#augh as soon as i have something written i simply must post and waiting feels so far away
i have several e-rated fics (nearly) ready to post and the smart thing to do would be to save them as kinktober prompt fills but i have no self control and that feels so far away
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
She’s The Housekeeper Prt9: Bond
Yor Briar/ Forger x She/ Her Reader
A/N: Prt8 Alright, here is the last part for the foreseeable future. The first chapter of this story is still my most popular post to date, and it’s so cool to see 800+ notes on something I’ve written. If you managed to stick with me for this long, thank you for your time and support💜! Word Count: ~5,800
Anya ate her breakfast with an extra vigor that morning because today would be the day Loid would take her to the pet shop to find a cute little dog to take home! She inhaled her food so fast, she nearly choked.
“Hey, careful!” (Y/n) cautioned as she pushed Anya’s glass of water closer to her for the little girl to gulp down, “I know you’re excited, but let’s try to avoid having to go to the hospital instead.”
“The dogs aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. You can take your time.” Loid reminded.
“I’m just as excited to look around as you are Miss Anya!” Yor beamed as she put down the burnt omurice she had made, “but please do be careful.”
Anya downed the water and though she was still eating rather quickly, she was pacing herself better than she had a few moments ago.
“Anya is ready to go now!” She declared, sliding off of her chair to fetch her coat.
“Anya, we’re still eating.” Loid called after her, but Anya kept moving, pulling her coat from the rack. Loid sat back in his chair, letting Anya wait by the door. “Are you joining us, (Y/n)? It shouldn’t take terribly long.”
“I wouldn’t mind tagging along.” (Y/n) decided. Maybe she could influence the decision made of what dog they got. Something that was already house trained would be ideal. One that rarely shedded would also be preferable.
“This is going to be so much fun.” Yor hummed, between bite of crispy rice and egg. She offered (Y/n) a bite, and of course (Y/n) had to take it.
“Definitely an improvement over the last one, well done my dear.” (Y/n) praised before downing her water in just a few gulps.
The food really was one of Yor’s better attempts. It was still vile, but (Y/n) didn’t feel like she was in danger of throwing up. (Y/n) wasn’t absolutely insane like Yor’s dear brother Yuri, if Yor’s food made her feel ill, she would simply excuse herself to the bathroom to take care of it, not smile and try to clear the plate faster than she could vomit. (Y/n) shuddered at the memory. The Briar siblings were not normal.
“Woof! Woof! Woof!” Anya chanted from the hallway. She simply couldn’t wait any longer, they were wasting precious daylight!
“Let us do the dishes at least, then we will go, Anya. Be patient.” Loid began gathering plates while (Y/n) and Yor went to the sink to wash and dry.
Anya felt like she could explode from the anticipation, but finally all three adults had put away the dishes and put on their coats and they were heading out the door.
“Woof! Woof! Woof!” She barked again, swinging Yor’s hand in hers. “Papa,” she asked, turning back to look at Loid, “Do doggies like peanuts?”
“You probably shouldn’t give them too many. It might not be good for them.” He replied, making Anya pout.
“That leaves more peanuts for you, Miss Anya.” (Y/n) provided helpfully, making her smile again.
“Oh, is this the shop right there?” Yor asked.
“That’s it.” Loid confirmed, going ahead of them to open the door for everyone.
Inside were the most fucked up looking dogs that (Y/n) had ever seen. Anya looked severely unsettled and (Y/n) couldn’t say she blamed her.
“Is… is that one flexing?” She asked Yor in a concerned whisper.
“What do you think, Anya?” Loid smiled, “Do you like any of these dogs?”
“No.” Anya wasted no time saying.
“R-really?” Loid’s eye twitched.
“Are you really surprised, Loid? I mean, look at them.” (Y/n) shuddered.
She did have a point… Guess they would have to go to the shelter event instead. A person caught his eye from the back room, flashing him a signal. Now really wasn’t a good time, but if Handler was calling, it must be important.
“Augh!” Loid cried out, clutching his stomach.
“Loid? What’s wrong?” (Y/n) asked, startled by the outburst.
“I, I need to use the restroom! You all can go, I’ll meet you at the shelter.”
“Are you sure you’re alright? We can wait.” Yor offered.
“Papa takes a long time when he goes to the shitter to shit, so we should probably go.” Anya bluntly explained.
“I see…” Yor blushed.
“Eugh, Miss Anya, we didn’t need to know that.” (Y/n) shivered in disgust, “Also, watch your language.”
“Yes, watch your mouth young lady.” Loid echoed before running off to deal with his… ‘problem’.
“Well, guess we should get going then.” (Y/n) decided.
“Yes!” Anya skipped to the door with (Y/n) and Yor following close behind.
Before long, the sidewalks became more congested and the unmistakable sounds of animals flooded the air.
“So this is the adoption event. Wow, it’s even bigger than I imagined!” Yor gushed.
“Yeah, it seems like Loid should’ve brought us here first.” (Y/n) observed.
Puppies, kittens and bunnies! They seemed to have every furry household pet under the sun! Anya ran haphazardly to look into every crate and enclosure she could find.
“Don’t run around Miss Anya, you’ll get lost!” Yor warned.
“Promise us you won’t leave this area with the dogs, okay?” (Y/n) asked.
“Okay…” Anya deflated a bit, but that was fine, there were so many cute doggies to look at and she would get to take one of them home!
The trio walked up to an enclosure together and Yor squeaked with excitement, grabbing (Y/n) by the arm and shaking her around.
“Look at that dachshund’s cute little legs!” She cooed, making (Y/n) smile.
Anya was overwhelmed by all the cuteness. She couldn’t possibly choose just one. They were all so sweet! Standing by the window, something large and white caught her eye, and she turned to see it more clearly, feeling a possible connection with whatever that may be.
(Y/n) and Yor were going over their top picks when one of the ladies working the event approached them offering assistance. (Y/n) and Yor took up the conversation, distracting them from Anya’s sudden disappearance.
“Are there any breeds that are easier to clean up after?” (Y/n) asked.
“Poodles rarely shed, so cleaning up after them is a breeze.” The friendly lady shared.
“You don’t say.” (Y/n) perked up, making Yor smile.
“Or there are smaller breeds, Shih Tzus are very friendly.”
While (Y/n) and Yor were engrossed with the woman’s abundant information, they failed to notice Anya slink outside to follow the shady man and the big white dog she had seen through the window. By the time they had stopped talking with the woman and thanked her for her suggestions, Anya appeared to be long gone. (Y/n) looked up to find her in the crowd, but could not see her anywhere within the dog section and her heart began to rise to her throat.
“Yor,” (Y/n) alerted, grabbing her partner’s arm, anxiety already slipping into her tone, “Do you know where Anya is?”
Yor snapped to attention, scanning all around, a familiar sense of dread pooling in her stomach. She did not like the trend that seemed to be forming every time she let Anya out of her sight or reach for but a few minutes every time they went out in public.
“I- I don’t—“ Yor swallowed thickly, her feet traveled on autopilot, “Miss Anya? Where did you go?!” She called out, a static buzzing growing steadily between her ears.
“I’ll look for her in the kitten section!” (Y/n) yelled after her before running off in a different direction, but she was not heard.
Between the two of them, they must have asked everyone in the event hall if they had seen the little girl, each growing more and more desperate with every shake of a head they received.
Upon getting her latest negative sighting, Yor felt unshed tears burning the corners of her eyes. This was the aquarium all over again, but worse! She turned, expecting to see (Y/n) there, ready to give her a hug and to let her know everything would be alright, but of course she wasn’t there.
Yor had already been so tense and her brain had been so focused on looking for Anya, she had somehow lost her dear (Y/n) along the way! Now she began to really freak out, completely overwhelmed by the crowded venue and the noise pitching around and within her.
Something in her that was already tense, snapped and she jumped up, kicked off of a nearby pillar, and expertly braced herself on the ceiling so she could search from above. Her breathing uneven, she drowned out the noise of the crowd below. She didn’t see Anya. Anya wasn’t there, not even a trace, and that terrified her.
What if she had been eaten by a dog?! No, Yor managed to stop that train of thought. That was unlikely. Someone would surely have noticed something like that. But what if she had been kidnapped again like when they had gone to the aquarium, or when they had gone grocery shopping! What if (Y/n) had been taken too!
An awful image of her beloved and her adopted daughter being carted away by despicable men to be married off to even more vile and cruel men consumed her vision, but then she found a small light, a familiar splash of color, she saw (Y/n) in one of the far corners of the venue, a strange man looming over her.
Without another second of delay, she skillfully swung from the pipes above and dove between them from the ceiling, startling the man enough to make him yelp. Yor prepared to uppercut him into the sun next, to see what kind of sound that would make, but instead (Y/n)’s hand quickly shot out to grasp her bicep and pull her back. Confused, Yor allowed her.
“Where the hell did you come from lady?” The man blinked, bug-eyed, mouth agape.
“She’s the mother. As you can see, she’s worried sick. If you see her little girl, please do not hesitate to let us know.” (Y/n) beseeched, pulling Yor back a bit more to try to knock her out of whatever murder-y thoughts were fogging up her mind.
“Yeah… of course.” The man gave them a weird look then began walking briskly away.
(Y/n) turned to hold both of Yor’s biceps, pressing her thumbs into the fabric of her coat’s sleeves to try to put pressure on the tense muscles beneath.
“Hey, try to breathe, okay? What’s the matter? Besides the obvious.” She cooed.
Yor sobbed, slamming her head hard against (Y/n)’s chest, making a deep thunk sound that rattled (Y/n)’s insides.
“Oof!” (Y/n) winced, but held Yor all the same, rubbing her back comfortingly.
“I- I can’t find Miss Anya! A-and I thought you had gotten taken too!”
“Honey,” (Y/n) murmured, giving a, ‘mind your own business’ smile to anyone who dared curiously look their way, “I told you I would look for Anya over here. You must not have heard me.”
“I guess not.” She sniffed.
“I’m okay. Now take some deep breaths. It’s clear that Anya isn’t in here, we need to go find her, but we can’t be snapping the neck of anyone whose just going about their day.”
Yor made a pitiful sound, but cut herself off halfway through, almost knocking heads with (Y/n) from how quickly she brought her head up.
“What…!” (Y/n) began to ask, but she heard it then too, that sounded like Anya outside!
And she was outside! They could see her through the window! She was barreling down the street… on top of a big, fluffy white dog.
Yor took (Y/n)’s hand and began sprinting in the direction the dog had ran off in. It was a brutal pace, one that (Y/n) couldn’t keep up with and when she tried to communicate to Yor that she would catch up. Yor was having none of it and scooped (Y/n) up into her arms, making quite the spectacle as they zoomed around the people walking by. It hardly mattered to Yor. She wasn’t going to risk losing (Y/n) for real by leaving her behind.
“Down that alley!” (Y/n) pointed.
(Y/n) braced herself, this was the side of her career that she was not trained for, but when they saw a strange man reaching for Anya in the alley, she still let Yor take her by the arms and spin her at a dizzying pace before finally being launched towards Anya.
(Y/n) sailed over the shocked kidnapper’s head, took hold of Anya’s hands, and catapulted her into the air. While Anya was airborne, (Y/n) sprung off of her hands when she hit the ground and flipped into an upright standing position just in time to catch Anya and see Yor smash her foot into the kidnapper’s face.
Yor fell into place beside (Y/n) so that Anya was between them, protected on either side. Anya couldn’t have looked more relieved to see them, looking between them with visible awe and joy.
“You won’t get away with this, Mr. Perverted Kidnapper,” Yor spoke in a measured tone, glaring at the remaining man who had his jaw hanging open, “It is much too early for Miss Anya to get married!”
“Married?” (Y/n) cocked her head to the side. Just what kind of scenarios was Yor imagining?
The gravity of the situation seemed to catch up to Anya then, because she began to cry, grasping onto the coats of both women she wailed,
“Mama! I was so scared!”
“Don’t worry, you’re all right now.” Yor comforted.
“We’ve got you.” (Y/n) assured, wiping Anya’s tears.
Kieth clenched his teeth. Which one was the mother? Ah, it didn’t matter. They’d all have to die if he was going to succeed in his plans.
“Dog! Rip their throats out!” He commanded.
The German Shepherd beside him began to approach, snarling, but then Yor gave one of her most terrifying expressions to date and growled right back with startling ferocity. The dog whimpered pathetically and turned tail, running out of the alley as fast as he could.
“Coward!” Kieth yelled after him.
“Bwah! Mama, I’m scared!” Anya bawled, hiding her face in (Y/n)’s coat, keeping Yor out of her sight.
“Hm? But you’re safe now?” Yor frowned, perhaps not realizing just how frightening her face had been jus a moment before.
“Don’t worry Anya, if that man thinks he can take you from us he has another thing coming!” (Y/n) promised, her mind filled with thoughts of fire and acid.
Yeah, Anya was glad to have those two on her side because they were honestly terrifying.
Voices began to be heard near the mouth of the alley and Keith cursed. All that noise had alerted people from the street, and now they were coming to investigate!
“Come on, come on you stupid mutt!” He hissed at the remaining dog, the big and fluffy white one. He tugged and tugged at the dog’s leash, but he wouldn’t budge.
“Damn worthless beast!” He kicked the dog in anger and fled the scene empty handed.
“He’s getting away!” Yor groaned, but she stood firmly at (Y/n)’s side. There was already one kidnapper she needed to properly detain and she didn’t want to leave (Y/n) and Anya for even a second.
Just how long is Loid going to stay in the bathroom? She mourned internally. His stomach was probably revolting from the breakfast she had made!
“Mr. Dog are you okay?” Anya asked, running up the the dog once (Y/n) put her down.
“Ah, careful Miss Anya! You shouldn’t run up to dogs you don’t know.” (Y/n) warned, trying to stop Anya from going any further.
“Mr. Doggie is no stranger. He saved Anya.” Anya put her hands over her heart, looking over to the dog with gratitude.
“Where did this dog come from, Miss Anya?” Yor asked.
Anya took a deep breath, that question required a very big answer.
“Terrorist bomb dogs?!” Yor blanched.
(Y/n) got on her knees and thoroughly searched the fluffy dog for bombs. Thankfully, there weren’t any. She sighed in relief and gave Yor a shaky thumbs up.
“Anya is sorry for running off without permission…” Anya mumbled, grabbing the hem of her coat between her fingers while she kept her eyes firmly on the ground.
“We’re just glad that you are safe.” (Y/n) knelt to the ground to hug Anya.
“We were so worried about you.” Yor chimed, following her partner to the ground.
“But expect a stern talking to when we get home.” (Y/n) warned.
Anya pouted, but nodded in acceptance and the three, plus the dog, walked out of the alley, tied up kidnapper dragging behind Yor.
They called the police on a nearby public phone to explain the situation, during which Anya suddenly grew restless, shaking the dog.
“Anya don’t be rough with the doggie.” Yor scolded lightly before her attention was brought back to the receptionist on the phone.
“Mama, Mama, sorry, Anya just remembered something. Papa forgot to take toilet paper with him to the potty!” The little girl yelled out of the blue.
(Y/n) and Yor stared on, frozen, as Anya leapt onto the dog’s back and urged him into a run.
“He might be in trouble so I have to go get some from home!”
“Anya, wait!” Yor called, reaching out the hand that wasn’t currently cradling the receiver.
“She’s running off again!” (Y/n) yelled in disbelief, finally sprinting after the blob of pink and white as they rounded the corner.
“W-wait! What about the police?” Yor called after her.
“We told them all we could! Just hang up and leave that guy there, he won’t wake up anytime soon! Let’s go before we lose Anya again!”
“Ah, okay!” Yor rose the receiver back to her ear, “I’m leaving the kidnapper by this phone booth! I have to go now, bye!” She hung up the phone and caught up with (Y/n) before she rounded the corner.
They searched every block, every street within half a mile. (Y/n) finally came to a stop, resting heavily on the guardrail of the bridge they had been speed-walking across.
“Darling, are you alright?” Yor’s voice was laced with worry. She could tell that (Y/n) was breathing quite hard.
“I’ll be okay, I just need a minute.” She wheezed. God, cardio sucks.
While (Y/n) tried not to keel over on the bridge, Yor paced back and forth. The only trace that she had been running at all was the light layer of sweat on her rosy face.
“What if she gets found by the terrorists again? I can’t let that happen!” Yor fretted.
“Maybe she went back to the pet shelter?” (Y/n) suggested between breaths. “At the very least, maybe Loid is finally there?”
Before Yor could speak, a loud honk of a horn and a sharp squeal of tires interrupted her. The scent of burnt rubber permeated the air. Looking down from the bridge, the women saw a car speeding recklessly down the road.
The light caught the windshield just right, allowing Yor to see an unwelcomingly familiar face. The other man who tried to kidnap Anya!
“Him again? How dare he try to take Miss Anya and run away! You won’t get away this time!” She declared, then jumped off of the bridge.
“Yor!” (Y/n) yelled. She tried to reach out for her, but she was too slow. Her hands snapped right to her eyes. Covering them from whatever was about to happen. “Pleasebeokaypleasebeokaypleasebeokay—“
An awful crashing noise reverberated within (Y/n)’s ears and she cautiously lifted her face from her hands. Below, she could see that Yor looked unscathed, thank the stars, but the car looked as if it had been t-boned before crashing into a lamppost.
(Y/n) hobbled down the hill to meet Yor on the street and flung her arms around her, a gesture that was always eagerly returned.
“Are you hurt?”
“Nope!” Yor smiled, “Kicking the car did make my leg feel a little tingly though.”
“My indestructible tank, I love you.” (Y/n) sighed, looking back at the crushed car. “We’ll have to call the police… again.”
They quickly relayed the location of the car and hung up before the responder could ask any follow-up questions. Then they were off to continue their search for Anya.
It was near sunset when they saw Loid walking down the sidewalk towards them. They opened their mouths in a rush to tell him that Anya had run off on a dog, but said girl and dog appeared from the alley between them and they instead slumped over each other in relief.
“What are you three doing here?” Loid asked, “I’m surprised to find you so far from the shelter.”
“Anya was coming to give papa toilet paper.”
“She ran off on us. Twice.” (Y/n) informed, resting most of her weight against Yor. Now that Anya was with them once more, the exhaustion of running around all day was really starting to get to her.
“Did she now…” Loid looked down at Anya disapprovingly, finally truly noticing the dog beside her. “And who is the dog?
“That is actually quite the story.” Yor rubbed at her cheek with a sheepish smile and retold the events of the day. (Y/n) would occasionally chime in, but ultimately she was too tired to try to censor anything Yor was saying. Somewhere in her brain she knew they probably shouldn’t talking about taking down terrorists without much trouble, but again she was too tired to care.
“I’m sorry all that happened while I was in the bathroom.” Loid finally said, a faint blush coloring his cheeks.
“Yeah, you were gone all day. Have you considered seeing a doctor, because that is not at all normal.” (Y/n) spoke in a teasing tone, but there was a notable hint of concern in the way her eyebrows scrunched together.
“It was probably because of what I made for breakfast.” Yor bemoaned.
“It has to be something else. The rest of us survived.”
Loid, wanting to put his day long trip to the ‘bathroom’ behind him, began to address Anya and her penchant for running off.
“How many times do I have to tell you to not run off on your own. You could have been seriously hurt!” He yelled, making Anya flinch.
“Anya is sorry!” She sniffled, her eyes shining with unshed tears.
Loid immediately softened, falling to one knee before her, “I’m sorry for yelling. I was just worried. You aren’t hurt at all though, right?”
Anya shook her head, putting a hand on the fluffy dog beside her. The fur nearly swallowed up her hand.
“Mr. Dog protected me.”
Loid smiled at the dog, petting him gently, “Thank you.”
“Excuse us,”
The family turned to see a woman and a man in suits approaching them from across the street,
“We’re investigating an incident near City Center. We understand that this was one of the dogs involved in the incident.” The woman said. “Please hand him over to us. He’ll be in good hands.”
“Of course. Thank you.” Loid tipped his hat, motioning them towards the dog.
“Now we can go back to looking for a puppy!” Yor beamed excitedly.
“Is the shelter even still open?” (Y/n) almost hoped it wasn’t. She wanted to shower and then spend the next several days in bed. She was already dreading how sore she was going to be tomorrow.
“Come on, Anya. Let’s go take a look.” Loid reached for her hand, but Anya pulled away.
“No! Anya wants Mr. Dog!” She said, stepping between the officers and the dog.
Loid shook his head. “He was owned by bad guys.”
“He saved Anya!” The esper refuted.
“You said you wanted a small dog.” Loid crossed his arms, peering down at his fickle adopted daughter.
“But Anya wants Mr. Dog now, it’s okay that he is big!” Anya continued to argue, hugging the dog close.
“Anya please,” Loid pinched the bridge of his nose, “Stop being so difficult.”
“If papa doesn’t let me have Mr. Dog, Anya will go bad and stop going to school!” Anya’s lip wobbled and then she began to cry.
“Wh— what are you saying?!” Loid sputtered.
“It’s okay, Miss Anya! Please don’t cry!” Yor beseeched.
“There are a lot of nice dogs in the world! I’m sure you’ll find another who is just as sweet…” (Y/n) attempted to console, but she knew that trying to get Anya to change her mind would be impossible at this point. She did just spend the whole day with this dog after all.
“Very well.” The woman conceded, leaving Loid particularly surprised.
The woman chuckled, then couched in front of Anya, a bittersweet smile on her lips.
“The dog itself didn’t cause any harm. If you promise to take good care of him, he’s yours, but we will need to keep him for the night to check his health first.” She explained softly.
“Are you protecting the other doggies too?”
“They are sleeping in the softest of beds and eating warm, yummy food.” She nodded.
“Thank you very much, important lady.”
The woman’s smile tugged a little further, “You’re welcome.” She stood back to her full height, turning to Loid. “We shall make contact with you tomorrow.“
“Thank you. Sorry for the trouble.” Loid bowed his head.
“No trouble at all. Have a good night.”
And so they began their trek home. Anya and Yor were particularly pleased with themselves because of the parts they played in saving the city from terrorists. (Y/n) and Loid on the other hand were exhausted.
“Why do you look like that?” (Y/n) had asked him pointedly. “I know it isn’t easy being… ill, all day, but I’ve been running around the city for hours and I still look better than you.”
“Do you really want to know?” Loid asked with a wry smile, his eye twitching in aggravation. If only they knew what he had really been up to all day!
“No.” (Y/n) shook her head quickly, “No, I really don’t want to know. Forget I said anything.”
After a night of the deepest sleep that any of them had ever experienced, morning soon came, and with it, a large and fluffy white dog.
“So curious!” Yor giggled, watching the dog sniff around the living room.
“Anya wants to stay home to play with Mr. dog today.” Anya said hugging the dog tightly.
“I believe the deal was that you wouldn’t stop going to school if you got this dog.” Loid said after spitting his toothpaste in the sink. “Get ready for school.”
“Does Anya at least get a Stella for helping stop the bad guys?” She asked. That would help put her in a better mood about going to school.
“I’m afraid not, Anya. No one is supposed to know about what was going to happen because it would just cause fear and panic. You have to keep it to yourself or the police might need to come and take you away.”
“Shock!” Anya flinched. She couldn’t let that happen, but it certainly was a disappointment that she couldn’t tell anyone.
“Loid!” (Y/n) gasped from the other room, “Don’t phrase it like that, you’ll scare her!”
Loid rolled his eyes at his reflection in the mirror and Anya began getting ready to go to school, pouting all the while.
“Have a good day at school Miss Anya!” Yor waved. “(Y/n) and I will take good care of Mr. Doggie while you’re away.”
“I’ll do my best.” (Y/n) called from the couch. Even raising her hand to wave goodbye to Anya hurt. Her whole body felt stiff and sore from the whole ordeal yesterday while it appeared to be just another normal day for Yor.
Anya and Loid said their goodbyes and then it was just (Y/n), Yor and the curious new addition to the family.
“Yor, darling, would you make me some ice packs.” (Y/n) groaned while she moved to lay flat on the couch.
“Of course! My poor, sore heart!” Yor cooed. She cupped (Y/n)’s cheek and leaned down to kiss her forehead before heading to the kitchen.
While (Y/n) waited for Yor’s return, the dog took notice of her and began to lumber up to her.
“Hello, getting used to your new home?” (Y/n) asked him.
The dog sniffed her hand, then slowly hoisted himself up onto his hind legs by placing his front paws on the edge of the couch.
“Ah, wait. No, don’t come up here— dog! No! Down! Oof!”
(Y/n) couldn’t stop the dog from laying flat across her sore body. It was a warm, and an almost comforting weight, but in the state (Y/n) was in currently, she didn’t find it entirely enjoyable, but it was kind of cute.
“Honey, did you say something…?” Yor walked back into the room, her arms filled with industrial bags of ice that she got from who-knows-where. Her eyes fell on the dog and she pouted, “That was going to be my spot, Mr. Doggie.”
“Yor, help me get him off. He’s too heavy.”
Yor did as she was asked, dragging the dog back to the floor.
“I apologize, Mr. Doggie, but (Y/n) is sore from running around yesterday. Surely you understand.” Yor then promptly dropped the giant bags of ice onto (Y/n)’s body.
“Not quite what I had in mind, but thah, thank you.” (Y/n) shivered.
The dog was undeterred by the upheaval and soon climbed his way back onto the couch, sinking between the bags of ice.
“My, perhaps he is sore too!” Yor observed. “Poor thing.”
(Y/n) sighed. She couldn’t find it within herself to make Yor push the dog away a second time. Perhaps she should feel special because the dog seemed to like her already, but her body was not appreciative of the extra pressure at this time.
“Would it help for me to massage your calves?” Yor asked thoughtfully. “Mr. Dog isn’t covering those up.”
(Y/n) mulled it over. Typically, a massage from Yor would be nice as long as she didn’t push too hard.
“I think that sounds nice, just be gentle please.”
“I will, I promise!”
And she really was. Yor did a great job, so wonderful in fact, that the combination of the frigid melting ice, the warm, weighted blanket of a dog, and the soothing massage knocked (Y/n) right out.
She was rudely awakened hours later when the dog clumsily leapt off of her to jump into Anya’s arms when she got home from school.
“Welcome home!” Yor smiled, clasping her hands to rest them against her cheek, “Oh my, such good friends already! He must have missed you!”
“Save me! He’s eating me!” Anya gasped while the dog slobbered all over her.
“He seems to have a lot of pent up energy. We should take him for a walk.” Loid suggested. He looked over to (Y/n) laid limply across the couch and smirked, “Care to join us, (Y/n)?”
“Not today.” (Y/n) deadpanned, ever so slowly lifting herself into a sitting position. “You all go on ahead. I’ll start getting dinner ready.”
“Are you sure? I could stay an help.” Yor volunteered.
“I’ll be fine,” (Y/n) assured, “Go have fun at the dog park.”
(Y/n) shuffled through the kitchen like an old woman, slowly preparing dinner. Though she could be prideful at times, she was actually surprised that she had dinner mostly completed before the Forger’s returned home.
“I hope they haven’t ran into anymore trouble.” She murmured to herself as she finished setting the table. She walked to the armchair this time around when she finished her self imposed task. She hissed through clenched teeth as she lowered herself into the plush chair.
She then decided she would never run again, maybe never even walk. She didn’t care if it would look strange, she was going to have Yor carry her everywhere from now on and if she knew anything about her love, she would be happy to do it too.
Finally, the front door opened and the Forger’s piled inside.
Anya ran up to (Y/n) all excited, “Mama, I know what to name Mr. Dog!”
“Do you? What is it?” (Y/n) thought Mr. Dog was the name already, but she was curious to hear what else Anya had come up with.
“Wait just a minute!” Anya asked.
She bounced excitedly when Loid came back from the short trip to his room, a black ribbon of fabric in hand. He deftly tied the fabric around the dog’s neck and once he stepped away, (Y/n) saw he had looped it into a bow tie.
“Behold!” Anya flung her arms out in the direction of the dog happily thumping his tail against the floor. “Bond!”
“Oh, like Bondman.” Loid understood. “That should work just fine.”
“Boof!” Bond leapt at Anya, sending her to the floor in a flurry of licks and wiggly wags that made Anya laugh.
“He seems to like it.” (Y/n) smiled fondly.
“They’re so cute!” Yor cooed.
“Come, Bond! Let me show you around the hideout!”
“Anya, it’s dinner time. And don’t forget you need to study. afterwards.” Loid warned.
“Anya will study later, promise.”
Loid’s eye twitched, but he relented.
After dinner, Anya fed Bond. She filled his bowl to the brim and watched him begin to chow down.
“Try not to give him too much.” Loid cautioned as he walked by, a towel under his arm. “I’m going to take my bath now, but I expect you to be studying by the time I’m done.”
Anya pouted and Loid walked to the bathroom. Curious, Anya took a kibble from Bond’s bowl and nearly popped it into her mouth before (Y/n) called out her name.
“Miss Anya, please don’t eat anything meant for a dog.” (Y/n) shivered in disgust as she scrubbed the dishes nearby.
“I know it must look tempting, but take it from me, it is not as good as it looks.” Yor helpfully added.
“I don’t want to know if that is coming from a place of experience or not.” (Y/n) said, but the shy laugh Yor gave was damning.
Soon after he finished his meal, Bond began to wiggle uncomfortably and Anya took notice.
“Need to go potty? Here, I’ll show you where to go.” Anya led him to a wide tub lined with newspaper. “When nobody can take you outside, you go in here. If you go anywhere else, mama will get mad cause she like things tidy.”
After business was taken care of, Anya and Bond played all over the apartment. (Y/n) wanted to remind Anya about her studies, but she couldn’t bear to break up the fun. It was Bond’s first day home, and Anya hardly got to see him before she had to go to school. A little more playtime couldn’t hurt.
(Y/n) and Yor watched them play, losing track of time. And when Loid returned from his bath, they showed him the cute little girl and her dog curled up together and fast asleep.
The studying could wait until tomorrow, Loid supposed.
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