#audie o
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courtofthecorpseking · 1 year ago
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erigold13261 · 9 months ago
I know you said “a” color
 but how about the gay man flag color palette?
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"I know what you are!" -Bubble
I spent way too much time on this, but I had no other ideas so had to do this (tried to match each colored strip to the main color of the character in that stripe).
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ink-pocket · 2 years ago
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fullbob/bob zanotto art
(reupload because i accidentally deleted everything)
bigcartel bonanza patreon
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fanfanfanfaire · 8 months ago
Someone explain to me how Checo gets to renew his contract when his crash in Monaco was SO BAD it put him in lead of the Destructors Championship by over $400k and Ferrari is only 24 points behind in current standing.
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liu4ka · 1 year ago
scrunkly and his scrimbo
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zerotab · 2 years ago
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duality of caligosto art (2nd drawn with tux paint)
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sensorium and dart where i forgot how i even did the psi style with the dartagnan
i had another loboto thing it is just too big for this site. zad..
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medicalunprofessional · 1 year ago
some traditional stuff from this week
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flamefran · 2 years ago
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You can now get your own little sense friends to be with you! Not only that, but if you buy the full set, you get a free sticker of the Biblically Accurate PSI King before the big reveal of who he is!
The pre-order will be from March 26 to April 8.
Another news that I have is that I have some leftovers! I have 2 Cassie and 2 Bob left! Once they are bought, there wont be a restock until the near future or unless there is demand the Psychic 7 charms.
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mirchloe · 8 months ago
happy pride month to (checks my list) mental world edition viking vines nation.
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sootsz · 1 year ago
wilbur’s mic setup is devastatingly loud forget him having mind control powers in superheros fics bro is a weapon of mass destruction with his yelling
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yizhrt · 5 months ago
hshshdhd meudeus eu me sinto uma puta, todo reblog que tem nessa joça Ă© smut MAS OQ EU VOU FAZER SE É TUDI MUITO BOM???????? jeno mi pegue jeno me pegue gostoso no seu audi me arrombe sem dĂł, eu dou đŸ™đŸ»
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mulher de fases — lee jeno.
jealous!lee jeno × reader situationship!au (+18, pt-br) mdni.
sinopse: onde vocĂȘ e jeno estĂŁo numa amizade colorida lotada de ciĂșmes e tesĂŁo.
contém: smut, oral (m. receiving), fem. masturbation, cum play, exhibitionism, big dick!jeno, dirty talk, sub!reader. br au!, os dois são cariocas, jeno é mto ciumento. menção ao jaehyun/jaemin/chenle.
notas: ×××
wc: 1k+. (?)
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— porra, eu não acredito. eu 'tî tentando fugir dessa mina e ela continua aparecendo pra mim. – jeno proferiu aos amigos, esfregando as mãos no rosto de maneira raivosa.
— calma lá, mano. – jaemin disfarçou uma risada, abraçando os ombros do amigo.
do outro lado do barzinho, vocĂȘ havia acabado de chegar, deslumbrante. o semblante despreocupado e charmoso chamava atenção de todos os homens e mulheres do local; alguns gostariam de ser vocĂȘ e outros, de ter. gentil, vocĂȘ cumprimentou todos aqueles que fizeram questĂŁo de falar contigo. estava começando a ficar cada vez mais conhecida naquela ĂĄrea da cidade, por estar sempre curtindo em algum barzinho. os caras tinham curiosidade de saber se vocĂȘ estava com alguĂ©m; nunca era vista com algum garoto, no entanto, ninguĂ©m possuĂ­a a ousadia necessĂĄria pra lhe fazer essa pergunta. as meninas gostariam de ter a sua amizade ou sofriam de inveja, uma vez que vocĂȘ recebia atenção de todo mundo.
vocĂȘ sabia do seu valor, sĂł achava exagero tamanha comunidade de fĂŁs para alguĂ©m que sĂł existe.
o que ninguĂ©m sabia, Ă© que apesar da aparĂȘncia desapegada e descolada, vocĂȘ realmente tinha um rolinho e ele estava Ă  poucos metros dali. lee jeno tambĂ©m era o sonho de qualquer garota, essas que, por sinal, se jogavam a noite inteira para tentar conseguir um por cento da sua atenção. acontece que, jeno nĂŁo queria saber de ninguĂ©m, alĂ©m de vocĂȘ. infelizmente, ele sĂł queria saber de vocĂȘ.
vocĂȘs dois se conheceram na 'night', frequentando os mesmos barzinhos toda sexta, sĂĄbado e dia de jogo do mengĂŁo. ele se interessou primeiro, e foi jogando charme atĂ© tu cair na lĂĄbia dele. e vocĂȘ caiu com facilidade: na primeira noite foi sĂł conversa, na segunda rolou um beijinho e quando 'cĂȘ se deu conta, acordou na cama dele. foi tudo tĂŁo intenso. de repente vocĂȘ jĂĄ estava indo pra casa dele quase todos os dias da semana depois da faculdade, entrando no grupo de amigos dele, deixando jeno nas suas mĂŁos. vocĂȘ disse que nĂŁo queria relacionamento sĂ©rio, jeno disse que nĂŁo queria relacionamento sĂ©rio, mas começou a rolar briga e discussĂŁo por ciĂșmes dos dois lados. vira e mexe vocĂȘs saem bufando na casa um do outro e ficam dias sem se falar, mas acabam sempre voltando.
vocĂȘ cruzou os braços e saiu caminhando entre as mesas do bar lotado, mirando na mesa dos amigos conhecidos. sabia bem que o lee jĂĄ havia notado sua presença e ele nĂŁo iria te ignorar.
— oi galera, boa noite. – sorriu, acenando para os garotos na mesa e então, puxou uma cadeira ao lado de chenle, que lhe ofereceu um abraço. jeno estava com a cara grudada no celular.
os meninos te serviram uma cerveja e puxaram assunto, mas vocĂȘ permanecia incomodada com jeno te ignorando com tanto afinco. ele nĂŁo saĂ­a do celular, evitava olhar em sua direção e sequer ria das suas piadas. seria possĂ­vel que ele ainda estivesse bravo com a forma que vocĂȘ saiu da casa dele na sexta-feira passada? vocĂȘ resolveu apelar para mandar mensagens e se humilhar por uma resposta, irĂŽnico, quem diria.
vocĂȘ: atĂ© qnd cĂȘ vai me ignorar neno?
neno <3: tĂŽ ignorando ninguem n
neno <3: sla se quer resolver n vai ser na frente deles n
vocĂȘ: me encontra lĂĄ fora. (visualizado)
jeno levantou o olhar pela primeira vez, te encarando por alguns segundos antes de se levantar da mesa, deixando todo mundo curioso. vocĂȘ saiu pouco tempo depois, encontrando-o Ă  alguns metros do estabelecimento, com as mĂŁos no bolso. se aproximou do mais alto, estando agora, a cara a cara com ele.
— vocĂȘ 'tĂĄ me ignorando por conta de sexta feira passada? – questionou, fixando o olhar nos olhos escuros do moreno. — neno...
— eu nĂŁo tĂŽ te ignorando, tĂŽ deixando o caminho livre pro jaehyun. – irĂŽnico, cruzou os braços. — vai lĂĄ, pĂŽ. tu quer um relacionamento sĂ©rio com ele? eu jĂĄ saĂ­ do caminho.
vocĂȘ riu baixo. jeno havia entendido tudo errado e agora estava sendo obrigada a lidar com um homem lotado de ciĂșmes e marrento. ele encostou as costas na parede cheia de grafite do bar e desviou o olhar para longe.
— neno. – vocĂȘ segurou o rosto dele, forçando-o a te encarar outra vez. — para de deixar o ciĂșmes consumir sua inteligĂȘncia, hm? – murmurou, a voz manhosa era mĂșsica para os ouvidos do homem, mas ele nĂŁo demonstrou qualquer emoção. — eu disse que o jaehyun quis ficar comigo, disse que ele estava afim de mim, mas nunca disse que eu dei mole pra ele.
— tanto faz. – ele respondeu com rispidez.
— eu sĂł fico com vocĂȘ, neno. – vocĂȘ disse baixinho, esfregando os lĂĄbios no maxilar marcado do lee. — nĂŁo quero saber de outro homem.
ele permaneceu em silĂȘncio, mas arrepiado com a sua provocação. no fundo, jeno sentia seu ego ser amaciado, colocado pra cima. ele se permitiu escorregar uma das mĂŁos atĂ© a sua cintura, apertando o local com força. ele aproximou os lĂĄbios do seu ouvido, proferindo:
— prova. – a voz grave no pĂ© do seu ouvido fez com que vocĂȘ sentisse cada partezinha do seu corpo se arrepiar, pedindo por mais, mais neno. vocĂȘ sabia exatamente o tipo de coisa que ele queria, a prova de amor que ele queria: que vocĂȘ mostrasse pro mundo quem Ă© o seu dono.
vocĂȘ sorriu de cantinho, agarrando o pulso do mais alto. do outro lado da rua estava estacionada a Audi R8 preta de jeno, o carro que ele adorava esbanjar para lĂĄ e para cĂĄ. vocĂȘ arrastou o homem para lĂĄ; a luz baixa favoreceu os seus planos. empurrou o peitoral marcado contra o capĂŽ do carro. jeno sorriu e enrolou os dedos em seu pescoço, sem cerimĂŽnia vocĂȘ o envolveu num beijo necessitado, fervoroso, cheio de tesĂŁo. a rua estava completamente vazia, exceto pela luz do barzinho que vocĂȘs frequentavam, lotado, ninguĂ©m se importava demais com o lado de fora. vocĂȘ se permitiu sentar em uma das coxas do homem. as mĂŁos grandes e fortes agarraram sua bunda, apertando com vontade, puxando seu corpo contra ele. ousou esfregar seu Ă­ntimo coberto na coxa marcada, murmurando durante o beijo. jeno utilizou a mĂŁo livre, enfiando-a por dentro do seu cropped colado. ele riu; estava sem sutiĂŁ outra vez, vocĂȘ sabia que ia acabar com ele de novo.
— filha da puta safada. – ele disse contra sua boca e vocĂȘ gemeu baixinho, sentindo os dedos longos brincarem com o piercing do seu mamilo.
vocĂȘ o surpreendeu quando ajoelhou-se, ficando de cara com a ereção enorme marcada na calça do homem. quase babou, acariciando o local com os dedos delicados. jeno se apressou e abriu a calça, revelando a cueca preta Ășmida com o prĂ©-gozo que vazava cada vez mais. vocĂȘ nĂŁo tira os olhos dele. observa a cabecinha avermelhada vazando da cueca, se divertindo com a necessidade dele de receber alguma coisa, jeno empurrava o ar com o quadril, quase implorando.
— mama esse pau logo, caralho. para de me provocar. – ele ordenou, puxando os fios do seu cabelo com autoridade. ele sabia que nĂŁo importava o quanto vocĂȘ tentasse mudar as coisas, ele mandava. vocĂȘ nĂŁo o respondeu, mas ele viu seus olhos charmosos se encherem de ĂĄgua, submissa.
vocĂȘ afastou a peça Ă­ntima dele e o pau rijo bateu contra a sua bochecha, a sujando. vocĂȘ abocanhou o membro com vontade, colocando tudo para dentro e, Ă© claro, engasgando. ele Ă© enorme e sabe disso. permanece puxando seu cabelo, dessa vez, usando disso para guiar seus movimentos. ele toma total controle, metendo o quadril contra a sua boca. qualquer um que passasse por ali poderia ouvir, com facilidade, os sons pornograficos que ambos produziam; vocĂȘ engasgando, ele sussurrando todo tipo de putaria e o molhado do pau na sua boca.
— engole esse pau. porra, eu vou gozar 'pra caralho nesse seu rostinho. – ele depositou um tapa forte no seu rosto encharcado pelas lágrimas.
ousada, vocĂȘ levou seus dedinhos delicados para dentro do prĂłprio short curtinho, acariciando a bocetinha melada por cima da calcinha. gemeu enquanto permanecia mamado com vontade, bĂȘbada de pau. vocĂȘ coordena os dois movimentos, esfregando o clitĂłris inchado na mesma velocidade em que engole o pau grosso. jeno sentiu o orgasmo bater na porta quando notou vocĂȘ se masturbando, rebolando em seus dedos. ele retirou o pau da sua boca, esfregando a cabecinha em seus lĂĄbios e, posteriormente, metendo para dentro outra vez. nĂŁo demorou muito tempo para que ele sentisse que ia chegar lĂĄ. ele se afastou brevemente, se masturbando rente ao seu rostinho; vocĂȘ com os olhos entreabertos, gemendo manhosinha.
— neno... – gemeu chorosa, sentindo o prĂłprio orgasmo. as pernas tremeram e vocĂȘ as fechou involuntariamente.
— nĂŁo aguentou esperar nĂ©, desesperada? Ă© uma putinha necessitada. nĂŁo conseguiu esperar o neno gozar e jĂĄ esfregou essa bocetinha gostosa. – ele disse, grosso.
em poucos segundos, ele gozou. sua boca entreaberta conseguiu captar alguma coisa, mas o seu rosto agora estava todo sujo, lotado de porra, vocĂȘ ama. ele estapeia sua bochecha suja com o pau ainda duro. vocĂȘ retira os dedos molhados de dentro do short e mistura o prĂłprio mel com a porra dele, levando os dĂ­gitos para a prĂłpria boca. depois, vocĂȘ se coloca de pĂ© com dificuldade.
— toda suja por sua causa, neno. toda molhadinha. – vocĂȘ sussurra, sorrindo em seguida. — provei o suficiente? – ele morde o seu lĂĄbio inferior e te conduz para o banco do carona do carro, com certeza, esse foi o inĂ­cio da noite.
— Ă© pouco pra mim, gracinha. 'cĂȘ vai me provar direito quando me deixar arrombar essa sua bocetinha apertada.
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drivezonecz · 7 months ago
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blorbette · 1 year ago
the urge to delete all my old art on my tumblr blog bc its so not my style anymore and its making me ITCHY
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edsonjnovaes · 2 years ago
Erwin Komenda viveu no topo do panteĂŁo do mundo criativo de Ferdinand Porsche, com todas as suas inĂșmeras permutaçÔes. Como engenheiro e metalĂșrgico, Komenda se aprofundou na criação de vĂĄrios automĂłveis extremamente importantes do sĂ©culo 20, e seu legado de design permanece formidĂĄvel quase 60 anos apĂłs sua morte. Alexander Gromow –  AUTOentusiastas. 15/05/2023 Acervo famĂ­lia Komenda  Nascido

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aviscarrentals · 3 months ago
don't cry for me, argentina
franco colapinto x driver!reader
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fic synopsis: franco and reader have been friends for years, since they began karting against each other as kids and have always been attached at the hip. now they've both landed their dream, a full-time seat in formula 1. will their relationship friendship survive the newfound pressure? will it fall apart? or will it turn into something even better?
changes my delusional ass decided to make:
franco got the second audi seat au
yuki to red bull au (i had to give pookie the promotion, sorry checo fans)
max and franco are kinda besties because of reader lol
about reader:
reader drives for rb w liam lawson
20 y/o
2024 f2 champion and roty (takes place in the 2025 season)
daughter of 1996 wdc for williams (sorry mr. hill, you've been replaced)
just like mick and max, reader's father was teammates with jos verstappen, so reader has grown up with max as kind of like an older brother figure (they both just have daddy issues)
kinda grumpy x sunshine except she's just kind of a no bullshit personality iykwim (the media's #1 opp, max really rubbed off on her 😔💔)
a little bit insane though, so her and franco match each other's freaks
she's also canonically the leader of the op81 fan club. this is mostly irrelevant, but 100% canon.
tws: christian horner (my apologies), eventual angst, 90% of it will just be pure bullshit and tomfoolery icl, f1 related injuries, the slowest of burns (the flame tis but a softly glowing ember when our tale commences), stupid dumb idiots in love, i have resigned to using y/n because i have no capacity for creativity
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kzlove · 1 year ago
handle you
syn -> eren proves that he can handle you.
warnings : smut, squirting, creampie, thick black reader, weed and alcohol usage, unprotected sex, spit, not proofread; just nasty
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you were laying in bed with your led lights on, tv playing music softly from its speakers.
frank ocean, flo mili, sza, steve lacy, kali uchis, and whoever fit their way into the mood.
it was definitely past twelve o clock now, but you didn't feel even a bit of tired.
you take a couple pictures and post it on instagram, labeling it as 'bored' before posting.
you see a lot of your homegirls like it immediately, but of course they all was doing something.
sasha had a class to go to in the morning, annie was exhausted from work, pieck was with her boyfriend.
the only person that didn't heart it was mikasa, and that was probably because she was with her boyfriend too.
you drop your phone down and roll your eyes, deciding to begin working on your assignment due next week.
but you don't have to mess with it for long.
your phone buzzes next to you, gaining your attention from the laptop. an instagram notification.
onyandrift replied to your story : smoke sesh? wtw
you roll your eyes, recognizing the username as your boy best friend.
the two of you use to kick it with each other all the time, and even spent a few nights at his house over the summer in high school.
but you fell off, cause eventually he got a girlfriend and started to stream games and a bunch of other nonsense.
around that same time, you started focusing more on yourself.
loveyn : lame booooo loveyn : ion got weed to share w u
onyandrift : girl you nvr do onyandrift : i'm providing onyandrift : come kick it w me n a few of my hbs
loveyn : uhm loveyn : you think i wanna be around bare niggas tn??
onyandrift : stop yappin and get dressed im omw
you roll your eyes at the text and sigh, checking the weather.
it wasn't gonna be too cold, so you settled for this and grabbed your phone charger and lip gloss.
onyankopon doesn't live far, so it doesn't surprise you when you hear his audi a6 make that annoying popping noise outside your house.
you groan in annoyance and grab a water bottle before stepping outside, immediately walking to the car.
"why the fuck you still got that shit bruh?" you complain, climbing into the front seat.
he had on his essentials hoodie and black sweatshorts, grey yeezy slides on and a velvet durag.
he shoots you a grin before he takes takes your things and puts it in the backseat like he always did.
during your senior year, he had you sit outside with him in the hot ass sun while he put something on his car to make it noisy as hell.
he did explain what it was, but it wasn't like you really cared so you ignored him.
you didn't expect him to still have it though.
"who all gon be up in there ony?" you ask once he makes it to the stop light.
onyankopon sits back in his seat and things, rubbing the stubble on his face in fake thought.
"don't know." he fakes, before driving off when the light turns green.
you groan in annoyance, fixing your hair and at least making sure you looked good.
when you make it, he grabs your things and tells you to head to the backyard where everyone else is.
you follow his instructions, grumbling about how he had better sprayed all the mosquitos.
everyone was back there like he said they were.
it was armin, jean, mikasa, onyan's girlfriend zara, and some guy you don't recall ever seeing.
"hey girl! come sit!" mikasa grins, swinging her legs off jean and patting the seat beside her.
it happened to be between her and the random guy.
he didn't pick his head up to greet you or even look at you, tapping away at his phone.
'rude ass' you thought to yourself, sitting next to mikasa with a bit of a stank face.
she follows your view, and sighs, leaning back. "don't mind him. he just don't wanna be outside." mikasa reassures.
you roll your eyes and fix yourself, saying hi to everyone else.
onyankopon joins you all in the back with all the spliffs he had rolled after hitting everyone up.
sooner or later, lost by frank ocean was playing lowly on the speaker and you were all on your third spliff.
"this would be so much better if we had drinks." mikasa complained, leaning back onto jean.
he ignores her, because everyone knows how nasty she gets when she's drunk and high.
"fuck that. some fucking food would be amazing." armin huffed out smoke, handing the spliff over to zara.
everyone groaned in agreement, and you were the only one to get up with a hum.
you don't miss the way a pair of eyes trace your body as you stretch and fix your pants.
"finna go find sum in the kitchen for us to eat." you grumble, venturing into the house.
you close the screen door behind you and look through his cabinets with a frown, fixing your hair out of your face.
the sliding door to the backyard slides open and closed, making you turn to the sound.
it was the silent guy, eren, you learned his name was.
and now you could see him in proper light.
he wore a grey hoodie and a pair of baggy sweats, long hair pulled into a up and down.
you had to admit that he was fine, his wife beater seeming tight around his chest.
and green eyes staring you the fuck down.
"can i help you?" you question rudely, turning back to the fruit snacks in the pantry.
"maybe you can." he responds, and you hear him approach you.
now you know your position could be taken as anything but innocent, bent over inside a pantry.
you stand up straight and face him, looking him up and down. you weren't know easy bitch, and you won't be treated as such.
"you can't handle me." you complain, pulling your phone out and grab the whole box of fruit snacks.
he takes the box from you and puts it on the counter, smirking just a little bit at you.
"you don't think so?" eren questions, tilting his head teasingly.
you scoff, jabbing your nail into his chest harshly until he backed up.
"trust me, baby. i know." you grab the fruit snacks up and join everyone else.
"nah don't run now. thought i couldn't handle you?" eren grinned down at you cockily.
you were bent over onyankopon's guest bed, back arched and face smushed into the sheets.
one thing is for certain, you shouldn't have picked up that fucking cup.
mikasa brought out the liquor and poured everyone a cup.
which led to everyone spending the night at ony's house and crashing in every room.
mikasa and jean took the game room in the basement, ony and zara obviously took his room, while armin crashed on the long L shaped couch with eren.
or well, he should've.
you couldn't stop teasing him in that stupid fucking graphic tee ony lent you for the night.
which led you here, under eren's strong hold and getting your pussy pounded something serious.
"ooouu why you fucking me like this?" you whine out a bit too loud, reaching back to press on his stomach.
but eren shut that down immediately, slapping your hand away and stuffing all eight inches in your gut.
"all fucking talk." eren grumbles to himself, angling his hips upwards and fucking you even harder.
at this angle, his fat tip was slamming right into your g-spot.
your jaw goes slack in a silent scream as you push your ass back onto him, holding onto the pillow.
eren grins over you, slapping the flesh connecting your waist to your thighs.
"good girl.. take this fucking dick." eren grunts out, obsessed with the way your ass ricocheted off his abs.
"wait wait wait! m'gonna make a mess!" you pleaded with him, grabbing his strong arms.
hearing that only made him speed up, staring directly at your pussy as it clenched around him.
you screamed into the pillow, squirting harshly onto the sheets beneath you.
eren pulls out to watch, catching his breath and clapping your ass cheeks together.
when you catch your breath, you turn your head to figure out why he was so quiet behind you.
he stared back at you, before chuckling lightly. "onyankopon is gonna fuck us up." he joked, flipping you onto your back.
you rolled your eyes and get comfortable, staring at him from behind your lashes.
"not us. you. i told you i'd make a mess." you shoot back, letting him lift your legs up.
"uh huh. sure." eren says, not even listening to you as he pushes right back inside of you.
in this position, he reaches deeper inside of you and it makes you whine again.
you can't even think of a remark to say back, because his pace picks up once more.
eren wraps his hand around your throat and leans in, spitting in your mouth.
you accept it gratefully, swallowing and pulling him down to kiss him.
eren groans into the kiss, rutting into harder and rubbing your clit in rough circles.
you moan out, arching your back and grabbing his hand.
"fuck.. gonna make me nut in this pussy." eren groans out, moving his hand off your throat and kissing just below your ear.
you squeeze your eyes shut at the pleasure, bucking your hips weakly into him.
what he says doesn't register in your brain, your head going foggy as all you could focus on was how good he was fucking you.
eren starts to mumble something you don't hear clearly, bucking into you wildly.
you cum around him again, locking your knees behind him and digging your nails into his back.
eren groans in your ear, hips stuttering as he shoots thick, hot ropes into your sensitive pussy.
you flinch and whine lightly at the feeling, playing with his hair.
the two of you lay in your combined juices, still coming down from your highs.
eventually, eren turns his head to face you and grins.
"i gotta buy you a plan b?" he questions, rubbing your thigh in slow circles to get your full attention.
you shake your head and close your eyes. "i'm on birth control." you inform, taking a look at your nails.
"you gotta pay for my lashes and nails tho. got me fucked up." you grumble, looking at your broken index nail and missing pinky.
eren laughs at that, pulling out and climbing off the bed to pull his boxers back on.
"can't handle you my ass. don't ever let me hear you say that shit again girl." eren teases, helping you off the bed.
loud knocks make the two of you freeze, grabbing the sheets to cover your still naked.
a loud voice rings out from behind, making you remember exactly where you two were.
"aye make sure yall niggas clean up and take that fucking sheet home! got me fucked up, fucking in my house like that!" onyankopon complains, before walking off.
eren looks back at you with a grin, before slapping the fat of your thigh playfully.
he's never letting you stay over again.
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