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eraseer · 7 months ago
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today (8/16) at 12pm pacific / 3pm eastern
playing an hr of Girl Music
on josh's show "Confusing Mix"
www.nts.live =^.^=
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ministryofacoustics · 2 years ago
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weekends #acoustics to #psychoacoustics
How is acoustics related to sound?
Acoustics looks first at the #pressure levels and #frequencies in the sound #wave and how the wave interacts with the #environment. This interaction can be described as #either a #diffraction, #interference or a #reflection or a mix of the three.
We offer #declarations for all the three.
We comprehend the properties, phenomena, and #laws of #physical #sciences
#Answers, #solutions and #perfections only at Apocalypse. Reach us at [email protected] or call us at +919848083140
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apocalypseglobal · 3 years ago
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Do you #know that?
#Sound is a #vital #component to the #quality of our #lives, it is how we #communicate and it #gives us #pleasure. #Noise, on the other #hand, can #irritate us, makes us #feel #stressed and #stops our #sleep.
#Environmental #noise #regulations usually specify a #maximum #outdoor #noise #level of 60 to 65 dB(A), but the present outdoor noise levels of Hyderabad is 93 db(A).
#wakeupindia #wakeuphyderabad
#speak to us at [email protected] or call us at +919848083140 to #speak with a #consultant #today, or visit us at https://twitter.com/apocalypseindia to #find out how we can #render #stark #solutions for your #acoustical, #audio, #media & #noise #abatement #needs.
#October is #Protect your #Hearing #Month! How #loud is too #loud? The #louder the sound, the #quicker it can #damage your #hearing.
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mammoth-tokyo · 6 years ago
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京都でDEFな出逢いがありました。 #ヤン富田 #audioscience #後ろから前から #畑中葉子 #mammoth #苦笑biitu #experimentalmusic #noise #dronemusic #ambient #circuitbending #modular #modularsynth #eurorack #hiphop #breakbeats #gameboy #tokyo #japan (Mograg×村屋【momurag】) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzpmggzDjga/?igshid=yyyzfr6m0avm
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dysfunctionalcrab · 3 years ago
yeah audioscience is one of the worst ones. if you google bad celebrity children names you can find so many that are just as bad lmaooo
there is a guy who named his kid ‘tu’ because his second name is morrow..
tu morrow
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onlybucket · 5 years ago
Wednesday, January 29
I forgot to update yesterday, so here’s what happened.
in social science we decided to turn my friends into superheroes, Ben and Adrian. so I was working on the drawing, but we got to school late so I couldn’t show anyone. Our school has a rule where we’re not allowed to have phones inside the building no matter what. Unless, it’s at a school dance or something.
my art teacher keeps telling me I’m talking too much during the audiobook but I was actually genuinely confused. She can be a bit annoying sometimes. she finally decided to grade my extra credit today, which is good because I only have a B in that class and I want an A.
we have a test soon in math. We had an amazingly horrible amount of homework so I decided to use my homework pass. When I got there, she said it wasn’t actually due until Wednesday.
We watched a documentary during the entirety of social science. Chillest class period ever. I was trying to see what color Adrian‘s eyes were for the drawing.
We’re starting to read Into The Wild in English. I didn’t get full marks on my recitation, but I still got an A.
Adele is really mad at Cody and says she won’t be friends with him because she doesn’t want to get harassed. I think Cody likes me.
We’re done with our app in computer science. All we have to do now is fill out the project packet. We have all of class on Wednesday to do it. Her teacher is making a system where we have warm up questions and if we get them right we get a point. First to 50 points gets a free code day.
Cody said he would like it if he dated me. I asked him if he would and he said yes.
i’m nearly done with my Dragon in science. The first one was named Scissors Parker , The second one was Peter Parker, the third one was Audioscience science Parker, and the fourth one is Crockpot Parker. Will finally be done with his project tomorrow.
Today was time management Tuesday. That basically means just do whatever and don’t be loud. You’re supposed to be doing schoolwork that you got during the day, but I never use it for that. I just read or draw.
I got my haircut. It’s not exactly what I wanted, but I really really like it. It’s almost better.
I finished fish and slug. I can’t wait to show Ben and Adrian and Makaylan.
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mynista · 7 years ago
🔥🎛 - #AudioScience #Experiments: • • #NovationCircuit // #Korg #Electribe #RmkII // #Midi synced. #AudioNerd stuff. • • #Studio // #Beatmaker // #Producer (at St. Louis)
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ministryofacoustics · 3 years ago
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The #art of #originative #engineering.
Do you know, what makes a #Luxury #Home #Cinema #today?
It’s not the #brand, it’s not the #money or it’s not the #exterior #looks, but
The High order #Crossovers with #Film #Capacitors and #Air #Core #Inductors
Have you #ever #heard about this #feature in your #home #cinema #speaker?
#answers only at @Apocalypse Acoustic Sciences Corp
#our #Centre Channel #Speakers are as #expensive as your whole home theatre #system, why?
Reach us at [email protected] or call us at +919395333255.
#pre #book #now, #luxury #pricing starts @INR 899999/- Upwards
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ministryofacoustics · 3 years ago
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Do you #know about ASI?
#auditory #spatial #impression is a #multidimensional #characteristic of #human #auditory #sensation #associated with the #acoustics of a #space.
Why do we #need it in #Home #Cinema or a #Concert #Hall?
#Answers, #Stark #Resolves and #Perfections in #Acoustical #Consulting, #Engineering & #AV #Design #Services @Apocalypse Acoustic Sciences Corp
#pre #book #now, #luxury #pricing starts @INR 899999/- Upwards
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apocalypseglobal · 3 years ago
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Have you ever #heard about the #Law of the #first #wave #front
It’s the first wave front #falling on the #listener’s #ear that #determines the #perceived #direction of the #sound.
Then, Why do we #need it in #Home #Cinema or a #Concert #Hall?
#Answers, #Stark #Resolves and #Perfections in #Acoustical #Consulting, #Engineering & #AV #Design #Services @Apocalypse Acoustic Sciences Corp
#pre #book #now, #luxury home cinema #pricing starts @INR 899999/- Upwards
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apocalypseglobal · 3 years ago
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Do you #know about ASI?
#auditory #spatial #impression is a #multidimensional #characteristic of #human #auditory #sensation #associated with the #acoustics of a #space.
Why do we #need it in #Home #Cinema or a #Concert #Hall?
#Answers, #Stark #Resolves and #Perfections in #Acoustical #Consulting, #Engineering & #AV #Design #Services @Apocalypse Acoustic Sciences Corp
#pre #book #now, #luxury #pricing starts @INR 899999/- Upwards
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ministryofacoustics · 4 years ago
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Do you #know that?
#Reasonable #absorption in #domestic #rooms can be #caused by #surfaces such as #carpets, #curtains and #perforated #acoustical #ceilings as well as objects like #chairs, #sofas, #tables or #closets, which are #absorbing and at the #same time #scattering to #sound.
#answers only at @acousticsguru @apocalypseglobal
Reach us at [email protected] or call us at +919395333255.
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ministryofacoustics · 4 years ago
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#Delightful #Weekends
#happy #high #holidays
Our #Operations will be #limited to #emergency #support only, in view of high Holidays from September 6th 2021 to September 29th 2021, due to #Yamim #Noraim-#Days of #Awe.
We are #available on #call at +919395333255 and on #mail at [email protected]
Our #Aim is to #provide #quality #spaces with a (#Mushlam) #complete #acoustic #character and keep the #architectural #space #concept as #alive as #possible. #Apocalypse #Acoustic #Sciences Corp uses #different #methods of #technology #treatments with #assistive #predictive #modelling and #complimenting #AV #performance #technologies for better #lives on earth (#Eretz).
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ministryofacoustics · 4 years ago
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#visual #acoustics with @quality of #life
#Vitruvius in the #prescription that #buildings should provide #Commodity, #Firmness and #Delight.
Today, #Architectural #acoustics is the #topic of #making a #room or #hall  or #space #sound #right for a #purpose and #visually #appear in #accordance with an #acousticians or #architects’ #ideas. #kindly #note it’s not a #chore of #layman.
#Tuesdays #Corporate #Facilities
We always #understand the #diverse #challenges of #workspace #acoustics, #noise and #vibration #control, and the #integration of #AV and IT #technologies and #design #expert #acoustical #solutions to help facilitate #collaboration and #enhance #productivity, while #supporting #comfort and safety for your #workforce.
#speak to us @acousticsguru @apocalypseglobal to #speak with a #consultant #today, or visit us at https://twitter.com/apocalypseindia to #find out how we can #render #stark #solutions for your #acoustical, #audio & #media #needs.
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apocalypseglobal · 4 years ago
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#need of the #air #quality and #acoustic #remediation #2021
Today, Let’s #Engage the #Integrated #Design #Process.
An #integrated #design #process #interlaces the #multiple #disciplines that inform a #building or a #space.
 #Tuesdays #Corporate #Facilities
We #specialize in #workplace #acoustics and #AV #design for #corporate #enterprise #facilities, from #open #office #workspace, #meeting and #conferencing #environments, to #manufacturing, #processing, and #distribution #facilities. Our #priority #Comfort & Safety of your #workforce
#speak to us @apocalypseglobal to #speak with a #consultant #today, or visit us at https://twitter.com/apocalypseindia to #find out how we can #render #stark #solutions for your #acoustical, #audio & #media #needs.
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ministryofacoustics · 4 years ago
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#Sound vs. #Acoustics
#Weekends #Architectural #Acoustics 
#Engineering, #design, and #modelling #services #provide #architects, #engineers, #Corporates, #entertainment #spaces, #building #owners, and #facilities #directors with viable, #effective, #efficient perfect #acoustical #solutions to improve acoustics for #existing and new #buildings, #spaces, #rooms, and #facilities.
#Stark #Resolves and #Perfections in #Acoustical #Consulting, #Engineering & #AV #Design #Services @acousticsguru @apocalypseglobal
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