#augh this is a big ass rant but I needed to get it off my chest
hibiscuswolverine · 2 years
I keep thinking about that naejunko/ naegixryoko and toko/syomaru post andARGH THEYRE NOT THE SAME. (Warning me just ranting the whole time💋)
They’re both murderous and psychotic (on syo’s side) yes but that where they’re similarities end.
I need people to understand Junko doesn’t want help. She doesn’t want to be redeemed. She is fine being despair because that’s what she wanted in the goddamn first place! If even wanted to be really saved she would’ve took makoto’s hand and the end of the sixth trial not shout at him to fuck off and let her die. She wouldn’t want to sit and bond with makoto like komaru did with toko, because something like that both bores her yet his persistence on it would be of interest to her but even then she’d probably get bored easily. And also junko Had a love before! His name was matsuda and you know what happened to matsuda he fucking died by her hands!! What makes you think makoto might possibly be any different hell it would probably be worse because he’s the ultimate hope!!
As for ryoko she was literally willing to let makoto get his fucking head crushed by not Izuru Kamukura and after reciting her mantra of “that has nothing to do with you” she basically tells him he’s simply just unlucky (he met her before and he mentioned that he was unlucky). And man’s head was about to be gone until Mukuro stepped in!! That woman doesn’t give two measly shits about him, she quite literally only has one man her mind😭 she cannot love him even if she tried because matsuda is in her brain.
Toko and komaru are different because with toko you have to be patient with her, you have to have the patience to eventually gain her trust and komaru was willing to that. They both grew together as people with eachothers help, hell even syo grew abit because of komaru cause she could’ve absolutely killed her in that cutscenes but she didn’t!! By that point in the game there was trust there and bond that wouldn’t be unbroken again.
You cannot put your trust into Junko Enoshima because if you do you either end up dead or your just fucked the rest of your life. And Makoto’s life is already fucked as it is because her.
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cerebricarchives · 10 months
Fly It High
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*After failing to enter the front door of the household of Caleb Ramos, where a TOJ Code Orange threat is taken place, Green Thunder tries the backdoor by going over the stone molded fence to the pool, to which he falls flat on his ass.*
⚡: AH DAMN! Augh...walk it off, boy. Walk it....huh.
*Green Thunder notices the pool needed some cleaning work, as weird pale creatures are surfaced on the pool, looking like veiny worms with dozens of legs, all of them not moving. GT gets up to investigate the pile of odd bodies, even getting a pool net and foolishly pokes at them.*
⚡: Well whatever the hell happened...damn seemed like an agent already got here. The hell are these th-
*In a smashing instance, a window from the second story breaks through with a worm creature plopped on the floor. In a moment it scurries it's little legs around, finding it's footing as Green Thunder is taking it lightly*
⚡: EUGH what the FUCK! The HELL is that goddamn thing!? No no no, I'm out, I'm-
*In a second instance, a man donning a bright shining blue armor jumps out of the window and lands right on his feet next to the crawling creature. Green Thunder backs up as the man swings a battle axe glowing with green and blue neon lights onto the floor, slicing the creature in half, all the while he gutturally screams in a thick Gaelic accent. As he kicks the pieces off to the pool, he looks up and notices the man in the green suit piece of tech, scared shitless.*
🪓: This doesn't concern you, false knight! Go back to your little cave.
⚡: Whoa okay. Time out, time out. =doing the time out gesture= Hold up, what the hell, what's going on? What happened here?
🪓: Star Spawns happened.
⚡: What?
🪓: =points battle axe to the pile of bodies soaking in the chloride dyed pool= Least I remind you of the Ancient's ways, corrupted by the master, where meteor showers or aurora borealis happen, the stars fall upon the Earth. You're lucky enough I showed up, otherwise your Trinity of Justice would have to keep them alive before they turn into worse beings.
⚡: =squats down eyeing the monsters= They look like the XenoQueen got it on with the Eraserhead baby...well you know when it was grown up and uh...well anyways if it will make you feel better I'm not with the ToJ. I'm on my own here, and I'd have to assume you are too?
🪓: I'm different from you, wandering warrior.
⚡: Right well I bet you heard about a Code Orange Threat here. Caleb Ramos, a professor from Riverstone University. Advanced biology but toyed around with making house flies the literal size of houses some dozen years ago. What made you so special that you happened by the area?
🪓: Fool that you are to misunderstand what's going on. If I may properly introduce myself, I am the combined son of Odin and Zeus. I was chosen by the true Heirs of the Ancients to protect the planet from The Master's plan to corrupt you beings much like he did with the Ancients. Wielding the Axe of All Knowns, Armor of the Southern Isles and power gifted from the True Heirs to undo the Master's plan, I am Thy Neon Viking!
*A breif pause happens as Green Thunder has to collect what this cosplayer has ranted in the past minute*
⚡: So...where's Caleb?
*Thy Neon Viking points his axe once again to the pile of bodies, especially to one where it's belly looks full.*
⚡: =Shakes head= Okay, I don't know what kind of nut job thing you got goin' on pal, but right now we got anomalies in the pool, an MIA civilian and by any moment an actual agent is gonna come by and for our sakes, pin this on the both of us. You and I gotta zip.
🪓: In a moment. =Turns around to the glass sided back door= There maybe some more Star Spawns. I'll hold them off back, you can just go.
⚡: You know I kind of realize something....out there in the drive way there was a station wagon. Looked pretty gritty, with a mismatched door. With a big screen TV at the back. =Looks over Neon Viking's shoulder, peering through the glass door to see a pretty bad scuffle. Tossed chairs, weird black goo on the walls, a nice clean outline where a TV would be hanging on the wall= So what's going on?
🪓: Hey like I said, Viking business. Okay so what, I broke the screen. You know what they say...uh...always recyle!
⚡: Buddy....=takes a big whiff= yeah that's skunk weed al-
*In a flashed moment Neon Viking jabs his fist to Green Thunder's stomach, whereas he holds onto the impact, putting his legs together and falls right by the poolside. Groaning in pain, Neon Viking runs right out to the door, smashes right through the glass door and goes through the spacious fancy household with his battle axe grinding through the floor, more like he's dragging it behind.*
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80srockher · 6 years
Yuri on Ice Re-Watch and Live Commentary, Episode 12: Final Skate: Gotta Super-Super-Supercharge It!!! Grand Prix Final Free Skate
You know that feeling when a fan-nish project is projected to take only a few weeks, during the Summer, mind you, but ends up spanning, oh, about three months?  I do, now.
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**Begin rant** 
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Me, too, Vitya!  End what, Yuri??
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I mean, it's more than a little crazy that he thought this is something Victor would be relieved to here.  It's as if they have been existing on different planes of reality.
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Listen. Victor has shed tears a grand total of two times in 12 episodes and both incidents involved Yuri.  Yet Yuri still doesn't think he’s important enough to merit more of his Victor’s time away from skating.  Just.  YURI. AUGH!!!
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The actor's decision to read this line as if Yuri's revelation has not stabbed Victor in the heart is masterful.  There's only so much pretending the man is capable of.
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This is hella relatable as someone who also doesn't want to be touched when I'm upset by THE VERY PERSON WHO UPSET ME.  Give him a minute to process this, Yuri.
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This is just a horrible, horrible cap.  Vitya is thoroughly in kicked-puppy-mode.
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Um, did you ignore absolutely everything else that occurred afterwards?  Including when he straight-up said to your face that he wishes you'd never retire?
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Don't fire him, Yuri!
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Yuri was really out there listenin' to friends instead of Victor.  How many times did Victor ignore the others' entreaties to return to competition to remain his coach?  Don't join that Greek chorus. Yuri.      
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I beg to differ.  He's always concerned about your well-being, which is why you gave him an expensive-ass symbol of devotion and put it on his ring finger.  Good God, boy.
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This inspiration thing goes both ways, Yuri.  LISTEN TO VICTOR.  He is telling you what HE wants In This Moment.  Not what YOU think is best for HIM.    
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Like hell! You two hash this out right now!
**End rant**
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Look, a skater who was popular back when I used to watch.  LOL.  Stephane L-l-l-l-lambiel!
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So, sports reporter Marooka remarks about how Yuri hasn't been seen practicing in public since the day after the short program, which has worried his fans (see, Yuri, you have FANS.)  You mean to tell me Yuri and Victor have been at odds with each other for two whole days now?!?!
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Cartoon!Lambiel picks up on Yuri and Victor's uncharacteristically low energy.
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You don't say, Stephane.
Also: Victor knows Stephane, personally.  What a celeb.
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At least flag guy has re-energized himself since JJ's short program.
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"Don't eff it up."
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"Don't eff it up."
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"Don't eff it up."
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He eff'd it up.
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Wow, shades of Yuri from episode one.
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Deep, bro.
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Aww! The parents in this show are the best cheerleaders.  If only there was time during the season to meet all of them.  I'd def like to see Phichit's parents.
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So, JJ's dad is reminiscing on some of his son's past coaches.  Celestino, then played by Peg Bundy, was one of them.
Also…. I'm really curious as to what JJ needed to say yes to.
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Damn you, Mickey Lannister Crispino!  Hands off!
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Seung Gil! What an awesome cameo.  
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I don't know much about scoring in figure skating but this seems a mite high for a program that was mostly jumps.
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Yay! No other comment needed.
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Phichit's ice-show dreams are as adorable as he is.  Christophe with a hamster cap is utterly, utterly charming.  I would fork over cold, hard blood plasma donation cash to see this in person.
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It shouldn't be like this between them; especially not when Yuri plans to end his competitive career, here.
And really, why is Yuri so upset with Victor?  I suspect Yuri's selfishness runs deeper than either of them realize. IMO, he's afraid Victor might come to resent him if he retires from skating to coach him, then regrets it.
But honestly, Yuri should know Victor better than that by now.
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Despite everything, Victor is still trying to be the coach Yuri needs.
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But… Yuri doesn't want Victor to play coach right now.
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So tickle his fancy, Victor.
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Victor has an interesting sense of humor.
Also, he did win the one against the teenagers at the local comp.  Though I have no idea if a qualifier is considered part of the Senior circuit.
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Yeah, katsudon's not the only way to celebrate, Yuri.  Victor wants to really give you something worth winning for.
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This is just an R&B song waiting to happen.
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Hmm… whatever could you mean, Yuri?
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I really love how they've cut Yuri's long program with clips of Victor from Yuri's memory.  It's a visual culmination of a journey.
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Ahh, that's what he meant about making up his mind about his goal.  And that's why he wanted Victor to stop playing at being coach.  Because he wasn't going to listen to him, anyway.  You know, the usual.
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Yuri's internal dialogue during his routine reveals his desire to stay in figure skating with Victor forever and his fear of killing Victor's career if he remains Yuri's coach.  Victor… have you not shared with the man how competition was already slowly killing you? Might wanna do that sometime in the very, very near future.
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Yuri… just loves Victor.  He can't always articulate how much, but he can show it.  His program is one big tribute to Victor and Yuri's desire to prove everyone how much Victor means to him as a coach and an inspiration.
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And Victor gets the message loud and clear.
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Mari+Minako are, yet again, Me.
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Something I should've wondered by now is how half-blind Yuri can tell where Victor is standing.
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The monkey-on-his-back that is Anxiety.
Seriously, you performed to the absolute best of your ability, Yuri.  Relax.  Relate. Release.  
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Wowsa, dude.
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Sooooo, Victor has just congratulated Yuri on his record-breaking performance and implies that he might come back to competition in the same breath he confesses his pride in both his pupils.  The possibility of Victor's return delights Yuri to no-end but gives me pause.  A lot of pause.
Victor. My dude.  Are you just trying not to ruin the mood?  Because quite honestly, one of the very valuable lessons you should've learned on this journey is that a little selfishness can be a good thing.  I know you want to make a grand gesture after Yuri's grand gesture but YOU CAN'T BOTH KEEP MAKING GRAND GESTURES.  You'll hurt yourselves trying to show the world your love.  
Moving on... Chris is on the ice, having serious thoughts about how Yuri, who was rumored to retire after the GPF, beat his personal best.  He laments that it won't be as easy for him to win gold as he first thought.
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Then he witnesses the happy couple doing their thing.
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And gets distracted.  
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This is in regards to Victor.  Chris is rethinking his initial calculation of GPF - Victor = gold for him.
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Aww, Chris is Phichit's buddy.  Why am I not surprised?
This scene is after Chris decides to change an earlier jump composition to the second half of his program.  Can't say he's not a fighter.
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Dawww, Minako.
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Really? That's it?!  By my estimation, that program was better than JJ's.  What am I missing?
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Boo, this is the last time I'll see my babe, Leo.
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But I concur.  Go, Otabek! I'm fond of his music choices, skating, and his costumes.  
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So, Victor finds Yakov to tell him he wants to return to competition.  I mean, it couldn’t have waited until after Yurio’s skate, V?
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Once upon a time, news of Victor's return may have pleased Yurio.  Now, his first concern is Yuri.  
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And Victor is Not.  Happy. About this.  He’s about to cry here, tbqh.
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Annnnd he requires immediate comfort.  This is sad. More than sad, when I consider Victor is letting Yuri call the shots, here.  Competing again should be Victor's own decision, as well.
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Yeah, that's good advice to pass along, Victor.
I've been debating as to whether or not I should parse out the intricacies of Victor's isolation.  Honestly, I think the writers did a well-enough job of it.  I suppose I still wonder, as many others have, about his family.
I'll go out on a limb and assume he has or had people in his life that taught him to love like he does and to treat other people kindly.  One doesn't learn those sorts of things in a vacuum.  However, I headcanon Victor as having been scouted and, once recruited, moved closer to a training facility, a la these athletes.
So, isolated?  Yes. Friend-less and family-less?  I doubt it, or at least it wasn't always that way.
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Meanwhile, Yuri's looking for his man.  Perhaps to tell him that he's already changed his mind about retiring?  In that case, please, look harder Yuri!
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Just needed to slide in this cap of Mila getting sprung by Otabek's skating.  Good taste, Mila.
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I don't know who JJ has in his pocket on the judging panel, but Otabek just completed a perfect program AND he was ahead of JJ after the short program.  Logic would dictate he'd be ahead of JJ now. But, do as you will, YOI.
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This is in regards to Yuri.  In flashbacks during Yurio's routine, we discover that he was actually impressed with Yuri's prior GPF free skate, despite the errors.  It was only after he found Yuri crying in the bathroom stall that he lost respect for him.  Must be Yurio's special brand of encouragement: "Stop crying, get better, or get out of the game!"  Yeah. That must be it.
Anyway, now Yurio has changed his tune and doesn't want Yuri to retire, at all. Cute.
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Lilia is so proud of her angry, pseudo- son.
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 Yurio completes his most difficult program ever with only one fall.  During his skate, it's revealed that part of his motivation was to become a new goal for Yuri to surpass.  That's nice and all, but not at the expense of your own health, Yurio.
I don't think Yuri would want that for him, either.
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Yurio defeats Yuri by a sliver of a margin.  I will admit to initially being surprised by the result before considering (and re-considering, after this re-watch) a few things:
Yurio won because it's entirely possible he may not win again for at least a little while.
His lack of stamina is well-documented, he's in the Senior circuit with grown men who can, and have, beat him already, and he's yet to hit a growth spurt. If the series continues into a second season, then I foresee the writers exploring these very realistic scenarios for Yurio.
This is partially why I don't predict Yurio achieving what Victor has, at least not right away.  There's not enough drama in that narrative to fill up an entire season, IMO.
Or, at the very least, they'll use Yurio to address the conflict over becoming as isolated as Victor has during his struggle to maintain dominance in the sport.
Yurio won because the name of the show is 'Yuri on Ice’.
Also, if the writers decide to have Yuri eventually retire (because he is of that age), then they don't even have to change the show’s title.  How convenient.
Last, and what I think is obviously implied in this episode: Yurio won so that Yuri would change his mind about retiring.
However… Yuri had already changed his mind.  And his biggest motivator in that decision was still Victor, so… kinda wish they hadn't made Yurio go out and suffer like that for no good reason. Honestly, there's little chance of him repeating this performance.
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Awww! Yay!
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So, Victor's in a teasing mood after Yuri presents him with his well-earned silver medal. Victor insists that he only wants to kiss gold.  So, what do you have that would be a suitable substitute, Yuri?
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Eff that medal Yuri just unceremoniously dropped to the ground in preference to hopping in Victor's lap.  Coach me for another year, Victor!
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What a lovely step forward for our boy, Yuri.  He didn't win gold but, all joking aside, Victor doesn't care.  Yuri’s next gold medal will be a token to Victor, instead of unnecessary proof that he was worth Victor’s time, all along.
Besides, I think he’s already given Victor the only golden item he truly wants.
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But, I mean, only if you WANT to, Victor.  Are you afraid Yuri will change his mind if you change yours?  I hope that's not the case.
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 Apparently, this is the only payment Victor will accept for coaching Yuri. Ok, so you're going to compete and hopefully earn some sponsorship money to pay your own bills all while coaching someone else for free?  Do we need to have a 'Victor on Ice,' a show about Victor re-learning the value of doing one thing at a time?
Roll credits!
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How sweet!
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The serendipity that is cartoon-world.  "I want to coach a skater from another country while also competing for my own country and you can't stop me because I'm animated!"
"I want to do a pair skate with my coach for my exhibition.  Know why?  Because the writers say I can!!  Ha!"
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Anyway, this is romantic AF.
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Cut to this adorbs face...
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Running towards this one, here.
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And yeah. WE'D BETTER.  Because their story isn’t over!
 The End!
If you managed to get through my all streams of consciousness, full of bad screencaps and even worse grammar, then I humbly and sincerely thank you!  I enjoyed doing it and hope you enjoyed reading it.  
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