important people came onto the scene. They didn’t know, of course, of Cal’s rather more personal connection to her and that it had been...well, about a century and a half since he’d last seen her. That last time had been far from pleasant and thinking about it, remembering it with a startling clarity that the intervening time hadn’t apparently managed to fog, made him set his jaw. It was somewhat of a quandary. He would most likely have to speak to her in an official capacity at some point. as a senator, but couldn’t at all pin down his feelings about that. On the one hand, he remembered the jagged shards she’d crushed his heart into, could still feel the echoes of that pain and was bitter and resentful about it. On the other hand, over a century without seeing her face was...too long by far and on those nights when he allowed himself to...he missed her. She was both the source of one of his worst memories and some of his best and when she wasn’t around he didn’t have to decide how to feel about it since he just tried not to think about it, or her, much at all. Now, he was going to have to and rather quickly. 
Rather more quickly than he’d anticipated, apparently, as a still familiar scent suddenly struck the air. It was the height of summer yet the scent carried the crispness of snow and pine needles wrapped in that always alluring nectar that was Eladrin blood. Cal was still near the river but lost in his thoughts he’d wandered a little further into the city and, apparently, close to her. Before he could really think it through, he followed the scent, moving through the crowd...and then he saw her. For just a moment, he drank in the sight of her, knowing she’d sense or notice him at any moment but wanting to steal a covert second or two just to take her in. She had always been breathtaking and she still was, of course, immortals didn’t change. There were subtle differences, however, in the set of her mouth and the look in her eyes. Not allowing himself to stand idle for too long, entirely still undecided on how he felt, he inwardly steeled himself and approached. 
“Good evening, Your Excellency. I’d heard you were in town and had intended to find you sooner rather than later.” Forma, basically friendly,l and unfailingly polite. Maybe if he clung to that he could survive this interaction with his dignity in tact. “I trust you’re well?” An entirely normal question he would’ve asked to any colleague or professional delivered, admirably, in an entirely normal tone. He hoped he could keep it up. 
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donttalkaboutmemes · 2 years
Sleeping Beauty (1959) Lyric Meme
Under the cut you will find 20+ lyrics from 1959 version of Sleeping Beauty to use for your enjoyment!
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Hail to the Princess Aurora
1.      “Joyfully now to the princess we come bringing gifts and all good wishes, too.”
2.      “We pledge our loyalty anew.”
3.      “All of her subjects adore her.”
4.      “Hail to the king!”
5.      “Hail to the queen!”
6.      “Hail to the princess!”
7.      “Health to the princess, wealth to the princess.”
8.      “Long live the princess!”
  One Gift
9.      “One gift, beauty rare.”
10.   “Lips that shame the red, red rose.”
11.   “She’ll walk with springtime wherever she goes.”
12.   “One gift, the gift of song.”
13.   “Melody her whole life long.”
14.   “The nightingales her troubadour, bringing his sweet serenade to her door.”
  I Wonder
15.   “I wonder why each little bird has a someone to sing to.”
16.   “I wonder if my heart keeps singing, will my song go winging to someone who’ll find me and bring back a love song to me?”
  Once Upon A Dream
17.   “I know you. I walked with you once upon a dream.”
18.   “The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam.”
19.   “I know it’s true. That visions are seldom all they seem.”
20.   “If I know you, I know what you’ll do.”
21.   “You’ll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.”
  The Skumps Song
22.   “A toast to this night!”
23.   “The outlook is rosy! The future is bright!”
24.   “Our children will marry. Our kingdom unite!”
25.   “A toast to the home.”
26.   “Let me fill up your glass. That glass was all foam.”
  Sleeping Beauty
27.   “Dreaming of true love in slumbers repose.”
28.   “One day he will come riding out of the dawn and you’ll awake to loves first kiss.”
29.   “One day you’ll awaken to loves first kiss.”
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worldsofzzt · 7 years
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AuroraMag #1 by AuroraSoft (2000) [Aurora01.zzt] - Surface:Colony Download / Explore aurora1.zip on the Museum of ZZT Play on Archive.org
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charud2555 · 3 years
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เสียงจากแสงออโรรา ออโรราเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางธรรมชาติ ที่มีแสงเรืองบนท้องฟ้าในเวลากลางคืน โดยมักจะขึ้นในบริเวณแถบขั้วโลก โดยบางครั้งจะเรียกว่า แสงเหนือ หรือ แสงใต้ ขึ้นอยู่กับแหล่งกำเนิด ปรากฏการณ์ออโรราเป็นตัวอย่างปรากฏการณ์ทางฟิสิกส์ที่น่าทึ่งที่สุดที่เกิดขึ้นในอวกาศที่ใกล้พื้นโลก มันอาจปรากฏจากสิ่งจาง ๆ เป็นวงนิ่ง แล้วระเบิดออกมาเป็นสีต่าง ๆ พุ่งกระจายภายในเวลาไม่กี่วินาที บางครั้งจะปรากฏเหมือนมันจะแตะกับพื้น หรือในเวลาอื่นอาจเห็นมันพุ่งสูงขึ้นสู่ท้องฟ้า แต่ความจริงแล้ว แสงออโรรานั้นเกิดขึ้นที่ความสูงจากพื้นโลก (altitudes) ประมาณ 100 ถึง 300 กิโลเมตร บริเวณที่อยู่บริเวณบรรยากาศชั้นบนที่อยู่ใกล้กับอวกาศ https://youtu.be/HIhiNcXLvxE ฟิสิกส์ดิสคอฟเวอรี่ http://www.rmutphysics.com/charud/specialnews/5/aurora/aurora1.htm https://www.instagram.com/p/CZvP1o4h_rq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Art Bound by Myth
Art Bound by Myth
Over spring break I had the pleasure of visiting old town Pasadena. I went to the Norton Simon museum. It was nothing short of an excellent experience. From the visit my favorite piece was Meleager and Atalanta hunt of Caledonian boar by Peter Paul Rubens. My initial attraction to this painting was because formally it was very different. Its quality was unique from every other piece in the 14th-16th century wing. It was not highly rendered like its fellows in the wing. My curiosity held me at this painting to understand what was being narrated. I believe that society’s love for myth during the Baroque motivated patronage art because of the joys of an enthralling story that entertains, but also speaks to society because myths have created archetypes and ideals for us as a people to connect to. I find this to be true in comparison to the piece Aurora by Guido Reni(Figure 19-21 in Gardners Art through the Ages). 
Meleager and Atalanta hunt of Caledonian boar is relatively small. Its size made this piece unique to the wing of the museum because most of the other pieces were much larger in scale. The piece is measured at 18-3/4 x 29-1/8 inches. The surface is wood panel. The medium is oil paint. It was produced in the baroque period. The year specially was 1618.
Rubens was born in 1577 in Siegen. Siegen was a German providence. In early childhood his father died. After his father’s death he and his family moved to Antwerp in Belgium. He spent his young life in the Netherlands and began his apprenticeship under Tobias Verhaecht. He would then go on to apprentice under Adam van Noort, then Otto van Evan. When he reached 21 years old he was recognized as a Master by the Guild of St. Luke. It wouldn’t be until two years after his recognition as a Master that he would migrate to Italy. 
Knowledge of Rubens life is abundant, although there is not much information specifically about the patronage of Meleager and Atalanta hunt of Caledonian Boar. All that can be inferred from what we do know is that scenes of warriors hunting wild beasts are a common theme of his paintings from his career in the early 1600’s to about 1620.
Meleager and Atalanta hunt of Caledonian Boar is a depiction of a climactic moment from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. In short the myth is about an angry goddess who was not given her share of a harvest sacrifice, so she releases a wild boar to destroy land as revenge. As the viewers of this painting we are about to witness the character Meleager, accompanied by a mob, stab the wild boar in it’s side. This painting is very exciting.
Meleager and Atalanta hunt of Caledonian boar stood out to me the most because the quality of the brushstrokes were very different to the other pieces in the wing. The painting was a sketch. As opposed to the majority of the pieces that were softly rendered, this pieces’ brushstrokes were very loose and rough. In the 14th century these small scale sketches were made prior to the final full scale painting to receive approval from the patron. They were also referred to as modellos.
The composition of the characters are arranged in an implied diagonal line across the canvas. The movement of our eye begins at the bottom left side of the canvas and is brought across to the opposing corner in the top right. The focal point of the painting is of the boar. The boar on the canvas is placed 3/4 of the way up the implied diagonal line. Meleager’s spear is about to puncture the boar. 
The color palette of Meleager and Atalanta hunt of Caledonian boar is very pale and muted. The painting is almost completely flesh and tertiary colors throughout. There are tiny pale pops of red, blue, and turquoise in the characters’ attire. There isn’t much contrast in this painting because the values only varied slightly. The range of values were limited to midtones. 
Aurora by Guido Reni is a fresco. It measures at 22.9 x 9.1ft. It’s painted on the ceiling of the Casino dell’Aurora Palavicini Rospigliosi in Rome. It is huge in comparison to the Ruben’s modello that I saw at Norton Simon Museum. The viewing experience is more awe striking because it is installed on a ceiling. Aurora was also made during the baroque. It was completed in 1614.
Aurora is an elaborate fresco depicting the cycle of a day with the sun represented as the mythical God Apollo. Surrounding Apollo are women representing the hours of the day. Apollo and his chariot follow after the Goddess Auora. Flying in the sky between Aurora and Apollo is Phosphorus.
Aurora is a rich and highly pigmented Fresco. The painting’s movement mimics the movement of the sun in the sky. Our eye moves from left to right, just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. While the movement of the sun, left to right, is seemingly very simple the painting is very busy because of the number of characters featured. All together there are 10 figures. Aurora is highly rendered with many variances in values and hues.
Aurora and Meleager and Atalanta hunt of Caledonian Boar differ formally because Aurora is rich in pigment and on the contrary Ruben’s sketch is very dull. Visually they also differ because Guido’s Fresco is detailed and softly rendered. Ruben’s sketch is simple and doesn’t have the same attention to detail. 
While both are from the Baroque period, formally, Guido’s Aurora is representative of the movement’s style. Their only visual similarity appears to be the high number of characters represented. Even though Ruben’s sketch formally doesn’t encompass the entirety of the Baroque movement an aspect of his sketch that does touch on the Baroque style is the theatrical excitement it posses.
As mentioned previously the common tie of these pieces of art is references to myth. Although, how they use and reference myth is different. Ruben’s sketch refers to Ovid’s Metamorphosis. His sketch is a dramatic representation of a climactic moment in Ovid’s myth. Guido uses references to myth by personifying figures, such as Apollo, to represent the Sun. Guido uses the characters of myth as symbols. 
These pieces of art function differently also. Guido’s is more quintessential to the Baroque style. Aurora is stereotypical of the Baroque because it serves as decorum. It is painted on a ceiling with ornate relief sculpture surrounding it. Aurora is also is on large scale which also is definitive of the Baroque period. The function of Ruben’s sketch served as a dramatic depiction of myth. Rubens art aids in the telling of myth. 
Conclusively how an individual artist depicted myth, regardless of what it looked like or how it functioned, spoke for society’s love for an exciting story and elevated ideals embedded in myth. The art produced during the Baroque is evident of this.
Works cited
Wedgwood, C.V. World of Rubens 1577-1640. Canada, Time-life books, 1967.
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EMS transition from county to fire-based city service welcome
EMS transition from county to fire-based city service welcome
0Share Submitted by Aurora1 on Tue, 06/04/2019 – 1:17pm
Our community turned the page this week with a significant transition regarding countywide emergency medical services. After numerous studies and more than a year of often contentious debate, keys to ambulance operations were passed from the county to Aurora…
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luisdemen · 5 years
Doble estreno en la reunión de GTI
Doble estreno en la reunión de GTI
¡Doble placer en Wörthersee! El 29 de mayo será el gran día para los dos equipos de estudiantes de Volkswagen. En la 38ª reunión de GTI presentarán por primera vez, los autos de exhibición que desarrollaron y construyeron ellos mismos ante decenas de miles de entusiastas automotrices que asistirán al legendario evento en 2019. El centro de atención se enfocará en el Golf GTI Aurora1 de Wolfsburg…
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光之曼陀羅-彩虹光能儀程式組列表Light Mandalas Program List
New Post has been published on https://pyramid-meditation.org/2018/11/15/%e5%85%89%e4%b9%8b%e6%9b%bc%e9%99%80%e7%be%85-%e5%bd%a9%e8%99%b9%e5%85%89%e8%83%bd%e5%84%80%e7%a8%8b%e5%bc%8f%e7%b5%84%e5%88%97%e8%a1%a8light-mandalas-program-list/
光之曼陀羅-彩虹光能儀程式組列表Light Mandalas Program List
曼陀羅彩虹光能儀 Light Mandalas Rainbow Star Program List 283程式清單
以下程式組別並非意指能立刻直接醫治下列問題, 以下程式清單是指光能儀能用各種相對應的顏色、頻率、雷射光場,搭配上特定程式後, 對問題提供筋絡、氣場與能量上的幫助與康復支援。 若將儀器使用於保健或者預防上,會有更立竿見影的效果。
A-情緒類別  EMOTIONAL 意指此程式組能抵銷會對人體造成傷害的情緒能量 B-風水保護1  GEOPHATIC1 意指此程式組能抵銷會對人體造成傷害的風水能量 C-風水保護2  GEOPHATIC2  意指此程式組能抵銷會對人體造成傷害的風水能量 E-靈氣 REIKI 意指此程式組能發送指定且有效的靈氣(包含臼井靈氣與其他神聖符號) F-神聖幾何 SACRED GEOMETRY  意指此程式組能發送神聖幾何的能量 G-心智類別 MENTAL1 意指此程式組能發送並加強用戶對於相應學科與生活技能上的心智天賦連結 H-心智類別2 MENTAL2 意指此程式組能發送並加強用戶對於相應學科與生活技能上的心智天賦連結 I-生理類別  PHYSICAL 意指此程式組能抵銷(處理)相應的有害生理能量 F-力量名字 POWERNAME 意指此程式組能發送指定的揚升存有能量 K-光束 BEAM 意指此程式組能加強與靈魂各能量層面的正面連結 L-門戶 PORTALS 意指此程式組能加強與多維度靈魂的正面連結 M-波型能量 WAVE 意指此程式組能加強與宇宙能量上的正面連結 N-X2D X2D 意指此程式組能加強對特定有序能量的連結
除了以上的單程式組,我們發現了將這些程式組設置成程式清單後, 針對特定問題能有更合適的處理。
清理淨化水晶磁場 水晶磁場淨化與加持2 五行清理、平衡、激活程式組(金,木,陰水,陽水,陰火,陽火,土) 脈輪清理、平衡、激活程式組 基本環境清理 進階居家環境清理 實體移除 全息能量循環 Melue連結神聖能量 111連結能量神聖 神聖能量連結 凝神安寧+脈輪調和 連結大地 Luminin 宇宙源頭連結
A-EMOTIONAL A-情緒類別 1/13
E001-TotalStressRelief 1/30全面紓壓 E002-CenteringYourself 2/30精神集中 E003-ForTotalRelaxationPractice 3/30全面放鬆 E004-ClamDownWhenTroubled 4/30困境中淡定自如 E005-GainRestfulSleep 5/30平靜好眠 E006-TurnMentalAnguishIntoCalm 6/30平息煩惱 E007-FeelingatHomeinYourBody 7/30安魂定神 E008-Openingtheheart 8/30敞開心胸 E009-Depression 9/30憂鬱 E010-Fearfulness 10/30恐懼 E011-Innerstrength 11/30喚醒內在力量
E012-Irritation 12/30惱怒 E013-Moodiness 13/30喜怒無常 E014-Negativity 14/30否定消極 E015-Panicattack 15/30恐慌發作 E016-Sleeplessness 16/30失眠 E017-Stress 17/30壓力 E018-TraumaticEvents 18/30創傷記憶 E019-Worrying 19/30擔憂 E020-PrimaryComplex 20/30原發情緒綜合症 E021-Sleep 21/30改善睡眠 E022-Anger 22/30化解怒氣 E023-Anxiety 23/30焦慮 E024-Depression 24/30憂鬱症 E025-Forgiveness 25/30寬恕 E026-Indecisiveness 26/30猶豫不決 E027-Phobias 27/30恐慌症 E028-Resentment 28/30化解怨恨 E029-Addictions 29/30上癮症狀
B-GEOPHATIC1 B-風水保護1 2/13
G001- Ahimsa(non violance) 1/22不殺生非暴力 G002-CuringNegativeEnergy 2/22清除負面能量 G003-CuringNegativeEnergy2 3/22清除負面能量2 G004-RemovingSickPhysicalEnergy 4/22清除致病物理能量 G005-ProtectionFromHumanNegative 5/22預防負面人性 G006-SpiritualSicknessProtection 6/22預防靈性疾病 G007-RemovingHarmfulElectromagneticEnergies 7/22 消除有害電磁波 G008-DetoxNegativeFromBody 8/22 清除體內負面能量 G009-HarmonizingEnergyatHome 9/22 調和家中能量 G010-HarmonizingEnergyatHome2 10/22調和家中能量2 G011-AttractGoodEnergy 11/22吸引正面能量 G012-RemoteHealingFromNegativeThoughts 12/22 遠距清理負面想法 G013-NeutralizingGeophaticEnergies 13/22中和地氣 G014-PurifyingEnergies 14/22能量淨化 G015-RemovingHarmfulElectromagneticEnergies 15/22消除有害電磁波 G016-ProtectionFromElectromagneticEnergies 16/22 阻絕電磁波 G017-RenewingCellsofEveryOrganism 17/22細胞回春 G018-RemoteHealingPhysical 18/22遠距生理療愈 G019-RemoteHealing4OrganicDisorders 19/22遠距療愈器官失調 G020-Healing&ReprogramingDNA 20/22療愈和重設DNA G021-BringingBalance&HappinesstoAPlace1 21/22創造合諧喜樂的空間
C-GEOPHATIC2 C-風水保護2 3/13 意指此程式組能抵銷會對人體造成傷害的風水能量
G022-BringingBalance&HappinesstoAPlace2 1/22創造合諧喜樂的空間2 G024-ProtectingFromNegativeEntities 2/22 驅魔辟邪 G025-SoilRejuvenation 3/22 活化土壤
G026-EnvironmentalSensitivity 4/22環境敏感度 G027- RemoveObstaclestoCure 5/22 清除療愈障礙 G028-PollutionProtection 6/22 隔絕污染 G029-Smog 7/22阻擋電磁波 G030-Biogeometry 8/22生物幾何圖形 G031-BiosignitureAdjuster 9/22調節生物訊號 G032-AngelicProtection 10/22 天使能量守護 G033-PsychicProtection1 11/22精神保護 G034-PsychicProtection2 12/22精神保護2 G035-PsychicProtection3 13/22精神保護3 G036-PsychicProtection4 14/22精神保護 4 G037-PsychicProtection5 15/22 精神保護5 G038-GeneralProtection1 16/22整體保護1 G039-GeneralProtection2 17/22整體保護2 G040-GeneralProtection3 18/22整體保護3 G041-GeneralProtection4 19/22整體保護4 G042-GeneralProtection5 20/22整體保護5 G043-GeneralProtection6 21/22整體保護6
E-REIKI E-靈氣 4/13
R001-ReikiDumo 1/27 Dumo靈氣 R002-ReikiGnosa 2/27 Gnos靈氣 R003-ReikiHalu 3/27 Halu靈氣 R004-ReikiHarth 4/27 Harth靈氣 R005-ReikiIava 5/27 Iava靈氣 R006-ReikiOm 6/27 Om靈氣 R007-ReikiRama 7/27 Rama靈氣 R008-ReikiShanti 8/27 Shanti靈氣 R009-ReikiUsaiDaiKoMjo 9/27 臼井DaiKoMjo靈氣1 R010-ReikiZonar 10/27 Zonar靈氣 R011-ConnectWithSource 11/27連結神聖本源 R012-ChoKuRei 12/27 臼井ChoKuRei靈氣 R013-ChoKuRet 13/27 ChoKuRet靈氣 R014-EverlastingFlower 14/27永恆之花 R015-HonShazeShoNen 15/27 臼井HonShazeShoNen靈氣
R016-IftChei 16/27 IftChei靈氣 R017-Kriya 17/27 Kriya靈氣 R018-MaiYurMa 18/27 MaiYurMa靈氣 R019-Raku 19/27 Raku靈氣 R020-SeiHeKi 20/27 臼井SeiHeKi靈氣 R021-UsuiDaiKoMjo 21/27 臼井DaiKoMjo靈氣2 R022-Pairing 22/27配對共振水晶 R023-Entities 23/27清除外靈_回歸本質 R024-EnergyBalancing 24/27能量平衡 R025-EsotericEnergyStrenghtening 25/27強化法力 R026-HarmonizingVibrations 26/27調合振動頻率
S001-TetrahedronLines 1/17 正四面體(線條) S002-TetrahedronSolid 2/17正四面體(立體) S003-Cube 3/17正立方體 S004-Dodecahedron 4/17正十二面體 S005-Icosahedron 5/17正二十面體 S006-Octahedron 6/17正八面體 S007-Startetrahedron 7/17梅爾卡巴光場 S008-Tetrahedron 8/17正四面體 S009-MetatronCube 9/17麥達昶立方體 S010-FlowerofLife 10/17 生命之花 S011-FlowerofLifePhi 11/17黃金比例生命之花(費氏數
S012-7Mandala 12/17七號曼陀羅 S013-Shazu 13/17 Shazu S014-StarTetrahedron 14/17梅爾卡巴 S015-SriYantra 15/17吉祥聖輪 S016-Amplifying 16/17 能量倍增
  G-MENTAL1 G-心智類別1 6/13
M001- EnjoyBeingActive 1/31樂於活躍積極 M002- GraspSportMentally 2/31領悟運動訣竅 M003-BoostIntellig 3/31強化智力 M004-FunInLearning 4/31享受學習 M005-AbilityToLearnFast 5/31快速學習 M006-ForPowerfulIntuition 6/31強大直覺力 M007-QuickComprehensionOfNewConcepts 7/31快速理解新觀念 M008-BoostCreativeInspiration 8/31提升創作靈感 M009-SkillsIn Poetry 9/31詩歌技能 M010-MusicalTalentOrComposing 10/31音樂/作曲技能 M011-ArtisticPaintingSkills 11/31繪畫技能 M012-ArtisticDrawingAndGraphics 12/31素描和製圖能力 M013-SkillsInSkulpture 13/31雕塑技能 M014-LiterarySkills 14/31文學素養 M015-PublicSpeakingSkills 15/31公眾演講魅力 M016-EaseInLearningLanguages 16/31輕鬆學語言 M017-ForSkillsInSalesAndCommunications 17/31銷售和溝通能力 M018-BasicScientificUnderstanding 18/31基礎科學常識 M019-HighScienceComprehension 19/31高等科學知識 M020-MathematicalSkills 20/31數學能力 M021-TechnologyAndEngineering 21/31精通科技和工程
M022-ToBoostSkillsOfInvention 22/31強化發明能力 M023-EaseInPassingTests 23/31考試輕鬆過關 M024-IncreaseMentalEnergy 24/31增強心智力量
M025-PhilosophicalComprehension 25/31哲學思考能力 M026-Businesspresssure 26/31紓解工作壓力 M027-BrainPower 27/31增強腦力 M028-ThoughtManagement 28/31厘清思緒 M029-BetterMemory 29/31增強記憶 M030-Mentalalertness 30/31心思機警
H-MENTAL2 H-心智類別2 7/13
M031-CharismaToAttractPeople1/31群眾魅力 M032-ProjectPower 2/31散發影響力 M033-Self-Assertiveness 3/31自我肯定 M034-NegotiatingWin-WinSituation 4/31雙贏協商技巧 M035-MakeOthersPerform 5/31讓別人表現起來 M036-AttractFriends 6/31吸引朋友 M037-CharismaticSpeech 7/31魅力演說 M038-LogicInDebate 8/31辯論時條理分明 M039-QuickAtRespondingRight 9/31快速正確反應 M040-EnjoymentInPublicSpeaking 10/31享受公眾演講 M041-ExcellentCommunicativeSkills 11/31絕佳的溝通技巧 M042-KnowTrueFromFalseFriends 12/31明辨益友損友 M043-PowerfulIntuitionInGeneral 13/31強大的整體直覺 M044-KnowTheTruthOfPropositions 14/31洞悉論點的真意 M045-StreetWiseInAllRespects 15/31善於各種街頭營生 M046-TurnEnemiesIntoFriends 16/31化敵為友 M047-ToGenerateFriendship 17/31建立友誼 M048-ForLeadershipInBusiness 18/31商界領導力 M049-ForLeadershipInPolitics 19/31政治領導力 M050-ForLeadershipInGeneral 20/31領袖風範 M051-DisciplineInEatingHabbits 21/31規律飲食習慣 M052-ImprovedCoordination 22/31改善協調能力 M053-KeepRoutinesGoing 23/31行程順暢無阻 M054-DisciplineinExcercise 24/31養成運動習慣 M055-BoostSkillinSports 25/31強化運動技能 M056-IncreasedSportsActivity 26/31增加運動量 M057-CautioninSports 27/31運動時的專注力 M058-DrawingSkills 28/31描繪技能 M059-Fitness 29/31熱愛健身 M060-RegularizeErraticLifeStyle 30/31規律的生活作息
  I-PHYSICAL I-生理類別 8/13 意指此程式組能抵銷(處理)相應的有害生理能量
P001-NervousSystem 1/33神經系統 P002-CirculatorySystem 2/33循環系統 P003-Female 3/33女性生殖問題 P004-ImmuneSystem 4/33免疫系統 P005-Male 5/33男性生殖問題 P006-StaminaBoost 6/33強化元氣和耐力 P007-EnergizeEspeciallyWorkouts 7/33健身時充滿活力
P008-ForActiveMuscles 8/33健美的肌肉 P009-GainPhysicalStrength 9/33強健體魄 P010-BosstFatBurning 10/33加速脂肪燃燒 P011-BodyImbalance 11/33調節生理機能 P012-Infection 12/33感染 P013-Inflammation 13/33發炎 P014-Injury 14/33創傷 P015-Menopause 15/33更年期症狀 P016-MenstrualDisorders 16/33月經失調 P017-Osteoporosis 17/33骨質疏鬆 P018-Oxygenation 18/33增加血氧量 P019-Pre-menstrualTension 19/33經前焦慮 P020-Energyboost 20/33強化精力 P021-Fatigue 21/33疲勞 P022-Flu 22/33流行性感冒 P023-Foodpoisoning 23/33食物中毒 P024-Insectrepellant 24/33驅蟲 P025-Jetlag 25/33時差 P026-Metabolism 26/33 代謝功能 P027-Pain 27/33組織疼痛(如背痛) P028-Pain2 28/33神經性疼痛(如牙痛) P029-Headache 29/33頭痛 P030-Premenstrualsyndrome 30/33經前症候群 P031-StimulatingHealingResponse 31/33促進好轉反應 P032-ColdPrevention 32/33避免感冒
J-POWERNAME F-力量名字 9/13
P001-TheAbsoluteTruth 1/11 絕對真理 P002-TheSubtleOne 2/11 精妙敏銳者 P003-TheController 3/11 掌控全域 P004-TheAllCompassionate 4/11 大慈大悲 P005-TheCompeller 5/11霸氣主宰 P006-TheAllPowerful 6/11神力無邊 P007-TheCreatorofAlllPower 7/11十方力量造物主 P008-TheHearerofAllandEverything 8/11觀照萬物之音 P009-TheGuider 9/11神聖指引者 P010-TheEternalLivingOne 10/11永生不死者
  K-BEAM K-光束 10/13
K-光束 BEAM 意指此程式組能加強與靈魂各能量層面的正面連結
B001-8_circle 1/31 8_環形 B002-8_flower 2/31 8_花形 B003-9pm 3/31 9pm B004-AYAG 4/31 AYAG B005-Barry 5/31 Barry B006-beat 6/31 搏動
B007-c_cirle 7/31 c_環形 B008-c_Line 8/31 c_線條 B009-cir_roat 9/31 cir_roat B010-cir_zoom 10/31 cir_zoom B011-d_circle 11/31 d_環形 B012-fan 12/31扇形 B013-Feelup 13/31 Feelup B014-flying 14/31 飛翔 B015-GRIDDOTS 15/31 點狀網格 B016-KLF 16/31 KLF B017-launch 17/31 發動_開展 B018-Line_cir 18/31環狀線條 B019-line_x 19/31交叉線條 B020-lines 20/31 線條 B021-Lovely 21/31 可愛 B022-mainsho 22/31 mainsho B023-Moby 23/31 Moby B024-p_cross 24/31 p_十字形 B025-radiance 25/31 輻射_放射 B026-rect 26/31 rect B027-spat3 27/31 spat3 B028-Sun 28/31 太陽 B029-turbine 29/31 渦輪狀 B030-x_circle 30/31 x_齒輪環
L-PORTALS L-門戶 11/13
L-門戶 PORTALS 意指此程式組能加強與多維度靈魂的正面連結
P001-abs01 1/23 abs01 P002-abs02 2/23 abs02 P003-Abs03 3/23 abs03 P004-abs04 4/23 abs04 P005-abs05 5/23 abs05 P006-abs06 6/23 abs06 P007-abs08 7/23 abs08 P008-Abs09 8/23 abs09 P009-Abs10 9/23 abs10 P010-ABSTRAC1 10/23 ABSTRAC1 P011-Aurora1 11/23 曙光1 P012-Aurora6 12/23曙光6 P013-Aurora7 13/23曙光7 P014-Aurora100 14/23曙光100 P015-Auroraa1 15/23曙光a1 P016-Beam_Fr 16/23 光束_Fr P017-SPRT2 17/23 SPRT2_Fr P018-SWIRL 18/23漩渦 P019-SWIRLB 19/23漩渦B P020-SWIRLY 20/23 漩渦的SWIRLY P021-WAVLG 21/23 WAVLG P022-x3 22/23 x3
M-WAVE M-波型能量 12/13
M-波型能量 WAVE 意指此程式組能加強與宇宙能量上的正面連結
W001-2wave 1/11 2波型
W002-circle_w 2/11 環型_w W003-d_wave 3/11 d_波型 W004-dot_wave 4/11 點狀_波型 W005-free 5/11 自由型態 W006-m_wave 6/11 m_波型 W007-swiming 7/11 遊動 W008-tri_wave 8/11 3_波型 W009-wave2 9/11 波型2 W010-xwave 10/11 x波型
  N-X2D N-X2D 13/13
N-X2D X2D 意指此程式組能加強對特定有序能量的連結
X001-3_cube 1/8 3_立方體 X002-maze 2/8 迷宮 X003-molecule 3/8 分子 X004-SPIND 4/8 旋轉 X005-spiral 5/8 螺旋 X006-SWIRL 6/8 漩渦 X007-WUERFEL 7/8 WUERFEL
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itsjafar · 11 years
Jafar and Aurora - The Sleeping Serpent
Jafar walked across the long, polished floors of his palace in Agrabah. Taking a few long strides over to the edge, he looked down at the villagers. He sneered at the thought of them. "Filthy vermin..." he muttered lowly to himself. 
A knock at the door startled Jafar and he spun around quickly. "What is it? What do you want?!" he spoke quickly and sharply at the unknown disturbance. A voice came through the door, "Jafar, you have a visitor". He furrowed his brow and spoke slowly, "let him in."
His eyebrows raised at the sight of the stranger. It wasn't a him at all, it was a beautiful young woman. Regaining his composure, he stood up straight and looked down at her.
"What do you want?"
23 notes · View notes
光之曼陀羅-彩虹光能儀程式組列表Light Mandalas Program List
New Post has been published on https://pyramid-meditation.org/2018/11/15/%e5%85%89%e4%b9%8b%e6%9b%bc%e9%99%80%e7%be%85-%e5%bd%a9%e8%99%b9%e5%85%89%e8%83%bd%e5%84%80%e7%a8%8b%e5%bc%8f%e7%b5%84%e5%88%97%e8%a1%a8light-mandalas-program-list/
光之曼陀羅-彩虹光能儀程式組列表Light Mandalas Program List
曼陀羅彩虹光能儀 Light Mandalas Rainbow Star Program List 283程式清單
以下程式組別並非意指能立刻直接醫治下列問題, 以下程式清單是指光能儀能用各種相對應的顏色、頻率、雷射光場,搭配上特定程式後, 對問題提供筋絡、氣場與能量上的幫助與康復支援。 若將儀器使用於保健或者預防上,會有更立竿見影的效果。
A-情緒類別  EMOTIONAL 意指此程式組能抵銷會對人體造成傷害的情緒能量 B-風水保護1  GEOPHATIC1 意指此程式組能抵銷會對人體造成傷害的風水能量 C-風水保護2  GEOPHATIC2  意指此程式組能抵銷會對人體造成傷害的風水能量 E-靈氣 REIKI 意指此程式組能發送指定且有效的靈氣(包含臼井靈氣與其他神聖符號) F-神聖幾何 SACRED GEOMETRY  意指此程式組能發送神聖幾何的能量 G-心智類別 MENTAL1 意指此程式組能發送並加強用戶對於相應學科與生活技能上的心智天賦連結 H-心智類別2 MENTAL2 意指此程式組能發送並加強用戶對於相應學科與生活技能上的心智天賦連結 I-生理類別  PHYSICAL 意指此程式組能抵銷(處理)相應的有害生理能量 F-力量名字 POWERNAME 意指此程式組能發送指定的揚升存有能量 K-光束 BEAM 意指此程式組能加強與靈魂各能量層面的正面連結 L-門戶 PORTALS 意指此程式組能加強與多維度靈魂的正面連結 M-波型能量 WAVE 意指此程式組能加強與宇宙能量上的正面連結 N-X2D X2D 意指此程式組能加強對特定有序能量的連結
除了以上的單程式組,我們發現了將這些程式組設置成程式清單後, 針對特定問題能有更合適的處理。
清理淨化水晶磁場 水晶磁場淨化與加持2 五行清理、平衡、激活程式組(金,木,陰水,陽水,陰火,陽火,土) 脈輪清理、平衡、激活程式組 基本環境清理 進階居家環境清理 實體移除 全息能量循環 Melue連結神聖能量 111連結能量神聖 神聖能量連結 凝神安寧+脈輪調和 連結大地 Luminin 宇宙源頭連結
A-EMOTIONAL A-情緒類別 1/13
E001-TotalStressRelief 1/30全面紓壓 E002-CenteringYourself 2/30精神集中 E003-ForTotalRelaxationPractice 3/30全面放鬆 E004-ClamDownWhenTroubled 4/30困境中淡定自如 E005-GainRestfulSleep 5/30平靜好眠 E006-TurnMentalAnguishIntoCalm 6/30平息煩惱 E007-FeelingatHomeinYourBody 7/30安魂定神 E008-Openingtheheart 8/30敞開心胸 E009-Depression 9/30憂鬱 E010-Fearfulness 10/30恐懼 E011-Innerstrength 11/30喚醒內在力量
E012-Irritation 12/30惱怒 E013-Moodiness 13/30喜怒無常 E014-Negativity 14/30否定消極 E015-Panicattack 15/30恐慌發作 E016-Sleeplessness 16/30失眠 E017-Stress 17/30壓力 E018-TraumaticEvents 18/30創傷記憶 E019-Worrying 19/30擔憂 E020-PrimaryComplex 20/30原發情緒綜合症 E021-Sleep 21/30改善睡眠 E022-Anger 22/30化解怒氣 E023-Anxiety 23/30焦慮 E024-Depression 24/30憂鬱症 E025-Forgiveness 25/30寬恕 E026-Indecisiveness 26/30猶豫不決 E027-Phobias 27/30恐慌症 E028-Resentment 28/30化解怨恨 E029-Addictions 29/30上癮症狀
B-GEOPHATIC1 B-風水保護1 2/13
G001- Ahimsa(non violance) 1/22不殺生非暴力 G002-CuringNegativeEnergy 2/22清除負面能量 G003-CuringNegativeEnergy2 3/22清除負面能量2 G004-RemovingSickPhysicalEnergy 4/22清除致病物理能量 G005-ProtectionFromHumanNegative 5/22預防負面人性 G006-SpiritualSicknessProtection 6/22預防靈性疾病 G007-RemovingHarmfulElectromagneticEnergies 7/22 消除有害電磁波 G008-DetoxNegativeFromBody 8/22 清除體內負面能量 G009-HarmonizingEnergyatHome 9/22 調和家中能量 G010-HarmonizingEnergyatHome2 10/22調和家中能量2 G011-AttractGoodEnergy 11/22吸引正面能量 G012-RemoteHealingFromNegativeThoughts 12/22 遠距清理負面想法 G013-NeutralizingGeophaticEnergies 13/22中和地氣 G014-PurifyingEnergies 14/22能量淨化 G015-RemovingHarmfulElectromagneticEnergies 15/22消除有害電磁波 G016-ProtectionFromElectromagneticEnergies 16/22 阻絕電磁波 G017-RenewingCellsofEveryOrganism 17/22細胞回春 G018-RemoteHealingPhysical 18/22遠距生理療愈 G019-RemoteHealing4OrganicDisorders 19/22遠距療愈器官失調 G020-Healing&ReprogramingDNA 20/22療愈和重設DNA G021-BringingBalance&HappinesstoAPlace1 21/22創造合諧喜樂的空間
C-GEOPHATIC2 C-風水保護2 3/13 意指此程式組能抵銷會對人體造成傷害的風水能量
G022-BringingBalance&HappinesstoAPlace2 1/22創造合諧喜樂的空間2 G024-ProtectingFromNegativeEntities 2/22 驅魔辟邪 G025-SoilRejuvenation 3/22 活化土壤
G026-EnvironmentalSensitivity 4/22環境敏感度 G027- RemoveObstaclestoCure 5/22 清除療愈障礙 G028-PollutionProtection 6/22 隔絕污染 G029-Smog 7/22阻擋電磁波 G030-Biogeometry 8/22生物幾何圖形 G031-BiosignitureAdjuster 9/22調節生物訊號 G032-AngelicProtection 10/22 天使能量守護 G033-PsychicProtection1 11/22精神保護 G034-PsychicProtection2 12/22精神保護2 G035-PsychicProtection3 13/22精神保護3 G036-PsychicProtection4 14/22精神保護 4 G037-PsychicProtection5 15/22 精神保護5 G038-GeneralProtection1 16/22整體保護1 G039-GeneralProtection2 17/22整體保護2 G040-GeneralProtection3 18/22整體保護3 G041-GeneralProtection4 19/22整體保護4 G042-GeneralProtection5 20/22整體保護5 G043-GeneralProtection6 21/22整體保護6
E-REIKI E-靈氣 4/13
R001-ReikiDumo 1/27 Dumo靈氣 R002-ReikiGnosa 2/27 Gnos靈氣 R003-ReikiHalu 3/27 Halu靈氣 R004-ReikiHarth 4/27 Harth靈氣 R005-ReikiIava 5/27 Iava靈氣 R006-ReikiOm 6/27 Om靈氣 R007-ReikiRama 7/27 Rama靈氣 R008-ReikiShanti 8/27 Shanti靈氣 R009-ReikiUsaiDaiKoMjo 9/27 臼井DaiKoMjo靈氣1 R010-ReikiZonar 10/27 Zonar靈氣 R011-ConnectWithSource 11/27連結神聖本源 R012-ChoKuRei 12/27 臼井ChoKuRei靈氣 R013-ChoKuRet 13/27 ChoKuRet靈氣 R014-EverlastingFlower 14/27永恆之花 R015-HonShazeShoNen 15/27 臼井HonShazeShoNen靈氣
R016-IftChei 16/27 IftChei靈氣 R017-Kriya 17/27 Kriya靈氣 R018-MaiYurMa 18/27 MaiYurMa靈氣 R019-Raku 19/27 Raku靈氣 R020-SeiHeKi 20/27 臼井SeiHeKi靈氣 R021-UsuiDaiKoMjo 21/27 臼井DaiKoMjo靈氣2 R022-Pairing 22/27配對共振水晶 R023-Entities 23/27清除外靈_回歸本質 R024-EnergyBalancing 24/27能量平衡 R025-EsotericEnergyStrenghtening 25/27強化法力 R026-HarmonizingVibrations 26/27調合振動頻率
S001-TetrahedronLines 1/17 正四面體(線條) S002-TetrahedronSolid 2/17正四面體(立體) S003-Cube 3/17正立方體 S004-Dodecahedron 4/17正十二面體 S005-Icosahedron 5/17正二十面體 S006-Octahedron 6/17正八面體 S007-Startetrahedron 7/17梅爾卡巴光場 S008-Tetrahedron 8/17正四面體 S009-MetatronCube 9/17麥達昶立方體 S010-FlowerofLife 10/17 生命之花 S011-FlowerofLifePhi 11/17黃金比例生命之花(費氏數
S012-7Mandala 12/17七號曼陀羅 S013-Shazu 13/17 Shazu S014-StarTetrahedron 14/17梅爾卡巴 S015-SriYantra 15/17吉祥聖輪 S016-Amplifying 16/17 能量倍增
  G-MENTAL1 G-心智類別1 6/13
M001- EnjoyBeingActive 1/31樂於活躍積極 M002- GraspSportMentally 2/31領悟運動訣竅 M003-BoostIntellig 3/31強化智力 M004-FunInLearning 4/31享受學習 M005-AbilityToLearnFast 5/31快速學習 M006-ForPowerfulIntuition 6/31強大直覺力 M007-QuickComprehensionOfNewConcepts 7/31快速理解新觀念 M008-BoostCreativeInspiration 8/31提升創作靈感 M009-SkillsIn Poetry 9/31詩歌技能 M010-MusicalTalentOrComposing 10/31音樂/作曲技能 M011-ArtisticPaintingSkills 11/31繪畫技能 M012-ArtisticDrawingAndGraphics 12/31素描和製圖能力 M013-SkillsInSkulpture 13/31雕塑技能 M014-LiterarySkills 14/31文學素養 M015-PublicSpeakingSkills 15/31公眾演講魅力 M016-EaseInLearningLanguages 16/31輕鬆學語言 M017-ForSkillsInSalesAndCommunications 17/31銷售和溝通能力 M018-BasicScientificUnderstanding 18/31基礎科學常識 M019-HighScienceComprehension 19/31高等科學知識 M020-MathematicalSkills 20/31數學能力 M021-TechnologyAndEngineering 21/31精通科技和工程
M022-ToBoostSkillsOfInvention 22/31強化發明能力 M023-EaseInPassingTests 23/31考試輕鬆過關 M024-IncreaseMentalEnergy 24/31增強心智力量
M025-PhilosophicalComprehension 25/31哲學思考能力 M026-Businesspresssure 26/31紓解工作壓力 M027-BrainPower 27/31增強腦力 M028-ThoughtManagement 28/31厘清思緒 M029-BetterMemory 29/31增強記憶 M030-Mentalalertness 30/31心思機警
H-MENTAL2 H-心智類別2 7/13
M031-CharismaToAttractPeople1/31群眾魅力 M032-ProjectPower 2/31散發影響力 M033-Self-Assertiveness 3/31自我肯定 M034-NegotiatingWin-WinSituation 4/31雙贏協商技巧 M035-MakeOthersPerform 5/31讓別人表現起來 M036-AttractFriends 6/31吸引朋友 M037-CharismaticSpeech 7/31魅力演說 M038-LogicInDebate 8/31辯論時條理分明 M039-QuickAtRespondingRight 9/31快速正確反應 M040-EnjoymentInPublicSpeaking 10/31享受公眾演講 M041-ExcellentCommunicativeSkills 11/31絕佳的溝通技巧 M042-KnowTrueFromFalseFriends 12/31明辨益友損友 M043-PowerfulIntuitionInGeneral 13/31強大的整體直覺 M044-KnowTheTruthOfPropositions 14/31洞悉論點的真意 M045-StreetWiseInAllRespects 15/31善於各種街頭營生 M046-TurnEnemiesIntoFriends 16/31化敵為友 M047-ToGenerateFriendship 17/31建立友誼 M048-ForLeadershipInBusiness 18/31商界領導力 M049-ForLeadershipInPolitics 19/31政治領導力 M050-ForLeadershipInGeneral 20/31領袖風範 M051-DisciplineInEatingHabbits 21/31規律飲食習慣 M052-ImprovedCoordination 22/31改善協調能力 M053-KeepRoutinesGoing 23/31行程順暢無阻 M054-DisciplineinExcercise 24/31養成運動習慣 M055-BoostSkillinSports 25/31強化運動技能 M056-IncreasedSportsActivity 26/31增加運動量 M057-CautioninSports 27/31運動時的專注力 M058-DrawingSkills 28/31描繪技能 M059-Fitness 29/31熱愛健身 M060-RegularizeErraticLifeStyle 30/31規律的生活作息
  I-PHYSICAL I-生理類別 8/13 意指此程式組能抵銷(處理)相應的有害生理能量
P001-NervousSystem 1/33神經系統 P002-CirculatorySystem 2/33循環系統 P003-Female 3/33女性生殖問題 P004-ImmuneSystem 4/33免疫系統 P005-Male 5/33男性生殖問題 P006-StaminaBoost 6/33強化元氣和耐力 P007-EnergizeEspeciallyWorkouts 7/33健身時充滿活力
P008-ForActiveMuscles 8/33健美的肌肉 P009-GainPhysicalStrength 9/33強健體魄 P010-BosstFatBurning 10/33加速脂肪燃燒 P011-BodyImbalance 11/33調節生理機能 P012-Infection 12/33感染 P013-Inflammation 13/33發炎 P014-Injury 14/33創傷 P015-Menopause 15/33更年期症狀 P016-MenstrualDisorders 16/33月經失調 P017-Osteoporosis 17/33骨質疏鬆 P018-Oxygenation 18/33增加血氧量 P019-Pre-menstrualTension 19/33經前焦慮 P020-Energyboost 20/33強化精力 P021-Fatigue 21/33疲勞 P022-Flu 22/33流行性感冒 P023-Foodpoisoning 23/33食物中毒 P024-Insectrepellant 24/33驅蟲 P025-Jetlag 25/33時差 P026-Metabolism 26/33 代謝功能 P027-Pain 27/33組織疼痛(如背痛) P028-Pain2 28/33神經性疼痛(如牙痛) P029-Headache 29/33頭痛 P030-Premenstrualsyndrome 30/33經前症候群 P031-StimulatingHealingResponse 31/33促進好轉反應 P032-ColdPrevention 32/33避免感冒
J-POWERNAME F-力量名字 9/13
P001-TheAbsoluteTruth 1/11 絕對真理 P002-TheSubtleOne 2/11 精妙敏銳者 P003-TheController 3/11 掌控全域 P004-TheAllCompassionate 4/11 大慈大悲 P005-TheCompeller 5/11霸氣主宰 P006-TheAllPowerful 6/11神力無邊 P007-TheCreatorofAlllPower 7/11十方力量造物主 P008-TheHearerofAllandEverything 8/11觀照萬物之音 P009-TheGuider 9/11神聖指引者 P010-TheEternalLivingOne 10/11永生不死者
  K-BEAM K-光束 10/13
K-光束 BEAM 意指此程式組能加強與靈魂各能量層面的正面連結
B001-8_circle 1/31 8_環形 B002-8_flower 2/31 8_花形 B003-9pm 3/31 9pm B004-AYAG 4/31 AYAG B005-Barry 5/31 Barry B006-beat 6/31 搏動
B007-c_cirle 7/31 c_環形 B008-c_Line 8/31 c_線條 B009-cir_roat 9/31 cir_roat B010-cir_zoom 10/31 cir_zoom B011-d_circle 11/31 d_環形 B012-fan 12/31扇形 B013-Feelup 13/31 Feelup B014-flying 14/31 飛翔 B015-GRIDDOTS 15/31 點狀網格 B016-KLF 16/31 KLF B017-launch 17/31 發動_開展 B018-Line_cir 18/31環狀線條 B019-line_x 19/31交叉線條 B020-lines 20/31 線條 B021-Lovely 21/31 可愛 B022-mainsho 22/31 mainsho B023-Moby 23/31 Moby B024-p_cross 24/31 p_十字形 B025-radiance 25/31 輻射_放射 B026-rect 26/31 rect B027-spat3 27/31 spat3 B028-Sun 28/31 太陽 B029-turbine 29/31 渦輪狀 B030-x_circle 30/31 x_齒輪環
L-PORTALS L-門戶 11/13
L-門戶 PORTALS 意指此程式組能加強與多維度靈魂的正面連結
P001-abs01 1/23 abs01 P002-abs02 2/23 abs02 P003-Abs03 3/23 abs03 P004-abs04 4/23 abs04 P005-abs05 5/23 abs05 P006-abs06 6/23 abs06 P007-abs08 7/23 abs08 P008-Abs09 8/23 abs09 P009-Abs10 9/23 abs10 P010-ABSTRAC1 10/23 ABSTRAC1 P011-Aurora1 11/23 曙光1 P012-Aurora6 12/23曙光6 P013-Aurora7 13/23曙光7 P014-Aurora100 14/23曙光100 P015-Auroraa1 15/23曙光a1 P016-Beam_Fr 16/23 光束_Fr P017-SPRT2 17/23 SPRT2_Fr P018-SWIRL 18/23漩渦 P019-SWIRLB 19/23漩渦B P020-SWIRLY 20/23 漩渦的SWIRLY P021-WAVLG 21/23 WAVLG P022-x3 22/23 x3
M-WAVE M-波型能量 12/13
M-波型能量 WAVE 意指此程式組能加強與宇宙能量上的正面連結
W001-2wave 1/11 2波型
W002-circle_w 2/11 環型_w W003-d_wave 3/11 d_波型 W004-dot_wave 4/11 點狀_波型 W005-free 5/11 自由型態 W006-m_wave 6/11 m_波型 W007-swiming 7/11 遊動 W008-tri_wave 8/11 3_波型 W009-wave2 9/11 波型2 W010-xwave 10/11 x波型
  N-X2D N-X2D 13/13
N-X2D X2D 意指此程式組能加強對特定有序能量的連結
X001-3_cube 1/8 3_立方體 X002-maze 2/8 迷宮 X003-molecule 3/8 分子 X004-SPIND 4/8 旋轉 X005-spiral 5/8 螺旋 X006-SWIRL 6/8 漩渦 X007-WUERFEL 7/8 WUERFEL
0 notes
everythings-sowonderful replied to your post: “Phillip? N-no no. Leave him alone. He had every right to do what he did…. Please leave him alone.”
“He did. The only reason he came to your castle was to wake me from the curse you laid upon. If he would have stayed as a prisoner, he would have been killed.”
"No. I told him that I would release him. I never said that I would kill him in the first place." Maleficent said. And she was saying the truth.
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AUDIO: Sunless '97 - Aurora I
Sunless '97 are back in style with this incredible new track, titled 'Aurora I'. The 'Aurora' 12" is out 25 March on Not Even and will feature 'Aurora II', which we are already excited about. Take in the first in the series, starting with subtle guitars and ever growing energetic tropical beats, until the luscious female vocals sigh "Im never lonely", ascending the track to move-enducing heights. Stream above, and enjoy!
**Update** Catch the awesome video for the track here.
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dirkcresswell · 12 years
Stargazing || Aurora & Dirk
Dirk looked around the Hufflepuff common room. There were so many people in there but still he felt alone, as he had done pretty much constantly since Halloween. He didn't quite understand his feelings. He'd gotten on with Sansa, sure. But it wasn't like they'd been best friends or anything. She was just someone he talked to in the common room. But suddenly without her there it seemed a little colder. Maybe it was the lower mood in Hufflepuff tower recently anyway. Maybe it was the tension ever since the Slytherins had moved in. Whatever it was though, he needed to get out of there fast. He didn't even bother saying anything to Dung about where he was going before he got up and left the room. He walked through the corridors without a particular destination in mind, simply glad that he didn't pass anybody else on the way.
He soon found himself wandering out onto the grounds, enjoying the dark that came with the early November dusk and headed down the long grass to put more distance between him and the school. He checked for any Aurors, and on confirming that there weren't any around, he pulled a cigarette out of the packet in his pocket and lit it with his wand. He wouldn't usually smoke alone, as it was something he'd always done socially, but today he just needed something to calm himself down and he hadn't touched any cigarettes since Tuesday so the cravings had started to get the better of him. He carried on walking, until he saw someone nearby. He held the cigarette behind his back, about to drop it on the floor when he realised it was another student. He considered walking away, but curiosity over who else might be alone these days got the better of him and he headed over.
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