#atticus hathaway threads
closed starter for @petalruined
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"hey,   sissy",   he   purrs   at   his   sister-in-law   in   a   high-pitched   tone,   inching   closer   to   her   as   if   he   was   a   predator   waiting   to   catch   its   prey.   "i've   been   working   on   getting   into   this   new   role,   the   character   is   called   lennon   hillburn.   my   impression   is   already   quite   good   if   you   ask   me.   watch   this...",   theatrically   putting   his   hand   on   his   heart,   "...oh,   paxton.   fill   me   with   your   depressed,   boring   cock   during   five   minutes   of   missionary   while   i   think   about   knitting   your   next   sweater   and   declare   my   undying   love   for   you   the   twentieth   time   today.   please,   make   me   push   out   your   offspring   because   i   have   nothing   else   to   do."   the   ending   of   his   little   show   is   a   provocative   lick   of   his   middle   finger,   eyes   never   leaving   hers.
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jkottke · 4 years
My Recent Media Diet, the Still Isolated Edition
Holy shit, do I miss going to the movies. Oh, and going everywhere else. Anyway, every few months for the past couple of years, I've shared the movies, books, music, TV, and podcasts I've enjoyed (or not) recently. Here's everything I've "consumed" since the beginning of the year. (Don't sweat the letter grades -- they're so subjective that I don't even agree with them sometimes.)
Mank. Wanted to hate this, for secret reasons. Didn't. (B+)
The Royal Tenenbaums. I have seen this movie a half dozen times and it's still so fresh every time. (A+)
The Painter and the Thief. Best movie I've seen in months. (A+)
In & Of Itself. Everyone was raving about this and so I watched it and...I don't know. It's a magic show. I can see why people find it interesting, but watching it the night after The Painter and the Thief, it paled in comparison. (B+)
Ava. Jessica Chastain is good in this movie that is otherwise pretty bleh. (C+)
I'm Your Woman. Loved the 70s vibe of this one -- not only the in-film setting but it had the feel of a movie made in the 70s as well. (B+)
Idiocracy. Fascinating documentary of the Trump presidency. (A-)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Sure, Star Wars was the biggest movie in the world but without such a strong sequel, maybe we're not still talking about these movies more than 40 years later. (A)
Blood Simple. First Coen brothers movie and Frances McDormand's debut. (A-)
L.L. Bean fleece-lined hoodie. The most comfortable piece of clothing I've ever owned. (A+)
Wonder Woman 1984. This wasn't nearly as bad as everyone said it was, but they should have worked a little harder on making an entertaining movie and less on hitting the audience over the head with a moral lesson. (B+)
Song Exploder (season two). The Dua Lipa and Trent Reznor episodes were the standouts here. (B+)
Ammonite. Great individual performances by Ronan and Winslet. (B+)
The Mandalorian (season two). Enjoyed this way more than season one. The final scene in the last episode... (A-)
MacBook Air M1. A couple of years ago, I bought an iPad Pro intending to use it for work on the go. For folks whose work is mostly email and web browsing, the device seems to work fine but after a solid year of trying to make it work for me, I gave up. Last month, I bought a MacBook Air M1 to replace my 6-year-old iMac, my 9-year-old Air, and the iPad. It's a remarkable machine -- lightning fast with a long-lasting battery. I'll be much happier traveling with this, whenever it is that we get to travel again. (A)
The Crown (season four). The show has never reached the giddy heights of the first two seasons, but Gillian Anderson's Margaret Thatcher was a fantastic addition to the show. As someone on Twitter said, Anderson played Thatcher perfectly: as a sociopath. (A-)
Sunshine. Rewatch. Afterwards, as one does, I looked the film up on Wikipedia and of course Alex Garland (Ex Machina, Devs) had written it. (A-)
Florida by Lauren Groff. Excellent and eclectic collection of short stories. (B+)
Phantom Thread. Undoubtably a masterpiece but also something that I personally find it hard to get fully into. (B+)
Emma.. Super-fun period piece starring Anya Taylor-Joy. (A-)
In Our Time, Eclipses. I love any opportunity to hear about eclipses. (A)
Hang Up and Listen: The Last Last Dance. This picks up where The Last Dance left off with the story of Michael Jordan's second (and much less successful) comeback with the Washington Wizards. (B+)
Soul. A sequel of sorts to Inside Out. The underworld score by Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross is fantastic. (A)
Ready Player One. Almost in spite of myself, I like this movie. (B+)
The Hobbit film series. Not as good as the Lord of the Rings movies, but not as bad as commonly thought. (B)
Locked Down. This took a while to get going, but Hathaway and Ejiofor are both really good in this. I'll tell you though, I really had to be in a certain mood to watch a movie about the first weeks of pandemic lockdown. It will be really interesting to see how much appetite people will have for pandemic-themed movies, TV, books, art, etc. (B+)
Young Frankenstein. Madeline Kahn is only in this movie for like 5 minutes but she so dominates the screen that it feels like much longer. (A-)
Batman Begins. I don't know why Christopher Nolan wanted to direct a series of superhero movies, but I'm glad he did. (A-)
This American Life, The Empty Chair. There are so many more podcasts now than there were 10 years ago, but This American Life is still consistently among the best and they don't get enough credit for that. (A-)
Criminal, The Editor. I will listen to anything about people who love encyclopedias. (B+)
The Midnight Sky. I feel like I've seen this movie -- or a movie very much like it -- several times before. (B)
Ocean's 8. Good fun. And Awkwafina! (B+)
Past installments of my media diet are available here.
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closed starter for @ungodlvhour
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"what   are   you   doing   here?"   his   voice   is   more   of   a   hum,   almost   as   if   he's   singing.   he   licks   his   lips,   hand   running   through   strands   of   ridiculously   perfect   blond   hair.   "it's   past   midnight.   can't   get   enough   of   me,   or   what   made   you   knock   on   my   door?"
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closed starter for @bittersage
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"ohhhh   no,   doll.   no,   no.   don't   cry.   pretty   girls   don't   do   that",   he   tells   her   in   his   usual   tone   which   sounds   more   like   a   hum   or   a   purr.   despite   the   situation,   he   can't   help   but   grin,   provocatively   licking   his   teeth.   "we're   gonna   figure   this   out,   okay?"
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closed   starter   @neverkisseds   >>>   plot:   “   please   tell   me   i   meant   something.   “
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“of   course”,   he   whispers,   voice   barely   audible.   “of   course   you   fucking   did.   you   meant   everything.   but-...   there   was   never   a   time,   never   a   place   for   us   to   be   together   anyway.”
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closed starter for @neveraftcr
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"ugh."   he   lets   out   an   annoyed   sigh,   looking   at   his   watch   and   leaning   back   in   his   chair   as   if   he   was   waiting   at   a   bus   station.   "hate   weddings   as   much   as   i   do?   i   can't   wait   to   fuckin'   get   outta   here.   all   this   talk   about   happy   ever   after   is   gonna   make   me   vomit   rainbow-colored   divorce   papers."
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closed starter for @colcrado
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"well,   uhm,   now   this   is   awkward",   he   mutters,   still   laughing   despite   the   fact   that   he   was   truly   and   utterly   fucked.   always   seeing   life   with   an   unwavering   optimism   while   not   giving   a   shit   about   anything   was   his   very   own   blessing.   (   only   that   he   did   give   a   shit,   at   least   about   her,   but   he'd   never   allow   himself   to   admit   that.   )   "i   didn't   plan   on   fucking   your   best   friend,   it   just--...   happened,   i   guess?"
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