peeporoons-notes · 10 months
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MSQ 1.0 [Ul'dah] — Close to Home
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📖 Description — Lv. 1 Momodi, the proprietress of the Quicksand, wants you to perform three tasks that will help you learn the fundamentals of adventuring.
Momodi "Before you go chargin' off to find your fortune, I've a few basic tasks I'd like you to perform so as to help you get to know the place.
First of all, I want you to visit the aetheryte plaza. To get there, head west from here till you reach Emerald Avenue, then look to the north. You should see a giant, floatin' crystal called an aetheryte.
If it weren't for aetherytes, travelin' around Eorzea would be a damn sight more troublesome than it is. 'Course, you still need to attune with 'em before you can use 'em, so be sure to do that with the one in the plaza. You ever attuned with an aetheryte before, FN? If not, just lay your hand on the thing and you'll see what I mean.
* If playing Gladiator starting class: "When you've done that, I want you to pay a visit to the Gladiators' Guild, over at the Coliseum."
Assumin' that [sword/scepter/those hora] ain't just for show, you might consider trainin' there.
And finally, I want you to visit the Sapphire Avenue Exchange, over on the Steps of Thal.
Goods from all across Eorzea and beyond turn up there every day. You'll have no trouble findin' armor, weapons, or anythin' else a fledglin' adventurer like yourself might need.
You might say that everythin's for sale here in Ul'dah—as long as you've got the gil. Just make sure as you don't pay more than you ought, FN.
There's plenty as won't scruple to swindle unsuspectin' foreigners like yourself, 'specially if they think no one's lookin' out for their best interests.
Which is why I'm givin' you this letter. When you visit the exchange, find a gentleman named Seseroga and give it to him. He'll be happy to tell you about the markets once he's read it."
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Momodi "In short, then: visit the aetheryte plaza, the Gladiators' Guild, and the Sapphire Avenue Exchange. Simple.
Oh, but before you go, a word of advice: while there're more than a few unsavory characters out there who'll try to take advantage of you, there are also some with honest-to-goodness problems who you should consider offerin' a helpin' hand to.
A lot of folk are lured to this city by the promise of wealth and power. What many of 'em fail to realize is that instead of chasin' after gil the moment they get here, they ought to be makin' friends.
Let it be known that you're willin' to give as much as you get, and opportunities will come your way.
Speakin' of which, you should speak with the Smith over yonder—those lads always have some good advice for up-and-comin' adventurers. Otherwise, that's about it from me. It's past time you got goin'. Oh, and let me know when you've finished, will you? That way, I won't spend my days worryin' that you're down to your smallclothes without a gil to your name."
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Quest Accepted
* Note: At this point, other player characters become visible to you, and the instance no longer bars you from the rest of the city.
💬 What the Smith has to say (new player guidance) 💬 Flavor text inside the quicksand (post-tutorial) 💬 Flavor text in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald from East to West
🟠Sidequest: Due Diligence — Wymond
◾* Attune yourself to the aetheryte found inside the city.
* Walking along the wide, curved street, though your attention may be drawn aside by shouting merchants, it is hard to miss the recessed entrance to the aetheryte. It glows vibrant and blue in the center of its dim underground plaza.
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* Reaching out to it, a beam of blue light sings between you and the crystal. You can feel your aether synchronizing with it, until you're sure a sort of equilibrium has been reached. It's then that a voice calls out behind you.
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Nenebaru "Hail, adventurer! Might you have come at the behest of Miss Momodi of the Quicksand?
* You nod.
Nenebaru "Excellent. Which brings us to the matter of the attunement fee—that will be one hundred thousand gil, if you please, [sir/madam].
* You step back with a start. He is dressed in the Brass Blades' uniform, after all...
Nenebaru "...AHAHAHAHAHA! Apologies, but I do so relish the opportunity to make that jest. The look on your face was absolutely priceless! Ah, but the fact that you were so easily deceived suggests to me that you are unfamiliar with the use of aetherytes. Allow me to explain.
These crystalline agglomerations tap into aetherial energies, and are primarily used as a means to travel swiftly from one place to another.
Perchance you have heard of Return and Teleport? Well, these transportation spells make direct use of the aetherytes and their connection to the flow of aether.
Given that there is an aetheryte in almost every corner of Eorzea, any adventurer with a mind to explore the realm will wish to seek out and attune himself to each and every one!
But even if you have no intention of wandering beyond the sultanate's borders, it would be prudent for you to attune yourself to any aetherytes you encounter from now on.
I pray you found that informative. Should you wish to learn more about aetherytes or transportation magic, I should be happy to answer your questions."
💬 Flavor text: More about Aetheryte 💬 Flavor text in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald - Emerald Avenue and Westward
back —— next◾* Visit your class's guild. [Gladiator] [Pugilist] [Thaumaturge]
💬 Flavor text in Ul'dah - Steps of Thal
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peeporoons-notes · 11 months
💬 Flavor text in Ul'dah - More About Aetheryte
Nenebaru "Hail, adventurer! If you would know aught of aetherytes and aetherial travel, I, Nenebaru, would be happy to assist you."
* "What is aetherial travel?" you ask. Nenebaru "In order to understand the workings of aetherial travel, one must first understand the nature of aether itself. Aether is an invisible, intangible substance that exists all around us. It flows through every living being, including you and me. It is what sustains us, and without it we would perish. Once the spirit departs the body due to death, our remains are reduced to aether and returned to the aetherial river known as the Lifestream. However, it was long ago discovered that, with sufficient control of one's spiritual energies, a man could deliberately reduce his physical form to aether without severing the connection between body and soul. And so the spells known as Return and Teleport were born."
* "What are aetherytes?" Nenebaru "These crystalline agglomerations of aether, which are a common sight throughout Eorzea, are vital to aetherial travel. By touching an aetheryte, you can attune your body's aether with the crystal. Should you fall in battle and your body be reduced to aether, you may awaken back at the aetheryte with which you have the strongest resonance—your “home point.” With the proper training, however, you can resist the pull of your home point and travel to a different aetheryte. This is the technique commonly referred to as “Teleportation.” But know that you can only travel to an aetheryte with which you have previously attuned. When visiting an unfamiliar area, you would do well to seek out the nearest aetheryte before engaging in any dangerous activities. In essence, aetherytes act as lodestones, which allow us to move contrary to the natural flow of the Lifestream. But be fairly warned: to attempt aetherial travel without these lodestones is akin to suicide."
* "What is the difference between Return and Teleport?" Nenebaru "Compared to Teleport, Return is less taxing on our spiritual energies, as we are naturally drawn towards our “home point”—the aetheryte with which we have the strongest resonance. This spell can be cast quite quickly, making it ideal for emergencies. By way of a drawback, you cannot select your destination at will—Return can only send you back to your home point." Nenebaru "Teleport offers greater versatility, in that you can travel to any aetheryte with which you have previously attuned. However, it requires a great deal of spiritual energy known as “anima” to safely guide one's body and soul to the weaker aetherial beacon. Do not worry, though—many adventurers recover quickly and are more than capable of frequent travel. That is, assuming they can afford the costs involved. You see, in the Calamity, many of the aetheryte camps across Eorzea were completely destroyed. Rebuilding these camps came at a great expense, and the money which made this possible was lent by certain wealthy individuals. This debt is being repaid to this day, and it is for this reason that we must levy a fee upon those who use the Teleport spell."
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