#at lesst let me be silly first
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I’m sure prolonged lifespans can get to you.
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I have few questions about GE Saeran time etc
First about that bite... would it be somehow wrong or inapriopriate to ask Saeray later (in the cabin or so) for a small kiss in place of bite like sometime f.ex. parent kiss a child when they hurs themselves to make it "hurt lesst"?
Then I was wondering how he would be around MC if eventually (theorethickly) choose not to be with him? Like we proise that eventually forgive him and thou we want the best for him and we will help him anytime but can't form a romantic relationship? We might be like family, like everyone else in RFA.
But then I asked myself If that is evn possible? Well, after that we have his After Ending and he really rely on us and our support and all. He needs us so much... unless platonic support would work too?
It's not like I'd lieko to have such choice, I'm just wondering what if...
Hm. I don't know. I feel like as warm as GE Saeran is when it comes to touch and being affectionate with you, he'll always hesitate when he's subjected to the sight of that bitemark. He can't take it back, and the pain you experienced is thrown back in his face every time he looks at your throat. He did that. You might hold his hand and smile, but he is just so fraught with shame over that mark.
You might be able to convince him to touch the bruise. You need to take his hand and gently pull it over so he has no choice but to rest his hand against the spot he left. "I'm not angry with you," you'll say. "I'm happy you're here with me, safe and sound. This mark isn't ugly. You're making it better by trying to do the right thing, Saeran. Don't think I want you to pretend this didn't happen. It did. I'm not upset. I forgive you. You're allowed to touch me if you want, too. I don't mind if you start here... with a kiss to make it better."
That's what will gently coax Saeran into trying to make it better for you. He'll do anything to right his wrongs, even something that might seem silly... like kissing your wound with a tenderness that can only be felt... not put down on paper into words. Give him time, he might not forgive himself, but hearing you forgive him... it helps a lot.
Love comes in many shapes and forms. You don't need to be in love with someone romantically to support them. Platonic love is just as important in this life. If you would prefer to be Saeran's friend and his family, nothing more, that's okay. He isn't upset about that. He wants you to be happy, and having you in his life is enough. He wants what you want at the end of the day.
Be honest with him, he'll never judge you for your feelings. You didn't judge him. It's just like I said earlier when it comes to forgiveness. You don't have to forgive him or give him a second chance. He knows it's up to you what you decide to do. If you want him to go, he'll leave and never bother you again. You'll always be in his heart. You taught him a lot and he'll never let himself forget those lessons. It will hurt, sure, it would be a lie to say it wouldn't.
But, being the better person means knowing when it's important to let go of someone when they don't want you around or they just can't forgive you. Love might still be there, but... if you know it's better for space and time... you should honor that. Who knows, maybe time will be what he and you need to meet again someday... or maybe not. The world is full of strange experiences that happen to us all. He wants to live and experience the world to its fullest.
If he can do it with you, he'll forever be happy. If he can't do it with you, he'll be okay. There won't be hard feelings. I promise. Being an adult means learning how to be okay with the end. You don't have to like it, but you have to accept it. If you know what I mean.
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