#attempted fluff-ish and humor before the next chapter leaks
zscyber · 2 years
BkDk W.I.P. section/preview
Alright, so this is a fic I have no idea when it will be finished (especially since I'm planning to work more on my Nexomon fics for a while and the Spookfest event on the Creative Chaos discord server), but I have one section complete and figured I'd post it here. It's a really rough draft/barely edited, but it's also the scene that started the fic.
Title: Hearts in the Right Places
Summary: Bakugou’s and Midoriya’s secret relationship gets exposed on national television in a nine-second video. Thankfully, all of class 3A has their backs. Even if it’s not always in the most… conventional way.
(Basically, I wanted super-protective of BkDk class 1A family chaos)
*potential trigger warnings: Homophobia, previous forced outing
Middle school Katsuki would be screaming with rage, explosions, and death threats at the current situation. Same with first year U.A. student Katsuki. Second year Katsuki would have still been pissed as hell and die insisting that, no, he had no fuckin’ idea who these idiots were.
 Third-year Katsuki was still more than a little pissed, but mostly content to sit back and watch.
Shitty Hair, Sparky, and Elbows had forced him to go on the weekly store run (mostly Elbows, because very few people could stop the other two from going fucking nuts and bringing back bags of only meat and shitty junk food, respectively). The group had made it through grocery shopping, but Sparky started bitching about being thirsty halfway back to the dorms. When Elbows joined him (just as they just so happened to be passing by one of those “extra-healthy”, expensive-as-fuck smoothy places), Katsuki decided fuck it.
Of course, the idiots wanted to sit and chat, playing the ‘but-you’ve-been-spending-all-your-time-with-Izuku’ card. And then the ‘be-careful-or-we’ll-think-you-like-him-more-than-us’ one.
 The three morons got all pathetically dramatic when Katsuki pointed out that, damn straight he liked Deku more than them. That’s why he was fucking dating the damn nerd.
  Only once Elbows promised to deal with Baker if his shitty two percent milk went bad (and Shitty Hair, Raccoon Eye’s overly-sweet ice cream that she just had to have) did Katsuki decide fuck it again.
  So there they were, his idiots chatting away while Katsuki sipped on some green drink Elbows had plopped in front of him. If Sparky hadn’t noticed some bastards with cameras ‘sneaking’ around, they probably could have gotten back to U.A. home free. No villain attacks (take that, Deku).
  “-and that’s why toasters are way better than micro- Isn’t that the gossip tabloid that first published that video of Blasty and Izuku?” Sparky pointed at the bushes that lined the juice shop’s patio area. Shitty Hair set down his drink to glance over his shoulder while Elbows leaned to the side to see around the redhead.
“Fucker’s been there for five minutes”, Katsuki grumbled. And the morons wondered why they failed Caterpillar-sensei’s last awareness test.
Sparky tilted his head like a dumbass puppy. “And you haven’t blow them up yet?”
Oh, Katsuki really fucking wanted to, but…
“That would just make things worse”, Elbows explained. “You know how those lowlifes would jump onto Katsuki blasting their cameras.” The lanky teen took a long, loud sip of his shitty-looking smoothy. “Even if they really deserve it.”
  The leaves loudly rustled as the shitty pair of paparazzi ‘crept’ closer.
  “So unmanly” Shitty Hair muttered.
Sparky suddenly shot to his feet, hands slamming onto the table. “You know what. They’ve been dragging two of my friends through the mud for shit. That’s it. I’m going to go put an end to this.” The boy downed the rest of his drink and marched over to the reports. “Hey, you! I-!”
 “Wait, Denki!” Shitty Hair’s chair hit the ground as the redhead tried to grab the blond dumbass, but he missed. “Bro! You can’t just-!” The redhead darted over just as Sparky was pulling Camera Jackass #2 out of the bushes.
  And that’s where Katsuki was now: ass still sitting on the ugly-as-fuck patio chair - scooted just enough for a better view of the upcoming shitstorm without looking too interested – and finishing off the surprisingly good whatever drink Elbows had gotten him.
            Elbows was already half out of his seat when he realized the blond had no intention of moving. “You don’t think we stop them or something?”
            Katsuki took a moment to check on the perishable groceries. Nothing looked ruined yet. “Nah.” Besides, as much as he wanted to shove the fucker’s camera down their throats in large, exploded pieces (and the rest up their damn asses), this was probably the closed thing to revenge the blond would be able to get without a fucking lecture.
            The other boy slowly sat back down, his seat already giving him a front-row view.
            “-don’t you have any sense of manliness?” Shitty Hair was attempting to guilt Jackass-with-a-cheap-ass-camera #1.
            “Yeah!” Sparky jumped in. “Like, dudes, I get you need your clickbait-“
            “Ah!” Cheap-ass-camera #2 cut in. “The video wasn’t clickbait, but real news. After all, the general public needs to trust potential pro heroes” (fuck him, Katsuki and Deku were practically already official pros!), “And if two of them are willing to engage in such explicit behavior in public-“
            “ ‘Explicit?’” Shitty Hair quoted. “You wouldn’t call it that if they were a straight couple!”
            “They weren’t even frenching!” Sparky added. “Like, sure, it wasn’t a peck, but freaking Disney has more ‘explicit’ kisses!”
Katsuki’s phone buzzed, the nerd’s name popping up.
Shitty Nerd: Kacchan!! Stop them!!!!
            The blond frowned. Who was Deku talking about? He wasn’t back at the dorms ye-
            “Uh, Katsuki?” Elbow’s phone was going off like the Old Hag when she saw someone wearing stripes and polka dots at the same time. “Are you seeing the class chat right now?”
            Katsuki rolled his eyes, so that’s what was causing his friend’s phone to go off like a bomb. “I mute the damn thing”, he muttered as he switched apps. The one time he didn’t his phone almost didn’t survive because IcyHot had gotten into a rich person spat with Ponytail and Twinkles over fuckin’ tea at eleven-fucking-pm.
Ears: LMAO!!
Ponytail: She really is
Round Face: Deku-kun’s a strawberry
Round Face: He keeps ducking behind the couch but can’t help himself from popping back up to watch
Pinky: Like a whack-a-mole!
Twinkles: c’est magnifique!
IcyHot: Do they not realize that the reporters have gone live?
            Another text from Deku.
Shitty Nerd: KACCHAN!
            “Plus, you have no idea what you’ve done!” Sparky was still going off on Ugly Camera #1 and #2. “Do you? Do you have to live with the consequences of your actions?! No, no you don’t! Because people like you jacka- jerks never think about how their actions can make life a living he- heck for other people!”
            Elbows had one hand plastered over his mouth, eyes darting between his phone and the  two idiots ripping the two camera creeps a new one. “I don’t-“ the guy broke down laughing, “I don’t know which is better!”
            Katsuki shrugged. “Like the extras aren’t recording this shit.”
            “-any idea how fu- freaking single the rest of us feel?” The taller blond was ranting. “And I’m not even single! But that’s how disgustingly sappy they can be now because you jerks outed them and the rest of us have to deal with their PDA!”
            Shitty Hair nodded. “And it doesn’t even count as that! They’ll just be sitting next to each other and you can see the manly hearts! Do you know how dang strange that is? I platonically love my bro, but Bakubro and hearts shouldn't be in the same sentence!”
            “Especially Izuku”, Sparky added. “He’s way, way worse. And he was bad before they got together.”
Shitty Nerd: Do u hate me?
Should I clear that up on national TV too?
Shitty Nerd: WHY?!?!?!?!?????
Elbows finished his drink with a loud slurp. “You’re taking this invasion of privacy surprising well”, he commented.
“I’m gonna kill them later”, Katsuki promised.
Bird Brain: Revelry in the chaos
Octopus: Not ‘in the dark’?
Round Face: Chaos
Frog: Definity chaos
Ears: Pure choas
Ears: Fuck chAOs
Gloves: chOAs
Tail: ^
Rocky: ^^
Octopus: ^^^
Bird Brain: Revelry in the choas
Ears: that’s right
Ears: piss off the person who hears EVERYTHING that goes on in the dorms
Gloves: Wanna bet?
Octopus: Making fools of themselves
Pinky: Being themselves
Octopus: I was going to add ‘for the sake of their friend’
Octopus: But yeah
Ponytail: Guess we’ll be getting another PR class.
Eyebags: wtf is going on here
Eyebags: oh
Eyebags: nvm
            “- should be family-friendly.” Camera Jackass #1 had something that was probably supposed to be a smug-ass grin but just came across as constipated; all full of shit. “Pro heroes are no longer only responsible for catching villains, but upholding society’s moral code and-“
            Shitty Hair crossed his arms. “Says the same ‘journalists’ who plaster images of us beat up and bloody on magazine covers all the time.”
Grape: that’s just BS
Grape: the ‘family-friendly’ part
Grape: that magazine has the best spreads!
Round Face:
Frog: Would you like to repeat that?
Grape: respectfully?
Round Face: … it’s an improvement
Grape: I’M WORKING ON IT!!!!!
Twinkles: And we are very proud, mon amie!
Pinky: -ish
Tail: Maybe we should get back 2 wtf those 2 are doing
Tail: Didn’t they just go 2 the store?
Baker: I swear, if the frozen go bad AGAIN
IcyHot: I could re-freeze it?
Baker: No
Baker: We are NOT doing that again
Ponytail: The flavor was severely diminished
Ears: watery
Ears: you mean watery
Shitty Nerd: GUYS!!!
Shitty Nerd: Kacchan’s ignoring me!!
Shitty Nerd: can someone else text him and make this stop?!?!?
Eyebags: Damn
Eyebags: that’s harsh
Eyebags: it’s like he lives to piss people off
Eyebags: oh wait he does
Frog: … Do you really want Bakugou-chan to step in?
Frog: I’ll text Sero-chan
Elbows: Don’t bother
Elbows: This is great
Gloves: LMIAO
Tail: whats the I?
Round Face: oh she does that in the girls chat all the time
Round Face: LM-invisible-AO
Glasses: Bakugou-kun! Sero-kun! One of you needs to step in and stop Kirishima-kun and Kaminari-kun from making fools of themselves!
Octopus: good luck with that
Eyebags: it’s like you don’t know your classmates
Round Face: can we all just appreciate Bakugou’s RBF in the background?
Round Face: I need a meme of that
Baker: I can assure you that someone’s already on it
Rocky: It’s already up, actually…
Tail: How do u no that??
Gloves: The HeroNet bird icon
Bird Brain: the laws of the internet
Bird Brain: and all their darkness
IcyHot: I think Hanta looking like he’s going to die from laughter would be better
Grape: Bias
Frog: ^
Gloves: ^
Gloves: trust me on this
Round Face: ^
Eyebags: at least he’d stop spamming that one of Yao-Momo drinking tea and the purse-snatcher
Ponytail: I caught him!
Eyebags: …Have you met your boyfriend?
Round Face: ^^^^^^^^^^
Ponytail: We’re all very proud of you for not committing homicide on national T.V., Bakugou, but Sero should really step in at this point.
            “Hey!” Shitty Hair’s shout reached Katsuki’s ears just before a damn microphone was shoved into the blonde’s personal space.
            “You’ve been awfully quiet, Bakugou”, the piece of shit sneered. “No defense? Aren’t you worried about the effect this will have on your career, assuming you get your license in the first place. After all, you were one of the two students who failed to get your provisional the first time, right?”
            Katsuki clenched his fist, stopping the sparks of his Quirk from blowing up. ‘Bastard’, he cursed. ‘Fucking extra who doesn’t know goddamn shit.’
But if he snapped, the fuckers would just use that against him and Deku. Mainly Deku. So the blond forced himself to breath out the righteous murder. “No fucking comment.”
“So close”, Elbows whispered before clearing his throat. “Actually”, he told Camera Ass #1… 2? Eh, Katsuki couldn’t remember which was which, and he really didn’t give a flying fuck.
Tail: That… actually went pretty well
Pinky: Good job on not doing murder on TV Blasty!
Eyebags: yay
Octopus: ‘Doing’ murder?
Bird Brain: You do remember that Bakugou is reading this, correct?
Bird Brain: He is literally staring into these dark depths as we converse
Capitellar-sensei: He’s not the only one
Katsuki choked, wheezing hard as he tried to swallow the last bit of his drink so they could fucking leave.
“Bro!” Shitty Hair was hovering over the blond as he coughed. “You okay?!”
 “See!” Sparky pointily scolded the Camera Shits. “We’re just out and about, chilling, and you almost kill him!”
 “What hap-?” The redhead was interrupted by Elbows as the latter banged his fist on the table, once again trying to cover his ugly snorting with the other hand. Katsuki, ignoring the whining extras, tilted his phone so Shitty Hair could read over his shoulder.
Shitty Nerd: Sensei! Shitty Nerd: please make them stop!
Round Face: bit too late for that Deku-kun
Eyebags: shit
Eyebags: who summoned the teacher?
Glasses: I can assure you all that it was not me!
Glasses: I gave up on receiving efficient help in these types of situations last year.
IcyHot: I’m pretty sure all he needed to do was turn on a TV
Capitellar-sensei: Not even that.
Capitellar-sensei: Mic just needed to turn on the TV.
Capitellar-sensei: Kaminari, Kirishima. Come to my office once you’re back on campus.
            “Oh shit”, Shitty Hair muttered, causing Sparky to snatch Elbow’s phone off the table as well. The tall teen’s face paled faster than Deku’s would if he thought he missed out on rare All Might merch as he scrolled through the chat.
Grape: I want a meme of the paparazzi
Grape: they’re just frozen from the stupidity
Gloves: oh me too
Rocky: also already up
Ponytail: They really don’t appear to know what to do, do they?
Eyebags: Nope
Ears: Like Denki during math class
Round Face: Damn
Round Face: straight for the throat
Shitty Nerd: If I apply for work-study in the U.S. do u think that’s far enough away?
Don’t you fucking dare
Their food is shit
Eyebags: Boyfriend of the year
Pinky: He lives!
Pinky: it’s hard to tell on the screen
Bird Brain: We are witnessing the descent into obvious darkness as seen by our elders
IcyHot: They’re just on their phones?
Octopus: Exactly
“O-kay”, Elbows told the Camera extras. He grabbed Katsuki’s empty cup, tossed it in the trash can, then used his Quirk to latch onto Sparky and Shitty Hair as he backed away. “We really need to get going.”
“Oi”, Katsuki grumbled, pocketing his phone and picking up more than his fucking fair share of the damn groceries. “I ain’t carrying all this myself.” He handed one bag in particular to Shitty Hair. “Racoon Eye’s melting ice cream.”
            Deku, still strawberry-faced, ambushed Katsuki and Elbows right as they walked into the dorm. “You”, the nerd growled, “are horrible.”
            Stepping out of the way while the crazy fuckers that were his classmates tackled Plain Face for the rest of the groceries, Katsuki held up the one bag he insisted on not only carrying, but keeping in the shade under the table during the shitshow. “Guess I’ll make something other than katsudon with this shit”, he grinned.
            “Kacchan!” the nerd pouted. “You wouldn’t.”
            The blond cackled. “Nah-“
            Pinky’s horrified screech cut through all other conversations. Baker’s wasn’t far behind.
            “Melted?” Deku correctly guessed as he followed the blond away from the murderous pink trash panda and into the kitchen. “Anyway, I guess it was nice that Eijiro and Denki were so supportive, it’s just…” The greenette trailed off.
            “They’re a bunch of dumbass”, Katsuki finished, ruffling the nerd’s hair.
            (And if the blond made enough dinner for the whole class, he had just been distracted keeping Shitty Hair and Sparky on a tight leash in the store and accidentally bought too many ingredients.)
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