xeyeun · 1 year
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♡ 10-?-22 | Vampire sona au thing ehehe ♡
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clock-corpse · 1 year
what's our resident vampire slayer up to?
Assuming you mean this one...
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She's currently stalking the streets of London, looking for her next target. It's a game that she has to play carefully, lest she get caught. Vampires are smart, after all. Well, the important ones are.
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granatkoroleva · 1 year
𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞!𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠!𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧!𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞!𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬
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Created for my series ‘Interview To Be My Vampire //
Bingo fill: AU:Vampire | @allcapsbingo | Card #AC1094
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morse-body · 2 months
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AU:Vampire shigaraki
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mollyoddled · 4 years
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the prewetts as vampires
“I just wanted you to live forever.”
@xparecivm @bcatibellicosi
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minjoonrecs · 5 years
whoops! sorry for not being specific. any kind of monster really! vampire, werewolf, strange monster, i don’t care! ☺️
Tear you apart | One-Shot | 2,9k | by sweetsugadaddyVampire!Namjoon x Human!Jimin→When Namjoon wakes up, something stirs in his stomach, something hot and needy that can only be fulfilled by drinking fresh human blood.
Love Bite | Series | 120k | by @softjeon & @cassiavioletblueVampire!Namjoon x Human!Jimin→ “You’re right. I was lying. I didn’t want to scare you. But I guess there’s not much to do now, right? I’ll tell you the truth,” Namjoon spoke softly, the grip around Jimin’s wrists loosened a little but not enough to free himself, “…because you deserve it, because I pull you into a lot of shit right now just by being here. I am a vampire, Jimin.”
from the razor to the rosary | One-Shot | 3,1k | by imotikonVampire!/Demon!Namjoon x Human!Jimin→Namjoon is a monster in both name and deed. Jimin is a man - flesh and blood, mortal and fallible.
The other side | One-Shot | 7k | by @chimknjDemon!Namjoon x Human!Jimin→Nobody knew what was on the other side of the clearing. Jimin will eventually find out.
Immortal Mate | Series | 9,8k | by btsMafiaWerewolf!Jimin x Vampire!Namjoon→ Jimin is a werewolf with no filter, who can’t shift, and has a big ass mouth for someone who’s more on the short side. He just so happens to be Namjoon’s mate. Namjoon’s very sexy mate, thank you very much.
- Admin J
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chanbaekhub · 5 years
How to Become a Soulless Monster
Author: minwhore
Length: One Shot
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13
Genre: vampire au, mystery
Summary: At night, in the shadows of the church, a vampire sat.
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sebaekficrec · 6 years
a prisoner to my addiction
Author: zyximb / awkward-asshole
Genre: Romance, Smut, Vampire!AU
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Kinks: Violence, Blood
Length: Chaptered 
sehun knows it's not safe for them to stay in town anymore. not with the humans on high alert after the number of dead bodies have been rising. he knows they need to leave soon before they get caught, but his fixation with a certain human has him questioning his self control.
(Read)(AO3 link)
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imjadebeom · 7 years
A Love to Kill Pt. 1/?
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Title: A Love to Kill (courtesy of @jj-nyoung) Author: Me, imjadebeom Pairing: Jaebum x Reader Genre: Horror (Vampire AU) Word Count: About 1.6k words Warning: Some blood and stuff??? Not sure if it will ever get sexually explicit but I will keep you posted with a warning for each chapter. Summary: You have been severely injured and rescued by a beautiful man. You cannot remember anything prior to the accident. Will you be able to remember your past before it’s too late? Part: (1), 2, 3, 4, 5
Moodboard is mine and you can find that here (it was also this inspo for this story)
You wake up in a pitch black room. It smells musty, your head is pounding. “Where am I…,”  you thought. Your brain starts searching for anything that could shed some light as to how you got here. It almost feels as if someone dropped a pile of papers inside your mind. Just tiny bits of memory that your mind is struggling to piece together. You touch your head to feel a bandage and a sharp pain. How did this happen?
You’re quickly snapped out of your internalized distress when you hear the click of a lock and light shines brightly into the room. Your retinas burn as the scorching bright light pierces the darkness of the room you’re sitting in. Eyes adjusting slowly, he appears in front of you. He was quite literally the physical definition of “tall, dark and handsome”. His cologne hits you and he smells so sweet. It’s almost enough to lure you in until your brain starts sending out signals of distress. Heart racing, beads of sweat forming, goosebumps raised on your arm, adrenaline rushing. Who is this man?
His voice breaks the deafening silence. “How are you feeling?” His voice was smooth like honey, there were no breaks. He was confident and intimidating. His eyes had this piercing look that could intimidate the most terrifying of beasts. You tried to ask him where you were but all that came out were these tiny squeaks. There was a lump in your throat and no matter how hard you tried, it kept your voice trapped inside you with no way of escape.
“Are you going to answer me or are you going to continue to sit on the floor, squeaking at me?” His eyes got darker and his voice got louder. His tone was raucous and you flinched as he spat his words at you in distaste. Every syllable felt like a swift jab to your gut.
“Who are you?” Your voice was small and you did not dare to make direct eye contact. You felt as small as you sounded and wished more than anything in the world that he would avert his glare somewhere else.
“My name is Im Jaebum. You were hiking out in the woods and you slipped. You hit your head on a rock pretty hard. My house was nearby so I brought you here” His words rang in your ears. Hiking? Slipped? Even though you couldn’t recall a single memory, not even your own name, this didn’t sound right. However, with your memory gone, who were you to tell him he was wrong? “Come with me, we need to find you somewhere warm to stay.” Was this wishful thinking or did his tone feel warm and his eyes inviting? You would take anything over the angered response you received a moment ago. You follow him out of the room into a brightly lit hallway. The adrenaline was the only thing carrying you forward.
This house was really top of the line. Everything inside looked like it cost a fortune. He turns around to see your baffled expression and he lets out a small laugh. “Are you always this dumbfounded or is this your first time seeing a house?” You could tell he was joking but he had a rude sense of sarcasm that seemed to rub you the wrong way.
“I’m just wondering how someone your age was able to afford such an expensive interior design,” you said with a bit of poison in your tone. He hardly flinched at your retort and turned around to continue walking. What were you thinking? You can’t just speak to a stranger in that tone. Especially when they are the person who saved you from dying in the woods.
You stop at a long spiral staircase. “Your room will be upstairs. Do you think you can climb up?” You looked up hesitantly at the staircase, which, appeared endless as your head was already starting to swim. Now that you’ve gotten a grip on yourself, the adrenaline was starting to leave your system and your body was aching terribly. You felt an intense throbbing pain in your temples and ankle. The exhaustion instantly took over. As you came down from the adrenaline high, your vision starts to fade. You see the mildly horrified expression on his face as you collapsed onto the floor. You felt the intense pain and cried out. Your vision cuts in and out as Jaebum quickly comes to your side, his voice echoing loudly in your ears. The last thing you see is a small puddle of your blood on the floor before it all fades to black.
You jolted forward out of your bed as you felt a horrible searing pain in your head. You had a dream that gave you this feeling that you were trying so hard to remember something. It all ended so quickly that you can’t remember the dream or what you wanted so badly to remember.  You look over to you right as you hear trickling water. All you see is Jaebum sitting there with a bowl of water, a washcloth, some bandages, and antiseptics. “Good morning,” he says a little too monotonously. “We have to clean you up a bit” He moves towards you so that he can remove the soiled bandage from your head and he is struck with a very serious expression that sends prickles down your back. Creepy. However, as soon as his expression arrived, it was gone and he reaches to your head will the cool washcloth. He starts to treat your injury carefully, eyeing you through the entire process.
You were closer to him than you had ever been and your heart was racing. This time, it wasn’t fear. He was kind of cute. Well, cute didn’t even begin to describe Jaebum. In the light, he was beautiful. Not a flaw on his face as if he had been sculpted by Michelangelo himself. You look into his eyes which were soft, warm and inviting. He had two tiny freckles on his left eyelid. The only mark on an otherwise perfect canvas. His hair was inky black, parted to the side with just a tiny bit of wave to indicate a natural (yet polished) bed head. He smelled amazing. His scent was sweet and was unlike anything you’d ever smelled before. Almost like it was a cologne made just for him (although, with as much money as he appeared to have, you never know). His smile was beautiful with soft, delicate lips framing it. You couldn’t stop staring at him.
“Hello? Anyone there?” You break your stare and realize he’s speaking to you. “Sorry to disturb your daydream but are you okay in there? Do you need some painkillers?” He looked genuinely worried. This side of Jaebum was extremely different from your first impression of him.
“Yes, the pain is a bit much.” You mumbled, averting your eyes.
“Stay right here and I’ll be back. Hold this cloth to your head but don’t apply too much pressure” Your hands touch as he puts the cold cloth in your hand but you flinch from the site of the blood on the washcloth and from the chill of his hands. You shut your eyes and put the cloth to your head as he exits the room.
A few minutes pass and Jaebum still wasn’t back. After waiting around a bit longer, the cloth became blood soaked. In a panic, you get up to go find him but collapse on the floor. You let out a shriek as your ankle shot pain up and into your leg. Jaebum rushes back into the room to find you on the floor. “I told you not to move, didn’t I? How hard is it to just listen to simple instruction?” This was the man you were first acquainted with. Gruff, rude and condescending. You notice some blood on his cheek and reach for his face. He slaps your hand away quickly and your hand stings from the slap. “What are you doing? Don’t touch me” His words like a dagger.
“You just had some blood on your face…” You felt queasy looking at it but, you couldn’t help but stare. Was that your blood? When did it get on his cheek? How did it get on his cheek? You swear it wasn’t there when he left the room earlier.
He picks you up roughly and put you back into bed, wrapping and bandaging your head up without uttering a single word. The warm Jaebum was gone and in his place was a very rude, cold husk. As he was finishing up, your head starts to feel like it’s splitting. You start to remember. Before it ends, all you see is someone bashing you over the head. You quickly flinch away from Jaebum with a horrified look on your face.
“What do you remember?” His expression goes back to threatening and your adrenaline rushes again. You try to get away from him but he’s too quick. He has your arms and he’s on top of you, pinning you down. You can’t move a muscle. He’s unbelievably strong. “It’s not what you think. Your memories aren’t what you think. This isn’t how it seems”. He looks feral. His neatly parted bangs are now shadowing his eyes which are glaring at you. You’re more terrified than ever. You feel panicked as you realize this is it. You’ve been kidnapped and this is how you die. You close your eyes and wait for the end.
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you better sink your teeth before i disappear
Author: mirrorofprinces
Length: Oneshot, 3k Words (Completed)
Rating: M
Genre: Modern AU, Vampire AU
“This is recklessness,” he states coolly. “It is ill-advised, dangerous, impulsive—” Wei Ying slams the glass onto the bartop. A few curious eyes look their way, and the bartender frowns, but at least it shuts Lan Zhan up. “Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying says through gritted teeth. “Enough. It was a joke, okay? I go to these gross clubs to get gross men to buy me drinks when my bank account is overdrawn, and I know I told you that I had some savings after I got fired last week but it’s not gonna be enough, and I just need to pretend I’m not a massive f*ck-up for one night. So I know this is a vamp-enthusiast club, but I’m not actually trying to get fangbanged,” he hisses.
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wangxianfics · 4 years
Title: Phantom Leashes 🩸🖤
Author: mondengel ( @mondengel )
Universe: Canon Divergence / Vampires AU
Status: Complete
Rating: Explicit
Length: Middle (3+K)
It was a good thing Lan Xichen was born first.
Recommended by: @shamelesswngxian
Wei WuXian was perpetually hungry.
Lan Qiren saw him sliding slowly into starvation and felt tension draw through his bones like an overdrawn bow about to crack. His fingers itched for his sword every moment Wei WuXian was in his sight.  He let himself fantasize about shoving it through his heart and putting an end to him as he never allowed himself with Lan Wangji.
Watching Wei WuXian’s every move, the magnetic fascination that kept his eyes pinned to Lan Wangji was all too apparent. As was the answering look in Lan Wangji’s eyes as he watched him in turn. The inhuman stillness that overcame them as their eyes locked, short and sharp in the classroom (nearly making him stumble in his lecture as he anticipated one of them lunging at the other), a long, lingering stare down in more secluded places. Always Wei WuXian would dissolve the tension with some laughing remark and throw himself at his nephew as if the minutes before had never happened.
Lan Qiren had feared they would fight, territorial like beasts. What destruction and bloodshed would they wreak across the Cloud Recesses if they did? He’d kept an eye on them, fretted and followed until he had the misfortune to be there when the tension finally snapped instead of dissipating.
In the middle of the night he came upon them locked together, blood a spreading stain at Lan Wangji’s collar where Wei WuXian’s teeth had sunk in as they tugged and shoved at each other in staggering circles around the garden path. The stone wall that bordered the Jingshi had cracked as Lan Wangji shoved Wei WuXian against the wall with a low rumbling noise in his throat, mouth descending to bite savagely into the junction of Wei WuXian’s neck and shoulder.
Thinking it was a fight, he’d started to rush closer until he realized the keening sound Wei WuXian was making was not pain. As Wei WuXian lifted his legs to wind around Lan Wangji’s waist and the push and pull motions between them began to take on a more purposeful rhythm, Lan Qiren ran from his nephew for a second time. Horrified.
WWX is a vampire and LQR hates all the vampires. But LWJ is a vampire as well, and so LQR is torn between love and hate for his nephew. This story is absolutely gripping and intriguing in the most deliciously eerie way 🖤.
(P.S.: You need to be logged in to read this fic.)
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serastarless · 4 years
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our ways are not your ways, & there shall be to you many strange things.      listen to them                               children of the night. what music they make.
@bataillexroyale @bcatibellicosi
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clock-corpse · 2 years
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hauntedblonde · 4 years
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‘how did you come to be this way?’
‘I hardly remember anymore.’
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@crookedbajorans, @fightbecky, and I have talked extensively about Vampire Charlotte/Werewolf Becky AU. I saw a prompt for a vampire truck driver. Different than what I usually write, for sure. And…
Relationship: Charlotte/Becky Lynch
Author’s Tags: rape mention, assault mention, Drugs mention, Vampires, Vampire AU, i really hope I tagged all the triggers, pls tell me if I didn’t, the adventures of vamp charlie and human becks
Word count: 3,026
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Author: Bexcellentaloy @bexcellentaloy
Being an immortal was boring and lonely. Charlotte takes to the open road to explore a little.
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minjoonrecs · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kim Namjoon | Rap Monster/Park Jimin Characters: Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Namjoon | Rap Monster Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Vampires, Demons, Mild Gore, Emotional Manipulation
Summary: Namjoon is a monster in both name and deed. Jimin is a man - flesh and blood, mortal and fallible.
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