#atrium sessions
pietropatrol · 2 months
The Love You Want (Part 2/2)
Read Part 1
Pietro Maximoff was a great teammate and a great "friends with benefits." That was, until you fell for him but he started to push you away. Now he was just a teammate with benefits. A charity gala put on by Tony causes tension between you and the speedster. Why is he so upset anyway?
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Pairing: Pietro x Reader
Warnings: sexual content, pining idiots, language, angst, past trauma, jealousy
Words: 3,359
The prestigious doctors Tony had wanted you to schmooze were an easy conversation for two reasons. 
One being you were a medical professional yourself. You were just a nurse practitioner in terms of your degree, but they were curious about how you used it in the field as an Avenger. Two, you were a walking medical miracle. 
The serum had made you not only able to let your body heal itself, but heal others. Though the latter was to a certain extent and you had learned that the hard way. 
The rule now was to stabilize with your powers if necessary, then treat medically until out of combat. Your powers could be depleted if you used them extensively on others, to the point your body is unable to heal yourself. 
Bucky slid up to your side with another drink after a few minutes. He inclined his head to you and you nodded in return. 
You would be okay… eventually. Would your heartache last for a few months? Yes. Pietro had been a fixation in your life for the last 2 years. You had never even entertained the thought of trying to be with someone else, officially or casually.
Why would you? You trusted no one outside of your team. At the rate it took to trust someone, it would be a decade before you’d be able to even try. You’d probably have to up your therapy sessions now too. 
When the band started up after their break, Bucky excused the pair of you and pulled you over to the dance floor. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked quietly. 
You shrugged, trying to ignore the sting returning to your eyes. “I basically told him I loved him, and then I broke it off.” 
“Did he say anything?” 
“No, he didn’t seem to know what to say.” Your voice was tight. “And when he did, I kept spewing my feelings at him. Like if I didn’t get it all out it was going to eat me alive.” 
“And how do you feel now?” Bucky glanced over your shoulder, face neutral at whoever he made eye contact with. 
“Is it pathetic of me to feel empty? How could I become so dependent on him? After everything that’s happened to me?” 
Bucky’s gaze softened on you. “Y/N, you’re not pathetic. You love Pietro, and he isn’t your ex. It’s okay that you are attached to him.” 
You hummed in response, not knowing what else to say. 
“I am going to give you my observation, okay? Pietro loves you too.”
You started to disagree. 
Bucky shook his head. “He has been stalking you since the moment you came back out here. His eyes have not left you. I’ve been watching him circle this atrium, ignore his date, and try to approach you multiple times.” 
“I told you, he’s possessive.”
“Why would he be if he didn’t love you? Sure, some other men out there may be possessive without love, but I’ve seen how protective he is of you too. On missions, he’s not ever far from you. And, I bet if I start putting the moves on you again he’s going to stop being a scared-cat and finally come over here.” 
“I’m just that good in bed is all, he doesn’t want to lose that,” you joked, though the words sounded hollow to your ears. 
Bucky rolled his eyes and pulled you in closer as he dipped his heads towards you. 
You didn’t even have time to pull your head back as you were swept into the arms of Pietro and on the other side of the dance floor. 
Bucky gave you a look that was clearly an ‘I told you so’ and went back to the bar.
“I don’t share, Y/N. I’ve told you this,” Pietro growled and it made your knees weak. Why was him being a possessive asshole hot to you? 
“And I thought I told you it was best for us to end whatever this is?” You gave him a pointed look. 
“So you jump right on the next available teammate?” 
“Sure, that’s what that was,” you spat. “Bucky is my new fuck buddy.” 
Pietro paused from leading you around the dance floor and narrowed his eyes in on you, searching for something. 
You stuck your chin out at him and didn’t speak a word. He could be the one to determine if that was true or not. If that was what he thought of you, so be it. 
“I’m selfish,” he admitted quietly. “I’ve been selfish with you and I’m sorry.” 
“For what?” 
“Saying for everything would be an easy out, but you deserve more than that.” His hand delicately curled into your waist. Your instincts screamed to move closer to him, to create more contact.
“You can start with bringing my own personal nemesis to this event, and starving me beforehand. I can’t scarf down the hors d’oeuvres without worrying I am going to end up on the ‘don’t’ section of their ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ column,” you replied, throwing a glare at Sierra who was already glaring at you. 
“You may end up in that section anyway for stealing her date.” He grinned teasingly down at you and your heart raced. It felt friendly in a way it hadn’t been for a long time. 
“Her date actually stole me from mine, why do they always blame women for men’s actions?” You scowled.
“Are you really here with Barnes officially?” 
“I would ask you the same thing about Lineheart, but I saw you physically recoil from her.” You rose your eyebrows at him. 
He had the decency to appear a little bit guilty. “I’m sorry for bringing her to get a rise out of you. I now realize what a bad idea that was.” 
“Wow, an apology and confession.” 
“Are you really here with Barnes?” Pietro insisted on knowing. 
“Well considering you made it so I would not remember this event was coming up—”
“I’m only half-sorry for that. The second half that is, when I didn’t remind you. The initial distraction I am quite proud of.” He cocked his head at you, watching the heat spread up your neck and cheeks. 
You shook your head to clear your thoughts. “No, I’m not here with Bucky. He found me while I was avoiding you and offered to help make you jealous.”
The flash of relief was apparent in Pietro’s eyes. “Because it looked very convincing.”
“Well, that is part of our jobs some days. Acting convincing. You and I have done it many times before.” 
The pair of you had done a few undercover missions that required you to be a couple. It was usually the most fun you had doing a job. 
“Yeah, but I like to think it’s because we have something real going on too.” Pietro’s thumb started stroking your side, making it difficult to not melt into him.
“I’m sure it helped for you, as apparently you are terrible at acting. But it was all a show to make you jealous. Which is immature, I know. But fight fire with fire. It got the point across didn’t it?” 
“Were you jealous?” Pietro asked, spinning you around again. 
“Truthfully, no.” You frowned and he frowned back at you. “I was more hurt than anything, and then I knew you were trying to make me jealous so I was pissed off.”
“I’m an idiot.” 
“Why would you even want me to be jealous, Pietro? It’s not like I’ve been the one pushing you away,” you said sharply. 
Pietro sighed and pulled you off the dance floor. “Can we go talk somewhere more quiet? I’ve fucked up this all up, and I don’t want to cross our wires wrong anymore.” 
“Yeah, I know a place.” 
“How did you know about this?” Pietro glanced around the rooftop garden, empty and off limits for this event. 
“I attended a S.H.I.E.L.D. event here a lifetime ago.” You took a swig from the bottle of champagne you stole from the kitchen on the way. 
Last time you had been up here, your parents and ex were in attendance and everything was seemingly perfect. Your ex was still a secret hydra agent the whole time after all.
“I hope it was a happy time.” 
“If I forget all that happened after, sure,” you said with a small laugh and handed the bottle to Pietro, who graciously accepted. “Not that I would want too, completely,” you added quietly.
“Y/N,” he started, turning to face you. You still looked out over the city, unsure and scared of what was going to be said. “I wish I could take back this last year.” 
You sucked in a sharp breath as an ache started to spread across through your chest. 
“After I am almost died for the second time in my life, I got scared for many reasons. And I didn’t handle it well. Do you know why I got hurt?” 
You shook your head, not trusting your voice at that moment. 
“I hesitated between you and Wanda. It took me a day or two to figure that out. I was going for Wanda but then I saw a gun on you and I changed course.” 
“I would have been fine,” you assured him. “I was fine.” 
“Which scared me even more. I know you will be fine 99% of the time. But in that moment all I could think about was protecting you. That what if that time it was the 1% of the time you wouldn’t be fine?” 
“Unlikely, but I get that.” You turned to him and met his intense gaze. “There is a 75% chance you’ll be fine, but that 25% feels so much bigger.” 
Pietro nodded and continued, “In that moment, you became more of a priority than Wanda, and that scared me. It still scares me. She has been my priority since we were children, but you overroad that. It felt like I betrayed her.” 
“Is that why she’s been mad at me since then?” You frowned. It had been hard to lose the close relationship with Wanda while Pietro was also pushing you away. 
“No. She’s mad at your for not breaking it off with me after I started pushing you away. She thinks you deserved better.” 
“The both of you are terrible at communication,” you mused, and turned back to look over the city. 
“Which brings me to also why I’ve been ass.” Pietro took a deep breath. 
“An astronomical ass,” you agreed. 
“Astronomical, yes. What scares me the most is loving you and losing you.” Your gaze snapped back to him, dumbfounded. “I thought that if I just pushed you away enough, I would never have to risk feeling that. I tried to quit you cold turkey, but I’m selfish and can’t go a week without your touch. I’m so selfish that I don’t want—”
“To see you with any other man. I don’t want another man to even—” 
“Pietro, wait—” 
“touch or flirt with you. But I realize now, I was going to lose you even more if I pushed you away.  I love you and I hurt you, and I’m so—” 
You covered his mouth with your hand, stunning him into silence. “You love me?” 
His quirked an eyebrow at you and pulled your hand away from his mouth. “Yes, I love you. What little I had of you was the only thing keeping me sane. But it was also driving me insane. It was torture to leave you abruptly every time when all I wanted to do was burrow further into you and never leave.” 
A shudder ran up your spine and Pietro smirked. You were simultaneously relieved, joyful, and annoyed at the same time at that look. 
“You’re a fucking idiot, you know that?” You smacked his shoulder. “When has pretending not to love someone ever worked? We’ve watched movies together where the hero hurts the love interest to protect them, and it doesn’t work.” 
“Well, those love interests weren’t also superheroes,” Pietro defended himself. 
“Do superheroes not also have feelings?” 
Pietro rolled his eyes. “Like you said, I’m an idiot.” 
“A fucking idiot,” you corrected. 
“You make me one, honestly,” he chuckled and reached out to caress your cheek.  “But it was more than a selfish decision too. Just so you know.” His thumbs brushed your cheek bones, leaving trails of tingling skin. “I got hurt and then you got hurt trying to help me. I thought pulling away would stop whatever we had going on and you would be safe if you were less inclined to save my ass.” 
“It was my decision to make!” you said, letting your annoyance penetrate every syllable. 
“Yes, but we didn’t know at the time that your powers can be drained. You may have been less likely to jump straight into a line of fire if I got hurt again.” 
“You’ve watched too many hero movies now that I think about it. So much so that you think like the hero. Doubting how stubborn the love interest is.” You narrowed your eyes at his amused expression. “Not realizing that as strongly as the hero feels for the love interest, the love interest feels just as much. That she would crawl through broken glass to save the hero.” 
“And I ask that you promise me not to, dragoste.” His hand slide onto the back of your neck and he pulled you flush to him. His heat welcome in the cool summer air. “It hurts me more to see you hurt because of me.” 
“Well, you’re going to have to learn to live without that promise.” You brushed your lips against his. “Would you make the same promise to me?” 
A rumble of disagreement vibrated in his chest and he held you tighter. “I can’t make that promise.” 
“Well, it appears we are at an impasse.” 
“Can we just agree not to get hurt as much as possible?” Pietro nuzzled into your neck, his hands skating down your spine. 
“I think I can try,” you snorted, tilting your head back to give him full access to you neck. 
“If you let me, I will love you with my whole being. I’ve been biting—” he nipped as the crook of your neck and you yelped. “—at the bit to do so for so long.” 
“I think the phrase is ‘champing at the bit’,” you breathlessly teased. “But I think I can be inclined to let you love me. Would you mind showing me?” 
Pietro pulled away momentarily, resulting in an annoyed grunt from you. 
“Were you going to let Barnes kiss you?” His eyes were dark and molten on yours. 
“If I said yes, you would get even more possessive and it’s kind of hot. But no, I was going to pull away when you intervened to keep me to yourself. Because I love you, Pietro.” 
“I can’t believe he was going to kiss you.” Pietro came back to your neck and his hands fiddled with the silk of your dress just above your ass. “And while you are painfully beautiful in your dress, I would much rather see you out of it.” 
Tensions were high at last night’s Stark Industries gala. Y/N Y/L/N, a.k.a. Vitality, was seen to be getting extremely cozy with not only Bucky Barnes, a.k.a. Winter Soldier, but also Pietro Maximoff, a.k.a. Quicksilver. Our source says Y/L/N was all over Barnes at the beginning of the night until Maximoff almost came to blows with his teammate over her. How many more teammates has Y/L/N—
Your phone was ripped from your hands and tossed onto the nightstand. You looked up to see Pietro, only wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and holding the morning’s provisions he had just gone in search of.
“Do not read that garbage,” he chided, “She’s going to be up your ass for a bit but she’ll get bored.” 
“She is not going to let this go anytime soon, Piet. You poked the proverbial bear by basically ghosting her.  And she saw us leave together!” 
“Everyone saw us leave together, because I wanted them to,” Pietro admitted and slid the plate over to you. It was an assortment of fruits and a couple of bagels. 
“Well you succeeded. I will avoid the internet for the foreseeable future. Your fangirls are going to have a field day with me,” you sighed and stifled a yawn. 
Pietro’s eyes tracked your movements and trailed to your bare backside. “I could get used to this.” 
“Used to what?” you played dumb, wanting to hear the answer. 
“You naked in our bed every morning.” 
You paused from grabbing a strawberry. “Our bed?” 
“You’re moving into my room,” he stated, sliding up over your back and ghosting his lips over your shoulder before he bit down at the base of your neck. 
You did you best not to gurgle in response. That spot always sent every nerve into a frenzy. 
“I will not spend another night or morning away from you, if I can help it,” he murmured and gripped your hip bones in his warm, skillful hands.
“Your moving this fast, huh Maximoff?” you tried to keep a level tone, but your voice still came out breathy as he pinned you further to mattress under his weight. 
“This,” he emphasized by pressing himself into your backside, letting you feel just what he meant, “has been going on for two years, dragoste. So not fast at all. Besides, some things don’t need to be fast. I can be quite good at taking things slow, as you know.” 
His teeth nibbled at you again. “I know all to well, you are torturously slow sometimes,” you panted. 
“You love the result though, no?” His lips began to trail down your back. 
You bit back a moan as he hiked your hips up, ass in the air. His fingers dancing dangerously over you clit. You tried to push again him, but he quickly held you in place.
“So eager, dragoste? It’s only been an hour.” 
You growled in frustration. “Wipe that smirk off your face, Pietro.” 
“You can’t even see my face,” he argued. 
“Oh, eat me.”
“Gladly,” he grinned, “after you answer my question.” 
“Of course,” you whined, aching from the teasing. 
“Good girl.”
His mouth was on you before you could even moan from being called a good girl. 
“Alright, who won?” Tony looked around to the team that had made it to the kitchen that morning. 
“Won what?” Nat asked.
“The bet.” 
“What bet?” 
“For how long it would take Pietro and Y/N to acknowledge their feelings and go public. I had 1 year since we placed the bet, we’re at 10 months since the bet.” Tony looked to Wanda, Steve, and Bruce. 
“You guys knew?” Nat gaped at them. 
“You didn’t?” Steve was shocked. “Nat, even I could see it.” 
“No, Steve knows only because he was unfortunate to walk in on them in the sparing room onetime. They did not notice,” Tony rolled eyes. 
“And you Bruce?” Nat asked, she couldn’t believe she’d not seen it.
“I was unfortunate to walk in on them in the med bay once after a missions, they did not notice.” Bruce grimaced. “I just needed a bandaid.” 
“All I needed to see was their constant fuck me eyes to know. It sometimes can come off as playful or antagonistic looks, but they may be one and the same for them.” Tony shrugged. 
“Well, I lost. I thought it would only take a month for them to work their shit out,” Wanda groaned. 
“I had six months, so that puts me four months off,” Steve sighed. 
“I had three months, I had more faith in them than I should have,” Bruce conceded.
“Well that makes me the winner. They are both stubborn idiots. What’s our next wager? When to expect a mini-avenger now that they are bound to be stupid-in-love idiots?” Tony teased. 
“Not funny, Stark,” Nat grunted.
REQUESTED TAGS: @fxllen0stxrs, @littlemarvelstan8, fandomenbylover
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yoonia · 19 days
the bedroom hymns ● chapter xxii
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⟶ Chapter summary | Anyone would think you daring to gamble with your life, to keep using the magic doors to escape despite your circumstances. But you cannot help to feel restless, unable to stay still when you still have too many questions to answer, nor when fate keeps pointing a new path for you and doors to enter. So when fate once again points you towards a new door, you cannot resist stepping into the next world, to see what kind of surprises that fate has in store for you.
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⟶ Title | The Bedroom Hymns: a Bluebeard’s twist ⟶ Pairings | Min Yoongi x female reader  ⟶ Genre | Fairy Prince!Yoongi, Crown Princess!reader, Fantasy!AU, Fairy Tale retelling ⟶ Word count | 9,500 words ⟶ Ratings | PG-13, +18 / M for Mature for future chapters; include magic terms, classism, brief mention of slavery, black market, usage of drugs mentioned, hypnotism.  ⟶ Story Masterlist: The Bedroom Hymns | ⤎ previous chapter | next chapter ⇢ ⟶ Main Masterlist | Mailbox | Taglist | Feedback | Music Playlist | Ko-fi
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⟶ Author's note | Forgive me for the delay, but we finally have a new chapter and we'll continue our little adventures. I know I said that I wasn't going to split this part into separate chapters, but after finishing it, the lengthy word count didn't seem fitting for me to post this one as a full piece. I hope the change won't ruin your reading experience! Enjoy reading and have fun!
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chapter xxii. serendipity-2
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The silence in the hallways of Stargrave feels peculiar today.
The sun is still up. You can hear the palace maids chatting in their break rooms and service halls when you walk past after you are done with your lessons with Lady Laurel at the library, yet you have yet to see any of them walking down the corridors and halls when you make your way through the castle. 
Once again, your day was filled with long, exhausting hours of tutoring—hours of reading through a variety of tomes on magic and old folktales of Ancients and Kings—and minor royal duties, which ended only once afternoon comes and your tutors retreated to their quarters. With Lord Gordan once again absent for your afternoon lessons, still busy filling in for His Majesty King Aneas and dealing with the royal duties until the King returns, it leaves your afternoon free of any activities.
But your mind is still too lively for you to retreat into your bedchamber and find a moment to rest. The adrenaline that you felt from the previous days still keeping you high-strung to remain still. So you fill your free time strolling down the hallways of Stargrave, finding some entertainment in memorising the long-winding corridors, mapping out the halls and rooms and the indoor atriums that you walk past just to keep your mind busy. 
Normally, you would be spending the time browsing for the magic doors, either finding one that would tempt you into using the magic key to venture through the portal or simply learning more about their characteristics and the secrets behind each door. 
But not this time. 
Not because you are reluctant, or that you are disinterested in having another journey so soon after the last one you had. But it is because of the lack of privacy you are getting after stepping out of the library.  
Aside from your mealtime and the designated time for your daily tutoring sessions, you are rarely escorted by the royal guards. You would usually see them standing in their posts during this time of the day, all staying alert even when there is barely any threat coming to Stargrave. 
But today, you have Sir Stephan following you close, watching your every move and making sure to be there while you are making a stroll from one place to another. 
“Do you have nothing to do with your time, Sir Stephan?” You finally speak to him after walking in silence together for quite some time with him keeping only a few steps distance behind. “Or do you wish to have another sparring today?” 
You hear a soft chuckle from him before he speaks. “Lord Gordan has caught wind of what happened the other day,” Sir Stephan responds with a slight tilt on the corner of his mouth. 
You raise your eyebrows as you look at him. “Did he scold you for indulging me?” 
“No, Your Highness. He didn’t seem pleased, but—” His lips twitch, as if amused to say, “He seemed oddly intrigued by the news when he learned that you have beaten me during our sword fighting.” 
You let out a scoff. “As he should, since he’s been the one training me in place of my father.” Your hand twitches, suddenly aching to have a grip on the hilt of your sword again, to have a grip on something. 
You suddenly feel the desire to have your body moving again with another practice. The golden dagger that you had slipped under the skirt of your day dress this morning feels tight against your upper thigh, reminding you that it exists there, even if hidden from sight, ready for you whenever you find the need to pull it out. 
And you do have enough free time to mess around with it this afternoon. 
Only that your muscles are still aching, caused by the rigorous sparring and the intense fight happening on the same day. The wound from the fight against the guards of Arselon itself has mostly healed—thanks to the medicinal herbs that Gaia pasted on your skin and possibly some kind of remedial spells that she might have slipped in—but the faint scar was still visible when you took off your bandage this morning. 
Instinctively, you move your other hand, reaching up to your forearm and pressing against the scar from over the sleeve of your dress. Choosing a long-sleeved day dress this morning raised some questions from the maid assigned to help you this morning, as the weather is quite warm today and she had expected you to request a thinner and shorter dress instead. But you managed to alleviate her worries simply by telling her that you wanted to have a nice change. 
The healing scar might be hidden now under your sleeve, yet you can still feel the phantom pain pulsing when you move, reminding you that it would be too soon for you to raise your sword again.  
Your arms fall back to your sides as you turn toward a corridor leading to the side courtyard, the sounds of Sir Stephan’s footsteps echoing close as he follows. You take notice of the silence and bring up a different topic to get your mind out of it—of the fight, the scar, and the empty feeling in your hand with nothing to hold. 
“It seems that Lord Gordan has been rather busy.” 
“He is indeed, Your Highness. The royal duties never stop coming for the royal aide.” 
You look over your shoulder, meeting Stephan’s gaze. “And he has since sent you to make sure I’m not causing trouble when he’s not babysitting me? Or is this some sort of a punishment that he has given you for accommodating my actions from yesterday?” 
Again, the guard’s lips twitch to a broken smile. “I won’t dare say that the royal aide sees you as a troublemaker, Your Highness.” 
Holding back a chuckle, you turn away to continue your stroll, your escort quickly following close behind. “Everyone seems to be busy today, more than other days,” you muse, almost to yourself. “Is something happening?” 
“I cannot dare say—”
“Without my guardian’s permission, I take it?” you retort back with another scoff. “Nanny Abigail has been my guardian since I was a wee babe. Well, supposedly older, if I recall correctly. And she has always been open to me about the business with the empire, no matter what it is,” you find yourself sharing a bit of yourself before you can stop it, before glancing back at your guard again. “I assume that Lord Gordan has taken over the duty under the King’s order? Seems like he’s doing things differently when it comes to sharing information about the happenings in the empire.” 
It makes you feel bitter just thinking about it. You have always hated being kept in the dark about certain things. Including all the things that should have mattered to you. And you will surely hate it should you be placed in such position once again. 
Sir Stephan takes a moment to consider his response, which only confirms your suspicion. “It has been officially passed on to the palace staff that you are currently under Lord Gordan’s guardianship, though Lady Abigail still retains her role as your governess,” he carefully explains instead of giving you a direct answer. “If there’s any news that may involve your wellbeing and your duties in the palace, I am sure that either the royal aide or the Governess will inform you themselves.” 
Sighing, you can only nod. You keep your eyes looking towards the courtyard for a moment before smiling at him. “And until then, you’re going to have to remain patient as my babysitter?” 
This time, when you turn to look at your guard again, he makes no effort to hide his amused smile. “I wouldn’t mind it.” 
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Closing your eyes, you tilt your head up, relishing the warm late afternoon sunlight falling on your face. 
This is quite a nice change, you wonder with a grateful sigh. 
After your previous trips, where you were taken to sacred places where you were met only with twilight and dim grey of sunlight, having this kind of warmth blanketing your skin and being surrounded by all the radiant colours spreading around you feels like a nice treat to enjoy. 
Having an adrenaline rush flowing through your blood may have alleviated this feeling too. A mixed sense of thrill and relief that you had gotten after fate gave you the chance to slip away from your temporary shadow of a guard. 
Any hope you had for being able to find the time and a chance to escape so you could travel today had started to dwindle, when Sir Stephan continued to follow you, shadowing your movements. Even when it was obvious that you had simply been walking down the long hallways and quiet corridors of Stargrave with no obvious direction, the guard was relentless. 
He only kept quiet, letting you continue exhausting yourself for quite some time. Barring you from entering the hallway where the magic doors were located so you could slip away to a different part of the realm. Until fate intervened. 
Another guard came in just when you were about to give up. Announcing that Lord Gordan had summoned Sir Stephan to come and meet the royal aide in his office. Not expecting the sudden change of duty, Sir Stephan looked hesitant about stepping away, while you couldn’t have been more eager to relieve him from his duty before he could even get a word in. 
“I should at least walk you back towards your bedchamber,” he said before he departed. You may have only known him for a short time, but it was quite obvious that he was displeased to know that he was being let go from his post. 
You held back a smile as you teased him, “To make sure that I won’t escape and cause some trouble?” From the corner of your eyes, you could see the other guard widening his eyes. He seemed baffled as he looked back and forth between you and his fellow knightly guard, amused to see the other guard bantering smoothly with their princess. 
Sir Stephan’s lips quirked to a grin. “Just making sure that you’ll be safe without an escort,” he said, stressing out his words as he regarded you with, “Your Highness.” 
“I’ll be safe between these walls. My bedchamber is merely a hall away,” you answered him by tilting your chin towards the small connecting hall leading you towards the West Tower. “It seems that your business with Lord Gordan is more urgent than sending me off to my afternoon nap.” 
Sir Stephan said nothing to respond, but the way his gaze flickered towards the next hall was sharp and quick, and you could tell that he had to hold back. A lot. Keeping his words to himself, the guard merely nodded and bowed. 
“Then I shall take my leave,” he said. “I shall inform the royal aide that you are on your way to your quarter.”  
You returned his bow with a nod and turned away before he could say anything else. And you kept on walking towards the next corridor, listening closely to the sound of their footsteps as they walked the opposite way. Only once you were sure they were no longer in sight, you quickly turned to a different hall to begin your afternoon exploits. 
You walked through some more corridors and then headed down some stairs, finding yourself in the Apex Hall connecting the center palace and the tower housing the king’s chambers, where lines and lines of doors appeared before your eyes. The hall was devoid of any form of activities, as there were only guest bedrooms and galleries for royal guests available in this part of the castle. But after going through a royal guest room the one time to find your way to Aeris, you were curious to see if you could find any portals hidden among these doors that would be able to lead you to places similar to the mage city.
Places that wouldn’t be as daunting and gloomy as the previous places you’ve recently been to, that aren’t as dilapidated from hardships or haunted by their dark history. 
The ground floor hall was filled with charming things, trinkets and decorations that made the place look even more alive than the other parts of Stargrave; royal portraits of who you assumed to be your ancestors or the previous kings and queens; sculptures and vases filled with fresh flowers; tables similar yet smaller to the ones you saw in guest rooms, all carved similarly to the ornate doors standing all round the atrium.
You walked up some steps and stood by one of those doors which had caught your attention among others. Made of old cherrywood—much like these other doors, only slightly darker—with carvings of tendrils of ivy looping around its frame, the door had a delicate charm which was alluring to look at.
It was the image carved at the center which had mostly drawn you to it; the carving of a chalice and crescent moon, similar to the image painted on the banners you saw at the temple of Arselon. 
The only difference you saw was that the crescent moon wasn’t hovering above the chalice but instead carved within its core, as if it was portraying the moon as being presented like fine and holy wine. 
The grooves around the carvings were filled with threads of silver lining, glinting under the dim light of the afternoon which penetrated through the glass windows under the arch ceiling above your head. Silver dust floated from the keyhole as you pulled out your magic key, beckoning you to reach it. 
The same silver dust seems to have followed you to this place, floating in the air where the streaks of sunlight are falling, floating above the lake filled with crystal-clear waters vastly spreading before you, and between your fingers when you reach out to touch the vibrant petals of the wild roses growing all around you.
There is magic here, pulsing in the same rhythm as your heartbeat as if living and breathing. Strange how it makes you feel like you have become one with the place, and you barely spent more than an hour strolling across the grassy plains. 
A spread of green grass as thick as the rugs you find back at the palace lies beneath your feet. Your low heels sink into the soft grass with each step you take, yet you find no discomfort as you continue to stroll down the small forested hill where you had emerged from. Excitedly, but cautiously at the same time, you cross the meadow with your eyes drawn towards the glittering lake. 
Beautiful, you wonder to yourself. And it feels so peaceful here. 
You look at your surroundings, enjoying the scenery that is presented for you to see. All around you, there are only trees, spreading all around and to the top of the hill. A myriad of colours appear before you as the shades of yellow and beige and brown are mixing into the green as they grow from the trees, a sign that autumn is seeping in. Some leaves have also dropped onto the ground, covering the green grass with yellow dots sprouting here and there among the vibrant roses. The air is fresh, filled with the scent of fresh grass and damp soil. A cool breeze flows all around you, and the warm sun feels comforting against your skin. 
Looking over across the lake, you see no sign of a town or anything that may indicate the presence of humans. But the more you look, the more you are curious, seeing that the trees on the other side of the lake appear to be bigger, stretching up to reach the sky, and thicker. The foliage seems denser, enough to hide something in the shadows. 
Just like the grove back in Arselon which kept the Keep and the shelters where the humans lived in hiding. 
You continue to stroll around the lake, hoping to find a way to get across and see if you can find anything on the other side. Once again, fate seems to be on your side—or perhaps you are just getting lucky today—as you find your wish fulfilled the moment you see the bridge crossing the lake.  
Without any hesitation, you walk up to make it across. From up the bridge, you find the chance to fully marvel at the nature around you as you get a better view of everything. And you cannot help but marvel at the structure stretching over the lake, connecting the two separate plains together. 
The sturdy bridge rises from the lake, standing firm from one end of the woodlands to another and high above the water like a solid gate. The structure is built with weathered stones, the foundation below covered with moss and lichen, adding a touch of green to the grey and brown. Thick ivy weaves its way along the stone bannister, softening the hard edges with its delicate tendrils. Looking down to the body of the bridge below, you see arches formed high enough to allow small boats to come passing through. 
On the top, the bridge’s width is enough for a single horse carriage to travel across, while the passage is covered with natural stones that are smoothed by countless footsteps and slightly etched by marks of wheels from carriages that may have come across from time to time. It’s obvious that this isn’t some simple structure that manifested itself from nature, nor was it built by lesser beings. Although the earthly colours do make it seem like the bridge has blended into the nature it is built on, causing you to nearly miss it the first time you looked. 
Halfway across the bridge, a gentle breeze flows around you, carrying the scent of pine and damp earth, and something more succulent and vibrant and fresh, a different vibe from the quiet woodlands you had just stepped away from. Slowly, you come to a halt, taking this moment to take another look at the lake as you get to see it from a different angle. 
From up here, it seems as if the lake is stretched out endlessly, its surface is clear like crystals, with the glimmers coming from the silver specks of dust and the reflection of the warm sunlight glowing all the way up to your skin. Small ripples disturb the mirror-like stillness, appearing in multiple spots where you think you might find fishes swimming beneath the surface or leaves falling from above. 
Smiling, you take a deep breath, taking in the scents before continuing your journey across. At the end of the bridge, a canopy of leaves welcomes you as thick branches appear to be growing and stretching low, covering what is hidden on the other side. You keep your eyes forward as you step off the bridge, and the moment your heel lands on the less solid gravel pathway, the air around you seems to ripple and shift. 
With a gasp, you feel a rush of magic coursing through your body. It doesn’t feel painful, yet strange enough to make your head spin a little before you finally regain your bearings. Only a short moment later do you finally realise that you have just walked across what seems to be a border, where a protective spell has been cast to cover the land before you. With a jolt, you realise that your arrival has somehow disturbed the spell, unlocking the magic to allow you passage to continue your journey.
Still reeling over your sudden encounter with a foreign magic spell, you continue walking down the gravel-covered pathway without a word. The sparks from the magic cling to your skin for a moment longer before it slowly wanes as you walk deeper into the thickets, clearing your senses just as the low branches in front of you begin to sway. 
The movement is quick, as if they are suddenly forced to hold some kind of weight. As the rustling sound of leaves begins to grow violent, its shaking sends drying leaves falling down your path, your steps falter until you completely stop. 
The swaying of branches intensifies, and before you can even reach your dagger to protect yourself, something pops between the leaves. 
A small, cheerful voice greets you, coming from a creature that is just as small—tiny face, tiny smile, with a pair of pointy ears that remind you of the elves, yet a version of it which is probably merely a palm-sized big—hanging upside down from the low branch hanging right in front of your face. Only once your shock subsides when you recognise what kind of being is greeting you from behind the leaves. 
A pixie. 
A smile grows on your lips. You have learned about them—the pixies—through one of the books in the library that Lady Laurel made you read. The Magnificent Beings of The Elements. 
In the book, the pixies have drawn your interest more than others. Known as little magical creatures that hide in the woodlands, the pixies were treated almost like dragons—mythical beings that are rare but most sought after. They are known to create the magical element, the pixie dust, which has a myriad of effects which are valuable to many. 
To nature, pixie dust helps cast magic into the land—helping plants to grow more affluent and flowers to bloom more vibrant, for water to be cleansed of any toxin or grime, and for the air to remain fresh even in the bleakest of weather. 
To other beings, pixie dust can be used as a cure for ailments, to heal physical wounds, and to alleviate the ailment of the mind. 
But for most humans, pixie dust can act like a drug, giving them psychedelic sensations and causing them to feel high and happy and filled with joy or to have intense hallucinations. 
For these reasons, the pixies were once hunted down, captured and sold as pets as part of illegal trade, to be made into house slaves, or to be used to create as many pixie dust to be sold illegally in the black markets as drugs that humans can use to get high. That was until the protection law for magical beings changed, forbidding any form of trading involving the pixies and other mythical creatures of the fairy tale land. They have since been declared as one of the most protected creatures, mostly hidden in sanctuaries that were built on higher grounds, up in the mountains, and the deepest woodlands.
“Oh, hello there. I didn’t see you up there,” you greet them back, smiling, and you can see the creature’s smile widening further. 
“Of course, you didn’t. You weren’t supposed to,” the pixie pridefully boasts, before flipping back into the leaves and jumping into another branch, this time sitting down with their legs swaying beneath them. 
“But we’ve seen you,” the tiny thing adds, while you tilt your head, wondering what they meant.  
“Have we met before?” 
The pixie excitedly nods, throwing the short strands of their honey-blond hair up and down their face. “We work with our master, Trish, at the magic shop in Aeris. We helped Master find some spell book for ‘ya.” 
Blinking, you suddenly remember the day you spent in Aeris. And then you remember entering the magic shop—l'Équinoxe—and the female elf who was running it, and your eyes grow wide at the memory of seeing tiny pixies jumping between the racks to fetch orders for their customers. Some with their hair pinned or tied up in ponytails, while others wore floppy hats that clung to their heads even as they moved quickly from one corner of the shop to another. And all of them wore the same bright green top and white pants, exactly what your new little friend is wearing right now. 
“Of course!” you cheerfully say, clapping your hands when you recall seeing a pixie with honey-blond hair perching atop the bannister on the mezzanine floor above the shop, where the shop owner—Trish—disappeared into to fetch your spell book. “So you were the—staff, in the shop?” 
The pixie’s lips curl to a sneaky smile. “We were not taken in to work in the shop as slaves, if that’s what you’re worried about—” the creature says, while you are taken aback and feeling guilty that the pixie can guess what you were thinking, “Trish has helped a lot of us in the sanctuary and when we wanted to do something in return, she gave us the job in her shops. We earn our wages, benefits, and even some vacation time when we need them, just like any other creatures in the mage city.” 
“So you mean”—you look around with a new sense of awe—“this is your sanctuary.” 
“This is home.” The pixie says, sighing with a content smile on their face. And then their eyes flicker with curiosity as they question you, “So what are you up to in this place?” 
The smile that comes to your face is small, but unguarded. It feels refreshing to hear the same question given to you, only without any underlying threat or suspicions this time. For the first time, you aren’t feeling like a criminal for crossing a border to a new land. To be seen as a regular traveller instead of a stranger trespassing into others’ land. 
“I was merely passing through,” you answer with a tilt of your head. “I was running away from home because I was having an odd day.” 
The pixie snorts. “Odd day isn’t good.” A frown forms on their face as if the thought of you having an unpleasant day is making them unhappy too. “It’s weird that you choose to hide here.” 
You shrug. “Why would it be weird?” 
Shrugging—the action coming out as a mirror to yours instead of it being something natural for them to do—the tiny thing nonchalantly answers, “Because only elves and fairies can pass through the gates. That was a part of the condition in the protection spell that was given to the sanctuary to protect us from danger.” 
Your heart skips a beat. A tiny slip that makes your breath catch, while something starts nagging at the back of your mind. Every single peculiar event that you have encountered before comes rushing back to you; from your previous journeys, from the words shared by the people you met, and the things you inadvertently learned from them—
“But you won’t regret it,” the pixie continues, oblivious to your wandering mind. “There are many things to see here.” 
You brush away your thoughts to smile. “Is that so? Then it’s a good thing that I’m here.” 
“Do you need a guide? We can show you around. We know every place to see here and where not to go,” the pixie says, jumping up and down on the branch with excitement, as if guiding you through their land seems like some kind of a fun game for them. 
Seeing this, and noticing the playful gaze in their eyes, remind you of something about them that you’ve learned from your books that cannot resist teasing, “Will it be okay? Are you sure you wouldn’t trick me into anything nefarious?” 
You grin at the pixie while they cock their head to the side, narrowing their eyes at you. Based on the texts you read in the books, their kind is often portrayed to have childlike personalities; mostly friendly and kind-hearted, but other times mischievous and playful, with a bit of naughty nature as they all love to play and have fun. 
There were stories written in those books where pixies, who live mostly in the deepest woodlands and higher plains, would come out at night and use their pixie dust to trick travellers and hunters, manipulating their minds with the potent magic of their dust to leave them astray between the woods. 
But there were also stories of pixies helping little children in distress, saving them from any kind of peril and guiding them home when they were lost in the woods, making them one of the most contradictory beings among any other mythical creatures you’ve learned about. 
The pixie merely rolls their eyes. “We might be naughty bits, but we promised Trish to not cause trouble as long as we live here. We’ve lost our old home a long, long time ago, and we want to keep this one for as long as we’re allowed to.” Their words are filled with grief, yet the way they are talking about it doesn’t show much about their loss, as the tone of their voice remains playful. 
As if their mind is already jumping to the next topic, the pixie leans forward with a grin to ask, “What’s your name?” 
“I’m ________,” you answer with a smile. “What should I call you?” 
“Eydan,” the pixie introduces themselves by standing upright on the branch and bowing down to their waist—like a royal greeting. A wide grin appears on their face when they straighten up again, the strands of their hair flowing with the breeze. “That’s the name. The only pixie here with honey-blond hair”—Eydan flips their hair—”never forget it.” 
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Y'ethmelle is the name of this place. 
A town where elves reside, those with a deep connection to the earth and plants and deep respect for nature. Their home becomes the source of their power, their magic, and it breathes and pulses together with the lives within. 
And this place has become the perfect sanctuary for pixies like Eydan, who had once been through the kind of hardship just like what you have read in the books. 
While sharing a bit of their past before entering Y'ethmelle, Eydan guides you through the trees, entering the woodlands until you finally get to see it—a town hidden in the forest, blending in with the trees, the boulders, the hills, before rising up the stone wall where water was cascading from the top to the banks below. There are structures built along the thickest giant trees, forming from the ground and up the thick branches were small houses made of timber and glass that look like crystals. 
The same structures appear on the stone walls; small wooden houses floating on either side of the waterfall; hanging on top of the massive boulders framing the riverbanks; and some sinking into the foot of the cliff wall. Some houses were built extremely low and just enough for the pixies to reside in, as they blend into the small hills or hidden between the roots of the giant old trees that you saw during your stroll through the magic town. 
Eydan points out their home—the one small opening hidden between the roots of a giant elm tree—before pointing to a house built with stone structures at the very end of the tree line. “That’s where Master Trish lives. The pixies that work with her live in small houses like ours, all built close enough to her home, so she can often invite us for dinners and other celebrations when she’s free.”
“Where is your boss now, then?” you ask when you notice that the house is quiet. 
Eydan hops from one branch to another, and that is when you realise that the pixie never truly stops moving. They are constantly jumping, hopping and swinging on the branches, rarely ever stepping foot on the ground unless when they are sitting atop a stone. 
“At the city. Aeris. She mentioned having some business to take care of at the shop. The shop is closed today, that’s why we’re home,” Eydan explains, “But Master Trish is always working. Even when she’s not busy at the shop, she would be away on trips to gather some new things to sell.” 
“Is that why you have enough free time to guide a human across your homeland?” 
Eydan grins. “Yes, but it was also an odd day for us.” 
“How come?” 
Flopping onto a nearby boulder, Eydan stands on one leg, balancing themselves as they answer, “We weren’t supposed to be off work today, but Master Trish suddenly said she had something important to do and people to see, so we were told to stay home. But then we had so much free time that we played all morning, dancing, and jumping around the river, but then we got bored. That’s when you came.” 
The pixie flips to balance themselves on their hand when they continue, “Besides, it’s nearly the full moon. Us pixies always grow restless when it is time to celebrate the memorial of our found freedom.” 
And that is when Eydan sits you down, sharing with you the tale behind the pixies’ freedom and how they all got to this place. 
“Once upon a time, a young pixie managed to escape from their master. Seeking freedom in the woodlands, the pixie hid between the trees, claiming the forest as their new home and shelter and away from dangerous people looking to exploit their magic for nefarious uses. 
One night during their hiding, the pixie sensed a human walking through the trees. While staying in the shadows, the pixie cautiously watched the human, thinking that the human had come to harm them. But upon closer look, the pixie found out that the human was just a little girl. A princess who got lost in the woods and couldn’t find her way back home. So the pixie revealed themselves, offering to use their pixie dust to guide the princess to find her way home. Once she was saved, the princess returned to favour by fighting for the freedom of all pixies.”
You listen to their story with a fond smile. Among every single tale you’ve read about the pixies, you have never seen this part of their story written in the books, nor the old scriptures you found in the library which told about old, forgotten tales of The Land Far Far Away. 
“That was how we finally got our freedom. All because one pixie escaped their master and became friends with a kind-hearted princess one night. The princess was the one who wrote the law to protect us, to free us from anyone who tried to keep us like pets and slaves.” 
Eydan’s eyes glow with pride as they continue with their tale, while your heart feels warm, feeling privileged to be able to hear this story. “Each full moon, pixies gather around the waterfall or any revered places in each of their sanctuary and sing under the moon to pray for the princess. It’s our way to send our gratitude to our saviour.” 
Once your new friend is done with their story, the tour around the sanctuary continues. 
From the homes, the pixie guides you through the small town, passing some more houses that are intricately built to blend in with nature. They greet some of the elves that come peeking out their windows, introducing you as one of their friends, and then do the same with some other pixies that you come across during your mini tour. 
The tour continues until you reach even deeper into the woodlands, past the heart of Y'ethmelle, and past the old structures that look like an old Keep, completed with a tower built in the same weathered stone as the structure of the bridge on the lake. 
“This was where the warriors and guardians of the sanctuary used to live. We still have elves that take the role as guardians, but the elves no longer have warriors to guard the place ever since us pixies started living here,” says Eydan, as they guide you to follow the river, going down the stream until you reach the part where it is quiet and peaceful and safe. 
This place turns out to be the meeting spot where Eydan would hang out with their little friends, where Eydan had been earlier before meeting you by the bridge. 
A few of Eydan’s friends are in the middle of playing down the stream of the river when you arrive. A couple of pixies who look no different than Eydan, hop between boulders and branches while splashing water with their tiny feet, while two others have wings on their back, allowing them to float and soar in the air as they dance between the rosebushes. 
At first, they seem cautious, as they probably didn’t expect to have their wayward friend returning with a random human after missing for hours. But right after Eydan finishes introducing you to the little gang of mischievous pixies, they become more curious about you as they start throwing questions at Eydan while examining you closely. 
“Where did you find her?” 
“You didn’t kidnap her from the human town, did you?” 
Eydan huffs. “Of course, not. She came in by herself. Passed the bridge and the borders after the thing we felt earlier,” they explain with their small hands waving around as if describing what they saw. 
“Oh, the invisible magic ripple that came from the lake?” asks one of the pixies, surprising you once you realise that they are possibly talking about the ripple of magic coming from the portal when you came. 
“You felt a magic ripple?” 
Eydan nods. “Yep. It was rare for us to feel any magic of that kind. That’s why we left the others here and went to the bridge to see what it was, and then we saw you walking across the lake.” 
The chattering and the line of questions continue right before you get the chance to ask them about what they felt. The other pixies who kept their distance at first soon begin to join in, asking you where you came from, how you managed to find this place, and why would a human like you need a spell book from their master. You barely manage to answer each one before they get distracted when a couple of butterflies come fluttering in between the bushes, and they soon lose any interest in your evasive, non-answering responses. 
You join them for a while as they play around the stream. You even take off your heels to splash around in the water, feeling your body cooling down with it. It has been a while since you’ve felt such joy. The pixies are skilled in showing you just how to have fun and enjoy yourself the way they do, helping you forget all of your troubles without them realising it. 
Exhausted, you choose to rest at the edge of the river, soaking your bare feet in the stream as you watch the pixies continue to play around, showing no sign of their energy draining. You enjoy the cool ripples of water pressing against your sore ankles, while the stream also washes away the soil tainting the hem of your dress that you had gotten after the long walk you had through the elven town. 
Your heels, once covered in mud and slightly tainted from the twigs brushing against their sides, are now resting on the ground beside you after it was cleaned and mended using one of the pixies’ magic dust. 
The same pixie is the only one who chooses to stay with you, studying you closely with their curious eyes while ignoring the sound of giggles and cheers from the other pixies playing in the rosebushes. 
“You smell like human,” the pixie says as they flutter around you, sniffing at your hair, your back, and then pinching at the sleeve of your dress before going back to your front with a tilt of their head. 
“You can—identify a person from their scent?” 
Illyn, the pixie with fair skin and long golden hair nods, their delicate wings—which look like firefly wings, with silver dust sparkling from each —flutter behind them as they move around. They have their hair gathered to a braid, long enough to reach their ankles. You wonder if their hair ever gets tangled with the wings, yet the pixie has kept the braid hanging over one shoulder, keeping it away from the fluttering wings.  
“Every living thing has a certain smell in them. For walking beings such as yourself, those scents come from blood, skin, soul, or even magic,” Illyn explains with wide, curious eyes, while your eyes grow wide with intrigue. 
“Can you smell—my magic?” 
Illyn nods as they fly around you. “Yes, we can. It’s faint. That’s why it’s confusing.” 
The way they speak draws a soft laughter from you. “Why does it confuse you?” 
The pixie makes a humming sound. “You smell human, but also something else. Your magic isn’t like what most humans have, and we’ve met many human mages in Aeris to know the difference.” 
You raise your brow. “Really? How odd,” you hum softly, although you have no idea what that really means. You keep your eyes on the pixie as they continue to float around you, their eyes locked on parts of your face, as if searching for something. “So that’s not normal?” 
Instead of answering, Illyn inclines their head to ask with a whisper, “Are you sure you aren’t a fairy?” 
Hearing this, you begin to laugh. “A fairy? No, I’m pretty sure I would’ve known if I’m secretly a fairy. Why would you even think that?” 
“The way you came,” they say, still keeping their voice low as if sharing a secret, “you came with the ripple of magic that we felt from the end of the river. It’s been long since we’ve felt something like that.” 
Creasing your brows, you recall the way they talked about the magic flow earlier, remembering how they seemed unsure about what they felt. “And you don’t know what that magic was?” 
Illyn fell silent for a moment. “Well, not really, but—” The pixie considers their answer for a moment, thinking deeply before continuing, “There were old folktales about magic portals hidden all over the land of the Far Far Away.” 
Their eyes blink rapidly as they add, “Fairy portals.” 
Your eyes grow wide. “Have you ever seen them?”
Illyn’s hair nearly flips back when they quickly shake their head. “No, we haven’t. But some naughty ones who went across the bridge claimed they had. We think they all lied to us and exaggerated things, because fairy tales are stories for children.” 
Your lips twist to a smile. It is adorable how the pixies believe that they are normal beings, when their existence seems more like a part of a myth. Characters told in children’s bedtime stories and folktales shared by the people—humans—back in the mortal realm. 
But then your mind begins to register through the information that Illyn had just shared with you about the magic they felt. You wonder if they had truly sensed the magic coming from the portal. You can still feel it on your skin, lingering like a delicate touch. And if the same magic portal you have been using to go through these various places had truly been the same as the portals known as what they believed as part of the myth among the fairies—
Just like always, when the wheels in your head are turning and you are thinking deeply about something, your hand reach up, taking hold of your necklace that has been humming with its own magic—it has been that way since the moment you stepped through the border, you realise. 
Lowering your gaze, you carefully lift the ruby pendant so the pixie can have a look. “Could it be that the magic you are sensing from me actually comes from this?” you ask them, referring to how they claimed to have tried to sense and recognise the magic coming out of you. 
Cocking their head, Illyn flies closer. They examine the necklace for a moment before shaking their head. “No, your magic is vibrating from inside you,” they say, before they begin rambling rapidly, “I can sense your mana. It smells a little bit like Master Trish, with a little bit of the magic that felt similar to the one we felt from the woods”—they stop with a gasp—”do you perhaps have elves where you live?” 
“I don’t suppose—” You begin to answer, even if your mind can barely keep up with the quick flow of their words. 
And then any chance for you to respond to their question is soon stolen when Illyn suddenly turns away, distracted by the sudden shout of their friend coming from a rosebush a few feet away. Soon, the thought of your magic and your smelling of humans is forgotten as they start fussing about a wild rose that seems to have bloomed at the heart of a dying brier. You can faintly hear them cheering at its peculiar size and colour, before they start fighting about how they should be saving it before it withers. 
Seems like they have a short attention span, you wonder with a soft chuckle. Just like a child. 
You continue to watch them play for a little while until Eydan returns to your side. After chasing off an innocent hummingbird that had appeared from the nearby meadow, the pixie flops down to rest on the boulder next to you, though still restless, their feet kicking out the white mist that is starting to form from the rushing water. The cold that comes as the sun begins descending beyond the trees only causes the mist to grow thicker.  
“How come you don’t have wings?” you ask Eydan, pointing at the two pixies who are floating and dancing in the air, laughing as they toss each other around between the rosebushes, having a blast in their wild dance. 
Eydan blinks and begins to explain to you the differences between each pixie. “Us pixies gain different characteristics depending on which element our magic comes from. We”—Eydan points at themselves—”and Aela are earth pixies.” You look over at Aela, the auburn-haired pixie who is dancing with the dark-haired pixie who has been mostly silent, and instantly start comparing the two. 
While Eydan keeps their hair short, reaching only to their jaw, the other two have long hair—Aela keeps their hair in a thick, high bun which looks like a crown on top of their head, while their dance partner lets their hair down, swaying with them as they dance to some music that only they can hear.
“We live closer to the land, our homes built on the ground, while Illyn and Jolyn are air pixies. They live on trees, the ones that grow close to Master Trish’s home,” Eydan continues, pointing at the two pixies who are flying over the nearest rosebush, their wings fluttering wildly on their backs, picking up speed as they banter loudly with each other, debating about what colour the rose they are pointing is called—maroon red, according to Illyn, while Jolyn insists that it’s the colour of blood. 
Just like Illyn, Jolyn’s hair is long, but in the shade of brunette. Unlike the other pixies, Jolyn is the only one with curly hair, and they have kept it untied, leaving it as a mess of wild curls fluttering with the wind as they float around with their little wings. 
Eydan points at Aela’s dancing partner next. “Emara is a water pixie. They live near the lake, while their family live by the riverbank. They are good swimmers, always playing with the fish in the summer.” 
“That’s interesting,” you muse as you watch them all play together. “I suppose the same can be said about the elves? About how they gain their magic from elements?” 
Eydan considers it for a moment in silence, furrowing their brows as they answer, “For the elves that protect us, they do gain powers from elements, but mostly nature. But some types of elves gain power from the moon, giving them similar powers and traits to those of moon fairies.” 
“You know,” you gently muse as a thought comes across your mind. “I’ve always assumed that fairies are small creatures just like you are.” 
“No, obviously, they’re not,” Eydan says with a scoff. “That’s only true in children's bedtime stories. Perhaps they thought children wouldn’t be interested in fairies if they all knew that fairies look like regular humans—sometimes they even look like ghouls, depending on where they live—so they took our looks instead when they started writing stories about fairies, all to make them presentable and cute for children to love.” 
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Once you feel rested enough, you cannot resist joining the pixies to play on the grass. Watching them play has been fun, and you want to join in while you still can. 
You join them in their little hide-and-seek—mostly as the one seeking—and then let them teach you how to do tricks on the grass. They have you join them in their group dance, following the tune of their music that only they know about. And now you are joining them in a messy game of charades. 
You are in the middle of trying to guess what Jolyn is trying to mimic—as the little pixie hides behind a small boulder at the edge of the river and acts as if they are singing in high tune while seducing you to come closer—when all of a sudden, everyone around you grows still. 
A gasp comes from Jolyn, the only one facing the opposite way from the others, and the pixies turn to look at the woods behind you. Everyone seems tense and wary that you start feeling worried. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask, just as Eydan steps forward, standing right in front of everyone, while the rest gather closer around you. 
“There’s another stranger!” One pixie hisses as you try to look beyond the thickets. 
You carefully trace the hilt of your dagger with the tip of your fingers. “Are you sensing danger?”
“We’re not smelling danger, but this scent is not familiar to us,” the silent one of the bunch—Emara—speaks. Their voice sounds more like a whisper. But their fear tramples their shyness as they slide closer to hide behind your dress. 
For a brief moment, nothing happens. 
The darkening sky is also making it hard for you to look beyond the line of trees. You can only faintly see the shadows moving in the forest, yet you are not certain whether you are looking at swaying branches or if it is an actual figure, that something else—or someone—has arrived in the woods and is now moving in the thickets. 
The trees sway a little—or perhaps the low branches?—and there are rustling sounds coming together with the heavy sound of boots landing on hard ground, stepping over fallen leaves, as if someone is walking slowly towards you and your little friends. While the pixies remain alert, you can feel a warm hum rising in your chest. A sensation that is quite familiar that every tension in your body is immediately lifted. Your heart thuds, rising slowly with a different kind of feeling that has nothing to do with fear. 
There is only one person who can incite such a feeling from you. The one person who has been occupying your thoughts and dreams, even on the days that you spent without him being present. Within moments, he finally emerges from the line of trees, like a piece of a dream emerging into the waking world. 
Wearing a white tunic on top of dark trousers, his leather boots sturdy at the bottom, and his half sword hanging from his left hips, Min Yoongi looks just like a prince; a dreamy character plucked out of a fairy tale written in storybooks as he walks into the dim light. 
The Prince Charming coming to life. 
The length of his hair falls to frame his perfect face, fluttering with the gentle breeze as he slowly comes closer. The urge to pinch at your skin comes over you—because you cannot tell if you are simply dreaming—yet you make no move, too mesmerised by the sight of him. 
Because every image of him which you tried to conjure in your thoughts and your dreams didn’t do any justice to the real him. 
As Yoongi stops, a smile slowly forms on his face. His eyes, upon finding you, seeing you completely left stunned, seem to glow brighter. A look of mirth dancing in his gaze when he gently greets you, 
“There you are, little dove.” 
You briefly close your eyes, relishing the shudder that Yoongi’s deep voice brings. This isn’t an imagination and I am not dreaming, you muse to yourself as you open your eyes to see him still standing right before you instead of dispersing with the wind. The white mist forming around the stream close by and from the temperature drop curls around his boots, breaking away when he takes another step closer. 
You listen to the sound of your heartbeat for a drop of a moment before finding your voice again. 
“You’re late.” Too many long days, three different trips late. “I almost believed that I wouldn’t be so lucky to see you today before I leave.”
Your gaze flickers towards the darkening sky as you say this, noticing how close it is for dusk to come. With merely a short time left to spare, he would have made this the fourth time you would be missing him if he had come once the sunlight was gone.  
A painful pinch shoots right through your heart when you take a sharp inhale of breath. You never realised how badly you have been hoping to see him. How you kept wishing that you would cross paths with him again. 
You didn’t realise until now, how often you kept looking over your shoulders during your previous excursions, or how you’ve kept your eyes open the entire time with the hope that you would see him again, that he would suddenly appear the way he had done it before. You were starting to lose hope, believing that fate may have decided not to give you another chance to see Yoongi. 
As you look up to him again, you are surprised to see a hint of remorse in his eyes. As if he feels the same way as you do. 
“I must admit that I was losing hope of seeing you as well,” he gently says. You know you shouldn’t, yet you find how pleasing it is to hear that he is feeling the same. 
In your fascination and delight of meeting Yoongi, you fail to realise that your pixie friends—who have remained in their places and have been watching closely at your interaction—have begun to move out of their hiding. Except maybe Emara, who is still clutching at the skirt of your dress, too wary about the other human suddenly interrupting their playtime. 
“You’ve made some friends,” Yoongi muses, his gaze softening as he looks at the pixies that are watching him curiously. 
You shrug. “I was getting lonely in my travels, since the only one I was expecting to accompany me has been absent,” you tease him with a smile, and for a brief second, Yoongi’s eyes widen at your playful tone, before his own smile grows just as wide. 
“Do you know him?” you hear Aela asking you as she flutters by your head, cautiously flying closer. “Is he a friend?” asks Eydan, and you answer them without pulling your gaze away from Yoongi. 
“Yes. A good friend.” 
Yoongi’s lips quirk to a grin. His eyes move to find Eydan, who is standing right in front of you with their shoulders rising as if to make themselves look bigger. You aren’t too sure if the tiny creature has been trying to protect you, or if they were just too curious to remain hidden, but it is still quite amusing to see them acting tough in front of the newcomer.  
Yoongi elaborately bows in front of the curious pixie. “You mustn’t worry about me. My name is Yoongi. I’m also a traveller like _____, and I meant no harm.” 
Neither of the pixies says a thing at first, until Emara slips out of your skirt to gingerly say—their voice sounds so gentle it almost fades with the wind, “Well, if _____ trusts you, perhaps we can trust you too.” 
Once again, Yoongi bows. The gesture looks perfectly elaborated to make him look like a royal. His gentle smile nearly melts your heart when he answers, “It’s an honour that you would accept me just as much as you have welcomed her into your home.” 
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— © 2024 Yoonia, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind is not allowed. unsolicited translations are not allowed.
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anim-ttrpgs · 4 days
Songs for Eureka Sessions: Investigation Scenes (low-stakes) or Meal Scenes
Masterpost of Eureka song lists & how to choose good music for any TTRPG session.
Douglas' Blues - Parasite Eve II
Out of Phase - Parasite Eve
Alone in Town - Silent Hill 2
Reasoning - Death Note
Something Stirring - Scooby-doo
Snooping Around - Scooby-doo
Another Mystery - Scooby-doo
Pandering - Scooby-doo
Arriving at the Scene - Scooby-doo
Grounds of Mystery - Scooby-doo
Puzzle 1 - Puzzle Agent
Puzzle 2 - Puzzle Agent
Puzzle 3 - Puzzle Agent
Puzzle 4 - Puzzle Agent
Puzzle 5 - Puzzle Agent
Puzzle 8 - Puzzle Agent
Puzzle 11 - Puzzle Agent
Freshly Squeezed - Twin Peaks
The Zombie - Kolchak: The Night Stalker
Legacy of Terror - Kolchak: The Night Stalker
Mr. R I N G - Kolchak: The Night Stalker
Chopper - Kolchak: The Night Stalker
Deep Cover - Hotline Miami
A Stray Child - Silent Hill 3
Whirling-In-Rags - Disco Elysium
The Stalkers - Dredge
Little Dark Age (instrumental) - Mgmt
Kitty Horrorshow - Tenement
The Process - The Big O
Nevermore - autoisolation
Into the Mist - autoisolation
Clues 08 - L.A. Noire
Clues 04 – L.A. Noire
Safe Room - Signalis
Ritual – Signalis
Intro – Death Note
Max: Panama – Max Payne 3
E5M3 – Sigil
Max Payne Theme – Max Payne
Cannot Hear – Monster
Dogtective - Louie Zong
Clues 01 – L.A. Noire
Clues 02 – L.A. Noire
Floor 6, Please – Atrium Carceri
Norwegian Horror Saga – Manet
End of Small Sanctuary – Silent Hill 3
Fear of the Dark – Silent Hill
Tears of – Silent Hill
Otherside – Silent Hill
Delirious and Devoured – Manet
Aucun Cave
The Obsession Begins Tomorrow - Shadowdream
Der Angler – Bohren & Der Club of Gore
The First Pain – Heroin and Your Veins
Secret – Somewhere off Jazz Street
Ulterior Motives – autoisolation
Lights Out – Cities Last Broadcast
Street Tattoo – Bohren & Der Club of Gore
Constant Fear – Bohren & Der Club of Gore
Nighthawks – Lowering
Vendredi Noir – Manet
Radio Silence – Joal Fausto & Illusion Orchestra
Sand in Lungs – Heroin and Your Veins
Intoxication – Heroin and Your Veins
Bad Luck – Heroin and Your Veins
Full Moon and Dry Humour – Heroin and Your Veins
Miles to Midnight – Atrium Cerceri, Cities Last Broadcast, and God Body Disconnect
Sorry Sir, You Are in the Wrong Room – Atrium Carceri
Daisuke – Hotline Miami
Hotline – Hotline Miami
Crystals – Hotline Miami
Electric Dreams – Perturbator
It’s Safe Now – Hotline Miami
Interlude – Hotline Miami 2
Rust – El Huervo
Ghost Town – Parasite Eve II
Gentle, Two – Kairo
Untitled 2 – The Green Kingdom
Sigh of Relief – Parasite Eve II
Rain of Brass Petals – Silent Hill 3
Morning Calm – Silent Hill 2
Rusty Lake Theme – Victor Butzelaar
Guided Meditation – Old Future Fox Gang
Sherry’s Theme – Resident Evil 2
A Cold Day in Hell – Max Payne
Ada’s Theme – Resident Evil 2
Tailing a Lead – L.A. Noire
Mona: The Professional – Max Payne 2
Address Unknown – Max Payne 2
Hourglass – The Guest
Omniverse – The Guest
The Marshalling Yard (Latter Half) – Resident Evil 2
Bless This Mess – West of Loathing: Reckonin’ at Gun Manor
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potionsprefect · 22 days
Where It All Began
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Word Count: 860
Summary: Victoria makes a return to Hopkins
Rating: General Audiences
Category: Fluff
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The view was still the same, the circumstances for her visit this time were however different. Victoria hadn’t been back to Hopkins since she had graduated but today, she was there to deliver a speech to future doctors.
It felt strange sitting in a hotel room when she had gotten so used to looking out towards campus grounds. But she wasn’t in Baltimore for long. It was only for two night and tomorrow, she would be on a flight back to Massachusetts and back with her young family.
Victoria hated being away from Ethan and Luke and Lily but she kept reminding herself that it was only for one night. The job was important but so was spending time with her family and Victoria always made sure to never prioritise work over what was the most important.
When the offer came to speak at her old university, she wasn’t sure if she should accept it but after discussing it with Ethan, she decided she could not pass it up. Whilst Luke and Lily were not old enough to understand the job, they were however, at an age where they would realise when Ethan and Victoria were not around.
Victoria pulled out her phone and looked at the pictures of her family on her phone, her smile growing wilder as she scrolled through them. She missed her family so much, the goodbye at the airport was hard but it would not be for long and that’s what she kept reminding herself.
She looked out towards the Baltimore skyline, tiny balls of light brightening up the city, the moon shining highly above the skyscrapers. This was her home for years and it felt like she had never left.
She was ready to inspire the next generation. Just like she had been all those years ago.
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Victoria straightened her jacket and looked at herself in the camera of her phone. She took several deep breaths in a bid to regulate her beating heart. She kept reminding herself that this was a big honour and that opportunities like this do not come around often.
She thought back to all those times she was in and around campus. The early morning lectures, the late night study sessions, creative revision notes and trips to the library. Just being back here made it seem surreal that she was here to talk to those inspiring to be just like her.
Victoria recalled someone coming to talk to her intake once and how it had inspired her. She used it as motivation to get through the rest of her degree. And looking back now, it had all been worth it.
Victoria’s phone buzzed in her pocket. She saw Ethan’s name flash up on her phone.
Good luck! You’re going to smash it!
Victoria smiled at the message. With newfound confidence, she pushed through the double doors to the atrium.
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“So how did it go?” Ethan asked.
“It went so well! Everyone seemed really interested and I got a round of applause!” Victoria smiled. She was currently back at the hotel, having had room service and was now FaceTiming Ethan.
“Nothing less than you deserve. Do you think you’ve inspired some people?”
“I hope so. I remember being inspired. I hope someone feels inspired by me.” Victoria replied.
“I have no doubt that you have. We’re all very proud of you.” Ethan smiled. He held the phone over the sleeping figures of Luke and Lily.
“I miss them so much. And you. How have they been?”
“Missing you. Lily is being extremely fussy. I think she knows you’re not here.” Ethan chuckled.
“I’ll be home tomorrow. And I’ll be looking forward to lots of cuddles.”
“We’ll have plenty for you. Did you talk about all the things you said you would?” Ethan said.
“I did. I mentioned how I was where they were. I wasn’t sure if I was scaring or impressing them. But I think the round of applause said it all.”
“It’s not an easy career but they knew that when they decided to take it on in the first place. Hearing from people like you will show them that the hard work and commitment is all worth it.” Ethan said.
“I agree. And who knows. We might just motivate those closer to home.” Victoria gestures to the twins.
“I thought we weren’t going to pressure them in the future to follow in our footsteps.” Ethan laughed.
“I know. It would be good though wouldn’t it? Do you ever think about what it would be like if we saw them doing what we did? It would be amazing.” Victoria said.
“I do. Maybe one day, they’ll be sat in the same atrium as us. Maybe we’ll be giving speeches to them.”
“If they do then I can’t wait for the speech.”
Being a doctor was no easy job but it was worth the late nights and early mornings. And if Victoria could inspire those to keep working hard then she considered herself doing a good job.
She was proud of all she had achieved and hopefully, upcoming doctors would also get to feel the same pride she felt.
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Tag list: @ohchoices @swiftiexstarwarssimp @queencarb @genevievemd @choicesaddict5 @schnitzelbutterfingers @gryffindordaughterofathena @sophxwithers @romewritingshop @coffeeheartaddict2 @mm2305 @nikki-2406 @maurine07 @nishas-paradise @replayfootsteps @mainstreetreader @lsvdw-blog @kiara-36 @quixoticdreamer16 @headoverheelsforramsey @shanzay44 @itsjustamesshonestly @josiesopenheart @mysticalgalaxysstuff @custaroonie @ireneadlerisseggsy @takemyopenheart @kachrisberry @rookiemartin @jamespotterthefirst @a-crepusculo @natureblooms24 @jerzwriter @wanderingamongthewildflowers @rosebudde @lucy-268 @liaromancewriter @bex-la-get @writer-ish @toadfrog26 @tessa-liam @peonierose @cariantha @kyra75 @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
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ofallthingsnasty · 10 months
I just remembered that one ridiculously cute thing in uni during the body donor class - for context: we dental students got pooled together with the meds during the pre-clinical semesters a lot, and that class was no different.
We were separated in two main groups, and one body donor was shared between 12 students - coming in from Monday to Thursday. On Fridays, you could come in until 12 and just look at the donors without any supervision, you just needed your coat and name tag. And I remember going in before the situs oral and trying to understand how blood flows through the heart and then one of the meds (super intimidating buff guy) saw me struggle and was like '... Hey do you want me to explain that to you?' and then we sat there - him with a whole heart in hand, explaining it all to me, more than happy to help. Not gonna lie, I had a bit of a crush on that guy for the rest of the semester. We weren't even in the same group, so we never saw each other during prep hours but I always had my eyes peeled for him during lectures haha tw.anatomical stuff (i'm german so if my translations are a little off then i'm sorry hah), cadavers, just fluff
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Long story short - I'm thinking about that with Law. You and Chopper are at the same table, come in every Friday to review the material of the week, both a little on the not-so-studious side. (Don't get me wrong, you go to every lecture - but those suckers are two hours long and not the only class you have. It's easy to lose track, especially when all you wanna do is catch up on sleep during the weekends.)
You pull your donor out of the body bag, lay them down and go over your notes, some sessions more and some less successful. The two of you are usually not alone, either - there is always someone else rifling around on their own table. Today it's a guy with a severe expression and some earrings. You've seen him in the lecture hall but you and Chopper aren't in the same group as him, so that's really all you know. You get through this week's lecture notes just fine - until it's time for the heart. The way blood gets fed through the atriums and ventricles, how the pressure changes, systole and diastole, the coronary arteries... You two are feeling beyond lost and so, so close to simply giving up - it's just too much and too intricate (at least for someone who has heard all of that info only once, maybe twice). But then there is also that other student - and maybe, just maybe, he knows more than you two do. It's not unusual to ask - and so that's what you do.
Law can't be assed, actually.
He's reviewing his notes, trying to get his own studying done. He's really not the type to do tutoring, doesn't have the patience for it. But you two are loud - hemming and hawing over your own cadaver and if he has to hear you confuse the mitral valve with the tricuspid one more time, then he's going to get a migraine. What are twenty minutes of his time if it means that you get done with your little idiot session and finally leave the hall? So he sighs and motions you to come closer. He's surprisingly good at explaining. The heart of his donor in one hand, a tissue forceps in the other, he walks you through every fact one would want to know about the organ. You probably have stars in your eyes while he talks because finally, finally you're grasping the material - and really, it might be confusing at first, but it's not that hard. He even lets Chopper regurgitate it all to him and has the two of you giggling over it. Law is just glad you two morons are finally having your little eureka moment because it means that you'll be off in a matter of minutes.
But no good deed goes unpunished.
It's then that you notice his tattoos through the nitrile gloves and suddenly he's the most fascinating living guy around (the most fascinating guy is dead on table 5, with golf ball sized cysts in his liver, sorry Law). He gets bombarded with questions, you and Chopper all over him, way too loud, too excited, too fucking annoying. He's already regretting his little act of charity.
And not only do you have the audacity to ask him to explain fetal circulation (because, please, please it's so confusing) as well, no, from that moment on, you're all over him very goddamn Friday and he's been added to three different group chats the moment Chopper and you leave the hall.
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kylorenny · 1 year
Fly Me to the Moons
Kylo Ren x Reader Fluff
Summary: In your saber training, Kylo notices that you’re a bit clumsy on your feet. He takes the opportunity to give you an after-hours training session aboard the most gorgeous atrium on the Finalizer; little did you know, Ren knows how to dance.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings & Tags: Fem!reader, harmless fluff, angst, typos, established relationship, dancing, force bond
A/N: This is my first time posting back on tumblr, I am finally migrating from ao3! This prompt was heavily inspired by @prince-ben-solo​​ and her lovely one-shot Kylo prompts, so please go check out her page! I really hope you all enjoy!!! <3
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Your feet slid across the too-glossed floors of the sparring room like butter, knees buckling a bit under the lack of traction. Steadying your breath once more, you focused on the flickering staff in front of you, planting your heels into the ground with an awkward force. 
“Again,” Kylo’s voice breathed, ever the collected, emotionless version of the Knight whenever you began to train. He flipped back his hair with one hand, a bead of sweat launching away as he did so. 
You flicked your glance back to his blade, copying his movements in tandem whenever he struck the air, but he was too quick. Your movements felt sloppy, catastrophic compared to his precision-like maneuvering. He sighed, seemingly taking notice of your failure and eventually placing his blade on the floor and walking in your direction.
As much as you were used to Ren’s company as of late, your quarters now being shared and his, along with the majority of his closet... you still instinctively froze as he placed a hand on the small of your back, and another on your forearm, guiding you. You were pliant to his touch, adjusting your stance to an awkwardly-wide spread of your legs.
“Kylo, this isn’t going to work.” You sighed, tightening your grip on the saber with frustration.
He leaned over to your ear, “how about you just give it a try,” he mumbled, a tad bit of frustration budding at the end of the phrase. You nodded, not in the mood to protest.
You focused your strength into the blade again, trying to find the flow between you and the inanimate, glowing object that was quietly buzzing in your hand.
 Why couldn’t this be one of those training sessions?
Kylo chuckled under his breath, a twinge of amusement and arousal finding its way into your thoughts through the force bond before quickly disappearing. He stepped back to let you try the motion out.
Taking a deep breath, you launched forward into a flurry of strokes, swingi-- you launched forward into the floor, tripping on your own toes and careening downward.
A sudden sweep of pressure pushed you back onto your feet, catching your fall. The familiar tug of Kylo’s force caught you in his invisible arms. The twinge of amusement from before turned into a full-blown laugh through the connection. Although, by his expression, you didn’t need the force bond to figure that out.
Not funny. 
You sighed, finally turning off the saber and placing it on the table. “I think we’re done for the day.” You stretched your back, sore from the hefty week of apprenticeship. Turning around, you looked up at Kylo, his face hung in a tight smirk. 
“Who told you we could be done?” He placed a hand gingerly on your cheek, a little bit of smugness lacing his tone. He placed a soft kiss on your forehead, and pulled back with an outstretched hand. 
You glanced down at his hand, and then up again at his soft eyes, completely contradictory to his daunting stature and frame. “What are you doing?” you crooked your head, concern dancing across the force thread towards him. He shook his head, curls bouncing with the movement.
Do you trust me? 
Do I have a choice?
He smiled, gingerly grasping your hand and leading you slowly down the hall, and then another hall, and then an elevator. You had the thought to ask where you were going, but Kylo simply hummed through the force, a gentle melody quieting your curious yet worried thoughts.
As you approached what felt like the 50th identical hallway, why does every damn hallway on this ship not have any labels? you began to slow towards an inconspicuous door. 
You were thinking too loud you assumed, as Kylo shrugged next to you, his calloused hands pulling yours forward to the entrance to wherever you were headed. A bit of nervousness floated through the bond. Why was he nervous?
Ren placed his hand on the button next to the door gingerly, a pleasant click signifying his access being granted. More of a formality for the Knight than anything, I guess. The door slid open, revealing a starkly empty conference room, or, what you’d assume was one if the chairs and tables hadn’t been placed into a cubby behind some panels. The shiny floors and tall ceilings mimicked that of the sparring room, so why had you come all the way here? 
You’ll see.
That flicker of nervousness passed by again, followed by excitement and warmth as Kylo lost his grip on your hand and walked over to the far wall. Placing his hand on a small control panel, he hit a couple of buttons and suddenly the stretch of indented wall behind him shifted from black, to a wide window to the outside. 
Stars dotted the newly exposed expanse, a pair of moons christening the view as they hung suspended in the air. In the distance, a new planet churned into existence. It was vast, quiet, and above all beautiful. 
Prior to becoming Ren’s apprentice you had worked on the navigation sector of the Finalizer, your expertise in stars and galaxies was immense, but you never really got to see the galaxies you charted, something about protocol and subordinates not being allowed access to the outside or something... 
Your gaze shifted to Kylo, a small, still-wary smile dawning on his face. The moon behind him gave him a halo-like silhouette, a crown fitting around his forest of curls. As you slowly walked towards him, his eyes sparkled, maybe it was the stars reflecting, but either way, he had never looked so gorgeous. A wave of affection shifted down the bond as he met you at the window.
“Wow...” You were out of words, still trying to take all of it in. Kylo peered down at you like an excited Vulptice, pride and fondness coming off him in waves.
“How did you know about this?” You whispered, placing a hand on the glass in quiet awe.
It’s my spot when I’m trying to process everything that happened when I was young... His tone through your thoughts was somber, but covered up loosely with a layer of false esteem. 
Thank you, for trusting me I mean. You blurted, feeling it necessary to reassure him. He nodded, turning his attention back to the sky.
“That closer moon is Esseles, the one behind it is Ferrix.” He pointed, listing a few stars and planets he could see along with it. As much as you would usually be enthralled by learning about the galaxies around you, you instead found yourself admiring how he knew all of this, watching his lips move with gentle cadence as the corners turned up a little with each explanation. 
Ren paused, turning his gaze to you, a hint of a smile dotting his lips.
“So, I’d be content to stare at the abyss all day, but I’m assuming you had other plans for training?” You joked, tucking your hands into your sweats. 
“Actually, yes.” He nodded, returning to the more restrained Knight from before as he faced you. 
His grey eyes glanced down from your inept feet up to your face as he reached into his pocket, pulling out a small, controller-like device.
You tilted your head, unsure as to what it was. Seemingly answering your question, Ren hit a small button on the controller, a quiet hum of a violin springing to life around you both. He pressed a few more buttons, and the singular tone from prior turned into a medley of instruments, each playing off each other in a slower, classical instrumental. It echoed lightly around the empty room, the sound reverberating through your ears.
I’ve heard this before, but, where?
It turns out Hux is useful after all, I stole this from him when he was in one of his tirades. Kylo held the controller up, a grin spreading on his cheeks. You chuckled, listening to the notes flow around you both, turning to wherever the speakers should have been.
Dance with me.
It was more of a request than an order, he was giving you the choice to say no if you wanted. He pocketed the controller, holding out an outstretched hand. Eyes wide, you glanced at your lover. This was not on the myriad of things you thought he would include in ‘training’. Confused, and a little wary, you nodded. Grasping his hand in yours. 
The Knight rarely smiled, but when he did, oh, was it mind-melting. He immediately swept you into his arms, a hand placed on the small of your back and the other leading you forward with his own. 
You started moving slowly, a flurry of apologies radiating off of you whenever you inadvertently stepped on his toes. It was awkward, clunky, but as the song carried on, you began to learn. You caught yourself breathing in time with him, with each step forward you took one back, your footwork gaining a lightness to it. 
Where did you learn to dance, Kylo? Call me impressed.
Kylo audibly huffed, I’m not as much of a brute as you think I am.
You laughed, head tilted back. In response, Kylo sent the image of his younger self in school learning how to dance and failing to your mind, he was almost as awkward and clumsy as you were now. You smiled, setting your head on his shoulder as you slowly circled around the room.
The stars made the floor delicate, as if it was covered in stardust itself. Kylo’s hair brushed by your cheek, as he turned to face you, placing a small kiss on your forehead. The starlight illuminating the room was showing on his cheeks, along with the soft pink of his lips. Heat radiated off him, slightly tired from carrying you through dancing. Slowing to a stop as the song came to a gentle pause, you wrapped your arms around his waist, your head pressed into his chest and continued to sway.
You didn’t know how long you danced for, long enough for the lights to turn off and the room to be illuminated by gentle moonlight. You could get used to this type of training.
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kellyvela · 8 months
Sophie's Hon 💋
If you want to know more about the guy Sophie Turner is smooching lately, you know, that very tall, very very rich, British aristocrat with a fantasy novel name, this post is for you . . . . lol
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His full name is The Hon Peregrine John Dickinson Pearson, but he goes by “Perry.” And the photo above is his company profile picture.
Born on October 27th, 1994, he's 29 years old and the future 5th Viscount Cowdray.
Perry is from Midhurst, West Sussex, and now lives in a £5million house in Chelsea, West London.
The Hon before his name means The Honourable, a title used for all sons and daughters of viscounts and barons. Hon also works for 'honey' and 'sweetheart', hence this post's title.
Peregrine may come from Henry Winston Peregrine Spencer-Churchill, nephew of former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill.
Yes, Churchill, you read it right! Perry's grandfather Weetman John Churchill Pearson, 3rd Viscount Cowdray, was the son of Agnes Beryl Spencer-Churchill, who was the granddaughter of George Spencer-Churchill, 6th Duke of Marlborough.
So Perry is distant related to Winston Churchill and Diana Spencer, The Lady D . . . . In fact, he has already introduced Sophie to some of the current Spencer-Churchills (they are cousins with Perry, I guess 🤷‍♀️).
Now, I have no idea why his parents opted to name him Peregrine over Weetman, since each of the four former Viscounts Cowdray were all named Weetman; but his peculiar fantasy novel/bird-like name inmmediately made me think of House Arryn and Harry Hardyng. More on this later.
But since he's not named Weetman, he fixed that by naming his own property investment and development company 'Weetman'.
John is for both grandfathers: Weetman John Churchill Pearson, 3rd Viscount Cowdray, and John Howard Cordle. 
Dickinson is for his great-great-grandfather: Weetman Dickinson Pearson, 1st Viscount Cowdray.
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The seat of the Pearson Family is Cowdray Estate, Cowdray Park, Midhurst, West Sussex. The picture of the family above was taken at Buck Hall, the atrium of Cowdray House.
The name Cowdray comes from Coudreye, the Norman word for the nearby hazel woods.
Perry is the son and heir of Michael Orlando Weetman Pearson, 4th Viscount Cowdray, and Marina Rose Cordle.
His dad produced the documentary "Sympathy for the Devil," directed and written by Jean-Luc Godard, documenting the creative evolution of the song "Sympathy for the Devil" as the Rolling Stones developed it during recording sessions at Olympic Studios in London.
His mom is an artist, sculptress, interior designer and mindfulness coach, she's keenly interested in spiritual matters, she practises Transcendental Meditation (a form of silent meditation) and Qigong.
His parents separated in August 2023, after 36 years of marriage.
Perry has three older sisters and a younger brother:
Eliza Anne Venetia Pearson (born 31 May 1988). She married her first husband at 21. Later he left her for the Kate Winslet . . . . She remarried, had children and lives in Ibiza now.
Emily Jane Marina Pearson (born 13 December 1989). Tatler Magazine included her as one of the 10 perfect potential brides for Prince Harry . . . . She she studied Plant-based Nutrition and is one of the founders of the vegan restaurant "Farmacy" in Notting Hill.
Catrina Sophie Lavinia Pearson (born 13 March 1991). She goes by "Catty." She's a musician and a film-school graduate.
Montague Orlando William Pearson (born 17 May 1997). He goes by "Monty". Wee brother is 6'4. He's a helicopter pilot, enjoys flying drones and studied film production and graphic design. He was named after the former owners of Cowdray Estate, the Viscounts of Montague.
Perry also has an older half brother:
Sebastian William Orlando Pearson (born 1970).
As you can see, Perry is privileged to be the heir above his older half brother Sebastian, since he was born out of wedlock, and above his older sisters: Eliza, Emily and Catrina, since they were born women . . . . Where have I heard this before???
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Sometimes I'm glad I'm an only child . . . .
As any other younger brother of three older sisters, he was annoying. According to Tatler Magazine, Perry liked to wind up his sisters (then vegan) by scoffing meat.
Perry is also an uncle, his sisters Eliza and Emily are mothers of cute babies, but sadly I can't show you pictures. He looks cute holding a baby tho.
Talking about cute babies, that little curly blonde boy sat in a chair next to his standing father in one of the portraits in the picture above, is Perry. His portrait was painted by Chinese artist Chen Yanning, who also painted Queen Elizabeth II's portrait:
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Here a few more childhood pics:
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That picture of of him as a baby peeing on a plant, is his Instagram profile picture . . . .
Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services at the University of West London, UK.
Not Oxford or Cambridge? Shocking!
UX Desing at General Assembly in New York, NY, US.
Dear Perry, you can improve my user experience by making your instagram account public. That would do!
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In January 2015, it was reported by Tatler Magazine that he was working for Aylesford International Estate Agents in London.
He also worked as an assistant site manager for Cordles, a London based contractor company founded by his maternal uncle Rupert Cordle.
He started working at Cowdray Estate in West Sussex, his family estate and heirdom, since 2016 to this day.
He's also the founder, partner and director of Weetman Developments, his own property investment and development company in London, since 2019 to this day.
Perry is also a Le Chameau – the wellington boot brand – ambassador.
As you can see, Perry is basically a nepo baby lol
But that doesn't mean he doesn't work, Cowdray Estate is huge (16,500 acre), and offers a vast variety of activities like golf, clay-pigeon shooting, fly fishing on the river Rother, walking, cycling, riding, polo, truffle hunting, hospitality at the farm shop & café, holiday cottages, tree houses, wedding venues, private stays and events at Cowdray House, filming locations (the Cowdray Ruins were used during the filming of Margot Robbie and Saoirse Ronan’s film, "Mary Queen of Scots"), among others, and Perry is/will be in charge of all of that.
According to his mom, back in 2019 he was pioneering aquaponic farming on a commercial scale [The Telegraph - June, 2019].
In an interview for The Gentleman's Journal, Perry said that he's working to pass the estate on to his heir in better conditions: “But the dream is to pass it on to my son or daughter in better nick than it’s in now. That’s the mentality when it comes to estates,” “You’re so grateful that you’ve been given this opportunity, you want others to have the same opportunity that you had.”
I don't know if Perry will try to change the primogeniture rules, but it was really nice to read that he thinks his heir could be a son or a daughter.
Perry's family was always wealthy (construction and petroleum in the past, publishing nowadays); but not always aristocrats.
His great-great-grandfather, Weetman Dickinson Pearson, was made a Baronet of Paddockhurst in 1894, then he purchased Cowdray Estate in 1909. Later he was made Baron Cowdray first, in 1910, and then the 1st Viscount Cowdray in 1917.
Viscount, is a European title of nobility, ranking immediately below a count, or earl. It is one of the five ranks of British nobility and peerage, which, in descending order, are duke, marquess, earl, viscount, and baron.
So, when Perry becomes the 5th Viscount Cowdray, he won't be on top of the british nobility; but he will be richer. At present, Perry's family is thought to be worth £224million, and one day, he will inherit all of that.
Riding (Not Polo)
His family estate includes Cowdray Park Polo Club, dubbed The Home of British Polo, but Perry doesn't play Polo.
His parents never pushed him to, perhaps fearing that he could get hurt by falling from a horse. "Michael (Perry's father) never sought polo glory after a fall from a horse at the age of 13" [standard.co.uk - 2010].
In 2018 he said: “Cowdray is to polo what Goodwood is to racing and Glyndebourne to opera.” “I’m getting lessons.” “I grew up riding and over the next few years it’s something I can see myself doing a lot more” [The Telegraph - August, 2018].
Later, in an interview for The Gentleman's Journal, he joked by saying that "he’s not particularly good at it".
So far, I only saw him presenting Polo trophies and congratulating the champions, so I guess the lessons didn't work . . . . lol
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Maybe is better that way, if he doesn't play polo he wont smell of horses. Sophie is asthmatic and allergic to horses.
He plays golf for some charity and corporate events. No idea if he's good at it.
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Clay-pigeon shooting
Not sure if he really shoots at flying clay targets or he only modeled to promote the shooting school at his family estate.
He likes to attend posh huntings wearing tweed, baker boy caps and suspenders.
He already took Sophie to one of those last December, but she didn't wear tweed, she defied the rules by wearing a Zara black jacket and a pair of acid washed jeans. . . . She would look great wearing tweed, tho . . . .
(There have been hunters in my family, so I can't judge much)
Here some pics:
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He seems very skilled at it.
Meribel in France seems to be his family favorite destination to enjoy the snow.
He already took Sophie to ski & “après ski” there, and they were having the time of their lives!
Going to the beach
Ibiza is a favorite destination for his family, his dad used to live there, and now his eldest sister established there with her own family.
Can't wait to see Sophie enjoying the sun in Ibiza next . . . .
Enjoy some pics:
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Fuck yeah!
"Like all the Cowdrays, he loves a party" [Tatler Magazine, January 2015].
"(...) the Hon Peregrine Pearson (the Cowdray heir), known for throwing ‘wild afterparties’ at his house in Chelsea, which he shares with Ella (Richards)’s boyfriend, Sascha von Bismarck" [Tatler Magazine, March 2023]. 
Here abundant evidence:
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Perry enjoyed spending time in his mom's pottery studio in the garden: “We were brought up being quite creative – spending time in her studio was very bonding” [The Telegraph - August, 2018].
I would love to see one of those creative pieces made by Perry 👀
Like his mom, Perry practises meditation as well. [The Telegraph - June, 2019].
From pictures, it seems he usually wears a silver Meditator pendant. The Meditator is a seated figure, with a pointed head, a heart and a hole in its middle. His mom designed it herself, as a reminder to live in the present moment, rather than fretting about the past or future.
Previous relationships
His only known/famous relationship was with Princess Maria Olympia of Greece and Denmark.
He dated Olympia for three years, since 2020 to 2023.
She seemed really into Perry during the relationship:
But shortly after their break up was official, she was reported being in a relationship with an older, married with children man . . . .
His wife kicked him out of the house after the news. Good for her! [Read more about it here]
So far, this is all I learnt about Sophie's Hon Perry Pearson. I love that he's so tall and the way he can hug her being so tall, I bet Sophie loves it too.
But I kinda hate that the press only uses his most unflattering pictures, when is easy to find public pictures where he actually looks good.
Also, my friend told me that he reminds her a bit of Paul Mescal, and now I can't unsee it . . . .
What more can I say about him after my research? Oh, maybe that he has met the Dalai Lama and sat next to Kim Kardashian and Kimora Lee Simmons at Paris Hilton's wedding lol
He also loves to wear sunglasses, even indoors . . . .
Anyways, now to the point of this post!
Romance with Sophie Turner
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Perry is a Scorpio and Sophie is a Pisces, like Scorpio Ryan Gosling and Pisces Eva Mendes . . . .
I have no idea how they met, where they met, or when they met, but we have evidence that they spent the last part of October 2023 together.
2023 was a rough year for both of them, with her divorce and custody battle, and with his own break up with his ex, and the separation of his parents after 36 years of marriage.
The first time we saw him next to Sophie, we have no idea who he was. It was during the Rugby World Cup final on October 28th 2023, just before Sophie unveiled the trophy:
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Perry was there with Sophie, but we had no idea they were together until October 31th 2023, when a couple of pictures of them sharing a kiss outside Paris’s Gare du Nord train station were made public and got viral:
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The pictures were taken on the same day as the Rugby World Cup final. It was reported that they arrived together in Paris from London via the Eurostar, and said goodbye with a kiss before meeting again later at the Stade de France.
When their Paris kiss pictures were all over the press, someone claimed that their friend had seen them together the week before:
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So, if the Rugby World Cup final was on October 28th 2023 and Perry's 29th birthday was the day before, I bet the lovebirds spent his birthday together in London.
I wonder what Sophie got Perry for his birthday??? An appointment with a fashion stylist, I hope!
(Perry, honey, burn those double breasted suits in your closet, please! They don't fit your large body 🙏 King Felipe II of Spain, has a similar body and his tailoring is👌)
I also believe they spent the last days of October together in Paris, since they were seen all cozy during a romantic dinner at some fancy Parisian restaurant:
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After that Sophie was seen back in New York on November 3th 2023. We don't know if Perry travelled with her to New York, but some anon claims he saw them holding hands in West Village:
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Back in London, they were seen making out in a famous spot on November 2023 . . . .
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. . . . And having dinner with friends on early December 2023:
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Later, we have graphic evidence of them spending time together from the 7th to the 10th of December 2023, at least.
December 7th 2023:
They went to Hyde Park Winter Wonderland at night, where they walked around, hugged and kissed:
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December 8th 2023:
They had brunch in West London and walked around hand in hand, eventually stopping so Perry could gently caress Sophie's face and kiss her:
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That day, this also happened . . . . 🤨
December 9th 2023:
They attended a posh hunting weekend at Blenheim Palace in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, held by some of the current Spencer-Churchills: George Spencer-Churchill and his wife Camilla Thorp, Marquess and Marchioness of Blandford (they will be Duke and Duchess of Marlborough one day).
The event was full of Perry's aristocrat friends like Alexander Spencer-Churchill, Lady Jemima Herbert, the Earl of Pembroke’s daughter, and Eleanor Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington’s niece, among others.
So, Perry has basically already introduced Sophie to some relative and close friends:
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Can someone please explain to me why is Perry wearing a pink ribbon around his neck in the last picture? Is a mystery I need to resolve in this lifetime.
Here a few more pics:
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After that, I suspect they spent the holidays together in London, or, at least, that they saw each other for a few hours during those days. I'm not saying she introduced him to her family and daughters, but it's obvious that they are dating and Christmas and the New Year are festivities you want to share with the people you care for.
I wonder what Perry got Sophie for Christmas? A handmade ceramic vase? A basket full of hydroponic vegetables that he grew himself?Diamonds?
And most recently, on January 17, 2024, they were seen walking around London at night all cozied up:
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I want her UGGS!!!
Also, are those really mini liquor bottles at Perry's hand??? At first I thought they were Sophie's nail polish bottles 💅🏼
Someone spotted them skiing in Meribel, France. It was reported on January 28th, 2024, but it was probably before that date. Deuixmoi titled the stories as "let's see what your fave celebs have been up to the past week"
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She's having the time of her life with Perry? GOOD FOR HER!
OK, today January 29th 2024, Sophie herself posted pics of them skiing in Meribel together with a couple of Perry's friends:
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Lol at Perry not looking at the camera in the first pic 🤭
So, I suppose they are official now, right? Maybe it's time to post this post . . . .
Now, in the beginning of this post I said that after knowing Perry's fantasy novel/bird-like name, I immediately thought about ASOIAF's House Arryn and Harry Hardyng, you know, since House Arryn's sigil is a falcon, Harry Hardyng is dubbed the Young Falcon, and the peregrine is literally a species of falcon.
And since Harry Hardyng is the current Sansa's suitor in the ASOIAF incomplete series, I joked with my friends by saying that Sophie has entered his Harry Hardyng era . . . .
Perry also made me remember that passage in A Storm of Swords where Margaery's peregrine took a heron in full flight the day she and Sansa went hawking.
Peregrine is also the name of a ship that Arianne Martell boards in one of the few chapters of The Winds of Winter that GRRM released in advance.
Perry's name also reminds me of Pippin from The Lord of the Rings, since his full name is Peregrin Tuk, but this is a story for another day.
But if the Pearsons of Cowdray were a House from Westeros, they would be the Arryns enemies, since the Pearson's sigil is a gryphon:
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And thanks to Sansa/Alayne we all know that the Winged Knight and the Griffin King were mortal enemies:
The Winged Knight was Ser Artys Arryn. Legend said that he had driven the First Men from the Vale and flown to the top of the Giant's Lance on a huge falcon to slay the Griffin King.  —A Feast for Crows - Alayne II
You know, in some ancient mythologies, the creature known as gryphon is depicted as fire-belching: "winged, tailed, and taloned dragon which spat fire." 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 Just saying . . . .
House Pearson motto is:
'Do it with thy might'
These words are carved on the stone fireplace in Buck Hall, the atrium at the heart of Cowdray House.
According to The Gentleman's Journal, Perry translates his family motto to simpler words: “Just do it — that might be a more modern approximation.”
But he's more into Adidas and North Star. Sorry Nike . . . . lol
Anyways, GRRM has the opportunity to do the funniest thing . . . .
And talking about GRRM, it's time to tell you that Perry's family are the founders and large share holders of Pearson plc, a British multinational publishing and education company headquartered in London.
Pearson plc owns Penguin Random House, you know, GRRM's publishers, the ones that publish the ASOIAF series . . . .
And I recently came to know that Penguin Random House is going to republish Joan Hannington’s autobiography “I Am What I Am” under the title ‘Joan.’ And, you know, Sophie's upcoming project is precisely a tv series called ‘Joan,’ with Sophie taking the role of Joan Hannington . . . .
Some will say that this is part of the j word agenda, lol
Again, GRRM has the opportunity to do the funniest thing . . . .
Finally, we need to answer an important question!
So . . . .
A match made in heaven? Or maybe we won't see his face again?
Only time will tell. I only hope that he makes Sophie super happy as long as they are together.
I will probably update this post with time or make a part 2, because Tumblr doesn't let me add more pictures 😢
Thanks for reading!
39 notes · View notes
tbgblr2 · 1 year
Cruising into new life - part 1
I’ve just recently came back from a cruise holiday. One of the things which always upset me with cruises was that typically you cannot join if you reach 24 weeks of pregnancy so here’s a story for if things got a bit turned on their heads.
“Everything looks great” our midwife smiled as she wiped the ultrasound gel from my wife’s belly. Jodie pulled her top back down again – tugging it at the end as it threatened not to fully cover the expanse of her belly, and using both of us as support she managed to get sat up and into an upright position.
“I’ve been asked to hand these out to late term mothers who were looking for an opportunity to have one last hurrah before their baby comes. I’m happy to say that as you appear to be complication free I’m happy to sign off on you attending if you’re interested.” She pulled out a drawer and handed us a leaflet.
The leaflet explained about a cruise which was being hosted by Charles LeGrande a well-known eccentric billionaire who – thanks to their media presence – we knew had been expecting his first child with his wife at roughly about the same time as us. It explained that his wife was a lover of the sea and was not happy that the typical cruises would exclude pregnant women when they were typically the ones who needed the luxury and pampering the most. So he was opening his personal cruise ship to 1000 guests who had to be hand-picked by their medical practitioners as being low risk and willing to enjoy the event.
It promised excellent food, 2 weeks of relaxation, access to an executive team of medical staff to cover any possible risk, and even a helicopter to get you back to the mainland should anything present as an emergency situation. The team knew there was every possibility that several of the mothers to be could give birth during the voyage, and yes, that was even planned for with the entire eighth deck – with pristine sea views – converting their cabins into bespoke birthing suites for the trip.
My wife couldn’t wait to say yes, so that is how we found ourselves, 2 weeks later, 39 weeks pregnant and waddling up to the check in desk at the cruise port, with the view of the most magnificent ship we had ever seen our backdrop as we approached the building.
The staff had everything to hand, each way you looked, all you see were bumps of various shapes and sizes – but all were in an advanced state of pregnancy.
The guests were invited to sit down so they weren’t forced to stand up in queues, whilst the staff came to them one after another to get them checked in and issue them whatever documents they needed for the cruise. We were impressed.
Our host stood with his pregnant wife standing beside him at the end of the hallway as each group in turn left the check in area and walked onto the ship, greeting them personally. As we approached the couple my wife commented on Charles wife – who we later learned was called Adriana, or Adi for short – must have incredible stamina to remain standing for so long in her condition – and believe me I have an eye for beauty in the pregnant form and this lady was pregnancy personified – tight dress accentuating what could only be described as a lithe dancers body, with breasts out to there and a belly to match.
The couple were of course full of smiles and welcoming gestures as we walked up the bridge to the atrium, a magnificent view of crystal chandeliers, gold finishes and guests and crew mingling at what was essentially a meet and greet session. We grabbed some canapés and some (non alcoholic) cocktails and looked around. The guest list looked to be from all walks of life – a few men dressed in very expensive looking suits along with their wives in tailored dresses to accentuate their pregnancy alongside working class people – would say around 80% as a guess appearing to be first timer parents – or at least those who didn’t bring their children with them – and a few who had smaller children in tow. One woman who was heavily pregnant had a younger lady with her who we later found out was her daughter, both ironically due the same day. There was what I presumed was a poly couple – 1 man along with 2 women – both heavily pregnant, and one of them holding a small child to her hip.
We met several crew in uniform, each identifying their name badges but not their role on the ship – they advised that Captain LeGrand was wanting to introduce everyone personally.
Finally all guests were boarded and we were asked to move to an adjoining room – which turned out to be a large cinema – where the captain was to give an address. Everyone shuffled in, groans of appreciation from the pregnant ladies having a chance to get off their feet and take a seat as the staff lined up, one set of uniforms on the left and another set on the right. There was an announcement over the PA system;
“Ladies and gentlemen please welcome your host, Mr Charles LeGrande.” He walked into the stage without his wife to good natured applause from the crowd, and as he waited for the noise to recede, he started to speak.
“I’m sure you agree this is a little unusual, but you have all joined me and my wife for what we hope will be a happy and memorable occasion. As you are no doubt aware, my wife is days away from her due date and wanted to do something special. She always hated that commercial cruises did not allow pregnant women on them – her history was a dancer in a show on board these types of cruises – so she asked if we could do something private and avoid the bureaucracy whilst giving pregnant women like you some much needed pampering time as you approach a major milestone in your lives.” This was met with a bit of cheering and clapping from the assembled crowd.
“For the next 2 weeks, I hope you will make the most of these facilities. I will answer the most obvious question first. We have ladies on board who may or may not go into labour through this cruise – my wife included. To ensure you are cared for during this time we have hand-picked an elite team of midwives, doulas, paediatricians and obstetricians, so please allow me to introduce you to the team on my left”. He offered a flourish of his arm. Generally, there was a round of applause as 2 ladies sat behind us caught glimpse of one of the staff – he was a muscular hunk of a man, probably more suited to a catwalk or movie studio than a medical field, and their content caught both me and my wife off guard, sending us into fits of giggles:
“Oh jeez, hope he doesn’t have to deliver my baby - I’ll be too focused on those guns and I’ll forget to push!”
LeGrande continued “To my right are our customer relations team, our spa team, your dining host, customer service staff and our head of housekeeping.” Another round of applause and waves followed from the team. “If you have any questions at all through the cruise please contact the customer service desk and they will make sure the appropriate team members are informed.”
“Next we have your personal trackers. As each of you boarded the ship, you were given a small device.” I looked at the coin sized puck that was handed to me that I put into my pocket. “This is your room key, and more importantly it offers you a way to get in touch with our crew. The red button summons medical help should you need it and the blue button summons customer support. Please, we know that in the later stages of pregnancy mobility is not the best, so please allow us to bring food and drink to you.” There was a general murmur through the crowd. “Of course please be aware that we cannot be everywhere at once so if you log into out app on your phone on ships wifi you can get an idea if the queue and status of your request – as much as we want to try and make things hassle free, if you want something quick, I’m afraid you will need to fetch it yourselves.”
“To aid your mobility on board, at each lift lobby and in the designated room alongside the atrium are electrically assisted wheelchairs. Please feel free to use them – they are not drivable, but the electrical support should help with whoever may be wheeling you around. Please when you have finished with them please return them to an available charging point, or if that is not possible, please hold the return button for 5 seconds until it starts to flash. That will alert our porter team to retrieve it. If you come across one which you would like to use, simply press the button again to stop the signal.”
“I have 3 more announcements. Sorry I know I have been droning on and you would like to explore the ship, but all are very important. Firstly for your safety, please review the lifejacket procedure in your tv in your room. You will be required today at some point to visit your lifeboat station and check in to confirm you have found it. If you have not done this by tomorrow one of our staff will be required to escort you to it – some parts of the law cannot be avoided to maintain our insurance!” Thankfully the crowd laughed at this as he continued “next will be our adults area – when we are in international waters – which we will announce over the PA system when this is the case – will operate a clothing optimal policy. We must insist on zero attendance in these areas by your children. Access to these areas will require use of your puck to unlock the doors and access to these areas by the lifts.” He continued before the murmuring got too loud at that announcement “and finally my wife has an announcement.”
He stepped to the side as the large screen behind him lit up. Adriana appeared on it, beaming, smiling face in front of the camera. She spoke with an accent which hinted at Latina roots, but was highly Americanised now. “Welcome on board. My husband and I would like to welcome you to watch our birth.” There were gasps and mumbles in the crowd but she continued. “I have a camera crew who will be with me during the voyage. We will broadcast over channel 10 on your room TV sets and also in this cinema. Until my labour begins I will be meeting and greeting people on the ship, and once my time is upon me, I would like to share it with you. After leaving the dancers life full time I have trained as a doula, and feel that birth education is incredibly important. I hope footage of my birth gives those of you who are yet to experience this miracle some confidence that you can do it.”
More applause ensued as the message sunk home. This was certainly going to be a cruise to remember that’s for certain.
Charles brought the meeting to a close. “I thank you all for attending and now please enjoy the facilities on offer in our ship.” He held a walkie talkie to his mouth and announced “ensign please let us depart.” With that there was a rumble as the ships engines powered up, and as started to file out of the cinema we felt the movement of the ship as it pushed off from the docks.
It took a little while for the crowd to move, with a large percentage of them groaning and complaining as they were forced to lift their pregnancy addled bodies back out of the – I must say – very comfortable seats. We took it slow, my hand grasping Jodie’s as we took a leisurely stroll around the deck we were on, it was certain that no expense had been spared in getting this ship outfitted for our needs. We came across the room with the wheelchairs and both of us turned as one to look at each other. We nodded simultaneously and dashed in to give one a go. There were still about 2 dozen left hooked up to charge points, so we uncoupled one and Jodie slowly lifted herself down into the seat. Her groan of appreciation for getting off her feet was heavenly to me. I gave it a test push, and found with the electrical assistance it was almost like no one was sitting in it at all.
She looked at her app on her phone as I pushed her along a corridor, reading out useful bits and pieces to me. “Decks 1,2,4 were crew quarters. Deck 3 is dedicated to the atrium, cinema and customer services. Deck 5 contains restaurants, and the spa area. Deck 6 doesn’t appear to be used, 7 and 9 were guest rooms, 8 was the converted floor for the delivery suites around the outside cabins and a medical centre and nursery inside. Deck 10 was the entertainment deck – an indoor area with the nightclub / activities room, and all the outdoor pool areas. At the rear end of the ship – or aft it says here I guess using nautical speak – is the adults only area. There’s access from there to a deck 11 area which is described as the oasis… now that I want to see.”
I grin as we approach a lift “if that announcement was anything to go by, we’ll see a lot more in the adult area than we maybe should.”
My wife just grinned at me and gave me a sly look. She knew as well as me that since she got pregnant I’d been – to quote her – one horny bugger – and she knew that having the opportunity to spend time almost ogling dozens or more pregnant women would be my own idea of heaven. She had found my porn stashes fairly early on in our relationship, and she certainly embraced my kinks, especially now that we had managed the pregnancy thing for real.
We were broken out of our reverie by a ding as the lift arrived. We had left it for the majority to clear out and head to their rooms before we headed that way to avoid crowded lift areas – after all bumps took up a lot more room than expected inside a lift. We stepped in and felt the sensation as we went up to floor 6 the one designated for us. We got out of the lift, and I trundled my wife and chair down the corridor. We spotted our bags outside the room so swiped out puck against the door lock, shoving the door back to peer into the room.
It was gorgeous. We left the chair outside and my wife walked in to a chorus of ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ as she looked left and right. I took a step outside and brought in our cases as my wife made a beeline straight for the bed. We noted that alongside the compliment of regular pillows there was a full body pregnancy pillow designed to help support the bump. She flopped down and gave out the most appreciative moan I had ever heard. I offered to take the chair back to the atrium storage area whilst she unpacked, which she agreed to. I headed back out, closing the door behind me and following a walk down the corridor, waiting for a lift ride, taking it down then back up again, and walking along to our room once more, I opened the door to be greeted by the whistling quiet little snores of my wife, deep in sleep, our cases exactly where I’d left them.
I managed to get our stuff unpacked whilst making as little noise as possible and thankfully it didn’t wake my wife. I was constantly amazed at the little smiles and groans she made as I visibly see the movement of the baby inside the bump, encased by the tightly stretched fabric of her top. After unpacking I leave her to her sleep as I shuffle out the room and explore a bit. I run into a lady in the corridor who rivalled any pregnant belly I’d seen in my life, and gave her a quick nod as I noticed she was in the room next door to us. She returned the nod but seemed to be in a bit of a rush to get back into her room. Not that I could blame her of course – strange man in a corridor coupled with late stage pregnancy bladder – who knows what rush she was in.
I walked along to our lifeboat station and registered my attendance (which thankfully also accommodated Jodie as well) – another thing crossed off the to do list, then made my way up to deck 10 to see the entertainment area. I was met with a camera in my face and the beaming smile of Adriana.
“Ahh hello there sir. I can only presume by your flat midsection, you are one of the fathers to be rather than one of our future mothers?” I couldn’t help but smile at her own infectious smile as I replied
“I’m afraid so. Just exploring on my own as the wife has a nap. My compliments to whoever buys your mattresses – she was asleep within minutes of lying down.”
She smiled in return, her hand caressing her large bump which my eye was drawn down to in the process. Realising I was still being recorded I flicked my eyes back up and looked back towards her face. “I’ll be sure to tell our master of housekeeping. Please, enjoy your stay and I’ll look forward to seeing you around the ship.” With that she gave another beaming smile, the camera man gave a nod to signal that they had stopped recording, and Adriana gave me a quick peck kiss, almost on my cheek in the air a few millimetres from actually touching my skin, thanking me for playing along – usually if someone has a camera sprung on them they panic which is really hard to edit live. Two things crossed my mind – firstly – what perfume was she wearing because it smelled good – all fruity with major notes of cherries, and soon after I froze as I realised point two – I’d potentially just been broadcast to the entire ship checking out Adriana’s bump.
Two other people were in the room – the mother and daughter duo. They were both smiling and looking straight at me which was let’s just say unnerving, but I walked towards them and said my hellos. It was here in the small talk that I learned these 2 ladies – Karen and Jess were mother and daughter, Karen’s husband, Jess’s dad – had divorced several years ago. Both ladies had fallen pregnant after an incident at a celebration even after Jess’s graduation from university. The divorce settlement had allowed them to be self sufficient for the duration of their pregnancies but Jess was aware that she couldn’t live from her mothers hand downs forever so knew once the baby was born she would be starting to look for full time work whilst her mother looked after both her own baby and her grandchild.
I gave my own backstory – me and my wife Jodie had finally decided to try for a baby after several years of considering it, and so far everything was going like textbook. We had an opportunity to learn the sex if the baby several ultrasound checks ago, but we decided against it, but had the doctor write it down in an envelope which she kept in her purse should she ever want to read it. All this time that envelope had remained unopened and we had no plans to change that.
After the introductions and pleasantries were over with, Karen – the mother – grinned at me. “So we saw you checking out boss lady’s rack. Hey man I don’t blame you, she looks good” she emphasised the word spending just a little too long sounding it out. “Just don’t let boss man catch you doing that or he may make you walk the plank. Arr!” She emphasised the pirate noises as I almost choked laughing.
“Would you believe that I wasn’t?” I asked. Both ladies shook their heads together. I was actually looking at her bump… to make sure that I don’t bump into her.” The last bit came out maybe a little too fast for my liking.
“Oooh so that’s it” grinned both ladies. “You like the big bellies.” I made an attempt to say no but before I could get the words out, both had lifted up their tops and exposed their bellies to me. I stood open mouthed unable to make a coherent sentence.
“Go ahead, touch em.” Jess offered. “They’re just baby containers. Smooth, stretched out, Shea butter oiled, tingling to the touch baby containers.” Both burst into fits of giggles. No matter what anyone thought of these 2 as mother and daughter, they were definitely more like friends or sisters.. I could also see how their story went how both of them fell pregnant at the same time at the same party. I’d dare say that Karen, when dolled up for a night out could easily pass for 20 years her junior or so.
“Another time ladies” I inwardly shook my head, I mean this sort of situation would have normally been a dream come true for someone like me, but my wife was literal walking distance away from me. “I’m here with my wife and to let you into a little secret… that sort of thing might just go beyond the ‘baby container’ simplicity for me. I’d feel guilty indulging.” The ladies giggled but offered a counter proposal from Karen;
“I’d like to meet your wife. Don’t worry we will say you are the perfect gent. Just we don’t have many friends and it would be nice to trade gyno horror stories.” I laughed but agreed.
“I’ll let her know. Send me a message when you’re going for food and I’ll see if we can meet you?”
With that we swapped messaging details and went our separate ways.
I headed back to the room to find Jodie awake again and rearranging all the stuff I unpacked. “Oh Hi babe” she announced. “Sorry, don’t know what came over me but that bed was good. Thanks for unpacking everything.” I gave her a one of those looks, with raised eyebrows as a response. “I didn’t say you had unpacked it correctly did I” she offered, fluttering her eyelashes in innocence.
After a bit of time spent pulling things from one cupboard and closet to the next, I explained the story of the 2 ladies who Jodie remembered from the port. She of course agreed to sit with them so I texted a thumbs up to Karen who sent back a smiling face and ‘see you in an hour’
Myself and Jodie wanted to get washed up before the meal so traded showers one after the other. We wanted to share one, but one thing is for certain, cruise ship showers were hardly big enough for one person, never mind two and a bump… so we settled for naked cuddles on the bed as we dried off, my hands exploring Jodie’s breasts and belly as I felt our baby kick at the attention. It got to around 20 minutes before we were due to head down and as things were starting to get spicy between us, I pleaded for us not to head down and just stay in the room explore what the bed had to offer. Jodie stared me straight down.
“I’m starving. Both me and this little cherub need a good bit of food. You don’t want hangry sex, believe me.” I laughed and accepted what she said, rolling over with a kiss to her lips. “Now help me up, I’m like a beached whale.” That was it we were both laughing at that point.
We had a slow walk down, Jodie opting to walk rather than me fetching the chair – she insisted she was pregnant, not an invalid - and met up with Karen and Jess outside the restaurant who were waiting on a chair for us. Jodie greeted them with a smiling hug – or at least as good a hug as you could get when both participants jutted out much father than is normal. We made our way in to get our food – greeted at the door by the staff member who would be serving us for the evening and took us to our table. We were seated – us on one side and those two on the other, presented with menus and made our choices. Conversation flowed – my wife the much more sociable one than me, but all 3 women got along fine. I had a retelling of the ladies back story, a bit of information on how we met and other mundane stuff. When asked if they wanted to give birth on the ship, both were very positive on the idea as long as both were together. Karen of course was hoping she could hold off until Jess had delivered as she wanted to be there for her little girl… but both were aware that babies made their own agendas. We both nodded at that.
When we were asked the same question, Jodie pondered a little while. She explained her own mum was a midwife and she was hoping that she could have delivered her first grandchild at home… but she made us promise not to give up this opportunity – as long as we got straight on the ships wifi and gave her a call so she could be there in spirit if not in person.
After a chorus of ‘Awww’s from the other ladies our first course arrived and we enjoyed what must be one of the nicest meals I ever tasted. Clean plates on the first course, and we were well into the second course when a commotion caught our attention.
One lady was dashing out if the restaurant at a pace I didn’t think a heavily pregnant women could manage, one hand clamped on her mouth the other under her belly. Looking between ourselves we presumed she had a bout of sea sickness but I recognised her as the woman who I ran into in the corridor earlier – our neighbour. When she didn’t return for the rest of the meal I suggested we knock on her door to make sure she was OK as she appeared to be there by herself – no one else followed her out of the restaurant.
We finished up the rest of the meal talking a bit afterwards and around an hour or so after the commotion, we said our goodbyes to the ladies and made our way back to the room to do our good deed of the day.
As we got out of the lift and rounded the corner to our corridor, we heard an shrill cry. Stopped momentarily we looked at each other and dashed as fast as we could towards the sound. Our neighbours door was wide open, a mobile crib outside the door. Looking in the room we were met with a sight. The lady from before facing away from us, stripped naked and bracing herself with one hand on the table and another on the back of a chair. One of the medical team was in front of her, kneeling between her legs, hands poised to catch the baby which she was evidently moments away from giving birth to.
She yelled again and squatted down a little deeper, as we both saw the face of her baby appear between her legs along with a gush of fluids. We noticed then that a rubber mat of some variety had been placed down, presumably to catch the mess. The lady from the medical team was telling her that she was doing a good job, that she was almost done, and with another yelling scream the baby slipped out from between her legs and into the waiting hands of the lady waiting to receive it.
The lady dropped down to her own knees to be handed the baby, as she rocked back on her haunches she finally came back to reality and turned to see us standing the doorway. We were caught red faced looking at her in an intimate, vulnerable moment and we were unsure what to do.
Luckily she smiled first. “Oh hi… you must be my neighbours? Sorry about the noise.”
Jodie just shook her head. “Erm… are you ok? We were just wanting to make sure that you were good after leaving the restaurant in a rush.”
The lady smiled. “I am now. Look… come in, can’t have you sitting in the corridor like that.” She was completely oblivious that she was both naked, holding a crying baby to her chest, and inviting strangers to come into her private space. Either way we did as she asked and closed the door behind us.
Over the course of the next 30 minutes or so we watched as the lady from the medical team carried out checks on the mother and baby, everything seemed fine, then cut the cord as the lady – Donna it turns out – explained to us that she had felt a bit off all day but didn’t want to risk not making it onto the boat as she’d been looking forward to it for several weeks. After she had a wave of nausea during the meal, her waters had broken on the way back to the room, and that was when she had felt the first thing close to a contraction. From there she was in full blown pushing for about 30 minutes until we came along – and the rest we knew. She called the medical team but they already announced she was at 8cm when they arrived and couldn’t be moved to the delivery suite – hence the mobile crib being brought along and her somewhat embarrassing predicament.
With that she finally realised she was naked and asked me to pass her over something to cover her up out of her wardrobe. I found a wrap that she draped over her shoulders as the lady from medical rubbed her belly and she groaned a little – giving birth to her placenta in the process. She relaxed into breastfeeding her baby as we said our goodbyes happy hormones fuelling both our spirits as we opened the door.
Just outside was Adriana and her camera team, ready to meet the mother once the medical team said they were able to. She had heard of the first baby being born on board and needed to greet the mother to congratulate her. She met me with a beaming smile and an immediate moment of recognition from when we met earlier.
“Hello again.” She beamed. “We keep on meeting where all the action happens. Maybe you are this ships good luck charm.” Jodie looked at me quizzically. I explained how I came across her and the team earlier. I introduced Jodie and Adriana gave her a similar ‘just off the cheek’ kiss like she did for me earlier. We waved our goodbyes as the door opened again, the lady from the medical team popping out the room to grab the crib and saying 10-15 minutes to Adriana and the team.
As we walked the few steps up to our room and swiped out key to get in we both burst into giggles. That was certainly an interesting day. Jodie grinned at me. “Maybe we should give them some fun noises to listen to when they’re recording?” I looked at her, instinctively knowing what she meant – her hand had been caressing my leg and knee all through dinner. Without uttering another word between us, we threw our clothes into a corner of the room, I climbed (and sank) into the bed and lay back as she crawled on top of me, her popped out belly button tracing a pattern from my crotch to my navel which sent me into a spin. As she lowered herself down onto my erection in a reverse cowgirl style, our frenzied moans and grunts rang out. My eyes following the rhythmic bouncing of her belly and breasts as she oscillated on top of me. Our climaxes were announced with joint moans, echoing within the confined space of the cabin. Who knows if we were ever caught on camera or if the rooms really were well soundproofed – we never got around to watching that interview.
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kid-az · 1 year
All Tomorrows: Vanga-Vangog’s Puppeteer headcanons
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Conceptually, the Temptor’s were one of the most interesting of the posthumans, with the males being worker drones and the woman immobile flesh trees with much greater intellect and the ability to control these men. They were however killed off by a comet in canon, unable to become sapient like many other extinct posthumans.
Vanga-Vangog would however explore their potential in the form of their descendants, the Puppeteers. These sapient people would further exaggerate the features of their ancestors, the males being what are effectively mindless meat robots controlled by the pheromones of the much larger, sapient, yet now completely immobile females.
I wish to go on a tangent about the possible culture, values, and the state of their world like I did for his other fanmade species, the Clicker’s
-Due to the male drones being mindless and viewed more as extensions of their body than independent, the act of sexual love is foreign in the Puppeteer’s culture, with romantic love being exclusive to unions between woman. These individuals would act as pen lovers, sending eachother messages, specially made robots/designer drones, and the occasional meetup via their equivalent of Zoom.
-Occasional, these romantic pairs would decide to move into their partner’s tower, living alongside them inside the same atrium room. This was a more recent tradition, as their post scarcity society and technology allowed themselves to be moved easier.
-Because of how individuals couldn’t meet up physically due to the obvious, the Puppeteer's never developed any actual table manner’s, often messily devouring meat, vegetables, and many other types of food via overhang conveyer belts. By the end of their meal sessions, they would be covered in chunks of their food and juices, having to be sprayed by their drones via hoses filled with soapy, scented water.
-Inspite of their seemingly draconian biology, (Often by people mistaking the male drones as sapient, which they are not) their post-scarcity government was one of the most democratic among the Second Empire, with every civilian having equal say and rights in politics. These debates were set up in their zoom equivalents.
-Puppeteers, surprisingly enough, do have fashion. During their ancient history, they would often need to wear thick blankets wrapped around them every winter so as to not freeze to death, and this tradition of having drones make blankets carried onto their modern day, even though they live in temperature-regulated towers. These blankets would be made out of fur and wool of non-sapient cousins, their cotton plant equivalent, or silk, and be very thick yet also soft and secure.
-The male drones would also be decorated, early on by dyeing and tattoos, but later more conventional clothing after it was introduced by their posthuman cousins. And no, their fashion wasn’t gender-based, male drones would be given either female, male, or gender neutral clothing by the queens.
-Baby Puppeteer’s would live right beside their mothers early on, being tended to and cared for by her drones while they would converse. For most of their history, this was the only time female puppeteers would physically meet eye-to-eye. These children, once of age, would often have a tower built by their mothers and her friends, and would move into them to spend the rest of their lives.
-Infertile Puppeteer females, due to their inability to birth males to use as extensions of their bodies, had to be well-cared for by the drones of their friends and/or family, and would traditionally be given the task of being soothsayers or recorders of oral tradition, since their was not much else they could do. The development of robotics allowed these infertile individuals more independence and personal freedom.
-They we’re huge, avid consumers of TV media and literature, with them spending much of their times either reading or watching screens, eating food, talking to friends and neighbors on their screen, or watching their drones and robots perform and do silly antics for their enjoyment. (They’d often recreate other posthuman memes with their drones.)
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naranja-uva-librarians · 10 months
Sorry for the inactivity, folks! @swagtastic-bougie-pompadour's Porygon thought it would be a "funny" "prank" to lock us out of our account. But on the bright side, we're finally ready to share our list of ~*~DECEMBER ACTIVITIES~*~
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First off, every night on Hannukah we will be joining forces with the Jewish Student Association to host a Hannukah party! We invite students of all faiths to enjoy our menorah lighting, dreidel games, fried food, and fun music!
On the 9th and 10th of December, we will be having a DECK The Halls trading card games get-together! Come play a pick-up game with friends or strangers, or enter one of our tournaments to win some fun holiday trinkets!
Also on the 9th, we will be having a Holiday Pokémon Talent Show!
Do you have an Ice-type with a special talent? Or does your Pokémon know a trick that's just perfect for the winter holidays? Then be sure to enter our talent show-- or you can just watch all the other amazing Pokémon! (For safety reasons, all performances must be approved by event staff beforehand.) All entrants will receive a special gift bag, and 1st and 2nd place for each age division (5 and under, 6 through 9, 10 through 13, 14 and up) will receive a special prize!
And also on the 10th, we will be having a winter cookie and cupcake decorating session!
On the 11th, Librarian Adam will once again be reading seasonal stories, this time relating to Christmas, Hannukah, and winter!
Every night from the 18th to the 22nd, at 7PM, we will be showing a holiday movie and selling concessions!
Monday: The Muppet Delibird Carol
Tuesday: Emmet Oshawott's Jug-Band Delibird Day
Wednesday: Klaus
Thursday: It's A Wonderful Life
Friday: A Year Without A Santa Claus
The library will have reduced staff on the 24th and 25th, but you are welcome to come hang out in the atrium for a hot drink and cookies, as well as some company.
And finally, on the 31st, we will be having a NEW YEAR'S EVE BASH! Come enjoy plenty of snacks, crafts, games, and stories! Plus, as midnight years, we'll be watching the broadcast from the Real Casa de Correos as the ball drops and the clocktower bells ring in the new year!
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personne-writes · 1 year
Rise August Art Challenge
I stumbled upon @sariphantom's Rise August Art Challenge and it really hyped me up! Sooo, here's a one-shot covering two prompts: "April O'Neil" and "Sleepover". YES, I am on time for the second prompt 😎 Enjoy!
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1600 words, no particular warning needed
"Pass me the screwdriver, will you?"
Donnie lets his hand open in the air for a couple of seconds, then another, before wiggling his fingers. When, still, nothing comes, he increases the volume a notch. 
No answer. 
Not bothering to pull his goggles off, Donnie tears his eyes away from the Turtle Tank radio system to look at the figure standing beside him. 
Leaning against the desk, April has her eyes locked on her phone, expression bored. 
Shrugging, he makes a few steps to get the tool and gets back to the matter at hand. He is deep into focus again when she suddenly decides to talk, distracting him. 
"Do you think I'm weird?"
The question is simple enough, and April’s voice is nothing but neutral. In reaction, Donnie's chuckle is immediate and genuine. 
"Oh, that's a good one," he grins, amused, putting his welder down on the table. 
"It is?" April asks. 
"I don't know, April, you tell me!” he says as he tugs at a few wires to test them. “You're the one attracting extraordinary situations like a magnet." 
"Right," she says, and something sounds off. 
Lifting his goggles over his forehead this time, Donnie turns to her and notices the slightest frown on her face. The social behavior studies he despises must have gotten something right, because surely enough, Donnie feels himself frown in return. 
"Oh snap," April jerks when her phone pings, "is it Wednesday already?!"
"Wednesday, August 16th," he provides absentmindedly. 
"CRAP!" she shouts, straightening up and walking away in a rush. "My English assignment! Gottagobye-"
"See you later," Donnie calls after her, and stares at the empty doorway for a second or two. 
Later that day, the atrium of the lair is the theater of an impromptu brainstorming session. 
"We wanted to go for another Sewer Tire Ride. Why not bring her along?" Raph cheerfully suggests. "Those are always fun times!"
"Except when some of us get separated from the group," Leo mumbles as he fiddles with his skateboard's wheels. 
Mikey shakes his head with energy. "Guys, there's no way April will want to swim in the sewers." 
"Plus," Donnie adds, "it's not exactly an activity I'd call normal."
"But she ain't exactly normal either," Raph remarks. 
"Sheesh, Raph, you can't say to a girl she's weird," Mikey jokes, and misses the way Donnie flinches. 
"Well, it's not the first time she frets about this stuff," Leo points out, holding his chin. "She could probably use something classic, for once."
"Aaand we're back at the beginning of the conversation," Donnie sighs in defeat. 
"Let's focus for a second," Mikey says, holding one hand up in front of him, rubbing between his eyes with the other. "What's a thing we do that's both enjoyable and normal?" 
The silence that follows is so dense they can almost see it with naked eyes. 
"Okay then," Raph pushes, "what's a thing humans do that's both enjoyable and doable for us?"
"That eliminates everything sewers related," Donnie thinks aloud. 
"And Turtle Tank related," Mikey adds. 
"And heroes related," Raph pouts. 
Leo snaps his fingers. "Ooh ho ho, I think I know just the thing!" he says in his best I'm-awesome-and-I-know-it voice, which makes everybody subconsciously tense. He flips his mask tails before making finger guns at his self proclaimed twin brother. "Donnie, you're loaded, right?"
Donnie cringes. 
He doesn't like this. 
He doesn't like this one bit. 
April’s conception of normality might be a bit skewed. 
“I found Mayhem in the streets,” she’d told her parents when she’d first brought her new pet home. It’s a mutant dog thingie I picked in a mad goatman’s lab, she hadn’t said. And it also teleports, she most certainly hadn’t added. 
“I’m going for a sleepover at my friends’!” she tells her parents now as she leaves with her backpack. You know, the giant turtles living in the sewers, she doesn’t say. Whose father is a rat formerly known as an action star movie, she definitely doesn’t add. 
On her way to the nearest manhole, she tries to take a guess at whatever the plan might be, knowing full well it’s a lost battle. The boys have been rather vague with their invitation, like they often are. Hey, you should come over for pizza night, they say before dragging her in a maze of death. Yo April, wanna come see Leo make a fool of himself as a basketball mascot? they ask and then end up playing against a full team of mystic monsters. Not that she minds, really; she’d die before admitting it, but that maze pizza might’ve been the best she’s ever had, and she finds herself having fun all the way with whatever situation they get themselves into. 
The thing is, there’s nothing in there that she can bring up in casual conversations with her classmates, which leads to her barely sharing any of her personal life at school. Which leads to her feeling like an outcast, at times. 
April’s nature being what it is, she doesn’t mull over it. Right now, she’s quick to shake the blues away, and she’s excited as ever when she reaches the lair. The boys greet her with a glee she’s delighted to see, and they start speaking all at the same time, explaining they’re actually going out for the week-end. That’s hardly the first time something like that happens, April thinks, not reading too much into it - okay, maybe she’s getting a little suspicious over the Hamato family’s growing agitation. Raph’s hands are stimming, Leo and Mikey keep on interrupting each other, Donnie has his sacred board shorts on and Splinter is carrying an honest-to-God suitcase. With wheels. 
She can’t help but squint skeptically when they leave the Turtle Tank in the garage and get in an old-school van instead - probably a rental car. Raph makes himself as small as he can to fit at the back of the van, and Donnie hits the road as soon as everyone’s settled. April’s wariness is short lived, though, with how easy it is to vibe with the pop music blasting on speakers; how funny it is to take sides when Raph and Leo fight over which song to put up next, how good it feels to join Mikey and Donnie as they sing their lungs out, or how amazed she is at the way Splinter recognizes the landscapes around them as they get out of New York. 
April half expects their destination to be some kind of yokai residence, or maybe something along the lines of a mystic cave. She’s actually surprised when they pull up in front of a cute, cozy, perfectly typical little cottage next to a pond, lost in the middle of nowhere. 
The boys jump out of the van like the seats have been burning their butts; April reminds herself they’ve probably never been driving for this long before. She’s glad to stretch her legs, too, and the excitement takes over her once more as they go exploring their house for the night, bickering over who gets to take which room, making “whoops” of victory with every new discovery in the closets and whistling in appreciation at the size of the bathroom, which looks like it can handle even Raph. 
If April wasn’t so thrilled, she would marvel at how casually the whole week-end flows, at how domestic and relatable this sleepover is. She’s too busy hosting a cannonball competition in the pond to think about how different it feels from their clandestine dives into New York rooftops’ pools. Too busy decorating her homemade pizza to realize how common the ingredients are. She’s so focused on her Monopoly strategies to try and remember when was the last time she played board games with anyone, and she’s too captivated by the local frogs’ loud singing at night to bother with any kind of late evening existential questioning. 
Her sleep is so sound that the rays of the sun aren’t enough to wake her up the next morning; she gives a silent nod to her past self for putting up an alarm and sneaks her way downstairs, fully intending on making breakfast for everyone. She revels in the way the smell of eggs and bacon wakes the whole house up, laughs at Leo’s repetitive yawns, puffs up at Mikey’s praises on her cooking. She smiles as Donnie instinctively checks his phone, forbids Splinter to wash the dishes - that’s the least she can do to express her gratitude - and joins Raph for a little morning jog around the pond. When they pack up again, each of them seems lighter than they had before the trip. 
It’s only on their ride back to the city that it dawns on her. There are a lot of things they could’ve done differently this week-end. They could’ve gone to a mutants-friendly place, or gotten some fancy Hidden City pizza. They could’ve traveled with the help of Leo’s portals, or stayed in the lair for a movie night like they usually do. She knows how sincerely she would’ve enjoyed each of these options.   
But the truth is that she’s glad for the road trip. She’s charmed with the cottage, and baffled with the simplicity of it all. 
This is definitely something she could tell her classmates all about, if she wanted. And maybe she will, when the opportunity presents itself. 
Right now, though, she’s just content to lay her head against Mikey’s shoulder and to drift off, lulled by the sound of Leo’s bragging about some imaginary victory at RISK and by the smoothness of Donnie’s driving. 
From then on, they pick a new place to spend the week-end at least once a year, and they all look forward to those moments just as much as the Lair Games. 
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anim-ttrpgs · 4 days
Songs for Eureka Sessions: Investigation Scenes (tense/creepy) Part 1
Masterpost of Eureka song lists & how to choose good music for any TTRPG session.
Neve (Versione Integrale) - The Hateful Eight
Opening Credits - Prince of Darkness
The Underground Church - Prince of Darkness
The Night Stalker
The Werewolf - Kolchak: The Night Stalker
Ghost - Stealth Music Avery Alexander
Save Room - Resident Evil 2
Shadow - Deadly Premonition
And Hell Followed - Randal Collier Ford
The Lady Circles - Little Nightmares
Shape - The Thing
Darkness - Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Humanity - The Thing
Solitude - The Thing
Main Hall - Resident Evil
Nebula - Lugensa
Dining Room - Resident Evil
The Gramophone - Crimson Peak
A Clockwork Killing - The Sexy Brutale
Vanessa Wants to Play - A Hat in Time
Watchful Eyes from Above - Silent Hill 4
Laudanum – Atrium Carceri
The Underground Laboratory – Resident Evil 2
The Suspense Is Killing – L.A. Noire
Nightmare – Max Payne 2     
Left Alone? – Resident Evil 2
Max Hurt: Danger and Consequences – Max Payne 2
Anomaly – Cities Last Broadcast
Fabiana – Max Payne 3
The Jail – Resident Evil 2 Remake
Clues 05 – L.A. Noire
Fate of the Damned – Blood
Clues 03 – L.A. Noire
Double, Double, Toil and Trouble – Blood
Police Station Basement – Resident Evil 2 Remake
Find a Way Out – Resident Evil 2 Remake
Den – Resident Evil 2 Remake
Jill. You Are Alive! – Resident Evil 1 Remake
Lisa’s Lair – Resident Evil 1 Remake
What’s Going On – Resident Evil 2 Remake
Barry’s Betrayal – Resident Evil 1 Remake
The Marshalling Yard (First Half) – Resident Evil 2
The First Floor – Resident Evil 2
Weapons Don’t Give Us Relief – Resident Evil 2
Lab Entrance – Resident Evil 1 Remake
Contanimated – Resident Evil 1 Remake
Wesker’s Master Plan – Resident Evil 1 Remake
Underground – Resident Evil 1 Remake
A Statue with a Map – Resident Evil 1 Remake
Fourth Floor – Cities Last Broadcast
Guardhouse II – Resident Evil 1 Remake
Neptune Tank – Resident Evil 1 Remake
Macabre Hallway – Resident Evil 1 Remake
Track 1 – Nightmare Creatures
The Bottom of the Well – Parasite Eve II
Lost in Fog – Phonothek
Blood Red – Silent Hill 4
Track 06 – Galerians
A Ruined Village – Resident Evil 4
Moonchild – Silent Hill 1
Disfigured Reality – yatakiya
Inner Most Part of the Shelter – Parasite Eve II
The Sleep Ensemble – Atrium Carceri
the White – Kairo
Twisted Emotions – Silent Hill 4
Fear of Heights – Silent Hill 4
Ghost Room – Martha Is Dead
Stares Back – Cities Last Broadcast
Gloomy View – Silent Hill 3
Wind Chime – Silent Hill 3
Vagues - Benoit Pioulard
Lisa Trevor – Resident Evil 1 Remake
Disembodied – Cities Last Broadcast
Totentanz – Musica Cthulhiana
The Sitting – Cities Last Broadcast
All Things Nocturnal – Atrium Carceri & Cities Last Broadcast
The Death of a Lover – Heroin and Your Veins
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ohyondermemphis · 7 months
Vash here! The monsterfucking one and bring down the government please!
Dollface! Of course, of course.
Monsterfucking - which is long and winding and actually contains no monsterfucking yet, but revisions are what they are, and surely some gratuitous nastiness will make itself known.
“Breathe, Harry, big breath, big breath now.” Hermione’s subdued voice in his ear, her dark hand over his eyes blocking out the night sky. Harry hitches on an inhale, fingernails digging in on opposite elbows, something to ground him, something he can focus on other than the harsh too quick staccato heartbeat that pounds in his ears.
“That’s it, that’s it.” A press of dry lips to his temple, a body tucked close to him, the feel of the damp grass on his bare ankle, the dry smoke of the forgotten flame, what else? What else? Without Ron, the circle isn’t complete, his edges feel even more jagged than usual.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Hermione.” It’s guttural, the sound that comes out of him, half sob, half indistinguishable from the rustle of foliage, the breeze that amplifies the cold track of tears he knows he shed, but when, how long ago?
“It’s -” She stops whatever she was going to say, her breath stuck in her throat, and her hand is ripped away, and there’s no time to panic now, not when the pops of apparition begin around them.
I swear I'm getting to the good part.
You know I spoil TMR ridiculously. This is no exception.
Thomas Gaunt is a wunderkind. Albus is almost positively sure that’s what Gellert would call him as he sits, half bemused from his seat in the latest Wizengamot session.
Gellert would love Tom Riddle and Albus could never imagine he would survive a world that would see both Gellert and Tom out and in the open. He’s glad that the two of them were at least a continent apart, even though Gellert knows everything about Tom Riddle that Albus himself knows, half amazed and half jealous of the newest thorn in Albus’ side.
New being a relative term, Thomas Gaunt did not look his seventy one years, barely looks older than his forties, tall and strong and charming. This was the version of Tom Riddle that unnerved him the most, the one that could laugh and grin, wear his human countenance like chain mail, never to be pierced once in battle. As new as the day it was first put on.
Albus, who does not wear any ring on his finger, who is patient and most of all, who will wait and watch these events unfold, this new man and his new perspective, this new man and his own resolve, matching wills Gellert liked to tell him. Similar in different ways.
Thomas finishes his speech, and there is the thunder of applause, even on Albus’ side, even from Albus himself. Hands that were once bloodstained offer themselves to shake, to clasp. Half blood and pure blood alike, so moderate this new side of Tom Riddle. Albus stands, robes plum but suit underneath a violent shade of violet, makes his way to the cluster. 
“Chief Warlock.” Thomas Gaunt offers his hand, an incisor showing in his smile. Albus takes it, brow arched. This is not their first interaction since Voldemort rose from the cauldron three years ago, would not be new even if they both produced wands and sent the atrium tumbling to ash. The time turner that Voldemort had managed to produce after the event had been extremely handy.
Albus wonders about that on quiet afternoons, half empty from his visit to Gellert, alone and lonely in his study, instruments whirring and Fawkes trilling from his perch, familiar and comforting, all of it. Wonders about this change and his own decisions, about boys and men, omegas and alphas. The course of the stream and the valleys it lingers into. All his decisions seemed wrong at times, even when unbreakable vows were concerned. 
Their grip pulses and Albus can’t help but glance down at their hands. A new line along the body that Tom Riddle inhabited again. A matching line on Dumbledore’s own hand. They break apart.
“Wonderful speech, Tom.” Old habits are still hard to break and Thomas Gaunt’s eyes narrow, a petty thrill for an old man such as himself, like socks for Christmas.
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thatsonehelofaname · 7 months
Event update
The atrium of Éljúðnir will be hosting the first session of family-finding next Frigg's Day from 5AM-9PM Helheim Standard Time.
If you have any proof of identification, please bring it. IDs are not required, but it will make the process easier. Accepted forms include:
family swords
birth certificate
small family heirlooms
federally issued personnel cards
notices of wergild payments
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lisancrimes · 1 year
That Special Someone
Sometimes You Just Know
The students are presenting their programs during the summer session's last day.  Family and friends have come out for support and to see their work.  The entire family came out to support Oleò.  Dr. Aku presented his daughter with a bouquet to commemorate the day.  The Atrium in the Administration Building is where students show their artwork.  Two of Oleò’s pieces, a delicate Morning Lilly in watercolor and an old-master style figure model sketch, were on display. A top prize ribbon hung on both.  
While thanking all the students for their time and effort, the teacher highlighted Oleò and her exceptional work.  The happy family takes pictures together. Doctor Aku excused himself to speak with some of the administration and faculty.  
On his way to the concert hall, Jaxon asked his mother if they could see his friends' art exhibition in the Administration Building.  Arriving, they find Oleò’s art project, and he marvels at how good they are.  He looks up, and there she is.  Hello there Oleò, I see you won an award.  That's great.  I like these a lot.  Remembering that his mother is standing there, he says, Oleò, this is my mother, Sara Jackson.  They shake hands, and Sara compliments her on the pieces.  You are a talented young lady.  Accepting the compliment, the girl says thank you.  By this time, Ms. Aku and her mother arrive.  Élise says, “I am Oleò’s mother, and this is my mother, Simone Voland.” Sara shakes hands with the ladies and introduces herself, “I am Sara Johnson, Jaxon’s mother.” Oleò then introduces friend Jaxon to the family. Mother this is Jaxon. He is playing a concert at the music hall this evening.
Noting the time, Jaxon says they are due at the campus concert hall in 15 minutes.  He says, Oleò, please come to the program if you can.  Jaxon and Sara depart.  Dr. Aku rejoins the group. I have to leave for home. I have to make rounds at the hospital. Élise looks at Oleò and says they are going to the music program and will see you and mother afterward. 
Jaxon is backstage with the band, and Sara is waiting in the hall’s concession area for the doors to open.  She sees Oleò and her mother and waves them over.  I think they are going to start soon.  May we sit with you? Élise asks.  Of course, you can. 
Dr. Kind is acting as Master of Ceremony for the program.  He tells the audience the band will play four selections.  The band performs well throughout the program, with a few students, including Jaxon, playing solo parts.  The band completed their repertoire in about 40 minutes.  The audience stood and gave a thunderous round of applause.  Students received their applause with bows and then filed off the stage. 
Dr. Kind returns to the stage to address the audience, thanking the students for their dedication and tireless work in preparing the evening’s program.  He tells the audience there is one more selection to play as an encore.  He introduces the trio.  Including Peter Ware, a fine player and a senior at the college on contrabass, himself on piano, and Jaxon on the trumpet.  He announced the selection as a medley of songs, including “Ruby My Dear, Pannonica and Round Midnight", all Monk compositions.  Oleò smiled as the trio counted off the tune.
Jaxon played with incredible passion, sensitivity, and flawless execution.  As the tune ended, the trio took their bows, and the audience showed appreciation with a nearly three-minute standing ovation.  Sara beaming, proud and misty-eyed, thought that he was reminiscent of his father’s playing, but he might be better.  
At the music reception, Jaxon left backstage to find his mother, Oleò and Élise.  On his way to them, there were handshakes and congratulations aplenty.  He hugged his mother, who said she was proud and happy for him.  Élise told him he was terrific and how much she enjoyed his performance, to which he smiled and said thank you.  Oleò says, “Jaxon, you are so darn good," with a laugh.  No, you are better than pretty good, you were fantastic.  Thank you, Oleò. I appreciate you saying that.  
The two of them chatted briefly about their plans for the rest of the summer.  Oleò and her family have a month-long trip to France to visit relatives.  Jaxon was flying out the following week to Los Angeles to spend time with Marion and see his dad’s relatives at a family reunion. 
With that, it was time to part ways.  Jaxon looks at Oleò and tells her, “It was nice getting to know you."  She said likewise.  Hopefully, I'll see you around town.  Oleò starts at All Saints High, the girl’s private school, in the fall.  Jaxon will attend John Quincy.  Finally, she says, “See ya later, Jaxon."  He says, “See ya later, Oleò," with a laugh.  Hey, hold that bag close, as he mimics clutching a bag under his arm.  She laughs as they turn, heading for the door. 
Turning back to his mother, Sara said you didn’t tell me Oleò was a girl.  Smiling, he shrugs and says I guess it didn't come up. She is cute. I see why like her. He asked his mother if she had a piece of paper and a pen, and she did.  He said, "Hold on mom, I'll be right back, walking to the door to find Oleò.  Jaxon catches up with her and asks if it’s okay to call her sometime.  Sure, she said.
Do you have anything to write my phone number?  He produces a pen and paper from behind his back, tearing it in half.  Handing it back to him, she says here is my telephone number, don’t lose it.  Let me give you my number too, just in case, he smiles.  They wave goodbye to each other as she merges into the crowd, and then she’s gone.  Jaxon thinks to himself, "I am going to marry her someday."
On the drive home, Oleò is quiet. She is preoccupied thinking about Jaxon. Élise interrupts her bliss by asking, " What did you think of the concert? It was very good; I enjoyed his playing. You mean Jaxon?  Yes, I think he is very talented. He is talented and seems like a lovely young man. Mother, he is super nice and very polite to me. Is he now? So, you like this fellow? We are good friends. I enjoy talking to him. I see. I hope you don’t mind; I gave him our telephone number. I don’t think there is a problem, but no calls after 10 pm. Okay, I’ll tell him if he happens to call. Don’t worry, sweetheart, he’ll call. Do you think so? Yeah, the way he was looking at you tonight, I am sure of it. Do you think Dad will be okay with it? I’ll talk to him, but my guess is it will be alright. As the car pulls into the garage, Oleò is still smiling. Élise chuckles to herself as they leave the car. There is no better feeling than the first love. Ah, it’s so beautiful to be young and smitten.
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saiakv · 6 months
Crawls in through Suguru's dorm room window, somehow lugging a connected hose and a backpack full of plastic cups. Proceeds to cover Suguru's entire floor with filled cups.
There was a stupid smile on Suguru's face as he shouldered the door open; phone in hand, thumb hovering over an MMS from Shoko. Two thoughts were running on the forefront of his mind; one, the cup of hot chicken ramen in his cabinet and two, what manner of blackmail he would use this photo of Satoru sleeping in the car open-mouthed for. Even opening the message alone elicited a sinister chuckle while he slipped off his shoes; he goes to put the phone aside and his eye lands on the date.
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Eyes widen as he turns, stunted before the crime scene — plastic cups, as far as the eye can see. Every inch of his dorm room carpet is swarmed with them. The sight freezes him in place, he bends his knees slowly to leave his backpack on the floor so no force of impact will tip them over. For exactly one moment he's overwhelmed by the white hot rage of realizing he just got home from a thorough training session, drenched in gym stench and roaring at the stomach and he's going to have to clean all of this up in order to unwind. Who on earth could have possibly devoted so much time to doing this?
Someone who has a lot of time on their hands...
❝ — because he never does his own homework. ❞ Suguru murmurs between his teeth, finishing the thought aloud. Eyes darken, fingers twitch; he spends another moment rubbing his chin and pondering over his options with a thoughtful expression. Carrying the cups to his bathroom sink to empty and throw out individually is going to take him hours; and try as he might he will inevitably grow impatient and clumsy the longer it drags on, so some of it will definitely spill. Using a cursed spirit to speed up the process —
' No cursed spirits on campus! ' Yaga's admonishment rings in the back of his mind. That's right. That's going to get him in a lot of trouble if he gets busted. So he can't really equip the sort of spirit that would carry them for him, because that's going to take a while, too. It has to happen in one go, fast, with as less residuals as possible.
A nervous glance thrown over his shoulder towards the school premises hidden behind his room's door. Could he do this quickly enough? Maybe with something that could suck the cups all in at once, or create a hole and drop them in it, or — wait. He perks up with a flare, gasping softly at the idea.
That's right. The problem is not the cups — it's the water inside that makes the clean up arduous. So if he could just summon a simple fire breathing spirit to heat up the air and have the water evaporate... he could just quickly collect them in a bag then and go dump them on that bastard's head.
A cocky smile sits on his face as he tests the theory out; summoning an eel-like floating dragon that sneezed a small flame above them. And indeed a lot of the water dissipated. But then, one of them that had been a little less full to begin with caught flame; before he knew it, Suguru was halfway across the room, soaked wet and on the floor, patting that fire out before smoke rises; because that's a one way ticket to detention under Yaga's watch.
A few moments later, he opens the door to his juniors turning their heads to gasp at him from the end of the hallway; Suguru walks out fully aware of his own condition, yet far too furious to do anything about it. Pant sleeves rolled up, shirt off, hair caught in a high bun and, most of all, carpet tucked under this armpit to be tossed over the atrium railing and hung up to dry. The bag of plastic cups he dragged out next told them everything they needed to know.
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