atgranger · 3 years
wednesday: name a fic which you have posted which you think is underrated?
That's actually a good question. I tend to not really compare my works to each other all too much, because I have some where I know I restrict my readership due to the topics covered in it. So it isn't that surprising that my kink-focussed story doesn't do as well as one of my fluffier stories. That being said: I think of aversion and acceptance (a wolfstar fic) deserves more attention, because there is too little ace-content out there and everyone could profit from it
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atgranger · 4 years
Congratulations for reaching 100 followers, 😸😸 "Your tread was so good, hope you make more stuff!
Aww thank you!! If you liked this check out the “The Announcement”-series I did with @ask-dromeda. 
As for future projects: @sheepinawolfsfur and I are currently in the early stages of planning something. And I am sure there will be even more projects afterwards too.
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atgranger · 4 years
I'm currently in the process of redecorating my living room. The walls are pale pink and we have a grey and silver papered feature wall. We're getting curtains tomorrow and furnature over hopefully the next few weeks depending on a few factors. I had to paint walls during a power cut which was weird. So anyway, (there is a question coming) if money/time were no object, and you weren't limited by size or space, what would your perfect living room be like?
Okay I would LOVE to have a huge feature wall where I could just go ham with painting. I dont have a set motif yet but both my current flat as well as my old room have hand painted murals and I kinda love them. As for size: small enough that it is cozy with one or two people but large enough to have some friends over. And a big comfy couch!! Maybe even one of those couches that you can pull a bed out of, should I have some friends stay over. OH some nice corner/space for a piano (not a grand piano, just like my electric one) and somewhere to hang my hammock (a nook would be perfect for that! I love nooks).  Colourwise I would love some dark blue, cream-white and grey-tones (which apparently is my general aesthetic) and maybe some eyecatchers in a nice aquamarine/turquoise.AND HARDWOOD FLOORS. I gotta revise on the space thing: I need some space to dance but I would be willing to push the coffee table away for that.
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atgranger · 4 years
I love Markings, Mates and Magick - Part 3 so far!! It's so good, glad to see someone is still making rp content!!
Thank you so much!! I'm glad you like it because I had a lot of fun writing and filming for it. I am still amazed myself how good it turned out. @sheepinawolfsfur @markdoesanrp and @stressedbi just did fantastic work and it surpassed everything I (and probably @gay-thoughts-and-creative-stuff too) hoped for.
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atgranger · 4 years
1) Tall
2) outgoing
3) rude but in a funny banter way
4) weird but in the best way possible
5) funny
6) friendly! (But ngl I was intimidated when you first messaged me cause Anxiety)
7) positive! 💕🤗
I was soo intimidated to message you too! I only found the courage to do so because I was drunk. Speaking to new people is fucking scary, but I am so happy I did
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atgranger · 4 years
Oooh for the soft asks: 14, 17, 18, 29 <3
14.  favorite feel-good show?
Avatar: The Last Airbender :)
17. fairy lights or LED lights?
depends on what I am going for. In general: Fairy Lights. But if I am actually working on paper for whatever reason: LEDs (though not those stripes. More like these blindingly bright desk lamps)
18. do you still love stuffed animals?
Kinda. I don’t have any in my bed anymore, but I still have a few in my flat.
29. morning, afternoon or night?
Night. Both for productivity and beauty I think. I just love looking at lights/stars in the night. 
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atgranger · 4 years
*sticks out tumb* don't PANic
I LOVE it. @stressedbi I TOLD YOU, its the puns.
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atgranger · 4 years
Damn it Kätzchen! You're not supposed to start new projects! Stop asking for prompts!!
I know :( But like.... Celebrations? And I would either only do a drabble/something short OR postpone it and turn it into a longer project/fic/art/hprp. so...please??
(Besides @hellosweetyspoilers using your rather specific petname for me kinda defeats the anon function.)
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atgranger · 3 years
3, 4, and 5 please
3. Do you have any OT3/OT+ ships? What are your favorites?
Recently I’ve been super into Remus/Sirius/Severus, mainly because I have been reading more Severus-positive fics lately and then read a fic with a FANTASTIC background Wolfstarbat (idk if that is their shipname,  but if it isn’t it should be) and I was just hooked. Sadly it’s a rather “rare” ship/most of the stuff in their tag is a/b/o or smut :(. Other than that I live for anything polyamorous (if done RIGHT!!) So if you happen to have any nice OT+ send me a rec?
4. What is/are your favorite trope(s)?
Soulmate AUs, Magical Tattoos(!!), Enemies to lovers, accidental bonding and many many more. My favourite is very mood dependent so the answer might change but those are always a nice read.
5. What is/are your least favorite trope(s)?
MCD hands down. I just can’t deal with it. Also most fics mixing lightning era and next gen. On top of that age-gaps most of the days.
Send me an ask from this list
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atgranger · 4 years
7, 17, 83?
7. what’s something you love about yourself?
uhm, I’m pretty good at math which I like and I like to think that I am good at explaining it too.
17.do you believe in ghosts?
Can’t say I do. 
83. what is something that you’d want to learn?
Sign language. Also playing the trombone. OH and WOOD TURNING! If you give me more time and the funds to do it in general languages and instruments as well as craftsmanships. 
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atgranger · 4 years
2, 17, 24, 29
2. what’s your feel-good movie?
Oh thats hard. I dont really know (I dont watch that many movies anymore). I guess Moana is in there? Or like any Marvel film of Season 1 too. 
17. fairy lights or LED lights?
Already answered,  but mainly fairy lights.
24.  what’s something you do to de-stress?
play piano, paint, rewatch a series/film I know I like, cuddle someone I like.
29. morning, afternoon or night?
Night :D
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atgranger · 4 years
23 please
23. What’s the most useless thing you know how to do?
Realistically: maybe whistling on a blade of grass Feeling wise: calculating how much it affects the spreading speed of electrical currents if one changes the material or temperatur.
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atgranger · 4 years
2, 7, 10?
2: if you could be fluent in any language at the snap of your fingers, which one and why?
Sign language. For SURE. I am already pretty expressive with my hands and I find sign language super fascinating.
7. rain or sunshine?
probably sunshine. I am always cold and rain is just counterproductive with that.
10 what would your non-perfume/cologne signature scent be?
Books, tea and petrichor. At least I want it to be
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atgranger · 4 years
Will there be a masterpost for Markings, Mates and Magick?
Will there be? There already is :D (and no this has nothing to do with me forgetting to do the masterpost because of uni-stress and this ask reminding me to do it. Noooo. Never) 
As it is you’ll find the masterpost here :) 
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atgranger · 4 years
I'm interested to see how this pan out..
Eyyyy *high-five*
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atgranger · 4 years
*does little happy dance*
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