#audhd bf + autistic gf
book-lover85 · 2 months
Awkward Keefe Sencen <3333
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buggiiguts · 1 year
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Audhd gf x autistic bf power couple
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punkeropercyjackson · 20 days
Percy Jackson has tgirl swag
Potrayed as the best hero ever in-universe because she defies traditional manhood and it's just who she is and can't help being which doubles as autistic/audhd with no masking ability coding and irl transfeminism and autism largely overlap
Nonstop abused by men her whole life and a mama's girl who's friends were all girls growing up except an effeminate boy she stood up for against bullies and has a magic mental link with from how close they are in completely platonic friendship and a canon gay boy who had a crush on her until he realized she's not the ideal man he thought she was and she compared her treatment of him to acting like a/her mom and they have the middle brother/eldest daughter dynamic
Wears hoodies all the time
Dad is Poseidon-the sea has a lot of femininity to it and he told her 'the sea does not like to be restrained'
Punk but subculturally instead of an aesthetic poser
Gender envy towards Thalia and Annabeth,who is punk in lifestyle AND aesthetic and who is described as 'like a princess'(Poseidon is the king of Atlantis so Percy is an actual princess)
Thalia has tgirl swag too and Annabeth is played by Leah Jeffries in the show while Book!Percy is black-coded
Dated Rachel,a girlypop neurotic activist artist,but they broke up on good terms and became even closer friends afterwards
Horse girl with a transmasc Horse(Blackjack was a mare in Som but a stallion in TTC)
Her foil,Luke,is a physically abled allistic conventionally attractive blonde blue eyed cishet white man that constantly talked down to her about how he's more of a radicalist than her and had a harder life even though he was sheltered in a literal fantasy land for years where everybody worshipped him while Percy grew up friendless,poor,abused by her stepdad and bullied at her schools to the point she got kicked of 6 at 12 for how much of a bully beater she was and is an anarchist and intersectionalist with an overt sense of community and 11+ books worth of street cred and he was also a serial pedophile and had a lot of subtext of being into her and parallels to his relathionships with his other victims
Her other side of the same coin is Jason,an ex-wolfkid turned dorky team dad who's a paragon of positive and healthy masculininity and his arc is about creating a new self after loosing his old one everybody in his original life knows but he dosen't and they instantly became best friends with romantic chemistry out of being opposites yet the same and their friends poke fun at them for how obvious and quickly they got attached and they're black cat gf x golden retriver bf,Team Parents,hothead gf x chill bf and most popular guy x outcast girl where the girl is actually way cooler and Jason's butch ex-girlfriend said Percy is unimpressive in terms of masculinity compared to him
And Percy's other pseudo-kid(and Jason's)alongside Nico is Hazel,who's got the classic 'ressurection as a metaphor for transition' storyline and her femininity including how she acts alongside the gender presentation part is baby black transfem supreme and her life was basically a 40s version of Percy's earlier life
Loves burgers,skateboarding and cartoons
Obsessed with blue,considered a 'boy' color but it comes from her mom
Would totes have a blahaj and a strong video games interest.You see it too,right?
Men describe her as intimidating and off-putting,women describe her as enchanting and comforting(/ref to that fish meme)
Implied to want to present femininely at multiple points but dosen't reach out of fear of being ridiculed because she's 'supposed' to be male
Is the 'cool hot alt girl with a snarky bitter outside and a soft gooey inside who's the Team Mom and super capable and experienced' trope
But everybody in the fandom turns her into the 'Just Some Boy dumbass boyloser manchild' trope so they can deny she's unconventional and expectional
Named Percy.Percy isn't a greek name or a geek name,it's a girl name
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rxin3akamallory · 1 year
Rocket/Magril HCs because I’m obsessed with them!
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(Doodle of Rocket n Magril based on one of @glow-autumz’s Rocket/Reader scenarios lmao)
So for those wondering why Magril’s right eye is all gray, it’s because it’s a camera lens. I cant draw for shit so I didn’t do a good job making that obvious lmao but anyways! She has a personal collection of videos and photos she’s captured of Rocket via her eye. She’s definitely threatened to show the other guardians more embarrassing photos of Rocket as a joke. Whenever Rocket’s out on a mission without Magril, she would look through some of the photos and videos of him whenever she feels anxious or lonely without him.
Rocket calls Magril “whiskers” to mess with her sometimes, and in turn, Magril would bring back the “Trash Panda” nickname and he immediately shuts up. (Edit: I left it saying trans panda on accident for a while instead of trash panda. Idk why that’s so funny to me help-)
Magril helped Rocket take care of Groot 2 during his baby and teen stages. She’s become Groot 2’s surrogate mother figure along with Gamora.
They both LOVE head scratches!
Magril is the autistic gf and Rocket is the AuDHD (autistic/adhd) bf!!
One of Magril’s stims is touching/petting soft things. She LOVES feeling Rocket’s fur. Even when they’re holding paws, she traces circles with her thumb on his paw to feel the fur. When Magril is overstimulated or experiencing anxiety, Rocket lets her bury her face in the fur on his neck. Magril just finds Rocket’s fur very comforting in general.
Magril HATES her laugh, but Rocket absolutely adores it. He would go out of his way sometimes just to make het laugh. It was during Vol. 2 where he first fell in love with it. When Yondu, Rocket, Baby Groot, and Magril are on the ravager ship, in a room full of security cameras, Yondu and Rocket start laughing as they’re taking out ravager after ravager. Magril starts laughing as well. Rocket hadn’t seen her have that much fun and look so happy in a long, long time.
In the films, Rocket and Magril become official during the climax of Vol. 2. Rocket is about to leave the ship to help Quill outside. Magril was injured when the ravagers captured her and Rocket, almost killing her, so she is told to stay inside with Yondu and Nebula. Magril wishes Rocket good luck and thanks him for saving her from being killed. Rocket replies with “In the likely event this whole bomb plan backfires, here.” He suddenly kisses Magril’s cheek. “That’s for keeping me in check.” Rocket was about to turn around only to be yanked back by Magril and pulled into a kiss. When they pull away, Magril says “You better hope your plan doesn’t backfire then.”
Rocket has a hard time sleeping alone because he got used to cuddling up to Floor every night. First, Groot 1 filled that hole, but then his sacrifice happened. Magril is now the one that fills that hole.
Magril is a Dolly Parton listener and Rocket is a Glen Campbell listener!!
Mfs got matching blankets fr!!
Rocket calls Magril “Doll”, “Dollface”, “Hun”, “Sweetheart”, and “Love.” Magril calls Rocket “Rock”, “Rocky”, “Rocketman”, and “Sweetheart” and “Love”
I gotta make more at some point!! They’re so silly like aaa! *giggles, squeals, kicks feet*
☆彡 @raccoonfallsharder
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