#au; Swyn Warriors
sebastian-morey · 2 years
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Name: Leopardnose (Sebastian Morey)  Age: 30 moons Clan: Forestclan Rank: Warrior  Mate: None (so far ;) ) Apprentice/Mentor/Kits: TBD Beliefs: Sebastian believes in Starclan but maybe not to the extent they are portrayed to be. He’ll follow the customs and hopes that they actually do what the legends say, but... sometimes he has his doubts.  Skills: Great tracking skills! Leopardnose will sniff you out before anyone else and don’t even think about running away because he can track you down in an instant! If...his allergies don’t act up first.  Appearance: Dark reddish brown Bengal cat with distinct Bengal markings and three stripes extending onto his forehead. Very long white whiskers, white muzzle. Brownish/red eyes. He’s missing a large chunk from his right ear and has a scar that extends down from said ear to just about his eye from a nasty run in with two-legs when he was a kit. 
Leopardnose was well loved. He knew that from the beginning. His mama was a strong and courageous warrior, along with his father. They both were stars, role models and his heroes. He’d been so afraid his parents would cast him aside when he started developing allergy problems from a few moons, thinking they’d find him unworthy to continue serving in the clan and as their kit - however they never gave up on him. Instead working with the medics to find ways to keep his reactions down and focus on mentoring him to better his tracking and hunting. 
It hadn’t even been in a battle for the clan that his family suffered the most.
 Instead - they’d gone on a scout along the perimeter of the trails. It hadn’t been but a few moments into their trip when they heard the uproar from a bunch of young two-legs that had quickly stormed the area. Unfortunately their intentions were not for the good of heart. 
He’d returned to the outskirts of the Forestclan alone - covered in the warmth of his own blood - Batheart had been the first one to find him when he collapsed just shy of the territory. Ever since that day, though he’d lost his blood family - a new bond had been forged in Batheart’s. His mother had taken Leopardnose in like one of her own kits (something she’d done many times before), and while Leopardnose’s heart still ached with the loss of his closest loved ones, the hole would slowly be patched up with the love he shared for his new family. 
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notmuchofatail · 2 years
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Name: Cypresstail Formerly Julius (Gregory Eeyore) Age: 19 Moons Clan: Forestclan Rank: Warrior/Mentor Mate: N/A Apprentice: Wrenpaw  Beliefs: Having been a kittypet, Cypresstail has a very loose understanding of the Warrior beliefs when it comes to the Starclan. He doesn’t really have any evidence to doubt it from what he sees and hears but he’s just going with the flow when it comes to that. Otherwise - he has a very fond feeling towards other clans (perhaps naïve) because he believes they all must be friendly! They’re all in the same paws, after all!  Skills: Stealth. Cypresstail has an incredibly soft gait among his climbing skills. With his delicate steps, you never hear him coming, making him a great lookout and an even better scout. Appearance: Bright orange/red tom cat coat, medium length fur with a bushy tail. Bright dark blue eyes and a single white sock on his front right paw.
Story so far…: Looking back, Cypresstail doesn’t remember much from being a kit - except all of his brothers and sisters playing together in a small dark area, huddling together underneath shelter when it rained and getting to frollic in tall grass when it was sunny. He remembered his mother in brief memories- always having to come back for him when he wandered off too far and always giving him a sharp nip whenever he stopped too long to sniff at a frog or a butterfly. He’d always been too curious. He supposed that was why one day an old woman picked him up and cooed some weird sounds at him before taking him back to a much bigger and brighter home. 
He never saw his siblings or his mother again after that day - instead he saw the woman. At first he’d been terrified, huddling in the corner, hissing and scratching. The tall woman seemed unmoved by his threats though. Instead trying each and every day to get closer to him, offering food and delicious smelling treats. Soon...he stopped hissing. Started approaching her and accepting her offers of food and comfort. She easily found that great spot behind his ears to pet, just like his mother used to scratch when she groomed him. He also found her lap to be as soft and warm as his mom’s. Her games as fun as his siblings’. Quickly he grew to love the woman very much - and in return was gifted the name of Julius, one he so easily came running to in response at every call. 
He didn’t know how many moons he spent with her - but one day, she’d acted different. Sad. Sick. Her pets slower, her hand shaky. Then one day she didn’t pet him at all. He’d bolted out the door when the strange smelling intruders came - running and running from his safety until he’d found himself in unfamiliar territory all alone once more ... or so he’d thought. 
Instead of danger however, Julius found yet another family to call his own. A place kind enough to welcome him in and now he was returning that gift in every way he could, doing his best to work hard for his clan and to teach what little skills he has to share - even if he doesn’t quite understand it. 
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