#audrey omori
Do you ship it?
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spacek1d · 11 months
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Got to have some respect to who’s idea it was to put the mirror there 🫡
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fothermuckinghero · 2 years
List of characters i need to be friends:
Ylfa "Red" Snorgelsson
Catalina Strongbow
Kiera "Angry" Strongbow
Jane doe (RTC)
Audrey omori
Molly blyndeff
Hazel infinity train
Lake infinity train
ty for coming to my ted talk
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mush-beep · 2 months
i swear my omni ass has a fictional crush on audrey. you know why? because she's purtyyy and has a bat to protecc. fight me. FIGHT ME. look at her ╰⁠(⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠`⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠)⁠╯(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
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oh yeah and also headspace aud is just squish ! cute !
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keennachotraveler · 8 months
Omori x Bendy !
Vs. The prisoner trio!
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This took so long omg
(No hud ver, the background and separated sprites under the cut)
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miru667 · 2 months
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All of the ART FIGHT attacks I made this year!! 😝 Read more below for credits!
1) @larislop's OC Noah Gnave
2) Alink's (alinkagbk on insta) OC Arkinn
3) @cappycodeart and @stoopidstapler's Adventure Time OCs Itchy and Pepsi, respectively
4) @frightfowl's OC Noah Fence and my Audrey Grace having an arm wrestling match
5) Refroidi's (Refroidi on twit) OC Reto
6) @dj-osha's self insert Omori OC Lauren, I emulated the style of the game for this one
7) @spaceyprincely's OC Thalia
8) Manifold's (Emgundran on twit) OC Not Suspicious
9) Halewba's (halewba on insta) OC Ken Campbell
My artfight link:
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sotogalmo · 2 months
Sunflower Omori, but lesbians (it's farcille)
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moog-enthusiast · 1 year
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little shop of horrors doodle page. can you guess who my favorite is from this. flutters eyelashes
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strawberryspuffy · 4 months
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Bunch of miscellaneous dewdles!!!
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guttedz0mbie · 4 months
basil and audrey ii real 🤯🤯
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yes the audrey ii ate mari 😔
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audzg71tch · 3 months
lil introduction
im audy and i like game
i like games like:
far cry 5, cyberpunk 2077, saints row 2022, twds&s, and OMORI.
i like movies as well
i like the SAW franchise (NOT SPIRAL.) and yeah thats it.
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im-a-heartstomper · 11 months
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indiekidsau · 1 year
Chap. 20-Audrey’s Dream
Next chapter is here! Like I said in the last chapter we are back to some wholesomeness.
I worked on this chapter pretty fast after the last one I worked on, which was surprising. Currently, I’m taking it easy as I work on the next chapter as A LOT is going on in my personal life.
BIG thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader! As well as another beta reader joining the mix @mun-auroralore.
Audrey loved to create and draw. It was a dream of hers ever since her father and Henry took her to the movies, that she wanted to be just like them, an animator.  Another thing that drove her to draw was when her father gifted her a comic book full of fantastical pages. Since her earliest youth, Audrey's room had been covered in sketchbooks, graphic novels, and art supplies.
One Friday night,  Audrey had been putting the finishing touches to a comic she’d been working on since the beginning of summer. She was excited to get the first five chapters done, and was ready to share it with her friends tomorrow morning. 
Audrey heard a knock as she turned to the door and yelled, “It’s open!” 
Joey opened the door and smiled seeing his little girl finishing up her own comic. “I see you're working hard!” he exclaimed.
“Yep! I’m just finishing the outline and then I’ll get to bed,” Audrey explained.
Joey chuckled and ruffled his daughter’s hair. “Don’t push yourself, alright?”
“I won’t.” Audrey went back to outlining as Joey got up and left his daughter alone to work. 
After almost an half an hour, the comic was done. 
“There!” Audrey exclaimed.
Audrey put the pages together and set them aside before grabbing her phone. She texted Vanessa and Lucas separately.
Hey! Meet me at the local cafe tomorrow morning at 8:30! Have a good night! See you tomorrow.
Once she was done, Audrey got herself ready for bed. Just before she drifted off, her phone beeped and she quickly checked on it to see if Lucas and Vanessa had responded.
You got it! See you there! read Vanessa’s message.
Sure! Have a good night! read Lucas’s message,
Audrey smiled as she sent her friends a reply, wishing them good night before putting her phone to the side and getting some sleep.
The  following morning was chaotic for Vanessa. She woke up late and had to rush so she could meet with Audrey at the cafe. 
However, she wasn’t the only one who was running late, as Lucas was having the same issue.
The two were running so hastily that they didn’t notice they were running the opposite of each other. Lucas tried to stop, but it was too late as the two slammed into each other, causing them to fall.
The two let out a groan as Vanessa rubbed her head in pain. 
“Watch where you're going, idiot!” Vanessa yelled. 
She regretted her decision seeing she bumped into Lucas. “Oh Lucas, sorry!” She reached her hand to help him up. 
“Gah!” Lucas shouted as he slowly stood up as he held his head with his hand. “Vanessa! You should watch where you're going!”
“I said sorry!” Vanessa shouted back. “Besides, what are you doing here?”
“Audrey invited me here,” Lucas replied. His eyes widened in realization as he let out a groan. “Don’t tell me she invited both of us here.”
“Wow, you are a smart one, aren’t ya Lucas?” 
Vanessa and Lucas turned around to see Audrey had arrived. 
“Besides, you're both my friends so why not invite both of you along?” Audrey added.
Lucas and Vanessa looked at each other before deciding to go along with the day. 
“Alright. Morning, Audrey,” Lucas said.
“Morning!” Audrey beamed as she pulled her two friends into a hug. 
Lucas slightly blushed and Vanessa smiled as she hugged her friend back. 
“Well let’s go in! I have something to show you three!”Audrey said.
 The three walked inside the cafe, ordered their drinks, and found a place to sit.
Once the drinks were ready, Lucas grabbed his and the girls' before heading back to the table. “Alright, I got a vanilla iced latte with no whipped cream for Vanessa,” Lucas said as he gave Vanessa her drink, “I got a hot caramel coffee for Audrey and I got my iced caramel coffee.” Lucas sighed and sat down after announcing the drinks.
“Thank you Lucas,” Vanessa replied, taking a sip of her drink. “So Audrey, why did you call us here?”
Audrey smiled as she went to her backpack and took out her comic she was working on. “So before I met you two I’ve been working on my passion project. It’s not done yet but I figured I'll show you guys the first 5 chapters of it,” Audrey explained. 
With a smile, she lifted the cover of her comic that featured an anthropomorphic wolf and cat. The cat was cream in color with a grayish pink spot on her right eye while the wolf was white and purple,  welding a flaming sword. The two looked to be exploring a dark, spooky forest.
“It’s called Fireprint, it’s this fantasy story I’ve had in my head for a few years and since last summer I’ve finally got around writing it,” Audrey said.
“What’s it about?” Lucas asked, sipping his coffee.
“It's about a princess named Rosalie who becomes a knight to save her kingdom from an evil king and queen. She has to team up with a high ranking knight from her kingdom named Tyrian who takes no shit from anyone,” Audrey explained.
Lucas chuckled in excitement. “That sounds amazing! Anything else?” he asked.
“Well nothing really. I only got the first five chapters done, but that’s why I called you two here.” Audrey explained. She went to her backpack and took out two copies of her comic and held them out to Vanessa and Lucas. 
The two took their respective copies and Vanessa looked at Audrey in shock. “How were you able to draw this fast?” Vanessa asked.
Audrey giggled. “I didn’t draw the same thing three times, I used the copy machine back home,” she explained.
“O-Oh,” Vanessa replied, blushing in embarrassment.
Lucas snickered over Vanessa’s embarrassing claim, but stopped seeing Vanessa and Audrey glaring at him. He cleared his throat and asked, “So we can read this?”
Audrey nodded. “Yep, I’m giving you guys till next Saturday to read the comic and we’ll meet back here to discuss it,” she explained.
Vanessa and Lucas looked at each other before looking back at their friend. “Alright,” they both said.
“Perfect!” Audrey exclaimed, clapping her hands together.
The trio enjoyed their coffee and talked before leaving to enjoy the rest of their weekend.
However, something bothered Vanessa while she took a sip of her coffee.
Once back at home, Lucas was enjoying the comic. It made him feel young again as he read the adventures of Rosalie and Tyrian.
Meanwhile, Vanessa wasn’t reading the comic, but instead reading a novel. At times she’d look up from her book as she stared at Audrey’s comic sitting beside her before going back to her novel. Vanessa looked up at the comic one more time and sighed as she bookmarked and closed her book.
“It wouldn’t hurt to just skim through it,” she said to herself. 
Vanessa got out of bed and walked over to her desk as she picked up the comic. Hesitant, she turned to the first page and her eyes shined at how gorgeous her best friend’s artwork was.
The first page featured the setting of the story; the Kingdom of Prismiranda.
Vanessa giggled as she skimmed through the book seeing how Audrey designs from the setting to the characters.
“Vanessa!” a voice shouted.
Vanessa gasped as she dropped the book. She looked around her house wondering who made that voice.
“What are you doing?” the voice asked.
“N-Nothing, Mother!” Vanessa yelled in reply as she went back to bed and continued reading her novel.
But Vanessa didn't live with anyone but herself. She lived completely alone. Her mother wasn’t around, but Vanessa had thought her mom was scolding her like she was a little kid.
Monday finally rolled around. 
Audrey came in and unlocked the door to her classroom. Once inside, she put her stuff down and she heard a knock on her door. 
“Come in,” she called out.
The door opened and Lucas walked in smiling. “Morning, Audrey.”
Audrey giggled. “Morning, Lucas. You seem to be chipper today!” she exclaimed.
Lucas chuckled as he pulled up a chair and sat in front of Audrey’s desk. “Well, that’s because I couldn’t put your comic down!” he exclaimed. “Everything was amazing! From the characters, to the story! You've gotta tell me more!”
Audrey smiled hearing the compliments she got for her comic. The nervousness from before washed away like a tidal wave.
Vanessa walked into the school and passed by Audrey’s classroom, seeing her and Lucas talking, laughing about the comic. With a gulp, she kept on walking hoping to pass by her friends unnoticed.
Audrey saw Vanessa passing by. “Morning Vanessa!” she beamed.
“Fuck!” Vanessa cursed to herself. With a smile she turned and faced her friends. “Morning Audrey, Lucas. How are you today?” 
“Great!” Audrey replied. “Lucas was telling me that he enjoyed my comic.”
“O-Oh. That’s great.” Vanessa glanced at Lucas. She forgot her ex was such a bookworm and enjoyed any kind of book known to man.
“What about you?” Audrey asked.
Vanessa looked at her friend as she snapped out of her thoughts.
“What did you think of it?”
Vanessa bit her lip. She decided whether to lie about reading it or telling the truth. “Well. I didn’t finish it, but it looks great,” she lied, forcing a smile. Though it wasn’t really a lie as she did skim through a few pages.
Audrey smiled. “That’s great! I’m so glad you loved it!” she exclaimed, hugging her best friend.
Vanessa chuckled nervously. She hoped and begged that Audrey wasn’t gonna ask her what her favorite part was.
Lucas took notice of Vanessa’s expression and recognized that she was lying. He sighed.
“And don’t worry if you haven’t finished it. Reading and enjoying it is enough,” Audrey explained. “Remember, you have until Saturday.”
“R-Right,” Vanessa replied.
“Hey Audrey. Vanessa and I need to talk for a bit,” Lucas said as he took Vanessa by the hand.
“Oh, okay. See you guys at lunch?” Audrey asked.
Lucas nodded. He then took Vanessa to his classroom and closed the door and locked it. He looked back and sighed seeing Audrey was doing her own thing now. 
“Alright, tell me the truth, Vanessa,” he said.
Vanessa sighed. “Alright, I didn’t read it. I skimmed through it, but stopped,” she revealed.
“Why?” Lucas asked.
“My mother,” Vanessa answered.
Lucas’s eyes widened as he hadn’t heard Vanessa speak about her mother since the funeral. “Vanessa. Your mother died six years ago. Why do you still mention her if she’s not here?” he asked.
“I feel like she’s still there. Still telling me what to do and what not to do,” Vanessa explained. “I feel like I hear her.”
Lucas was about to reach and hug Vanessa, but he stopped, remembering the past. 
When Vanessa was like this she’d expect a hug from him to keep her sane and to stop her from venting. 
Lucas shook his head. He wasn’t going to hug her, but held her hand.
Vanessa’s eyes widened as she turned to see Lucas holding her hand.
“Van, remember what we talked about when your mother passed?” Lucas asked.
Vanessa went through her head before nodding in reply.
“Your mother has no control over you,” Lucas stated. “You don’t have to be scared to do what you want to do. I won’t say it again.”
Vanessa went quiet, but just as she was about to repeat the question something inside her made her close her mouth and nod. “Alright,” she whispered.
Lucas let go of Vanessa's hand and gave her a small smile. “I wish you luck Vanessa. I know you can do this,” he said before leaving her classroom. 
Once back at his classroom Lucas looked at his hand that held Vanessa’s which made him question what was that just now.
“Do I… still have feelings for her?” Lucas asked himself. 
He quickly shook it off as he heard students coming in ready to start a new week of school.
During study hall, the class couldn’t concentrate on their work as they saw Lucas reading Audrey’s comic.
Being the comic book collector he is, Kel was curious. 
“What’s Mr. Prince reading?” Kel asked, whispering.
“I don’t know,” Hat Kid replied, whispering as well. “Are you interested or something?”
“Hey when I see a comic I haven’t seen before I need to know!” Kel whispered. 
Mu sighed and turned to her friends joining the conversation. “Are you saying we should sneak into class and take a look at ourselves?” she asked.
Kel smiled. “That would be a good idea.”
“Or,” Elizabeth spoke up, tired of the conversation and decided to join, “you can just ask him. He’s just right there.” She pointed at her teacher.
Kel, Hat Kid, and Mu looked at their teacher before looking at each other. 
“But wouldn’t that ruin the fun?” Hat Kid asked.
“Yeah, it’s way more interesting to sneak in class and see what he’s reading,” Mu added.
Elizabeth frowned and turned away from the trio. She then looked up at her teacher and saw the biggest, goofiest smile on his face.
“Hey Mr. Prince! What are you reading?” she asked, raising her hand.
Lucas snapped out of his thoughts and turned to see the class, staring at him. “Uh… a magazine,” he answered.
“You sure it’s not a comic book?” Kel asked.
Lucas chuckled nervously. “W-what makes you think that?” he asked.
“The cover!” Kel answered pointing at the book.
Lucas turned to look at the cover and sighed. However, he wasn't defeated yet. “Alright yes it’s a comic, but I’m not telling you what it is,” he mocked as a smirk formed in his face.
The class groaned in disappointment as Lucas still kept the smirk on his face.
Kel and Hat Kid went to the front of Lucas’s desk and both had puppy dog eyes and begging for a chance to look.
“Come on! Please tell us!” Kel begged.
“Please! Let us read it!” Hat Kid begged as well.
Lucas sighed. “Alright, I’ll ask my friend this weekend if I can lend you guys a copy to read.”
“Yes!” Kel and Hat Kid cheered as they ran back to their seats.
Elizabeth and Mu looked at each other and sighed before going back to their work.
After school, Vanessa went back home and quickly picked up the comic. She took a deep breath and turned to the first page, lied down in bed, and started to read. 
As she read she smiled as she enjoyed the story. There were points where she laughed at Rosalie’s antics as the character almost reminded her of… well, her.
However, she felt sad seeing Rosalie’s kingdom destroyed, having to travel with Tyrian to find some ancient hero to save the kingdom. Though once it was just Rosalie and Tyrian she smiled seeing how they were able to work together and get along despite the situation at hand.
Vanessa sighed as she got to the end of the comic and almost cried as Tyrian got his arm cut off when battling against the villain, and trying to protect Rosalie.
Once done reading, Vanessa was ready to read the comic again. However, she decided to wait until the next day as she couldn’t grasp the fact Tyrian got hurt.
“DAMN IT AUDREY! WHY!” Vanessa screamed.
The week went by fast until it was finally Saturday. 
Audrey made it earlier than usual and waited for her friends to show up. It took a few minutes, but Audrey saw Vanessa and Lucas running late again.
Seeing her two friends about to run into each other, Audrey stepped back as she watched her two friends slam into each other again.
“Ah. Ow.” Lucas groaned, rubbing his head as a bruise started to form. “Watch it next time, Van!”
“Sorry!” Vanessa yelled back, rubbing her head as well.
“Morning, you two!” Audrey beamed.
“Morning, Audrey,” Lucas groaned.
“Ready to walk in?” Audrey asked.
“G-give us a second first.” Lucas waited for the throbbing in his head to settle down. Once the pain eased down he was ready to walk inside the cafe with Vanessa and Audrey. “Ready.”
Audrey smiled and walked inside the cafe with her friends. They got their usual drinks and sat down ready to discuss the comic.
“So it’s been a week since we last sat down and I wanted to know your thoughts on the first five chapters?” Audrey asked with a smile
“Amazing!” Lucas and Vanessa beamed at the same time.
The two froze and looked at each other with a small smile.
“In all honesty I never read a comic before and it was the best!” Vanessa beamed. “I never realized I could relate to Rosalie.”
“Okay, two things: one, you and I have to run to the bookstore after this because I can recommend some great series!” Audrey explained.
“That would be great!” Vanessa replied.
“Second, now that I can see it,” Audrey continued as she used her fingers to look like she’s taking a photo shoot of Vanessa, “you do give off princess vibes.”
Vanessa blushed at the compliment as she slowly drank her coffee.
“Technically, she was a princess,” Lucas replied after taking a sip of his coffee.
“You mean your princess?” Audrey asked.
Lucas almost spat out his coffee as Audrey chuckled seeing her best friend’s reaction.
Vanessa was blushing harder now as her face was fully red as a tomato at this point. She couldn’t even hold her coffee without her hands shaking.
“Audrey!” Lucas snapped.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m just joking around,” Audrey replied.
Lucas glared as he started to blush as well. He turned to see Vanessa, still blushing and trying to drink her coffee. “Well, if you want to hear what I think. It’s great! I love the characters and story you got going,” he explained.
Vanessa felt relieved hearing Lucas’s thoughts that the blush on her face faded away and she was able to drink her coffee normally.
“Though can I make one small request?” Lucas asked.
“What’s that?” Audrey asked.
“Think you can make a few more copies for my class? Kel and Hat have been bugging me non stop to read it, but I wasn’t sure if you’d be okay with it,” Lucas explained.
“Sure,” Audrey replied. “I actually wanted to wait till you two read it before giving more sample copies to the kids.”
“Really? Why?” Vanessa asked.
Audrey took a sip of her coffee before answering. “Well, because you guys are my two closest friends. I figured giving you two the honor to read my comic.”
“And I- ” Vanessa paused. “I mean, we thank you for that.”
Lucas smiled. “Yes, thanks Audrey. We’ll be supporting you all the way.”
Audrey felt like crying at this point. She loved her best friends so much that she wanted to hug them. Heck, this is why she let them read the comic first before anyone else.
“Thank you guys. You two are the best,” Audrey replied.
Vanessa and Lucas smiled and went to enjoy their coffee.
“Oh. I forgot to mention something!” Vanessa exclaimed.
“What is it?” Audrey asked.
“Why did you have to end the chapter with Tyrian’s arm chopped off?!” Vanessa cried.
“I thought that would be a good way to end off,” Audrey answered, smugly. 
“Is he going to be okay? Is he gonna live?”
“Van. Relax,” Audrey said. “I’m working on chapter 6 right now.”
Vanessa sighed. “May I see it?”
“It’s at home so you’ll have to wait till I finish chapters 6 through 10 to know what happens,” Audrey replied.
Vanessa sighed as she puffed her cheeks like a chipmunk. 
Lucas and Audrey both chuckled at her appearance, which made Vanessa loosen her smile, joining in on the laugh as well. 
Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all. This was a brand new chapter for Vanessa. And she was happy about it.
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samthecookielord · 2 years
The constant STRUGGLE of being an omori fan and a wandersong fan
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jellycreamjammedart · 2 years
Bendy and the Dark Revival where everything is the same but due to name confusion, Audrey gets swapped with Aubrey from Omori
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atisutoneko · 2 years
para que la cuenta no este tan vacía les traigo dibujos de omori que hacia en clase algunos no son originales
so that the account is not so empty I bring you drawings of omori that I made in class, some are not original.
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