#athia talks witchcraft
littlenymphie · 3 years
hi athia! i’ve been very interested in getting into paganism and witchcraft and i wanted to know if you had any resources that you’d recommend to get information from. i’ve had such a hard time trying to find resources and i really don’t know where to start so i just wanted to ask you in case you might know any. hope you've had an amazing day! 🤍
hi nonnie, so sorry for the long wait. you caught me at a busy time with my uni transfer and school starting but better late than never, right?!! 💕
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ok, yes finding info about this is kinda hard because a) new wave spiritualism has kinda marketed witchcraft and spirituality and now you have people trying to sell you fake quartz and how you have to “balance” your chakras, b) there are SO many pagan practices, and some interlap, while others are closed or restricted, and c) people lie on the internet so you’re just like umm what???
i try to weed it out by a judge of character most of the time and if whatever said makes sense and resonates with me. i also try to see if they do have credentials and a rapport among the community like they’ve published books or have given out readings. most importantly they don’t preach like “this is the only way to practice witchcraft” ykno? however? when it comes to like a pagan religion, and they’re like a credited authority figure (priest or leader of some kind) then yes they can say “this is how you practice this witchcraft with this pagan religion in mind” and you should definitely follow what they say. however, i still see a red flag if they insist it must be to the T.
i hope i’m getting my message across. basically like find what resonates with you, see if that person who is giving out information has good rapport and respects other’s way of practicing and some experience under their belt.
all that said, i kind of have a small resource pool. right now i’m more drawn to tarot and astrology, so that’s what i’ve been researching about. that’s another thing. there’s so much to witchcraft it can get suuuuper overwhelming real fast. i suggest just to find what you’re drawn to and stick with it for a bit and just skim the rest, until you’re drawn to it too, and then use the tip to weed out the fake bitches <3
ok lets go to the actual resources fmsmmfsm
-ˋˏ ༻resources༺ ˎˊ-
biddy tarot
astrofuture (app)
astrology: using the wisdom of the stars in your everyday life (book)
chaotic witch aunt
harmony nice (more wiccan centric but still good source for general witchcraft)
-ˋˏ ༻outro༺ ˎˊ-
i hope these helped!!! these are the places i go to right now when i want info. i don’t really have a source for spells right now, i kind of just reblog posts or save pics when i stumble upon one that i like. i mean im still new so still searching for more resources for my witchcraft journey but rn not really a priority. thus, these are enough. maybe one day i’ll make a masterpost hehe. ☺️🕯💖
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littlenymphie · 3 years
How do you hex people? TEACH ME 😭
bestie id love to but i am severely under-qualified for that. im still learning about jinxes, hexes, and curses, which i try to stay away from practicing bc i don’t really wanna dive into negative energies yakno? but sometimes, karma’s just taking waaaaayyy to slow
but i’d never curse someone. from what i’ve read, jinxes are more like granting inconveniences, hexes are like wishing bad luck on someone (like giving karma a big ol “OVER HERE” sign), but curses are like actually, directly causing severe harm. not gonna do that.
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littlenymphie · 3 years
Advice to a beginner in witchcraft? I just bought a book about natural witches, two incenses, and I wanna buy crystals now
this made me smile ☺️💖, reminds me of how i was two years ago (and how i still kinda am 👀)
i’d say read those books. see if it resonates with you, because witchcraft is a very personal practice. not all spells will work for you, and that’s okay. not all belief systems or ways of practicing of other witches will work for you, and that’s okay. it’s all very personal!!!
right now, since you’re new, it’s more about dipping your toes in anything and everything that catches your eye. reach out to witches (like youre doing) and ask and just learn. and if you want, do small spells!!! that’s my main advice.
like im not gonna say buy all these witchy things nor am i going to be like “you need this specific witch starter pack” bc thats just silly.
but since u already bought the incense, a good thing to do is start with cleansing spells. there’s a bunch everywhere, but i’d say that going around the room with the intention of cleansing while holding the incense is enough. even just letting the incense go on a table is enough. (small steps babey)
and if you reaaaally want crystals, start with a clear quartz since it’s kind of like the most versatile crystal and used a lot for cleansing!!!
but rn i’d say work with what you have and talk to other witches!!!! join communities, read books, watch yt videos and whatnot ☺️. witchcraft can get a bit overwhelming, so just start small and do not rush this journey <3
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littlenymphie · 3 years
something just said hi in a female southern accent in my head 🤨, it was like a breathy hiss
……hello??? who there
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littlenymphie · 3 years
babe how did you uh, summon your incubus for uh, research 🧐
ok!!!!! gurl!!!! 👀!!!!
hmmm how about i make a more detailed post about it to uh help with your research? 🤔😅
bc i tried answering it all in one go here but honestly this is like Actually Witchcraft and there’s so much stuff to it and i don’t wanna put you in harms way, queen.
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