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Varchie Appreciation Week 2021 2023 Day 4—Adult Varchie: genre-iffic film & tv edition inspired by my intense desire to make some kind of A&V-centric y2k romcom style/70s style action comedy edit and inability to decide between those options
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wolviecore · 2 years
Cottagecore: wlw culture
Farmcore: mlm culture
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gogenevieveart · 3 years
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Totally forgot to post this galactic Varchie piece I did for Fran ( @theeternalblue ) which is based on a scene in her fic! I had fun designing this futuristic viewing pod/ bedroom with all the translucent furniture and panoramic windows that look out into this galactic spacescape (is that a word haha)
Check out the fic here!
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pairedaces · 5 years
Can I have a taste?
Veronica leaned into the palm of her hand as she used her fork to push around some of her left over food, doing everything she can to focus on the words this man across from her was saying. Don’t get her wrong, the food itself was insanely delicious but her date was just a plain as they come. She watched him with feigned interest as he rattled on about yet another work story.
Thank god the night was coming towards an end because she doesn’t know how many more boring tales about his business or his golf sessions or whatever else he was into. The asshole didn’t even ask her about her interests or life once this entire night and to top it off he was insanely rude to the staff and had poor table manners. You would think that someone with as much money as he boasted about having he would’ve taken some lessons on proper table etiquette.
She was going to murder Cheryl for setting her up on a blind date this awful. Never again will she do this, no matter how lonely she gets.
“Would you like some dessert?” The waiter asks them.
“No thank you,” Veronica is quick to cut in, “I think we should be on our way.”
Her date gives her a sly smirk that sends chills down her spine in all the wrong ways. He seriously thinks she’s going to sleep with him? Not even if her life depended on it.
She looks at him with disgust as he throws a few hundred dollar bills in the waiters direction, not caring that the poor boy stutters out a ‘thank you.’
“Shall we take this back to my place then?” The man asks, running a hand over his overly slicked back hair.
“Let me just freshen up in the restroom really quickly,” Veronica smiles thinly, not waiting for a response. She tries not to run in the other direction.
Dodging waiters and people around, she walks passed the restrooms briskly and down a random hallway hoping her date won’t see her trying to sneak out.
Veronica looks behind her just to make sure he’s not paying attention when she accidentally bumps into someone causing her to stumble a little bit.
“Oof,” the person huffed. “I’m sorry-“
“No I’m-“ Veronica stops mid sentence when she finally looks up. “Hot,” she finishes, gawking at the man stood before her.
Dressed in a crisp white chefs coat that’s folded up to his elbows to showcase his forearms, a face that even Adonis would be jealous of, and hair as bright red as the blush on his cheeks. She wonders why he wasn’t on the menu for tonight’s special. She’d definitely order seconds to go.
“Um,” he mumbles, “although I do agree that you are hot-“
“What?” She asks, completely mortified when she realizes what she blurted out. “I-I didn’t- I meant to say that you don’t have to be sorry because I bumped to you. So, I’m sorry.”
First a date from hell and now embarrassing herself in front of a hot chef, this is just not Veronica’s night at all.
“Oh,” he laughs, “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it,” he dismisses with a smile.
“I should get going,” Veronica says after a beat of silence.
“Are you lost? You were about to head into the kitchen.”
“No, I was actually-“
“Are you sure you saw her go this way?! She said she was going to the restroom!”
The unmistakable annoying voice of the man she came out with tonight seems to be getting closer with each complaint.
Her eyes widen as the chef’s eyebrows crinkle in a frown.
“What’s that-“
“I wasn’t lost! Just trying to make a quick get away from a blind date gone wrong,” Veronica says quickly. “If you could help a girl out?” She asks, eyes pleading for help.
“Yeah,” He says without any hesitation. “Follow me,” he intruscts, grabbing her arm gently.
She doesn’t have time to dwell on how his touch ignites goosebumps on her skin in the best way. Veronica allows him to pull her through the double doors and into the chaos of the kitchen. Around them the cooking staff hustles to get every meal prepped and plated as fast and efficiently as possible.
“Over here.” He leads her to a secluded area next to a giant fridge with see through doors. She wonders what ingredients could be stored in there. “Stay put until I come back when the coast is clear, okay?”
“Okay,” she agrees with a smile on her lips before it turns into a worried frown. “You won’t get in trouble for this right?”
“No trouble at all,” He gives her an impish smile, as if there’s an on going joke she doesn’t know about.
He walks away without another word.
She doesn’t know how long has passed when he returns but she figures it’s been quite sometime since the noise in the kitchen has died down significantly. Veronica is in the middle of posting a few embarrassing pictures she has of Cherly on Instagram as payback for this horrendous night when he tells her that the coast is clear for her to go.
“I took a little longer than expected. I got caught up helping them clean up for the night.”
He’s wearing a chef’s cap that makes his ears stick out adorably. God, he’s so cute she could just-
“Thank you so much,” she says gratefully, stopping her thoughts from venturing elsewhere. “And I really hope I didn’t get you in any trouble. I could speak to your boss and-“
He laughs and Veronica stares at him in confusion.
“What?” She asks impatiently.
“Archie Andrews, Executive Chef and owner of this dump,” He says jokingly, sticking out his hand with a humble smile.
“I would hardly call a three Michelin star restaurant a dump,” Veronica raises a brow but allows him to take her hand. “Veronica Lodge.”
He bows, planting the softest of kisses on her knuckles and she has to hold in a gasp. “A pleasure to meet you, Veronica.”
“Likewise,” she replies in a whisper, fearing that if she speaks any louder her voice will crack.
“Company aside, did you enjoy tonight’s dinner?” Archie asks, leaning back against the steel counter.
“I did,” she answers honestly. “My compliments to the chef.”
“Thank you,” He chuckles.
“Although,” she taps her chin thoughtfully, “I am a little disappointed I wasn’t able to order any dessert.”
“We can fix that right now but I don’t want to keep you if you have other plans.” Archie straightens up a little.
“None at all,” she says immediately, all thoughts of leaving were thrown out the window the second his lips touched her skin.
“Okay,” He claps his hands, looking very pleased, “I’ve been told I make a soufflé that’s out of this world.”
“Then I can’t wait to have a taste,” she says, running her eyes down his figure leisurely.
Veronica revels in the way Archie’s eyes widen at her blatant flirting.
By the time he gathers the ingredients and guides her towards a station to get to work, most of the staff has filtered out and said their goodbyes for the night. Archie and Veronica spend the time talking and getting to know each other while she watches him in action. The focus that he has mixing all the ingredients and the ease of how he moves fluidly around her, turns her on like no other.
She finds that he’s as charming and funny as he is handsome. Even though he has to keep an eye on the task at hand, he makes sure that she knows he’s listening to every word that comes out of her mouth.
He’s everything she was hoping to encounter when she agreed to Cheryl’s plan of finding her a new fling. In a way she could thank her for tonight because if it.
“You probably get this all the time but how did you get into cooking?” Veronica asks, mostly because she’s genuinely interested but also because she wants to keep herself intact. She doesn’t think dropping to her knees and getting a taste of him in the middle of his workplace where he handles other people’s food would be sanitary.
“Well-“ he pauses, concentrating on putting the finishing touches on the soufflé and she has to admit it looks almost as delicious as the one who made it. “I was about 10 years old when I cooked my dad an omelette.”
She licks her lips when Archie grabs a spoon, sliding closer to her with the dessert in hand.
“He didn’t want me to do it because he was scared I’d hurt myself with the fire but he hovered over me the entire time when I finally convinced him and the look on his face was priceless after he took his first bite,” he imitates the look and Veronica laughs. “Ever since then I was hooked, cooking every chance I got. My dad actually got me a customized apron for Christmas that I still have till this day.”
There’s a wistful look in his eye that makes her want to reach out and touch his face.
“That’s wonderful,” Veronica says instead. “He must be very proud of what you’ve built.”
“Yeah,” he nods a little solemnly, it causes a twinge in her heart and her curiosity to rise but she doesn’t push. “But enough about that. Here.”
He grabs a spoonful and holds it up to her lips. Veronica keeps her eyes on his as she takes the hole thing in her mouth slowly. She moans at the sweet flavor that bursts all over her tongue. He wasn’t kidding when he said it was out of this world.
With the heady look he’s giving her though, she can’t help but think spending a night rolling around in bed with him might be out of this world too.
“Amazing,” She says, her eyes darting from his eyes to his mouth.
The spoon slips out of his hand and clanks against the stainless steel.
“Can I have a taste?”
Veronica nods but she’s pretty sure he’s not talking about the soufflé anyway.
Turns out she was right because his lips are on hers a second later.
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archiebettyveronica · 5 years
the trials and tribulations of trying (and failing) to get over your roommates
pairings: archie/betty/veronica, betty/veronica, archie/betty, archie/veronica, betty/chuck, betty & kevin, betty & chuck
rating: T
chapters: 1/?
words: 2.2k
prompt: roommates
summary: Wants someone you can't have is always hard, but wanting to people you can't have because they're in love with each other is even harder. Betty has been in love with Archie and Veronica forever, but Kevin thinks she should move and maybe he's right.
A/N: God, I suck at summaries but basically Betty's in love with and silently pining for both Archie and Veronica, and she's trying to get over them.A few things before you start: Even though I have a plot mapped out this is slightly rushed, it's unbeta'd and almost everything about it is subject to change.But as always, feedback is much appreciated.
There are a laundry lists of places Betty would rather be than this club. The ice in her glass has melted, and there is a distinct odor permeating the air that she has a strong inkling is coming from the large group of loud, extremely drunk guys standing next to her.
She's only here because she promised Veronica that she'd go out with her and Archie after bailing on her the last two times she'd asked Betty to go out with them, citing that she had to study. The truth is she didn't really have to study, she just didn't feel like going out and spending time with a bunch of strangers but she didn't have it in her to make up another excuse so here she is, leaning against a wall in a dark club with loud music thumping through the speakers. She's about to go and find her roommates when a guy walks over to her and blocks her path.
"Hey, beautiful," he says with all the confidence in the world. "My name's Adam, what's yours?"
The ego he's boasting is more suffocating than the odor coming from the guys next to her. She thinks that in a different, more sober setting, she might have been interested in him based on looks alone, but the way he just approached her has recoiling in disgust. She sets her glass down and eyes him with distaste.
"Not interested," she replies as she tries to move past him, but he blocks her path once again.
Read on AO3
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zeldascaos-blog · 6 years
Archie: [at dinner with the Lodge's] And then it goes back to the chorus. "Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, it's not your fault." And that's it.
Hiram: ...
Hermione: [pours another glass of wine]
Veronica: ...
Archie: I know you didn't ask, but no one had spoken for fourteen minutes.
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raven-dale · 7 years
VARCHIE AU BASED ON THIS REQUEST : if you’re still taking requests please can yo do one soulmate AU where one of them ronnie or archie writes something on their skin and it appears on the other .
Veronica Lodge was 100% sure that this whole ‘soulmate’ story was an urban legend, a modern day fairytale if you will. That changed when poorly drawn doodles appeared on her body. Doodles she had definitely not drawn because she wasn’t a particular fan of skin cancer.
Part of her wanted to find who out who it was, and that part perused all her favourite New York hangouts and her school looking for something. She wasn’t really sure what that something was but she looked nonetheless.
The other, logical part reminded her that most people didn’t find their soulmates and that it could be much less than it was cracked up to be. See the stories she’d heard, it told soul mates to be something ethereal, magical even. 
She didn’t feel that was something she deserved. She didn’t think herself a good person, a person deserving of a soulmate - she was working on it but she still had a long way to go. And something about the footballs messily appearing on her forearm felt good, pure.
After a few weeks of having random sketches, writings and reminders scrawled on her she decided to return the favour, writing a perfect looking ‘VL’ on her left wrist.
When she found an ‘AA’ on her right wrist she knew she had to decide to pursue it or not, to somehow use these markings to find her ‘other half’ or to completely forget it. She chose the latter, partly because she was scared of what she would find but mostly because her father had just gotten arrested, she was moving to a new town and felt her soulmate could do without the drama.
Riverdale meant new beginnings, a new Veronica and a clean slate.
That didn’t stop her from wondering though.
Archie Andrews was a definite believer in soulmates, he knew she was out there somewhere. Or he. He just wished that he could find out who they were.
He did the whole ‘write on your skin thing’ and he was left with three possibilities 1) his soulmate was blind, 2) his soulmate was ignoring him or 3) it didn’t work.
It was a bit off-putting that there was a possibility that he’d never meet his soumate but not enough to stop him from spending every spare minute thinking about them. 
It was late in the afternoon, around dusk, when Archie discovered a ‘VL’ imprinted on his wrist. It was the prettiest writing he’d ever seen and it was exciting, he was excited. His soulmate was communicating with him, possibly, hopefully. Though he tried he couldn’t recall a single person with the initials VL - if it even was someone’s initials. 
Struggling to write with his left hand he scribbled an ‘AA’ on his right wrist, if he couldn’t find them, maybe they could find him?
A few days later, with nothing from his soulmate and summer vacation coming to an end, Archie relied on his music to keep himself in good spirits.
On the last nght before school reopened he was at Pops telling his bestfriend, Betty, about his music and while he appreciated her enthusiasm he found his mind drifting to his soulmate. As it always did.
Until he saw her, and everything else, including his thoughts, melted away.
He couldn’t explain what it was that he felt, it was both a familiar ‘hey,it’s me’ and a mysterious ‘get to know me’. It was like a tangible gravitational pull had appeared between the two of them. It was, what was that word Jughead used… glorious. It was glorious.
He heard her say something to Pop Tate, her voice was soft and velvety, he wondered if she could sing.
“Veronica Lodge,” she said, introducing herself. Something about it felt important, he just couldn’t figure out what exactly. His brain was mush besides questions like, how would it feel to run his hands through her hair? Why were the stories in her eyes so conflicting?
“Archie Andrews.”
At his name her eyes widened, but she quickly blinked whatever she felt away.
They had spoken some more, she made a joke and he laughed, a bit too obviously. He was unaware of Truman Capote, and what was so funny but still.. he laughed.
When she left Archie realised his thoughts on his soulmate had taken a backseat to thoughts on Veronica Lodge. He didn’t mind too much
It was only three hours into dreamland when his brain had put two and two together. She was his soulmate. Or it was one hell of a coincidence and the universe wanted him to do something about it.
And do something he did.
Breathless from his sprint he took a second to gather himself before entering the Pembrooke and asking for Veronica Lodge. She said that they could send him up and he threw his fist in the air. Small victories.
“Took you long enough,” was the first thing she said when she opened the door.
“Can I kiss you?” He knew it was forward, he knew it was unlike him and he definitely knew it could result in her slamming the door in his face. 
But she didn’t.
She merely took a step closer and looked up at him with her big doe eyes and if he wasn’t already a goner, now he was. 110%.
And he kissed her, and it was like what happened when he saw her at the diner but better - he didn’t even know that a feeling like that could get better, and yet it did. It was more than a kiss, it was two souls saying ‘hey, i missed you’ and it was earth-shattering, mind-boggling and thought-provokingly good.
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lostadventuring · 7 years
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riverdale - the clique four’s instagram accounts (roadtrip edition) 
{parts: 1 // beach vacation}
{snapchat version}
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rcd-shccrvn · 7 years
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“How are the onion rings here?”
“So good.” 
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fyeahvarchie · 3 years
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Woah, December seemed so far away and yet here we are. Almost right in the middle of it with the holidays so close. And while we made sure Roberto & Co will get coal this year under their trees, Santa promised Varchie will come back to us in the very near future.
In the meantime though, here’s some Varchie fanfics/drabbles revolving around the holidays to make you feel all warm and fuzzy. 
We miss them in canon as much as you do, but we have some amazing writers in this fandom who make up for the lack of content/continuity Riverdale is simply unable to provide these days. 
Make sure to drop them a little comment. 
Wake Me On Christmas Eve by theeternalblue
A collection of 8 ficlets living in the same college AU. Moments set during Christmas time and how the holidays work their magic.
Of Sweet & Lacy Things by theeternalblue
When Betty and Jughead asked Veronica to take care of their daughter for a week, she never guessed the surprises it could bring to her life. That includes a handsome teacher, the world of a six-year-old, and surprises courtesy of her best friend. Will she be able to handle all that and the new holiday collection for her lingerie brand?
All The Roads by andsmile
Veronica Lodge's lavish lifestyle changes completely when she meets someone at a deli shop and assures him that she has everything she needs. The next morning, she wakes up in the arms of Archie Andrews, her high school sweetheart who broke her heart a decade ago, and to the horrifying discovery that her former life no longer exists. Or, an archieronnie!AU based on early 00's movie, "The Family Man."
If Not For Christmas, By New Year’s Night by AlwaysSpeaksHerMind
The holidays are more difficult for some than others, and Veronica Lodge (Harvard sophomore, fashion queen, reluctant Yuletide orphan etc.), is long past expecting that hers will contain anything resembling the Christmas Magic of feel-good lore. Then—by either accident, or the same mischievous twist of fate that inhabits all movies debuting in December—she meets a red-haired server at a party, and...it's not like she starts to change her mind, exactly. 
Waiting in Vain by monicaposh
Friends with benefits on New Year’s Eve.
Little Moments by Tuesdayschildd
Christmas drabbles.
Baby It’s Cold Outside by Tuesdayschildd
The annual Mitchell-Klinger Christmas office party is not for the faint of heart. Newbie Veronica Lodge is about to find out what it's all about. And if she happens to discover a bit more than expected, who can blame her?
Let It Snow by Tuesdayschildd
We always carpool home for the holidays from college, but a storm hit and now we're taking the last room at a B&B. Or. Best friends Veronica and Archie don't check the weather report. Best thing that's ever happened to them.
Let It Snow by walkingmusical
Archie and Veronica are driving home for the holidays, only for their car to break down in the middle of a snowstorm. It's the middle of the night and there isn't a town within walking distance. There's only one thing they can do: wait out the night and keep each other warm.
Winter Hours by missanonyma
Blizzard by missanonyma
Winter by missanonyma
Snowfall by missanonyma
All I want For Christmas by AlwaysSpeaksHerMind
Archie, Veronica, and the story of the necklace. Set in 2x09, “Silent Night, Deadly Night.”
Holiday Party by theeternalblue
Veronica overhears Archie’s ex mocking him for being single at a holiday party and introduces herself as Archie’s S/O with a kiss on the cheek but they’ve never spoken before.
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vkndr · 7 years
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❀ riverdale aesthetics ❀ the broken breakfast club dictionary 
sincerely yours, the broken breakfast club
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Upcoming Riverdale x Scream Crossover
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I thought I should make this post just to warn everybody what’s going to be involved in this fic because it’s so different from what I usually do and I’m aware some of you may not be interested because of that but that won’t stop me
Please do note that just because it’s different, doesn’t mean you won’t still like it?? I’ve been working on this for weeks and I’m honestly really excited for it so I’d appreciate it if you could give it a chance <33 but it will also include some stuff that people might find triggering, so please read this before you read the series and take care xx
It will take place after the season 1 finale, and won’t discount any of the events that occurred in the first season.
A list of things it will include:
Bughead (can u believe it)
Varchie/Archieronnie (they were together in the finale)
there will be OCs (and cameos with the characters from the MTV show Scream because I miss them with my whole heart)
Jughead x OC platonic relationship
the main OC will identify somewhere on the LGBTQ+ spectrum
graphic gore (if you’ve watched Scream - movie or tv show - you’ll understand)
horror (so intense descriptions of fear/running/hiding/all that stuff)
blood (no pictures obviously but mentions/descriptions)
major character death (I’m not gonna hold back)
due to the nature of the crossover, one/more of the characters mentioned will be the killer/killers (so don’t get pissy with me if you don’t like the villain/villains)
there will be a lot of bonding and suspicion between the characters
references to the 1997 Scream film and some key concepts from it
A list of things it will not include:
I reblogged a post about this recently and may or may not have added a salty comment of my own, but I don’t think the reader has to be inserted into a story for the story to be relatable. If you disagree, that’s cool, you don’t have to read it. I will still be posting reader inserts, this just won’t be one of them.
To sum up: I’m super excited about this and I’m gonna write it and post it whether the prologue gets 100 notes or 0. I hope you can keep an open mind and enjoy it
With regards to tags: I’ll still tag whoever is on my permanent taglist unless you tell me otherwise. I won’t be offended it you ask me to take you off the list <33
Read the prologue here 
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wolviecore · 3 years
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" Your ass is grass. And I'm gonna mow it. ''
A very messy, unfinished, bad anatomy sketch I drew for a bully! Archie and nerd! Veronica AU :D
Basically I saw these pics and went firal
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gogenevieveart · 4 years
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Illustrated this lovely Varchie scene from the written work of @tuesdayschildd for the @riverdaleprideandjoyzine (read the fic!) (zoom in to see all the details!)
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pairedaces · 5 years
#6 🙃
Life guard au perhaps 🥴
Archie loves his summer job, he really does. Being a lifeguard is cool and fun most of the time. Imagine having a job where all you have to do is bask in the sun and save a life every once in a while? Piece of cake. It’s great.
All the locals who own shops down by the boardwalk are always so nice, offering him free lunch and cool merch. There’s nothing else he’d rather do.
Except with all the pros there’s also some cons. The fact that the beach has white sand and clear blue waters is a major tourist attraction. Which means loud, entitled, and rude rich college kids who come down and wreak havoc on anything and anyone in their path.
He despises them. They never follow the rules, get drunk on the beach (which is illegal), and always leave their trash behind.
There was one particular group today that just grated his nerves on another level.
It was night time and the beach was closing down but they wouldn’t leave. Archie was closer to calling the cops then he’s ever been. Luckily he didn’t need to because they relented the second he had used his “intimidating” voice.
He was doing one more survey around the area on his four wheeler, just to make sure everything was alright, before he headed out for the night.
From a distance he could see a figure on the beach. He lets out an annoyed sigh. Speeding up, Archie gets to them pretty quickly.
“Excuse me,” he calls out, getting off the ATV. “The beach is closed.” As he got closer he could hear sniffling.
“I know,” the girl sniffs. “But look! It’s hurt.” She moves to the side to reveal a seagull laying there with it’s wing spread out like it’s broken.
The girl finally looks at him and Archie realizes she was apart of the group that had been giving him a hard time today. The same one he couldn’t for the life of him be annoyed with because she was so beautiful with her wavy black hair that shined underneath the sun, brown eyes that made him feel like he was swimming in chocolate with the way she looked at him from over her sunglasses, and a killer body. It also helped that she was actually nicer then the rest of them.
“Oh my god! You’re the hot lifeguard!” She blurts out, slurring her words a bit. “You have to save it!”
Archie’s face goes red but thankfully she won’t be able to notice with only the moon and a faraway street lamp providing them light. “Uh yeah, I guess,” he says awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. “I’ll have a buddy of mine take care of the bird but is there anyone I can call for you? Where did your friends go?”
The girl, who he has yet to find out the name of, mumbles distractedly, staring hard at the bird. She reaches her hand out like she’s going to touch it and Archie’s eyes go wide.
The bird squawks which scares her, causing her to screech and run in his direction. She moves clumsily around him and jumps on his back, squeezing him tightly. On instinct, Archie grips her thighs so they both don’t fall to the ground.
“I change my mind- attack that little fucker!” She yells, making Archie wince at the loudness.
Although, Archie doesn’t mind the weight on his back because she isn’t all that heavy, but her arms are kinda digging into his windpipe and it’s getting hard to breathe.
“Uh miss?” He croaks out.
“You can call me Veronica, hot lifeguard.” She whispers in his ear. She makes an excited noise when his hands flex around her thighs.
“Okay, Veronica?”
“I can’t breathe.”
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archieenthusiast · 7 years
Dating Archie Andrews
- Him dragging you to his games but secretly enjoying it - Wearing his varsity jacket…..always - Having to deal with Cheryl because somehow she’s always THERE - Listening to him singing to himself quietly while he does homework - Or in the car while the two of you belt out a song that’s on the radio…..very loudly - Sitting outside during a rainstorm reading quietly to him - Going to Pop’s with him basically everyday after school - You saying “I’m not hungry” and Archie ordering you a milkshake and fries anyways - Being worried that Archie is gonna leave you for one of the river vixens - “Babe I don’t know why you think that…I chose you not one of them” - Having a girls day with Veronica and Betty - Talking about Archie and Jughead the entire time - Going to random concerts with him - Being so helplessly in love with him and not being able to admit it - Accidentally saying I love you to him and trying to cover it up awkwardly - “I love you too….”
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