#attention for mrs rowena <3
nexility-sims · 1 year
Numbers 2, 4 and 16 for Rowena please :)
2. what is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
this is an upcoming subplot in part iii !!!! "upcoming" as in, you know, when i return to the main story in 1278142 years. i've definitely referenced their relationship throughout, but the gist is that it's always been strained. susannah is a proper society women, and her reputation is very important to her, but rowena has never been an easy daughter for a woman like that. she was rambunctious and outdoorsy and not particularly feminine as a child, she was a poor student who caused trouble, and she's been a constant source of chaos and scandal her entire adult life. rowena's refusal to settle down and get married was always a special sticking point, too; she's the ancient age of thirty-two when she and alfonso get married, which means susannah had given up on the idea. she wasn't an alva vanderbilt about any of it, tho.
their relationship was strained, but it's also true that susannah always loved her and treated her gently, and rowena was never so resistant as to be resentful. i think susannah constantly second guessed herself, wondering if a harsher approach might've changed things, but she just didn't have it in her to act like that. it's a bit tragic, in a way, that she gets her wishes—her daughter is married, and to a prince, with a little family of her own—at the expense of not being able to really experience it alongside her. they live in different countries, after all, and susannah's health has been on the decline, which means traveling isn't easy. meanwhile, rowena is plagued by feelings of inadequacy and discomfort exacerbated by the awareness that, even when she's doing what her mother wanted for her, she's still doing it wrong, failing at every turn, embarrassing her in front of the whole world. i don't think susannah feels that way, but the truth of it wouldn't change how rowena feels.
4. has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
i feel like the key part of this question is the word "witnessed," so ... seems like the answer is no. rowena has certainly been changed but more so by things she's participated in—be it incidents in past relationships, becoming a mother, et cetera. but, there's also the sense that rowena isn't someone who experiences an event and wakes up different the next day. growth or losses are more gradual and subtle for her, i want to say. she'll witness something then realize years and years later that maybe, perhaps, it wasn't something she shrugged off easily after all.
i will not give spoilers, but :^) this kind of delay is a real problem for everyone
16. which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
happiness ! she couldn't care less about success. part of it is because she's never had to care about it. she has the privilege of immense wealth and a prestigious family name, and this was even before she became part of a true royal family. success also suggests a kind of ambition, and rowena isn't exactly ambitious by conventional metrics (or maybe any). she doesn't have concrete aspirations and, if she did, working toward them wouldn't bring her much joy or fulfillment. she's lazy and complacent, but she's also someone who finds happiness in small, everyday things as much as the grand, romantic things. i do think she's under the mistaken impression that happiness is a permanent state, and a complication of her actual unhappiness is wrapped up in not understanding why she can't achieve that state—even when, especially when, she has everything that anyone could ever want.
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oggirlboss · 6 months
༺ ♰ ༻ hopeless ༺ ♰ ༻
pairing[s]: yandere! slytherin!levi ackerman x afab! ravenclaw! reader and hanji zöe x being a phenomenal human being that deserves the entire world
warning[s]: stalking and obsession
summary: you and levi share professor snape's potions class, but that's not enough for levi. he needs more. and he's willing to go as far as it takes.
word count: 0.9k
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potions class was a special hell for levi ackerman. the ravenclaw and slytherin fifth years had the class together, which led to a fierce competition for top student. this, of course, is where he met you.
pretty, little miss perfect. [y/n] [l/n]. god was he obsessed.
any focus on the course material flew out the window. why learn how bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses? why learn how to bottle fame, brew glory, or put a stopper in death when perfection was just within his grasp?
"mr. ackerman~" professor snape stopped his lecture. "do pay attention, otherwise i will send you out of this classroom. you wouldn't like that; would you?" levi would really like to stay and watch you, but on second thought, your seat was right next to the door. maybe if he left he could discretely run his fingers through your hair before he was forced away from you. "mr. ackerman?"
"yes, sir?" levi turned away from you to stare at the chalkboard snape was writing on. snape stepped forward and slammed the piece of chalk onto levi's desk. his scowl deepened as he leaned closer and said something that struck a cord inside levi.
"you're hopeless." snape didn't know how right he was.
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you're only a fourth year, but your talents in professor snape's class were unrivaled. the greasy bastard even went as far as securing you a seat in the class above your year to challenge you. it should have been too easy for levi to sweet talk his way into your heart, but that preverted half-blood professor had to assign seats. levi wanted to kill himself as soon as hanji zoë plopped their ass in the seat next to his. could this year be any worse?
"leviii-" hanji gripped onto the sleeve of his robe and shook him, lost in their excitement. god knows what it was about this time.
"shut it, shitty glasses." levi spat out as he turned away from them.
"awwwww!!!" they screamed, drawing the attention of all their classmates. "is little baby levi pouting?" the people closest began to let little giggles slip through the quiet atmosphere, hanji's antics never failing to break the ice that came with having first period potions. levi however, wasn't pleased in the slightest, but one look at you made him forget his anger.
his obsession started out small. little handwritten notes slipped into your textbooks and love letters dropped into your favorite cauldron in potions class. you read them all of course, and looked them over when you felt insecure. you rolled up the notes and placed them in a pink tinted jar beneath your bed, while the letters were wrapped in twine and hidden under your pillow. it was an awfully sweet gesture, keeping them was the least you could do.
but imagine levi's delight when he discovers this?! oh he's so happy his little princess did this. it will only make him want to spoil you more.
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he memorized the entire layout of ravenclaw tower for you. astute rowena definitely didn't plan for a certain slytherin to be capable of answering every riddle thrown at him by that eagle shaped knocker embedded in the door. he's snuck into your room during the late hours of the night, either watching you sleep or writing down everything he sees and touching everything he could. He pays special attention to you from 3 am to 4 am because he knows that's the time your body is weakest and most likely to just give up and let you die. and you can't die. not on his watch.
he's always out of sight before the sun comes up, and ready to write the next letter.
but today was different. the air was more crisp. life was being lived more today than any other day. and he was going to speak to you.
"oi, brat." he called across the room at you.
you. you. you. it's all you.
"yes?" you looked up from the book in your lap, his steel grey eyes focused on your pretty, [e/c] eyes.
how cute! you're so polite to him. levi reaches into the pocket of his robe and nearly sighed at the coarse feeling of your diary in his hands. he'd taken it from you so long ago, that he could barely part with the black, leather bound parchment. he's read it over four or five times, enough to have all your little secrets memorized. "found this under a willow tree in the courtyard. thought you'd be missing it."
a lie.
he'd stolen it from your bag while you weren't watching. the cute way your cheeks heated was enough satisfaction to last him a lifetime.
but he's so selfish.
and he's going to drown himself in you.
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defenderrosetyler · 3 years
A Prince and His Swan Chapter 3
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The Time has come for chapter 3! Thank you to @flamencodiva​ for helping Beta as usual; There is a small warning in here is a character death, minor language, things like that.  WC:  2465 There is also a companion series with this by flamencodiva as well, The Frog Prince which can be found HERE Storybrooke “Good Morning Samuel.” Mr. Gold says, not looking up from his work as the bell above the door chimed, signaling a person's entrance into his store. “Gold,” Sam says, letting out a huff of annoyance. If Gold was going to question him the same as Henry was about his mood? This wasn’t going to be a pleasant visit. Mr. Gold, being the wealthiest man in town, knew almost everything. Including the town gossip.
“Judging by the sound of your mood, it's safe to say you and Y/N had another argument this morning, didn't you?” He says, dark brown eyes looking at the younger Winchester brother. “How are your parents, by the way? Your relationship with Ruby?” “Ruby is none of your concern.” Sam snapped. “Oh, come now, is that any way to talk to a man who helped you and your family?” He says, giving his response in a calm, low tone .”I could go to Rowena and be in charge of all of those finances?” Mr. Gold took a step closer to Sam, giving him a slight glare, “After all, it was originally my contract you destroyed, Boy. But I can make sure to take it back and have you start at square one all over again.” Sam held up his hands, not wanting to argue with the man, “Is it just me, or was the clocktower moving this morning?”
This made Gold raise a confused brow at Sam. This was not the first time he’d heard this rumor, especially with the talk of the new person that had arrived in town, even staying at Granny’s B and B. The bell rang a second time that morning, sounding another patron entering the shop's entryway.
“Good Morning, gentleman.” Sheriff Graham says from the doorway, his hands in his pockets. Cleaning his throat, attempting to diffuse the tension between the two lawyers in the room. 
“Good Morning, Graham.” “Sheriff.” Both men, who seemed to be in a standoff, greeted the Sheriff of Storybrooke. Refusing to turn to look at him. “Would you gentleman be interested in a job? I have a client who needs a lawyer, and you two are the only ones I know.”
 “Well, Samuel, I think this makes for an interesting deal between us. Let's put that brain of yours to the test. I want to see how well you're able to keep our newest capture in her cell. If you can keep her behind bars, I’ll give you a raise in your salary. This would allow you to pay back Rowena a lot sooner and allow you to save up for any possible future you and Miss Ruby may have.” Sam gave him a look, waiting for the rebuttal of what would happen when he ends up losing. Which Sam had no intention of losing. He wanted to show up Gold. Stand up to him. “If I end up winning and our new friend is freed from her cage?” he says, a wicked look in his eye. “I’ll have you work double shifts here, receiving the same amount of pay. Possibly less, I haven’t fully decided yet.” Sam blinks as he lets his words echo in his ears.  Thrusting out his hand for Gold to take, a smirk on his face, “Done.”
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Enchanted Forest
“Samuel! We weren’t expecting to see you.” Charming says, greeting his friend from the throne room of his castle. It was full of guests coming to see the newly wedded couple. Then again, the arrival of a royal baby was cause for celebration. Sam smiled, hugging Charming. 
“Congratulations on the new arrival on the way.” He smiled, glancing over to see Snow approaching them slowly. “Samuel,” Snow White greeted, making her way towards him to envelope him in a tight hug. “We heard about Odette. Have you found anything?” “I don’t think you’d believe me,” Sam sighed, looking at his friends.  “I think I know of someone we can talk to that may be able to help you out,” Charming says, looking over at his wife, who also nods, having come to the same idea as her husband.
The Blue Fairy.
Sam watched as the Fairy approached, feeling wary of her. Dean had mentioned Amaya had been cursed by a fairy, but if Snow and Charming said that she was someone they trusted, he could trust her, couldn’t he?
“Nice to meet you,” Sam says, remembering his manners. Telling the Fairy about Odette and her curse.
 “Oh, I know all about her curse, sweet one,” She says sweetly to him. This made Sam blink. Had he told her all of this for nothing? The Fairy let out a sigh. “As much as I’d like to offer my assistance, Rowena’s curse is pretty straightforward in how to break it.”
“Paid in blood,” Sam scoffed, “Charming, I’m not about to let anyone die because of someone I love!” He says, angry at the situation. He wasn’t about to lose Odette. This wasn’t going to end in bloodshed. The translation echoed in his ears, making Sam feel anxious. ‘never shall she be with the ones she loves, until true loves confession be spoken with blood.’ Feeling frustrated, Sam left the throne room, heading to the dungeons. Sam knew that Snow and Charming had Rumplestilskin in their dungeons. Maybe he could help him break the curse from Rowena or at least offer some sound advice. Then again, the man was dark and evil. “No...No, this is foolish,” Sam muttered under his breath. “Nothing is foolish, dearie,” Rumple said from his cell. “Especially if it keeps that little swan of yours safe.” “You don’t get to talk about Odette as if you know her!” Sam snapped, walking up to the bars of his cell. Face red with anger, chest rising and falling in rage. “Who am I kidding? You're just a waste of my time. Arguing with you isn't gonna help me save Odette.” Rumples' maniacal laugh echoed in the dungeons as Sam made his way back to his own castle. There was a ball to prepare for.
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Storybrooke “What do you mean you backed out of the challenge?!” Ruby snapped as she looked over at her fiancé. She had been pacing in their living room ever since Sam returned later from home than usual. As Sam sat down, telling her the events of the afternoon, she was growing angrier and angrier. “I mean exactly that, Ruby!” Sam snapped, feeling frustrated and tired of her questioning his every move. His eyes filled with rage, glaring at her.  “I don’t care about you anymore!” He says, voice rising as he grew angrier. “If you don’t like my work ethic, then there’s the door.” Ruby blinked, hearing Sam’s sudden outburst. He’d never raised his voice like this to her before. What was coming over him? Sam sighed as he ran a hand over his face. He had to clear his head. Maybe some coffee and sleep would be best for him. The following day, Ruby’s things were all packed, making it clear she was leaving. Sam headed over to the jail with a resounded sigh to say good morning to Graham and check in on things there. Emma Swan was causing quite the gossip around town. What was so special about her anyway? Seeing Emma released from the prison made Sam smile a little. Knowing if he’d kept his bet with Gold, he would have lost. As he made his way over to his office, a voice calling his name caught his attention. “Henry? Shouldn’t you be in school?” Sam scolds him gently, arms crossed against his chest. Henry looked slightly embarrassed. “I wanted to see if you could teach me horseback riding.” Sam raised his eyebrows at the request. “It's just-” “Henry, for the tenth time, I am not a prince in that special book of yours,” Sam says, cutting him off. “Please, Sam?” Henry practically begged. Sam held up his hands, not wanting to argue. Henry grinned excitedly. Then a thought came to his mind. “Henry, we don’t have any horses in town, do we?” Henry nodded, heading to a small ranch in town that Sam didn’t know was there. Then again, Sam didn’t travel much. Mostly, he was occupied with work from the law firm or doing work for Mr. Gold. When not spending time at his place of employment, Sam spends a lot of time at home or even sharing a meal with his brother at Granny’s diner. How else would he know that Singer Ranch even existed? “Henry! Nice to see you, kid!” An older man chuckled. “Hi, Mr. Singer!” Henry greeted, “Sam and I came to ride a horse!” “Mr. Singer,” Sam also greeted, holding out his hand for the elder stablemaster to hold. “Henry’s told me a lot about you, Sam. Let me guess, he thinks one of my horses are yours then?” Sam nodded, clearing his throat. Bobby led them to the stables, where there were three horses. One seemed to catch Sam’s eye. A black horse, the tallest of the three with a beautiful black mane. “That there is Onyx.” Bobby says,  “Got him all saddled up for you.” As Sam approached the stable door, Onyx let out a loud knicker. Causing Sam to chuckle, brushing the horse’s nose. “See? He recognized you!” Henry cheered. This made Sam blink his eyes and back up a little. “Henry, I’ve never seen this horse in my life.” He says, trying to argue. “Bet you can ride him though.” Henry says, “Besides if you’re teaching me, you should show me what to do first, right?” This kid was not letting up. Apparently, Sam wasn’t the only one Henry had been pestering. Henry had been pressing Dean too. Making him show off archery lessons when he went to sub as a gym teacher for the day. Sam raised a brow at Henry after looking at Onyx. “If I can ride him properly around the arena, I’d like to know more about Y/N. Clearly, she dislikes me, and I’d like to know why. If I’m truly a prince, then maybe she’s a princess?” “If you can ride Onyx, Henry won’t be the only one impressed. Can’t seem to get anyone to calm him down to ride him. If anything, he tolerates me at best.” Bobby added under his breath. Stepping into the stall, Sam sighed, holding out his hand. The horse had to trust him first before he decided to jump onto his back and ride around the area Bobby had. “Easy boy,” Sam whispered softly. “I’m not gonna hurt you, see? You're not so bad, are you, Onyx," Sam said. He hadn't realized he was holding his breath, letting it out slowly. He's never been close to a horse before, and yet, this horse seems to trust him. The hose gave a soft snort, his nose pressing into Sam’s hand as a sign of acceptance. Moving slowly, Sam placed his foot in the stirrup, pushing off the ground, swinging his leg over, and securing himself on the saddle. Henry noticed Sam shaking his head. Sam still felt Henry was still out of his mind. Sam wasn’t in some fairytale. He lived in the real world. Cleaning his throat, Sam nodded to Bobby, allowing him to open the stall door. “I’ll be damned,” Bobby says in surprise. “That horse barely tolerates me.” “That's because he’s Sam’s horse!” Henry says, trying to stress the point. Placing his book on a stool, flipping to find the page of Sam riding Onyx through the woods. This was crazy. Sam had never ridden a horse in his life, yet he knew how to approach Onyx? Sam gave a gentle click of his tongue, followed by a soft kick to Onyx’s side. Sam wanted to take things slow. Just send the horse on a peaceful walk. Apparently, Onyx had other ideas, moving into a trot instead. Sam gives him a swift kick. “I said walk.” He muttered “I thought you said you never rode a horse before Sam?” Bobby questioned him.  Sam blinked, looking over at the older man. “You made him stop on a dime since he wasn’t listening to ya. Only a rider who knows his horse would know how to control him like that.” Onyx was still not pleased with being told what to do, even if being ridden by Sam. He’d been cooped up in the stall for far too long. Onyx broke out into a full canter within a moment’s notice, rushing him and Sam into the woods outside of town. “Damn it, Onyx, slow down, would ya?!” Sam shouts, feeling frustrated and irritated. Why wasn’t the horse listening to him? It was clear the horse wanted to go running, to feel free and run. Sam desperately tried to gain his control back. While he was away, Henry and Bobby talked while looking over his storybook. Bobby was apparently in his book too, but Bobby was willing to sit and listen to Henry. Henry was just a boy. He needed friends to talk to instead of people brushing him off. “Onyx, I said slow down!” Sam snarled at the horse and gives it another firm kick to his rib area. Trying to make the stallion listen to reason. This time, after past attempts of misbehavior, Onyx finally slowed down to a trot then over to a walk. As sunset approached, Sam decided to climb down off Onyx and lead him back to the stables where he’d be in Bobby’s care once again. Offering to walk Henry home before choosing to walk home himself. He really didn’t want to head back to his apartment, didn’t want to face Ruby. She had given him enough of a headache and didn’t want to cause another one. Sam always knew he was welcomed at Granny’s for a meal. Even if he and Y/N weren’t on speaking terms. As Sam made his way into town, though, he heard screaming coming from the jail. It wasn’t anyone he knew, but the woman shouted a name he knew, making Sam feel sick to his stomach. “Graham...” Sam breathed, rushing over as fast as he could to help Emma. “Emma, Emma, what happened?” “I-I don’t know….” Emma stammered. “I….I think he’s dead….” She whispered, in a state of shock. With a frown, Sam leaned over to check Graham’s pulse on his neck then his wrist. With tears brimming his eyes, he rushed over to Granny’s for help. Y/N had just made her way inside from running an errand for Granny, noticing the look in Sam’s eyes. She slowly reached to place a gentle hand on his arm.  “Sam? What is it?” she asked. A lonely tear fell down Sam’s cheek.  “Graham’s Dead.”
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petrichoravellichor · 4 years
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Title: A New Kind of Life
Wordcount: ~10k
Rating: T
Summary: What if, when Sam and Dean break into the Empty, Cas isn’t the only one they save? A post-15x19 fix-it fic in which Crowley gets a second shot at the redemption (and family) he deserves.
(Read on Ao3)
Chapter 2 (of 5) (Ch. 1, Ch. 3, Chs. 4 & 5)
Days go by. Crowley remains in his room, keeping the door locked and stubbornly ignoring any attempts by Sam or Dean to gain entrance, although he does spare a breath to shout that if they want something to do, they can go ward the rest of the Bunker against further intrusions from certain Hell witches. In the end, the brothers leave him alone, and Crowley tells himself he’s glad. It nearly works; he is, after all, a very good liar, even to himself.
Then comes a newer knock, a softer one, followed by a voice Crowley recognizes as belonging to the new God-Kid, Jack: “Hello? Mr. Crowley? Are you still in there?”
And maybe it’s because he’s bored—it’s certainly not because he’s lonely— but Crowley decides to answer. “Why are you knocking?” he snaps. “Can’t you just blow the bloody door off its hinges?”
A beat of silence; then: “I...could, but it wouldn’t be very polite.”
Wouldn’t be very—?! Crowley gapes at the door; dear God, the boy really was Castiel’s son. Eventually, Crowley asks, “What do you want?”
“Do you know how to play chess?”
Whatever Crowley is expecting, it isn’t that. He goes to the door, unlatching the bolt and opening it a crack. “What?”
“Do you know how to play chess?” Jack repeats and holds up a battered old set. “I found this in the storeroom a while back, but I don’t know how to play, and neither do Sam or Dean.”
And it’s...strange. Crowley knows, logically, that this is the golden-eyed man he saw in the Empty, the supremely powerful being who is not only Lucifer’s spawn but also the new God; he knows this...yet somehow, as Jack stands before him and smiles almost shyly, Crowley can’t help but think Jack looks rather...small.
He frowns, opening the door wider. “What about Castiel?” Crowley demands archly. “Surely he’s familiar with what it means to be a pawn.”
Unfortunately, the jab appears to go right over the boy’s head. “He knows what all the pieces are called,” Jack says, nodding, “but he’s never played before. Have you?”
Crowley has. He actually rather likes chess, although it’s been some time since he’s faced a worthy opponent. As King of Hell, he’d of course been able to order other demons to play with him, but most of them were so abysmally bad at it that he’d stopped bothering after a while. “Why do you ask?” he says, instead of answering.
“Will you teach me?”
The request catches Crowley off-guard; he can’t help but feel it’s some sort of joke. “You want me,” he says slowly, “to teach you how to play chess.”
“Oh.” Jack’s face falls; he looks down. “Okay. Sorry for bothering you; I’ll leave you alone.”
Jack turns and begins to walk away, and the sight really shouldn’t bother Crowley...but it does. He feels a sort of painful pressure building in his chest, and suddenly, the thought of being alone any longer is downright unbearable. Bollocks...
“Wait!” Crowley calls, stepping out into the hallway as Jack turns to peer hopefully over his shoulder. “Just...wait. I’ve changed my mind. The answer is yes.”
Jack beams. “You mean it?”
And he looks so bloody happy that Crowley has to focus his gaze on Jack’s shoulder; looking too long at that smile feels like staring into the sun. “I said as much,” he grumbles. “What more do you want?”
“Can we play in the library? The lighting’s better there.”
Crowley flicks his gaze back to Jack’s face, fully prepared to say no, they’ll play in his quarters or not at all...but Jack is giving him these blasted, begging eyes that Crowley would bet good money were learned from Sam, and what actually comes out is, “Lead the way.”
They take to having daily lessons in the library. Crowley demonstrates various openings and defenses, and when they progress to actual matches, he shows no mercy, checkmating Jack’s king in what feels like a record number of moves.
Still, what Jack lacks in natural ability, he makes up for with eagerness to learn and ample appreciation of Crowley’s knowledge, which is...actually rather nice, if Crowley’s being honest with himself; he can’t remember the last time anyone appreciated him for anything.
Sam, Dean, and Castiel look in on them from time to time, although Crowley pretends not to notice them. Once, he catches a glimpse of a woman Jack says is called Eileen Leahy.
“She’s Sam’s girlfriend,” Jack explains brightly as he takes one of Crowley’s pawns with his remaining bishop. “Sam brought her back from the dead after a hellhound killed her.”
Ah. That explains the dirty look...Crowley frowns, moving a knight to capture Jack’s bishop. He hadn’t been lying when he’d told Sam, years ago, that he hadn't known who Eileen was when he lent a hellhound to the British Men of Letters, and besides, they were the ones who’d decided to sic said hellhound on the woman, not him. It’s not his fault the bastards had apparently thought it sporting to use an invisible weapon against someone who couldn’t hear it coming. If Crowley had wanted to kill Eileen, he would have at least had the decency to use a weapon she could see. Still, what’s done is done, and Crowley does his best not to dwell on it. The topic of hellhounds is, after all, rather painful at present, given that he still doesn’t know what’s become of Juliet.
Not for the first time, Crowley curses himself for losing his temper with his mother before having learned the fate of his favorite hellhound. Was Juliet still in Hell, where he’d left her? Had she been well-cared for in his absence? What if one of his adversaries had harmed her out of spite? What if his mother had harmed her out of spite? Crowley has no way of knowing, not unless he wants to contact his mother again or just show up in Hell, and neither option inspires optimism. Rowena could very easily lie to him over the phone, and setting foot in Hell feels far too akin to walking into a trap: enough of Crowley’s enemies have probably survived the past few years that he’d be stabbed the moment he got through the gates, and for what? Only to learn that Juliet had been butchered years ago? At least as things currently are, he can still hold onto the chance, however slim, that Juliet is alive. If only there were some way to know…
Go on then, universe, Crowley thinks savagely, give me a bloody sign.
No sooner does the thought form than Crowley hears the click of paws against the Bunker's floor. He freezes, hardly daring to believe...but his hopes are abruptly dashed when a moment later, a tan, scruffy-looking mutt who is neither Juliet nor a hellhound enters the library. The dog pauses when it catches sight of him seated across from Jack at the table, then growls.
Jack looks over and smiles. “Hey, boy, it’s okay,” he calls soothingly, reaching a hand down to get the dog’s attention. “This is Mr. Crowley; he’s a friend. Come say hi.”
To Crowley's surprise, the dog scampers forward, apparently willing to take Jack’s word on the matter. It stops next to Crowley’s chair and sniffs him curiously until Crowley reaches out and hesitantly pats its head, at which point it starts wagging its tail and lets out a friendly sort of bark. The sound fills Crowley with a sense of unexpected warmth.
“When did you lot get a dog?” he asks, glancing back at Jack as the dog lies down at his feet.
“A little over a week ago,” Jack replies. “Dean found him after Chuck made everyone disappear. His name is Miracle.”
“Miracle,” Crowley repeats, looking down at the dog, which yawns back at him, apparently settling in for a nap. “Of course.”
After they finish their lesson, Crowley starts to return to his room, only to hear Miracle trailing after him into the hall. He turns to regard the dog with a frown.
“If it’s treats you’re after,” Crowley says, “I haven’t got any.”
Miracle cocks his head, seeming to consider him for a moment, then pads over, tail wagging and eyes bright. “Woof.”
Crowley arches a brow. “You don’t take no for an answer, do you?”
“Right.” Crowley sighs. “Well, come on, then,” he says, turning and continuing the rest of the way to his room, Miracle trotting alongside him. “You’re no hellhound, but I suppose you’ll do for company.”
And to himself, with grudging approval: Well played, universe. Well played.
More days pass. Crowley spends most of his time in his room, leafing through books borrowed from the Bunker library with Miracle curled up at the foot of his bed. The dog comes to visit him more often than not, scratching insistently at the door until Crowley lets him in. Having him around doesn’t make Crowley’s anxieties over Juliet fade away, but it does lessen the sting of her absence, if only a little.
Jack also stops by with increasing frequency, and Crowley honestly still doesn’t know what to make of him. Lucifer’s blood flows in the boy’s veins, and by all accounts, that should make Jack terrible beyond reason, a vicious, manipulative creature whose only goal is to bring about the downfall of mankind in the most horrible way imaginable.
Instead, Jack sits cross-legged on Crowley’s bed and talks cheerfully about Star Wars or whatever other interest has his attention that day, and his only vice seems to be an insatiable sweet tooth. During one of his visits, he asks about Crowley’s life before they met, and there’s something so maddeningly sincere about the way he does it that Crowley finds himself telling Jack more than he means to, about himself, about Hell, about his mother...
By the time he finishes, Crowley feels raw and a little embarrassed at having said so much, but Jack just smiles softly. “It’s okay, Mr. Crowley,” he says. “We can be more than the people we come from; my dads taught me that. We can choose to be good.”
Crowley isn’t so sure about that, at least not as far as he himself is concerned. His soul is about as damned as a soul can get, and besides, his choices have a nasty habit of blowing up in his face. Still, it’s...a nice thought, if nothing else.
He’s still thinking about it later that night, long after Jack’s gone off to Heaven for a bit to do whatever it is he and Amara do up there. Crowley’s sitting in the dark kitchen having a cup of tea—cheap stuff that comes in a bag, unfortunately, but at least there’d been a kettle—when Castiel appears in the doorway, an almost-silhouette against the soft glow of the hall light, and peers in at him through the darkness.
Crowley stares stonily back. Apparently, his assessment of the shift in Dean and Castiel's dynamic had been correct: Castiel is barefoot, wearing a t-shirt and sweats that were probably once Dean’s or maybe still are. Crowley can practically smell Dean’s scent on the clothes even from where he sits, and the low-quality tea does nothing to chase the bitterness from his mouth. Who would have thought that all it would take to tear away whatever final shred of heterosexuality Dean Winchester had been clinging to all these years was a deathbed love confession followed by a romp in the Empty? Not that Crowley cares a whit about that; he doesn't, not even a little bit, not at all.
“Hello, Castiel,” he says darkly. “Out for a stroll? You should try the dungeon; from what I recall, it’s lovely this time of night.”
Castiel raises an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t know,” he says evenly, “having never spent the night there.” Then, before Crowley can think of a suitable comeback, Castiel gestures at an empty stool on the other side of the table. “May I?”
Crowley shrugs. “This is your home, not mine. You don’t need my permission to do anything.”
“Even so, I’d like to have it.”
“Then consider it had. I’ll take my tea elsewhere.”
Castiel frowns. “There’s no need for that.”
Crowley lets his eyes linger on Castiel’s shirt, on Dean’s shirt, then snaps his gaze back to Castiel’s face. “Not for you, perhaps.”
Silence. Crowley is hyperaware of the clock on the wall, ticking out each passing second as they stare each another down, and he half hopes Castiel will charge, practically dares him to. Crowley’s not stupid—he knows his odds against an ordinary angel aren't particularly good, let alone a former leader of garrisons—but at the moment, he doesn’t care: worst-case scenario, Castiel kills him and he goes back to the Empty. Maybe if Crowley's lucky, he’ll actually get a funeral this time.
Eventually, however, Castiel’s shoulders relax, and he sighs. “You should know,” he says, quietly, “I bear you no ill will over our past grievances.”
Crowley bristles; for a second, he considers getting up and throwing the first punch himself. He isn’t sure what Castiel is playing at, but whatever it is, he’s not in the mood for games. “Of course you don’t," he growls. "They all worked out in your favor.”
Castiel regards him carefully. “You’re referring to Dean.”
“I’m referring to everything!” Crowley snaps, nearly shattering his cup as he slams it down on the table. “Haven’t you noticed, Castiel? Your choices are lauded, held up as grand examples of what one does for love, and mine?” He lets out a mirthless laugh that comes out closer to a sob. “Mine end with me on the business end of an angel blade, dying for a world where I’m not even missed, not by Dean or anyone else.”
No sooner does he say the words than Crowley feels like he can’t breathe. Which is stupid, because he doesn’t need to breathe, hasn’t for centuries, but the feeling’s there all the same. The place his heart would be if he still had one aches; it’s as though a well-healed scar in his chest has been sliced wide open and now Crowley’s choking on all the blood. He blinks back the bitter tears he can feel prickling at his eyes, staring fixedly down at the tabletop and wishing it would swallow him whole.
Eventually, he manages to get himself under control, and by the time the choking feeling subsides, Crowley is more exhausted than angry. Maybe Dean should have left him in the Empty after all, he thinks tiredly; it would have saved a good deal of heartache.
Through it all, Castiel remains silent; when Crowley finally looks up at him, he’s surprised to be met with something strangely akin to pity. Ordinarily, it would be infuriating, but right now, Crowley just can’t find the energy to give a damn; he slumps forward over the table and sighs. “What is it you want, Castiel?” he asks listlessly. “You came here to say something, so by all means, say it. There’s nothing you can take from me that I haven’t already lost.”
For a moment, Castiel lingers on the threshold; then he steps into the dark kitchen and sits across from Crowley at the table. Crowley waits, expecting to be told off...but when Castiel speaks, his tone is surprisingly, solemnly gentle.
“I wanted to thank you,” he says, “for the interest you’ve taken in Jack. What he’s been going through lately...facing Chuck, rebuilding Heaven...it’s been a great deal of change very suddenly. He’s trying so hard, and Sam, Dean, and I are supporting him as best we can, as is Amara, but it's still an incredible burden for a child to bear.” Castiel smiles sadly. “Especially when it’s so easy for others to forget that he’s a child.”
As he listens to Castiel speak, Crowley thinks back to that day in the Empty, at the cosmically powerful golden-eyed being who shielded him, shielded all of them, from the surrounding darkness. Jack is powerful in ways Crowley can only begin to imagine...but he’s also more than that. He's the boy who knocked timidly on Crowley's door and asked to learn chess, the boy who sits on the edge of Crowley’s bed and talks to him and smiles in delight when Miracle chases his tail. He’s curious and well-mannered and kind and—
And God, Crowley realizes with a start; bloody hell, when had he grown so fond of God?
“But, as I was saying,” Castiel says, snapping Crowley out of his thoughts, “the time you’ve been spending with him, treating him like he’s anyone else, giving him space to just be himself...it’s been good for him.” A pause, then: “You’ve been good for him. And while you and I have had our differences—”
Crowley can’t help it; he snorts. “That’s putting it mildly,” he says, and Castiel actually cracks a smile before continuing:
“—and while you and I have had our differences, Jack’s happiness takes precedence over all of them. He’s my son, and you matter to him.” He looks at Crowley intently, then adds, in a tone of absolute certainty, “And he would miss you if you were gone.”
The weight of Castiel’s words nearly knocks Crowley to the floor. He’s never mattered to anyone before, and now...now he matters to God. Crowley swallows; he doesn’t know what to say.
Castiel seems to understand, though. They sit in silence, and it’s not exactly amicable, but it’s not strained, either. Like for the first time since Castiel entered the kitchen, there’s enough space in the room for both of them.
Eventually, Crowley clears his throat. “There’s still some water left in the kettle,” he says, “if you’d like a cup of tea.” Then, because he doesn’t want to appear too agreeable, he gestures despairingly down at his cup and adds, “although what passes for Earl Grey according to Winchester tastes is, unsurprisingly, questionable at best.”
And Castiel, to Crowley’s surprise, smirks. “Leave that to me,” he says, rising and heading over to the cupboard. “I know where Sam hides the stash Rowena gave him for Christmas.”
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nerdlifecentral · 4 years
Unknown Secrets [3]
Summary: Y/n joins the hunt for the mysterious nephidemon, but she finds out some shocking information that brings them closer to saving this town from the clutches of Asmodeus’ child.
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, reader, Gabriel, Castiel, Mick, Ketch, Asmodeus
Pairing: everyone platonic
Genre: Angst, bit of fluff
Word Count: 3,906
Warnings: none :)
A/N: Sorry this took so long, but here it finally is! <3
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I pull up next to Baby in front of the small motel. "So we meet again, beautiful." I say lovingly, patting the roof of Dean's beloved car. I walk up to room number 63. The six has a loose screw which makes it look more like a nine, so I hope it really is room 63.
My anxiety is quelled when I see Ketch open the door with a wide, relaxed smile. "Hello, darling. I hope you didn't spend all of last night trying to research just to show off,” he says while giving me a hug and playfully winks, prompting Mick to shake his head from his spot at a small table across from Sam, whose laptop is open and running some sort of crazy code.
"No, not this time. Although I have always been the brains behind the operations when it comes to you two." 
Mick let out a chuckle while Ketch simply rolls his eyes and went to lounge on the couch. Sam then gets up, somewhat awkwardly and offers a quick hug.
"So," he starts, "me and Dean tried to dig up anything extra we could have skipped over in either demon lore or any offspring they could produce." I nod for him to continue as he takes a seat and turns his computer towards me. "The only thing that could be a possible lead is the tracking spell Rowena used and there's been a history of weird weather patterns - especially lightning storms for almost forty years. So that means that either Asmodeus or his child has been here for at least forty years."
I rest my chin on my hand and think about what could explain this Prince of Hell living in my town for forty years. I mean, how have I never ran into him or seen anything weird even once?
The door opens and in walks Dean with lots of beer and various snacks, along with a pie that I assume to be cherry.
"Alright, what's the game plan guys? FBI or some basic computer research?" Dean asks, putting away his items and walking over to his bed and plopping down looking at me.
"Sam was just catching us up on the weather stuff y'all found last night." I respond, noticing Sam's open laptop. "Although I think it would make the most sense if Asmodeus was here for, let's say, twenty years, scoping the place out and getting other Hunters to believe that the storms would be normal so no one bats an eye once his child is born, and they could live here for maybe twenty more years, completely undetected."
After a short pause, Mick speaks up, "It is certainly possible and the most likely lead we have. Why else would he want to risk staying in one area for that long?" 
Sam sighs and nods in agreement and slides his computer to face himself again.
"So, y/n," Dean starts and I pick my head up and look to him, "has anyone ever seemed off to you or someone you heard of being born thirty to forty years ago?"
I snort a laugh and respond. "You named most of the folks in this town. Most people have grown up here all their lives and don't really have the desire to move away. Not many long term or consistent visitors either."
Ketch stands up from the couch and walks over to Mick snatching a notebook sitting next to him. He says, "alright, who could be the most likely candidates for being this monster, y/n?"
I rubbed my eyes and leaned back, trying to narrow down who to say, but all I could see were faces morphing into each other and names swirling through my thoughts. "How should I narrow it down?" I ask with my eyes closed for a moment, opening them only because of the sound of Sam typing on his computer and Ketch speaking.
"Let's start with anyone especially strange or out of the ordinary, people between thirty and forty who have lived here their whole lives, only children, maybe anyone who doesn't know their parents or their mother died in birth."
I take a deep breath and start naming people that fit any or all of the criteria Ketch described while explaining which characteristics they have as Ketch writes the addresses that I can remember and Sam types up the list.
It takes us a few hours of narrowing down and organizing everyone into sizable chunks and who our most likely hidden monster is. Luckily, everyone lived nearby and Dean brought back some good food choices. Well, as good as gas station and tiny grocery store food can get.
"I vote we get a move on with this list and split up a bit to cover more ground." Ketch suggests.
Sam glances at Dean as he says "Works for me. We going for FBI on this one?"
The group nods as Dean butts in saying, "We'll go through the people in these neighborhoods," he waves his hand over the section towards the east, "and you three can take the rest." He says while pointing at me.
"Alright, let's get ready and get a move on." I say, standing up and walking out to grab some gear. I can’t help but think how odd it is that I have grown up with these people and all this time one of them could be such a horrible, dangerous creature. My palms almost itch with the anticipation of making my town, and the world a safer place. But I can’t help but wonder if we’re making the right decision.
"Last house will be just to the left of Willow Street.” Mick says from the passenger side, directing Ketch to our final stop before it got too late.
I don’t even know how we’re gonna find this nephidemon at this point. No one we’ve talked to all day has said or remembered anything that would help us remotely. Hopefully Sam and Dean have had some better luck, I think as Ketch pulls up to the curb across from the house.
We all climb out of the car and casually walk up to the front door, Ketch and Mick with their badges and me prepared for the endless complaints this case will earn me from the locals for bringing the feds to their doorsteps. But, if I can possibly help out Mick, Ketch, Cas, and the Winchesters with something like Asmodeus or his freak kids, then it’s worth it. The door opens revealing Fred and his wife, Josie with polite smiles on their faces.
“Hey, Fred and Josie! How have you guys been?” I ask, smiling warmly.
Josie responds for them both. “We’re doing just fine, dear. You should join us for game night next time!” 
I laugh and nod enthusiastically, about to explain and introduce the two "agents" beside me when Fred beats me to it. “Who are your friends? They visitors?” he interjects with slightly narrowed eyes and hands shoved in his pockets.
“Of course, my apologies. These are FBI agents McCullough and Morgan.” They both hold up their badges with calm expressions. “They’re old friends of mine and have been looking for someone they think might have been hanging around here for awhile. I figured you both have excellent memories and I was hoping you wouldn’t mind us taking a few moments of your day to help them find a potential suspect?” I slightly tilt my head and try to look as innocent and eager to help as possible. Fred and Josie have always treated me as one of their own children and I certainly hope Ketch doesn’t offend them in any way.
“It’s no problem at all. Very nice to meet you gentlemen. As y/n stated I am Josie Hutcherson and this is my husband, Fred.” Josie, being the polite and kind person that she is, shook hands with Ketch and Mick, welcoming us all inside.
One nice thing about living in a small town is how nothing really changes; not the people, the drama, and not any buildings save for the occasional fresh coat of paint or new lamp. Having something constant is always welcome, especially when it feels like the world is ending.
"What case did you say you were helping them with, y/n?" I'm drawn out of thoughts by Mrs. Hutcherson kindly sitting down across from Mick and Ketch, Fred still choosing to stand near his wife with crossed arms.
"They're trying to track the movement of a very dangerous criminal, they have reason to believe he stayed here awhile back and then left." 
Josie smiles at me and turns back to the "agents" to speak, but Fred says, "Uh huh. And why does the FBI want to take up your time in this what I would think would be a highly classified search?"
Fred may mean well, but words were always something he left to Josie. Hopefully he's only put off by Mick and Ketch, I would really hate for them to be hiding this demon kid.
"Y/n here knows almost every person in this town, and from what she's told us she is extremely attentive as well." Mick offers, "We were looking around aimlessly until we met her. My partner actually was interviewing her and she offered to help us look around town for a little bit." He gave a reassuring smile towards Josie and a firm nod towards Fred.
"Now, have either of you noticed anyone strange at all in the past thirty to forty years? They would be extremely charismatic but slightly arrogant as well. And maybe looked something close to this picture." Ketch asks while pulling out a picture of the current vessel of Asmodeus. Even though we aren't sure he was in this vessel when having a kid, it's the best bet we have in recognizing him at all.
Both Josie and Fred denied anyone acting out of the ordinary or ever seeing that picture before. I could tell Mick and Ketch wanted to keep interviewing Josie since she was more open, so I tried to get Fred a little ways away to get through to him better. "I know that you don't really care for the FBI and sticking their noses where nothing has happened, Fred. "He uncrosses his arms with a sigh and a reluctant nod. "But this guy is a really bad guy and they asked me who would be the most attentive people to ask about. And you and your wife were the first I thought of, that's all."
After Fred agrees to be more open to answering their questions, I smile and thank him before walking back out toward the living room where Mick and Ketch are standing up.
"Y/n, I believe we shouldn't take up anymore of these people's time. Thank you both so much for all your help." Mick says with a kind smile and handshake with Josie, then Fred.
"Thank you Josie and Fred, I'll come over when I can," I say with a wave out the door and down the sidewalk. Mick and Ketch also exit and walk back to their car.
"Anything you guys picked up on?" I question, lowering my voice with caution.
Ketch closes his eyes and with a short huff of air responds "Not really. The only odd thing Mrs. Hutcherson mentioned were the persistent lightning storms that drove everyone inside, except for this one time. There was a man and a small child who were outside in the middle of the road, completely unprotected. Just gazing up into the sky for a few hours...."
Thunder, so loud that it feels as though the earth beneath my feet shakes. I look up in wonder as brilliant flashes of lightning take over the dark sky. A warm hand rests on my shoulder, its presence keeping me focused and grounded.
I glance up to the man, who has a prideful smile and warm eyes, and I remember feeling safe despite the chaos and danger surrounding us.
The man speaks, sounding southern and calm. "My daughter, this will be our last night together, I was hoping for more time with you but it's far too dangerous." I tilt my head in question, turning to face him more. He continues, "Someday all of this will seem like a dream for you. That's when your purpose will become clear. And we will be united once again."
I feel tears starting to form, this is my father, he can't abandon me now! "But father, when will that happen? And how long after I remember will I see you again?" He bends down to my level taking both my hands in his.
"I know I will miss you, my child, but I would rather feel this heartache than know you are at risk from Hunters. They are so dangerous and you must always be careful around them. Alright?" I nod my head and hug my father, one last time. I hear him speak once more. "I love you, never forget that." And the whole world goes silent.
I faintly hear voices speaking to me but I couldn't make out what they are saying. I know it’s Mick and Ketch. What on Earth are they doing here? The entire case comes flooding back to me, the Winchesters, Asmodeus, his kid, my strange hallucination. I struggle to open my eyes met with blinding light and someone, Sam, I think, sitting next to me.
"I'm sorry Sam, but there is no way for me to understand why she fainted. She appears to be in good health, not dehydrated, having enough food and energy. I can't find anything wrong." Cas says, slightly leaning his head back from his place at the end of a bed, near a small mirror on the wall.
I try to sit up and ask what's going on, but Sam gently pushes my shoulders back onto the mattress.
"Hey, y/n don’t sit up yet, alright? You've been passed out for a while. Do you remember anything?" Sam speaks calmly and softly, as though speaking too loud may cause me to lose consciousness yet again.
"I remember helping you guys on a case," I start, realizing how quiet my voice is and how hard it is to speak clearly. "You and Dean went to interview some people and Mick, Ketch, and me did the same. I remember leaving their house and walking out to the car..." I trail off, too unsure of how much I should reveal before learning whether it's a weird vision, or... a memory? I shake my head at the thought. It's simply impossible. I glance at Sam then Castiel while saying "I think that's all I can remember, sorry."
Sam gives a gentle smile just as the front door opens, revealing Dean, Ketch, and another person. He's the shortest out of all the men but has a confidence about himself, sandy blond hair that's longer than Dean's but shorter than Sam's, with beautiful whiskey colored eyes.
"Morning, Sunshine. Feeling any better?" Ketch asks, dragging my attention away from the newcomer.
"A little. My brain is still kinda foggy though. What happened?" I ask, looking between Mick and Ketch hoping they can help me discern reality from fiction.
"Well," Mick begins, "we had finished interviewing the Hutchersons and walked out to our car. I told you what Mrs. Hutcherson had told us about seeing a man and a child during a lightning storm, and you fainted."
He explained, taking a seat on my other side. I just stared at him for a while, trying to understand what had happened. I'm not a person who regularly faints, and this simply cannot be a coincidence.
"Okay, um thank you." I say, surprised at how numb I sound. "Also, who are you?" I ask, looking at the strange man sitting at the table with Dean.
He smirks and responds "I'm Gabriel, like the Archangel." He puts his hands next to his shoulders, waving them to mimic flying.
Dean rolls his eyes while Cas stares annoyed at Gabriel's actions. I guess that sort of makes them brothers?
"Naturally. Well, I'm y/n and didn't realize you were joining us." I tilt my head at Mick slightly and he makes a point to stare at Sam across from me.
"Yeah well neither did we." Dean speaks up, glancing at Cas.
The angel sighs and faces me "Gabriel was kidnapped by Asmodeus for his grace, a little over four months ago. Ketch used to work with him and was able to get Gabriel back to the bunker." I look to Ketch who looks down, almost in shame. Then to Gabriel who simply rests his head on his hand and shrugs. Cas continues, "I called Gabriel here since he deserves to be in on taking down Asmodeus, and it certainly won't hurt to have his help."
"But enough about me," Gabriel exclaims suddenly. He looks over to Sam, raising his hands up in question. Why can these idiots never just say what they need to say rather than act all secretive?
Sam takes a deep breath and turns slightly to better face me. "Y/n, I know you're not going to remember everything. But, " he pauses, searching my eyes while being careful to not give anything away.
"But...?" I prompt, looking around only to be met with Gabriel staring with anger towards me. Which is unbelievably rude and unfair, considering how I literally just met him.
"But, are you sure there's nothing else you can remember? Any detail or generic thing?" Sam finishes, with an understanding smile. I don't know what he could mean by that though, I mean, I was passed out for a long time and I don't think people can speak while being unconscious in that sense.
I shook my head no after thinking for a moment. Gabriel let's his head fall back in dramatic fashion while mumbling something under his breath.
"Sorry my answer isn't the one you wanted, Gabriel." His head snapped up and glared at me. What is this guy's problem? "But I barely remember even walking out to the car, let alone any specific details of our last interview."
"You're lying," Castiel said from the corner of the room, a perplexed look on his face. I wanted to ask what he meant but he continued, "you woke up in Ketch and Mick's car and described something very disturbing." I try not to shrink under the angel's condemning gaze; because I actually don't remember waking up at all until being in the motel. The disturbing thing I described, I don't think I will ever be able to forget.
"I don't remember that at all. I had no idea I woke up before five minutes ago."
Gabriel stands up and snaps his fingers in one motion and I immediately find myself in the backseat of the Impala with Castiel next to me.
"What the hell was that for?!" I say trying to steady myself from falling to one side or the other.
Castiel barely spares me a look and explains "Gabriel snapped us both here to have some kind of privacy I assume."
I try to open the door handle but Cas reaches over to grab my arm, and locks the door. He refuses to let go of me whether because of my continued swaying or because he thinks I could outrun him or something.
"Okay, and what exactly are you doing here? I wouldn't think he would want privacy from you if he's saying his piece."
Castiel finally releases my arm but gives no answer, and instead, looks out the window.
I do the same hoping that Gabriel and the Hunters don't take all day.
(Back in the motel room)
Y/n and Cas had disappeared from the room thanks to Gabriel.
"Really, Gabe? You probably could've just asked them to leave the room for a minute." Sam says, exasperated with Gabriel already.
Gabriel takes a deep breath and slowly walks around the room, in deep thought.
Dean uncrosses his arms, letting them rest on either side of the motel chair while watching the archangel pace the room, waiting for an answer.
"What have you got to say that you didn't feel y/n or Cas should hear then?" Mick stands from the bed and asks, squaring his shoulders and walking towards Gabriel with annoyance.
Gabriel pauses his movements, stopping in front of Mick while saying, "Cas already knows what I'm gonna tell you, that's why he's with y/n right now." He turns back looking at Ketch. "She did just wake up after being knocked out for a few hours and I'd rather not be responsible for a casualty already."Gabriel brushes by Ketch to sit on the spot that he vacated. "And I doubt she would appreciate her being told how probable it is that she is this nephidemon we've been looking for."
The room falls silent as the Hunters process his words.
"And why exactly do you think this?" Sam asks Gabriel, a shocked expression on his face. "She literally volunteered to help us with this case without any kind of convincing from any of us. If she is the nephidemon, then wouldn't she want to get as far away from all of us as possible?"
Gabriel closes his eyes and leans his head against the bed's worn bed frame, "Sam, I can't put my finger on it but when I first saw her, she reminded me of Asmodeus all over again." He slowly opens his eyes, keeping them focused on the ceiling missing the spark within them. I can only assume that kind of trauma doesn’t leave a person - or archangel I guess unaffected.
"Well, try to. We have to figure this out now, or come up with a plan on testing her or something," Dean says, rubbing his temples still trying to understand how y/n could have played them all along. How she could have played Ketch and Mick for even longer.
Gabriel sighed saying, "I don’t know if this will make you feel better, I doubt she knows herself if she's related to Asmodeus. She doesn't act like him at all, and from what you've said she sounded confused, scared even by what happened when she passed out."
The group relaxes but only slightly. "How could she possibly not know?" Ketch thinks aloud, "and why would a single memory or hallucination suddenly reemerge right now?"
Gabriel only shrugs, not really being able to provide any kind of a possible answer or solution. Mick shakes his head and offers "He could have wiped her memory in order to protect her. That is why we initially thought the nephidemon would be here for so long." Dean slowly nods while Sam rubs his eyes in frustration. "And maybe Ketch describing what Mrs. Hutcherson saw triggered part of her memory to come back; why she passed out."
The men sat in silence, mulling over everything Gabriel brought up, before anyone could move to suggest anything further, the archangel snapped his fingers and slowly let his hand drop back down to the bed.
"Figured it might be smarter to ask her about it, maybe search her memory or something." He states, beginning to act a bit more normal, as they wait tensely for y/n and Cas to walk back through the door.
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malfoysqueen54 · 4 years
White Flag  Part 3
Dean and her grew up together, trained together. Also, absolutely can’t be in the same room without a fight ensuing. When she has to come back and help out the boys and their friends. If she stays too long will all her secrets come out. She swore he would never know, circumstances and their friends and family, they might have other ideas.
Pairing- Dean x OFC
Warnings: Angst!, oh and ANGST! Triggers for Alcohol and drug abuse. Anger issues. Dean angry and yelling. (That needs a warning). Eventually smut. Sexual situations, cussing, blood, gore, the usual Supernatural warning.
Thank You @winchest09!! Always you rock and talk and beta for me. You are a Rockstar!!!
Also Thanx to @jensengirl83​ she made sure I didn’t miss anything. Love ya girly!!
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Sam was pacing around the room, Benny was making multiple phone calls as Dean drank. Whiskey always cured his troubles.
“Really, I mean I know you don’t care, but you could try to help,” Sam snapped at his brother. Dean’s eyes traced to his sibling who looked very worried. He glanced over at Benny, who mirrored the same expression as Sam. “I do care,” Dean huffed. 
The snappy retort made his brother snort in derision, “Yeah, sure.” 
That rueful smile crossed Sammy’s face. Dean withered slightly, he hadn’t worried about the horrid wench that caused nothing but headaches for him for a while. This time, he had a bad feeling; four months and she hadn’t spoken to anyone. He called to tell her off for the car she bought Jack but she never answered. She hasn’t answered his calls in years. Sam, Cass, or even Jack. Hell, anybody but him, she answered within the hour.
It irked him, but it never bothered him. At least that’s what he told himself. Yet, when Benny came back within the week, checking every home and hideaway she had and there was no answer, he grew concerned. She hadn’t taken any of her go bags, her bank accounts, even the hidden ones were untouched; something was wrong. He felt it in his bones and that feeling never boded well with them. She was in trouble.
Y/n  was a special kinda bitch in his book. Nothing and no one touched her without a crazy kind of surprise, or one hell of a plan beyond monster capabilities. This was a new hurdle.
The fact that Sammy doubted him wanting to find her or know what happened made his skin crawl. They may fight, shit, they hated one another, but he still wanted her safe. He NEVER wished her gone or dead; even if that’s how she made it seem over the years. She forced herself to be a ghost to them since the Mark of Cain.
He didn’t know why or even how the crazy woman did it, but she ghosted them. She was ruthless and wickedly smart, he would give her that. Her scars ran beyond skin though, to her core, and not even Sam knew them all. Hell, maybe no one did, even Benny. The vamp had become her companion, her best friend and he was happy to have him  here, on his side. 
Something was definitely wrong, they just had to figure out what. Sammy even called that bullshit British Men of Letters hunter, Ketch. As psychopathic as he was, was an excellent resource. 
“You heard from Ketch?” he looked at his brother. Sammy just sighed and shook his head, looking down to his phone. No answer from Ketch meant no good news, at all.
Ketch was one of the pricks torturing Y/n, that’s why. Good ol’ Chuck saw his uses and used him. Nothing would stop that ruthless tea-swilling serial killer. Well, at least she had something pretty to look at.
“Well, now are you going to tell us the whole story Ms. Y/l/n?” Ketch asked, sheathing the blade he held.
Y/n’s smirk was her answer but she retorted just the same, “No, Mr. Ketch, but if you fancy a fuck, I am just laying about,” her brow crooked for what it was worth below swollen eyes, cuts that bloodied her vision, and bruised ribs that made it hard to breath.
The Brit turned to her and smiled, “Well, that is a fetching idea. Yet, I’m not allowed to play with God’s toys.” He leaned against the desk eyeing her, “You were always a beautiful woman. A vividly talented hunter, resourceful even beyond your abundance of wealth. Yet you,” his lips smacked in shame, shaking his head, “you stopped at Dean Winchester, what is that man’s pull? Truly, I want to understand.”
“You couldn’t,” she said simply. Looking at him gave a slight shake to her head, “No, not a sociopath like you. No empathy, no morals, you feel nothing. No guilt, no remorse, you hold nothing that would make you capable of wrapping your warped little mind around why I feel like I do about Dean. Plus, he doesn’t know and wouldn’t care.” A dry smirk was thrown his way as she let her head fall back against her restraints.
He eyed her, processing her, “Him knowing how you feel or the things you have done for him, terrifies you. You! I have seen and heard of the things you have fought and done.” He shook his head, folding his hand into his lap, “Yo-you’re formidable,” he shrugged confused.
Y/n snorted, “Obviously not,” jerking her wrists that were tied down for emphasis.
“No, no. it’s something more,” he dismissed her.
“Dean, flaws and all, is something you can never understand or be. Dean can’t help that he cares so much and he hides it. He can’t shake his loyalty, it’s a huge fault. Dean does whatever he has to for whoever he loves and cares about,” she growled.
Ketch smirked in realization, “And that’s not you. He has no love or loyalty to you. That’s why you accept this.” He gestured around, “You believe Chuck is wrong. Dean won’t care about anything you have done. Dean won’t care if you’re gone.”
“That’s right. He won’t.” She knew that for a fact. “I’ll give it to you, he will be surprised, but he’ll shrug it off.”
“Hmm.” With that Ketch got up and left the room. Y/n let her head fall back with force. Good thing she put her affairs in order years ago; everything she had would go to the Winchesters and Benny. Benny deserved a break from her. Benny had stuck by her side for years, put up with her boozing, drugging, and her massive attitude issues with no explanation from her. She even left a few tricks for Rowena. She did adore that sassy redheaded witch.
Ketch entered Chucks office sneering. A roaring fire, mahogany furniture, a desk the size of Sam. God did like to overcompensate.
“How is it going?” Chuck’s voice drew his attention, taking off his glasses with that smile of his.
Pursing his lips, “The same. She isn’t easily persuaded.”
Chuck sighed pursuing his lips rising from his chair turning to face the big picture window. “It’s been months. I might have to approach this differently. She is an anomaly, I can use her. I just need to find out how.”
“Maybe, it might be prudent to find out exactly what she means to Dean. I mean she may not be the chip you think she is to him. From what I know and heard from them, Dean is not a fan.” Ketch interjected.
“Dean also will still protect her, she is like family, and the others love her. So no, I can use her. Especially with the information I have, believe me I know what I am doing.” Chuck’s eyes cut to Ketch with a sneer reclaiming his seat at his desk. “Not only that, but once he knows EVERYTHING,” God’s eyes narrowed cruelly, “It will destroy them both.”
Ketchs brow quirked. “Are you going to kill her then?
The shorter man’s head shook back and forth, and he chuckled. “ Why? She is doing that to herself already. I don’t have to help with that.”
Ketch was confused. “Then why did you actually need her if you know everything?”
Chuck was silent a moment his jaw tensed. “Cause I know what happened, but not the details. I NEED the actual details. Which is why I have you,” he growled.
“Ah, I see. Well, it must be something big, if she is this tight lipped,” the taller man retorted, grabbing a drink from the wet bar.
The twinkle in Chuck’s eye unnerved him. “Oh it is, I heard the rumors, but the brutal truth. Oh thats why she is destroying herself. Fascinating to watch how humans react to things. That is why I need the truth, every nasty detail, of it all.”
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@thorne93 @pegasusdragontiger @st-eve-barnes @suz-123 @magellan-88 @my-proof-is-you @carryonmywaywardwriters @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams @winchest09 @emoryhemsworth @ formulafun @delightfullykrispypeach @janicho88 @anathewierdo @flamencodiva​
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mrsmess · 4 years
Faves and fails of SPN (season 15, finally):
Favorite episodes (in chronological order):
15:4 Atomic Monsters - Demon!Sam flashbacks! Dean in a beard! Some old fashioned banter! Meatman! Beaverdale! Love how Sam starts arguing w the parents in the parking lot - Me too, Sam, me too. Loving the self-aware monster. I know Becky is problematique™, but I dig her, so, all kinds of fuck Chuck. He must die, and when he does this is the episode I’ll think about.
15:6 Golden Time - Badass protection spells. Dean in a robe and a hot dog pyjamas. Cas going by Clarence. Jogging Sam. Eileen! God I ship her and Sam, and I’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that I don’t ship him w anyone. Liking this ep a lot, every little side plot. Nice. And Eileen is back and I know it won’t last but like, that was awesome.
15:10 The Heroes’ Journey - Pretty neat intro. Monster on monster violence to the sound of Clair the Lune. Oh, and excellent casting of Garth’s kids. Regular people trouble... Awesome! Brilliant! This is the kind of meta storylines this show should deal in, exclusively. Oh my Garth! Explosives! Why isn’t every episode like this?
15:11 The Gamblers - Oh, is this another lucky coin episode? In that case yes please! More inconsequential bullshit kindly! Loving Sam staying in touch w Eileen. Hey guys, remember when you did the gambling thing w your years? And the rabbit’s foot? Good times. Will this be an equally good time? I hope so. A god! Excellent. ”Lady, I’m Tolstoy.” Yeah ya are, and i’m dead. The guys and Fortuna bashing god. And I'm equally delighted and distraught over the lore that god created man, man imagined gods and god decided to create the other gods to play into man’s ideas, or as a distraction.
15:13 Destiny’s Child - Omg the intro! Savage garden! I’m dead. Jack w the sandwich, why is that so funny? Cas is a gem this episode! ”’Sexually intimate’?” Lol. That’s what you get for trying to speak plainly, Cas! Hunter Corp. I’m dead, again. Keep the different Deans and Sams coming! I’m digging this! Why would they send ‘em to Rio? They could be your buffy-bots!
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15:14 Last Holiday - Weird people popping up in the hq is awesome. And Dean’s immediate instinct to yell for Sam reminds me of me calling mr mess for everything! ”Shouldnt you be in the woods? Nymfing?” Monster radar? Oh, oh this is excellent. So mrs Butters is capable of murder when home and family are threatened, good for her. They better not kill her. I can accept them returning her to the wild. Yes! Did I call it or did I call it? Good Supernatural, good boy! And Dean making a cake for Jack! My heart.
Fail episodes (in chronological order):
15:2 Raising Hell - Rowena! Instant win. Ketch. Instant lose. Ketch undressing Rowena with his eyes = rating plummeting. Jeez. A bit dangerous even joking about the GoT finale, don’t you think? Rowena and Ketch full on flirting... this is hell, I'm being punished.
15:3 The Rupture - Don’t call him god! His name is Sucky-Chucky. The shock of Cas! “You’ve been playing us the whole time!” This is how it works Cas, where have you been? They're always solving problems like Jason Mendoza. In-Dean-angry-voice: “Anytime I had a problem and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem.” Rowena! And Sam! No!
15:5 Proverbs 17:3 - Listen, spn, it’s your last season and if you like just wanna stop writing and casting women completely rn i won't stop you or hold it against you (also why are these ladies identical?). We’ve had a terrible run but lets just let bygones be bygones.
15:8 Our father, who aren’t in heaven - Gosh, having Eileen in the show is painful, I’m just constantly expecting a piano to fall on her head. *Ugh* Sucky-yucky-Chucky. But hey, at least everybody else looks better alongside him. Case and point: I never rly cared that much for Donatello, but it’s great to see him, and Michael’s back, sure is nice to see him too.
15:9 The trap - Ugh. Main plot shit and Sucky-yucky-fucking-Chucky. Fail. Although the flashforward to jan 6th 2021 was a hoot (but probably not meant like one, huh?) Dean’s monologue in purgatory though... gosh. This show would be nothing w/o Jensen Ackles. Omg the kiss! Nice. However, the show at this point has lost the ability to offer any sort of pleasure. Because like Sam, we know which way this will go. They used to have some hedonism working for the characters but now they don’t even have that.
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15:20 Carry on - You know what? I’m not gonna make this post longer than it already is talking about the last episode of Supernatural, that has been done better by people w real grievances w the show. The kindest thing you can say about the finale is that it just as well could’ve been jammed into a few extra minutes added to the previous episode.
Mediocre mentions:
Drag me away (from you) - what is this ugly cell interface? The opposite of product placement. Yay! Retro episode! And they got the same actor to play Dean, neato! Dean admitting he had a hard time handling hunting, that always gets me. Woah! That scream effect without reverb was kinda startling. And the camera zooming in on the little porcelain clown even though Sam is nowhere n- oh shit. This was an interesting episode
Inherit the earth - Goooood I hate Chucky. Barefoot Sam is okay though. Digging this soundtrack too. Very un-Supernatural. Nice to meet ya Betty, but I wouldn’t pull up a chair if I were you. Always a fan of the shiteating grin. Jack, stripping god of his power, that’s so hot. And again: kudos to the soundtrack! The Youngbloods and then Jackson freakin’ Browne! And you know, it’s clichéd and kinda vacant, but also kinda nice. I’m cool with the story ending like this. Why did they have to do another one? Supernatural has never known when to quit, and this is the very real backside of this.
Honorable mentions:
I don’t know who this Ardat chick is but killing Ketch puts her instantly in my win column.
Winchester-dumb, new household term.
”Feels like were taking a big, probably stupid risk. Feels good.” That made me feel good too.
I’m vastly enjoying this dark-art hippie couple in Unity and Jack’s interaction w them.
Cas launching straight into his dramatic I-will-not-let-you-end-your-own-life-speech when Sam casually mentions he’d like to talk to death in Unity, that angel has seen some things, and he has learned.
Those are some pretty pretty death effects on Jack in Despair/The Truth.
Obviously Misha Collins
Things that makes you go hmm:
Which of the clowns is this supposed to be in Back and to the Future? Because the one from season 2 was a monster, right? So he would’ve gone to purgatory. You know what? I’m not an expert. I try to not pay too much attention ’cause it makes me funny in the head. But just, y’know, a general objection.
Here’s my deal w death as a looming threat in this show: it holds no weight. And even if it did it has been painted as the ultimate relief, unless you go to hell, these characters know for a fact that there’s a potentially blissful afterlife, so their attitude towards death should be, what? More pragmatic, I think. And it’s partly why Ackles is wasted on this show; That man can deliver a death monologue like it’s nobody’s business, too bad all those words have been rendered meaningless after 15 seasons of this shit!
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Summing up:
So, I did not go into or leave this season happy, I knew how it would end and I was sad for everyone the show screwed over (more than it already had). Which really meant that I always had to force myself to watch another episode, knowing what was coming. But I had to see it through. I did, so I’ll give myself a pat on the back and get to work on my own personal selection of episodes that will henceforth represent spn to me. A selection I’ll enjoy all the way through. All in all I think the most frustrating thing about the show is how it insists on taking itself so freakin’ seriously. It has always done horror *and* humor best and this whole heaven and hell aspect has never sat right w me, and in any case they should’ve leaned more on “supernatural” narrative tropes (if you will) getting out of their plot problems, gambled some more and thought a bit more outside genre conventions *especially* in their main arcs, they opened up so many opportunities that they never even used. They could’ve been more like Buffy, or Doctor Who. That said, I’ll always get that spn-itch, and when I do, I’ll be happy to have seen all the episodes so I’ll know which ones to avoid.
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prairiedust · 4 years
Gimme Shelter livewatch under the cut.... I was on my phone when I wrote it so apologies for the typos
“Patchwork Community Center: Care Given to All” with a huge, lurid heart. Hmmm.... patchwork having two meanings here.....
Pastor (?) has 2 Timothy 2:22 tattooed on his arm! “Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” (NIV) Are we looking at growth and found family in this episode?!?
Oh that’s the alleyway!
Hitting mythology themes— Connor is an Anglicized version of an Irish name— Conchobar mac Nessa is maybe the most famous bearer of the name, from Irish mythology— he’s the king who lusted after Deirdre and had her locked up until she came of age, which is probably neither here nor there as far as this poor Connor is concerned...
That thing has a big lurid heart on his overalls better run lol— Oh shit it’s an evil Teddy Ruxpin!!!! Thanks Davy Perez!!!!
That’s the thing animal control uses to manage aggressive animals??? Is this saying something about the Patchwork people?
And that’s it for the cold open.
The uh, the mcfuckin what, the Camelot Palace Casino? Is this a tour of the legends of Ireland and Britain all of a sudden? What’s with hitting this theme so hard so fast?
Uh-oh the whole Highway to Heaven reference has me side-eyeing Dean’s suggestion for Cas snd Jack to leave the bunker... Dabb even “spoiled” that line in a tweet lol... in that show the cop and the angel got their (vague) assignments from the big guy.......
Oh SHIT “we’re standing in what I call ‘the trap zone’” Perez is coming for my whole life with this episode!!!! And they’re doing highkey “season one totally-normal Winchester investigation questions script” I love it!!!!
“Slasher flick” Oh we’re revisiting Mint Condition. This is fine.
AND TOMBSTONE THIS IS NOT FINE DAVY! We’re running the good times backwards what did I say about this being the flipside of Last Holiday!
H2H again but this time it’s sus... plus I’m with Zack, I totally want the cozy murder spinoff I imagined Adam and Michael doing plz
Oh the Cas and Jack dynamic here is so sweet.
Pastor just leaving his door open like there’s no such thing as a thief bless his heart. They must be torn up about Connor but Pastor was the last one to talk to him so he’s sus I don’t make the rules.
Oh no Red’s a THIEF!!! Who ever would have guessed. Okay I did NOT expect that jumpscare because of the way Connor’s murder primed me, that was masterfully done.
That’s vaguely an Ohio Star quilt square on the sign behind her except um I forget what that tilted square in the center turns it into? It’s chiming with something... I’ll have to look that up later.
“Divide and conquer” no never split up in a slasher movie that’s how you get murders use the buddy system!
Gonna stop a sec because I just realized that Zack is two-faced. The British dandy was an act. The killer is wearing a Cinderella mask. Ok I’m gonna make a prediction that Zack is actually the killer, a la the demon in Repo Man...
Okay there was definitely a beat after Dean said “Glad soneone’s taking charge” [ofHell] and the focus shifted to Sam. Hm.
“We’ve got to set her up for her own death” so meta, these writers are gonna shred us.
I love being shown how much Castiel has changed throughe Jack not understanding the Kool-Aid reference. And the cats line lol. That’s both amazing and poignant.
That’s a log cabin pattern in the cafeteria. Home. Makes me think back on other quilts we’ve seen this season and if “weaving” is the right metaphor for writing lol. I mean, the action of “patching” is synonymous with “mending” or even healing, but patchwork is also a craft with a long, long history in America (idk if quiltmaking is called patchwork everywhere) of taking a few often mismatched fabrics and cutting and sewing into something beautiful. There are generally two kinds of quilt tops— patterns, like we’ve seen so far in this season, which are carefully planned and involve precise measurements, and “crazy quilts” which also require skill but are often more freeform and piecemeal. But both aspire to be beautiful. That’s an interesting way to conceptualize a serial text... as both creating and mending....
That prayer was sweet and not at all what I was expecting.
I get the finger-cutting for Valerie (stealing=sticky fingers) but not for Connor? Tenuous connection still betw lying and writing? It’s evocative of Se7en but the killer seems to have the same MO for all the killings (I attended CSI for a while.)
Snow White is making me uneasy. Oh she’s the preacher’s daughter... we’ve seen that in early days, too.... oh.... oh....
It’s not the AV guy despite having seen all the AV equipment around Valerie. That’s too easy.
“A saint is a sinner who keeps trying-“ no scroll back, the important part was “we all have to take care of each other.” That’s a theme in the series.
She’s all in pink....
dean and amara on the same wavelength about food lol
Ha ha inversion of “oh you’re a fan of religion? name all seven gods then.”
Castiel’s testimony just wrecked me.
“Members serve the gift of food” hmmm the signs in this episode are tip-top
Gonna just watch for a while.
Oh crap “each is a finger” oh it’s about the sins of the father— No Cas no, you’ve fallen for the misdirection!
Oh okay good, Chuck’s not done snuffing worlds. That had me REALLY WORKED UP ha ha because Amara has no reason to lie right?
That was a really good conversation.... and implying that Former Death bent the truth...
Oh fuck I’m gonna cry “I wanted younto see that your mother was just a person” YES! DISMANTLE THIS MYTHOLOGY AMARA!!! Name it!
rigging the game— ftfoh with the casino metaphors already we know the house always wins except when it doesn’t
Lying, lying, lying,
Do we even know Snow White’s name yet? And why was Connor a liar? Because I think we can make a guess at this point.... ah ha ha her name is sylvia— “forest spirit” she’s Mrs Butters— and she’s after hypocrites— but the killing isn’t supernatural, just churchy?
prairiedust.exe has encountered an error and must be restarted
Okay so “Dad” steps in and stops Sylvia’s attack on Jack...
Why is that Zack? What????
“I’ve been lying to you” oh here we go
Oh it would be death #3, remember what Dabb said about threes a long time ago, two attempts that are unsuccessful and one that satisfies the parameters— but no he’s a jack :((((
I have to stop watching for a while.
Okay I finished it. Holy cats do I have some Thoughts about this episode.
What I loved: Revisiting Dean’s anger, BUT the parental mirror here (in retrospect, at least for me) was a John mirror-- all the mothers (exc for Rowena) in this episode are dead. And Pastor Joe didn’t apparently embrace his wife’s faith until she had died, and then his vision was radically different than his wife’s was-- much like John’s reasons for becoming a hunter were vastly different from Mary’s... but much like “patching” this subtext was possibly even more “healing” than having John back in the 300th ep... This was... looking at a child’s anger when they’re in the middle of their own family mythology. Am I implying that Dean’s anger is immaturity? Eh, it’s... unripeness. I have an old meta in my drafts about the heroine’s journey and why Mary’s story conformed to it while feeling totally unfulfilling in her actual character arc and I’m so glad I sat down and examined that rather than finish it. I have a lot I want to say about Cas’ testimony too, but that has to sit a while. ALSO also, Cas has already thrown away his shot by making the Empty deal, right?....
LANGUAGE! Cas saying “I found myself lost” is a bonkers sentence, right? It’s like when people say someone “turned up missing”-- AND it does not have the same meaning as “I realized I was lost”-- you get a double whammy of the connotation “to search for.” I loved loved loved how language was such a big deal in Last Holiday and then again here, I need to rewatch while paying closer attention to Sylvia and things she says... but these two were sister episodes in so many ways, that when I said there was a “lack of narrative mirrors” in Last Holiday, that’s only because the lens for that kind of reading is Gimme Shelter. That is not the first time spn has played with a “coin” or paired structure-- I think the first time I noticed it was Fan Fiction/Ask Jeeves but I was a transfer student from another fandom at the time lol. But of course, we get a huge truth bomb at the end of the episode, and again that splashy cymbal all over lying...
What I got wrong-- Zack wasn’t the killer but he’s fishy as hell-- he stole Sylvia! Is this part of Rowena’s “people generally end up where they deserve to be” except she’s built in an express lane? “Do you need a driver” is that his actual job now? Taking unripe souls to Hell Orientation? What’s up with him being there... the other shoe did not drop. So there is a third episode out there somewhere where this might get wrapped up? The conversation between Dean and Cas can easily be something that happens offscreen, and I don’t think that it would be the first time we miss an “important” conversation, especially since we know roughly what will be said and how it will wrap up-- it’s an “open text” of a sort. Maybe a fanfiction gap lol, I can’t wait for the codas.
Also, the fingers thing being Sylvia’s father’s favorite analogy is where she got her MO, something that I definitely didn’t see, although it fits right in with her father’s slightly pithy character. I think it’s interesting again how we’re playing with threes and fours. Three fingers got cut off but it was apparent that Valerie (valorious one) wouldn’t die until finger #4.... Jack really seems to be our last hope.
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bowlegsandbiceps · 4 years
Suptober Day 6: Mask
Mature / A/B/O Dynamics, Reality Show AU / Destiel / 2,735 words (Incomplete)
Read on AO3 
Suptober Masterlist (A03)
Week 1
Castiel Novak tugged at the starched collar of his shirt, shifting from foot to foot in too-tight shoes. It was customary that the Alpha wore a tuxedo to the initial meeting though he wished that he’d insisted on that changing as well. The network had wanted something big for the fifth season of LoveBlock, something different. When Castiel got the call that he was one of the finalists chosen to be that year’s Alpha, he’d been understandably confused given that he’d not entered.
Change #1: Alphas were nominated by family or friends. Thanks, Gabriel.
Castiel did everything he could to throw the interview. He was gruff, unsmiling, and showed up with bedhead wearing the hideous trench coat their grandmother gave him when he’d gone off to college. He went out of his way to be cantankerous and rude, refusing to answer some questions and providing terrible answers to others.
Change #2: The chosen Alpha was quiet, withdrawn, and definitely not interested in finding their true mate. One might even call him an asshole.
In the end, Castiel had agreed to participate for two reasons and two reasons only. Gabriel would be given a huge promotion based on the fact that he’d convinced someone with no desire to be on the show to be their grumpy, jerk of an Alpha for the season, thus finally getting him out of Castiel’s condo. And the other…
Change #3: Contestants could reject the Alpha meaning any contestant that dropped out before Hometown week would be competing on a new network show, EscapePlan, to win $50,000. If the Alpha made it to the finale with any contestants left, he and his chosen mate would both win $100,000
“Stop fidgeting.” Gabriel nudged Castiel in such a way that the point of his elbow rolled painfully over the bone in his bicep, a practiced move he’d perfected when they were children.
Castiel flinched away but stood straighter. “My feet hurt. Why does the Alpha have to be in formal dress? The other contestants have to show their personalities not just with their masks but their clothes too. Why-“
“Shhh, my boss is coming!” Gabriel muttered out of the side of his mouth before stepping forward and extending his hand. “Mr. Shurley! So glad you could make it!”
Chuck Shurley gave a small, friendly wave in lieu of shaking Gabriel’s hand, and Gabe dropped it cringing. “Sorry, no offense man I just don’t shake hands. Nothing personal, promise.”
“No no, sorry I uh, forgot.” Gabe scratched his ear before he turned abruptly to Castiel. “You remember my brother.”
“Yes, of course. I liked the promos you did. They were very controversial. Exactly what we were looking for.” Chuck gave Castiel a nod. Castiel pressed his lips together in a caricature of a smile, but his disdain was evident. Chuck just grinned. “Gonna be a good season.” He looked over his shoulder at the commotion as Fergus Crowley moved towards them.
“Gents,” he said by way of greeting. “Chuck,” he added with a smirk, and Chuck gave a rueful smile in return.
“Glad to have you back, Crowley.” Chuck’s tone implied he was not remotely glad to have Crowley back.
“Glad you agreed to my demands during contract negotiations.” Crowley beamed with a smarmy grin.
Castiel looked to Gabriel who’s lips were puckered, eyes rolling up to look at the palm trees hanging over where they stood at the edge of the beach house’s wide circular drive. That was the face Gabe made when he was trying not to laugh. Castiel began to open his mouth to ask when he received another sharp jab to his upper arm.
“Let’s get started shall we?” Gabe gestured towards the space to the left where Castiel assumed visitors would park but was now lit and prepped for Crowley’s opening remarks before the cattle call began.
How do we fall in love? Do we see someone across the room, strike up a conversation, and the rest is history? Do we catch a whiff of a tantalizing or homey scent and follow the instincts of our secondary gender all the way to mating? Or is it possible to fall in love without seeing someone’s face? Without catching their scent?
For the last four seasons, we’ve been asking this question and so followed four alphas on the journey to true love. We watched them try and see past the contestants’ masks, week after week. We saw scent bonds break emotional bonds once the blockers came off. And we cheered when our Alpha looked into the face of his or her potential One True Mate.
This year, we do it again with an entirely new set of rules and an Alpha as you’ve never seen one. Welcome to LoveBlock.
The first limousine slithered up the drive toward Castiel, and he stood stock-still, hands crossed in front of himself. Gabriel had said it made him look like security and not the show’s Alpha, so Castiel had decided that would be how he would stand for the rest of his life. He did his best to ignore the camera to his left and the six or so people behind it as well as the camera to the right and its gaggle of crew meant to capture the contestants as he rushed over to help the contestant climb out of the limo.
Castiel stayed put, the moment stretching, and finally, the door opened, and what looked like the head of a wolf peeked out. “Um.”
“Come on then,” Castiel unclasped his hands to motion them forward, and he could hear the person give a stuttered, o-o-oh…, before a motorcycle boot appeared out the door. A slender woman in a leather jacket and jeans with a frighteningly furry mask walked over to him.
Castiel squinted his eyes. “You’re a horror fan.”
He felt the woman’s surprise more than saw it because well, obviously, and her voice was breathless when she asked, “How did you know?”
Castiel fought the urge to roll his eyes, but his tone made his disdain clear. “Lucky guess.”
The woman hugged him anyway and went off to her first impression interview.
Hannah, Office Assistant, Beta
“Wow, they weren’t kidding when they said this Alpha was different! I mean still handsome,” Hannah paused, to tip her head from side to side, shifting the wolf-head mask in her lap, “which won’t matter in the end I know, I know. But if the guy is gonna be grumpy to start?” Hannah’s blue eyes widened emphatically as she pushed out her lower lip and her huff made her dark bangs flutter. “It’s nice that’s he’s something to look at, you know?”
And so it went for three more contestants. April, a plain brunette Beta who wore safety goggles and a medical mask, was deeply unimpressed that Castiel didn’t understand that she was a dental hygienist from her face coverings. Inias, a male Omega in a suit and the plain, white drama mask they used for group dates before The Scenting, told Castiel he’d have to work to get to know him. Castiel immediately decided he was going home that night. Then Kevin, an Omega college student wearing a giant paper mâché pie on his head, but instead of the typical latticed crust, it contained the numbers 3.14 because he liked math as well as desserts.
There was a bit of a delay after the fifth contestant exited the limo in an evening gown, fiery red hair pulled into an elegant up-do, wearing a printed paper mask with Crowley’s face on it.
The woman huffed and halted barely two steps out of the limo. “Fergus, you’ve ruined the take! D’you want me to do it again?”
Castiel was intrigued by her Scottish burr as well as the fact that Gabriel had managed to get Fergus Crowley’s mother to compete on the show her son hosted and that was notorious for hookups with  at least one group nude exhibition a season. That had to be some kind of miracle from the TV gods. Gabe did say he felt like this season had been blessed.
Once the yelling stopped, and Rowena, mother of one, Beta sashayed off to do her interview, the limo returned with another contestant. Word must have gotten out that he wasn’t opening the door for anyone, so this time, there was no wait, the door swinging open, and a hand curled over the top of the car while a dusty boot hit the ground. A fit young man pulled himself out, wearing a ripped pair of jeans and a Led Zeppelin t-shirt with a green and black plaid flannel over it, a welding mask covering his face. Castiel nearly rolled his eyes again as the man strode forward, hand extended.
“Hey man, D-”
Castiel cut him off as he clasped his hand tight, feeling the roughness of his palm, callouses on the fingertips. “You’re an artist.”
The welding mask tipped to the side, the man’s body stiffening before his grip became crushing, a throaty chuckle echoing from behind the metal. “Not even close. Mechanic.” Castiel winced as his hand was pumped vigorously. “Dean Winchester. Nice to meet ya.”
Castiel looked off-camera to Gabe. “I thought you said you weren’t bringing in Alphas this year.” His attention returned to Dean as he laughed harder this time.
“Wrong again. Man, this is gonna be fun.” Castiel jumped as one large hand clapped hard against his sternum twice before Dean began to walk away.
Castiel turned to watch him go, taking in his bow-legged gait as he entered the house to go do his first impression interview.
Dean was directed to a stool in the entryway situated in front of a camera and surrounded by lights. He plopped down, heaving a sigh as he flipped up his welding mask before pulling it off his head. He tried his best to ignore the murmurs from the women behind the camera as he dropped it to the floor with one hand, patting his hair down with the other. When he looked up, he could see everyone behind the camera had red eyes, except for the redheaded woman with the clipboard who looked annoyed.
“Sorry about them,” she muttered, jutting a thumb over her shoulder, and the Alphas blinked themselves back to brown or blue, “but in their defense I’m a Beta and a lesbian and woof your face is still pretty impressive.”
Dean managed to fight a blush as he gave a good-natured laugh. “It’s fine I get that a lot.” Dean shifted on his stool, situating his face into a calm, attentive expression, and waited for the Beta producer to look her fill.
“If you could start by stating your name, occupation and secondary gender for the graphics team. This is what will show at the bottom of the screen during your interviews.”
Dean gave a short nod. “I’m Dean Winchesteeeer…” He reached up to scratch at his ear. “Uh, mechanic.” He flicked up a hand and took a deep breath, sighing out, “Omega,” before letting his hand fall to his knee with a thump. It wasn’t enough to mask the unmistakable interested growls of the Alphas on the crew. The producer actually looked over her shoulder and glared at them.
“Go outside. All of you. Yes all of you the camera is stationary and already rolling I can turn it off when we’re done. Thank you. Byyyyyyye.”
Dean chuckled as the alpha cameraman and the other two, whatever they did, sulked away to the snack table. Dean let his amusement sit on his face as he looked back at the producer, who gave him a strained smile. “Sorry, again.”
“Not a problem. I figured I’d be just another piece of meat here anyway.” Dean gave an unaffected wave, and the producer frowned, marked something on her clipboard.
“I’m Charlie Bradbury-“
“Executive producer.” Dean nodded and stretched out a hand. “Nice to put a face to the name in the credits.”
Charlie shook his hand and gave him a surprised smile. “You watch the show?”
“Yeah!” Dean’s face scrunched as if to say, of course, I do, and Charlie tried to force back a laugh but only succeeded in choking herself. She knew the resulting grin he gave her was going to turn Alphas’ eyes red on couches across the country when this aired.
“So did you nominate yourself?”
Dean snorted. “No, no. I was completely content with this being my Thursday night guilty pleasure,” the guy actually licked his lips after he said it, and Charlie made a note to check if he’d done any acting. “My little brother actually nominated me. Said I need to find a nice Alpha and settle down.”
“That’s sweet.” Charlie jotted down, interview brother. “How old is your brother?”
“22,” Dean gave a casual shrug of his shoulder at Charlie’s questioning blink. “Yeah I know he’s also 6’4 so he’s really not that little but old habits die hard ya know? He’s in his first year at law school. He actually started watching the show his freshman year of college. It was one of those excuses to get everyone on the floor in the rec room and make friends.” Dean turned his head, squinting at the camera. “There may also have been a girl involved.”
Charlie let herself laugh this time. “But you also watch the show you said.”
Dean gave a nod. “Yeah, I mean he was in college and I didn’t understand half the shit… er, sorry.” Dean winced, and Charlie waved a hand before giving a sharp clap of her hands that made Dean jump.
“It’s so audio can find the cut faster. Makes a big jagged line in the file,” Charlie explained, and Dean’s eyebrows rose, lips twisting in an impressed expression. “Can you begin again at ‘I didn’t understand?’”
Dean cleared his throat and shifted on his stool again. “Uh yeah, um. I didn’t understand have the things he was talking about. I mean like I said I’m just a mechanic with a GED and a give em hell attitude.” He winked at her, and she rolled her eyes but grinned nonetheless. She was definitely going to be rooting for this guy. “But he went on and on about the show because, like I said,” Dean widened his eyes and muttered conspiratorially through closed teeth, “there may have been a girl involved,” He shook his head and smile. “So I started watching just to have something to talk about with him.” Dean rubbed his palms up and down his thighs a few times. “Well and to help the poor kid talk to the girl. He’s smart and an Alpha but man is he bad with the ladies.” Dean gave a smirk that morphed into a grin before he looked at the floor.
“So are you looking for your One True Mate?” Charlie felt a warm flutter in her chest as Dean lifted his head, green eyes wide and full lips parted in genuine surprise before a blush began to creep up his neck.
“Ah… you know…” Dean grimaced and hissed, giving the camera a side-eye. “I’m not sure they exist.” He gave a shrug. “I mean, that Alpha out there?” Dean jutted a thumb over his shoulder and raised his eyebrows. “Not a bad looking dude. I wouldn’t kick him out of bed.” Dean smirked again and chuckled. “But did my insides go gooey at the first whiff of his scent?” Dean scrunched his nose and shook his head.
Charlie smiled. “What did he smell like to you?”
Dean rolled his eyes before closing them and doing a slow-motion fist pump as he mouthed yes. “The first smell montage. Seriously,” Dean gestured with both hands splaying his fingers and then wiggling them excitedly. “It’s my favorite.”
He cleared his throat as Charlie laughed again.
“Uh…hmmmm.” He pursed his lips, looking up and to the right, and Charlie was convicted this guy had at least modeled before because he found the light instantly. His eyes tightened just enough to slant his expression into a sultry stare but let the green of his eyes stay visible. “Rain.” He gave a satisfied nod and looked back at her. “Or, really, a thunderstorm. That thick smell before the thunder and lightening show starts.”
He nodded again, a wistful smile pulling at his lips. “Which seems pretty appropriate given the circumstances.”
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4llmywr1tings · 5 years
Babied Part 2
Characters/Pairing: Dean X reader (eventual) Cas, Crowley, Donna, Jody Words: 1,414 Summary: Some fluff between Baby Dean (in an adult body) and the reader when he's sick. Jody comes up with the "why", now y'all need to figure out "how" to fix it. A/N: (Y/N/N): your nickname. This is part 3 of a 6-part series Warnings: swearing Tagging: @autoblocked @organicpurplepants
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“I just don’t get it.” You sigh, slamming the book you were reading closed. “I do not get it at all. If I kill the witch, the spell breaks. That’s how it has always been.”
“What did she say again?” Jody asks. She lifts her head from her hands and yawns at you sleepily.
You sigh. “Caelum miles, fortis in tarram, ne amplius servus est infernum. Google translated this to “heaven’s soldier, earth’s warrior, hell’s slave no more.” Although I’ve been staring at these words for the longest time and I can’t. I just can’t. Maybe Rowena needs to help us.”
“Should we trust Rowena to help? I mean, sure. She helped remove the mark from Dean, but she helped unleash the Darkness. Sure she helped with the soul bomb, but she made the soul bomb. And she’s a witch.”
“I for one agree with Jody, you know?” Donna walks in to the library, bouncing Sam on her hip. “Witches are what got them in this mess.”
“So what do we do?” you sigh, rubbing your fingers in circles over your temples. You were starting to get a headache, and you weren’t sure if it was due to the witch problem, or if it was taking care of three grown up men acting like kids. “Because I am out of options or ideas or patience.”
“Why don’t you take a break, you’ve been up a while.” Jody responds.
“Yeah, go check on the grown babies. Get something to eat. Well come at it with a fresh set of eyes. You don’t have to do all of the work (Y/N).” Donna gives you a smile as she rocks Sam back and forth. You nod, but give in at Jody’s “mom look,” and you stand.
After quickly chugging a cup of scalding hot coffee and taking two bites of Dean’s uneaten sandwich, you walk slowly to the boys’ rooms. After assessing that Castiel and Crowley were in fact sleeping soundly, you walked slowly to your room; the room that Dean had made his own.
He was comfortably sleeping, features relaxed as he gripped tight to your pillow. His snores got louder as he turned, eyes and nose red from his head cold. He whimpers as he tries to breathe and lets out a cough.
He blinks slowly, opening his eyes to see you there. “(Y/N/N).” he whines reaching for you. “It hurts.”
“What hurts buddy?” you ask walking to him slowly, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Everything.” He whines once more, “my head. My nose. My throat.”
“If you would take the medicine I got you buddy, you’d start to feel better.”
“Noooooo.” He purses his lip and tries to sniff.
“Please, for me? It would make me so happy. We have to have you strong so we can make you better.”
“Better, because the stupid bitch changed me to a baby?”
You chuckle and shake your head, not even bothering to correct him. “Yup. Because we need you to be grown up Dean again.”
To be honest, you missed Dean too much; you were just too proud to admit it. To admit any type of feelings for him.
“Will you cuddle with me if I take the mebicine?” from his stuffy nose he cleared his throat and coughed into his pillow.
“Of course I will, now are you okay if I go and get you a few things?” you run your fingers through his hair, damp from a sweat and his fever. He nods hesitantly and his head falls back to his pillow. His arms tighten around your pillow and he blinks his eyes slowly. You kiss him on the forehead and stand, not expecting two full grown men standing at the door.
“Castiel, Fergus.” You sigh. “How long have you been standing there?”
“I can’t sleep. Dean’s coughing woke me up,” Crowley snottily replied. He was the typical snarky ten year old, and you felt as if he was secretly a teenage girl in a previous life. He sticks out his tongue and folds his arms in front of him. “And don’t call me Fergus.”
“Yeah, and what is your excuse Castiel?”
“I can’t sleep either.”
“What, is Dean bothering you too?” you sigh motioning towards the door. They back out and follow you towards the kitchen.
“No.” Castiel sighs with a sad look. “I just can’t sleep. Monsters are in my room.”
He looks to Crowley and sticks his tongue out at him.
“Well, unfortunately you have to share a room. So I can keep an eye on you all. How about some warm milk and maybe that can help you sleep?” Castiel nods and reluctantly follows after you and Crowley.
Castiel and Crowley are halfway through their third cup of milk when Jody rushes in, a piece of paper in her hand.
“I think I figured it out. Wrap everything up.”
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“Dean Winchester, if you do not stop shaking that gift for Jody, it might break. Knock it off.”
Dean pouts, but listens to you perfectly, putting the red and green wrapped package under the tree. He reaches for his present testing your limits. You didn’t care if he shook his gift. Toy cars wouldn’t break as easily as a glass statue you had found.
“But I wanna know what she got.”
“That’s not how Christmas works bud. We’ll open our gifts on Christmas day, now do you want to help me make cookies?” Dean nods hopefully, his attention shift for the time being. “Good, go wash your hands and we’ll make cookies until Jody and Donna get back with Crowley and Castiel and Sam. Maybe they got another tree for your room?”
Dean gives a nod and smiles hopefully, and all but runs to the sink, making more of a mess for you to clean up later.
Jody had come to the conclusion right before Halloween that the spell had to be played out. She thought that it only meant that Dean, Sam and Castiel had no childhood, and the only logical reason she could come up with was that in some odd way, the witch was helping them.
Castiel was known as a heavenly soldier, a grunt. From the time of his creation, the great warrior was set to do God’s bidding. That was all he knew. From the time Mary Winchester had died, to now Dean and Sam were their dad’s little soldiers. That meant no Christmases, no Halloween’s. No fun. So you felt it was logical that they reverted to children.
You weren’t really even surprised with Crowley. You knew how much of a mother Rowena was, and when it came between Rowena and Crowley, everyone knew you could stand him better.
So here you were with an almost two year old, and three overgrown men playing a ten, four and three year old.
“They all asleep?” Jody asked quietly.
“Yup,” Donna sighs following you in to the library. “After a few temper tantrums Fergus laid down.”
“And Sam and Castiel were the easiest to get to sleep.” You replied.
“What about Dean?” Jody asked with a laugh. She took a swig of her beer and looked up to you with a tired smile.
“Wouldn’t sleep until I sang to him. Tried ‘Hey Jude,’ but he wanted Christmas songs. So I had to sing ‘We wish you a merry Christmas,’ ‘Joy to the World,’ and ‘Silent night.’ The little butt head wouldn’t let me leave until I had finished all of the versus of Silent night.”
“You really do love him. Don’t you?” Jody asks watching as you picked apart a sugar cookie that Dean had made. It looked somewhat like an overly large reindeer, plastered with reds and whites, and a mix of who knows what. You take a bite and slowly nod. “Of course. The brothers have been my family for a long time. It’s weird to be without them.”
“No. If I remember hearing her correctly.” Donna puts a bottle of Absolut Vanilla in front of you and a small shot glass. “She asked about Dean. Not the brothers.”
“This is a conversation I’m not drunk enough for Donna.” You shrug and take a drink of the alcohol. “maybe if I’m drunk.”
“Come on, just admit it.” Jody goads you on.
“Okay, sure. I like him. Love him in fact, but Mr. One-Night-Stand wouldn’t feel the same.”
“Sometimes you need to make the move. And at least you’re headed in the right. Acceptance.
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dawnie1988 · 5 years
SPN Episode 4 Thoughts...
So, not quite what I was expecting at all, given all the images we were given of that fight scene, but a damn solid episode regardless. And let's take a moment to really praise and appreciate that opening scene because hot damn! Incredible fight montage, love the way it slowed down in different spots to really emphasize the moves, just textbook definition badassery and hats off to Mr. Ackles for it 👏👏👏
However, although it plays along into my endgame theory that we'll end up with a bit of a season 5 revisit where that old prophecy of one brother must kill the other must finally be fulfilled, I'm just not too sure what it all means, so in general the whole thing kind of freaked me out. Though I have since seen a very interesting theory in regards to it being Sam's connection to Chuck from the bullet and him being able to see all of Chuck's other versions/stories of them. We shall see...
I honestly kind of thought I was gonna be disappointed by it not being the more action centered episode I was envisioning, but then I forgot how much I miss just a good ol' case of the week episode. The brothers doing what they do, even if it was a bummer case, them having to take the kid out like that, the kid turning himself over so he couldn't hurt anyone else anymore, Jensen's song so perfectly playing in the background! But if that wasn't enough, the line from the kid's father, about how they don't know what it's like to be a parent who would do anything for their kid? They do know!! They know very well!!! Uhhgg, gut punch.
Dean's eating his feelings. Big time. Sames. 'Nuff said bout that.
Sammy is all kinds of jaded right now and it's hurting my heart 😞 It's bad enough to see him in pain, but to see him losing hope like this? Yup, hurts big time. But can we please applaude that end car scene? Sam confessing to just being tired and not ok, big brother Dean worrying over him like he does best, giving out the pep talk, man. Good, strong stuff, the entire scene. Jared was freakin' killing me. You could see it, feel it, that he's currently just done. Incredibly relatable for a lot of us, I know. Plus, I don't know if it was intentional or purely coincidental, but to me the whole thing was giving off major AKF vibes, which played very well.....even if I am just imaging it.
However, as great as all that stuff was, we've gotta address the other biggie. Because just as I felt episode 3 was Rowena's episode, I feel pretty comfortable in saying that this was totally Becky's episode.
Cuz I mean, just wow! Talk about an incredible, never saw it coming turnabout! I've never liked Becky, which I think is a pretty common though amongst most fans. Like, I can understand and appreciate what they were going for with her, a tease to the obsessive fans and whatnot, plus, if I'm not mistaken - but don't quote me on this - they also started that before they all really, truly understood just what the fandom had grown into and what it meant to so many. But still, she was obnoxious and annoying as shit to me. (Although I have always enjoyed the moments between her and Chuck) And by the time we got to the forced marriage, love spell, basically date rape thing with her and Sam it was like yup, screw Time For A Wedding, it was Time For Becky To Leave And Never Return. So, imagine my surprise when she pops up in this episode and was *gasp* one of us??!!
Again, always do love the moments and chemistry between her and Chuck, but I was kind of losing my mind a little. Every time she opened her mouth to tell Chuck about here life makeover and what she's turned and channeled her love of SPN and the boys into, and especially all the stuff she told Chuck about writing and fan fiction being real writing......I felt like every word she spoke I was like 'yup....yup.....yes!.....Preach. On. It. Sister.'
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That whole monologue, in particular, felt like such a mini love letter to not just the fans but especially to all you kick ass writers who don't get nearly enough credit.
So can we just make it official and agree we are all Becky in this episode? Good? Good.
Again everything with those two was pretty golden. I loved all the 'wink-wink-nudge-nudge' to the camera and the fans moments, like Chuck insisting that the Leviathans were freaking cool. Lol. I just love the way they can appreciate their missteps and aren't afraid to call themselves out on it.
But then shit got real. Jensen had said there'd be a moment where Rob would be his sweet, good natured self before changing into something more sinister in a heartbeat, and whoo nelly he wasn't kidding! It's absolutely wild to me that kind, soft spoken Rob is even capable of making such a change but damn if he didn't give me the full on heebie jeebies. And then the other big moment: Becky's husband comes home and he freakin' dusted him! Like, full on, Thanos Snapped his ass and dusted him!
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I literally had to pause for a moment because I was having a 'holy shit!' moment. And then we hear hers kids coming in and it was like no, surely he's not gonna......AND THEN HE DID!!! Again, actually had to pause for a moment. And then this line of ' Oh don't worry they're not dead, they're just gone.' .......I'm sorry, but WTAF does that mean?! Are they in another universe? Are they in some kind of in between world like The Empty? Or they stuck on a mountain top in the Himalayas?? I repeat: WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???
Then he dusted her and again, I never thought I'd be anything but thrilled to see her go but God damn, that was rough and I felt genuinely sad for her.
So yeah, big, heavy episode. I feel like I should give more attention to all the Sam and Dean moments, especially that final scene of theirs, but if I get into it more it's gonna mess my head up big time. But it was, hands down, one of the best, strongest, most emotionally impactful Winchester Broment ever and hats off to both guys for slaying it.
In conclusion, I have never been more terrified of Chuck.
Special Shoutouts: Benny! Another moment I had to pause on cuz I could instantly hear, even through the time zone differences, the screaming of several of you on here over that.
And also, MVP goes to Toby the Beaver. My mind will not be changed on that. Ever. Deal With It.
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14x09 watching notes
jingle bells, bobo smells,  It is no fun, for us to wait All christmas in hiatus
Berens... please...... I beg you........... don't kill the sweet precious moonchild that is Garth. Please. The joke is "how are you still alive!?" and it would be a disrespect to Bobby's memory, and he represents a stable post-hunting endgame that was a beacon in season 9. In this essay I will
They used Dean's dead-voice "we're the guys that scare them" speech about hunting monsters in 13x05 to open. I wonder if Yockey wrote that thinking it might be the logical open to 13x23 and instead they used "this is boring, got any music?" also from one of his episodes.
[i guess! meme]
The recap left us hanging about if Jack was alive or not for the Kaia recap which turns out to be rude even though I know that he's fine ("fine") now because I am so emotionally affected by this dumb lump of nougat that not seeing an instant "he's okay haha tricked you!" legit raised my stress levels a notch.
Maybe because it's 4am and I was demolishing a slab of toast before the December chill in my room got it first, but I don't think there was any particular art or storytelling to the recap worth mentioning or musing on, and this came across almost more like the recap AFTER the break because getting back to plot stuff like seeing Mikey things again... The 13x05 lines make me wary on Dean's emotional behalf but obviously these are for very different reasons so the only real thing that might come up is that Cas is hiding his deal from Dean and Dean sounded so dead in the feels because Cas was dead. Obviously the real stress right now is what's up with Dean re: obvious nerve-wracking things like the djinn bouncing off his head or his swooshy vision, things we've been collecting up to ask more pointed questions about when Michael's in the room.
Americans: "that's downtown Vancouver!/an actual American city!/the ACTUAL American city in the caption!" me: "hurrrr skyline"
How much budget for Christmas music
I hate this episode already
Okay the blood and screaming is improving things.
Listen, werewolves always have so much fun these days. We had the knock knock one in 13x09, the Kardashian ones in 13x23, and now we have wereSanta here, who just spotted the mistletoe. D'aaaw.
These halo-shaped lights in this apartment Michael picked sure are gonna come in handy if the director knows what they're doing.
GARF. Please say you're here undercover.
OH SHIT. Michael KNOWS. Being in Dean's head does that to you. All his peeps get embedded in your brain. Please tell me some 2 way vessel/angel nonsense happens and you can't bring yourself to harm him.
She adores Mr Fizzles. Garth spends hours with them hanging out together.
I don't believe him though. I mean. He's just telling Michael what he wants to hear, right?
Having a little girl is such a way to die, though. I mean. Can we just... not do that?
Let Garth Go Home For Christmas
Those halos sure aren't landing over Michael's head no matter how many of them there are
Jack: eating gross cereal made of cookies at midnight in the dark
Me: I love and support you and have done the same
Dadstiel is the best
Sam being the "it will rot your teeth" dad is also the best. I love the Dad Heirarchy being established here. Sam is still Dad no.1 and the one who lays down the rules and gets disobeyed about midnight cereal, full on domestic dad-ing. Cas is the dad who hears you munching from across the entire Bunker and sighs and gets out of Dean's bed where they've been watching movies together (I extrapolate from missing data) and comes to investigate but ends up in the Secret Midnight Cookie Cereal Pact instead.
If Garth dies he may bequeath Mr Fizzles to Sam to help parent Jack, who is now keeping secrets about midnight cereal consumption and needs an expert lie-detector to help him parent.
Okay, so, in season 9 after Dean took the Mark of Cain he was up all night eating cornflakes and not sleeping. The corn was symbolic to Cain. Jack goes through all he did and has cookie cereal which is just his sweet tooth. But he had foreign grace implanted in him, and also is tapping a lil bit of his soul to be alive, meaning he's in a weird power situation and we don't know what's up with him at all. TFW are very much like "upright and not coughing blood is good enough for us", especially when with magic involved it's not like they might have an actual science explanation ever come their way.
Jack sitting in the dark is obviously symbolic of hiding things, his cookie cereal is disapproved of and a guilty secret from Sam in the first place, he's consuming something - willingly - that's bad for him and will rot him right after the sweet sweet probably not Gabriel grace he ingested 2 episodes ago, and added all up makes a secret - and he and Cas of course share Cas's deal secret so it's not like Cas can go stomping around complaining to the other dads what he found Jack doing without Jack being like yeah well guess what CAS did.
It's sure a fun way to parallel the beginning of Dean's dark dark arc and Jack's sugary sweet dark arc.
Dean: kid if you are going to sit in the kitchen at weird hours and eat cereal, at least self-flagellate a little *slams the box of cornflakes down in front of him.*
Jack also is wearing a lot of red lately.
Though his new jacket is santa-coloured not like... Mark of Cain doom blood death coloured like demon!Dean's infamous red shirt.
He's currently wearing Cas-coloured shoes and sitting in Dean's spot from 9x13 aka the iconic cornflakes scene in question.
"If you can't sleep, that's understandable, given recent events." "You mean dying and coming back to life."
Cas has been around the humans too long. He talks in euphemisms and gets called out by his too-literal son.
The tables turn.
Oh Jack... so full of worries about Heaven and if his mom is safe, and making Cas confront that nothing is perfect, even Heaven, and have to say it out loud because he can't lie to Jack and sugarcoat this.
Reminds me of 13x06 where he had to tell Jack that yeah sorry not all angels are perfect either. Sweet lil foetus!Jack sure picked the correct angel to be his guardian.
Naomi is "complicated"
Cas. Hon. *hands him a blanket and a bowl of cereal*
OH MY GOD Jack calling him out on why can't Sam and Dean know about the deal.
Having Jack around is so much a breath of fresh air that Cas is starting to regret ever kidnapping him in 12x19.
"They CAN I just don't WANT them to know" CAS. You've been forced to Verbalise A Thing Using The Correct Language. I am giving you an entire gold star. TWO GOLD STARS. I'm drawing a smilie face on them.
Jack is upset that Cas made the deal for him: "they don't need that burden. you don't need that burden" "of course I do. You did that, for ME" - the ole season 2 Dean thing, where it took until 2x08 to know for sure what John did and it basically killed Dean 3 times over and he was a Mess. Not knowing but not having all the answers and being worried/suspicious about what's up with the neat circumstances of being alive again is hooorrible. And this is calling out the whole Winchester cycle of sacrifice (conveniently now with us knowing that John will be dropping by for an episode to really hammer the point home) by addressing how Jack now has to carry the burden of knowing that Cas did that for him.
Cas is like, "Yeah don't worry I haven't been happy in all of Creation." Jack looks earnestly at him. "I'm sorry."
Cas diverts to eating the gross cereal, which he apparently also secretly indulges in, or else, as Mittens pointed out to me, Dean does too and either way Cas is being gross and adorable and hanging out with his kid and this is horrible I hate it oh god it's more sickly sweet than the cereal they're eating.
Garth hiding in the kitchen to panic and phone mom to get him from the party.
And he's just learned to say "balls" appropriately too.
Sam immediately gets The Guilts because he's  being leaderly and losing Garth would be his first major blow as a leader oh god oh god no oh Sammy oh GARTH I can't handle this.
Berens sure is invested in the leader!Sam stuff and telling this story long before anyone else was and had his minion Glynn tease us with Maggie earlier in the season D:
I'm calling mom to get me from the party
"It's Ketch" Sam raises his eyebrows like "I forgot he was in this season"
Does that mean Ketch skyped Cas first
that's hilarious all by itself
He has tea because of course he does
Oh my god he's skyping with Jack. Are they buds? HAS HE ADOPTED JACK?
Honestly of all the characters in the entire show he's probably resisted longest so far when it comes to adopting Jack if they ever met even briefly in Apocalypse World.
This is how you can tell he's the worst :P Rowena "I will never love again" MacLeod took all of 20 seconds to adopt Jack.
He's been in England for like a week and his accent is 100x more hammy. "ExPRopriATE"
He's rolling his Rs. I mean. Is that even in our accent? Not in mine.
Jack watching attentively while he tells his story with no judgement forthcoming, just pure interest in what Ketch says... good thing Ketch is too self-centred on his tale of derring-do or he might find Jack's sweet interest flattering and begin wondering if he has it in himself to be fatherly.
I'm suddenly legitimately interested in the unstoppable force of Jack's adoptability vs the immovable object of Ketch's ego.
He posted it. Around Christmas. Look I'm friends with a postie and she's hucking around a bag as big as herself.
Maybe he put a ribbon on it.
From BUDAPEST. Paying extra really is gonna speed THAT up
"Where is our weapon?" "It's been sitting in Guam for a week. I don't understand. Why is it in Guam?"
TFW all react with snark, side-eyes or despair at Ketch, and 2.0 doesn't even get a reaction because I don't think Jack understands how dumbass Ketch is because he's too smol to have fought the mail :P
"We appreciate the effort" "DO WE?"
Cas is staring into the void, meanwhile. Internally, "Well at least I can be sure I'm not going to worry about allowing myself to be happy any time THIS month"
Oh, sweet! The laptop is set up right next to Britain on the map table :')
Hey if they have to brave the post office to get the egg, they can find out Harper is still stalking Jack :D
Cas can't even work out which direction to start rolling his eyes, gives up and walks off. Dean gestures the screen, look what you made him do! You asshole!
"Only thing that can take him down now is the full Ichabod" "?" *gestures decapitation* "oh."
Poor Garth. Werewolves really are the worst. I can see why you were so upset about being turned.
Remember when Sam described him as an "ichabod crane alike" or something, I think in 9x12 when asking at the hospital about him? Maybe? I swear to god that might be a less subtle hint Garth is going to die than Charlie's "merry christmas"
Garth honey nooo
I'm pretty sure we saw Michael mind-controlling the werewolf in the cold open which means we're in for SOME sort of drama next
Oh good Cas is back, I guess he went to scream outside.
"Oh it would have made it if it wasn't closed for the holidays" Sam is being so withering I hope Ketch can feel it from Budapest.
Garth you are going to get in so much trouble and I'm so scared for you and your family at Christmas
At least in this scene Dean n Cas are playing footsie under the table if nothing else.
With Michael holed up in a towerblock for Christmas I am so worried that I should have watched Die Hard before getting here.
D'aw Dean teams himself up with Cas without even hesitating.
Holy shit they used a season 1 clip of the Impala driving past a field of cows.
"Hi we shot this for 1x06 it's practically an easter egg now"
God, it's the promo scene and we're 16 minutes in.
Not over Cas being like "you're happy" because he can't be happy but he's seeing Dean being, you know, cheerful. It's worrying because it's so close to endgame... if they kill Michael, Dean can be happy. And if Dean can be happy...
bye bye Cas
It's so easy with Dean looking away for Cas's silence to be "lol never" instead of "I ought to tell you the string that is attached"
*quietly climbs into the garbage pile as I think about how neither can be happy while the other is as a literal plot mechanism*
Them leaving the door open seems so significant I thought we were going to see Bad!Kaia comically hiding behind it
Awwwwww Jack wants to break into his first building with lock picks!!
I can't believe they're doing this in broad daylight.
I can't believe there was a Gish item to go to a post office after hours dressed as Santa's elves and that's what Jack is doing with that coat
"Who taught you to pick a lock?" "I did. And the internet"
Sam's "that's my boy" face.
"I wanted to stay useful"
that was your cue to tell Jack he's useful regardless
On the other hand he got the door opened and smiled up at Sam so I guess he gets the validation that way instead.
"HAPPY Holidays" Jack is SO PLEASED the box is saying something nice.
BOOM you have witnessed, once again, Sam being knocked out.
Wow, no. His skull is getting thicker, he manages to cling on long enough to watch his boy being abducted.
Awww Michael came to oversee it. HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Michael!
Sam is way too concussed to deal with this. Or drive.
Michael has a really similar coat to what he had in the AU but for a fancy rich lady instead of a badass hot cowboy which really begs the question of why he dressed SO SO OTT for Dean, even given his fashionista tastes for the other 2 vessels we've seen.
I am sad we don't have the other Michael vessel just because he's off making out with Constantine on Legends of Tomorrow (meta textuality of THAT to be unpacked by fandom at length :P), but she's an absolutely uncanny female double for him with the coat and the ominous camera angles and her general scary vibe.
"You're going to kill me anyway" *MOOSE CHARGE*
I stan one concussed boy
No fancy weapons for you guys, use your heads.
Not Sam's head, he's just taken his 3rd hit in a minute.
Garth gets caught snitching though I suspect Michael knew he was listening in and sent Dean to get attacked by Bad!Kaia anyways.
There's chess being played here.
Er, and you're the pawns.
I think Dean is the other player and everyone ELSE is a pawn in Michael's reckoning.
"WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Kaia, they just shouted like 20 minutes of the plot so far at each other, you know as much as we do at this point.
I love Kaia's fighting stance but oh my GOD Dean walking up to the spear and having it put against his heart. He knows it's a power move but it's also a gentle one, and he's waved enough guns in her face and our Kaia's face... This is one of those moves you use both on frightened animals and also to show you are a good unarmed nice guy and it's an attempt to re-negotiate after all he's done to Kaias over time >.>
"if you're not going to give it to me, kill me" Dean says, at the end of his big emotional appeal to Family And Saving People as his divine guiding forces in the universe by which he sets his moral compass and acts as the best version of himself in the defence of.
Cas behind him like "I hope this works because I love this dumbass and if you ACTUALLY kill him I'm contractually obligated to murder you so like, pls don't escalate this"
"How do I know if you're telling the truth" well he's not so jot that down.
Cas like "can you please stop talking, Dean, I am not agreeing with any of your policies here" because not only did he drag Jack into it, he made a promise that Jack's completely unable to uphold since he, you know, doesn't have the power to get Kaia home any more.
Poor Bad!Kaia though. Spent her life running from monsters too. She and our Kaia have the same trama, but she's so hardened by it :(
"If you don't bring this back to me I will find you and kill you"
Yikes, magic weapons are having a bad run in these parts, I think Dean's pretty much a gonner :P
I love that the Wayward Sisters music plays around Kaia but it makes me so so so so sad
"So, what, is he playing us?" he's playing YOU Dean. Your move!
"Don't you go in there alone." "I know, drive fast"
Aka concussed bab is gonna go in there alone if you don't hurry.
I have literally no comprehension about the driving times involved in this episode because I don't know US geography like that, but it's Berens not Dabb but he's mentioned specific locations so he better have looked these all up on google maps because this is one heck of a fact checkable episode with 4 distinct known and named locations and you all driving to and fro.
I love Michael's new apartment. It has a dark Heaven aesthetic vibe which is perf.
Jack's here and he's immediately deposited under the halo lights.
I can not WAIT for a Jack vs Michael scene.
*chin hands*
"Why didn't you kill me?" *eyebrow raise*
Poor nougat is being made to feel useless again :( This is Michael grinding his heel into Jack while he has him on the floor, kneeling in supplication under those halo lights.
Michael is into villain monologuing. A terrible, terrible habit.
"Death from above," Michael says, the first time he's had halos over his head.
His concept of soul ownership intrigues me because he would get all the humans who died in an attack on this city in his original world. In this he's turning them into monsters but with his grace, so they belong to him. That means that somehow or other he's probably overriding not just their nature to be controllable by him, which overrides in turn Eve's control over all monsters. She totes isn't dead BTW she's just in Purgatory. I'm like 100% sure of it :P Anyway I do wonder if Michael's control over the monsters extends so far as accidentally granting them passage to Heaven by claiming them and overriding Eve's control. Who knows. The thought wandered by and really tickled me.
Because it's a long game with the real value in people for beings of this level just being in their value as collectibles after death, and season 5 was all about our Michael getting all the souls by killing all the humans and storing them away in Heaven and that was his Paradise he was fighting for. And if he's converting entire cities to monsterhood in order to gain control over the territory in a quiet no mess way, then his control and command of them is passed on through the bite thanks to whatever he did to them. At the very least he's managed to make himself into their new Alpha.
I mean unless this is a phase one and he's sacrificing getting the souls of these lot in exchange for a lot more souls down the line.
LOL Michael pulls "I'm your only kin" and Jack's like, uh, REAL Michael is in the cage, POSER.
I love how Jack's got the such simplistic child language of "I hate you" which comes out so honestly and fiercely. Jack's 1 layer personality is reaaally deep even if it is mostly 1 layer. A very very thick slab of nougat. Full of goodness. It's EXCELLENT character writing to balance a character like this. He has a good understanding of the world by now, evidenced by very clearly being able to distinguish AU!Michael from his living kin of our Michael in the cage, and yet at the same time his emotional range is still 100% whatever he feels about a thing and so for Michael it's hate. Because when kids get upset they can yell "I hate you I hate you!" in a tantrum, and Jack's personality is that but moderated and adult and reasonable, and that... What a good approach to writing a character. Om nom nom.
This vessel is definitely way more expressive than the previous two Michaels, which is something I've noticed in a looot of the vessel gender swaps, which really makes me go sociological on why gesturing and fiddling and so on is so much a part of presence for a female character on screen, while male characters are allowed to stand still and just kind of radiate presence. I mean, she HAS presence, but she's been moving her hands a lot and it's the main detail which makes her not match up as neatly. Jensen threw his whole personality into not moving Michael's arms, to follow on from Christian's portrayal.
I think Raphael's second vessel was menacingly still. That actress did a great job. That slow head turn after they hurl an angel blade at her in 6x22... Nice.
Lisa Berry strikes a nice balance at huge presence and only necessary gestures, and Julian Richings was always fiddling with junk food as Death despite his cosmic presence.
Meg was all in the voice and eyebrows, both actresses.
Why am I musing on this? Because it's 7am and I'm having a wave of immense sleepiness and I think I need tea to keep on watching but it's cold so I'd rather stay bundled in blankets >.>
... I have now turned on the heating and got tea and done some stretches to try and ward off the cold-blooded lizard stupor I was sliding into. Brrr. We get Christmas break on episodes because it's so hard to watch in the cold.
"Our relation is more a matter of scale, power." Ooohohohooo but you just said you weren't killing Jack because he was powerless.
I mean I'm crowing at Michael for maybe revealing a flaw in his monologue to me but at the same time that's terrifying for what he plans for Jack because that presumably involves powering back up but under HIS control. Nephew theft.
I say smugly having posted Jack being kidnapped by Michael in Andrea's Diner for his power/money last week so that I can just ride this one out with a "in before this plotline" raised eyebrow.
I mean I was using a hybrid season 8/14 set up with Naomi still being Michael's flunky but the important thing is that he was trapped in an office in a towerblock which may or may not now be exactly this one since I have eyes on it and Michael was gonna do whatever it took to get Jack's share of the company until Cas marched in and saved the boy.
Yeah my diner AU has corporate drama, deal with it.
NOW we're getting to the epic speeches. The time that makes mountains. Epic. And Michael is like hey you and me are the only ones left... And as your power returns and grows, we'll only become more alike. Cut to Jack being HORRIFIED by the concept of becoming anything like his AUncle and losing his human compassion and turning into this evil being that cheerfully talks about how not only to level cities but to improve on the concept.
Finally, we hit the epic tragedy level of Jack's story he's been hiding from in other genres from disney to rom coms to cute twee Christmas movies and even a detour into 1800s consumptive child drama to avoid it. But Hamlet's procrastination has to be challenged occasionally, and so they're face to face and Michael is taunting Jack with how he might be cute as a nougaty 2 year old but oh dear the terrible 2s are nothing to the terrible 2 billionties.  
I think this room even has Heaven's furniture, as a riff on it. What's one world to another? One Heaven from another, as Michael says. Find a head office, treat it like a place of power and intimidation and it becomes one.
All Jack says is "Sam, Dean and Castiel. They'll come for me." Because he doesn't know much but in his 2 years he HAS learned who fights for him and considers him family, and who he will really set his morality by.
Of course if Cas ever allows himself to be happy, then ALL of Jack's family has an expiration date and no one can follow him through those eons to stop him straying.
Also: now eternity has a sense of horror to it. The reminder that immortality is awful and this is what it does to ancient eldritch beings. And as a result, that finite humanity may be better when it doesn't come at the cost of erosion of self.
To thine own self be true, to quote a terribly mis-used part of Hamlet and yeah yeah I studied it I know Polonius said that and it's meant to be a ridiculed line. But it's still emotionally relevant >.>
Jack's fierce sense of self and family is his only weapon here. Michael can't cast doubt on that. Maybe fear for the future, but in the immediate presence, Jack has a ROCK.
That red coat also makes him very distinctively the only real colour in the room.
Michael is wearing dark blue for the red vs blue coding, but it's dark enough to not stand out in the decor.
TFW are all wearing brown and tan.
I'm actually quite fond of this stupid jock werewolf.
Awkward silences with jingle bells in the background... why are they making werewolves inherently comical in Dabb era, I don't know. But I LOVE it.
RIP the sexy werewolf.
Dumb jock werewolf has already run off, which MAY be a reminder to panic about all the monsters in position, or he might get stopped on the way by TFW in a strategic position...
RIP other sexy werewolf.
Both, sadly, as hot as they were, die with amusing riffs of jingle bells to accompany their decapitations. No dignity in death for these fuckers.
Sam may or may not be doing a Red Meat by taking them on alone but he sure is in a better position with only a mild concussion leftover from the earlier attack rather than, you know, a barely-treated gut shot.
Man I hope Cas healed up the residual damage of that before the end of season 11.
Sam is indeed alone as he promised not to be while 100% intending to rush right in, which means that dumb jock werewolf did indeed run off into the city, which means that with 10 minutes left a whoops we let Kansas City turn into monsters cliffhanger might be a lark.
Merry Christmas everyone but Kansas City.
I mean Sam doesn't need to rush on the Jack rescue, Michael literally has eons of AUncle-nephew bonding planned.
The fact Alex has visible chicken pox scars on his forehead amuses me so much. While Jack fast-track grew in 12x23 he randomly inflicted the pox on himself as part of the childhood experience. Like, oh, I better get all my immunity from mom so when my 3 dads collectively fail to get me vaccinated at least I've got that. *boop* chicken pox scars appear.
S'gonna be Garth on the other side of that door
Oh no Sam, it's a trap, he's gonna eat you. Oh no oh no you can't cut Garth's head off. He's a Beloved Sweetie Pie.
If this ends with watching Mr Fizzles get a hunter funeral I am sending Bobo a mountain of coal for Christmas.
Love that universal trope of the werewolf ducking away for an embarrassing uncontrolled transformation that looks somewhere between puking and period cramps. Moonsickness.
Michael is the moon controlling it in this case.
Cosmic bodies.
Don't touch him, Jack!!
Transformations with glowy eyes suck :<
This is just CRUEL to make Garth be like "I'm sorryyyyy" as he charges at Sam.
LOL THIS IS A CRYPT SCENE. He's in Garth's head!
"You don't have to do this!" "You can fight this, Garth!"
Me, staring at my mess of red string connecting crypt scenes: How did I get to Garth wolfing out while shouting apologies at Sam and Sam begging him to stop when this all started with Dean n Cas fighting over a lump of rock 6 seasons ago
Oh thank god they ended it with Sam vulcan neck pinching Garth to sleep after Jack took a rolling tackle at him and Garth ends up still controlled and shoved in the back of the car for later problems.
We'll file this under the failures section between bros and move on though I won't deny Berens had me in a cold sweat that I was going to have to throw years of work out because Sam would grab Mr Fizzles out of Garth's pocket and soothe him back to himself :P
Mr Fizzles x Garth as the Destiel parallel of the year
"Thanks for waiting for us," Dean says, angrily gesturing the alive and rescued Jack while uselessly holding the spear.
It's okay baby there's 7 minutes left and Cas still doesn't have fake blood all over him.
I think Mikey might come back around to gloat. He strikes me as the supervillain type to do that.
They figure out the last few chess moves that Michael made while sitting on the trunk that Garth is locked in. Rough.
In the background, Cas strides over to the brooding Jack.
"I wouldn't bet against us."
In Which Dean Nearly Decapitates His Brother
Rousing family speech about no odds or element of surprise or fear from Michael, and they go dramatically walking off towards the elevator with blaring Christmas music.
I hate this
Everyone has a weapon except Jack, who just has a series of incomprehensible troubled looks every time anything happens.
The Boy Is Concerned. But is it about what's going on around him, or inner turmoil disrupting his nougaty centre?
He looks placid again during the dramatic walk, while everyone else has their hero faces, he's surrounded by his dads so he can just be like :3 and enjoy the adventure.
Michael is bored and pacing because they took too long having broments downstairs and walking slowly towards the elevator and he wants to do this great dramatic turn when they arrive but the elevator is craaaaaaawling up the building.
Fine, what if I'm not by the window but sitting down with my back to them.
Is Michael NERVOUS?
Big talk about being a zillion years old and then getting impatient.
What did Michael just see? Because he lit up his eyes and got a lot more confident...
"There... he... is" he smirks.
Me when Cas
Cas doesn't usually nearly get a killing blow on me, though. Nice move, bud.
I know he just tried to stab you but I'm allowed to yell that. Also stabbing archangels doesn't tend to work on them but whatever :P
Come on Dean, GET HIM. He hurt the bae! And Sam and Jack now! But nowhere near as dramatically!
Ironically if Michael had just had any patience he wouldn't have fallen for being baited into coming to see Cas snooping around his front desk.
Ow, Dean not doing so well after all.
Is that Sam or Jack inching a hand towards the spear. If Sam stabs Michael then it's a thanks in return for stabbing Lucifer. If Jack does... Badass, kid needs a big kill.
On the other hand, we're so near cliffhanger time territory that.. well.
Nope, Sam just did the slide a weapon back to Dean thing and Dean got in a hit on Michael in their duel.
Same arm he got stabbed on.
"trust me, that's gonna leave a scar"
Jack I hope you are paying attention to Dad no.3's use of one-liners because he is a master.
When he isn't, like, "you're the shortbus, shortbus."
UHOH Michael is standing with aaaaaall the haloes reflected behind him in the window and Dean is having Suspicious Killing Hesitation
aaaand there's the whooshy vision wow what a surprise
I mean I knew it was coming as soon as Dean stumbled in like ??? I'm not Michael???
But in the short term, argh.
It has a moose head, Jo's shooting game from the Roadhouse, and the old jukebox from 4x01's diner where Sam and Ruby hung out.
Aside from anything else this is a horrible ploy by Michael to get the spear.
I am so intrigued.
But yeah, checkmate, Dean Winchester. Snapped your magic spear and melted to magic egg. What next?
Oh good and now he has the halos behind his head :< :< :< :<
Wanek I am so angry. You get coal too.
LOL Michael giving them a lesson on maaaaaaaybe asking important questions about things instead of just leaving them as soon as a character appears to be functioning on the surface, I type with this paused with Jack in the corner of my screen as a fortuitous example
Michael gloating about breaking Dean is the worst Christmas cliffhanger.  I hate you Bobo.
You aren't seriously going to end the season on a snap and make us make Michael is Thanos jokes all hiatus? I mean he already fucked up one planet, decimating it in the name of a better world. Please. Don't do this, Bobo.
He did it.
Reminds me of the end of 3x10 as well, with demon!Dean lurking under Dean, waiting until before the credits to snap his fingers from within Dean's subconscious to remind us he was lurking and waiting.
Aw man this sucks.
Now Jack has to murder Dean after all.
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tjmystic · 7 years
TJ Watches Supernatural - Mid-Season 10
So, thankfully, Season 10 did, in fact, get better, and demon!Dean didn’t last long.  If they’d done it differently, I reeeeeally would have enjoyed getting to see half a season, maybe even a full season, of him as a Knight of Hell, but, with what they gave us, I’m glad Castiel cured him after episode 3.  
That said, we’re at the middle of season, and I have a lot of thoughts:
I don’t know if I love or hate Rowena.  I definitely love her accent.
Donna and Jody give me life.  Everything about their newfound friendship, bonding over being female sheriffs who happen to know monster hunters... it’s awesome.  Can’t wait for Donna to meet Alex - that’s gonna be a wonderful conversation, especially considering that Donna’s first monster encounter was with vampires.
Why doesn’t anyone ship Castiel and Hannah?  I was led to believe that they had the sexual chemistry of drywall, but their interactions in episode 7 were, uh... a bit more charged than that.  I mean, the “shower” scene?  I haven’t seen Castiel that nervous since Dean tried to take him to that brothel in season 5.  I mean, he didn’t have Meg levels of chemistry with her (or even Dean levels, if you want to go there), and he did turn her down more than once, but they certainly had more than nothing.
Episodes 7 and 8 reminded me completely of why Dean is my favorite: 
First, there’s him with the prostitute (whose real name I didn’t catch, I just know it wasn’t Shaylene).  He flaunts himself as a manwhore.  He could’ve kept going once she found out what she did for a living.  He could’ve hit on her after the she stabbed her demon pimp in the stomach (and what an odd sentence is that?).  But he didn’t.  Yeah, he played it off at first as refusing to pay for sex (which gives more credence to the apparent fandom-wide head-canon that he turned tricks to provide for Sam, and I’m definitely in that camp, heartbreaking as it is).  I think it’s pretty clear, though, that this is his moral code coming back and him trying to nail that down as permanently as he can - he could’ve hit on her at any point after that, but he never did.  
Second, Mr. No-chick-flick-moments giving Cole his gun and saying, “Give me minutes to explain everything, then, if you don’t like it, you can shoot me.”  For a man who’s spent the better part of 38 years (because he would be 38 in season 10 if the writers paid attention to the year-long gaps) avoiding talking about himself and his feelings like the plague, he was pretty quick to open up to a man who so desperately wanted to kill him.  This was a close sell between a heartwarming and tear-jerking moment.  On the one hand, he laid himself bare to a total stranger.  He remembers every person he’s ever had to kill in his line of work.  He acknowledged that Sam and Cas are “the people who love me”.  But he also has such little regard for himself, and so much fear of the Mark on his arm, that he gave a loaded gun to a man who spent his whole life hunting Dean to kill him.  He gave a great speech, and, yeah, it worked, but you had to know he wasn’t expecting it to.  He wanted - wants - to die.  That’s just... painful.  (And Cole and Sam get points for that scene, too, the former for actually listening to Dean instead of going all murderous-rampage-of-doom and the latter for reminding Cole that he had a family to get back to.)  
Third, and related to the above, we’re getting to see him open up more to the idea of having relationships with people who aren’t Sam.  I was happy with his whole family unit being him, Sam, Bobby, and Cas, but, with each new season, they’re giving him more people to call his own.  Benny, Kevin, Charlie, and, now, Jody.  I just love getting to see that layer he built up so high for John get torn away.  And I also love that he and Sam both referred to Bobby as their surrogate father :’)
Is it bad that I ship Sam and Jody?  Cause I really kinda do.  The fact that he told her about Dean going AWOL, that they apparently talked at all while Dean was slumming it with Crowley, the little expressions he made while he was on the phone with her - yeah, I ship it c:
I loved getting some closure on Jimmy, even if it was only for a split second.  (Edit: I’m now caught up with the show, meaning I finished season 10, so expect a post in the near future discussing the way-more-than-split-second closure on Jimmy and Claire.)
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
some info on the ladies [OC ver]
@crystal-doll asked on your ages, height’s, and the reason you joined your organizations. care to answer?
-port mafia girl’s side-
Ayako: weeeeeell, I held a restaurant hostage to gain motojiro kajii’s attention SO HE COULD TAKE ME ON AS HIS STUDENT TO BECOME THE BEST BOMBER IN HISTORY BABY! >8D [19 years old, 5′4″] ((note that she has ADHD))
Naoya: how I joined the mafia? well, I got recruited into the mafia after failing to mug that old geezer (hirotsu). I couldn't go back home, so I decided ‘why the fuck not’? [25, 5′7″]
Rain: I-I needed a job, which was difficult due to r-reasons....mr mori ended up hiring me and I've been here ever since. [23, 5′6″]
Miura: it’s....complicated. [24?, 5′7″]
Garnette: i’m not exactly in the mafia, per say. i’m just a servant of ace. I was kind of abandoned by my mother and wandered the slums for a while until I was taken in. kinda wish a different executive took me in, but at least I have topaz with me, right? [16, 5′1″]
-Guild girl’s side-
Ebie: I decided to join the guild cause I wanted to use my ability for something that’ll help people! mr john certainly has faith in me. ^^ [17, 5′2″]
[[Emily Dickenson: what about me?]] [[*shrug*]] [[Emily has a distinct lack of presence. this will be a recurring joke]]
-Rats in the house of the dead-
Sasha: i joined the rats so that i could find a cure for my mother’s sickness. this book can make anything real, right? if we find it, i can make my mom better. [22, 5′6″]
Katya: what i want in life is an endless battlefield full of enemies to take down. it's in my nature after all, hehehe. [27*, 4′11″] [*she looks way younger tho]
Zoey: i only exist....*pant*....to serve the will of the man i love....i would....gladly kill for him...<3 [24, 5′2″] [[ivan: biiiitch]]
Yana: as far as i can tell, I've always been with the rats. I'm just kinda rolling with it i guess. *shrug* [19-22?, 5′7″]
Leo: my reason for joining is because i want to be rid of this cursed ability of mine. [25, 5′10″]
Barkova: 8D [19, 5′2″]
[[Agatha: expecting the ladies of the clocktower? ufufu, you’ll just have to be patient, darlings.]]
Colette: i originally joined the army after an incident with my father, and i eventually ended up joining my fellow soldiers in MIMIC, including one in particular~... 7///u///7 [27*, 5′6″] [*at time of death]
Shizuka: well, i saw the application and signed up. mr mori has been...very kind. .///. [21, 4′10″]
-other descriptions-
Elizabeth Poe: poe’s mother. the family matriarch and a mortician. her age is a mystery.
Tomoe Mori: mori’s mother...deceased.
Rowena Poe: poe’s younger sister, 16 years old. she has a strong fascination for the occult. she also genuinely cares for her brother’s well being and often looks after him at home.
Tomie: a prostitute that dazai lost his virginity to when he was 16. [named after the RL dazai’s lover whom he died with]
Chitose Asahina: special ability department employee. deceased.
Daisy: a character for the chapter featuring eckleburg. she’s tom buchanan’s assistant. [named after a character in the great Gatsby, since this chapter is fulla Gatsby references XD]
Miyoshi Tatsuji: a reporter for the salamander publishing company, her ability ‘blue skies’ allows her to predict the weather. [*yes, i know it’s supposed to be Tatsuji Miyoshi, but BSD!miyoshi is flipped because of an error on my end ^^; ]
Annabelle Lee: poe’s first crush...he doesn't like to talk about it.
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georgialouisea · 7 years
Practice makes perfect
Tumblr media
Pairing - Dean X Reader, Castiel, Jody, Mary, Sam, Billie, Phoebe. (Rowena, Crowley mentioned)
Word Count - 2000 Warnings - Fluff, angst Summary - Dean and the reader are reunited after Sam and Dean’s stay in prison.  A/N -  Part 12 of my Baby Winchester Series.
Catch up HERE
Mornings had become easier since Sam and Mary were both home safe and sound. Yet when Mary decided to leave and that she needed some time to adjust to her new life, the routine fell apart, along with Dean. The baby bottles and toys that littered the floor were now mixed with empty beer and whisky bottles. Your boyfriend was harder work than your 16-month-old daughter.
Rolling over in bed you reached out for Dean, he was gone. Your fingers searched the empty bed for any sign of warmth, instead, they found what felt like a piece of paper. Sitting up you flicked on the lamp next to you.
‘We have a lead on Lucifer, we’re with Cas, Rowena and Crowley. If you need help call Mary. Stay here. Stay safe.
I love you both.’
As your eyes reached the bottom of the page your vision blurred. Tears fell as you slumped into bed. Once again you wished he'd told you about his plan, opened up to you. But since Mary left he’d stopped telling you everything, especially with Lucifer and the case. Calls to Sam, Dean, Cas, Rowena and Crowley went unanswered. Even Mary wasn't picking up, Every 10 minutes you phoned the 6 contacts in a loop.
“Six weeks!” You yelled. “Six damn weeks,” You hissed at Cas.
“Six weeks two days.” Castiel corrected.
“I’m never going to see him again.” You felt yourself slip against the kitchen counter, Cas’ arms were around you in a split second steady you.
“Are you okay?”
“Fine.” You lied as you turned around pouring another glass of wine.
“Y/N, I don't think it’s wise to be drinking right now.”
“Shut up Cas.”
“Where’s Phoebe?” Castiel questioned visibly alarmed.
“She’s with Jody.” You gulped down the freshly poured wine.
“Okay, well I think you should stop.”
“No Cas, my boyfriend, the love of my life, the father of my child is somewhere. We don't know where, I don't know if he's okay, alive even. Cas I'm hurt, so.” You paused, forgetting your glass and opting instead for the bottle. Pulling a bottle of whisky from the cabinet you pushed it towards the angel. “So…either join me or leave.”
With a huff, Cas opened the bottle and began drinking. You’d moved to an empty bedroom to watch TV with Cas, you didn't want to face Sam or the room you shared with Dean. 40 minutes into a film you were sure you could hear a faint ringing, hitting pause you continued to listen. “Cas! Your phone.” You shouted as you pushed him off the bed next to you. Your body attempted to keep up with Cas as he ran to the phone.
“Dean?” Cas spoke, his voice full of surprise.
“He’s…okay?” You asked as you clutched onto Cas, desperation leaving every pore of your body.
“Yes,” Cas responded as his attention returned to Dean. You could feel yourself growing weak, your knees buckled as you collapsed onto the floor as relief washed over you.
“Dean? Dean?” Cas asked into the phone, searching for Dean’s voice at the other end of the phone. Cas’ arms found their way around you, your crumpled frame remained on the library floor. “He’s okay, he told me to tell you he loves you.”
“Oh…o…kay” You stuttered as relief washed over you, slumping further into the floor.
A few hours later you were in the back of Mary’s car. You'd opted to remain in the car whilst Cas and Mary talked to Mr Ketch and Mick. You were still getting over your wine binge and pure hatred of the British Men of Letters’ treatment of Sam and Dean. With Cas’ signal, you left the car, ignoring both men before you, you followed Cas and Mary into the undergrowth.
“Sam, Dean” Cas’ voice pulled your attention to him. You watched as Sam emerged from the trees, you kept your attention on where Sam came from.
“Y/N” Dean’s eyes found you as he bypassed Cas and held you in his arms.
After 20 minutes of saying your hellos and I've missed yous. Marys’s car stopped. “It’s time,” Sam spoke. Your eyes snapped to Dean’s, his were full of worry and regret. Before you all stood Billie the reaper. You listened as Billie spoke of the deal she’d made with Sam and Dean. You watched as the three Winchester's tried to sacrifice themselves for each other. You stood rooted to the spot as fear filled you and you watched Castiel stab Billie.
“Cosmic consequences,” Dean grumbled to himself.
“Shut up, Cas saved everyone. We're all okay.” You insisted as you held onto Dean tighter. You were sat in the middle seat of the car, your legs against Dean’s, your arms were wrapped around him as he held you close to his chest.
The drive to the nearest hotel in Colorado, it was a 3-star hotel, despite Sam, Dean and Mary’s protests you offered to pay. Using ‘real money’ as Dean called it. You didn't mind using your own savings to pay for a hotel for the night. Walking into the suite you’d booked for yourself and Dean, you’d instantly connected to the wifi.
“Here.” You patted the seat next to yours, he still wore his prison overalls. Taking a makeup wipe you cleaned up his face removing the dirt, debris and blood.
“Ready," Dean confirmed.
Dialling, your anxiety hit the roof, you were super nervous for him.
“Hi,” Jody’s sleep filled eyes met yours through your phone screen.
“Dean!” She gushed, her face flooded with relief.
“Hi Jody,” He smiled at her as she grinned back at him. "Is there any way I can see Phoebe?”
“Don’t wake her Jody, she’ll be too confused.” You interrupted as you squeezed Dean’s hand.
“Sure give me a second.” You both watched as Jody fumbled with the phone. Dean’s eyes were glued to the screen as he watched Jody enter the room Phoebe was in.  A nightlight lit the room as you waited to see your daughter, over 20 hours ago you'd dropped Phoebe off at Jody’s as you desperately needed a break, you knew you were being selfish.
You watched the screen as Jody showed you, Phoebe, sleeping soundly. She slept in a single bed surrounded by blankets and boundaries to stop her rolling out of bed.  
“She … she’s so big.” Dean cried as he watched his daughter sleep through the screen.
“Want me to leave an iPad on FaceTime for you guys?”
“No, we’ll be there tomorrow at some point, it’s going to be a long drive, but we’ll aim to set off as soon as we can.” You informed her as you watched Dean stand up and head towards the bathroom.  “Thank you, I love you, can you call me tomorrow when she’s awake.” You felt tears falling down your face as you tried to speak.
“Hey, stop feeling guilty for needing a night off, you have a toddler and your boyfriend has been missing for over a month, I don't blame you.”
“Thank you for everything Jody.” You smiled at her as you ended the call.
Realising Dean had been in the bathroom for 20 minutes you knocked lightly on the door.
“Dean, Baby? You okay?” When you received no response you spoke again. “Dean, I’m coming in okay?”
Opening the door you found the shower curtain closed across the bath, the shower still running. “Dean.” Your voice remained low as you began to peel back the curtain. Dean sat in the bath, knees tucked under his chin.
“Baby, you okay?” You asked as you continued to open the curtain.
“Yeah?” He asked looking up at you.
“You okay?”
“Need a hand?”
“Yes,” The words left his lips in a whimper.
“Okay.” You shut off the shower and instead turned on the bath tap. Pushing in the plug you coaxed Dean up the bathtub, tucking the curtain away.  You left Dean as you reached for the hotel room phone and dialled room service.
“Hi, I’m in room 28 can I have 2 double whiskies, a bottle of white wine and some sandwiches too please?”
“Of course ma’am,”
Upon returning to Dean you'd handed him the soap, lining up the shampoos too, the door bell rang, closing the door to the bathroom you answered the door. You showed the hotel staff to the table where you wanted the food and drinks.  
“Dean?” You walked back into the bathroom to find him very sloppily attempting to shampoo his hair. “Here.” You handed him a glass of whisky, before taking over Dean’s awful attempt at shampooing, you began massaging Dean’s scalp.
“Better?” You asked 20 minutes later as he walked from the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist, empty glass in hand.
“Much.” He smiled at you, you could tell he wasn't lying.
“You sure?” You asked as you remained on the bed.
“Yeah, I'm with you, I love you, Phoebe’s safe, I'm out of those same four walls, I’m with you.” He repeated. “Lucifer is back in the cage, everything is okay.” He spoke as he changed into a pair of boxers and joined you on the bed.  
“I’ve missed you.” You sighed as you crawled over to him.
“I’ve missed you too.” He opened his arms and held you close to him. “I’ve been thinking.” He spoke as he ran a hand through your hair.
“That sounds ominous.”
“Yeah well after six weeks in the same room, I had time.” Guilt hit you as you realised for the past 6 weeks Dean had been alone, in one room.
“I think … well, I know. I know what I want.”
“Yeah?” You asked as you sat up a little, rolling so you could face him, an arm rested on his chest.
“I want you, I want to marry you.”
A gasp fell from your lips as his fingers found yours.
“I want to have another baby, hell more than one.”
You slowly sat up, your fingers still interlaced with Dean’s.
“I love you, so much, I love you so much the thought of losing you made me sick. I thought they’d come after you and Phoebe to get at me. When no one said anything about you two I guessed you were both safe. Y/N, I love you, I don’t have a ring, but…” Dean’s fingers left yours as he got off the bed and got down on one knee.
“Dean,” Your hands covered your mouth as you shuffled to the edge of the bed.
“I love you, I adore you, you’re everything me, you’ve made me a better man, I don't know how I'd ever live without you, and I don't ever want to.  I love everything about you. Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?”
“Yes, oh my God yes.” You jumped into his arms as he stood up a squeal leaving your lips as he held you in his arms.
“God I love you.” Dean gushed as he toppled you both onto the bed.
“I love you too! I can’t believe this.” You kissed Dean as you both lay on the bed. “You want another baby?” You asked through the kisses.
“Yes, but only if you do.” He kissed you back with more passion than before. “Do you?” He stopped kissing you as he looked at you for an answer.
“Yes,” You smiled up at him, his body pressed against yours.
“When do you want to?” He questioned as he stopped kissing you.
“Now’s a good time, if it doesn't happen then practice makes perfect.” You grinned at him.
“That’s my girl.” He growled as he winked at you before rolling you over in bed.
Part 13 
@tas898 @do-you-have-a-trenchcoat @potterheadgirl5 @meghan-brannon @yellowtheremarvelfan @kaedynce514caylen @straightestgay-voice @mrsdeanwinchester16 @jayankles @winchester-c @elissafay24
@mega-loser1298 @smalltowndivaj
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
from new recruits, to mixers
PlushFix: *tossed out the window* >_< kinuta: hmm? PlushFix: *looks up* "Hey, beautiful..." kinuta: wait a sec....nofix?! PlushFix: "In the flesh!" ^^ kinuta:....*picks him up* you're a fucking stuffed bear. PlushFix: "Yeah, but now I'm cuddly and more compact." kinuta:...*looks up at the window* saku *glaaaare* PlushFix: "I got knocked out..." kinuta: shit. hina: oh? you know this chippy? kinuta: who the fuck? PlushFix: "Kinuta." hina: oh? kinuta: and you? hina: call me hina. PlushFix: "This is where I've been hanging out since some medium shoved me into this doll." kinuta: so you died? that sucks. PlushFix: "Yeah, it does. Surprised you're here--the authorities didn't catch you?" kinuta: let's just get inside. PlushFix: "Come on in! Get comfy..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *bows* "Hello, Aunt Amelia." amelia: hey, sweetie. ^^ *hug* Jacqueline: .\\\. *hug* "How are you?" amelia: i just got the packages today. the maids told me what happened.... Jacqueline: "...I'm sorry." amelia: oh it's alright, dear. those two have always had such sticks up their asses. *chuckles* Jacqueline: -___-;; "You can imagine _I_ can't say that..." amelia: well it's true. it's ok sweetie, you're always welcome here anytime. Jacqueline: "..." *sniff* "Th-Thank you..." *rubs her eyes* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *looks out at the city* {zelda: *holding their newborn daughter* she looks just like you, francis.} {Fitzgerald: "Are you sure? I think she has your smile."} {zelda: *chuckles* hey sweetie, say hi to papa} ???: sir? Fitzgerald: *sets down his drink* "Hmm?" louisa: is everything alright? Fitzgerald: "...How many cities have you seen with this view?" louisa: well, the was the penthouse back in new york. Fitzgerald: "Such diverse neighborhoods here, though...If only..." louisa: ?? Fitzgerald: "...If only they could see this." louisa: ...... -elsewhere- Gopher: *sweating, shivering* inori: *giving him medicine* father said this will help you. Gopher: "Th-Thank you..." *sips water, takes the medicine* "I-I have felt so w-weird since that incantation..." inori: it is most likely nerves. Gopher: "I-I hope...I don't want to m-miss the Festival..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *tucks Sonia in* sonia: zzzz Chuuya: *smiles, kisses her forehead* sonia: =u= Chuuya: *exits, leaving the door open a crack* mito: *asleep in the cat bed* Chuuya: *in his bedroom, lies down in his bed...and there is a lot of room* "..." *turns to the center of the bed, resting a hand along the empty spot...closes his eyes* -morning- Jacqueline: "Zzz..." *tosses* kim: hey jackie? Jacqueline: *yawns, opens her eyes* "Huh?" kim: are you up? Jacqueline: "Yeah, I am now...You?" kim: yeah. Jacqueline: "...What do you want to do today? We have a few days before we go back to Death City..." kim: maybe visit the shops? Jacqueline: "Good idea...I can show you some with some cute dresses and good pastries." kim: that sounds awesome! -elsewhere- Anya: *asleep dreaming* {Anya: *looks down--she's in a wedding gown* "???"} {???: *holding out their hand*} {Anya: "Wh-What is going on? Why am I in this dress?"} {???: *holding her hand*} {Anya: .\\\\. "Is-Is this a wedding?"} {???: *nods and smiles*} {Anya: *gulps* "M-My wedding?"} {???: *removing the veil*} {-their face cant be seen...-} {Anya: "..." *leans closer*} {???: *leans in*} {Minister: "You may now kiss the bride."} {???: *leaning in to kiss her*} {???: "I object!"} {*the crowd looks to the doors*} {*Hyde marches into the room, dragging Licht with him*} {Anya: "?!!!"} {???: what the fresh hell-} {Anya: .\\\\\. "Y-Yeah--I'm wondering the same--"} {???: *from the window* "I object, too! Anastasia, I love you!"} {???: *looks up* ._.; } {*Clay is descending down a rope*} {Clay: "Marry me!"} {Anya: O\\\\\\O "...What is even happening here?"} {rowena: *blinks* am i lucid dreaming right now?} {Anya: "I-I don't know what to say about this! I can't marry all of you!"} {Hyde: "I think you can--it's legal in dreamland."} {???: fools...} {-the faceless person reveals themselves as......EXCALIBUR!?-} {Hyde: O___O } {Clay: .___. } {Hiro: "...Wait, why am I here?"} -THUD- Anya: *LOUD SCREAM* tsugumi: WHA WHAT?! WHAT IS IT?! Anya: "DON'T MAKE ME MARRY HIM!" tsugumi: anya! *shaking her* get a hold of yourself!! Anya: *stares* "...Please tell me you aren't going to marry me, too." tsugumi:....*blinks* what? Anya: "N-Nothing...Just a bad dream..." ^\\\^ "I-I'll...just try to fall back to sleep. Maybe milk..." -elsewhere- Relan: *holding grocery bags* "Just a bit more..." *struggling* Arthur: "Hurry up. The applicants will be at the HQ soon." Relan: -_-# "I am hurrying..." iris: i can take some of the bags. Relan: "Thanks, Iris. I'm glad for the help." ^^ tamaki: so we're getting a new recruit today? Arthur: "Yes." Relan: "Think the Commander will have a rough interview process?" shinra: hard to say. Relan: "..." *holds grocery bag close* shinra:...*pap pap* Relan: T~T "As long as nothing scares the new medic away--" *BANG BANG BANG* tamaki: looks like vulcan's working hard as usual Vulcan: *stops banging, lifts up his mask* "Yo. You got my soda?" shinra: *hands him a tab soda* Vulcan: "Awesome. Thanks." *cracks it open, brings it to his lips--* *The engine backfires--knocking Vulcan back, the can slipping out of his hand* -the can hits tamaki right in the face- Relan: o_o Arthur: D8> Vulcan: ._.;;; tamaki:.....*drenched*.....someone get me a towel. shinra: *trying not to laugh* Vulcan: *running for a towel* Arthur: *takes off his jacket, drapes it over her shoulders* Relan: *fast-walking to the kitchen* shinra: *notices a few people* oh? are those the people looking for a medic position? Medic: *nods* "Yes. Just waiting for the Commander..." medic 2: *shuffling in their seat, nervous* .~.;;;; Medic #1: *ultra-serious* "...How are facilities in your headquarters?" shinra: decent, i guess. medic 3: are the beds nice and soft~? *pulling his own sleeve down* shinra:.... i guess so? Medic #1: "Hmm. How frequently are members of this brigade injured? Do you have access to any local hospital?" shinra: erm. ._.; Akitaru: *exits the office* "Sorry, sorry! I was delayed. I'm Commander Obi. It's a pleasure to meet you all!" medic 2: *muffled reply* medic 3: charmed~, really~ Medic 1: "Hello." medic 4: *holds up a note that says 'hello'* Akitaru: "...Well, I'm afraid I didn't schedule specific times to talk with you all, so I can answer your initial questions here as a group before we start one-on-one interviews. Any questions?" medic 2: *looking down at their feet* ..... .~.;;; Medic 1: "I would like to see a detailed budget for your facility." Akitaru: ._.;;;; "I'd refer you to our, um, 'accountant'?" Medic 1: "...Did you just put 'accountant' in quotation marks?" Akitaru: "NEXT QUESTION." medic 3: anyone single here~? Akitaru: .____.;;; "...I don't see how that's relevant? Is this about sexual health or something?" medic 3: ufufu, im not picky, mr commander <3 shinra:.... >->;;; Akitaru: "NEXT QUESTION." medic 4: *she holds up a sign saying 'do we get our own room or just sleep on the medical cots?'* Akitaru: "You'll have your own office, medical ward, and your own bedroom." medic 4's sign: 'i see' Medic 1: "What are the exact dimensions of the bedroom?" Akitaru: "Um...4 Shinra's long, 1.5 Shinra's tall, 3 Shinra's wide?" Medic 1: "...What the devil is a Shinra?" shinra: sir, did you just use me as a measuring tool? ._.; Akitaru: "Look, I'm really nervous--I've never interviewed four people at once." maki: maybe just do one at a time, sir. Akitaru: "Um...Okay. How about you?" *points at Medic 2* medic 2: O~O;;;; uhhhhhh...... Akitaru: "...Are you okay?" medic 2: eep! *hiding their face in their hoodie* Akitaru: "...Okay, we'll get back to you. Um...You?" *points at Medic 4* medic 4: *holds up a sign that reads 'Komori Otonashi'.* Akitaru: "Okay, Otonashi--right this way into my office." otonashi: *follows* Medic 1: *crosses their arms, sits back in the chair, closes their eyes* -elsewhere- PlushFix: "This is great--like bringing the gang back together!" saku: .... mimeca: ^u^ Akua: "...Who brought this thing back?" kinuta: *raises her hand* Akua: "...No, see, when I said 'this thing,' I meant you." kinuta: me? Akua: "You. I know enough about you, witch." kinuta: you have a problem with witches, kid? Akua: "I got a problem with you. Witches tend to bring unneeded attention." kinuta: is that right? Akua: "Yeah. Haven't you been arrested already, like, 9 times?" kinuta:...weeelllll PlushFix: .w. "Maybe we all need to unwind...Mimeca, get some drinks?" mimeca: *salutes and goes to do that* Akua: "Just water...This witch will probably be hungover come morning." -elsewhere- Medusa: *hidden in trees in a park, surveying bystanders* woman: *on her phone, she seems to be by herself* Medusa: *slithers down the trunk, blending in with it* woman: yeah, im really busy right now, i'll call you later, god! *hangs up and grumbles* Medusa: "..." *resumes human form behind the woman* woman:... ?? who the fu- Medusa: *a snake slithers out of her mouth* woman: ?!?! what the fuckin- Medusa: *grabs the woman, slams her against the tree* woman: *trying to scream* Medusa: *smashes her mouth against hers* -a man hears the commotion and runs over- man: what the hell is going on? i thought i heard screaming? Medusa: *the snake has passed from her mouth into the woman's...her body collapses* man: *glances* hey, are you ok, miss? *The ground is damp in front of the woman* man: ma'am? "Woman": "Yes...I'm sorry. I thought I saw a snake..." man: well, the most you'll see around here is a garden snake, and those are harmless, haha. "Woman": "Heh...Yes, I just get a bit jumpy around them." *grabs the Woman's purse* "I better get going before it gets to late. Again, sorry to bother you." -later- neian: *baby babble* *The "Woman" enters* neian: *reaching* mamu! *The "Woman's" eyes change slightly, assuming Medusa's usual stare* Medusa: "Yes...Mama is here..." *picks up Neian* neian: ^u^ Medusa: *bounces her lightly, as she pulls her body's ID card* "Ah, so that's where I live..._We_ live, now." -elsewhere- Free: "So...You can take my bed for tonight." milia:....are you sure? Free: "Yeah, sure--I'm a big guy, so the bed will be super-king size. And I just washed the sheets before you got here. New pillow, too." milia:....o-ok. Free: "...You want something? Maybe cookies?" milia:..*she nods* Free: "Alright...Well, I'll be back." *pats Eruka's arm* eruka: *smiles* milia: .... Free: "Keep an eye on her...Maybe put on a movie?" eruka: sounds good. Free: *pours milk* eruka: .....so, do you like tea parties? milia: *she nods* Free: *puts cookies on a plate* "You do that with your dolls?" milia: yeah.... Free: "Well, we can do one of those...Don't really have dolls here..." eruka: but we can get you some! milia: for real? *shiny eyes* Free: "Sure thing..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "So...if you eat ice cream all the time, you aren't lactose intolerant?" nea: not always ice cream, it just has to be cold food. Shotaro: "I heard cold pizza can be tasty--you like that?" -elsewhere- Belkia: *bruised* TT~TT otogiri: and what have we learned from this? Belkia: "When they ask for a refund, just give them the refund..." -elsewhere- Spirit: *sips coffee* "...They make these cups tiny here in France, or what?" kim: yeah. Jacqueline: "Mostly because it's more caffeinated...You picked up souvenirs?" Spirit: *sets down his drink* "Yep! Some treats, something fashionable for Sachiko..." kim: cool. i got this. *holds up a mona lisa keychain* Jacqueline: ^^ "That's adorable...I...will just be bringing home...everything." *looks down* kim:.....*pats her back* Jacqueline: "..." *nods* "R-Right..." *inhales, exhales* -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Thanks for your time." ^^; shinra: so, how does it look? Akitaru: "I don't know...Feels like just one of them leaves something lacking..." shinra: oh? karin: how so? Akitaru: "I mean, the quiet one seemed really smart but not easy to talk to, the uptight one was annoying but got things done, and the nervous one...Well, maybe this isn't their place." tamaki: what about the other one? shinra:..... 7_____7;;;; Akitaru: "No." karin: so basically we have three options... maki: i think maybe otonashi might work. Akitaru: "Well, we're doing some on-site practice with each one to test them out. But I don't know that they'll get much work if we're not on missions and not injured--" maki: ah. Relan: "I mean, Tamaki will probably get injured a few times--" tamaki: *glaaaaaare* Relan: .____.; *steps back...* Akitaru: "Well, Otonashi is the first up, so if you need medical help, talk to them." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *staring at his phone* -1 new message from; ochako cell- Todoroki: *pulls it up* ochako: [good luck in the finals \(^o^)p ] Todoroki: "..." [thank u. that means a lot] ochako: [^u^] Todoroki: [will u be there?] ochako: [u bet!] Todoroki: [i appreciate that. i wish u were in the competition] ochako: [i tried TT3TT darn you bakugo! *fist shaking emoticon*] Todoroki: [i'll face him...i hope i can win] ochako: [do your best! *fireworks emoticon*] Todoroki: [i will. well, back to preparations] -elsewhere- Sakuya: *curls up in the kotatsu* naho: zzzz =w= Sakuya: *smiles, shifts hair off her face* naho: =///= Sakuya: *cuddles* -elsewhere- Medusa: "...Our new home is not too bad, is it?" neian: ugu? Medusa: *glances at the mail she brought in* "Wonder what New-Me was into..." *looks at a bill for...* -mostly just stuff for work. seems she applied to a catering job- Medusa: "...Catering? I mean, there's science to that, but......I guess I can try for it..." *picks up Neian, looks around the rooms--finding an office* "Hmm...I guess we'll convert this into your new bedroom...Would you like that?" neian: *babble* Medusa: *opens the bathroom up* "...Well..." *sniffs Neian--then grimaces* "Oooo!" *sets Neian down, takes off her jacket* "I think we both need a bath." neian: >3< -elsewhere- mafioso: you got plans for tonight, chuuya? Chuuya: "Dinner." mafioso 2: you got a date~? Chuuya: -_-; "I'm making dinner for my daughter." mafioso 2:...oh. Chuuya: "Yeah. So get your mind out of the gutter and get me that report." mafioso 2: r-right. ._.; Gin: "...How is Sonia?" Chuuya: *sighs* "Doing well...Just keeping me on my toes ahead of the Festival." mafioso 3: oh right! good luck in the finals! Chuuya: "Thanks...Just want to get a victory." higuchi: ... Gin: "...Higuchi?" higuchi: hmm? Gin: "You with us?" higuchi: yeah, just worried... Gin: "..." *pats her shoulder* "We're doing all we can to find Q." higuchi:.... {rain: he sounded so scared....i felt so useless...} {higuchi: it's ok, we'll find him, i promise.} higuchi: .... Gin: "...Let's look through logs again." -elsewhere- Poe: "And work treated you well?" lana: yeah. now i can finally unwind. *streeetch and lays on the couch, her head on his lap* Poe: .\\\. "..." *strokes her head* lana: u///w///u Poe: "...This feels nice." lana: yeah. *smiles* i love you, edgar. Poe: *smiles* "I love you, too, Lana." ^\\\^ -elsewhere- eckleburg:....sir? are you in? Fitzgerald: "Hmm? Ah, Eckleburg. Need something?" eckleburg: i was just wondering....um..er....does miss alcott have any plans for this weekend at all? Fitzgerald: "I wouldn't know--she handles my schedule, not the other way around. And she hasn't asked for any time off this weekend. Why do you ask?" eckleburg: um... .///.;;; i mean, if she doesnt have any plans at all, maybe she and i could....i dont know....visit a museum or something? .////.;;;;;;;; Fitzgerald: "..." *light bulb* "Oh ho ho! I understand." *smirks* "...You want her assistance with historical research!" eckleburg: um.... yes! that's it! hahahaha! ^///^;;;;;;;;;;;; bram: -___-; Fitzgerald: "Well, I can put in a word to ask her whether she is busy, Old Sport." *pats Eckleburg's shoulder* "I'm sure she will be interested." eckleburg: thank you, sir.... ^^;;;;;;;; Fitzgerald: "You're welcome. Now, return to your work, and I'll speak with Miss Alcott." *walks* eckleburg:...*FAINTED* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *sitting at the headboard of her hotel bed, knees pulled up to her* "..." kim: jackie? you ok? Jacqueline: "...Just can't sleep before going back...Leaving home..." kim:.....*hug* Jacqueline: *shivers...rests her head against Kim's shoulder* kim: *pats her back* Jacqueline: *sniffs* "M-My parents kicked me out..." kim: it's ok...you deserve better than them, anyway... Jacqueline: "...I'm sorry. I know I...haven't had the worst that many have had with their parents." kim: ...*rubs her back* Jacqueline: "...Kim? I...I'm sorry you had to find out about all of this." kim: hey, you didnt do anything wrong. Jacqueline: "...Not to my parents. Being...me is 'wrong' to them." kim: well they can just piss right off. if they cant respect you, then they dont deserve to be respected. Jacqueline: "...Yeah. They kept talking about me marrying some boy since I was a kid...and I just never felt respected." kim: at least now they wont pester you ever again. plus now you have your aunt looking out for you, and she seems pretty cool. Jacqueline: *small laugh* "She is...She always understood..." *hug* kim:..... -elsewhere- ox: *walking with his mother in her wheelchair* mama ford: ^u^ Harvar: *waiting* ox: i'll be back tomorrow, ok, mom? mama ford: uu uu! ox:....night mom, i love you. *exits*....... Harvar: "...How you feel?" ox:....it's draining, but someone has to, and i know my old man isnt going to do it.... Harvar: *shakes his head* "Come on. You need a re-charge." ox:...*sigh* yeah, no use getting worked up over it now... Harvar: "..." *awkward pat* "Tomorrow is another day. Come on. We'll pick up some dinner." ox:.... {ox: you're just going to walk away?! how can you be so selfish?!} {mr ford: there's nothing that can be done.} {ox: mom needs us-} {mr ford: your mother is gone. all thats left is a shell.} ox:...*grips fist*.... -elsewhere- Kid: "..." *looks at a photo of his mother* shiori: O^O~? Kid: "..." *smiles at Shiori, shows the photo* "My mother. My...first mother, I guess." shiori: bubu? Kid: *nods* "She's my birth mother, while our mother is your birth mother..." shiori:.....mumu? Kid: "Mama...She...is no longer here." shiori: .....*paps the photo* Kid: "..." *stares at Shiori's hand...then looks at his mother's face and then Shiori's face* shiori: ^o^ babagu! Kid: TTWTT *places the photo back in his pocket, picks up Shiori* shiori: *laughing* Kid: "Hee hee..." *stands up, carries her to the playpen* -elsewhere- FD: "..." yana: <what's up?> FD: <With the damage to the city, I imagine you have had more opportunities to explore with less detection.> yana: *she nods and hands him some notes* <found some info you might be interested in> FD: <Summary?> *examines names* yana: <names, places, stuff like that...i've also found some interesting notes on a certain company...> FD: <..._That's_ who runs the company?> yana: <mmhmm. the rats have eyes, you know....and they see some very interesting things...> *she hands him a file that reads 'eyes of god'* FD: "..." *smiles* <About time...> *pats her head* <Good work.> yana: <what am i, a dog?> =3=; FD: <We move forward. I can't wait to play this new game...> -morning- Spirit: *packing his suitcase, shutting it* kim: time to head home? Spirit: "Got your ticket?" kim: *she nods* Spirit: "...How's Jackie holding up?" kim: better, i think. Spirit: "...Maybe it's cathartic for her to cut ties with her parents...Can't help but feel badly it turned out like this..." kim:....im still mad that they treated her like this! Spirit: "Same...That's fair. A parent should never be like that to a child...I think your partner is going to need you more than ever now." kim: *she nods* Spirit: "Well, I'm ready when Jacqueline is to take off. Think she wants to see her aunt before we leave?" -elsewhere- Medusa: *typing on her host body's computer, forging adoption paperwork* neian: umumu? Medusa: *finishes typing* "Just have to put this into official databases, and you'll be ready, child, for this world..." neian: mumo? Medusa: *stares* "...I wonder whether daycare is available...but I don't know who could follow me, and find you..." neian: ?? Medusa: "..." *picks up Neian, hugs her* neian: =w= Medusa: "Come. We'll go out and get you a stroller...assuming this body's credit cards work...I still have to memorize her name, date of birth..." -elsewhere- Free: *snoring...on the couch...that is too small for him* eruka: *making breakfast* kerona: *helping* sephy: ooooi, wake up. *pokes him* Free: *falls off the couch* "AAH!" *thud* milia: D8 sephy: there ya go! Free: -____- "Oh. You." *yawn* "Stopping by for a visit?" sephy: *she nods* we heard we have a granddaughter now. kerona: *hugs milia* and she's as sweet as can be ^^ milia: o///o; Free: ._.; "I mean, we're going through the adoption process..." kerona: ah. sephy: well, if you two need help, let us know, ok? we'll do what we can. Free: "Oh, hey, thanks...You got any of Eruka's old clothes or toys?" kerona: *she nods* Free: "Maybe Milia would like them..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *inhales* naoya: how's it going, chuu? Chuuya: "Just readying myself for the end of the competition." naoya: ah. Chuuya: "Don't know about this kid, but we'll see how the fight goes." -elsewhere- Hibana: "...Another medic?" gabriella: *she nods* Hibana: "Do we really need one that badly?" *her heel is currently buried into Kishiri's back* Kishiri: TT~TT -elsewhere- Anya: *walking to school* rowena: hello. Anya: .\\\. *waves* "Hello, Rowena." rowena: ?? is everything alright? Anya: ^\\\^ "You're fine." rowena: ^^; yeah, im doing much better now. Anya: "...?! Oh-Oh, right! I-I had meant I'm fine..." *presses her fingers together* "So...Maybe we should celebrate your recovery at Deathbucks?" rowena: that sounds lovely. ^^ Anya: ^^ "Great...Looking forward to the Sports Festival wrapping up (finally...)?" rowena: i suppose. Anya: "...You ever play in sports?" rowena: not really, i suppose it's not my particular interest. Anya: "We had to do a lot of them at school for NOT classes, including a sports fitness competition." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *sets out the next week's schedule* "I trust you will enjoy your weekend." mary: awesome! louisa: ^^ Fitzgerald: "Has Eckleburg spoken with you?" louisa: i dont think so? Fitzgerald: "Hmph. He was to speak with you, but oh well...I guess I'll explain." louisa: ??? Fitzgerald: "Mr. Eckleburg would like to accompany you to the museum." louisa: oh? is that right? Fitzgerald: "Yes. He seemed insistent on having someone look into history with him." louisa: t-then i would be glad too. ^^ Fitzgerald: "Very good." *removes $200* "Will this be enough for admission?" louisa: i think so. thank you very much! Fitzgerald: "Excellent! Give me a report on the activity after it is completed." louisa: i wont let you down! Fitzgerald: *nods* "As you were..." *opens his folder* "Hmm...Need to change that password or someone could hack in." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Thank you for visiting us at the airport before we left, Aunt Amelia." amelia: *hug* any time, hun. i'll be sending you care packages soon, so be on the lookout for those! Jacqueline: -\\\- *hug* "I will. Thank you for everything." -elsewhere- mafura: .....~? Touma: "Now, do you understand my instructions? The clean-up work will make it easier to locate them." C3: understood, sir. Touma: *nods* "Dismissed." *pulls out a file* mafura: ouo~? Touma: *removes a slip of paper from the file...lays it out on the table...it's shivering* mafura: ?? Touma: *smiles* "When you have to face an author...resort to your own paper..." -elsewhere- Gopher: *holding up a sign: "DO YOUR BEST!"* kirika: ....the match wont be for a few days. -.-; Gopher: owo;;; "Then...think of it as daily advice?" kirika: .....eh, alright. Gopher: "An-And when you win, I'll buy you meals for a week!" -elsewhere- Dazai: *holding up a cat treat* mii: *nom* ^u^ Dazai: *pet pet, stroke* -elsewhere- Hyde: *asleep at school desk* teacher: mr kranz? MR KRANZ! Hyde: *swings his head up* "Napoleon!" licht: pay attention idiot. teacher: as i was saying, it was around the time of the revolutionary war that japanese immigrants came to the west coast of north america and began founding small settlements known today as 'the western prefectures'. a vast majority of death city residents are descendants of these immigrants, also known as 'west-pres'. atsushi: *taking notes* Lucy: "Huh...So that's why Japanese is so prevalent here..." Hyde: *drooling on his notebook* licht: *chop* teacher: indeed, miss montgomery. but in spite of that, there are many cultures shared within the city. Hyde: "Owie!" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "So, how you settling in the medical ward?" otonashi:.... *her sign reads 'it's fine'* Akitaru: "Got it. Well, I'll be finishing lunch in a bit, so feel free to join us." -elsewhere- Medusa: *sitting in a cafe, a job application laid out in front of her* "Hmm." waiter: would you like something to drink, ma'am? Medusa: "Yes. A small green tea, please. And some milk." *rocks Neian's holder* neian: zzz Medusa: *looks up at the waiter* "...She'll need the milk when she wakes up." -elsewhere- Mori: "..." *turns another page* -...silence- Mori: *looks out the window* "..." ("Q...You better not do anything stupid.") -elsewhere- Q: *asleep* zoey: *stroking his head and humming* FD: ("Finally...") *pulls blanket over Q* Q: =w= zoey: hehe... FD: "..." *whispers* "You like him?" zoey: of course...he's...our baby, after all....<3 FD: "...Right, about that..." zoey: ?? FD: "...You've taken well to parenting." zoey: *smiles* i have to.....*rubs her stomach* you've given me a wonderful task to carry your child.....after all...<3 FD: "..." .______________. zoey:...eheh<3 FD: "..." *smiles* "That's great." ("AAAAAAAAAH--") -elsewhere- Aizawa: "Zzzzzzzz..." *in his sleeping bag...that is being dragged by a truck* yuuji: .___________________________.;;;; Aizawa: *shifts in the sleeping bag, as if he is going to crawl out of it--only to reveal he is holding a teddy bear* =w= *continued to be dragged through the street--even crashing into a mailbox* yuuji: *chases after him* Assi: *crossing the street* "I think you'll really like it! They even have donuts." mono:...ok what the hell is that? Assi: "!!! Incoming--!" Aizawa: "Zzz..." *shifts in his sleeping bag as the truck turns a corner* mono: *knocked over* OOF! yuuji: you ok, sir? Aizawa: *yawns* "...Why did you wake me up? I was having the best sleep in weeks." Assi: "!!!" *offers a hand to Mono* "Are you okay?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *looking out the airplane window* kim: *snoozing* Jacqueline: *turns, stares at Kim* "..." ("...It feels like this has been my home much longer than...my 'home' with my parents.") kim: *leans* Jacqueline: .\\\\. "..." *carefully lets Kim rest on her shoulder...* -elsewhere- Tokoyami: "Have you heard from Iida?" tsuyu: not yet. Mineta: "That really sucks. Who could be powerful enough to take out his brother?" sero: it's scary to even think about it... Bakugo: *looking out the window* -elsewhere- Melville: *staring at a fish tank* ango:....thinking? Melville: "Yes...You should add some Java moss. Your fish will appreciate it." ango: ah. Melville: *rolls out a sheet of paper with blueprints* -elsewhere- Asura: *grumbling* mikan: *pat pat* nirvana worker: you've gone soft! *SLICE* -the workers body slumps to the ground- mikan: nice one. Asura: "It is not that impressive. They were...soft." *grin* -elsewhere- Kid: *seated on a pillow, his eyes closed* stocking: *rubbing his shoulders* Kid: =\\\w\\\= "Thank you..." -elsewhere- liz: *nuzzle* =u= thanks, wes. Wes: "You're welcome." *smooch* ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Ivan: *grumble* katya:... <boss, vachenka's being mopey again.> FD: <What is it now?> Ivan: owo; <I-I didn't mean to bother you, M-Master, sir...> katya: <i think he's jealous~> Ivan: *crosses his arms* <What is there to be jealous of some snooty sociopathic flat-chest trollop?> >3< katya: <getting dicked by the boss is one thing.> Ivan: .\\\\\\. <Katya!> FD: *slams the palms of his hands onto the table* katya: OxO pushkin:...*muttering* <she's technically not wrong*> FD: <All of you will be punished.> katya + pushkin: OxO;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Ivan: D8> <B-But Master--> FD: <Katya, lock yourself in your room. You too, Pushkin.> katya: ....*lightbulb* <understood sir, come on pushkin.> *drags him off* Ivan: *whimpers* FD: <I will make sure you are kept in your room...> *grabs Ivan by the collar of his shirt* Ivan: o___o;;; *dragged along into his room* pushkin: ???? katya: <mission successful> pushkin: ??? katya: <i know where this is going~> pushkin:... <i dont follow?> katya: *whispers* pushkin: o///o; <you are the best and worst wingman.> katya: <indeed i am.> FD: *pushes Ivan inside, who lands just in front of his bed* Ivan: <M-Master! I said I was--> FD: *pulls down on Ivan's collar, planting his lips along his shoulder* Ivan: "!!!" =\\\\= FD: *his hands wrap around Ivan, unbuttoning him, as he kisses along the back of his neck* Ivan: *groaning...he's already rubbing against the edge of the bed* -elsewhere- Akitaru: "How's the new medic working out?" maki: i think she's doing well. not very talkative, though. Akitaru: "It takes all kinds, like my grandma used to say. Have we had any injuries?" tamaki: *face bandaged* mpghpgh Akitaru: "...What happened to you, Tamaki?" Relan: "Run into the wall? Again?" tamaki: *muffled explaining* shinra: ouch. Akitaru: "Yeah, that sounds pretty awful..." Arthur: *holding a sword* "I'll slice off those bandages..." Relan: .____.;;;; *backs away quickly* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Zzz..." kim: so, you guys are parents now? eruka: *she nods* yeah. Free: "Well, working on that paperwork..." kim: i see. maybe dont tell jackie right away... Free: "??? Why?" kim:...maybe i should let jackie tell you when she's ready... Free: "...Got it. That flight must have exhausted her." kim:....yeah. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "???" mary: museum trip, yay! eckleburg: .-.;;;;;; louisa: ^^; Fitzgerald: "Have fun!" mary: we will! eckleburg: *sweats* -elsewhere- oscar: *browsing through old guild paperwork* ???: need something? oscar: EEP! oh, emily, it's just you. emily:... *sweatdrop* i was here this whole time... Steinbeck: *calling from downstairs* "Where are you all?" twain: up here! *on the roof with a picnic basket* emily: coming, sir! *goes down to see him* oscar:.....*examines one file* -the file reads; Fitzgerald, Jay- Steinbeck: "Playing hide and seek, Emily?" emily: sir. im right here. *she's right at the door* -_-; ebie: *in spider form, plopping herself on emily's head* emily: EEP! ebie: *PWOOF* hi. oscar: *still examining the file* (thinking: huh, so fitzy's grandpa was part of the guild back in the day....hmm.) Steinbeck: "Well, hurry up to the roof--I don't want to miss out on food." ebie: awesome! oscar:....*taking notes before heading out* -elsewhere- Shamrock: *looking at the mirror* lilac:...?? Shamrock: "..." *tries combing his hair the other way* "...Nope." lilac:... ?? Shamrock: *tries putting his hair up with hairspray* "Nope." lilac: what are you doing? Shamrock: *blushing* "Just trying for a new look..." lilac:...oh. Shamrock: *suddenly in a wig* "Maybe this?" tsubaki: ^^; maybe let it down naturally? Shamrock: *now down in front of his eyes* "...I can see even less than usual." -elsewhere- christa: *coloring* Yumi: "Really pretty drawing, Christa." christa: it's mama. Yumi: "No wonder it's pretty." ^^ christa: hehe. marie:...*faint smile* Yumi: *looks at Shiori* "Having fun, sweetie?" shiori: baba! Yumi: ^^ "Just don't get crayons off the paper..." -elsewhere- Victor: *climbing in through the window* otonashi:..?? Victor: "Woo...Made it back in before--" *looks up* owo;;;;; "...Hi, new...person?" otonashi:.... *SMACKS HIM WITH A BEDPAN* Victor: *knocked out* XWX otonashi:....*writes down 'oh shit' on a notepad* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *tossing in bed* {Jacqueline: *crying*} {-SMACK-} {mrs du pre: you stop that at once!} kim: jackie? Jacqueline: *opens her eyes* "Wh-What?" *rubs her tears away* kim: are you ok? Jacqueline: "...Just a bad dream." kim:....*hug* Jacqueline: "..." *hug* "Sorry." -elsewhere- Yohei: *sighs* chie: long day, hun? *kiss on the forehead* Yohei: =\\\= "Yes...We've been having to do sub-contracted work." chie: ah. Yohei: *yawns* "Chie..." chie: *kiss* Yohei: "Mmm..." *holds her* -elsewhere- Lucy: "...The heck happened to you?" ranpo: *muffled as there is tape over his mouth* Lucy: "...Do I untie him, remove the tape, or leave him like this?" ranpo: *muffled yelling* >x< Lucy: "...Hey, if I let you go, will you share your secret stash of treats~?" ^^ ranpo: *open eyed glaaaaare* Lucy: >3< "Then I guess you can just stay like that and free yourself, brilliant detective..." *takes his glasses off* '"Without these~" ranpo: *SCREAMING and flailing* Lucy: "Hee hee..." *opens the cabinet, takes the cupcakes and sits by the window* -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* lord death: *hug* ^^ Kid: *pat pat* "I feel much better." -elsewhere- katya: .......<quiet> pushkin: <i guess this part of the tunnel doesnt get used often...> katya: <yeah.> pushkin:... <fuuuck im bored.> Shousaku: "..." katya: <you and me both. does the boss even know what he's doing? i mean, it's been months, im starting to have my doubts.> pushkin: <you and me both, kati> Shousaku: *gets closer* katya: <if this starts going to shit, let's just bail the fuck outta here and become mercs.> pushkin: <that sounds awesome!> Shousaku: *looks up* *touches the wall* pushkin:....!! <hey check this out! it's a minecart!> katya: <well, this is a mine, so...> Shousaku: ("Could that be an escape?") katya: *glances back* ?? Shousaku: *hides* katya:.... pushkin: <oi kati, what's up?> katya:.....<hold up a sec...> Shousaku: *steadies his breathing* katya: well hello there. a bit far from base, arent ya? Shousaku: o_O;; katya: *grins and pistol whips him* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "..." *taps his fingers on the desk* "...Wonder how they are doing." -at the museum- louisa: *taking notes* eckleburg: ./////.;;;;;;; Guide: "--and was donated to Lord Death during a good will mission." shinoa: hmm... hyakuya: ..... Jun: "Hmm. What is the value of this painting? And what is the security here?" Guide: ._.; -elsewhere- Chuuya: *signs paperwork* "Okay. I'm done." kouyou: mind if i come in? Chuuya: "Certainly." *offers a seat* kouyou: *sits down* seems the girls took quite a shine to sonia. *smiles* Chuuya: *smiles* "She is wonderful, after all." kouyou: some of them have even offered to babysit sometime. *she chuckles* Chuuya: "Oh. How kind of them. That would be helpful." kouyou: ^^ mind if i make some tea? Chuuya: "Sure." *turns on his office's heater* koyuou: *making tea* Chuuya: "How are you?" kouyou: busy. and you? Chuuya: "Still thinking about this competition..." -that evening- Anya: "I'm home." mio: hey. tsugumi: welcome back! Anya: *sets down her books* "Master said 'hi.'" *stretches* tsugumi: how was work? Anya: "I had to slap a customer." tsugumi: yikes. Anya: "That's what you get when you complain about service and try to touch me." >3< "...I hope Master can get the face-smears off the wall." -elsewhere- Akitaru: ._.; "...Don't knock out members of our brigade, okay?" otonashi: [sorry] Victor: ^^; "N-No harm..." *holding ice to his head* otonashi: [i thought he was an intruder] Akitaru: "Well, Victor has been visiting family and been out at weird hours--" Victor: QWQ;;;; otonashi: .... ?? Akitaru: "Victor is assigned to us to help with investigations. He goes through soil samples, rocks, tunnels--" otonashi: ?? Victor: "And mushrooms! The tunnels can lead you to multiple mushrooms growing around here--" *SCREAM OUTSIDE--then a thud* otonashi: *running outside* !? Takehisa: *collapsed in the tunnel* X~X maki: what the heck!? Victor: OWO;;;; Akitaru: -_-; "I think Otonashi's signs gave me an idea...Let's put up signs that warn about 'dugged tunnels: proceed with caution.'" shinra: woah! Arthur: "...Now that he is dead, may I have Captain Hinawa's possessions?" -chop- Arthur: *falls into another tunnel* X~X tamaki: -_-; -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *looking at her hair in the mirror* "..." *goes to her desk, opens a drawer, pulls out a pair of scissors* kim: jackie? Jacqueline: "!!!" *SNIP* kim: *opens the door* !!! jackie? Jacqueline: Q~Q *she only managed to cut some of her hair off--unevenly* "Y-You startled me..." kim: .....her, let me. *trimming jackie's hair* Jacqueline: *sniff* "It-It's looking better." *weak smile* kim:....*hug* Jacqueline: "..." *hug* "I'm being difficult." kim: it's ok. i know this is been a tough time for you... Jacqueline: "Thank you for being patient with me...I-I'll get better, I promise." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *walking* naoya: calling it a night already, akuta? Akutagawa: "I have plans." naoya: oh? Akutagawa: "I will be meeting someone." naoya: oho~ got yourself a date? Akutagawa: -\\\\\- "...No?" naoya: oh? care to explain? Akutagawa: o\\\o; "...It's a secret?" naoya: *griiiin* Akutagawa: >\\\\< "I AM LEAVING NOW GOOD NIGHT." *fast walking* naoya: ...*blink* Akutagawa: ("Can't be late. Time it right...") -and so- Akutagawa: *holding binoculars* "..." -someone is walking down a sidewalk- Akutagawa: *moves binoculars to get a look* atsushi: *carrying home groceries* Akutagawa: *uses Rashomon to descend from the rooftop to the alley* "..." atsushi: ?? hello? Akutagawa: "...Do you need help carrying..." atsushi: .-.; im good. thanks. Akutagawa: "Going home?" atsushi: >->; y-yeah... Akutagawa: "I will walk with you." atsushi:... ._.; okaaay? Akutagawa: "...You look well." atsushi:...thanks... ._.;;;;; Akutagawa: "How have you been since the Festival?" atsushi: been getting by. .____. Akutagawa: "Oh? You've been with...Dazai?" atsushi: yeah.... ._____. Akutagawa: "...How is he?" atsushi: same as usual, i guess.... Akutagawa: "Suicidal." atsushi:......yeah..... Akutagawa: "Hmm...That Montgomery girl..." atsushi: lucy? she's doing great too. *small blush* Akutagawa: "...That's too bad." >\\\\\> atsushi: ....i take it you still have feelings for me? Akutagawa: "...Yes. Incredibly." atsushi:.....*sigh* i figured as much... Akutagawa: "...Is that a problem?" atsushi: i-im not saying it's a problem. but, i dont think i could feel that way about you. Akutagawa: "...That is disappointing." atsushi: ...... (thinking: aaaand i just made it awkward. think man, say something!) Akutagawa: "...I'm not happy by that. I do understand, though." atsushi: really? owo; Akutagawa: "Yes. I did not make a good first impression." atsushi: *remembering how he attacked tanizaki and naomi* ...yeeeeeah... >->;;;; Akutagawa: "...I still will see you as a rival. And I still have these feelings of wishing to be close to you." atsushi: ..... Akutagawa: "...I _will_ face off against you again in the future. So you had best be ready to give me your all..." atsushi:....yeah...well, my stop is just up ahead. i better get going now. Akutagawa: "I as well..." *leans up--and pecks Atsushi's cheek* "Good night." atsushi:....*confused blink* *internal screaming* Akutagawa: *smiles--and uses Rashomon to rise to a rooftop and dash away* atsushi:.....i dont know how to feel about that just now..... Akutagawa: "..." ("I DID IT.") *leaps over one roof--and lets out a 'Yes!'* -elsewhere- Medusa: "I hope you'll like the daycare tomorrow while I start work..." neian: dadu? Medusa: "...'Daycare.'" ("...Please tell me she did not say 'Dad'...") neian: ^o^ Medusa: *holds her, rocking her* "I'll be there to pick you up after work..." -elsewhere- higuchi: zzzzz Gin: "..." *hug* higuchi: =w= Gin: *whispers* "I'm glad you're here." higuchi: *smiles and nuzzles* Gin: *small cheek smooch* -door creeeeeak- Akutagawa: *closes the door, locks it, walks to his room--* higuchi: zzzz Gin: *carefully pulls from Higuchi, tucks her in, puts on her robe, exits* "Ryu?" Akutagawa: "...Sorry. I woke you?" Gin: *shakes her head* "You okay?" Akutagawa: "...I don't know. I feel a bit better." Gin: "...What happened?" Akutagawa: "Just...prioritizing." Gin: "..." *hug* Akutagawa: "...Thank you." Akutagawa: "..." *pat pat* "I'll...make myself something to eat, then go to bed." Gin: "Okay." *smiles* "Don't be up too late." -morning- atsushi: ......... Kyoka: "??? Are you better?" atsushi: i think so....had trouble getting to sleep.... Kyoka: "...Maybe take a bath before heading out? I can make breakfast." atsushi: maybe....... Kyoka: "..." *hug* atsushi:...*pat* thanks.......i cant get it out of my head.......he seemed.....really sad, but calm about it.... Kyoka: "...He has problems. He needs professional help. Don't get involved." atsushi: ...... Kyoka: "...Maybe introduce him to someone to talk to." atsushi: maybe... -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *buttoning his shirt* -one text message from naoya- Akutagawa: *opens it* naoya: [u have a good nite? ^^ ] Akutagawa: "..." [i feel sad] naoya: [did something happen?] Akutagawa: [things just didn't work out. not yet] naoya: [that sux =3=] Akutagawa: [it does. but it could have been worse] naoya: [u want me 2 bring u 2 breakfast?] Akutagawa: "..." [that would be helpful] naoya: [anything in mind?] Akutagawa: [bacon and egg sandwich?] naoya: [kk. BRT] Akutagawa: [thanx] *finishes buttoning his shirt, looks up in the mirror* "..." *grabs his jacket* -in class- Hyde: *raises his hand* "Miss Marie? I can't see the board. May I sit closer?" marie: *looks at the student next to him* Hyde: *waves* "Yo, teach! Over here!" *looks at the student next to him* marie: yes, mr kranz? Hyde: "I just want to see the board. Can I move closer?" *now sitting at Marie's teacher's desk* "That's better!" -elsewhere Lucy: *looking around* "No sign of him..." rowena: *examining books* Lucy: *glances at the books* rowena: hmm? oh, hello. Lucy: "Hello. How have you been since...your brother's girlfriend's apartment went kablooy?" rowena: ...i've been alright. ^^; Lucy: "...Everyone okay after that attack on the city?" rowena:.....yeah. Lucy: "...Are _you_ okay?" rowena: ...*she nods* ran into some trouble, but im fine. Lucy: "Yeah, same...The hospital got so full." rowena: i mostly just stayed with my brother. Lucy: "...That's really good to be around Edgar. He really cares about you." rowena: *she nods* he's had a lot of struggles in his life. i really worry about him. Lucy: *nods* "I think that's why he came to the Guild. He seemed so isolated, but he would brighten up when talking about his writing." rowena: *she nods* but.....i think he was seeking out validation....back then, he hated what he was.....he was afraid of himself. Lucy: "And does he now?" rowena:....he's mostly gotten better.... Lucy: "...Does he have new friends?" rowena: *she nods* miss lana and mr ranpo are some examples. *she smiles* Lucy: "Yeah...Ranpo..." >_> "...I can't talk to him right now." rowena: ?? Lucy: "...I may have taken his 'Secret Stash.'" rowena: oh.... oh goodness. ._.; Lucy: "...I can't go back to the Agency office, or he will kill me." -elsewhere- Kid: "Father, the report you requested." lord death: thanks, kiddo. Kid: ^^ "Happy to help. Will it help with your questions?" -elsewhere- Harvar: "How you holding up?" kim: exhausted. Harvar: "Yeah, that's going around. The flight was long?" kim: *nod* Harvar: "...How's Jacqueline?" kim:....getting better. we got her hair cut. Harvar: "...Has she _ever_ had her hair cut? It's always been long." kim: im not sure. Harvar: "Does it look awful?" -CHOP- kim: *fist steaming* ox: .____.;; Harvar: X______X -elsewhere- Patty: *holding up a sweater* "You should get this one!" stocking: aw, how cute! Patty: -w- "And it'll be time for 'tacky sweater' season soon, too--so treat yourself to this fashion." shiori: *in the carrier* *happy babble* Yumi: *holds up baby clothes* "Getting so big..." *holds up a Christmas tree sweater* -elsewhere- Rin: *asleep at his desk* izumo: *taking notes* Yukio: -_-;; "Wake him up." shiemi: *poke poke* .-.; Rin: "?!!" *falls back in his chair* shiemi: ._.; seiya: -___-; *she sighs* anyway... -elsewhere- PlushFix: *holding the ID card* "Good work, sexy~" kinuta: ufufu~ PlushFix: "Now onto Step #2: we need to clone this card and break apart its tech before that guy's company learns they were compromised...What did you do with that guy, anyway?" kinuta: i let hina take a crack at him~ hina: *covered in blood* PlushFix: ._. "...Well, that buys us more time." *taps his tiny arms onto the keyboard* "...Man, I need fingers." -elsewhere- Mori: *opens a box of vials* -they read; I. Higuchi, G. Akutagawa, M. Kosaka, K. Ozaki, A. Sakurai, S. Kanei, N. Shiga, etc- Mori: "..." ("How do I fill the remaining? I had pressured enough medical staff...") miura: perhaps a mandatory blood drive? Mori: "?!" miura: ?? Mori: ._.;; "Th-That would be a good idea...Please prepare a memo for it." miura: noted. Mori: "..." *small giggle* miura: sir? Mori: "J-Just pleased, that's all." miura: very well. *exits* Mori: *smirking* ("Soon...This will all work...") -elsewhere- FD: *biting his thumb* -silence- FD: "...The next step, bestows me with vision..." *presses Enter on his keyboard* -several screens pop up with cameras- FD: *smiles* "God..." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *spots a photo under the living room credenza* "???" *picks it up--it's of a young Tsubaki* tsubaki: ah, that's me when i was younger, celebrating hina matsuri. Shamrock: "You look happy." *hands her the photo* tsubaki: *she smiles and places it on the table* Shamrock: "The next Matsuri should be entertaining...Maybe all of us will be able to go..." tsubaki: that would be nice. Shamrock: "..." *sad sigh* tsubaki: .... Shamrock: "Just thinking...I've lost many people..." tsubaki: .... Shamrock: "It would be nice if those still...alive were with us." tsubaki:.....yeah. Shamrock: "...S-Sorry. I'll get back to work." -elsewhere- Touma: *waving a page, smirking* "Quite an interesting paper..." mafura: ?? Touma: *folds it* "Just watch..." *The paper is still...then slowly unfolds itself, removing all creases in the process* mafura: *observing* *...Then the paper starts to fold itself, assuming the form of a dragon...It looks up at Mafura* mafura: oh! O.O Paper Dragon: *tilts its head, innocently staring at Mafura* Touma: *smiles* "The doll changes, based on whom it encounters..." mafura: hehehe ^^ *pet pet* Paper Dragon: ^^ *small rustling sounds of the paper, as if imitating purring* mafura: ^u^ Touma: *smiles* "Mafura, this new 'toy' will be helpful...But I will need more of this paper." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Miss Alcott?" louisa: yes sir? Fitzgerald: "How was your weekend museum visit?" louisa: it was a rather enlightening experience, sir. mary and eckleburg seemed to be enjoying themselves, but he seemed nervous... Fitzgerald: "??? That's odd. He was excited to learn more history by visiting the museum. And he went to that effort to invite you." louisa: ...........*lightbulb* O////////////////////O;;;;;;;;; Fitzgerald: "...??? What's wrong?" louisa: *flustered* o-oh-oh goodness, i dont know what to say! >////<;;; Fitzgerald: *frowning* "Neither do I, as I don't know what afflicts you. Is it a temperature?" bram:....sir.....i think eckleburg essentially asked her on a date. Fitzgerald: "...Oh...Oh!..." *opens a compartment in the wall to his office, removing a musket* louisa: D8 Fitzgerald: "I will have to remind Eckleburg about some manners..." louisa: D8> bram: o________________________________________o;;;;;;;;;;;; Fitzgerald: *knocks on Eckleburg's office* eckleburg: yes si- O-O;;;;;; *gulps* louisa: sir francis no! Fitzgerald: "Now, I'm going to say this once...If you hurt Miss Alcott, I will unleash the full fury of the invisible hand of the marketplace upon your very soul, and bury your remains in ashes. Is that clear?" eckleburg:..........*wide eyed and sweating* -he nods. very quickly- Fitzgerald: "..." *smiles* "Excellent, Old Sport." *pats his back* "May your first born be a strong child." louisa: *her face is hidden by both her palms, utterly mortified* eckleburg:.................. *KER-FAINT* louisa: D8 Fitzgerald: ^^ "I think this was most successful. Everyone, I'm treating you all to ramen! Miss Alcott, please drag Eckleburg along." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "...So, you do knit?" ebie: *she nods* my gran taught me. Steinbeck: *nods* "Same with some of my family." *holds up a sweater* "Just got this in the mail." ebie: aw. ^^ Steinbeck: ^^; "I think I'll have to grow into it..." oscar: *reviewing files* -post civil war; the guild is founded to give american ability users a place to belong- -Jay G. Fitzgerald made co-head of the guild- -there are many other files like this- Steinbeck: "??? Digging into reading material?" oscar: hmm? just reviewing some old notes. apparently fitzy's grandpa and ancestor have the same first name. imagine that <3 Steinbeck: "...Huh. Seems common enough. Common enough name, too..." twain: HOLY SHIT! i found an old office! it's dusty as heck! ebie: spider friends! *goes running on in* Steinbeck: "???" *follows* -it appears to be an unused office, with books and furniture still inside of it- Steinbeck: "Jeez, is this furniture even still sittable?" oscar: *covering his mouth and nose* so dusty >A< twain: i bet there's all kinds of cool stuff in here! Steinbeck: *picks out one book* emily: ._.; -it seems to be notes written by ####- -the name is faded and hard to read- Steinbeck: "Huh..." *turns a page* twain: *peeeeek* Notes: "--escaping after the Battle of ####. I have lost all: family, land, my wealth." {???: *writing* "I have had to escape to neutral territory. I have taken up a few menial tasks along the river--guiding ships, navigating waters, avoiding alligators so that I can still count to 10 with both hands."} {-one man is asleep in a cot next to them-} {???: "Hours grow longer. My body aches. However, every cent earned is enough towards reclaiming what was taken from me. However long it takes, I will reclaim it all."} {???: oi. how long are you going to stay up for?} {???: "Until I finish this entry."} {???: well, i'm gonna keep watch out front.} {???: "Okay. Thank you."} {???: *exits the tent*} {???: *signs at the end of the note, slips the book underneath a pillow*} twain: ...signed by... *squints* Steinbeck: "..." *turns the book around* -the next day- announcer: IT'S FINALLY HERE! THE FINAL MATCHES OF THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!! Izuku: *sitting in the stands--shaking* announcer: first match up, KATSUKI BAKUGOU VS SHOUTO TODOROKI!! whimsy dream: match, start. Todoroki: *clenches his fist, summoning an entire ice wall that surrounds Bakugo* ochako: ... *Everything is silent...The ice wall has contained him?* Izuku: "...You hear that 'thumping' noise?" itsuka: ah! *THUMP THUMP THUMP* Todoroki: "..." *KA-BOOM!* itsuka: O_O denki: he blasted his way through! Izuku: "No...He blasted _before_ the ice encased him! That gave him the space in which to weaken the crystalline structure of the wall, thereby letting him continue to pound against it until--" *mutter mutter mutter mutter* Monoma: "..." *feeling something trickle down his forehead--then notices the ice shard that hit right in the middle of his forehead* "...That's not good." Todoroki: *narrows his eyes, firing another ice blast--* Bakugo: *leap-frogs over--and grabs Todoroki's shoulders* Todoroki: "?!!!" Bakugo: "DON'T YOU LOOK DOWN ON ME, YOU ICY-HOT BASTARD! Grenade...flip!" *knocks Todoroki down with a flip and an explosion* Todoroki: *sliding along the field--right to the boundary* *summons an ice wall to slide along to avoid going out of bounds* Izuku: "Y-Yeah! This is even more explosive than usual for Kacchan..." Bystander: "??? 'Kacchan'?" Todoroki: *sliding along the wall--as he shoots an ice arrow at Bakugo* Bakugo: *dodges, leaping at Todoroki with his hand ready to explode* Todoroki: *narrows his eyes, grabbing Bakugo's arm--with his left arm* Endeavor: *in the stands* "Yes...Use it!" Todoroki: "..." {Shouto: *crying, his face bandaged*} Todoroki: "..." *turns off his flames--and lets Bakugo go* Bakugo: "?! What...Am I now good enough for that?! You let that out for Deku, but not for me?!!" Izuku: .____.;;;; "Kacchan..." Bystander: "No, seriously, who the hell is 'Kacchan'?" Aizawa: "...What do you think, kid?" yuuji: cant tell by this angle. Aizawa: "Hmm...Why's Todoroki so lacking in these attacks? This match should've ended minutes ago." Todoroki: "..." Bakugo: "...LOOK AT ME! I told you I would be the number one hero! This the best you got?! You can't even respect me like Deku?!"Death the Kid: *Bakugo Death the Kid: Bystander: "Okay. I'm lost." *dials a number* "Anne? Look up some kids named Deku and Kacchan." Bakugo: "But you're gonna treat me like Tape Guy and just use your ice?!" *Bakugo has sparks swirling around him* ochako:....*grips her fists* COME ON TODOROKI YOU CAN DO IT!!! Todoroki: "!!" *flames up* Bakugo: *sneers* "That's more like it..." *spins--and blasts his body forward at Todoroki* "USE THAT FIRE! Make this a fight for first! Push yourself harder!" Todoroki: "!!!" {Endeavor: "Push yourself! Don't back down!} Todoroki: "..." -FWBWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM- ochako: !!!! itsuka: !!!! Bakugo: "..." *barely standing* *There is only ice, no flames...* yuuji: wha...what just? Endeavor: ("Oh, what the f--?!") ochako: !!!!! *she gets up and runs to where it leads to the field* Aizawa: "The match with Midoriya overwhelmed him emotionally..." Todoroki: *unconscious* yuuji: even though it was days ago.... Bakugo: "...No..." whimsy dream: todoroki is out of bounds. bakugou is the winner. Aizawa: "Emotional scars take longer to heal, kid." yuuji:.....(thinking: sachi.....) Aizawa: "..." *pat pat* Bakugo: "...FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU--!!!!" itsuka: oh shit. *gets up and also heads on down* Bakugo: *standing away from Ochaco and Todoroki* "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GIVE ME YOUR BEST. BUT YOU PULL BACK BECAUSE OF WHATEVER BULLSHIT IS GOING THROUGH YOUR HEAD?!" ochako: *running* Bakugo: *walks* "I WANT A VICTORY! NOT THIS SHALLOW KIDDIE MATCH! WAKE UP, YOU, YOU...YOU STUPID JERK!" ochako: TODOROKI! itsuka: *running as well* whimsy dream: do i intervene? Aizawa: "..." *shrugs* "Might as well." Bakugo: *grabs Todoroki's collar* "WAKE UP!" *shakes him, crying* "WAAAAAKE UP...PLEASE..." whimsy dream: fluuuuuffy! *part of her hair breaks off and forms a scarf around bakugou's neck....it's quite soothing* ochako: *running over to todoroki*....*sigh* he still has a pulse, thank god... itsuka: *phew* Bakugo: *still shaking Todoroki* "YOU..." *yawns* "...stupid...icy...flame-e-o...nerd...Stupid Deku..." *looks at Itsuka...smiles* *waves* "Hello, pretty lady..." itsuka:...*sigh* at least he didnt kill someone..... -later- ochako: ....... Todoroki: "Zzz..." ochako:....i swear, im seriously going to punch bakugo in the face... Todoroki: "N-No..." ochako: todoroki? Todoroki: "No..." {Endeavor: *his face masked in shadows* "You failure..."} {Todoroki: "..."} {Endeavor: *emerges...with Bakugo's face* "LOSER!"} ochako:...*holding his hand* Todoroki: *his eyes break open...small gasp* "..." ochako: hey. *small smile* Todoroki: "...Ochaco?" ochako:....you got knocked out...i was worried about you. Todoroki: "...Sorry." *looks at her* "I...lost." ochako: hey, you got second place! that's pretty impressive! *smiles* Todoroki: "Thank you...I'm sorry I didn't defeat Bakugo." ochako:...i can punch him in the face for you if you want me to. Todoroki: "..." *small laugh* "Th-That's okay...Save that for the next competition." ochako: ^^ -elsewhere- itsuka: congrats on winning 1st place, katsuki! Bakugo: *crossing his arms, glaring at the wall* itsuka: ?? what's up? Bakugo: "...That was fucking weak." itsuka: i saw. he didnt go all out like he did with midoriya's match. Bakugo: >-< "THAT JAGOFF FUCKING DISRESPECTED ME." itsuka: *sigh* i guess patience isnt your strong suit, huh? ^^; Bakugo: "No. I want a rematch. Right now." itsuka: maybe later. *pats his back* -elsewhere- mrs iida: .... Iida: *running in the hall* nurse: sir, please dont run! Iida: "Mother!" mrs iida: !! tenya! Iida: "Br-Brother...Where is he?" nurse: he's in his room. the anesthetic just wore off, but he's still out of it- Iida: *opens the door* tensei: *laying in bed, with IVs, bandages, and a breathing mask on him*..... mrs iida: *covers her mouth and falls to her knees, sobbing* Iida: *frozen, shocked* tensei:.....mom?....tenya? Iida: "Br-Brother..." tensei: ..heh....sorry.....i goofed up....you always....did look up to me....huh? Iida: "Brother...I...I didn't..." tensei: you're a good kid, lil bro.... Iida: *crying* -at the festival- Chuuya: *walks up the steps* Gopher: QWQ *shaking* *whispering to himself* "She'll be fine, she'll be fine..." kirika: *stretch* Chuuya: *standing on the platform, ready for announcements* announcer: AND NOW THE FINAL MATCH FOR THE NOT CLASSES TOURNAMENT! CHUUYA OZAKI VS KIRIKA KURE!! kirika: alright, better make this one good, ok? Chuuya: *tilts his neck* "I got to give it my all..." whimsy dream: begin! kirika: *circling* Chuuya: *circling as well...in a step-and-slide fashion with his foot* kirika: ....*glances up*.... hmm? what the? *The ground is shaking* kirika: !!! *BOOM* kirika: ?!?! what the fuck?! *A circle of the platform has been ripped up by Chuuya, levitating the battlefield* Chuuya: *smirks* "Now this will be more interesting." announcer: WOAH! THE FIELD HAS GONE SKYBOUND! kirika: heh. *dashes forwards, very quickly* Chuuya: "!!!" *tries to dodge* kirika: *kicking at his head* *The kick connects, knocking Chuuya down* Chuuya: "URK!" kirika: *grins* that all you got on ya? how lame! Chuuya: *grabs her ankle* kirika: !! Chuuya: *flings her up--and slams her down* Gopher: D:< kirika: GRK- tch- *drops her other heel onto his arm* Chuuya: "AHHH!" *grabs his arm* "Damn it!" kirika: *KICK TO THE FACE* Chuuya: *knocked back, his head just hanging over the edge* Gopher: "YAY, KIRIKA! I LOVE IT WHEN YOU'RE BADASS!" Mineta: "...Dude, what's your problem?" kirika: *runs at him to shove him off* Chuuya: "!!!" *slides under her* kirika: ?? Chuuya: *backflips--and kicks her in the back in the process* kirika: AH! s-shit! Chuuya: "Going down!" *punches her face* kirika: *fist catch* Chuuya: "?!!!" kirika: too slow~ *kicks him in the gut* Chuuya: *coughs, tries to grab her foot, falling back* student: they're seriously going all out. Meme: "Yeah...Dang, this is brutal." Chuuya: *pulling her leg, as he falls back to the floor* kirika: *HEADBUTT* Chuuya: "GAH!" *nose bleeding* *swings his fist at her face* kirika: AH! shit! Chuuya: *leaps, tackles* kirika: *trying to shove him off the edge* Chuuya: *puts his hands around her neck* kirika: grk- *still shoving* Chuuya: *tossing with her--until they are both at the edge* kirika: *SHOVE* -they're both falling- Chuuya: "...Heh." kirika: *still punching at him* Chuuya: "Ow!" *slaps her face--leaving a glowing mark* kirika: *elbow drop to the gut* Chuuya: *lets go...smirking* kirika: !!! *Chuuya is falling* *A pebble hits Kirika's head lightly* kirika: ?? *looks up* *The stage is falling...* kirika: !!!!!! SHIT! *dodge* *She's now...floating in mid-air, not falling* Chuuya: *flying up* "Problem~?" kirika: you suck. Chuuya: "And you're done." *flies past her, up to the top of the stage* "PRACTICE YOUR DODGING!" Gopher: D8> kirika: *smirks* AND YOUR MOM SWALLOWS! Chuuya: "..." *pushes the entire stage downward* kirika: *DODGE* YOU MAD BRO? Chuuya: *pushes the stage down harder...his eyes are glowing red* kirika:.... .____.; *The stage is falling faster and faster* kirika: oh fuck. Chuuya: "GAAAAAAAH!" *BOOM* kirika: >-<;;;; *opens her eyes* fuuuck. ow. Chuuya: *dazed, eyes still red...* Gopher: "Kirika!" *running across the field* whimsy dream: shoo you. *cotton blanket around gopher* Gopher: *knocked down* "Zzz..." Chuuya: *growling* whimsy dream: kirika kure is out of bounds. the winner is chuuya ozaki. Chuuya: *ROARS--and the stage explodes* kirika: WHAT THE FUCK?! whimsy dream: *COTTON BLANKET* Chuuya: *ROARS...then loud yawn...then collapses* Gopher: =w= "Zzzz..." kirika:...what the shit? -elsewhere- Aizawa: -_-; "Can't we have one day without the entire stadium being wrecked?" teacher: well, at least it's the last day of the festival. ^-^; teacher 2: we're gonna need to fund raise the shit outta this mess. Aizawa: "Dig it out of Endeavor's pockets." -elsewhere- atsushi: !!! dazai....w-was that-? Dazai: *already escaped* -at the medical ward- Chuuya: *grunting in his sleep* Gopher: Q~Q kirika:*grumble* Gopher: "I-I was so worried...You were so powerful out there." kirika: yeah....and im sore everywhere.... fuuuuuuck =_=; nurse: sir! you cant just go barging in- Dazai: "It's okay! I have a physician's permission to be here." yosano: *sigh* he dragged me along. Chuuya: *eyes snap open--red* *GROWLS* Dazai: "And how is the patient~?" *SLASH* kirika: !!! yosano: !!! Dazai: *has slashes along his face now* =w=;;;;; "..." *picks up a tissue, wipes his face...then punches Chuuya in the jaw* Chuuya: "!!!" X_______X yosano: *cracks knuckles* time to get to work~ -too violent- Gopher: O______O *hides behind Kirika* kirika:.....*softly, but with a lot of feeling* bruh. Chuuya: *LOUD SCREAM* Dazai: *eating popcorn* =w= -later- Chuuya: ( O ) _ ( O ) "...I'm traumatized." yosano: i'll just let you two have a chat. Dazai: "Thanks!" *sits down* "So...What happened out there?" Chuuya: "...I won." Dazai: "..." *chops his head* Chuuya: "OW!" Dazai: "You have a kid now. Get your head out your ass." Chuuya: "...!!! Sonia! Where is she?" Dazai: "Oh, probably at home, watching your fight and being traumatized--" Chuuya: Q______Q Dazai: "...I was kidding. About the home part. I don't know where she is." Chuuya: Q______________Q -phone rings- Chuuya: *reaches--* Dazai: *too late* "Yello?" naoya: YOU FUCKING WASTE OF BANDAGES DID YOU STEAL CHUUYA'S FUCKING PHONE!??! Dazai: *hair blown back* ._. "...It's for you." *hands the phone to Chuuya* Chuuya: ._. "..." *gulp* "H-Hello?" naoya: YOU FUCKING MOTHERFUCKER YOU ARE IN SO MUCH FUCKING TROUBLE RIGHT NOW!! DO YOU REALIZE HOW STUPID A MOVE THAT WAS??!! WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO YOU?! YOU COULD HAVE DIED OR BLOWN OUR- Chuuya: *bowing* "I'm sorry I'm sorry Imsorryimsorryimsorry--" naoya: YOU BETTER BE! IF YOU DIE THEN WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOUR DAUGHTER, HUH?! Chuuya: "I was trying to win for Sonia!" naoya: THAT DOESNT MEAN YOU CAN GO AROUND USING CORRUPTION ALL WILLY-NILLY! {rain: please...........dont scare me like that anymore....} Chuuya: "..." *weeping* Dazai: O_O;;; naoya:.....*sigh* just be glad that spoiled brat and the sheep lady were there to stop you... Chuuya: "Y-Yeah..." -after the awards ceremonies had concluded- Bakugo: *chewing his medal* Tokoyami: ._.; Gopher: *sniff* "I'm just glad you're okay..." Izuku: *standing with Tsuyu* .___.;;; "This was a weird competition." tsuyu: no kidding. denki: it feels like it lasted forever. Todoroki: "..." *looks at his medal* -that evening- kouyou:....... Chuuya: *limping forward* kouyou: i saw your match today. Chuuya: "..." *nods* kouyou:.....naoya's right you know. you did something incredibly stupid today. Chuuya: "...I got caught up." kouyou:....are you certain you've recovered now? Chuuya: "Yes, I am..." *rubs his face* kouyou: i just want to make sure of that before i let sonia go home with you....for both your sake and hers... Chuuya: "I understand. I promise, I have recovered..." kouyou:....alright then. sonia: papa? Chuuya: *smiles* "Hey, Sonia." sonia: *hug* grandma said you got sick. kouyou: ...... Chuuya: "I-I wasn't feeling too well. But I'm better now." sonia: grandma told me not too look cause it was really bad. Chuuya: "........Your grandmother did the right thing." *hug* kouyou: ...... Chuuya: "I'm sorry to have scared you, Sonia." -elsewhere- Gopher: Q___Q "I'm sorry you didn't beat him." kirika: hey, at least i didnt die. lord death: *HUGGING* Q-Q;;; Yumi: *hug* "We're just happy you're alive and safe." kirika:.... =////=; Gopher: =w= Yumi: "Now, let's get you something to eat...We got cake." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Hmph. He was irresponsible." naoya: un-fuckin-believable... Akutagawa: "...I could have won." naoya: just as long as you dont get killed in the process....sorry, im just....really freaking annoyed that he'd do that, especially when he has a child... Akutagawa: "Then why did he do that?" naoya:.....*sigh* i dont know.... Akutagawa: "...At least I know Gin would survive without me..." naoya: ...............maybe we should talk about something else right now. Akutagawa: "Okay...I ran into the Weretiger." naoya: and how did that go? Akutagawa: "He is still not into me." naoya: that sucks. Akutagawa: "...I kissed him." naoya: woah! Akutagawa: -\\\\- "Just on the cheek." naoya: still, that took guts. did his girlfriend punch you out? Akutagawa: "She wasn't around." naoya: ohoho, what a scandal! Akutagawa: >\\\\< "Don't say it like that." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "I'm home." fuyumi: congrats on second place, shouto! Todoroki: "..." *bows* "I am sorry I did not get first." fuyumi: *hugs* you did your best. Todoroki: "...I don't think I did." fuyumi: .....well, how about we go out and celebrate? my treat. Todoroki: "...Are you sure? I don't want to put you out." fuyumi: hey, i want to do this. Todoroki: *smiles* "Okay. Thank you." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "??? Huh. Maybe we need a new group photo." shinra: sounds like a good plan. Akitaru: "Well, you all got 5 minutes to spruce yourselves up--" Arthur: "Ready." *in his armor* tamaki: -_-; Takehisa: *chops him* "Take that off." Arthur: >_> *presses a button--and the armor pops off, leaving him in his boxers* miwa: want us to handle the camera? Vulcan: "...Dude." *hands Arthur a shirt and jeans* "You can't be running around half-naked." Akitaru: "That'd be great." ^^ Victor: OWO; *stands away from the new medic* Relan: ._. *trying to stand up straight* Arthur: *puts on the shirt and jeans* iris: *adjusts her habit* shinra: ok, everyone in position? tamaki: yeah. karin: yep nozomi: *nods* otonashi: [yes] miwa: alright. say, 'fuzzy pickles'! -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *has her hoodie pulled up* .\\\. reporter: -with chances of snow later in the week. in other news, the sports festival award ceremonies- -a few days later, the first official snowfall of the year- Patty: *holding a net* roxanne: what is she doing? liz: just let her to her thing. jack: ._.; Patty: *opens the door, swings the net* "GOT A SNOWFLAKE!" Gopher: *caught in the net* Q_Q Patty: "??? You're not a snowflake. KIRIKA! YOUR BOY-TOY IS HERE!" *goes outside, swinging her net* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *head lowered, not bothering to pull up his hoodie* *approaches the building* nurse: may i help you, sir? Todoroki: "I am here to see...Um..." *looks around* nurse: ?? Todoroki: "...Yuki Todoroki." nurse: .....i see. right this way, sir Todoroki: *nods, follows* yuki: *staring out at the snow falling from the window* Todoroki: "..." *stares at the door* "......" *opens the door, quietly enters* yuki: ..... Todoroki: "...Mom?" yuki: !!!.... *she turns to look at him* Todoroki: "..." *smile* "Hello." yuki: ..... Todoroki: "..." *glances at the paper in her hand* yuki: ......*looks down* -it seems to be a photograph of shouto, fuyumi, and their brothers. her thumb is over the face of one brother- Todoroki: "...Do you mind me being here?" yuki: .... Todoroki: "I...imagine there is so much for me...you...us to say." yuki: ........ Todoroki: "It's okay..." yuki:......i dont....understand.... Todoroki: "...I wanted to see you." yuki: i thought.......you hated me....after i.....*trembling* a-after i.... Todoroki: "...I have to live through this. I don't forget what happened. And I...want to be...a hero." yuki:.....*shaking* Todoroki: "...However long it takes, Mom...I will...be here." yuki: *hugs him and sobs* shouto... Todoroki: "!!! ..." *hug* "It-It's going to be okay..." -elsewhere- Mr. Uraraka: "Ochaco? Are you not hungry? You've barely touched your food." ochako: hmm? i guess im still winded, haha. ^^ Mr. Uraraka: ^^; "Sorry. I know you've been working hard and we kinda surprised you with the meal. We're just excited with the new work permit." ochako: *smiles* Mr. Uraraka: "And we're excited for what you do next." ochako: thanks guys. -elsewhere- Hyde: *taking down food stand at the Festival* "Well, that eliminates one of my jobs..." kyouko: .... Hyde: "??? Yo, we got some leftover treats. Want them? Free." kyouko: *nom* Hyde: ^^ "How did you like the competition? Who were you rooting for?" kyouko: ..... Hyde: "Me, I had my money on that Todoroki guy..." TT_TT "And lost." kyouko:...thats rough, buddy. Hyde: "And I'm out 40 bucks...I don't think I saw you much after the attack on the City. How you holding up?" kyouko:................... Hyde: "...I wasn't much use. Still kind of stiff. My...friend dropped a piano on one of those creatures. And I heard they captured some witches--" kyouko: .........................................*shaking* Hyde: "??? Hey...Sorry. I said something wrong?" kyouko: i just.....dont want to think about it right now. Hyde: "...Okay. Let's talk about something else...What do you think of ear piercings?" -elsewhere- Izuku: "..." -the doorbell rings- inko: izuku! your friend tsuyu is here! Izuku: "!!!" *almost falls out of his chair* "I-I'll be right there!" *walks over* "H-Hi, Tsu..." tsuyu: hey izuku. how're you holding up? Izuku: "Oh, you know, learning how to use one hand for eating." ^^; "How about you?" tsuyu: been doing alright. Izuku: "...What are you doing days we have off after the Festival?" tsuyu: well, since it's getting colder out now, my family has been talking about spending some time in florida. Izuku: "Makes sense. Any family there?" tsuyu: no, just going down for the warmer weather. Izuku: *nods* "Your siblings been to Florida before?" -elsewhere- Kid: *staring at the stadium* "..." *whimpers* lord death: *pat pat* Kid: "Please make repairs swift and beautiful..." -elsewhere- sonia: *drawing* Chuuya: "Zzz..." {rain: please.....dont scare me like that anymore....} Chuuya: *shifts in bed--and groans* "Ow..." mito: *mew* Chuuya: "..." *strokes Mito* mito: *purr* Chuuya: "Miss me, Mito?" mito: *nuzzles into his palm* Chuuya: *smiles* "Thanks..." *looks around* -something has been slipped under the door- Chuuya: "???" *struggles to sit up, walks over, picks it up* -it's a drawing of chuuya and sonia with the words 'get well soon, papa' written on it- Chuuya: *his hands are shaking as tears begin to fall* *opens the door* sonia: *looks up* Chuuya: *rubs his eyes* "Th-Thank you, Sonia." sonia:...*walks up to him....hugs* Chuuya: T_T *hug* sonia: i love you papa. Chuuya: "I love you, too...This meant a lot to me." sonia: ...did you get sick because you miss mama? Chuuya: "...It's complicated. I did feel really sad during that competition." sonia: auntie naoya sounded really mad... {naoya: that kid's going to be depending on you, you know...} Chuuya: "She...wanted to make sure I was okay. People get upset sometimes with people when they do something foolish and dangerous." sonia: hmm....ok. Chuuya: "So...I need to do better." *rubs her head* -elsewhere- FD: *under his desk, fixing some electronic components* Q: *staaaaaare* FD: "?!!" *sits up--and bashes his head into the console* "Ow!" zoey: master! are you alright? FD: "Yes...Just hit my head...Was surprised." Q: sowwy. FD: "...It's fine. Please go play..." Q: okaaaay. *walks off with his doll* FD: "...Maybe someone can play a game with him..." Ivan: "I'LL DO IT!" zoey: what?! FD: "Good. Go play with him." zoey: eh?! D8 Ivan: ^^ "As you wish, master~" *turns to Q* FD: *stares at Zoey* zoey: b-bu-but- Q: ?? FD: *But. What?" zoey: ....nevermind. as long as he doesnt hurt our baby... FD: "I assure you, he will not." *leans to her ear* "And Q will learn how to bend him to his will..." zoey: ah...<3 Q: what'chu lookin at? Ivan: *slight shake* "N-Nothing..." *smiles* "So, Q...What do you like to play?" Q: well, i like to curse people. but mommy told me to be nice. =3= Ivan: OWO;;; "...That is actually good advice...M-Maybe a board game?" Q: but there's nothing down here! >3< leo: perhaps tea? Q: yay! Ivan: *whispers* "Good save..." Q: can we invite elise? leo: .....perhaps another time. Q: oookaaaay. Ivan: *heating water* "Is Elise your girlfriend?" Q: no! she's my friend. i tried to ask out Aya. it didnt go well. QuQ leo: i can understand... Shousaku: ("Aya?!") Ivan: TT_TT leo:....perhaps the tea now? Q: i want brown sugar with mine! ^u^ Ivan: "...Yes." *pours into a cup* keek: .......*laying on her side* Shousaku: "..." *approaches Keek* keek:.... ?? Shousaku: "..." *offers her a cup of tea* keek:.....im good... Shousaku: "...Okay...Food?" katya: oi! how did you get out?! Shousaku: O_O; "...Your boss said I could be here." katya: oh? <oi vachenka! did the boss say anything about letting bomber boy out of his cell?> Ivan: "??? I haven't heard." katya: *glances at shousaku.....punches him in the gut* Shousaku: "!!!" *collapses* keek: !!! katya: *locks the door* Shousaku: *groans* keek: *drags herself over to him* a-are you...? Shousaku: *sits up* "...Sorry." keek:....*leans against him* Shousaku: "..." *groans as he rests a hand on her shoulder and pats* "Th-Thanks." katya: *takes a sip from her flask* <so, is the pastor still in solitary?> leo: <yes> Hawthorne: *seated on the floor of his cell* "..." katya: <shouldnt be too long now, hopefully.> FD: *pats Zoey's side* zoey: *soft sigh* Death the Kid: FD: *passes his hand to her stomach* zoey: m-master~<3' katya: *squick face*...oi, half'n'half brat. Q: ?? katya: want to learn something cool? FD: "How do you feel?" zoey: im....so happy <3 FD: "Very good...You have to take care of your health." zoey: of course, master. anything for you... Q: mommy! auntie katya taught me how to say 'i love you mama' in russian! zoey: really? FD: "..." Q: *he nods* here i go! *ahem* <you're a fucking twatty whore and i hope you get shot> zoey: awww, how sweet. ^^ katya: *laughing* FD: O_O leo: *stunned* Ivan: *sly smile* katya: *cackling* FD: ^^;;;;;;;; "How...smart." zoey: *hug* our baby boy~ Q: ^///^ -elsewhere- Medusa: "I finished your order." customer: thank you so much. Medusa: *small bow* "Thank you for your patronage." *deposits the money into the register* -elsewhere- Kuro: "Tell your uncle to buy more chips." mahiru: well, we'll just have to go out to the store then. my uncle said he'd be busy. Kuro: "...I don't want to go out." *hides under blanket* mahiru: *liiiift* come on...kuro...it's not...that long...a walk... Kuro: >_< "It's far, cold, and bright..." -elsewhere- Poe: "Welcome back!" Jacqueline: "...Thank you." EF: oh, did you do something with your hair? Jacqueline: "Just a cut." EF: it looks nice. ^^ Jacqueline: ^\\\^ "Th-Thanks...I was worried it's too short." EF: it looks nice! i might do something with my hair next year, but im not sure. Jaqueline: "I think it would look nice, especially for summer." Poe: ._. ("I don't know what to say...") -elsewhere- Iida: "..." -text from momo cell- momo: [how is it?] Iida: [his surgeries will take time] momo .........[it will be ok] Iida: [he likely will never be able to go on patrol ever again] momo: ...... Iida: [sorry. this is not your burden] momo: [if there is anything i can do, let me know] Iida: "..." [i will] -elsewhere- Lucy: *pouts* "With the festival over, traffic here has dried up." -3- atsushi: well, you still have us, right? Lucy: =\\\\= "...I suppose that's a start..." *pulls out her pad* "So order a lot of food." -elsewhere- Johannes: *pokes the specimen under glass* metsu:....im not even going to ask. Johannes: "I found this little fella after the battle. I'm gonna name them 'Millie.'" *the specimen jar has scratches inside* metsu: i....see.... ._.; -elsewhere- Karim: "...Nuts." *sets down the newspaper* pearl: ?? father fulham? Karim: "Sorry...Just annoyed by this." *taps the photo of Bakugo and Todoroki at the award ceremony* pearl:... foien: *chuckle* salty much? Karim: "It's not every day that someone with fire and ice abilities gets some positive attention--and then he loses to some hotheaded madman with an explosive temper." *crosses his arms* pearl:...*pat pat* Karim: "...Thanks. Just would've been nice when I'm one of the few icy people in a fire brigade." -elsewhere- Gin: *lifts Motojiro by his collar* -_-##### higuchi: what did he do this time? Gin: "His expense report has items that will never be reimbursed, he has determined how to sneak hidden cameras into lemons and placed them in locations he should not have--" Motojiro: "A hidden camera in a lemon! No one would ever expect it!" Gin: "I FOUND A LEMON IN THE BATHROOM. HOW DID YOU THINK NO ONE WOULD QUESTION THAT?" higuchi: ....i say we castrate him. Gin: "Agreed." Motojiro: D: "N-Now, wait a minute! I also put them in the boys' bathroom!" higuchi: still. Gin: *already has a switchblade out, swings* Motojiro: O_O; *nothing happens--then a bit of his hair is sliced off and falls* D8 -elsewhere- Crona: "..." *sighs* soul: what's up? Crona: "I...haven't been feeling well." soul:.... *pats their back* Crona: *sighs* "...All of this is awful." *looks at broken light posts and torn up sidewalks* soul:...it's getting better. little by little Crona: "...Wish it was faster...Feels like if it isn't, then it's...a failing." soul: .... Crona: "...I don't think I'm getting better." soul:....want some coffee? Crona: "..." *nods* "Yes." -elsewhere- Hibana: *strokes Gabriella's head* gabriella: this is nice =w= hanako: *watching the snow* Hibana: "Yes...Hanako, when it stops snowing, we'll be able to make some snow-people." hanako: wow! -elsewhere- Lily: "Now bundle up, children~" yuri and mari: *listening* Lily: "We'll make a snow fort, snow angels--and maybe rope in Misono~" misono: =~=; kiddos: yay! Lily: *pats Misono's back* "You'll like the snow! We can even make a snow throne for you." misono:...very well then. Lily: ^^ *puts a scarf around his neck* misono: =///3///=; -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." ochako: hey todoroki! Todoroki: "!!!" *turns, waves, smiles* ochako: it's already snowing, can you believe it? Todoroki: "The time has passed quickly...How are you liking the snow?" ochako: it's chilly out. Todoroki: "Yes...Best to dress warm." *looks at her jacket* "Is that warm enough?" ochako: yeah. so how did you spend today? Todoroki: "...I visited my mother." ochako:....how is she? Todoroki: "...Recovery still takes time. It was a long visit." ochako: ...... Todoroki: "...I feel more hopeful. But I also have learned not to expect much." ochako:...*pat pat* Todoroki: "..." *nods* "Thank you. Sorry to bring it up." ochako: it's fine. *smiles* Todoroki: "...Okay." *pulls out an umbrella, opens it over them* ochako:...*smiles....slightly leans against his left side* Todoroki: .\\\. "..." *turns on his heat just slightly* ochako: nice and warm. ^u^ Todoroki: ^\\\^ "I try." -elsewhere- Black Star: "??? Okay. Where did Belkia go?" otogiri: he's in the yard. Black Star: "In this snow? Why?" *There's a snowman outside* naho: first snow of the season, baby! *The snowman is...moving?* naho: !! belbel! *The snowman...starts tap-dancing* naho: *laughs, clapping* lilac: ah... Belkia: *waving his hand* "Just a little thing I do~" *The snowman does a flip--and crashes into the snow, breaking into tiny break-dancing snow-babies* ayami: ah..! Belkia: "Hee hee..." *closes his hand, like a composer ending an orchestral piece* *When finished, the snow-babies hop onto each other's shoulders, re-forming as the now stationery snowman* -elsewhere- Mori: *sneezes* elise: you better not be getting a cold, rintarou. if i get sick from you, i wont forgive you! >3< Mori: D: "I-I'm sorry, Elise! I'm trying to take care of myself...It must be that someone is talking about me, that's all..." elise: ...im bored. i miss Q. Mori: "...We're searching as quickly as we can." elise: this sucks! im the only other kid in the mafia! kyouka's with the agency, Q's been Q-napped, and sonia's always too scared to talk to me and that's your fault! >3< Mori: Q~Q "I'm trying my best..." miura: perhaps we could take you out to enjoy the snow? elise: yeah! Mori: QwQ "Dress warmly!" -elsewhere- Aizawa: *bundled in his sleeping bag* yuuji: oi. i brought cat food. Aizawa: "Thanks..." *unzips the sleeping bag--and shudders* "Too cold..." -elsewhere- *BOOM* *A villain has appeared--holding a TV set* Villain: "This is mine now! I stole it! Ha ha ha! Now I'm going to hook it up at home and steal cable!" mt lady: where do you think you're going, hun? ^^# Villain: "..." *looks up and down* "Well, if it isn't Mountain Woman!" -BWAM- mt lady: THAT'S MT LADY TO YOU! Villain: X~X *slammed head-first into a wall* Mineta: "..." *claps* -a snow plow drives by....mineta gets buried under the snow- Mineta: D:< Hyde: *driving the snow plow* "???" -elsewhere- Yumi: "Anything I can get you, Kirika?" kirika: .....can i have pancakes? Yumi: "Of course. Give me 15 minutes. Want any fruit? Whipped cream? Chocolate chips?" kirika: chocolate chips? Yumi: "Coming right up!" *takes out flour and a bowl* "Did you sleep okay?" kirika: yeah, a bit sore, but im not dead. Yumi: "...Yes." *mixing ingredients* "You gave as good as you got, though." kirika: mmhmm....*looks out at the snow* *Kid is outside...with a ruler* kirika: oh my fuckin god. Yumi: "...He just wants the snow to be even outside..." >_> -elsewhere- Poe: *walking home* lana: it's already snowing. i cant believe it. Poe: "...Time passes more quickly than I would like." lana: yeah. feels like it was just getting warm out, then bam! Poe: "Yes...Best to make all use possible of the time available." *holds out a hand to let snow rest on his palm* -BWAP- Poe: "?!" ranpo: bulls eye! Poe: O_O "...That's how it'll be?!" *scoops up snow* lana: *also making a snow ball* Poe: *smiles at Lana* "Ready...Aim..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Now your sweater...and jacket. And gloves. And scarf. And hat. And earmuffs." *steps back* "...Okay. I think you're ready to play outside now." aya: *muffled talking* naomi: she looks like that one kid from a christmas story. Kunikida: "Yes, a fine instructional guide to child care." *wraps scarf around Aya's face* yosano:...i fear for his future children. Dazai: "I don't think you have to worry. Given how uptight he is, his little swimmers probably couldn't get out of him even if his significant other gripped him by his--" kirako: *covers his mouth* Dazai: OXO Kunikida: *death glare at Dazai* "...Aya? Go play." *opens the door, picks her up, and drops her outside* kenji: wee! Kyoka: *on a sled* "Wee." aya: *muffled* <i cant get my arms down!> Kunikida: "..." *gently takes her arms, and lowers them...* -sproing- aya: >~< Kunikida: "...Just go through any narrow entries sideways, not frontally. And don't touch the yellow snow." -elsewhere- mana: *working on a snow fort* Shotaro: *bone of spider--as he uses multiple hands to pad snow along the fort* nea: *casually chilling out....in a swimsuit* Shinoda: ^\\\^;;; "Comfortable?" nea: yeah. *streeetch* chie: .................your just exploiting your ability. nea: yes. yes i am. Shinoda: "I'm not complaining." chie:....kids, dont wear swimsuits in the snow. mono: *staaaaaare*....*trembling* mana: mono- mono: WHAT?! >3< Emine: "...Something got under her skin. Or chest." mono: STOP TALKING! >n< Emine: "Just because you're flatter than a board doesn't mean you have to take your animosity out on me--" -BWAM- mono: *fuming, crying ghibli tears* lin-kimpur: D8 Emine: X~X yohei: why dont you just lay down in the snow and cool off? ^^;; Assi: O_O;;; "...Big boobs are over-rated." -PUNCH- mana: =_=# *fist steaming* -elsewhere- Patty: *sits in hot tub* =w= liz: ahhh. =w= heather: this is nice. Patty: "No kidding...After cold day, nothing better than the hot tub." *splashes Liz* liz: ah! patti! riley:....dudes. i have the sickest idea. Patty: "Hee hee!" riley: patti.....get the bubble bath. liz: NO. heather: DO NOT. Patty: "Yes!" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *diving into the snow* mary: *making snow angels* Fitzgerald: *making...snow dollars?* louisa: they seem to be enjoying themselves.... eckleburg: *bundled up* indeed. bram: *staying inside* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nudges Eckleburg towards Louisa before leaping back to Bram* eckleburg: o///o; louisa: hmm? Mr. Tsubaki: *small fox giggle* eckleburg: soooo....i heard mr fitzgerald is already planning the company christmas party. -elsewhere- julian:....hyde....is that....a snow statue of licht? Hyde: *on one knee, holding up his hands at it* "Isn't it life-like?! I spent so long working on getting the fine details into the snow." owo kranz: are those.....abs? romina: he's got himself an ol' 8-pack! licht:................ Hyde: "...Yes." *pats lightly along the abs* licht:.......... Hyde: OWO "What do you think, Licht?" licht:........... *kicks him into a snowbank*...it's nice. Hyde: *his butt sticking out of the snowbank* *muffled* "YOU'RE WELCOME!" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Oh. Hello." *waves at Scarlet* scarlet: hmm? oh, hey. i see you're enjoying the snow with your daughter. sonia: *meek wave* Chuuya: *nods* "This is her first snow, so a lot to see." scarlet: ?? sonia: .... Chuuya: "...She was in a different...climate before coming here. Do you like the snow?" scarlet:...it's fine, i guess. -elsewhere- pushkin: dudes, hear me out. what if...we stole a zamboni? katya:....that may just be the best think you have ever asked. Ivan: "??? ...why?" pushkin: why not? OwO Ivan: "The master may not approve..." katya: =3= Ivan: "What benefit would it serve him?" katya: vachenka, have you even once give thought to what _you_ want to do? dont you just wanna cut loose every now and then? pushkin: yeah gon, your gonna get hemorrhoids. Ivan: >3< "I'm just focused on what Master wants--because what Master wants is good!" katya: *sweatdrop* pushkin: maybe if we steal this zamboni, the boss will be really impressed! you have way more skills for it than the nurse does! Ivan: "..." <Let's do this.> -elsewhere- naoya: *drinking* Gin: "Hello." naoya: hey gin. Gin: "What are you having?" *sits down* naoya: the usual.....i think i know what you want. Gin: *nods* "Thank you..." naoya: you want....a gin fizz, right? *grins* Gin: "..." -_-; "Fine." naoya: come on, you got to admit, that was good. Gin: "It was...the first 12 times." *looks around* naoya: *pout* so, how's your brother? Gin: "...He seems thoughtful but calmer." naoya: ah. Gin: "Has he mentioned anything to you?" naoya: depends~ Gin: "Naoya." naoya: ya? Gin: "Please be direct with me. I'm concerned." naoya: ...i think akuta went and saw the weretiger... Gin: "!!! Oh no..." naoya: did he mention anything about that recently to you? Gin: "Hardly." naoya: want me to talk to him? Gin: "If you could...It is not fair for him to keep this to himself, even if these are his...own interests." naoya: ..... *idea* i have a plan! Gin: "Do tell." -elsewhere- ranpo: a mixer? Dazai: "It'll be fun!" atsushi: ^^; yosano: yeah, plus kunikida needs to get out there. Kunikida: -_-; "I'm fine in here." -elsewhere- Kid: *curled up under a blanket* stocking: *nuzzle* Kid: =w= "So warm." stocking: *kiiisssss* Kid: "Mmmm~" *hug* stocking: this is nice. Kid: "Agreed...I'm so happy to be with you." stocking: im happy to be with you too. ^^ <3 Kid: *cheek smooch* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "Maybe we can spend a day back at the slopes..." stocking: yeah. maybe try for a baby~? 7w7 Kid: o\\\\o "...You're ready?" stocking: *griiiin* Kid: "..." *brushes his lips against hers* stocking: mmm~ u////u Kid: "Stocking..." *kisses where her cheek meets her neck* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *drops mini-marshmallows into hot chocolate* sonia: *shiny eyes* Chuuya: *smiles* "Let it cool just a bit more. Use the spoon to test whether it is too hot." sonia: ok. Chuuya: "And this weekend, we can try baking gingerbread people." sonia: *shiny eyes* Chuuya: "Anything else you'd like to try for winter?" -that evening, at a bar- yosano: ... -three other ladies are seated across from her, dazai, and kunikida- Kunikida: "..." Dazai: ^w^ girl 1: .-.; girl 2:.... sooooo.... Kunikida: "May I see your references." Dazai: "Which balconies are your favorite in this city?" yosano: so where do you girl's work? girl 1: well, i'm a department store clerk. girl 2: references to what? Girl 3: "Oh! I know a great balcony that has a lovely view of the sunset--" Kunikida: "References as to your income, criminal record..." Dazai: "How high up is this balcony?" girl 2: .____.;;; um.... girl 1 + yosano: *sweatdrop* Girl 3: "I think it's 20 stories high--" Death the Kid: Dazai: OWO "Ah! So, high enough that if we j--" -chop- yosano: down boy. Kunikida: *sets down a small jar* "I'm going to need a sample to complete drug tests." Dazai: XWX -chop x2- yosano: -_-; girl 1 + 2: ._.; *blink* -elsewhere at the bar- naoya: you guys having fun? Chuuya: *stares at his glass of water* "...Yeah. Real fun." Tachihara: *looking around* "...Sausage party." Akutagawa: "..." *sips his soda through a curly straw* naoya:....hmm? oh, there looks like some contenders. oooi! over here! girl 4: eh? boy: .-. Girl 5: *waves* "Well, hey there!" Girl 6: "...Hi." *serious face* Akutagawa: "???" Chuuya: "...Naoya, what are you up to?" Tachihara: owo "Hello~" naoya: you guys want drinks? ^^ girl 4: *chuckle* ^///^ Girl 6: *adjusts glasses* "Yes." Girl 5: "Cool!" Akutagawa: *stares at Boy* boy: lots of people....ah, i wanna go home, sis. im gonna pass out. Girl 5: *small nudge* "Just give it a chance. 5 minutes. Please?" *puppy dog eyes* Girl 6: *rolls her eyes* Tachihara: *whispers to Chuuya* "The girl in the glasses is hot..." Chuuya: "..." Q_Q ("This was a mistake...") girl 4: so, what brings you guys here? naoya: thought we'd come on by, get drinks, meet people, ya know? Girl 6: *glances at Tachihara* Tachihara: *winks* Girl 6: "..." >\\\\> Girl 5: "...Why's your friend sticking with water?" naoya: he's driving. Chuuya: "And I promised my daughter I'd be up early tomorrow for sledding--" Girl 5: *shiny eyes* Girl 6: *shiny glasses* boy: ??? girl 4: oh...you have a kid? how...nice... ^^; Chuuya: "Y-Yes. I adopted her." ^^;; Girl 5: "Do you have photos?" Girl 6: *sits next to Tachihara, bumping into him* "Show us." Tachihara: .\\\. boy: sis, please. >~<;;; Akutagawa: *looks at Boy* "Do you like cats?" boy: um...i guess? Chuuya: ^^;;; "I...like having some privacy for my daughter." Girl 5: "Mad respect to that." Girl 6: "..." *her knee touches Tachihara's* Tachihara: o\\\o Akutagawa: "I like tigers." boy: oh, um... cool. Akutagawa: "...I like your jacket." boy: um, thanks...my sister told me i should get out more... Akutagawa: "My sister says the same thing." Girl 5: *looks at Naoya* "Cute top." naoya: thanks. ^^ girl 4:.... *awkwardly looks around* Chuuya: "???" *looks around* Girl 5: *to Naoya* "What's your beverage?" naoya: just having some whisky, you? Akutagawa: *to Boy* "Where do you go to school?" Girl 5: *smiles* "I think I'll have the same." boy: im just a university student. Akutagawa: "Ah. I'm...at DWMA." boy: woah. naoya: yep, so goddamn proud. *fist clench* Akutagawa: -///- Girl 5: "This your brother?" naoya: nah, im more like a cool aunt, haha. *eye shine* Chuuya: "..." *stares down at his water* Girl 5: "That's so cool to be supportive of your friend." *smiles* Tachihara: "..." .\\\. Girl 6: *serious stare* girl 4: so...what to the rest of you do? naoya: well, we do some....speciallized work *wink* Girl 5: .\\\. Chuuya: ^^; "I'm in school with him." *points at Akutagawa* Tachihara: =_= *puffs out his chest* "I'm the best at what I do..." -elsewhere, in another town- katya: *driving the zamboni down the road* ..... pushkin: *passed out on the passenger seat* katya:....<well this sucks.> Ivan: <...Oh! I have an idea! We could make money polishing ice rinks around town!> leo: <and risk being arrested?> Ivan: OwO; "..." <I just want to be helpful.> leo: <i know and you're doing your best, vanya> katya:.... AHHHHH! <THIS IS SUCH A GODDAMN LET DOWN!> DX< pushkin: <Want to steal stuff?> katya: <mug the next fuckers that drive by?> leo: ._.;;;; Ivan: <Okay! We can give the jewelry to Master~> -elsewhere- Man in the Alley: *knocked down* "L-Look, lady! I don't want any trouble..." hina: oh? you didnt do anything. Man: ._.;;;; "...Nope." hina: *puts a knife to his neck* im just doing this cause i feel like it. -slice- Man: "GRK-!" *collapses* *bleeding out -elsewhere- Medusa: *sets down her tea, looks out the window* "..." neian: *chewing on a washcloth* Medusa: "...Your poor teeth..." neian: *babble* Medusa: "At least I don't have to worry about breast feeding any more...You hungry, Neian?" neian: *responsive babble* Medusa: *takes out formula, starts preparing it* "...I hope you're staying warm." -back at the mixer- Dazai: TTwTT "And it's just so hard when you don't know what it is you even want anymore!" Death the Kid: Kunikida: =_= "When I get home, I like to relax with a glass of wine and light jazz." girl 1 + 2: ._.; yosano: *sighs* you guys are such light weights Dazai: "Let's all take this to the roof!" Kunikida: "I would like to read my poetry." *opens his book--and a bouquet of flowers pops out* "...I forgot I wrote that down." -elsewhere in the bar- Girl 5: =\\\\= "Tasty whiskey, Naoya..." naoya: ^////^ how you guys holding up? girl 4: *asleep* boy: im gonna diiiie... Akutagawa: *pats his back* "You'll be fine. It's just stress." *Tachihara and Girl #6 are not there* boy: where did those other guys go? Chuuya: "He needed the restroom--then she left to use the restroom, too." boy: urg... girl 4: and you? Chuuya: "I'm fine...I'll need to get home soon for my babysitter." girl 4: ah. Chuuya: "...Sorry I'm not very good at talking." naoya: ..... Girl 5: "Naoya, you come here often~?" Chuuya: "..." *takes out his phone, looks at it* higuchi: [how's it going?] Chuuya: [i'm not up for dating.] higuchi: ......[do you want to come home?] Chuuya: [yeah. but i'm designated driver and i don't know when everyone will wrap up] Girl 5: *smiles at Naoya* Akutagawa: "It'll be okay...These things happen." Dazai: "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLO!" Chuuya: "...No." Akutagawa: "..." .\\\\. boy:.... ./////. um... naoya: ugh. =_=# Dazai: "You all out for a mixer, too? What a co-inky-dink!" *shakes Girl 5's hand* "How you doing, lovely?" Girl 5: "...Naoya. Who the heck is this weirdo?" naoya: 7-7 human garbage. Dazai: D8 Chuuya: "That's an insult to garbage. And I'm completely sober in that assessment." Dazai: *stabbed in the heart* X_X boy: .... 7///7; Akutagawa: "...Dazai can be bothersome." Dazai: *collapsing on the floor* girl 4: hey! arent you that weird guy who asked me to jump in front of the subway with you? .___.;; Dazai: *bounces back up* "Why? Did you change your mind~?" *smiles* Chuuya: -_-##### girl 4:...... naoya: i see you havent changed a bit. Dazai: "Hey, I'm consistent!" *sits next to Girl 4--then looks--* "Oh, Chuuya. Didn't see you there. Have you gotten shorter?" Chuuya: >_<########## boy: o//////o;;;; Dazai: *looks at Girl 4* "...Madam." *takes her hand* "Are you interested in joining me for another subway ride?" girl 4: ............................... *gives him a weird look* -POW- naoya: =_=# *fist steaming* Girl 5: "..." *giggles* "So cool." -elsewhere- lana: edgar? Poe: "...Hmm? S-Sorry..." lana: are you ok? i heard you whimpering... Poe: "...I..." lana:....*hugs* Poe: "..." *tears up* lana: it's ok, just let it out. Poe: "It's wrong..." lana: *listening* Poe: "I am wrong..." lana:...*strokes is back* Poe: *whimpers* "I-I just...When you and I were playing in the snow...I don't deserve..." lana: of course you do. *warm smile* Poe: *shakes his head* "T-This is what happens wh-when I get my hopes up: it's just disappointment." lana: *sigh* well, im still here, ok? *brushes his hair back and kisses his forehead* Poe: T\\\\T "Th-Thank you..." -elsewhere- Gin: *pacing* -knocks- higuchi: ah! they're back. Gin: *opens the door* "..." Akutagawa: "..." *small smile, wave* naoya: *YAAAAAWN* im gonna just crash here tonight... sonia: *peeek* papa? Chuuya: *holds out his arms* sonia: *runs up to him and hugs him* Chuuya: >w< Gin: "...How was it?" Akutagawa: "Bizarre. And Naoya knocked out Dazai." Gin: "...You seem pleased." Akutagawa: "...It wasn't a bad evening." naoya: *asleep on the couch* Chuuya: "Let's get you home, Sonia...Thanks Higuchi, Gin." -morning- Tachihara: =w= Girl 6: "...I'm going to go now." Tachihara: "Not up for breakfast?" Girl 6: *puts on her jacket* "No." *leaves, slams the door* Tachihara: "..." *contented sigh, falls back asleep* -elsewhere- Kid: *rubs Stocking's back* stocking: =w= Kid: *smooch* "Morning." stocking: morning to you too~ Kid: *continues to rub her back lightly* "How are you?" stocking: good. thanks for last night~ Kid: ^\\\^ "Thank you as well...That was great." *kisses the back of her neck* stocking: hehehe~ Kid: "...You know what?" *hugs her* stocking: what~? Kid: "I think the saying goes 'practice makes perfect'..." *rests a hand along her stomach* -elsewhere- yana: so you guys just dumped it off the side of the road then? pushkin: pretty much. Ivan: Q_Q "...Don't tell Master." yana: hey, if you wont say anything, i wont say anything. Ivan: *imitates zipping his lips* yana: plus, i think he's been preoccupied in dealing with the padre. Hawthorne: "..." *staring at a table* FD: "...You don't like it?" Hawthorne: "..." *picks up a mask from the table* FD: "It's either that, or you can be discovered immediately as soon as you set one foot outside of this cell." Hawthorne: "...How do you know I won't run?" FD: "You won't. You've seen what I have done to my captives. And what I could do to your friend." zoey:.... Hawthorne: "..." *takes off his glasses...puts on the mask* zoey: master.....will you.....put him in his place? FD: *smiles at Zoey* "As you can see, I already have." -elsewhere- Kunikida: >_< "That was a waste of an evening..." *takes an aspirin* yosano: *sigh* Dazai: "..." Tanizaki: ._.;;; "...So, Doc, was your evening any better?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Zzz..." fuyumi: *making waffles* *Phone alarm goes off* Todoroki: =_= *turns it off, gets out of bed, exits room* "..." fuyumi: morning. Todoroki: "Good morning..." *yawn* "Thank you again." fuyumi:.....so, how was....you know... Todoroki: "..." *sits down* "...She is not how I remember her." fuyumi: ...... Todoroki: "She still seems distant, sad..." fuyumi:.....if i get some time off, i'll go see her. Todoroki: *nods* "She would like that." -elsewhere- dia: *looking at the snow falling* Karim: "..." pearl: she always looks so sad this time of the year... Karim: "Holidays can do that...without family." pearl: ..... dia: ...... {dia: *wide eyed, terrified*} {FD: <Now, now...Is that really the face you want to put on?>} {dia: *backing away, slipping on some of the blood*} {FD: <Oh...Watch your step.>} {dia: <s...stay away....>} {FD: <Or what? You think you can escape punishment?>} {dia: *trembling, tears falling*} {FD: <None of us can escape it. And I am here to fulfill one purpose...To create a world without sin.> *lifts his hand*} dia:........ Karim: "..." *nudges Pearl* pearl: um....dia? dia: !!....yes? Karim: "...We were going to have some hot chocolate and watch the snow. Mind the company?" dia:...fine, thanks. Karim: *sets down the mugs* "...It's really coming down." dia:...yes. Karim: "...Enough to build a snow fort." -elsewhere- Triple A: *face down in snow* trixie: *sniffing* Triple A: *muffled grunt* "Be gone, you dumb mutt." *his head was pelted with snowballs* trixie:....*squats* -elsewhere- Mephisto: "??? Dear? You're...looking rather pleased." felisia: i have a feeling things are looking up. ^^ Mephisto: "Oh, that sounds lovely!" *offers a cookie* -elsewhere- Hiro: *struggling to carry grocery bags* sayaka: heyo! EF: mind if we help? Hiro: "O-Oh! Hey, you two..." *offers one bag each* "What are you up to?" sayaka: just doing some grocery shopping. ^^ mom asked me to picks some stuff up Hiro: "That's good...I'm running this errand for Mom." *points to a food bank across the street* sayaka: ah. i see. Hiro: "Yep...It's getting colder, and after the city's destruction, more people are without homes this year." sayaka: ...yeah.... Hiro: "Sayaka, have any plans for the winter break?" sayaka: i might do some snowboarding. Hiro: "Nice! I tried that...and fell...down the slope..." EF: ._.; sayaka:...ouch. Hiro: ^^; "Not my best...How about you, EF?" EF: i've never actually been snowboarding. ^^; Hiro: "Skiing?" EF: no. sayaka: ice skating? EF: *shakes head* sayaka:....have you ever built a snowman? -elsewhere- Yohei: "Yo, Mono." mono: ya? Yohei: "Chie wanted you to have this. She just knitted it." *holds up an asymmetrical sweater* mono:....i dont want it. *putting it on* >n< Yohei: "...Yeah, you're really showing me how much you 'don't want it.'" *smiles* "I'll let Chie know you love it." mono: !!!! 7n7 Yohei: "Yo, Chie! Mono says it's the best thing ever!" mono: HEY! chie: *chuckles* glad to hear. *shadow head pat* mono: =///n///=;;; Yohei: "Maybe you could knit her another one for Christmas." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *closes a book, looks out the window* -snow's coming down nicely- Akutagawa: "..." *grabs his jacket, exits his room* -naoya left a note saying 'went home, thanx 4 letting me crash'. there is a small doodle of her giving a peace sign- Akutagawa: "..." *small smile, places it on the bookshelf* "..." *looks around* -no one else home- Akutagawa: "..." *exits the apartment, locks the door...walks downstairs to the snow* -peaceful out...- Akutagawa: "..." *falls back into the snow* elise: akutagawa are you dead? Akutagawa: "...Just making a snow angel." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: =w= "So warm..." fang-hua: yeah. reimi: =w= Tsukiyo: *stretches* "I don't want to get out...Hey, how's the Commander doing?" fang-hua: training as usual. Tsukiyo: >3< "He should be enjoying the winter weather...Or taking a dip in the hot spring." fang-hua: well, you know how he is. Tsukiyo: "..." *smirks* -elsewhere- Medusa: *sets out ingredients...and a magic tome* neian: *in her playpen* Medusa: *has the page opened to a locator spell* ("Without Ponera's resources, I'll need to locate some additional items...") -elsewhere- Free: "You enjoying this?" milia: *staring at the tree in awe* eruka: ^^ Free: "Pretty tall, right?" milia: it's so shiny! Free: "Still got this..." *holds up the tree topper* milia: can i put it on? *shiny eyes* Free: *hands it to her* "Just need to lift you up..." milia: hold on! *butterfly wings and...* *place* success! eruka: well done, milia! Free: "Yeah--that was really good!" milia:.....^^ Free: "Just have to plug in the lights..." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *sipping tea* twain: *asleep* Steinbeck: "..." *opens the window, scoops out snow...* twain: *yaaaawn* uuugh, i always get so tired in the winter! =3=
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