#atonalginger asks
eridanidreams · 10 months
for the ao3 wrapped:
17 and 29 please and thank you :)
17: Your favorite character to write this year?
I think it'll be to absolutely no-one's surprise that my favorite character to write this year is a tie between Sam Coe and Caitlyn Lynch, my Starfield OC. It's light-hearted in a way that is really resonating with me right now, and I hadn't realized how badly I was jonesing for another good space-opera setting until I got into it. Nor was I expecting Sam to grab me by the feels, but here we are.
29: Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
From a future chapter of stars:
Sam leaned against the wall, feeling his lips stretch in a slow smile. “Well, now, darlin’,” he drawled. “What have you been up to?” The lights were dimmed to almost nothing. Instead, candles burned on almost every flat surface—the bar, the end tables, the dresser—filling the room with a soft radiance that limned everything—Cait included—in a warm glow. Candlelight suited her. Made her hair shine like it was spun from pure flame and her eyes shimmer like pearls.
“Dinner got pre-empted,” she said softly, “and I’m not in the mood to argue possession of the beach with the crocodaunts, but I thought a candlelight dessert might be a down payment on that package?” A bottle of Velocity (luminescent in the near-dark), two glasses, and a covered plate had been neatly set out, and she lit the last taper as she spoke.
God, he loved her, loved her so hard his heart was fit to burst. He didn’t bother trying to hide it—hell, he wanted her to feel it. “All this for me? You don’t waste any time, do you?”
Cait flushed and ducked her head a little, and he knew she’d gotten his silent message. “Not anymore,” she said, a little cryptically. “Not if I can help it.” She glanced back up at him and tilted his head toward the couch. “Pour you a drink?”
“Don’t need one,” he said easily, flinging himself down on the couch and stretching out his legs comfortably. He let his eyes linger on her, drinking the sight of her in. “You’re better than any drink known to man.”
Her breath caught in her throat. “There you go again,” she murmured, “saying things like that to me. Meaning them.” Her eyes shone with more than the candlelight; impatiently, she dashed the tears away with the back of her hand. “I can’t shake the feeling that when I wake up tomorrow, this will all have been just… a dream. A glorious, terrible dream. And—” she gestured around the room. “I wanted to keep the magic alive. For a little while longer.”
“If you’re dreaming, I’m dreaming too,” Sam said. “And I ain’t minded to wake up from it any time… ever.” He patted the couch next to him. “Cat…” for the first time, he used the name he’d given her in the privacy of his thoughts, “come sit. If you’re okay with that…” At her look of confusion, he elaborated. “I didn't know before, how physical contact makes your empathy stronger. I do now.” He breathed out a shaky little laugh. “And I’ve got a whole mess of feelings going on right now, darlin’—wouldn’t be right to drop ‘em all on you. But you surely do look like you could make some inroads on those cuddles we promised each other.”
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bladeoffrontiers · 6 months
(no obligation to keep the chain going though!)
aw thank you so much! totally gonna do it even with zero obligation. gotta spread the love.
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atonalginger · 6 months
Are you accepting asks for the fanfic writing emoji game?
I am! And because my answers are long with excerpts in them today I'm going to throw it under a cut to save everyone's feeds lol!
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?:
I talked a bit about that here but as I think on it more there is a fic I've yet to upload that when I was reading it, getting it transferred into scrivener and prepped for edits, that broke my heart and it's a WoW fic starring like all my toons...
The scene that broke my heart is centered on a human paladin, Gideon, who was being treated for wound at a druid camp inflicted by another alliance member who...gods if I explain all that we'll be here all day. He was badly wounded and then this happens
The light of the lanterns outside shined bright, bathing the floor in light. The room was empty now except for Gideon, who sat in his bed, knees hugged to his chest, crying. Despite all the druids had done the pain in his left eye would not subside. Instead it grew, slowly changing from a dull ache to a nagging burn. Deep down he knew he should call for help, tell one of the druids of his pain, but instead he sat in darkness believing he deserved it for all his sins. He did not deserve to be helped. A voice in his head told him it was wrong for him to have survived at all. He deserved death for all he’d done. Death was the only way to atone for the lives he ended.
Two figures moved passed the door, one’s hooves clomping on the wooden floorboards. As they passed the lankier of the pair stopped, standing in the arch. Then she hurried inside, sitting on the edge of Gideon’s bed and lifting his chin gently with her ungloved hands.
The lantern light half illuminated Awiti’s face, Gideon seeing concern etched on her soft, blue face. Her warm orange eyes tugging at his heart, “What’s wrong? What are you feelin’?”
He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out, him sputtering before folding back down, holding his face. He sobbed louder now, now afraid and embarrassed.
“Cloverhoof, bring a lamp over, will you?” Awiti called to the other druid in the hall.”
“No,” he whimpered.
“Yes,” Awiti sat him up, “is it your gut or your face?”
She set to work unravelling the bandages, careful not to tug or jerk him around. Cloverhoof joined, a bright oil lamp in hand. The tauren gasped, covering his muzzle with his free hand. Green, glowing pus leaked from Gideon eye, the whole thing now black. His socket was swelling and the cut around the socket was bright red, streaks forming on his cheek.
“I thought Moonwillow touched him with nature’s cure,” Awiti looked to Cloverhoof, “there shouldn’t be any poison left.”
“It isn’t perfect,” Cloverhoof said as he sat the lamp down, “we can stop it from doing more harm. Hold him steady, I need to cleanse his wounds again.”
“Just leave me,” Gideon protested.
“No,” Awiti sounded scared, “no we be takin’ care of you.”
“I must warn you, Gideon,” Cloverhoof leaned in, hands beginning to swirl with nature magic, “this will hurt. You may lose your eye. You must stay strong.”
Gideon let Awiti lay him back into the bed, holding his head in her lap as Cloverhoof touched him with Nature’s Blessing. The pain became searing, Gideon screaming in agony as Cloverhoof bathed his body in a rejuvenating spell. The tauren dug into his belt pouch, pulling a jar filled with a milky cream that smelled like honey and dreaming glory. He hissed as the tauren coated his cut with a thick layer, his breathing becoming erratic.
“Keep strong,” Awiti stroked his head. He stared up at her with his working eye, vision blurry from tears, and saw she too was crying.
Cloverhoof touched his eye with another nature’s cure and Gideon screamed again, his vision going white before passing out.
I woke that back in 2020 and when I read it over a month ago I cried for that scene. Gideon had his issues up till this point but he did not deserve what he believed he did.
🏆 What's your most popular fic?:
Starborn Saga is my most popular fic by a country mile. It has double the hits from the next on the list and way more comments and kudos too. It was also my first fic uploaded to ao3 and my first time sharing my work so publicly, which made it quite overwhelming and daunting when I was in the midst of getting it edited and up.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?:
One of those scenes I talked about here.
Another scene is from Ranger and the Deputy near the beginning. -
Delgado bobbed his head side to side, irritated with Diego’s rambling but not wanting to show it, “You ever had tequila?”
“Once. Anja got a bottle in the tavern and served it to celebrate a milestone a few years back. Everyone got a drink with a shot in it; I remember it was pretty sour,” she shook her head and sat the small glass on the table, “In New Homestead we brew vodka, rum, and gin in house. We serve it at our tavern but only the locals really drink it; the tourists all complain that it’s too harsh.”
“Harsh?” Diego lowered his hand, no longer ready to hurry the group into their first shot.
“Apparently you aren’t suppose to be able to taste them when mixed with lots of juices or soda?” Kitty shrugged, “I’m not sure. I just know that tourists will order a mixed drink and complain that they can taste it and it’s bad but…it’s fine? I mean it’s alcohol, it’s not going to taste like candy and sunshine.”
Diego threw his head back and laughed hard enough to draw attention from other tables, “Is New Homestead brewing moonshine?”
“We don’t exactly have room for a lot of extra equipment,” Kitty explained, “they could probably stand to filter the vodka a few more times, that one can make me shudder something fierce, and sometimes the gin tastes like the floor cleaner smells but again it’s alcohol, it’s not supposed to be nice, it’s meant to get you drunk.”
“¡Mierda! You poor soul,” Diego was wiping tears from his eyes, “It doesn’t have to be that bad.”
“Diego, they live under the ice,” Del reminded him, “they’re making due.”
“They shouldn’t have to, they belong to the fucking United Colonies. They aren’t some LIST settlement!” Diego exclaimed. He pointed at the salt shaker, “Okay, Kitty, you saw what I did, copy that. Once we have that we lick the salt, take the shot, and bite the lime once you swallow.”
“That seems like a lot for a shot,” she tilted her head to the side with a quizzical look.
“It allegedly makes the shot taste better,” Delgado picked up his shot and looked to Diego, “or you could just shoot it and not be a pussy about it.”
“I didn’t order your family’s tequila,” Diego shook his head, “it don’t go down smooth without it.”
Delgado held Diego’s stare for a beat and then threw the shot back unceremoniously. It did burn a bit, the aftertaste wrinkling his nose for a second, but it was fine. He sat the shot glass down and looked over in time to watch Kitty swallow and set hers down as well. She looked completely unbothered by the cheap tequila, wearing a toothy grin at Diego who grumbled about them being no fun before licking his hand, shooting his shot, and biting down on a wedge of lime. Kitty reached over and took one of the lime wedges and bit into it, clearly curious to what it might add to the taste.
the idea that New Homestead is akin to some backwater isolated village where they are brewing just the roughest hooch because it's what they know and this young lady being so used to it just makes me grin like a silly person. Add to that the fact that Diego and Del are both former outlaws turned rangers in this fic and yet Diego is scandalized by the idea...and then way later you can see Diego's response after getting to actually try New Homestead liquor.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉:
I gave compliments here yesterday.
I am passionate about research and worldbuilding and I believe it shows in my writing. I like adding the little details that make the world feel more lived in and I find fun in weaving game mechanics into the world in a way that makes sense or works outside of a game setting.
thank you for asking :)
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silent-moons-camp · 3 months
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better 💖💖💖
Thank you 🥰🥰
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aro-pancake-writes · 2 months
What? Me? Two wips in a row?
Yup! The plot bunnies are breeding like... Well, bunnies! And the Creatikitty that hunts them is doing his job.
So, yay! \o/
Tag list? @eridanidreams @silent-moons-camp @silurisanguine @aislingdmdt @atonalginger
Back to Mars
Mars. Out of all the backwater dreadful places in the galaxy, this is the worst one. Hector spent almost ten years in the deep mines, and then some in Cydonia.
Not that the company wasn't great.
“Why are we here again?” Sam asks as they step out of the trade authority to go downstairs to the Sixth Circle.
“Hadrian needs someone who worked with her before. And he's here.” Hector says, taking the stairs instead of the elevator. “Hope this will be a straight forward job.” He comments, finally on the ground.
As they go around to enter the bar, a familiar voice is hard.
“As I live and breathe.” Hector looks to the source, finding Trevor heading his way, smiling at him. “Thought you said you'd never set foot on this rock again, pet.”
“Didn't really mean to.” He says, crossing his arms over his stomach.
When he left, Hector didn't say goodbye. He didn't want to be held back, to consider staying in Cydonia.
But nothing about Trevor's posture says he holds a grudge.
“So, what changed?” He asks Hector, stopping close to him, with a gentle smile and open arms.
“Some things… a lot, actually.” Hector starts, taking a shy step towards Trevor.
Only to be stopped by a loud cough behind him.
“Oh, right!” He takes a hasty step back, working on how to introduce them. “Sam, this is Trevor. We… worked together here on Mars.”
“Pleasure to meet you.” Sam says, cold, before turning back to Hector. “I'll wait for you inside. Apparently you two got a lot to catch up on.”
With that, Sam is gone.
“What stick has he got up his arse?” Trevor asks, making Hector turn back to him. “Not yours, I hope.” There's a sly smile, a small glimmer of hope that things could work out again.
“Too far up my league.” Hector tries to laugh it off. Yet, he can't help but notice the curious glance from Trevor.
“Come on, pet.” He offers Hector his best smile, one he knew to always work. “If anyone's out of someone's league here it's you.”
“And here you go, dragging me back to your quarters…” Hector laughs, leaning closer to Trevor, who hugs him.
“Haven't lost my charms over you, have I, Pet?” Hector trembles as Trevor says the pet name, blood leaving his brain and going to other parts of his body.
His pants are tight, and they both know there's only one way of fixing this.
“Trevor, please…” Hector almost moans, peeling himself from Trevor's arms. “Not now. I'm here on business.”
“You look so pretty when you're all about business.” Trevor smiles, one last attempt at working his charms before turning back to return to work. “If you wanna, Pet, my quarters are still the same and you know what time I leave. Why don't you pay me a visit once you're done with your ‘business’?”
Giggling, Hector fixes his pants, ties his jacket around his waist and heads into the bar.
Lou wasn't of much help. Not with the Trade Authority on top of their mark. Only one small glimmer of hope, but it requires the deep mines.
Killing spacers is often a relief, but not if it means that people will be back to work in this hellhole.
Hector cusses all the way to the entrance, anger taking over as he mumbles to himself.
“So…” Sam's voice cuts off his latest string of curses. “Who was that?”
“I told you.” Hector says, turning his scanner on and off again to have something to do with his hands. “We worked together here on Mars. He was a friend, and then I left.”
“Just a friend?” Hector feels the ice shards on Sam's voice when he speaks, and confirms. “Because last I checked, friends don't call eachother ‘pet’.”
Hector turns back to Sam, seeing red. As much as the former miner found himself fond of the cowboy, that wasn't exactly a subtle question.
“Fine. We used to fuck, ok?” Hector says, a seductive smile playing on his lips. “We would go to his quarters after a long shift, where he'd toss me on his bed and fuck me until we were both too exhausted to move. That what you wanted to hear? Or would you like to do something similar with me?”
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therealgchu · 7 months
WIP Wednesday - Valentines Style
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i'm not a fan of valentines. i'm not a fan of holidays, in general. but, i thought something fluffy and waffy might be nice for WIP wednesday. the coemancer crew did an art dump for valentines (sorry for not being involved, but i have almost no free time. this has been a hell month for me at work), but i'll tag them anyway @silurisanguine, @fangbangerghoul, @eridanidreams, @staticpallour, @bearlytolerant, @a-cosmic-elf, @aro-pancake, @atonalginger, @samcoesclub, and anyone else i'm forgetting.
i'm planning on publishing the next chapter on friday. it's written, but needs editing.
so, a fluffy little piece. i'm not sure if this will be part of the next chapter, or as a stand-alone vignette.
if you want to read from the beginning on ao3.
Valentines fluffy sneak peek
Hwa felt like she was on a cloud, and was grinning from ear to ear like a maniac. As she and Sam walked back to the Razorleaf, she kept looking up at him and found him looking down at her, with the same grin. “I have never really walked much around Akila. Can you play tour guide for me?” she asked.
Sam smiled, “We’ve got time. Sure.” He grabbed her hand and started leading her around, pointing out his favorite places, where he got in trouble for spray painting a wall, where he had his first kiss. She honestly was only paying half attention to him. What was really occupying her mind was him holding her hand. While they’d held each other’s hands many times before, it was always when they were alone together. She had never in her entire life held someone’s hand in public. Public displays of affection were utterly alien to her, and even something as innocent as holding hands was making her feel a bit dizzy. She felt like she was vibrating and wondered if Sam could feel it through her hand.
Hwa realized he must have, as he paused when they rounded a corner in Midtown. He peered down at her, “Are you OK?” he asked. They had stopped right next to a stairwell that was shaded from the sun. Sam pulled her into the shadows away from the pedestrian traffic.
She tried to speak, but ended up emitting a high pitched squeak instead.
“What was that?” he asked, wide eyed and laughing. “I didn’t think I caught that!”
Hwa laughed, covering her mouth and turning bright red. She tried again, “Umm…this will sound weird, but…I have never held hands with anyone in public before,” she said in an unusually high, whispery voice.
“Seriously?” he asked incredulously.
“Yes. I mean, I’ve never really been in a romantic relationship before,” she stuttered out. “Not a lot of romance going on in organized crime, frankly. At least, not for me.” She tried to affect an airy, casual voice. It came out sounding slightly hysterical instead.
“Heh, I feel like I”ve been lied to by movies and vids,” he mused. “You’ve really never been romantically involved with…anyone?”
“I told you, all relationships were transactional. I mean, sex is just sex. It has nothing to do with emotions.”
“I wouldn’t say that’s necessarily true, but I can see what you mean,” he interrupted. “So, when we’ve had sex…”
Hwa shook her head, “That was different already!” she said a bit frantically. “I was already in love with you, but I didn’t know how you felt. I mean, the attraction was there, but…”
Sam nodded, “sex is sex.”
“Ok, so what is it about holding hands that has you…well, you’re kinda physically buzzing. I can feel it in your hands.”
“This feels,” and she held up his hand in hers, “this feels really, really intimate.”
“But, sex doesn’t?”
“Sex is a physical need. Biological imperative, and all. It has nothing to do with intimacy.”
Sam shook his head baffled, “I don’t know if I agree with that, but I can see what you’re saying. How is holding hands more intimate than sex?”
Hwa sighed, seeing she wasn’t making much sense to him. Frankly, it didn’t make a lot of sense to her, either. But, he asked, and she could only respond honestly. “Because holding hands isn’t necessary. It’s a choice. And, it’s a…a public choice. It’s like saying, ‘this is mine’. I’ve never had anyone…I’ve never had anyone,” here she looked at the ground, “I’ve never had anyone who wanted me.”
“Ahh,” Sam said after a moment, “sex is sex.” Hwa nodded, seeing he understood what she was saying. “Oh, Hwa, I love you. I’m madly in love with you. Do you want me to shout it to the stars? Because I will.”
She looked back up into his eyes, “No, that’s not necessary.”
He tilted up her chin and kissed her softly, which made her shake a bit. Sam looked at her critically again, “Let me guess, first kiss in public?” She nodded and blushed again. “Oh wow. Then, like…” here Sam grinned lasciviously at her, “I’m your…first?”.
“Oh my god, I shouldn’t have said anything,” Hwa blushed an even darker red.
“No, no! It’s cute! And, you’re even more beautiful when you blush,” he said, and with his body pushed her against the wall, deeper into the shadows. 
Hwa started shaking her hands again, which Sam grabbed with one hand. With his other, he leaned up against the wall, pressing her body against it, and kissed her more passionately. He broke the kiss, and stared into her eyes, “I want you,” he said throatily.
She involuntarily squeaked again, which made Sam laugh, breaking the mood. “OK, might be a little too much?” he asked, backing off a bit. She nodded, noticeably trembling and shaking her hands. He kissed the top of her head. “What do you think of public displays of affection?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” she said in another squeaky voice, her eyes wide and confused.
Sam laughed and took her hand and kissed it. “You are the damndest woman,” he said, shaking his head. “Just when I think I have you figured out, you go and blow all of my ideas out of the water.” He led her back out onto the walkway, smirking, “But, I like the idea that I’m your first.”
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fangbangerghoul · 8 months
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Fleeting Pleasures
Chapter 9: bad decisions WC: 5713 The aftermath of chapter 8 and how Ghoul and Sam are moving forward with themselves.
Special shout out to @bearlytolerant for being supportive of my woes and my writing(i cry so much to her idk how she still loves me), @spookyspecterino for the A+++ Delgado advice and being so real about the direction of the chapter (seriously I wish I could hire you), @booburry for hyping me up and always sharing your lovely ideas/advice(and giving me Gale meals this past week), and @atonalginger for being an early beta reader!
I know I literally just told y'all I was on hiatus, but I woke up this morning and the large wall that was preventing me from finishing this chapter came crashing down and an array of bricks and ideas filled my skull until my eyes shot lasers.
Fleeting Pleasures was originally only going to be 10 chapters with a bonus chapter at the end but guess what?! The story had other things to say about that. Now Fleeting Pleasures is going to be 11 chapters and a bonus chapter. As long as I keep the momentum this story might be wrapped up before Valentine's Day, which will just be perfect. (no that is not sarcasm...maybe)
I want to thank all of those who have stuck it out throughout the series. It warms my heart when I see so much of this Delgado and Ghoul in other fics and it's amazing how silly little fics can inspire others. Especially since this is my first long running story. I can't believe this started way back in October and Ghoul as a whole character way back in September!
I hope you all enjoy. I think I can literally say I put my blood, sweat, and tears into this. Under the cut will be a snippet but the rest will be on Ao3 which the link is within the title of the post.
“Good morning, Sam! Have you been sleeping better since Noel gave you that herbal tea to try?” He asked so casually about a subject Sam had never remembered mentioning to him. Normally he would have shrugged it off but this time it irked him in particular. The members of Constellation were more prone to talk to him in soft voices or speak about his business more openly when he wasn’t around. It made his skin crawl.  
“No.” Sam said plainly, staring Barret down for a moment before relaxing his shoulders. He was trying to get comfortable around those he considered family again. However the transition from consistently raiding and interrogating Crimson Fleet members to having normal mundane conversation was an adjustment. “Good morning though.” 
Sam walked past him, careful not to bump into Barrett as he walked by. He didn’t like it when someone brushed against his left side even after the wound had fully healed. Sam also didn’t like to think about that fact so he just kept on moving. He was ready to eat. 
On his way to the eating area he stopped by his room one more time to grab a mahogany robe to wrap around his loose white tee and baggy gray sweatpants. The elastic sometimes didn’t stay around his hips and would occasionally sag so in order to protect everyone around him from seeing the moon so early in the day he liked to wear his robe. His slippers dragged a bit as he walked like he was taking a sunday stroll through a park. Sam was never in a hurry to get anywhere, to do anything really. 
“Dad!” He heard the young squeak of his daughter from around the corner and Cora ran up to him and hugged him tight. He winced instinctively but tried to catch himself so she wouldn’t think she hurt him. Her curls were bouncing and wild and the smile on her face was brighter than any star he had seen in a long while. Seeing Cora always gave him a little bit of his life back especially after being separated from her for as long as they were. 
“Hey sweet pea.” He rubbed her back gently in the embrace and kept his arm around her as he led them forward. “What are you doing up so early?”
“Dad it’s noon.” 
“Oh, what are you doing up so late then?” He smiled at her teasingly.  
“Daaaad.” She said in protest as she pushed herself away from him gently. “Were you going to come to the meeting later today?”
“Meeting?” He was puzzled at her question. Sam didn’t know of any meeting, not one that needed to involve him. 
“Ms. Morgan was talking to Walter earlier and I heard them say when Andreja and Vlad arrive they were going to have a discussion.” Cora said with a bit of concern in her tone. Sam knew if she had heard that much then she was all too aware that the meeting was about Ghoul. 
“Is that so?” He asked with a cool tone trying not to give away any concern he may have felt. He still didn’t have the heart to tell Cora that Ghoul did this to him. Even though the other’s had continued their recent pattern of talking about his well being behind his back he figured how much further would that subject be? 
“Yeah! Dad, what are you eating for late breakfast?”
“Cheese pizza if you are asking.”
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lisa-and-shadow · 4 months
I was graciously tagged by @a-cosmic-elf in the OC questions tag game.
My questions were as follows, and I'm going to answer them as my current all-consuming focus, Lyra from the Dragons Dogma universe. I'm picturing her being asked these in person for some reason. Like it was an interview?? Lol
If money, time, and space were no object, what would be your dream pet?
🔸️When I was a girl, my great-aunt had a pair of Battahli song birds with emerald green and crimson feathers that she kept in a massive aviary in her garden. They had long, iridescent tails they would fan out as they preened and danced for one another. I would beg my parents for a pair just like them because I thought they were the most marvelous creatures I had ever lain eyes on outside of my story books. I've thought naught about them in years. Tis funny. As I have gotten older I believe I've lost the desire to keep anything caged. Although I do keep asking Gariad if he thinks a rabbit would be happy in our garden. [Thinks quietly.] Perhaps I could train a garm and ride it into battle? That would certainly surprise everyone, wouldn't it.
Are there seasons where you are from? What’s your favourite and why?
🔸️Oh yes, the weather in Vermund is quite temperate. We are fortunate that we do not suffer from harsh winters, though they are known to be so in the mountain regions. And our summers could not compare to the deserts of our Battahli neighbors. You'll think me simple, but who could not adore the Vermundian springtime? When the lilac and cherry trees are blossoming, and every flower and bloom seems to spill forth from the meadows. You can hear a chorus of bird song in the forest morning and evening both. The fields that have lain fallow all winter start to turn vibrant green. Oh, the scent in the air alone is enough to bring a smile to one's face. [As an aside to her companion.] Quit grinning at me like that, Gariad.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
🔸️Hmm. Well, I shall tell you what I was supposed to be. [Laughs.] I had the finest tutors and governesses, and received lessons in dance, singing, etiquette, and aught else my parents thought would make me the perfect noblewoman. I was supposed to build my family's fortune and marry well. Preferably at the same time. I had little say in the matter. I would read novels about pirates and bandit princes and dream someone would whisk me away to fight by their side in a far off land, in childish flights of fancy. Working for my father allowed me to travel and that gave me some hope that I might one day achieve independence. I had plans to open an office in Battahl e're long. Truthfully, the pirate dream was probably more realistic, knowing my mother. Who knew all it would require was a dragon attack to free me of their expectations?
(Note: A garm is a large warg-like canine monster.)
Obviously anyone is free to play but here are some zero pressure tags and questions 🤓💜
@bearlytolerant @staticpallour @fangbangerghoul @a-cosmic-elf @atonalginger @eridanidreams @silurisanguine @toxiclizardwrites @therealgchu @aro-pancake
What was your first kiss like?
Do you have a signature style of dress/favorite outfit?
Are you quick tempered? Or even-keeled?
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bearlytolerant · 7 months
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Thanks @atonalginger for the tag. Tagging anyone who sees this and wants to share. I forgot it was Wednesday 🤓 but I found a snippet that doesn’t spoil anything to share lol
Fang wrapped his hand around the stems, the black silk bow keeping them bunched together flopped over his thumb as he eyed the bouquet. Violet was speaking fast and acting strange but he put those observations aside to focus on the flowers. Ten white petals in two staggered layers with a bright yellow center. They smelled strong and sweet but not so strong that they assaulted the senses. “How is Sage?” He paused. “Is she safe? Sleeping—well?”
Violets lips curved into a mischievous grin. “Whoa, slow down there. That’s a lot of questions, coming from you.” She yanked an envelope out of the back pocket of her overalls and held it out for him. “But yeah, she’s doin just fine, and she’s safe. But she hasn’t mentioned sleep.” Her grin fell away and she toyed with the stray curl in front of her right ear. The envelope hung loosely in her other hand. “Did she tell you she hasn’t been sleeping well?”
He plucked the envelope out of her hand. “Patient confidentiality.”
Violet laughed, unwinding her finger from her hair. “Of course. Even though she’s not your patient, but Doctor Xu’s. But I get it. I respect it.” She stuffed her hands into her pockets. “Her letter earlier this week mentioned that she has plans to open a bakery here in Sandrock next season, right across from the clinic too.” She gestured at the old, rundown smithing building. “So you’ll get to ask her all your questions here soon enough yourself. I’m just glad she’s struck a chord with you.”
She hadn’t. Fang just wanted to make sure she was okay. That she was doing better. But Violet could believe whatever she liked. “What about you? Are you in need of any of my—medicine?” He turned his thoughts back to Violet.
“You’re a doll but I’m good. I’ve still got a full supply from last month.”
“Season change—soon. If you’re feeling unwell—come and see me.”
“Of course. You’re the sweetest, Fang.”
Fang simply nodded. “Your opinion—is not one widely held.”
“Well, it doesn’t need to be popular in order for it to be true,” she said, rocking back on her heels. Her hands flew back out of her pockets and slapped against her thighs. “Well, I'd love to hang out and chat more but I better get back to my shop. Got a couple of commissions to deliver. I’ll see ya at dinner!”
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toxiclizardwrites · 8 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
Tagging @silurisanguine @therealgchu @fangbangerghoul @atonalginger @bearlytolerant and anyone else who asked me/wants to participate!
Aww this is cute and fun! Aside from my partner, friends, and family, here are 5 things that make me happy:
1. Playing Video Games
Current favs include: Starfield, Pokemon Scarlet, Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince, Prehistoric Kingdom, and I need to find the time to mod the shit out of Fallout: New Vegas because I never finished all the DLC and that game is 🤌
2. Live Music/Listening to Music
I especially love Rock, Metal, and Pop Punk/Punk. Currently listening to Sleep Token, Ghost, July Talk, Mother Mother, Bring me the Horizon, Bleachers, and Falling in Reverse.
3. Tattoos
I think they're hot; having highly personal art displayed on your body? Sign me up. I only have two right now, with one being updated early Feb, but I'm planning on getting more. Budget is obviously a factor as well as carefully planning what I want and where I want it.
4. Good Food
I love gathering with friends and family and enjoying good food, drinks, and conversation. Food builds connections with others, helps ease difficult discussions, helps people fall in love or build friendships, and more.
5. Art
Is it a cop out to put something so general as Art? Maybe. I was going to put "writing" but I have a complex relationship with it, as I do it for pleasure and also for work, so sometimes I'm unsure if it makes me happy or if I'm just compelled to do it. Aside from writing, I love sewing. I mainly make bags, because I love a good bag. But I don't sew as often as I want. Viewing other people's art makes me happy.
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eridanidreams · 3 months
Sunday Snippet
tagging: @bearlytolerant, @silurisanguine, @aro-pancake, @fangbangerghoul, @atonalginger, @aislingdmdt, @fshenkoescape, @ninjaofnaps, @lisa-and-shadow, @a-cosmic-elf, @thatsgoodsquishy0, @hockeydemon42, @fomagranfalloon, @violenceandviolets, @therealgchu, @staticpallour, @artemis-crimson, and @constellation2330
Tags are friendly, as usual--post if you want, read if you want!
from *stars through my fingers like grains of sand*
Sam swung back and forth in his chair, staring at the two slates lying haphazardly on the console—both needing to be dealt with, and neither one calculated to make him feel good about the world. He picked up one of the slates with the same care he'd give an alien beast with far too many teeth, even though he already knew what it said.
From: Daniel Blake To: Sam Coe You have a good eye. Your friend's shaping up to be a fine Ranger—she's got smarts and guts and her heart's in the right place. Problem is, she's stepped in something that's way too big for her. You know what happened out on Andromas III. Hell, you were there—God knows Pryce was bitching up a storm about you asking for classified information—but the way I figure it, you had cause. Point being, you know someone's gunning for Rangers. Emma tells me you helped take down the First on Montara Luna, so you also know about the bank robbery being just a distraction for something bigger. And Lynch is right in the middle of it. She'll follow that case wherever it leads her—I know the type. Hell, I was the type. And right now, fifty years of experience is telling me that whoever she finds at the end of that trail ain't going to go down easily, and they ain't going to go down quietly. Don't know if she told you, but she made a damned good point about Rangers going off solo after the Mosquera thing. Problem is, that applies to her, too, and right now there's no other Ranger I can peel off to partner with her. And I sure as hell can't rein in the rest of my hotheads if I'm not doing the same to the damn rookie. Which brings me to you. I know why you left. You weren't real happy even before Cora was born, what with Lillian pushing you into all those ugly undercover jobs. Emma told her it was going to backfire on her, but she just wouldn't listen. And you were even less happy sitting behind a desk, even if it gave you all the time with little Cora that you could want. Things have changed, Sam. And it may stick in both our craws to have to admit it, but you're needed. Lynch needs someone who can be the eyes in the back of her head when she's got the bit in her teeth, and someone willing to do what it takes to protect her. You were always good at bringing a partner back home. And hell, you're practically glued to her back already. I won't lie, we lost a good man when you stepped down. And I won't pretend that it wouldn't make me a happy man to see you put the badge back on. But it ain't about me. There's a bigger picture here. Think about it. P.S. Tell Lynch the answer to her question is Diego.
Sam swore under his breath. Anyone else, he'd just wipe the slate and be done with it, but Blake—he respected that old man. The only reason he'd gotten out of the Rangers as easily as he had was because Blake hadn't opposed it. Had quietly unruffled some feathers behind the scenes, most like. He owed the man, whether the Marshal knew it or not. But did he owe him that much?
He tossed the slate back on the console. That one only threatened to upend his life; the other would definitely upend Cait's. Again. He let out a heavy sigh. She tried so hard, but she was struggling under the weight of power and the shadow of her past—Jesus, even his love was a burden on her sometimes, and that broke his goddamned heart every time he saw it happen. He wanted to sit on the news for awhile, until she was a little less overwhelmed—but she'd made it crystal clear how she felt about him trying to protect her from herself. And she wasn't wrong to feel that way, even if it made that primitive little part of his brain gibber in frustration.
He snatched the second slate up, re-reading it to make sure he hadn't missed anything.
From: Ari Miller To: Sam Coe I looked into that matter we discussed last week. Discreetly. While officially we don't have access to UC records, there's always the unofficial channels. Sooner or later everyone asks the Clinic for help, and we keep good records. Thing is, New Atlantis doesn't tend to get hit by xenodiseases. The native microbial life is different enough that it hasn't gotten a foothold in Earth-descended plants and animals—knock wood—and their spaceport's had top-of-the-line biosensors since before the Colony War—well, with all their xenowarfare experiments, that's no surprise. Anyway, according to my source, the Well does have fairly frequent breakouts of disease, but they're mutated Earth bugs. There's nothing that would suggest a cover-up—no unexplained gaps, no data that's too clean, nothing. The records are legit—there was no xenodisease in New Atlantis, in or out of the Well, between 2310 and 2315. Sorry to come up dry, and best of luck in your investigation!
Sam tapped the edge of the slate against his palm, thinking hard, then tucked it into his jacket. The problem was that they had so little to go on—Cait's memories had been tortured into unreliability, and the best guess anyone had was sometime around the end of the war. It looked as if the answers they needed were in Neon, and Sam didn't want to put Cait through that. Not now. Bad enough he was going to have to tell her that one of her foundational memories was a lie—he had no idea how she would take it.
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atonalginger · 9 months
I once shared the first half of this fic back in 2015 but did not leave it up because at the time I was very scared to share my work. But I was always proud of this one. It comes from a messy AU with multiple Heroes of Fereldan, Alistair going the Drunk route due to the human noble character's choices, It's the Hawke Twins, and the quizzie was an alienage born, Dalish raised rogue.
This is all that remains of that AU. Notes and other fragments were lost in a move. But I had this so yeah, here you go.
Alistair has left the Wardens, again, and has hunted Loghain down. But not for revenge this time, now he extends the olive branch in hopes they can stop Clarel and the wardens before more people get hurt.
I do remember where the AU was going to go, sort of, and will put that under the cut.
In terms of what happens with the Wardens, with Stroud, Alistair, Loghain, and several of the Heroes still around Ferelden they are a big help to the Inquisition. After Adamant, where Stroud stayed behind, Loghain, Alistair, and the Heroes of Fereldan get into a discussion about Ostagar (before the battle) and land on an old story about a sick Mabari that they collected a specific herb for to heal it after it got sick with the Blight. The Mages of the group realize that could be useful and take this information to the mages back at Skyhold.
At Skyhold Alistair and Fiona sit down and talk and he asks how any of this came to be and she didn't know. Just that once she had him she couldn't re-join (spike party blood didn't work) and so she took him to Maric and returned to the circles.
At some point the fact that Maric was a Reaver comes up. Suana then decides to brew up something using the herbs from the story and dragon blood, similar to the reaver initiation rights, and Alistair volunteers to test it out.
It works. They make more and every warden around who wishes to leave the order is given a chance to drink. There is concern Weisshuapt will retaliate but after what happened with Coryfi-shits they decide they'll take their chances.
Also Alistair and the quizzie get smoochie ;)
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silent-moons-camp · 4 months
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! (no pressure! ❤️)
Oooo thank you!
1.) I like horror stuff. Big fan of ARGs, unfiction, creepypasta, that ype of stuff.
2.) I still have my old PS2 and it still works, along with most of the games.
3.) My favorite Youtubers are Wendigoon and The Librarian.
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silurisanguine · 6 months
thankyou for the asks @atonalginger! Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. I believe I can be very evocative in my writing and set a scene very well. What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc. I really like to describe imagery, what the POV is. Other than that, I'm not sure. I dont tend to analyse my writing, i just write what i feel. What's a trope you will never write? There are many - Coffee shop, ABO, Soul marks to name a few.
What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Ah that would be my Destiny 2 one shot - A Good Soul featuring my two Guardian OCs, Selene the Warlock and Nyx the Hunter with Crow. It's all about a New Light finding her way in the Last City and making friends.
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therealgchu · 2 months
Snippet Sunday - The Pilot
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notice the new graphic? this is the start of the new fic series that'll go up friday. tagging @eridanidreams, @atonalginger, @fangbangerghoul, @@esorydoolb, and @sailor-kaiju (c'mon, show me what you're working on!) and anyone else that wants to put up a snippet or art.
it's part of the anamnesis series, and goes into how sam became one of the best pilots in the settled systems. it starts at age 6, and goes till he joins constellation. much of the themes will be about generational trauma, and how we break out of it, and fly away.
also, a reminder that Chapter 2 of Spooky Action at a Distance is up on ao3.
my other stuff on ao3.
sneak peek
Jacob had his hands full navigating re-entry with a rambunctious six year old on his lap who kept trying to pop up to see out of the cockpit windows. Truth be told, the man was a serviceable pilot, at best. And, at the moment he was regretting his decision to let Sam sit on his lap as he adjusted the nose to tilt upwards so the heat plates would take more of the brunt of the friction from re-entry. But, Jacob knew that when Grace looked at him like that, he couldn’t say no. 
They had met at a function at the Rock ten years ago, and to this day, he never knew why she asked him out. He wasn’t great looking, and she was beautiful - tall, flaxen hair, blue eyes the color of the Akila sky after it was washed clean by rain, and the longest legs he’d ever seen on a woman. He was just a mid-level civil servant with the FC, working mainly in trade, while she had just finished her Ph.D., dashing off to newly discovered planets to uncover the origin of how solar systems were created. He’d gone to the function because his buddy, Ben, who’d just joined the Rangers, wanted a wing-man. Turned out Ben didn’t need a wing-man, and Jacob was left alone at the bar. He’d been contemplating leaving when Grace walked up to him. Of course he’d noticed her earlier, she had swarms of people around her vying for her attention all evening, yet she arrowed in on him. From that moment forward, they were inseparable.
Sam was a bit of a miracle baby, as Grace wasn’t sure she could carry to term. They tried to conceive again shortly after Sam turned two, but it wasn’t to be. Medical science still could fix only so much, and her pregnancy with Sam put too much of a strain on her body. Instead, they lavished their love and attention on their only child. He might have been a little spoiled, at least compared to the way Jacob was raised, but he was such a sweet, loving boy, that it didn’t seem to make a difference.
Jacob was thankful that Sam took after his mother in looks, the same blond hair and clear blue eyes, rather than him. He also took after his mother in his disposition and brains. He was fearless and open with everyone, just like his mother, and sucked up information like a sponge. Jacob, on the other hand, was by nature cautious and even timid at times; and he knew he didn’t have a great mind. He was built to be the low-level bureaucrat that he was. Grace was reckless and spontaneous; sometimes too spontaneous as there were several times when he had to haul her out of trouble. In all, however, they made a good, complimentary team, smoothing each other’s edges.
Sam, however, seemed to distill the best qualities from both parents. While fearless, he already showed signs of good sense, and he had a kindness and thoughtfulness that his mother sometimes lacked. By the time the boy was three, Jacob felt that Sam was intended for greatness, to bring back glory to the Coe name. He knew that he was never going to; his own father drilled that fact into his head often enough growing up. But for Sam, he was going to move all of the Settled Systems if he had to, to give the boy all of the opportunities to reach his destiny.
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fangbangerghoul · 2 months
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Merry Wednesday!
I hope everyone has had a great week! I have been stressed personally but it is starting to look up for me.
That being said, I would like to share this site of vetted Palestine GFMs. I have noticed a gross uptick in blogs screaming reasons why you should withhold your donations rather than boosting those who are for sure vetted or blogs that share more Palestinian funds. Some of these 'cautious' takes seem to snowball into zionist propaganda two posts after and it's been really gross to see happen. So, to combat that I wanted to add access to vetted Palestine GFMs.
Tagging: @eridanidreams @lyriumrain @bearlytolerant @staticpallour @lisa-and-shadow
@therealgchu @roguishcat @kimberbohwrites @toxiclizardwrites @atonalginger
CHP 2 of Over Exposure
“Look what at what the cat dragged in. Fresh Desert Kiichi.” Pablo’s aggressive sarcasm was a welcome to hear after only speaking with Delilah the past week. He even reached forward to grab a grain of sand from her hair before flicking it to the ground.
“Yes, yes, please hold your applause. I am starving.” Kiichi matched his quip and picked up the menu that sat in the middle of the table. There was an inkling that they had expected and waited for Kiichi to arrive here and the thought that this might be true had Kiichi smile to herself in appreciation.
“Did you find yourself this time?” Heidi asked popping a fry in her mouth and chewing. “Mi-an was struggling this past week without you. It might be a little selfish of me but I hope you found what you were looking for so we can continue to have your support with building the tunnel to Portia.”
“Heidi!” Amirah softly scolded, “We promised each other no talk of work when we are meeting up.”
“For official Fleeting Youth meetings perhaps.” Pablo said amusingly, “This is not an official meeting that was scheduled for next week. We all just happened to be here at the same time.”
“What a coincidence.” Kiichi mused, rolling her eyes. Before she was able to continue to answer Heidi’s question, Grace had walked over eyeing her as if she wanted to have a long-winded word with her. That was something Kiichi did not look forward too. A slight reminder of why she ran off to the desert for the week in the first place.
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