#auch wenn jetzt erstmal auto abholen und essen kochen und essen dazwischen gekommen sind
daughterofhecata ยท 10 months
3 9 12 14 16? c:
[fic writer asks]
3. Something you wish a commenter had called attention to, but got ignored.
There's A Lot in Necessary Tragedies that... I didn't really expect anyone to get, but I did hope a little that at least some of the references to music would be noticed. But if they have been, no one told me :(
9. What's your fandom's most overused trope?
Hmmm, not sure I can think of anything, because those I hate I have filtered so I can't tell how often they show up. (But one I have personal beef with is "Justus is stashed *somewhere* so Peter & Bob have to investigate on their own and can get ~closer~ to each other" ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™„)
12. What writing rule do you refuse to break?
New paragraph for new speaker. Ideally new paragraph every time a new "thought" is introduced.
14. What aspect of writing have you had the most growth in?
Intentionality, maybe? I still have a LONG way to go there, but I have been able to do things with a lot more intent than I used to.
16. What's the most ridiculous thing you've done to put off actually writing?
Chores? Just sat on the couch doing nothing instead? I don't do much crazy stuff ๐Ÿ™ˆ
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