#atsumu is so fkg bbg I can’t with him
~Sweet Talker~
Miya Atsumu x f!reader | rated E | 5k~
Summary: Moving back to your home town after a devastating break up one year ago, you meet, sweet talking, Miya Atsumu.
Inspired by the song Sweet Talker by Sarah Hemi
Driving along in your hometown, it’s a beautiful sunny day. Feeling the warmth of the new summer sun on your skin as you let the wind slip through your fingers, like a silk ribbon, holding your hand out the window.
Sitting at a stop light, playing the wind, a motorcycle appears in your side mirror, coming up behind you. The black and yellow streaks on the bike catch the light of the sun, grabbing your attention and staring at the reflection as the rider slows to a stop next to you. Glancing at the rider next to you out of the corner of your sunglasses, you try not to make it obvious that you might be checking him out. Fixing your gaze on the red light, you see him slip off his helmet and suddenly a bright yellow shag of hair appears at your window.
“Hiya,” he smiles sideways at you. His gloved hand reaching for your extend one, gently grasping it.
“What the-?” Trying to pull away, his grip on you pulls you into him, leaning down to kiss your knuckles.
“Miya,” he winks at you. “Miya Atsumu.”
Mesmerized by his amber eyes, you feel yourself relax into his hold on you.
“Does this usually work on girls?” You goad him, not wanting to give into his good looks right off the bat.
“You tell me,” he says with a cheeky smile.
A loud honk from behind you reminds you that you’re literally sitting in traffic getting hit on by, MSBY Black Jackals, setter, number 13, Miya Astumu.
Quickly glancing up at the, now green, light, you smirk at him.
“No,” you tease, stepping on the gas and driving away; your hand slipping from his as you go.
Staring at him in your rear view mirror, you laugh to yourself. What are the odds of running into him on your first day back in your hometown. Catching a glimpse of him in your side mirror, he’s putting his helmet back on, revving his bike, shooting out into the street to catch up to you.
Slowly coming up to your window again at the next red light, he lifts his helmet shield up to smile at you. His cheeks squish against the padding, making his smile softer and more adorable than his usual smolder.
“If that didn’t work,” he calls over to you. “Maybe I can take ya out, show ya around. Since yer new here ‘n all.”
“How do you know I’m not from around here?” You poke, wondering how he knew that.
“Yer license plates,” he chuckles.
Rolling your eyes behind your sunglasses, you click your tongue. “Well, I grew up around here so, don’t really need an escort.”
“Then maybe ya can show me around?” He tries to smirk, the helmet making him look more like a chipmunk than a fox.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” You nod to light above his lane, the green arrow now illuminated.
“Gotta go, princess,” he winks, flicking his shield back down and zooming around the corner.
Driving along, you decide to take the long way around, taking in the familiar sights of your childhood as you head towards your destination. Reminding yourself why you came back home in the first place.
It’s been over a year since your break up, and when your job offered a new position in your hometown, you jumped at the opportunity. You missed being home, and you wanted to get out of your old town, where everywhere you went reminded you of your ex. Besides, you missed your dad and ever since your mother passed, he’s thrown himself into his career, not taking care of himself like he should.
Pulling into the parking lot of a familiar building, you hop out of the car and walk in. You notice it looks renovated, completely new interior and nothing like you remember. Except the sounds that echo around you, the squeaking of shoes and slamming of a ball hitting the floor, those will never change.
Walking through the double doors that lead to the court in the gym your dad used to being you to as a kid, you see the players practicing. One of those players, you met just a few moments ago. Catching his eye, you smirk over at him as you walk over to your dad, MSBY Black Jackals head coach.
“Hey dad!” You smile at him, hugging him as he greets you.
“Guys! Bring it in!” He shouts over to the team. They all see you and flash wide smiles, jogging over quickly to meet you. “This is my daughter,” he says.
“Yer daughter?!” Atsumu asks, shaking his head at you with a crooked smile.
“Yes. Now, she’ll be stopping by every now and then since she just moved back,” your dad explains as you smile at the team, avoiding Atsumu’s gaze. “Don’t be weird and don’t get any ideas or I’ll bench ya,” he warns.
As all the guys greet you and welcome you to town, they kindly introduce themselves with warm smiles and then head back to the court to resume their practice.
“So,” Atsumu whispers to you off on the sidelines as he grabs his water, pretending to be innocently taking a break. “Ya knew who I was already.”
“Maybe,” you smirk, picking up empty water bottles to refill.
“Ya think yer slick, don’t ya?” He chuckles.
“Not as slick as you, Miya,” you tease, tossing him a towel and taking the bottles to refill, leaving him chuckling in your wake.
Please read the rest on ao3
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