#atl band imagine
daydadahlias · 6 months
why do you think ashton’s not talking about this yet?
bc why would anyone purposefully legitimize bullshit
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danswank · 2 years
I've got a theory. One, some or all of the group chat is working for ATL reporting your findings. Or my other theory is you're affiliated with the band and planted here to spread more positive rumors
i love the concept of someone being affiliated with the band analyzing alex’s personal life so intensely
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fangirl94stuff · 2 years
Rian Dawson (All Time Low)
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A loud crashing sound startles you awake from a pleasant dream. You instinctively reach out to find the spot next to you in bed empty. When you went to bed at midnight Rian still wasn't home, but squinting at the alarm clock you were shocked to see its 5am. Another loud crash reminds you someone was in your house and you didn't know who it was or how many people were downstairs.
Taking a deep breath you carefully throw the bed sheets off and slowly get out of bed trying not to make a sound. You kept a baseball bat just under the bed for those times when Rian wasn't here. Call it paranoia, but you'd watched enough true crime shows to know you could become a target being alone in a nice house.
Creeping out of the bedroom, you're taken aback to see all the lights on downstairs which burglars wouldn't do because they wouldn't want to be seen when committing a crime. Just what was going on down there? So you walk downstairs avoiding the creaky steps.
'Dude be quiet--'
'Shut up Rian.'
Relief washes over you as you recognise Rian and Jack's voices. You weren't being robbed, so you put the bat down against the open doorway leading into the kitchen. You fold your arms across your chest at the scene in front of you.
You clear your throat, 'good morning boys, what's happening?'
The two grown men jump back startled staring at you like deers caught in the headlights. Your eyes are drawn to the half-eaten chocolate cake in between them, the cake you'd only baked earlier in the day.
'Breakfast,' Rian mumbles.
You sigh, 'that's chocolate cake babe.'
Jack shrugs his shoulders grinning like a child, 'your point y/n?'
'It's five in the morning,' you reply with a yawn.
Rian pouts, 'your point y/n?'
It was kind of creepy when the two of them synced up, but right now all you wanted to do was go back to bed so you couldn't care less what they did.
'Okay, eat your cake and then off to bed, good night.'
'Don't you mean good morning babe?' Rian jokes.
You give your partner a colourful finger gesture and leave the kitchen. They were both drunk.
Once back in bed, you pick up your phone to see a new message from Lisa.
LISA: The guys were trying their new wine and had a little too much
Y/N: Rian and Jack are eating chocolate cake in the kitchen. Why do we love these idiots?
LISA: Don't ask me. Alex says hi
Y/N: Say hi back to him, now I'm going back to bed
Putting your phone back on the bedside table you try to get comfortable. Around thirty minutes later Rian stumbles into the bedroom and gets undressed, before climbing into bed with you.
'I love you y/n,' he mumbles quietly.
You can't keep the smile off your face as he cuddles you from behind, 'I love you too, now get some sleep.'
Before you knew it Rian is asleep while you remain awake. Oh, there was going to be hell to pay in a few hours.
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caffernnn · 9 months
as a folie a deux stan, would you share your thoughts & feelings about the album
A chance to ramble about one of my all-time faves?? ooOOO SAY LESS MY FRIEND ♥️🧸💛
I think Folie finding a place in my heart was a perfect storm — I’m a new fan falling into obsession with FOB during my mid-teens, and they’re starting to get into the hayday of the post-hiatus SR&R era. So of course, I’m looking through wiki pages, poking through fan pages, seeing interviews here and there (doing research for my sophomore year’s mandatory big research essay, and also satisfying my need to Know Everything™️ ), and I start wondering about how hiatus happened. What’s up with Folie? Why is it listed as not being well-received by fans and painful for the band (at that time)?
It becomes this situation where you’re handing 16-year-old me this misfit outcast album, one with bears on the cover (I’m predictable and easy to please shhhh) and an openly experimental vibe set apart from their previous work (more collaborative iirc, the four of them drawing on stuff they were inspired by to try new things). Pair that outcast magnetism (impulse to show love to wounded birds and rejected things) with lyrics that speak to the liminal space I existed in with my own adolescent identity (lyrics speaking to madness in complex dependent relationships, to not knowing yourself, to wanting to know yourself, to wanting to know the world, to trying to figure out morals and love and worth amidst your missteps and lost sense of self and unspeakable depression), and I was sunk. Listened to some YouTube video rip of the full album (or playlists that also included pavlove and lullabye) to fall asleep at night, while showering, really whenever I had a chance in my downtime (since I didn’t have headphones and listened to more of the futct/ioh/sr&r hit singles when with friends). Something about Pete’s devastating lyrical angst and Patrick/Joe/Andy’s artistry and the heavy feelings surrounding the album (from the minor bits the fans/public know about the time and the stories weaved throughout the album) started hitting in a specific way that had me imprinting on Folie and the band like a baby bird. Yeah, I started having that feeling of being understood by music with other bands (MCR, Paramore, P!atD, classic emo trinity stuff) along with some of the more pop punk stuff I was already into (PtV, ATL, you know the era), but for whatever reason, Folie maintained its place as my heart and soul album (along with Soul Punk for PStump-related reasons, but we’re not talking about her right now 🏃🏻‍♀️)
We’d be here all night if I tried to list favorite songs or lyrics, but I can ramble a bit about what hit me most when I started going “oh yeah, this is my album” as a teen:
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I mean like, of course, right? “What a Catch, Donnie” is the pinnacle ballad, from all the lyrical callbacks and cameo features to the somber/hopeful music video, plus the interviews out there noting the song as lyrically important to the band. I think you can find stuff from back in that era (‘08-‘09) talking about it as almost a “swan song,” a final message that’s as close as you’ll get to personal convictions in a less-autobiographical album. For me, it felt like a love letter to their past selves in the unstoppable march forward in time. It felt like grief, the kind that comes with change and it’s inevitable losses, but it also felt like hope. Imagine not seeing goodness within you, not recognizing yourself, feeling stranded and pushed by the tides and not sure where you’ll end up. Then, imagine finding a lifeline through hanging on to someone else with the same type of stormy muddled mind, finding them and becoming their looking glass, their mirror, their guide — helping someone apathetic and listless find a spark again after giving up on themselves. It makes you wonder if you’ll find clarity through connection too, if you’ll be saved over and over again by people who see you and make sense of it all, or maybe don’t make it all better/comprehensible but care for you anyway. It became an anthem for me to hang onto my friends and budding new interests to help make me feel whole and keep going at a time where everything felt overwhelming and impossibly complicated (the curse of being 15/16/etc). Something about learning about hiatus, learning about the peaks and valleys of the band, looking at it all while having the fortune of knowing they find their ways back to each other to create more music and memories and get to keep growing together — that was big for me in a way I couldn’t articulate at the time but still felt deeply. We can be lost, but still found; flawed, but still loved. That’s important to hear when you’re stumbling through those early formative years, and important to be reminded of when we stumble through evolving our identities again and again and again.
There’s a lot of nostalgic love for the album now that I’ve held onto it for a decade, but it’s still so fun to revisit and holds up for me amidst all of the new music I listen to now. SM(f)S wriggled it’s way into my heart this past year and sits in there holding onto Folie’s hand, speaking on heavy themes and channeling that same motivation to experiment and create a legacy through music. Getting to see FOB live this year (!!!) playing Folie songs live (!!!!!) and eventually revisiting the whole album throughout the duration of tourdust (!!!!!!!) was an amazing experience, and it’s great to see Folie get her flowers in the many years since her release. Happy 15 years, Folie!! 🩵🐻💙
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starvinginbelair · 5 months
this is just a thought for the moment, but, i'm wondering (and processing through writing, it's not a full fledged idea) if there's like. a chance if the greater outraged people/suspicious atl fandom could somehow. have a lawyer in their midst and make an offer of their services publicly to the girl who claimed things on twitter and it could be like a fan effort? obv it's a big thing to try coordinate but i'm in the mood for some movie style vigilante shit and i'm just. entertaining the possibility (even though i am definitely not a lawyer). but when i look at things fans have come together and coordinated it def does feel smaller than some things that are outright unhelpful yet people came together for
while i think this would be a better idea than what's currently happening, and of course done with good intentions, i genuinely do not think something like this would never come to fruition, mainly due to the online nature of the allegations and simply how much would actually have to be done on the legal side alone by even the most organized groups of fans.
pls note i'm not an expert on us law. i'm also still in my undergrad, and NOT a law student, but here's how i see it based on my knoweldge of that system.
firstly, i'm not even sure you can bring a legal case on these accusations to a court. i mainly focus on the criminal side in my degree, so i know a lot about this stuff, but because this case was not one that was reported to/investigated to the police (by my knowledge), there's nothing a criminal court can do. this case wouldn't even be brought up there. the reason all time low is able to sue in civil court is because they are suing on defamation charges, and not criminal charges. however, the victim, because they remained anonymous in the original post would not be able to countersue for the same issue. so that's the initial challenge, that i'm pretty sure there's not even a charge that the victims could sue all time low for, it would have to process through a criminal legal avenue.
the only thing i can imagine on the civil level is potentially something to do with not advertising their shows at 18+? but at the same time, it's really hard to think that there's any substantive argument coming out of that, considering there's no us regulation against not advertising 18+ on tickets. and while i don't necessarily think that what all time low was saying at their shows was appropriate, i don't think that it was out of the realm of "acceptable social behaviour" especially for bands in their genre at the time (which they would definitely use as a counterargument for their behaviour)
even if this case somehow did get off the ground, there' still so many other barriers to getting justice for these victims through the legal system. while of course the number of 97 has never been officially confirmed by anyone, there were still a lot of accusations against the band. the difficulty here is that there is no guarantee that all of these people live within the same legal jurisdiction or even the same country. that would likely mean trials in several different areas, which the victims probably would not be able to afford (even if there was a lawyer in the midst of atl fans).
most lawyers don't often do pro bono work, in the first place, and i've personally never heard of it being done across countries like that. logistically, it sounds like a nightmare, because the legal system is so much more than just going to court and pleading your case. it's discovery meetings and motions to dismiss and very much so requires in person or at least consistent online interaction between lawyers and their clients. very rarely do cases actually go to court, with most settling far before it even gets to that stage. and because so much of this broke online and on twitter, with very little other than just stories from victims, it wouldn't be worth it to try to fight it. any lawyer considering picking this up would know that the judge would probably dismiss the case, on the basis of lack of evidence about a year into the process. i say lack of evidence btw, not as away to say i don't believe the stories, but that court admissible evidence is very different from what the average person considers to be evidence. it has to follow a very strict set of guidelines and anything that does not fit the bill is striken from record. and with tiktok and twitter information especially, very rarely does all of it pass through within any issues whatsoever.
anyways, the lawyer would likely realize then that they'd pretty much be wasting a year of everyone's time and money with this case, and simply just not pick it up. it'd probably have to be a very invested lawyer to pursue it in the first place, with more evidence and what they believe is an iron-clad case. but solely on what broke online, i just don't see enough for anyone to want to go after it.
this is also why a lot of sa vicitms don't go to the police or to the courts with their stories. because the system is simply not set up to benefit them, or to get them true justice. they are asked time and time again to prove to the courts that they've gone through this intense trauma, and so much of the time, it is not acceptable just to say that it happened. there has to be stacks on stacks of evidence, and even then, the court can rule against them based on whether or not they truly believed that the defendant did the things they were accused of. it's really tough, and while i would say some places are getting better at adapting their legal system to accomodate these issues, the us is definitely not one of them. with the current way their legal system is set up, it's hard for any victim, with even mountains of receipts and testimony, to receive justice. much less with how little admissible court evidence there would be in this case
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queenofgraveyards · 1 year
wait so are you not a fan of harry’s? if not, what made you choose him as your male fc’s? so glad you did obvi haha
this is a complicated question and has an equally complicated answer haha soooo I used to be! him n niall (mostly niall) were my absolute faves when they were on the xfactor and then after that two of them were it for me and then probably like late 2012/2013 so around haylor time and frat boy era Harry became my absolute fave and niall was my second fave and then yeah throughout the whole of 1d they were still my faves with Harry being number 1 lmao I was a biiiig 1d fan but I’ve never had any interest in the other 2 and if we’re being honest, Louis can’t sing but that’s a diff story and then when they split I forgot abt the others and focused on niall n Harry and I saw Harry live on his first tour over here in nz and it sucked he very obviously did not want to be there and it was boring af which sucked so bad cause I liked the first album and then after that he just kinda dropped off for me and niall has been number 1 ever since I also don’t like his fan base lmao and I have a bit of an issue with his “groundbreaking” looks/acts whatever which I think a big part of my issue is his fans thinking he’s the first person to ever do anything and it’s so groundbreaking etc etc so I think it’s unfair for me to hold that against Harry himself cause I doubt he believes that or whatever, and yes there is no denying he’s a very good performer (now) (but like so is niall, so are my fave band atl, so is Taylor etc yknow????) so all in all I like looking at him oh and he can’t act lmao
AND I just realised I never said why I write abt him sorry babes, ummmm and y’all hate me for this but I like how he looks and he’s a boring person or rather presents boringly/as a blank slate (which is such a good marketing move bc like then fans can imagine whatever they want of him) and if Harry was more bambi h then I’d be OBSESSED you know?? like I like him in the context of he’s pretty and I have a thing for fictional Harry haha
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purplesurveys · 2 months
What song reminds you of being in middle school? All Time Low, The Maine, The Summer Set, You Me At Six, Sleeping With Sirens...save for ATL and SWS who I actually liked, in summary these were bands that the cool kids obsessed over; and wanting to be just as cool and to fit in, I tried to listen to their music only to find it all unimpressive and boring.
What was the first thing you learned how to cook? The only things I've ever learned how to make are eggs. For baking, cookies.
What does your hair currently look like? It's in a low ponytail.
Who’s the worst driver you know? In terms of never knowing how to brake properly and making all of his passengers dizzy, that would be my mom's younger brother.
In terms of...well...denting the car and never knowing when it's too close to a street post or a concrete curb, me. Bless my dad for being ever so patient and never getting mad at me even if I've given my car several souvenirs over the years :((
What are some wild animals commonly found where you live? Just...birds tbh. The occasional snake but I've never seen one myself.
Does it take a lot to make you cry? No. PMS-ing or not, it's pretty easy.
If the last dream you had came true, would that be a good or bad thing? I can't remember my last dream.
Have you ever had a lucid dream? Nope.
How long did your last car ride last? All of, like, 3 minutes. The typhoon was already in full force that morning but my mom and I wanted to just try taking our chances and see if our roads are still passable, or if there's even a flood at all in the village – long story short, it didn't take long for a village guard to stop us mid-drive and be like, "don't even try, [the flood] is way too high already" lol so back to the house we went.
Isn’t it disgusting when people chew with their mouth open? Sure but I don't find it as annoying as others do. I have other pet peeves to be more irritated with lmao.
What’s your most prominent memory from 2009? Watching fancams from Beyoncé's world tour at the time (and waiting >1 hr for 3-minute videos to load, because the internet was still such a new concept here at the time) + getting into Twilight.
Do you think there will ever be world peace? No.
What’s your biggest problem at the moment? Nothing.
Has anyone ever told you you’re too emotionally needy? No.
Has an ex ever told you that they want you back? No.
Have you ever turned down a job offer? It's more 'chickening out' then turning it down; and it wasn't even a job offer yet. Basically, I was a fresh grad who got an interview opportunity at this company, but the interviewer was going to be this high-ranking, CEO-level guy from another country. As someone who was still completely inexperienced and new in Grownup World, it gave me stomach-turning anxiety more than excitement for my first potential job, so I ran away from it. I didn't ghost – I just lied and said that I was going to be unavailable due to a prior commitment or whatever and that was that.
In retrospect, amusing and kind of endearing to think about now. I've forgiven myself for it, haha. Apart from the position being not even something I wanted, I was also like 3 days away from the breakup that nearly killed me so just imagine how much my relationship had deterioriated by that point. I wasn't in the right state of mind, and had I pushed through with the interview I'm fairly confident I would have flunked it horribly. It was also peak Covid, so having to learn adulting during such a restrictive time felt very frustrating.
What’s the longest hospital stay you’ve had? For what? I've only had one hospital stay and that was overnight. I had a dengue scare which just turned out be a general low platelet count. No clue where it came from; my sister got diagnosed with the same thing and we were admitted to the hospital at the same time. My mom visibly lost a few pounds in the span of 24 hours out of worry.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t know the basics of using a computer? My grandma.
What was the last snack you ate? I'm currently having cinnamon breadsticks and a few Cheetos I fished out of its bag. Healthy living!
What’s something really basic that you’re terrible at? Cooking, riding a bicycle.
Is it just me, or are tv shows/movies getting to be really dumbed down? Well, no. There's many great ones out there still.
Do you know any same-sex married couples? Yeah. They were wed in the States, of course; but yeah I know one.
What was the last appointment you scheduled? Dentist.
Are you happy with the person you have become? For the most part I am, but sometimes I'll get challenged about it. When I feel like I'm starting to feel sucky about myself again, I'm usually immediately self-aware about it and scramble to fix things.
What year were you born? 1998.
What does your favorite watch look like? I don't wear watches.
Did you have one of those Tamagotchi things as a kid? I had a fake one because we never could afford the real thing.
What’s your favorite kind of wine? Idk the differences between Merlot and Chardonnay and whatever and am generally not knowledgeable about wine at all – all I know is that I gravitate towards red.
When was the last time you felt lonely? Wednesday.
Are your parents still together? Yup.
Have you ever been so broke you didn’t know how you’d keep a roof over your head? Fortunately I have never had to think about that.
Do you know anyone who believes that vaccines cause autism? Not autism, but that they can kill...wasn't a fun day learning someone I know personally thinks that way.
What was the last piece of furniture you bought? Can't remember; it's been a while.
What’s a new skill you’d like to learn? Another Filipino language.
How did you celebrate your last birthday? I just had an intimate dinner with family.
Do you have any great housecleaning tips? Not really.
What’s your favorite cocktail? Long island iced tea or espresso martini.
Did your favorite movie come out before or after you were born? Before. 31 years before.
Is there anything you need to do before the end of the day? Help entertain relatives who've flown in from the States and will be coming over anytime soon.
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jackinalex · 2 months
So The Warning (the girl band in the ATL reel) deleted their repost of the reel from their stories.
🙄 imagine that.
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tar-and-feathered · 5 months
tagged by @figsandphiltatos :)
shuffle your on repeat playlist (on spotify) and list the first 10 songs and then tag 10 people
First Time by Hozier -- Been listening to this one (and the album in its entirety) since last October and like much of Hozier, it spoke to me! I think my favorite part is about the flowers,,,, mothers gifting life to you again, how a plant lives mostly underground in the roots, deadened to light and sound but reaching for the light anyway, even when it's doomed to be cut back for its beauty?? how the plant knows it's dying but puts forth its every effort to make flowers anyway?? "fighting off like all creation the absence of itself, anyway" ANYWAY????? and the end hurts a special kinda bad ough! ough!
Sjamboksa by Gang of Youths -- god knows I love these boys, but this one is an unsung gem from their earlier albums. "In the thick of my heart, by the skin of my teeth, until I'm forgotten, and covered in weeds, and my withering soul is in the sea, i will hold on to you, hold on to me." It has a warm, heartful sound that gets me emotional
Keep Me In the Open by Gang of Youths -- not your typical love song. It's about a relationship in the end stages of failing. It's always been a heartbreaker, and I appreciate it filling an uncommon niche. "When did everything get this weird? how the fuck did it start? did you ever believe in me? was it always so hard?"
Welcome Home, Son by Radical Face -- I've loved this one since like 2018? or 2017? It's an EXCELLENT "thinking about your OCs" song with excellent vibes. Generally this band is good for this purpose, recommend their other stuff since I think this is their only big song. I enjoy Small Hands iirc. They have very visual lyrics that I can smell yk? "Sheets are swaying from an old clothes line, like a row of captured ghosts over old dead grass, was never much but we made the most"
Wildflower and Barley (Feat. Allison Russell) by Hozier -- This makes me think of Seurri and Erastos' year together in their mutual downtime, enjoying the glade together and Philander learning to be comfort in a gentle, quiet love. the fuck . the vibes are... like, jazzy and folksy. "springtime from my window, another month has not much longer now, the sun hesitates more on each evening's darkening, would all things god allows, remain above ground? like grief and sweet memory, wildflower and barley"
I Don't Know You by Mannequin Pussy -- Excellent intro to their show in Atl. Started us off easy for sure lol. It's soft, it's about regret, it's about knowing your regret and still being unable or unwilling to act on it i think. plus longing
Little Dark Age by MGMT -- I don't remember listening to this a ton recently but in general? yes. I'm claiming this one back from the fashy teens who wanna use it in ww2 edits, this song slaps severely and the dark and mysterious vibes speak to me. good for OC imagining lol "The humor's not the same, coming from denial" IDK if this song has a coherent meaning (ik MGMT can be cryptic) but I havent interpreted it and I like it that way frankly
Too Sweet by Hozier -- Who could have predicted! OHhh! who knew! This song is for Solomon and Solomon only idc idc idc idc "But you worry some I know, but who wants to live forever babe" like yess mercenary queen work i need you to concern your elf nobility non-wifey wifey endlessly
We Don't Believe What's on TV by Twenty One Pilots -- Middle school makes a bold return! I stopped listening to these guys before 2016 I think, but I got a hankering for this particular song because I'm so unsure of what I want to be or do, or if I can even be or do that. I want to be unafraid of the future with somebody and I don't think I could relate to this song in middle school but I get it now! Also I refuse to factor religion into my interpretation of top or I'll stop enjoying it again shh
Archie, Marry Me by Flyte -- This song is one I'd occasionally play on loop late at night, the echoing choir and soft, what, organ? in the background? If I had a wedding this would probably be in it. It's so warm and personal, but I love the original by i think Alvvays! This cover I just think I love more.
I don't think I have any steady mutuals who haven't already been tagged in figs' post so... like or rb this or otherwise let me know if you'd like to be tagged in anything in the future :)
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honeyvenommusic · 8 months
watched the stream of the last Issues show tonight (rip) and very unsurprisingly my good god Brian ripped that shit. he's got a great voice (and it worked so well with the band) and i've seen live sets of The Home Team so i def know he's capable of a good 45ish mins w maybe a few falsettos and a bit of screams so it made perfect sense for this and other reasons that they'd pick him to sing lead for them for this farewell tour imo, but doing a lot more of both of those things while also just straight singing for 2 whole hours and hopping around the stage bc man doesn't really stay still for long (like the good frontman he is) like idk what the rest of this tour's shows were like length-wise (prob about the same?) but pulling through all those switches in intensity vocally that many times and maintaining any semblance of your voice as it was at the top of the show is HARD. AS. FUCK. and honestly rising to the occasion of this challenge (as ofc he would) will only benefit THT moving forward and i'm just talking live shows. and like if he's able to do this for that long live imagine what anything recorded post this tour will sound like vocally plus it's gonna be that much easier for him to access whenever he needs it like what a workout i'm sweating w dry mouth & a scratchy throat just thinking about it. and getting to do something so challenging with a band you've loved for a decade around you cheering you on i'm really so happy for him that's gotta feel good and vaildating as fuck hope he has a lil free time and space in the THT schedule rn to go off in atl with the Issues guys tonight he deserves it.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Favourite Place - All Time Low ft The Band CAMINO - song fic - Dinah Drake x Fem!Reader
I saw your face in a photograph Oh how I wish that it could talk back I'd drive right off the earth to find you If it meant that I could see you tonight And I know you don't belong (know you don't belong) Know you don't belong to anyone No you can't be tamed love, and Maybe I was wrong (maybe I was wrong) Maybe I was wrong for this But you feel like the sun on my face
Dinah Drake first met you at a protest in Star City. You were fiercely defending people, ready to fight against those who didn’t think you or your community were worth anything. That was when a fight broke out and SCPD had to disperse it. Dinah managed to grab you before you fell to the ground, nose bloodied from the fist that slammed into it.
Arguably, you could say it was love at first sight. You were both lovestruck.
So can we close the space between us now It's the distance we don't need (hey) Yeah, you're everything I love about The things I hate in me (hey) So come on, come on, come over now and Fix me with your grace 'Cause I'm not too far and you're my favorite place
You were walking to SCPD with a bag full of takeaway food when your eye caught something. Dinah passionately defending someone as SCPD captain. Your smile was evident as you walked up the steps, approaching the front doors before Dinah spotted you. 
She was sat at her desk, clearly annoyed but your appearance melted that away immediately. “Hey.” Dinah smiled, the same smile that widened when she saw the takeaway bag.
I saw your face in the fire again I touched the flames and burned down everything I hear the sirens west of 8th now Wonder if you're hearin' them too And I know you don't belong (know you don't belong) Know you don't belong to anyone No you can't be tamed love Maybe I was wrong (maybe I was wrong) Maybe I was wrong for this But you feel like the perfect escape now (Just like the sun on my face)
You were sat on your couch, tapping away at an article, fiercely describing something. You didn’t even glance up at the door opening and closing. You didn’t really notice anything that wasn’t your laptop, the one time you’d even looked up was when you heard sirens outside, slowly fading down the streets. 
“Fiercely writing your article for Iris?” Dinah’s voice jolted you from your focus. You glanced up at Dinah who was standing next to the couch, fingers running over the leaves of the succulent on the end table.
“What else would i be doing?”
“Defending people, being untamed and being the warrior that you are in writing.” Dinah cooed, tilting her head to the side as she watched your tenseness fade from your shoulders.
So can we close the space between us now It's the distance we don't need (hey) Yeah, you're everything I love about The things I hate in me (hey) So come on, come on, come over now and Fix me with your grace 'Cause I'm not too far and you're my favorite place (Hey, hey, hey, hey)
A few hours later, you and Dinah were curled up on the couch under a blanket, empty bowl of mixed popcorn on the coffee table. Your head was on Dinah’s chest as the two of you faced the tv, a movie was playing but you’d long stopped paying attention to that. You were staring up at Dinah, her gaze on the screen but yours was on her. Eyes tracing her jawline before drifting up to her cheekbones then her eyes. God, you loved her eyes.
Dinah raised an eyebrow as she caught your gaze on her, barely withholding her smile as she turned to look at you.
“What?” She cooed, leaning in so she was centimeters away. The smile on your face was coy but you just shook your head, pausing before you leaned in, closing the distance.
So come on, come on, come over now and Fix me with your grace 'Cause I'm not too far and you're my favorite place
“What was that for?” Dinah questioned a while later, feeling you curl up closer to her.
“Nothing, you’re just my favourite place.”
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songblurb · 4 years
favorite place | song mingi x reader
word count: 942
a lot of angst 👉🏽👈🏽, one sided (?) love, non-gendered reader
“I would drive right off the earth to find you, if it meant that I could see you tonight”
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1 OUT OF 43
It seems warmer than most winters, it’s mid January and I’ve yet to see even a hint of snow. I’m not about to speak too soon though, the second I do I know the forecast will change and the city will be frozen for weeks.
Is it warmer where you are? It’s been a while since I’ve thought about you, I wonder how you’re doing in Seoul. I can’t say I’m doing awful, but I can’t say I’m doing that great either. Not because you left me, I feel like I’m over that, I think it’s just that unexplainable emotional limbo I go through every now and then. School is school and I’ve been showing up for classes and getting work done and even talking to classmates. Work at the drug store has even been going okay, I remember starting and immediately wanting to quit, but I think I’ve gotten used to it. That's all I really do though, I go to class and go to work and go home, then I do it all again the next day and the next day and then I have a day off and go back to the same routine the next day. Maybe I’m just bored, I can’t really tell anymore.
Can I be honest with you for a bit?
I do still think about you, more than I probably should.
I was sitting in my yard, like we used to, next to the bonfire you built for me when we first started dating. Maybe it was the wine, but I could’ve sworn I saw your face in the flames. Before I could reach out to feel you, I put it out with the rest of what was in my glass, and the warmth I felt when the liquid hit the fire was the warmest I’ve been in months.
Maybe I shouldn’t tell you this, but I can't help it anymore, I can’t help myself like you did.
Do you remember hopping in my truck and driving to the middle of nowhere, a few miles out of the city, just far enough that the lights couldn’t bother us anymore? We would lay in the back, on top of the blankets and jackets piled underneath the seats in front, and watch the sky for what seemed like hours. I went out a few nights ago, I had the radio up as far as it could handle and watched as night turned into day and I was almost late to work.
I was wondering if you were seeing the same stars I was.
I know you remember, I hope you still think about it from time to time.
We don’t need this space, I understand you had no choice but, I wish I could have been a part of your dreams. You truly were everything I loved about the things I hate in me, and I wish i could ask you to come over and expect you in thirty minutes.
You can’t, and you wouldn’t, but it’s nice to think you would. Maybe you would, maybe if you wanted me in Seoul with you I’d be there right now. Maybe if I had done as much for you as you did for me, I’d still be the one next to you in your Instagram posts. I always feel the urge to like them, or to respond to your close friends' stories, to tell you I’m still here and have no hard feelings, that I like to see you happy with your new friends and new life. And I do, there’s nothing more I wanted for you, but it would be nice to experience it all with you. To hear the ideas you have and meet the people you spend all of your time with now.
At least I can still watch from a phone screen, at least I know you still care enough to let me see what the rest of the world can’t.
I do like your new hair, though, the red really suits your undertones and your attitude.
I really am so happy for you, I can’t express that enough through the winy tone this letter has taken on. Your career is building and your name is becoming more well known, which is all you’ve ever dreamed about. I can tell you really enjoy the other boys in your group, it’s nice finding friends in those you technically work with. And your music? Wow, your voice is still everything I knew it could be, and the way you dance is exactly how I remember you would in the living room, just a bit stronger and more in sync with the music ;)
Until I find the courage and necessity to let you read this, I’ll keep writing until I feel even a little better. I’ll continue living my small, okay life here, alone. I hope one day I can see you again, whether that be barricade at one of your concerts or at our then favorite coffee place, or even through your name popping up on my phone from a short, “hey, y/n” text. I’m sure they gave you a new number after debut, though, for safety.
Maybe you kept my number… I hope you kept my number.
In short, I still love you, but you don’t need to hear that from me, I know you’re hearing that a lot lately.
Maybe I do miss you, you brought an air of excitement into my life. You felt like the sun on my face, you were my favorite place, Mingi.
I’ll tell you again someday, but not today.
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fangirl94stuff · 3 years
All Time Low: Jack Barakat
'Dude are you okay? What's wrong? Are you feeling ill?' Alex asks, firing off question after question aimed at me from the passenger seat of my car.
Had my actions really been that noticeable? There was something wrong with me, I was conflicted about my feelings for one of my best friends. On the one hand, I wanted to confess, but on the other hand, I didn't want to ruin a good friendship. y/n l/n had been my best friend for over twenty years, I was in love with them, but with my infamous reputation was I really capable of love?
'I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say you're thinking about y/n, and not just about the housewarming, but maybe how you're finally ready to confess your feelings,' Alex speaks up since I was being silent.
I move my eyes from the road to Alex, 'what do I do?'
He grins, 'why the sudden urge?'
I sigh loudly, 'it's stupid. We both went to a family friends party the other week and y/n looked drop-dead gorgeous. Lots of men had their eyes on y/n and I was jealous. From that night I swore I'd be the only man romantically in y/n's life. They stayed by my side the whole night because the attention made them uncomfortable.'
Alex hums to himself, 'dude I've never seen you this lovestruck before. If I was you I'd tell y/n how I feel. Trust your gut, do it tonight.'
I was still conflicted as we pull up outside y/n's new home. Alex goes ahead of me leaving me to compose myself. I pick up my phone and smile at my lock screen because y/n had taken my phone the other week and changed the lock screen to be a goofy photo of them. Little things we did when together had people assuming we were together and neither of us denied it. I needed to find out if y/n's feelings were mutual.
'Lisa can I tell you something in private?' you ask your close friend, and Alex's wife who'd come over early to help you set up.
You'd met Lisa through Alex and the two of you clicked, pretty much inseparable when together, the two of you told each other everything. She jumps up onto the counter nearest to you.
'You can tell me anything y/n?' she answers.
You lean in towards her just in case anyone was eavesdropping and keep your voice low, 'the other week Jack and I went to a party and I don't know what overcame me but I found myself thinking about him as more than just friends. I've liked him for a while but that night cemented my true feelings. A lot of guys were eyeing me up and Jack shielded me from them.'
Lisa giggles, 'you have it bad. The two of you would be perfect together, you know each other, every dirty and dark little secret. Plus you can't deny that the two of you act like a couple in public. You two are the most oblivious people any of us know.'
You feel your cheeks burn at Lisa's accusations and observations. You and Jack weren't subtle, but you put it down all these years to just being really close friends. Maybe Jack had similar feelings, Lisa had pretty much told you so. Would this ruin your friendship? You had a lot to think over and a lot of drinks to help you work up some courage.
'The party can finally begin!' Alex calls out cheerfully, entering the kitchen.
Lisa rolls her eyes and gets off the counter, 'the party began when I arrived Mr Gaskarth,' she snorts.
Alex pouts like a child as Lisa pushes past him playfully. You walk over to your friend and hug him, 'ignore her Alex.'
Alex hugs you back, 'this is why you're my favourite y/n.'
Jack clears his throat behind Alex, 'I thought I was your favourite.'
Alex jumps a little and pulls away from you, 'dude one day you're going to give me a heart attack. y/n is now my number one.'
Alex reaches around you and grabs a beer from the cooler on top of the counter, pops the cap, and leaves the kitchen to find his wife, leaving you and Jack alone.
'Welcome to my humble abode Mr Barakat, make yourself at home.'
Jack smiles, 'oh you're going to regret that invite y/n. I'll have myself a spare key before the end of the party.'
You laugh, 'challenge accepted.'
It was getting late, quite a few drinks had been drunk and jokes had been shared. Alex suggested a game of truth or dare spin the bottle and like the big kids we all were, we said yes. Alex, Lisa, Rian, Zack, a couple of close friends and y/n sit down in the lounge while I sit down opposite y/n. We made the rule that if you refused to answer the truth you had to take a shot.
It didn't take people too long to refuse to answer truths, so shots were taken and even my head was starting to feel groggy, but I managed to keep my eyes on y/n the whole time while they never took their eyes off me.
After a shot, Rian spins the bottle and it lands on y/n who chooses dare. Rian rubs his hands together, sharing a look with the others around the circle like they were all in on something.
'y/n I dare you to kiss the person you have a crush on,' Rian states, words a little slurred.
y/n nods their head and gets up on their knees before leaning over the bottle in the middle and crashes their lips down on mine without any hesitation, taking not only me by surprise but the whole circle. I kiss y/n back, holding their chin in place not wanting to lose the taste of their lips, while our friends erupt into cheers around us.
Once y/n pulls away and sits back down in their spot I take a deep breath, 'y/n will you go out with me?'
y/n nods, 'yes I will.'
More cheers and congratulations erupt in the circle. I guess I had nothing to worry about, y/n felt the same way and had said yes to dating me. The game continues, before y/n excuses themselves and I follow after them into the kitchen.
y/n holds their hand out to me, and in their palm is a spare key, 'you won the challenge, Jack.'
I throw my head back and laugh, 'and I got the best prize of them all.'
y/n throws their arms around my shoulder and kisses me again, this was a feeling I could get very used to as I kiss them back. When everyone sobered up y/n and I would receive hell off our friends for taking out sweet time getting together.
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star-six7 · 4 years
We Can Live Like Jack and Sally
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Rian Dawson x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Word Count: 1068
A/N: This is for the anon who requested anything with Rian! I hope you like it! I was listening to I Miss You by blink while I was writing this so if you want to evoke the same vibes, go ahead and put it on while you read. Side note, I checked the tag for Rian Dawson imagines to get a feel for the fic and apparently this is the first one in almost 2 years?
Disclaimer: This is entirely a work of fiction. No part of this story is meant to be libel, slander, or in any way derogatory towards any character’s real life counterpart. I’m not delusional; I know that these characters are simply based off of a public persona and may not actually resemble the people behind those personas. Any additional characters that you do not recognize are entirely fictional, unless otherwise stated. And finally, if you got here by Googling yourself, whatever happens next is 100% on you.
“Come on, it’ll be fun!”
“I’m going to be pissed if we get murdered.”
Rian turned around, swinging the flashlight precariously. “Hey, you know that being my best friend comes with occupational hazards.”
“Yeah?” You rolled your eyes. “And remind me why I put up with them, again?”
“Because. You love me. And anyways, this is going to be fun! Haunted houses are fun. Stop complaining and help carry the basket.”
He resumed trudging up the hill, leaving you to scoff and pick up the picnic basket he had unceremoniously dropped in your lap twenty minutes earlier. You were just glad he couldn’t see you blushing in the dark.
After twenty long minutes of navigating the steep terrain, you had reached the edge of the property. Moving to stand next to Rian and dropping the picnic basket at his feet, you stared warily up at the run-down house. “And you’re sure this is actually a good idea?”
“Well,” he hemmed. “I mean, it’s definitely an idea. And anyways, I’ll be right here the whole time; I won’t let anything bad happen!”
“Thanks, glad to know that I have absolutely nothing to worry about,” you said dryly. Secretly, though, you couldn’t deny the rush in your chest at the idea of him protecting you.
Before you knew it, Rian had practically dragged you across the yard and was standing at the base of the porch. “Well?” you prompted, crossing your arms over your chest and trying your best to look mildly annoyed instead of terrified.
“After you,” he grinned.
Sighing, you began to step onto the porch, only for it to creak loudly and bend under your weight. “Shit!” you exclaimed, frowning. After taking a few steadying breaths, you climbed the rest of the way onto the porch. “You better not be laughing.” You whirled around to glare at him. Instead of laughter, he had an odd look on his face. You couldn’t pin down what it was.
“I’m not,” he said, joining you on the old structure. “Come on. Let’s go inside, I wanna show you something.”
After wandering through the downstairs portion of the house, which was for the most part lacking in furniture and objects (save for a pile of cigarettes and beer cans in the fireplace- apparently, Rian wasn’t the only one who’s idea of a good time was a haunted house), Rian led you over to the staircase.
“Rian… you don’t actually want us to go up there, do you?” you glanced between him and the stairs apprehensively.
“Of course I do,” he said. “Besides, you haven’t seen the best part yet. And we don’t want all this food to go to waste, do we?” He gingerly wrapped his arm around your shoulders and began to lead you up the stairs, inciting yet another round of furious blushing on your part.
Rian led you up the stairs and down towards a door at the end of the hallway. He carefully pushed open the decrepit door, revealing exactly what it was he had wanted to show you. The room, which you assumed must have been the master bedroom, held only a rusted bed frame and had broken or missing panes in all the windows. There was also a large hole in the ceiling, which revealed the night sky, studded with stars that the city normally blocked out due to light pollution. For whatever the room lacked in contents, it more than made up for with its stunning view of the sky, as well as of Baltimore, given the house’s ideal location on the top of a large hill. It was gorgeous, and the perfect place for a date. Which, if you were being completely honest, both bothered and excited you because… nevermind.
“So,” Rian said. He sounded kind of nervous. “What do you think?”
“I like it,” you smiled at him, tearing your eyes away from the beautiful night sky. He grinned back at you and began to lay the contents of the picnic basket out on the floor. When he was done, he turned the flashlight off and patted the blanket next to him. You sat down across from him, and he handed you a bottle of soda, clinking his own against yours before opening it.
“Okay, I have to admit, there is a reason I brought you here tonight,” Rian said as he opened a bag of candy and tossed you a piece. You raised your eyebrows at him, silently (and hopefully) urging him to continue. You couldn’t deny that he had seemed slightly shy tonight, and though you had both been joking with each other like always, the mood of the evening did seem different than usual. While you were pretty sure that you had a good read on him after your many years of friendship, you wanted- needed to know that you hadn’t been getting your hopes up all night for nothing.
“I, um. There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for a long time. And I wanted to make it special, as cliche as that sounds.” Rian reached out and fiddled with the sleeve of your long tshirt. “I’ve… I’ve really liked you for a long time. You’re one of my best friends in the world, and I love spending time with you. I mean, I understand if you don’t feel the same and want some space after this, but I hope we can still be-”
“If you’re going to imply that I don’t want to be anything more than friends, I’m gonna need you to stop right there,” you told him seriously, your heart beating like war drums in your chest. “I guess it wasn’t as obvious as I thought, but I have had a huge crush on you for a long, long time. I just… I never said anything because I was never sure if you felt the same way.” You gently reached out and took his hand in one of yours.
He leaned in closer, unable to contain the grin threatening to split his face in two. “Do you think we could make this our first date, then?” he said. “It is a dinner for two, underneath the stars.”
“And in a haunted house. I think that matches us perfectly,” you joked.
He tilted his face down to meet yours, stopping just before your lips touched his. “That’s exactly what I was hoping you would say.”
A/N: Thank you for reading my work! If you enjoyed it, please comment and let me know what you liked about it or what your favorite part was! Also, feel free to send in requests! :)
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lost-withyouhere · 4 years
Glitter & Crimson World Tour:  A new live experience by All Time Low!! 🔆
I did a dream tour name, slogan and set list for when the guys actually tour Wake Up, Sunshine later down the year or next year. What are your expectations on the tour for this era and do you have your own dream set list figured out? What bops are on it?
Some Kind Of Disaster
Everything Is Fine
Sleeping In
Melancholy Kaleidoscope
Getaway Green
Missing You
Somewhere In Neverland
Favorite Place
Glitter & Crimson
Dark Side Of Your Room 
Wake Up, Sunshine 
Jasey Rae [Encore]
Summer Daze (Seasons, Pt. 2) [Encore]
Dear Maria, Count Me In [Encore]
I would love it to have a big cool production with nice visuals on a screen like on the Wembley show (to a minor scale, ‘cause probably shows won’t be that big), the Young Renegades Tour and similar to the ones on the lyric videos of the singles and maybe some stage props like fake tree palms on the sides of Jack and Zack. Maybe something close to what The Maine did for the Lovely Little Lonely Tour or the recent Mirror Tour. 
As support I would have anyone that isn't too obvious and maybe some special appearances of blackbear and others.
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messwritten · 2 years
Hi, my name is Beau and I miss writting. Taking requests for imagines or short stories.
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