#aurelien tchouamei x black reader
trentslfcc · 21 days
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Only you🤍 - Aurélien Tchouaméni
Summary: You and Aurelien have been talking for a while and feelings have developed between you two. One day, you feel a bit jealous but he's quick to reassure you and ask you the question you've been waiting for.
Warnings: None
Spending your days with him was like laying on the softest bed, it filled you with comfort. The more you were around him the more you were convinced that he liked you back, which he had told you. He was gentle with you and always had to make sure you were okay. He would send you 'good morning' texts and when it came to night time, you more often then not, fell asleep on the phone together. Aurelien was someone who gave you butterflies when ever he looked at you and showed his tender side. He would invite you to games, he didn't go to a lot of parties but when he did, he would invite you too. Going on dates with him brought you joy aswell because you could talk to him about whatever. He was really perfect. The only thing that bothered you was the fact that he hadn't made you his girlfriend. Yes, he was a busy man but he always made time for you and it was clear that you guys were couple material. Maybe he would ask you soon.
Today, he had taken you on a shopping spree because he adored buying things for you. You made sure to look extra cute for him as always, getting ready longer than you had intended to. He didn't mind though, giving you your time and waiting for you patiently. Another reason you took your time was because he had told you that he was taking you on a date after. Walking around the expensive shops made you feel like you were slightly out of place. It's not as if you didn't like when he would spend money on you, it's that you didn't want him to spending too much money, especially considering that you guys weren't even in a relationship. You had often told him that he didn't have to buy you anything but he didn't listen. You had finally reached the clothing store he wanted to take you too because he had seen you checking out some dresses in there. There was also a men's section which he wanted to look at as the clothes there were amazing and brilliantly made.
"Oh, this is cute." You spoke as a gorgeous baby pink dress caught your eye. The lace around it added to it's appearance, bringing out the main colour, your favourite.
"You want it?" He asked gently, wanting to buy it for you. He thought it would look unreal on you, but you would look good in anything.
"I would have to try it on first Aure." You chuckled a little at his determination. He was so sweet. You wanted to buy something for him too but you couldn't think of anything. "I like this one aswell." Seeing a green dress this time.
You decided you were going to try on both of the dresses, making your way to the fitting rooms so that you could do so. The pink dress fit you very well whilst the green one was a bit too big and they didn't have your actual size. Actually seeing the dress on yourself made you realise that you weren't too fond of the cut and so you decided to stick with the pink dress about ten minutes later. Aurelien had told you that he was going to be in the men's section so you immediately went there after kindly giving the worker the green dress back, thanking them after. As you approached the section, you saw him and talking to another woman. She was giggling way too much for your liking. Deciding to observe the conversation before interrupting, you could see that he wasn't showing her any interest back, only being nice to her. You wanted to go and drag him away, but you were a classy woman and would act like it. What frustrated you even more was the fact that even though he seemed to not enjoy the conversation, he hadn't walked away, being kind to her. Maybe you were just overthinking it and it really wasn't that deep. The woman continued to chuckle and chuckle acting as if Aurelien was the funniest man in the whole wide world. He wasn't even smiling but once he saw you, he did. He found it adorable how hard you were pretending not to be bothered by what was going on. Knowing that you liked him was making this whole thing funnier. You eventually came over and wrapped your arms around him in a territorial embrace as the woman's annoyed facial expression came out. He knew why you were doing it and went along with it, calling you 'babe' so that she would walk away, which she did after a minute.
"Look at you being all jealous." He began teasing you when you two were finally alone. He could see how shy you were getting through your actions and defensiveness.
"I wasn't jealous." You shot back, knowing damn well that was a lie. You were never going to admit it to him because you knew it would boost his ego. He was an incredibly kind person but you weren't going to let him get the satisfaction.
"Yeah, sure." He let out a soft little chuckle. It made him feel kind of relieved in a way that you were jealous because he could see that you really liked him. You had told him, of course, but it was cute to see you like this. "Come on, let me buy you your dress."
You followed him to the till where he also brought himself a cap and a pair of sunglasses along with your dress. The store gathered the attention of mostly rich people and so it wasn't shocking that everything was so expensive. It was so generous of him to want to spend money on you even if he didn't have to. It showed how much he wanted you. You were nothing more than delighted and grateful for everything he had done for you. When the items had been purchased, you two left the store, enjoying each other's presence. He meant so much to you and you meant so much to him. He was the cutest ever.
"Thank you for the dress." You began in a soft tone. The way he would spoil you was more than any man had ever done for you.
"You know you're the only girl I want?" Aurelien spoke, placing his arm around you in a gentle manner. Butterflies erupted in you stomach immediately. Why was he so sexy?
"And you're the only boy I want." You voiced back, slightly looking up at him. He couldn't help but let out an adorable smile as you confirmed what he wanted to hear.
"Good." When he moved his arm off of you and back to his side, you decided to take his hand in yours which he let you do. It had become something you would normally do when you hung out together. "You love holding my hand, don't you?" He continued grinning.
"Yeah, what about it?" You answered him truthfully but jokingly. You knew he liked it too so you were going to keep doing it.
"Nothing. It's cute." He chuckled a little at your comment, looking down at you with those pearly brown eyes.
"That's what I thought." He continued giggling hearing you teasing him. He found everything you did alluring and enchanting. "You probably thought that worker was cute aswell."
"I think it's cute that you were jealous." He was such a gorgeous man and so it was difficult not to blush at every thing he said.
"I wasn't jealous Aure." You stated again which he wasn't going to believe at all. You knew how he acted with you was genuine and that he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. He was an honest man.
"That's why you were annoyed? And that's why you came and hugged me in front of her?" He chuckled as he could see right through you, no matter how many times you denied it.
"Shut up." You retorted, causing him to laugh even more. That man was head over heels for you and you were head over heels for him.
"Well, as I said before, you're the only woman I want. I can promise you that." He reassured you again. He was being very serious. "Most of the girls that look at me and whatever, they only want my money and my fame. You're genuine and my feelings for you are strong. You're so beautiful." You blushed and beamed from ear to ear.
During the rest of the afternoon, you guys just hung out and went to visit other stores, looking at watches, books and interesting objects. You even went to visit a museum, appreciating each other and being content with your feelings. It was a beautiful day with the sun radiating it's happiness in the sky. This was the perfect day for you. When you both got hungry, he took you to a restaurant you had never heard of before. It was going to be something new. He didn't even ask you where you wanted to eat because he knew that you wouldn't be able to answer. Unbeknownst to you, he had planned out the entire day. You arrived at the restaurant around 7pm with. The sun had gone away and the evening was apparent. You both were immediately taken to your table as it was empty. You could tell by the designs that it was a very expensive place. A few minutes later, you ordered your drinks and started talking about life in general. He listened to you so attentively, paying attention to every word. When he would speak you would do the same. You were given your starters shortly after, which were delicious, you could've just eaten that for the rest of your life. Aurelien really knew how to pick a restaurant. Eventually you were given your main meal which you were stunned by. It was amazingly cooked and tasted better than anything you had ever tasted before, except your mother's food because who didn't love their mothers cooking? Everything was flawless. He loved that you were so comfortable around him and vice versa. It highlighted how well you two went together. After about thirty minutes, you had finished eating but wished you hadn't. He proposed the idea of dessert which you obviously were not going to refuse. Before you could order however, the waiter brought a big beautiful bouquet of pink roses. It was clear that Aurelien had organised this whole thing.
"Thank you so much Aure." You would've thought your cheeks were as pink as those rose and to be honest, it was a far fetched comparison, covering your face with the hand that wasn't holding them.
"My pleasure beautiful. You deserve them." He returned to you. Why was he such a gentleman? This was like the sixth time you had asked that question to yourself just today.
You guys ordered your desserts and ate in complete peace. It was brilliant, just like the rest of the food you had been served with this evening. There was no way that you weren't going to be returning to this restaurant again. You were blown away but what Aurelien had done and how good the service was. You didn't want to leave the restaurant but when you had finished and after he had paid, it was time to return back to your hotel. The drive back was extraordinary as you looked at view and attractions of the city. You hadn't been around these parts often, it was moments like these that emphasised that feelings you had for him. As soon as you arrived back at your hotel, you rushed to your room, feeling exhausted from the day you had, though you weren't going to get much sleep. Walking in, you instantly gasped by what you saw as Aurelien smiled behind you. Ballons hung, reading out 'will you be my girlfriend?', some were heart shaped and the others were grey and baby pink. He was the best ever. He was so thoughtful and very sweet. Candles had been set up on the floor as a path towards the bed which you were definitely going to use and a gift sat atop it, with pink flowers around it.
"Yess Aurelien." You squealed, hugging him immensely before he gently pulled your face down to peck your lips. Your dream man was now your boyfriend. "Thank you so much."
"Anything for my girl." He kissed you again, sending sparks flying through the roof. This was better than you could have imagined.
The rest of the night you spent together, making out on your hotel bed and eventually doing the deed. He deserved some. He was your boyfriend and you couldn't ask for a better one. You were going to be the best girlfriend you could be to him, knowing that he would treat you right and take care of you always.
I hope you guys enjoyed🤍 I hope the language wasn't to repetitive, I was in a rush x
Another Trent one coming soon🤍
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