#atticmedia bionicle game
wjbs-bonkle-au · 2 years
The Atticmedia Bionicle game is cursed.
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Firstly, what the Hell are these flying enemies meant to be? I'd guess Tarakava (from the colour-scheme and fist-pieces), but none of the rest of it looks remotely like that.
Secondly, the Toa sprites.
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Look at them! Why the fuck do all of them - with the sole exception of Onua - have Haus on the backs of their heads? Why are they all the same, but tinted differently and with different weapons?
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Thirdly, this obstacle is literally just the top of a palm tree.
The bosses... hoo boy the bosses...
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The game is a Mode 7-like back-view scrolling shooter, and while these things look kinda terrible in this image, they are actually kinda cool in the game itself, since they're made out of layered sprites (you can't really see it in the picture, but this one - the first one - is essentially Onix from Pokémon but with the head of the bugs from MNOG, and each segment is a different sprite). However, both of the ones I've fought had really annoying-to-dodge attacks, and I haven't made it past the second level.
Also there isn't any music and every object-type has one sound each, and - on a non-sound note - you can't aim up or down, so you have to jump in order to hit flying enemies.
So how does it look in action? Well, here's some footage of a single playthrough.
You can download it from Biomedia Project if you really want to play this trashfire, also yes those are bits of the OBS interface at the bottom and right of the game window. Just be glad i cut out the seizure-inducing void-cursors.
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