#at least my boy miquella got his ass pounded
ellyjeon978 ยท 2 months
"tHIs EnDInG IS ShiT!! ThEy DeSTroYeD __ CHaRACteR!!"
had literal npc and item descriptions that explained the lore
"Ew THeYre RelATed"
bish incestuous relations happened often in a royal family in ancient times to keep the blood pure or whatever
"MiQUeLLa Is A ChIlD"
is a literal man age probably couple thousand years old in a body got cursed to never age
yall here be looking like yall never seen a small adult person
plus it's fiction booooooo
lemme enjoy my shit in peace
but yeah they could've shown more of miq's and rad's in the dlc cos i was shocked too coa they never mentioned it in the base game and we never saw those two interact or been talked together
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