#at least im in the library doing Something (even if its nonsense ultimately for a personal project) rather than Suffering somewhere else
love-songs-for-emma · 2 years
got nervous about going to class bc i havent been in awhile but then as my partner got up to leave for his class, (talking about my professor) he said: "she'd probably be happy to see u" and now i am Very emotional
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Sanders Sides The Librarians AU
The Library is a magical building that houses mythical artifacts and books. One would say they have everything, but some artifacts were lost after their creation or simply thought lost and impossible to find, and that’s without adding the fact that new magical artifacts can and sometimes are created every day.
Probably should say that “magic building” means that it exists as an infinite plane between our reality and the void and that it has a sort of “conscience”, since it’s the building itself that chooses the people that will become Librarians and Guardians.
Those who work at the Library (Librarians, Guardians, Caretakers and Custodians) become infused by the magic of the Library, and they take that into the world with them. If the connection is severed, humanity will be cut adrift from learning, curiosity, investigation, knowledge and wisdom.
Likewise, it is dependent upon the ones that work at the Library having belief in it, in order to maintain a physical presence. If that belief destroyed or otherwise broken, the Library ceases to exist.
Librarians have the job of search for and retrieve the artifacts, the job of protecting the world of the next magical apocalypse, protecting it from evil and greed taking over. They protect the library and the magic and knowledge linked to it.
Guardians protect the librarians, but not only as a sort of bodyguard, because the most important job of the guardian is protecting the librarians’ soul. They keep them sane and make sure they don’t become consumed by evil and greed.
Caretakers and custodians they are quite hard to explain, so I think I will leave it as they are immortal humans (???) that live/stay at the library. They know where the things are inside the library (Well, where most of the things are) and they do the common librarian job (Keep inventory of the things they have, accountability, etc.)
Librarians: Roman, Patton, Logan and Damián (Deceit)
Guardian: Virgil
Caretakers/Custodians: Emile, Thomas and Remy 
(The rest under the cut because this got long)
(They are in the order they started working for The Library)
Emile, Thomas and Remy
Emile and Thomas are the original librarian and original guardian.
They are as old as the library itself, but since they are connected to its magic they became immortal.
This two are probably the only “competent adults” around, if we are being honest. As I said, they keep things working.
Remy is Morpheous, the Greek god of sleep and dreams.
Remy spends most of his time outside the library but pops in from time to time to annoy the hell out of Thomas, shamelessly flirt with Emile and check in the library and how everyone is doing.
He likes to think of himself of the “guardian deity” of the library but in reality he is more of a cute and friendly stray dog that the librarians found and they couldn’t kick out because they felt bad.
He makes a killer coffee though.
It took Remy 300 years of flirting and spending time together, but he became Emile´s boyfriend
He is not sure how he did it and is very surprised he hasn't fucked up the relationship yet, but there isn't much Remy can do to “Fuck it up”. Emile has lived a long time, he is patient and kind and hopelessly in love with the godly idiot.
Roman Palacios
He worked alone for about five years.
He had a guardian but he died while protecting him. This destroyed Roman, because the guardian wasn't just his guardian, it was his boyfriend too.
After quite some years of librarianing alone he became a brave, reckless and badass explorer!
He is the one with the most experience but that doesn’t mean he’s never more than two steps away from panic at any moment and is pretty much in a state of perpetual mild-to-severe terror.
He loves the job but he is perfectly aware of how dangerous it is, and after the others join the library he becomes a bigger mom-friend than Virgil, which is pretty damn difficult, as Virgil´s entire purpose is to keep all of them from getting themselves killed. (Virgil is grateful for the help and finds it charming that this cute dramatic nerd cares so much about his friends)
Roman in his time in the library, managed to befriend Excalibur, after learning that Cal is surprisingly smart and snarky for a magic object that cannot speak (Yes, as in “Arthur´s sword” Excalibur. The thing is very much magical and very much sentient)
Excalibur teached Roman how to sword fight.
Speaking of Excalibur, it took Roman two years to befriend the sword while it took Virgil less than a day. Roman is both offended and impressed
His first impression of Virgil was something like this:
“Why the fuck is this tiny edgy looking emo a guardian. He won't last a day”
Two days later it became:
“Strong,,,charming,,,,edgy bastard,,,Im,,,,WAY more gay than I suspected,,,”
Virgil Storm
Exercising helps him calm his anxiety, so since he was little he did a lot of things: Boxing, ballet and judo, to name a few.
So now that he is older he is a Strong Boy that has the physical ability and muscles to knock you out without breaking a sweat while still having a heart of gold under all his sass.
And that's the reason the library chose him to protect their new bunch of idiots- I mean, librarians.
The first time he met Roman, the librarian joked “And remember, you aren't allowed to fall in love with me”
“That won't be a problem” Virgil said grinning
Ah, but two days later:
His relationship with Roman is “Oh, he is insufferable. I love him”
The ultimate mom-friend
He is the only one here that has just a bit of common sense and he swears one of these days the librarians will give him a heart attack
Since he started working in the library he befriended a few gargoyles and the chupacabra
Patton Medina, Damián “Dee” Jones (Deceit) and Logan Stone
Patton is an art and architecture expert, author of scholarly works on history, art and architecture in his spare time. He can speak fluently speak 10 languages, 3 of which are dead ones and he is decent at at least other 5
Damián is a tech expert and world-class professional thief. There isn't a lock or puzzle he can't get past.
Logan is a maths and science expert, with a love for chemistry and physics. He is an actual genius and can mentally solve any equation you put in front of him
The three of them working together make One Good Librarian, the library knew this and that's why they all got called and hired the same day
Dee, despite being the best thief to have ever graced the earth, has a good heart.
He is just very bad at this “friends” thing. He grew up alone in not the best of places.
“But he is a thief!!”
Yes, but I never said he kept the things he stole.
He sold everything he stole and gave the money away, keeping the bare minimum to buy food and pay rent in the tiniest apartment in existence.
When he stole a very rare diamond, hospitals were built. When he stole an old painting from a museum, people went to college. (You get the idea, a modern day Robin Hood)
Damián is the only Librarian in history to have befriended nessie.
Patton´s bubbly and cheery personality made his family and old “friends” think he was just a stupid airhead, despite everything he has ever accomplished.
The first time someone (Roman) called Patton a genius he literally started crying tears of joy.
All the things he published were under fake names and identities because he was scared. He thought that if not even his family would take him seriously, then no one else would.
Logan went from “I know Im smarter than everyone else” to “I am the best in what I do but that doesn't mean there isn't people smarter than me” pretty damn quickly after he started working in The Library
So basically Roman, Logan, Deceit and Patton go in magical adventures while Virgil screams in distress in the background trying to keep everyone alive and Remy and Emile stay in the library being Cute and Dorky gays. Thomas looks like a tired dad too old for this nonsense. 
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