#at least i enjoyed it and cant rlly find any mistakes or generally anything bad enough to mention
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maskerat · 2 months ago
watched sonic 3 today. loved it and can't wait for the next movie, since they supposedly teased it(?).
my sonic obsession still kinda lingers in the back of my head but I just never engage with it lol.
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valkavavaart · 5 years ago
hi im bored so im doing an oc thing
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i decided i wannan do this w multiple soooo im going wwww ophelia, alice, and beatrice thats all bye
1. how easy is it to make them angry? do they show their anger or hide it?
ophelia - it's kinda easy to get under her skin, and she holds a grudge so if u piss her off then she won't forget it. but also she doesn't really ACT on grudges, she'll just be a little rude next time u talk to her. she doesnt really show much emotion but does kind of having a permanent :| or >:| on her face, so she'll look annoyed even if she isn't...
beatrice - generally just being rude or annoying will make her mad, but she gets over things within seconds and doesn't take people all that seriously to begin with, so it's not like pissing her off will do much. she'll be like pouty and tell u to knock it off, but she also doesnt rlly care
alice - it's difficult to make alice mad. like you have to be SO annoying or hurt him in such a drastic way for him to get pissed. usually when hes mad hes still all smiley and happy tho so he'd kinda just be >:)
2. do they believe in soulmates
ophelia - she believes in them in the sense that one person may have multiple people that can come into their lives and be considered a soulmate bc nothing is permanent and blah blah blah she doesnt rlly care tho
beatrice - she doesn't believe in soulmates but enjoys soulmate au fanfiction
alice - he definitely believes in soulmates and fate drawing people together, but is conistantly disappointed when he finds out people he like arent destined to stay with him
3. do they have any pet peeves?
ophelia - people with no concept of personal space (unless theyre like merrick or one of her close friends)
beatrice - ppl who eat w their mouth open
alice - the sound of violins
4. do they have a happy place? somewhere they go in their heads when they need to relax?
ophelia - oph just goes to the library man
beatrice - she doesnt need one bc shes always vibing
alice - when the man needs to relax hes either drunk as hell or hanging out with as many friends as he can get together, spending time alone with his thoughts is literally a nightmare for alice
5. at what stage of their life were they the happiest?
ophelia - the current stage of her life
beatrice - there hasnt been a stage where beatrice hasnt had fun :) she doesnt have anything to worry about!
alice - the current stage of his life
6. at what stage of their life were they the least happy
ophelia - the ages of 12-17
alice - any time he gets to the point in a relationship where he breaks up w someone and then he goes into "my life sucks wahhhh" mode for a few months
7. at a bar are they more likely to buy someone a drink, or have someone buy them a drink?
ophelia & beatrice - have someone else buy them a drink
alice - buy someone a drink
8. have they ever broken any bones? if yes, how?
ophelia - when her powers manifested at the age of 12, oph lost the ability to feel physical pain which lead to her straining herself more. she'd get into accidents or push herself too hard because she couldn't feel that it hurt and wold get injured through that (and she still does, but she has more knowledge of her limits now) so i guess she wouldve broken some bones through stuff thanks to that.
beatrice - never ever broken a bone!! she drinks a lot of milk to keep her bones STURDY :)
alice - has broken like his arm or fingers or just anything in that area due to a fight or something. he'll probably have broken a leg at some point too. again, probably in a fight. or maybe he fell out a tree. who knows.
9. do they have any memories/experiences they'd rather forget?
ophelia - she generally wants to brush most of her teen years away and forget things relating to her family, but also cant bring herself to hate them despite how garbage they are, so,
beatrice - there are probably a few conversations she's had with alice and percy that she's like to never remember ever again
alice - he cherishes all his memories, good or bad! he always thinks that he can learn from his mistakes and hardships! even though all he does is repeat the exact same things over and over and o
10. what is their favourite memory from their childhood?
ophelia - although her parents have always been cold to her, they used to go camping when she was about 9-10ish, and she always enjoyed spending time with her siblings around then.
beatrice - in the method she had been created she technically never was a child um. but in her early life, she enjoyed hanging out with levi! :D
alice - haha
11. do they have a "type" that they are usually attracted to?
ophelia - no
beatrice - bea will generally befriend anyone if theyre cute or theyre like her guy friends. as for a partner, she wants someone thats at LEAST a head taller than her normal form (her regular form is 5'5"), they need to be someone that likes hugs, someone who would coddle her, someone who would cosplay with/for her, someone who would buy her things..
alice - his "type" is just "someone interesting", but he thinks all people are interesting in their own right- you have to be SUUUUUUPER boring for him to not be into you in some way.
12. do they have any favourite possessions?
ophelia - ALL her alien plushies (most of which were gifts from merrick)
beatrice - everything inside her wardrobe
alice - cleaver
13. do they have any tattoos? if no, would they ever consider getting one?
ophelia - she doesn't have any, and doesn't really want one, but she's seen some real cool space ones, and--
beatrice - tattoos vanish when she changes her form unless she focuses REALLY hard on keeping it there, so she's given up on trying to get one to be permanent.
alice - he doesn't have any, but thinks that getting a sleeve would be cool. he doesn't have any idea for what he wants, though, so he hasn't bothered getting one. he also gets worried that if he gets one of his current aesthetic, he'll get bored of it and have to do something drastic to remove it.
14. do they have any piercings? if no, would they ever consider getting any?
ophelia - has her ears pierced
beatrice - doesn't want piercings, wears clip-on earrings
alice - wants a tongue piercing r belly-button piercing maybe.. and ear piercing might also be cool...
15. what is their dream house like?
ophelia - she'd like to live in a small town on the coast or something.. she doesn't really mind living in a small house since it'd just be her and merrick. but also if she had a house with an observatory, she'd love that a LOT. generally just wants somewhere nice and laid back.
beatrice - due to her void realm taking the form of whatever she wants, she has her dream home! it's literally just an apartment with a few rooms, but it has enough space for all the stuff she wants.
alice - he's in a similar position to Beatrice in that he already has his own dream place bc teehee void realm. He's a little more selfish in that he gave himself a big house with lots of space and rooms for him to fill with stuff- but also he wanted somewhere big so that all his friends could stay with him :)
16. what is something about them that people would not expect just by looking at them?
ophelia - UHHH just how lazy she is, probably.. woman barely tolerates having to jog somewhere please let her sit down
beatrice - idk probably the fact she befriends murder boys like alice
alice - all the music he listens to is like crazy frog and caramelldansen
17. how good are they at choosing gifts for others?
ophelia - she'll either just outright ask you what you want, or she'll give you money or a gift card, she doesn't like having to guess for people
beatrice - she literally picks gifts for other people based on what SHE likes.. like she'll get u something cause she tinks it's cute it doesn't matter if u've ever mentioned it before
alice - if ur his friend then he will have a list of all ur interests in the back of his brain at all times and does a pretty good job picking out gifts thanks to that
18. do they have a certain skill that they're particularly proud of?
ophelia - she's very good at researching things and digging up information that a lot of people can't find so she thinks that's kind of epic for her
beatrice - she's good at dancing, video games, and memorizing things. she will show off these skills as much as she can.
alice - umm... eyeball removal...?
19. how would a stranger they just met describe them?
ophelia - UHHHH... she's just polite to strangers so i think she'd be described as just that?? she doesnt really leave lasting impressions on people
beatrice - cute, bubbly, maybe super annoying
alice - friendly? :D
20. how would a close friend they've known for a long time describe them?
ophelia - kinda stupid but really cute
beatrice - just a lil ray of sunshine :)
alice - if you're asking like.. kai or beatrice then it's "he's cute and fun and pretty and nice to hang out with!!" but if youre asking like percy or nero then its "hes creepy and gross and im gonna beat his ass"
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suteshiro · 6 years ago
ALL for crown.
If your character wasn’t an adventurer, what livelihood would they lead?
Wouldn’t you want to know
Who in the party would your character trust the most with their life?
For now I can’t say for sure? From the ones he currently knows it’s hard to tell bc he trusts Love in a Personal Way but is lowkey convinced he’d sell him to Satan for a corn chip. And Gank seems p trustworthy in that regard but they have only briefly met each other
What are your character’s core moral beliefs?
No one gets to control or take away someone else’s autonomy
What relationship does your character have with their parents and siblings?
Parents? Hate ‘em. Siblings? H
Does your character have any biases for or against certain races?
Eeh, I don’t think so
What is your character’s opinion on nobility? On authority?
Take a wild guess ksvjfnskjv 
He doesn’t think someone having authority is inherently bad but he hates every person in authority he’s ever known of so his opinion has been formed based on that
Describe your character’s current appearance: clothes, armor, scars they’ve picked up along the journey, etc.
I’m lazy. You know what she looks like
What location encountered in the campaign has your character felt the most “at home” in, or just generally liked the most?
Campaign hasn’t started yet so I can’t say anything about which locations visited she’s liked! She feels very comfortable at the spot we’re starting at tho
What deity, if any, does your character worship? What’s their opinion on other people’s worship?
Caenrys babey. She’s a bit weirded out by people who dedicate themselves to organized religion but in general she doesn’t stick her nose in others’ religious business
If your character had time to pick up any artisan’s tools, game set, instrument, etc., what would it be?
Artisan’s tools: I think he’d like glassblowing! Woodworking is cool too
Game set: playing cards probably
I don’t think he’s rlly interested in music as something he himself might perform vkjfnfksjn
Learning how to use a poisoner’s kit could be fun
Describe your character’s current relationship with the player character sitting to your right.
I’m not sitting next to anyone so I rolled for it and got Gank (@prophe-seer​‘s character)
Crown likes Gank a lot! They only met like, once but they rlly got along. She feels a bit bad for them bc they seemed to think she was rlly nice and instead of considering she Might genuinely be nice she jumped to “oh shit the bar is fucking underground for this guy” skvjfnksjfvn. So she’s surprisingly attached. She wants them to have an actual friend bc it seems like they need it
What is your character’s current goal, summed up in one sentence?
I’m headed straight for the castle
Does your character ever want to “settle down” with a spouse, children, house, etc.?
Currently, no. She has a lot of dangerous shit to do and is too caught up on being A Free Spirit That Actually Gets To See The World to like,, consider settling down. And she hasn’t given any thought to what life she’ll have after her goals have been fulfilled.
But I’ve actually given some thought to this and I think she wants to make a family one day. Idk if it’ll include children (probably adopting older “problem” children tbh) or a spouse but she definitely wants to settle down with at least one pet
Has your character ever been in love?
What battle in the campaign has been most memorable to your character?
Haven’t played yet!
If your character wasn’t whatever class they are, what would they be instead?
Probably a fighter skjvfnskjfvn or a paladin
What is your character’s favorite season?
Autumn! Lovs the cronch. Loves to get to cool down after summer
What would your character’s Zodiac sign be, following stereotypical astrology?
I actually already made this decision ksjfnkvsjn she’s an Aries. I remember liveblogging my decision making to a friend regarding this but i cant remember what it was and im lazy
Where in the world does your character most want to visit?
Oh you know
What is the biggest mistake your character has ever made?
Oh you know,
Does your character have any noticeable scars? If so, what are their stories?
Probably not!
What animal best represents your character?
If your character could go back in time and change one thing about their life, what would it be?
Oh you know,,,,
Which other player character does your character find themselves having the most in common with?
Not sure yet!
Does your character regret any particular choice the party has made?
idk yet ksvfsjfv
What would your character say their best trait would be?
uuuh i dont think he thinks of himself in positive terms a lot skvnksjfvn
he’d probably name his strength or smth like that
What is your character’s greatest fear? Deep, irrational?
Oh, you know!
What is currently motivating your character to stay with the party?
I don’t know cause we don’t have the plot hook yet
What are your character’s hobbies and interests outside of their class?
he likes collecting small trinkets and going to festivals and thats. about it
What would most people think when they first see your character?
“Oh shit sexy”
What stereotypical group role does your character play in the party? (The Mom, the Mess, the Comic Relief, etc. Optionally: What role would your character play in the “Five Man Band” structure?)
Surprisingly, I think it’s The Mom skjvfnksnvksjnvf he seems to be really going in the “What The Fuck. Are You Okay. I Must Protect You”
But also he’s absolutely the mess
 In a five man band he’s the leader, lancer and big guy all at once. Probably the lancer tho
What is your character the most insecure about?
He’s completely unable to see himself as a kind person worthy of tenderness
What person does your character admire most?
Gaylia!!! He thinks she’s so strong and cool
What does your character admire and dislike the most about the player character sitting to your left?
Going for Love since I talked about Gank already. He bedrudgingly admires how cunning and People Smart Love can be. Absolutely hates how much of a Bastard he is and how hot he is
Why is your character’s lowest stat their lowest (the in-character reason, not “because there’s no reason for a wizard to have 16 strength, duh”)?
Both int and wis are at a -2!
Wisdom: he wasn’t uh. raised in a way where he rlly got to learn the ways of people’s minds, or do anything but repress his own feelings. and once he was out on his own he was so focused on being a reckless fool he never even tried to change that
Intelligence: He has big adhd and always had a hard time learning. Instead of being supported he was yelled at and punished for stupidity. He retaliated by refusing to keep trying. So now he’s dumb 
What would be your character’s theme song/favorite band/favorite genre of music?
I have an entire playlist for him please look at it I worked so hard on it-
I think most  relevant are Castle by Halsey and Emperor’s new clothes by p!atd. I think he would also associate those songs with himself and really like them. Royals by Lorde is also up there for sure. And Rise from League of Legends
What stereotypical role would your character play in a high school AU/if they attended a normal high school? (Nerd, jock, bully, goth, etc.)
Goth jock.
What treasure/item/artifact that your character has collected during the adventure is the most important to them?
Not particularly precious to him and not in the adventure since we haven’t played yet but he has Love’s broken antler skvjfnksjfv
Is there any particular weapon, item, etc. that your character longs to find?
Oh you know
Where does your character feel the most at home?
Gaylia’s place probably,
Does your character care about how they’re perceived by others? How do they change themselves to fit in with other people?
She’s built her entire identity around refusing to give a fuck, however in truth she probably actively tries to be seen as rebellious and maybe intimidating
What does your character think is the true meaning of life?
Bold of you to imply she thinks that much
What is your character’s scent? (Bonus points for a description that sounds like it could be from a bad [or awesome] fanfic.)
Roses, lilies and musk ( have no clue if those go well together)
Does your character think more with their heart or their brain?
Heart, absolutely
What is your character’s most recent or frequent nightmare?
haha,,,, ha,,,,,,, h
What opinion does your character have on [CERTAIN ESTABLISHED GROUPS/AUTHORITIES IN THE GAME WORLD]? (Dragonmarked Houses, royal crown, etc.)
Wouldn’t you like to know
How did your character spend their childhood? Where did they grow up/who were their childhood friends?
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What aspect of your character’s future are they most curious about? (If they could know one thing about the future, what would it be?)
I will keep that to myself!
What colors are associated with your character?
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Who in the party would your character prioritize rescuing, in dire circumstances?
Is your character the most swayed by ethos, pathos, or logos?
If your character was granted a single use of Wish, what would they use it for?
I will keep that to myself!
What is your character’s favorite spell? If they don’t use spells: what is their favorite personal weapon/combat maneuver/skill/etc.?
She has spells and enjoys using them (probably mostly eldritch blast) but nothing beats her good trusty zweihander
How does your character feel about keeping secrets from the rest of the party?
She has no qualms with it ksvjfnskfjv
What type of creature in the world is your character the most intrigued by?
Love I dunno, snakes? Snakes are weird
When they were a child, what did your character want to be, or think they were going to be, when they grew up?
I don’t think Crown thought she was gonna make it to her 20s
The player character to your left admits that they’re passionately in love with your character. How would your character respond?
I rolled and got Gank skfvnksjvfn
I think he’d be flustered and flattered and be like “oh! we can. certainly try dating! but I can’t say I return your feelings right now. uh. sorry,,,”
If somebody (an NPC, someone from their backstory, etc.) your character trusts/loves asked your character to do something against the party’s best interest, who would they side with?
That’s a very complicated question that depends on many factors I’m afraid 
Does your character value their own best interest more than the party’s?
He wants to think he does, at least skvjnskvjf
What decision would the party have to make in order for your character to consider splitting off from the group?
Who knows!
How does your character imagine the way they will die?
Doing something stupid, completely alone
What is your character’s greatest achievement?
Making it to 25 honestly svkjnksfjnv
Is your character willing to risk the well-being of others in order to achieve their goal?
Depends on who those others are
What is your character’s opinion on killing others?
Sure why not let’s do it man
What is your character’s favorite food? Beverage?
Pizza and orange juice?
How generous is your character? Especially to those they don’t know?
Surprisingly generous! Maybe not so much with money but she’s always willing to lend a helping hand
What is your character the most envious about, regarding anyone in the party?
I don’t understand this question svknskjfv
The player character to your left and the player character to your right are both telling your character two different versions of the truth. Who does your character believe?
Again I keep choosing between Gank and Love bc they’re the only ones she knows kjfvnskjfvn I mean. it depends. if it’s on something Important I think she’ll side with Love but in general she’s more likely to believe Gank 
What is your character’s sexuality/relationship with sex?
Big bisexual, first of all!
She actually has a complicated relationship with sex! Being in any kind of Intimate Situation used to be very triggering for her. But she worked through it and now she’s. Horny
What is your character’s biggest pet peeve?
When people leave without paying their part.
Describe how your character feels about the party’s current situation/objective/etc.
Shit man I dunno we have no plan
Who in the party would your character trust the most to keep an important secret?
Love is the only one she’s known long enough to build any meaningful trust with svknskfv
If your character knew that they were going to die in a month, how would they spend the rest of their life?
Probably with his only genuine friend, trying to live life to the fullest kvjfnskfv,
What makes your character feel safe?
Being fully aware of his surroundings with easy access to his sword
If your character had the chance to rename the party/give the party a name, no questions asked, what would it be?
No party yet!
What memory does your character want to forget the most?
If your character had to multiclass into a class they currently aren’t the next time they level up, what would it be and what reason would they have for doing so?
Fukinuh. Paladin? He rlly likes Caenrys and is like “fuck it let’s do another combat charisma-based thing”
What television/book/video game/etc. character would your character be best friends with? (Or: what media character is your character the most influenced by/similar to?
He was heavily influenced by a webcomic character but i will keep Who a secret just in case it makes people figure stuff out skvnskvn
What unusual talents does your character possess?
Really good at doing things without looking, apparently skfjvnsfv
How does your character feel about receiving/giving orders? Are they more of a leader, or a follower?
Giving orders is. Kinda hot
Receiving orders? Die
What does your character’s name represent to them? (Or: why as a player did you choose your character’s name?)
Among other things, Crown’s name represents her proclaiming herself as someone with full authority, if anything, over herself. She’s claiming at every moment a position of power and I think that’s very sexy of her
Is your character more of an introvert, or an extrovert?
Ambivert, probably! Loves people but may get overwhelmed being around them too much
How far is your character willing to go to pursue the “greater good”? Do they believe in a greater good at all?
In theory she doesn’t believe in the greater good but she lies to herself so who knows what she’d do when push comes to shove skjvfnksjfv
What does your character want to be remembered by?
It’s complicated and I’m too lazy to explain it, especially without spoiling anything
What would be your character’s major in college?
He’d shrivel and die in an academic setting pal
Does your character consider themselves a hero, villain, or something else?
It’s complicated,,
Let’s say hero and keep it there
What major arcana tarot card best represents your character?
I’m between The Fool and The Magician. Strength is also fun
Where does your character see themselves in 20 years?
Oh, you know!
What is your character’s relationship with magic? Are they scared of it, wish to know more about it, indifferent to it?
Magic is,,, kinda hot!
Who is your character’s biggest rival?
Love ksjvfnksjfvkjsfv
What is your character’s guiltiest pleasure?
Bold of you to imply he feels guilt over anything pleasurable
What does your character hope for the afterlife?
He doesn’t think about that
Who in the party does your character trust the least?
Just as he trusts Love the most he also trusts him the least. Shady bastard
What is your character’s biggest flaw?
-2 wisdom
How did your character learn the languages that they speak?
Uh. Growing up and being raised?
What is your character’s favorite school of magic/type of weaponry?
What is most important to your character: health, wealth, or happiness?
What advice would your character give to a younger version of themselves?
“There’s power in your anger. Take action before it gets worse”
Are there any social or political issues your character feels strongly about?
It’s hard to explain bc I don’t know Politics Words
What, currently, is your character the most curious about?
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