#au lotor
hypfden · 5 months
Fem lotor looks like a lesbian.
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We like sketches?
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tricodekus · 6 months
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Here is everyone from my Voltron Olympic Games AU!
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minamorsart · 1 month
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A banished prince from a dominant empire and a lost princess from a fallen kingdom...💖💜
Lotura in Goryeo Dynasty clothing! Inspired by Scarlet Heart Ryeo~
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trivojol · 5 months
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Childhood friends (part1)
In this AU Keith is being raised in Zarkon's castle as the son of his loyal guard Krolia and is Lotor's only and best friend
Both of them are outcasts for being half Galras and share the same opinions about the ways the kingdom rules
They wish they could achieve peace one day...
♡Finally posted something for my best boys. Hope I can continue this
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lidoshka · 4 months
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have a Lotor and mermaid!Keith
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kalolasart · 7 days
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Lotura's date Modern AU
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artsy-alice · 2 years
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Shiro is away on a side-quest and when he returns his rival-turned-bro and his boyfriend have become besties.
sheith!Galavant AU but it's Lotor Happy To Have A New Friend
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atlas7seo · 1 month
Everytime I think I'm free, Voltron comes and grabs me in a choke hold. So I'm dragging yall down with me. Here's season summaries of the Voltron Rewrite I'm working on that has taken over my life. I call it my Bootstrap AU which will make sense later.
Inhales* yes this happening...
Season 1 -Defenders of the Universe
Garrison student(Lance, Hunk, and Pidge), expelled student Keith, and Lieutenant Shirogane suddenly find themselves in an alien castle courtesy of a giant Blue Mechnical Lion. Upon arrival they stumble into a 10,000 year long war against an Alien Race called the Galra. Voltron, an ancient weapon, is the only way to stop them, however, no one knows where it is. Follow the Crew aboard the Altean ship as they attempt to get the ship operational, track down lions, and discover their destiny as fated Paladins of Voltron all in a fight against the Galra. Season 1 ends with the Paladins forming Voltron for the first time and becoming Defenders of the Universe
Season 2 - The Voltron Coalition
Now that Voltron has finally been found and formed, the Paladins and Alteans attempt to form allies and liberate planets. Follow our crew as they free planets, negotiate with rebel forces, and infiltrate Galra occupation. All the while searching for a mysterious Ulaz who rescued Shiro and Ulaz's mysterious organization. Season 2 ends with the Paladins meeting the Blade of Marmora and one of their leaders, Lotor, disgraced Prince of the Galra.
(Let's address the elephant in the room. Lotor. Okay, so when I was planning my rewrite, I realized that Lotor is both so compelling and so flat. So, instead, in my rewrite, Lotor is a disgraced prince (still like the original). He sees how the empire is hurting his people who are just civilians, and when he tries to reason with his father, he is disgraced. Lotor didn't make the Blade, but he allied with them in an attempt to return the Galra to what they once were. Lotor is somewhat selfish because if it was between Galran citizens or another planet, he'd pick his people. He only rebelled because he saw how his father was hurting his people. He doesn’t actually care about the universe, his people are what he values, but that changes with *character growth*)
(Also Pidge has found Matt by the end of this season)
Season 3 - The Galran Empire
Season 3 follows our crew and the Voltron Coalition as they formulate plans to end the war at its head. They will form an alliance and plan with the Blade and Lotor. This will be an all out attack on Zarkon including the allies in the Coalition. Half the season will be the plan in motion with multiple parts in an attempt to finally stem the problem at its root. The season ends with Shiro and Lotor dealing the final blow on Zarkon and a rogue wormhole begins to pull him through, but in Zarkon's rage drags Shiro with him.
Season 4 - A New Era
With the loss of Shiro fresh in their minds, Voltron struggles to find stability in this new era. First they realize that despite Zarkon being defeated, the Galra empire is still a threat so they must be able to form Voltron again. *Cue lion switches no matter how much I hate them... Now the Paladins will be allied with Lotor as he attempts to claim the Galran Throne. Throughout they will face Haggar, Robeasts, and the dying flames of the Galran empire. During this chaotic period, they will searching for Shiro and Sam Holt. The season ends with the Kral Zera where Lotor ascends the throne.
Season 5 - Fires of Purification
After facing defeat during the Kral Zera, one of Zarkon's top generals, Sendak begins to gather the remaining "loyal Galra" including Haggar to form the Fires of Purification. This season will continue the search for Shiro and Sam while also being stuck in a Galran Civil War. Voltron, Lotor, and the Coalition fight to stop Sendak from gaining control of the Universe. The season ends with Sendak offering a trade. Shiro and Sam for Lotor. (Like in the actual season 5 because I liked what it did for the story). Voltron and Lotor form a plan and rescue them as Sendak retreats with his tail between his legs.
Season 6 - Moving Foward
With the win against the Fires and the return of Shiro and Sam, it seems things are looking up, but something isn't quite right. With little fanfare Sam chooses to return to Earth to prepare them for the universe. This season is mostly made up of interpersonal conflicts and "what now". The universe is mostly free save for a few pockets of Galra uprising that the Coalition can handle relatively easily without Voltron. The Paladins face the problem of what they should do now and if they can even go back to how things were before the war. While also worrying about Sendak and the remnants of the Fires of Purification. Throughout this, Shiro is also acting really weird. Cut to the real Shiro, but on a Space Whale. (Yes I'm bringing back the weird time distortion whale) When Zarkon grabbed Shiro they landed on a space Whale. So Shiro is trying to survive and get back to Voltron by himself with only Zarkon's corpse as company. Shiro is the one who discovers the Altean Colony (in my rewrite, Haggar is the one running the colony) and he then discovers Haggar's plan to trick Voltron with a clone of him. It's a mystery thriller season switching between the Paladins and the real Shiro as he desperately attempts to get back to his crew to warn them before its too late. The season ends with Shiro warning them too late and Haggar's plan succeeds. Voltron is torn from their allies and catapulted across the universe along with a lost Romelle.
Season 7 - Dead Sector 73
(Ok before I continue the summary, I'm going to explain what I did with Earth. So Weblums eat dead planets in order to use that quintessence to make new solar systems and planets. In my rewrite, Earth's solar system and the space sector around it was a series of dead planets Weblums ate a long time ago and Earth is the first planet to begin exhibiting life in this previous dead sector. Earth is the first living planet in Dead Sector 73. Okay now onto the season summary.)
Sam returns to Earth and begins preparing them for the Galaxy. Back to the Paladins, Haggar has successfully removed Voltron from the equation and begins to rally allies to the Galra's previous motives and moves to retake the universe. Voltron finds themselves lost in Dead Sector 73, a section of the universe Weblums have already eaten and has begun the process of life. They realize they can't reach their allies through comms or anything. But they notice they are somewhat close to Earth. So they set off to reach Earth in the hopes of communicating with the Coalition. When they reach Earth, however, they find Sendak has taken over Earth as a last ditch attempt to get revenge on the Paladins for destroying the empire. And on top of that, that they have been missing for nearly a year. (Weird time distortion stuff like the space whale because of the dead space). They also discover that Sendak is the reason they can't use their comms as he's jamming all signals that travel outside the solar system. The season ends with them defeating Sendak and finally getting ahold of their allies.
(Now I'm going to do some more world building stuff. This is information previous seasons would originally have already told, but I'm putting it here. So the Blades have the motto "Knowledge or Death" and I want to use that somehow. So in my rewrite, the Blade sort of stole the philosophy from the ORIGINAL Galran empire. The war began not because of quintessence poisoning, but because the Galra believed Knowledge or Death. It was a disagreement on ethics and how far you should go in the pursuit of science and knowledge. This disagreement about how to handle the quintessence plane between Zarkon and Alfor sparked the initial conflict as Zarkon wanted to save his wife no matter what. However, due to millenia of exposure to quintessence it degraded Zarkon's mind to the point that he became the villain the show knows today)
Season 8 - Tomorrow and Yesterday
When Voltron and Earth finally reach the Galatic Stage, they discover Haggar has been reigning terror over the galaxy using the Alteans from the colony. While the Coalition and the Galra of Lotor's empire are holding ground, they are beginning to lose. This is when it's revealed that after Zarkon lost his mind to quintessence, Haggar was the one running the show. She must have progress, and now Alfor and the Alteans are no longer in the way for it. (Haggar is still Honerva and born Altean). This season focuses on defeating Haggar and freeing the Alteans from her brain washing. In the end, Honerva destroys all universes by attacking the quintessence plane in pursuit of "scientific knowledge." The Paladins kill Honerva but realize that everything is gone. This is when the Lions come to them. They reveal that sacrificing themselves can restore their universe. "Restore our universe? But what about all the others?" The Lions tell their Paladins that they in themselves are a Causal Loop. The Lions must be sacrificed to restore their universe, and sacrificing them in the quintessence plane it causes them to appear in the past as the materials that Alfor uses to create the Lions. The Lions are forever in a perpetual loop being created and destroyed to maintain the universe. However, each time they do this, they are sent back to another universe as well. It's a multiplying paradox. They are created and destroyed infinite times to restore everything Honerva destroyed. (I did this because I wanted to include the multiple universes the show had, but also, according to my rewrite, the original Voltron could also technically be canon somewhat. It just that in that universe. Allura sacrificed herself, causing the Lions to no longer go through the loop). When the Paladins return, they realize the quintessence plane is sealed off. No one in their universe can ever reach it again. The universe is saved, and the Paladins walk forward to tomorrow, knowing that yesterday is in good hands.
The End
Okay so that was a lot. I hope that if you reached the end of this, you enjoyed it. Do you think I improved it? Or maybe it's just as convoluted and bad as the original, but I tried my best to take all the ideas from Voltron and fit them coherently. Since these were just season summaries there's a lot of stuff I didn't include that I am including in my in depth rewrite like Keith being half Galra, and shipping and stuff. But this rewrite has been eating at my brain for two weeks so I had to put it somewhere.
The reason it's called the Bootstrap AU is obviously because of the Causal Time Loop. No real reason why I added it, I just thought it was fun and funky and shows how the Lions are things that the characters can never truly understand.
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torveiglyart · 2 months
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Okay! So!
Part one of my MHA VoltronLD thing uhhhh yeah.
Life Force: Allura is able to use the surrounding energy of life to heal, shield, and attack, usually in the form of a light-whip or spear (her bayard form and staff). The life energy can be hot if too concentrated, causing burns. Excessive usage causes regular quirk drawbacks like exhaustion and headaches.
Likes: Organization, Pink, and her uncle Coran
Dislikes: The current hero system, mutation quirks, and excessive flirting
Allura’s father, Alfor, used to be the HPSC President before Zarkon took over. Allura still got her position, but is suspicious of Zarkon’s plans for the HPSC. She is especially worried about Honerva’s “Young Heroes Program” and what that could be. Coran, bless his soul, has backed Allura for every decision, but things are getting tense. Allura fears her uncle could get fired if he continues to speak out in her name. That’s not even to mention the secretive work of Lotor…
The markings on her face, wrists, collar, and ankles are from her quirk. Her father had similar marks, but only on his face as he did not have nearly as powerful a quirk as her. Her ears are a small mutation from her mother’s side. Mutations are complicated to her, as she has a few herself, but her coworkers (Zarkon, Honerva, Lotor, etc.) are all rather… dismissive, snide, and rude with her, making it difficult to see that not all mutant quirked people are so short coming.
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cozycringe · 5 months
Been developing my Voltron/Wings of Fire AU some more and finally came up with some more designs
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Started getting lazy after Allura, but I managed to fit most the characters I wanted to design before my hand got tired.
Since the paladins are phyrrian dragons, it made sense for the aliens to be pantalan dragons to me because they’re on a different continent n stuff.
Allura and Coran are both silkwings and also the supposed last of their kind
Zarkon is a beetlewing, they’re canonically extinct but he’s like a gajillion years old so I think him being an extinct dragon race is pretty fitting. Haggar is a silkwing but it’s not very apparent with her hood, so most dragons assume she’s a hivewing (the galra are hivewings in this AU). Lotor is a hive and or beetle/silk hybrid, he’s just a silly guy fr.
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voicelessz · 10 months
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"Through The Heart" (TTH). A comic on the Voltron universe will be released soon...
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tricodekus · 6 months
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Olympic Games AU // Figure Skating
[ voltron ]
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minamorsart · 1 month
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Lil quick doodles of Goryeo Dynasty AU 💖💜 Which hairstyle do you think suits Lotor best? Ponytail or half up/half down? Or maybe both? 😊
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sofiarainbowdream · 2 months
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“Sir, Commander Sendak wants to contact us,” the blue-haired girl reported. “Put him through.” Lotor nodded. A full-length hologram of Sendak appeared in front of Lotor. “Lotor, where's the Lion?” “Well, hello, Sendak.” Lotor leaned back in his chair boredly. “The Emperor will be furious. There's already a bounty on your head.” “Oh, that paternal concern.” Lotor stroked his chin lazily. “Sendak, that's very sweet, but I don't understand what you're talking about.” Sendak lost his temper. “Listen you, bright star in our Galra firmament! Regulus! Leo's alpha! Where's my Lion, alpha?” “What? What's he talking about?” The boy with the human appearance stood behind the Prince. “Yeah, you didn't send that sassy girl. Passport is very funny when I don't know what keeps me off my own ship. Then the boy, the youngster… Let's humiliate Sendak with a weird fight. It'll be hilarious if he loses. To a half-blood, right, Lotor? And the apotheosis of this show is no Lion. Where's the Lion, Lotor?” Sendak's feline ears twitched nervously. Lotor froze in bewilderment. But only for a second. “Are you suggesting that I stole it?” he purred. “Would you like to see my ship, Commander? Oh.” The Prince picked up the black cat as he passed by. “Isn't that him by any chance? Oh, he's not red.” “You declared war on me, Lotor,” Sendak exhaled. The screen went out. “Don't mind him, Kova. You're better than a Lion.” The Prince stroked the cat. “What does he want?” The blue-haired girl turned away from the console. “What kind of game is Sendak playing? Why is he making it up?” The boy leaned toward Lotor. “That's not his style, Matt.” Lotor stood up. The cat moved onto the Prince's shoulder. “Besides, the boy really was there. Looks like we'll be seeing Voltron soon.” He turned to the girl. “Acxa, find Zethrid and Ezor. It's time to go.”
© Voltron: Paladins of the Galaxy
— Сэр, коммандер Сендак хочет связаться с нами, — отрапортовала синеволосая девушка. — Соедини, — Лотор кивнул. Голограмма Сендака в полный рост возникла перед Лотором. — Лотор, где лев? — Ну, здравствуй, Сендак, — Лотор скучающе откинулся на спинку кресла. — Император будет в ярости. За твою голову и так назначена награда. — Ох, эта отцовская забота, — Лотор лениво поглаживал свой подбородок. — Сендак, это очень мило, но я не понимаю, о чём ты. Сендак потерял самообладание: — Слышь ты, яркая звезда на нашем галра небосводе, Регулус значит — альфа льва! Ну и где мой лев, альфа? — Что? Интересно, о чём это он? — парень с внешностью землянина встал позади принца. — Ну да, ну да. Это же не ты подослал эту дерзкую девчонку. Паспорт — это очень смешно, когда непонятно-что не пускает меня на мой собственный корабль. Следом мальчишка, юнец… Давайте унизим Сендака странным боем. Вот будет ржака, если проиграет. Полукровке, да, Лотор? И апофеоз этого шоу — льва нет. Где лев, Лотор? — кошачьи уши Сендака нервно задёргались. Лотор замер в недоумении. Но лишь на секунду. — Ты полагаешь, что я его украл? — промурлыкал он. — Хочешь осмотреть мой корабль, коммандер? Оу, — принц подхватил на руки проходящего мимо чёрного кота. — А это случайно не он? А, он же не красный. — Ты объявил мне войну, Лотор, — выдохнул Сендак. Экран погас. — Не обращай внимания, Кова. Ты лучше льва, — принц погладил кота. — Чего он хочет? — синеволосая отвернулась от консоли. — Что за игру ведёт Сендак? Зачем он это выдумал? — парень наклонился к Лотору. — Это не его стиль, Мэтт, — Лотор встал. Кот перебрался на плечо принца. — К тому же, мальчишка действительно был. Похоже, скоро мы увидим Вольтрона, — он повернулся к девушке. — Акша, отыщи Зетрид и Эзор. Пора улетать.
© Вольтрон: Звёздные паладины
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
Hi flower! I hope your doing well and I just wanted to ask a question what Lotor’s reaction would be if Keith died? I remember reading a post about Keith blaming himself a while ago and was wondering what that would be if the positions were swapped.
((it took me HOURS to track down the original post on this, good god, but along the way I stumbled across a semi-adjacent post on Lotor's reaction to someone making an attempt on Keith's life (post kral zera), which may also be of interest to you))
If Keith were to die at this stage in the narrative (chapter 24), Lotor would find himself keenly affected in a way he's not truly prepared for; he knows he likes his little Blade far more than he should—he's accepted that for a good while now—but in the event of Keith's death Lotor would find himself in the position of feeling as if,,, he hadn't really the right to grieve? Because in the grand scheme of things, Keith is a blip on the raydar. By my personal plotting of events, they've only known one another for little over 2 altean phoebs (~14 altean movements), which is scarcely any time at all, not to mention that for a great deal of that Lotor wasn't even aware that Marmora-Keith and the Former-Red-Paladin were the same person.
In typical Lotor fashion, his heart would cede to his head, and as team Voltron crumbled to pieces around him Lotor would strive to take advantage of the situation so as to improve his standing and hold this flimsy excuse for an alliance together as the sole chance he has against his father, and yet—
—and yet the world has turned in on itself. Quiet in a way the prince had long since forgotten it could be. Empty and hollow and frightfully lonely, because every so often he will turn to his side to exchange a teasing smile or raised brow with a man who, in so little time, had made an easy home for himself by Lotor's side, only to find that said man simply isn't anymore.
How do you mourn someone you never really knew? Where do you even begin with picking up the pieces, when they're made up of a future that was never anything more than idle daydreams and unspoken promises?
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oh-quiznakles · 5 months
Voltron fans, fanfic writers, animators, voice actors, character designers, voltron Theoriest,storyline makers,artist, digital artist and natural artist,supportive people, plot makers, and every one else . We need to make a new voltron series if you have any ideas please inform. We very much so need this to happen so please spread the word!!!!
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