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So, I don't speak a lot here or anywhere, but today, I want to speak about the "brave" and "honest" person you might know here as muttpeeta or as attheredmind on AO3 which I had the unfortunate experience of following someone like her for a couple years now without knowing the kind of person she is.
So, following some meaningless squabble about New York Times POTT, someone brought up to her attention -or she might have addressed that herself- that people associated with the current genocide going on in Gaza AND West Bank (where there is no KHAMAS!) Were more deserving to get the award or title whatever, since the newspaper gave it to president Zel of Ukraine last year. atthered mind didn't like that apparently, so she answered by some nonsense and amidst her replies to the anons she claimed she is neutral and that she sympathize with the "people suffering in Gaza and Israel". But then she followed that sweet talk with tags accusing the Palastinian and Gaza's side of committing crimes of murder and rape against "Jews". Now notice the stereotypes which she uses. Saying Jews instead of Israeli. As if the Palestinians are targeting all jews. And no Jews stand against Israel.
Then in another reply, she simplified the situation as "war" between Muslims and Jews.
She was so upset about ppl calling her out about that as anons and wanted someone to confront her by their names. So I did. And guess what, she run away and blocked me 🙂😂
But sorry muttpeeta, I'm not letting your Zionist propaganda slide. And everything will be backed by actual evidence and sources -Israeli ones too- and not words in the air.
So first things first. Muttpeeta claims about rape and murder were addressed multiple times by both Palastinian and Israeli sides. Israeli government said they found no evidence of sexual assault. Image from The Times of Israel.

On the other hand, there are uncountable vitrified cases of rape crimes by the Israeli military, but Muttpeeta won't mention that ofc

And I think we can determine the truth of these claims, on both sides, from the statements of women held captive.
The murder... there sure was murdering cases by Palastinian personals in that day. Which I personals considered grave mistakes that need punishment. And Gaza's government stated that those actions -and civilians kidnapping by the way too- were against the orders given. Also that most of these cases were carried out by persons not affiliated with Hamas. But to claim that all the dead were civilians and by Hamas hands? Look for yourselves. The white names are civilians, and the yellow are military

Ok, are we certain all tgese were killed by Hamas? No. In more than one statement, Israeli officials and officers in their panic revealed that Israeli army killed civilians that day


While Hamas condemned killing and kidnapping civilians, you will find the Israeli government shamelessly calling to use nuclear on Gaza, or kill 150 thousand of its population or calling these people human animals... things you would have heard of from Hitler and his Nazis.
Muttpeeta didn't like when Intold her this.
Finally, this is not war between "Muslims and Jewish" this is a genocide carried out by one of the strongest armies in the world, backed up by superpowers innthe world against Palastinians who have no water, electricity, medicine, food let alone an army to defend them. This is a genocide against Palastinians, Muslims AND Christians. Just 10 days ago Israeli bombes one of the oldest churches in the world, killing many of the ppl who were seeking a safe place there.

Here is a great video from President Carter about Palastine

And for further informations I would recommend this video here
It has English caption. It's long but worth it. And it's all from Israeli sources.
I would also strongly recommend following Norman Finkelstein, Miko Peled, Noam Chomsky, who are ALL Jews, and Miko even Israeli, but they have the humanity in them to stand against Zionism and its genocidal agend.
To Muttpeeta, next time, either be contented with anon replies (I wasn't one of them, btw) or be brave enough to continue a debate once you start it. I hope someone, even if anon delivers this to her or it reaches her, is in any way.
#palestine#gaza#so no more blood shed#so no entire families get wiped out of globe each night#Youtube#free palestine#so no children get nightmares of airstrikes#so Muslims Christians Jews get to live in peace once more#as they did a hundred years ago#so no human dies out of hunger#so no human dies of medicine lack#so no more children get orphan#so no parent has to bury their own kids
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Names generated from American surnames, fish and fruit, excluding the letter sequence "Sh" and including "Th"
Achuth Acofthouty Acuthearry Albenth Almooth Almoothel Ather Athydel Atther...
Barath Barouth Bartheper Basnuth Bathed Beath Berothy Berouth Blardothrez Blefithes Bogatheder Bonth Boothord Bothennobye Bothrotora Botthenton Bowathiton Brafthrojaw Brath Bresnifth Breth Brichenuth Brocatheark Brougath Brouthbrot Brouthy Broutthery Buchith Buckbersoth Buckootth Burth Butheadell Butheadson Buthinson Buthreepher Buthreessim Buthrin Buthy Cacharnth Cadennuth Cantubenuth Carth Catetth Cather Cathoga Cathscall Catth Catther Chalefith Charotth Cheelpothen Chithero Chuth Clarooth Clathese Clepath Cletth Clummouth Cofth Colaguthen Colinthro Conquith Coopeth Cooth Coothing Corneth Cother Cothert Cotheruffit Cothokooker Cothout Cothrewto Cothricke Cothrios Cothscull Cradryath Cranuth Crothril Croullouth Cruth Cullouth Cuthbrife Cuthennone Cuthes Cuthfiscumb Cuthred Cuthroot Daledurth Danth Darpetth Dathor Datth Deetthbro Denth Dingrunth Dorth Dothose Dotthenton Dourrathend Douthence Dufmotth Dunaleth Dunth Enceth Falnuth Fefth Ferrouthrid Flath Floth Forath Fordinth Forth Fratth Fretth Fruith Frunkinth Frunthesper Frusanthin Fulpounth Galloatheam Gathrason Gathrique Gayath Gazquith Ghooth Gillbeath Ginth Gleongrath Glinarthrey Gobbooth Gofth Gofthith Gofthod Goosbochuth Gootheper Gosquith Gouth Graseerth Greathon Grether Grifth Grith Grouth Grunlenth Grunthombes Gruthsch Guther Guthfine Hareenth Harkenth Harksoth Haruth Hathfis Heatheaton Herguithy Hiruckbuth Hitooth Hofthsan Hopplouth Horapeath Horeath Houth Houthick Hubboath Hundbuth Hunth Huthok Insormouth Jackfitth Joyloth Junthrood Kathers Kinth Knierheath Kniotho Kooth Kraichetth Kranth Lanth Lanuther Lasboth Lathers Latorath Latth Lauth Lethead Lifth Llanth Lothomp Lothron Louth Louthokosen Louthooddo Louthy Lyouthorick Macuthodger Mathel Mathelowton Mathout Matth Matthogs Mayouthes Mcbranth Mccacuth Mccathra Mccoth Mccothen Mcculbeath Mcgooth Mcguth Mcleth Mcmitthrayo Medabroth Megofthes Merothes Minarmouth Mithfis Mitthead Monetafth Monuthsands Mooth Mootheng Moothrer Motheep Mother Mothers Mothroa Mouth Mouthbran Muernfrath Murrothrez Myelloth Nefthittait Nifthy Nigath Nooth Noothoss Nouth Noutheatt Nutheakery Nuthed Nuthols Nuthown Nuthreell Nuthriff Nuthroa Nuthsch Nuthsconney Nuthy Nutthbring Olfherth Pathon Patonth Peathrio Penooth Pensoth Pethfis Petreltooth Petth Piggschouth Pithreltook Pomelathsch Pongofthomb Pothbrot Pothounch Pothrez Potth Potthoner Pouth Pouthfisey Pouthopkirk Proothez Proth Pucustether Pucuthory Pínth Quith Ranath Rastethy Ratheass Reath Reathronee Reellath Renpowath Rifthole Roath Robbotheace Rohofth Rooth Roothbron Roothera Rormouth Rotherry Rothowns Rothro Rothy Routh Routhbry Routhead Routheadt Routhen Routhers Routhreee Routhreep Rowathes Ruitherneer Rummitonth Sabbother Sabbothyd Saldencefth Salmoothrid Salumpouth Sanath Sandarth Saneith Santhell Satth Scheacoth Scoramith Scusanthort Scuth Scuthead Scutheager Scuthen Scuthray Seath Seathout Sellitheel Seloutheray Semouth Simouth Siotheseadt Slecoth Sloragoothy Snalnuth Snitebetth Snouthrige Snuth Snuthitto Snutth Spathordi Spathy Spatthrice Spiellath Spreathres Squeeather Squith Stenth Steth Stletmath Stletther Stomacooth Stouthy Suther Swoostpeth Taillaspoth Tallathet Tecuth Teppenth Terafth Terrafth Tetth Thead Theadya Theafuez Theandkin Thena Therb Thfis Thfison Thiter Thody Thogalds Thogey Thogfinton Tholes Tholl Thoodleod Thordi Thoret Thorfis Thorneey Thornese Thors Thory Those Thounn Thowead Thragfird Thraynne Thredting Threl Threlver Threstiang Thridez Thrig Thrina Thris Throe Thror Throuthers Thsalark Thsaw Thyde Tiammeroth Tiplath Tofthrobyrd Tomouth Tonnuthy Tooth Trivilmoth Troatthon Trobith Trooth Troth Vanath Vinestooth Walemahouth Waloaricath Warmoupenth Wather Wathout Wathova Wathrierton Whinth Whith Whithen Whitnuth Wifthrout Willithrez Wofth Wofthro Wooth Woothett Yanboth
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Glamping Red River Gorge
Glamping Red River Gorge
At Base Camp Atthered, we provide all important stuffs related to camps. We have an online ecommerce store as well that focuses on selling camping gear as well as eco-friendly & sustainable goods.
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@grandsludgealmondhero @v-atther @ireham3 @cheezbot
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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"Jealous" by Beyonce
“Jealous” by Beyonce
“And I know that I’m being hateful. But that ain’t nothing. That ain’t nothing. I’m just jealous. I’m just human. Don’t judge me.” I’m in my penthouse half nakedI cooked this meal for you nakedSo where the hell you atThere’s just one shot left of this drinkIn this glass don’t make me break itWish that you were meSo you could feel this feeling I never broke one promiseAnd I know that I’m not…
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Just finished episode 2 and I have another thing
Knight valient was beating atther before the snakes were revealed and only lost because of the distraction. In a fair fight, arther would have lost!
I've started watching merlin for the first time since I watched it before primary school years ago, and here are a few of my initial thoughts
1. I was right to have a crush on arthwr, but wrong to have one on merlin
2. They treat royalty very casually in this show.
3. I dont know much about medieval fashion, and I know it isn't actually medieval England, but the woman dresses in particular are just all over the place
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Tonight is going to be cute!! Come see us at There Ultra Lounge! Showtime 11:30pm with Divauna Taravella, Jennifer Warner (former Miss Gay United States Icon) and Natasha Douglas (Current reigning Miss Continental Plus) and yours truly! See you THERE! 👑 @jenwarner2014 @lola_lecroix @natashadouglas99 @divauna_taravella TONIGHT SEE YOU THERE ATTHERE ULTRA LOUNGE PITTSBURGH (at There Ultra Lounge)
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