#at this point i just throw ty lee into any lesbian relationship and dear god it works everytime
i know this is absolutely just one of those “little to no f/f rep so we throw together any two unconfirmed wlw’s because we crave representation” moments but like...I legitimately can’t stop thinking about toph/ty lee.
they’re honestly, like...kind of perfect together? like, think about it. ty lee is bubbly, cheerful beyond reason, and optimistic, almost always. toph, on the other hand, is...well, she’s toph. extremely blunt, sarcastic, and not exactly touchy-feely. so we’ve got the opposites attract trope down pat.
but they’re honestly really compatible. both toph and ty lee grew up in households where they felt claustrophobic and like their worth was being overlooked — toph by her overbearing parents who didn’t allow her any freedoms, and ty lee by hers who paid her little attention. additionally, they’re both incredibly loyal, firm in their beliefs (which so happen to line up: dedication to the greater good, refusing to sacrifice one’s own merit for the sake of others, etc.), and extremely capable of handling themselves.
i also like to think that ty lee’s connection to her spiritual side (as evidenced by her chi blocking) contrasts beautifully with toph’s strong link to the natural world. their passions and outlooks complete each other, and the balance that they could potentially strike together is really fascinating.
ty lee’s dedication to the kyoshi warriors is also an interesting facet of their relationship. although ty lee was the first person azula went to for help in sustaining the fire nation, ty lee obviously does not have a very deep connection to her homeland. she’s not a bender, for one, and the only place she truly feels at home is in a traveling circus. plus, as i mentioned before, her deep connection to the spirit world seems, to me at least, to align her more with the earth kingdom, at least in terms of balance. so her institution into the kyoshi warriors isn’t really surprising to me. i do very much think, though, that this transition would, despite ty lee’s impermanent nature, require a lot of adjustment. and who better than toph to assist her in that? yeah, sure, suki’s around — but let’s be honest, suki really only left kyoshi island well after aang’s return, and she has a shit ton more to do than help a new recruit acclimate to the earth kingdom, what with being the head of the new firelord’s guard and all. toph, alternatively, has (...er...) seen a lot more of her land than suki, not to mention her inherent connection with it being a bender. so she would absolutely be able (albeit a bit unwilling at first) to help ty lee get used to her new surroundings.
so, basically what i’m saying is toph’s little inconvenient gig being a tour guide for some (admittedly adorable) chick she was just running from a couple months ago could, hypothetically, evolve into something much bigger. and i’d be totally okay with that.
(and, on a less insightful note, ty lee is like. the biggest flirt ever. and we all know how toph reacts to attention. so imagine toph getting all flustered when ty lee turns on the charisma towards her. obsessed.)
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