#at least i didn't pick a saxophone T-T
cerise-grenadine · 7 months
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Relaxing after a long day at Hogwarts.
drawn after that screenshot of Adrien Brody in The Pianist, which i guess is why his face looks a bit different here. i'll probably fix it if/when i paint it, but it might take a while and i wanted to show off my sketch :D
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shiningwonderland · 9 months
Ren Jinguji (Repeat)
Translator: Mimi (Twitter: _mimisaurora)
August - A Midsummer Tango
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I think only of Jinguji-san.
My thoughts are utterly consumed by him.
His voice was what first attracted me to him.
It has an overwhelming presence and a natural charisma.
Not to mention, his musical talent.
I was shaken to my core when I first heard the sound of his saxophone back in April.
I feel he is taking "music" seriously....
At least that's my impression.
The air he usually has about him when he interacts with his typical girls feels synthetic...
The lonely look he sometimes displays leaves me with a strong impression.
He is kind and treats everyone equally. 
He will gently caution those who want to be special and keep them away.
He is passionate when it comes to competition, but is willing and ready to drop out to help someone going through a tough time.
He flees when you chase him, and will make sure you look at him when you turn away.
He is a mysterious, dangerous, and fascinating person.
... I still can't figure him out even after thinking about it like this….
Haruka: It’s… already 8.
I’ll go home for today and try again tomorrow.
And with that, I left the recording room.
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Haruka: Sigh... I failed to do well again today. I wonder what I should do….
Writing a song that Jinguji-san wants to sing… is super difficult. But I have to make it happen.
Otherwise, Jinguji-san wouldn't be willing to do it.
I gazed up at the starry sky, which was so beautiful that it nearly brought me to tears.
Cat: Meow…
I suddenly hear the meow of a cat.
And in the next moment.
A whoosh.
A strong gust of wind shook the trees and blew away the clouds hanging over the moon.
A stranger abruptly appeared in front of me.
Dark skin. 
A chiseled face. 
Clear eyes.
There was something foreign about this mysterious man.
???: You have lost your way. The "music" within you is stagnant.
Haruka: Huh…? Who are you…?
Cecil: Please call me Cecil, my princess.
Haruka: U-Um….
Cecil: You are a child of music. Daughter of the Muses…. I do not wish to see you stop your journey.
Your music is yours, but not only yours…. Please do not suffer alone….
The answer resides in both of your hearts. This song will show you the way. Please speak with the one you believe in…
A whoosh.
The wind picks up again, and when I glance away for a second, Cecil is gone.
Haruka: What just happened…?
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The following morning.
I woke up at sunrise and pondered to myself as I sat in front of the keyboard in my room.
I tried to play a variety of melodies, but none of them sounded right.
I would have talked to someone for advice, but my roommate Tomo-chan left for her parents' house yesterday, and Jinguji-san was probably busy on a date….
Haruka: One more time, from the top.
Ren: Are you in, Lady?
Haruka: Ah, y-yes!
Huh? Jinguji-san’s here?
W-What for?
I-I didn't know how to prepare myself.... 
B-But since he's here….
Select the phrase!
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Well, um… (+10 Love)
Ren: Did I startle you by turning up out of the blue?
Haruka: Ah, i-it’s fine. I was just thinking of seeing you.
Ren: Really? That's nice to hear. Who knows, maybe your wish found its way into my heart.
Haruka: C-Come in.
Ah, my voice is cracking.
I need to calm down.
Hang in there.
Ren: Did you mind me dropping in unannounced?
Haruka: N-No, seriously! I-I said it’s fine!!
Ugh… I’m stuttering….
It was then that Jinguji-san laughed at me again.
Ren: I have no idea what you're so uptight about... Relax a little more. I thought this was your room.
Haruka: I’m sorry….
Ren: You really don’t have to apologize. But anyway. I was sure you'd be in the recording room, but you were in your room instead today.
I was looking everywhere for you.
Haruka: Ah, s-sorry about that.
Ren: What a timid princess; like I said, there’s no need to be sorry... Well... Let's go, then.
Haruka: Uh, g-go where?
Ren: On a date.
Haruka: A date!?
Select the phrase!
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B-But this is so sudden…. (+10 Love)
Ren: Did you have something else planned?
Haruka: T-That’s not it…. I figured you were already on one.
Ren: That was the plan. However, the girl I was supposed to go out with had an emergency come up.
It would be absurd to spend a beautiful day like this alone.
Haruka: So you came here…
Surely Jinguji-san has plenty of other wonderful people in his life.
Ren: Yep, I thought that spending time with your partner every once in a while isn't a bad idea. Outside of practice, of course.
Haruka: Thank you so much.
Oh dear, I feel a little like crying.
The fact Jinguji-san remembers me is an incredible step in the right direction!
I would be happiest if we could practice together, but I am also delighted to be able to hang out with him apart from that.
Having Jinguji-san's precious time is such a luxury.
Oh, I'm so thrilled!
Ren: Now, I'll be waiting outside, so get ready and come join me. If possible, it’d be great if you could put on your finest dress.
Haruka: A-Alright.
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I was then brought along by Jinguji-san. 
The place was as gorgeous as a castle.
Red carpets.
Marble pillars.
And chandeliers.
Haruka: Ah. I-I think I’m out of place….
I came all dressed up....
But I have a feeling this is not the kind of place you can enter in such ordinary attire.
Ren: Don’t worry about that. I use this place often and know the people here, so when I book a reservation, they give me a private room.
Forgive me for putting you on edge, but it'll be just the two of us.
Don't worry about where we are. For starters, this is also the venue used for the Christmas dance party that students can attend.
It’s not a place they can normally go to. Plus, you’re looking positively adorable today, lady. Keep your chin up.
Select the phrase!
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T-Thank you. (+20 love)
Ren: I should be the one thanking you. I now have such a pretty girl all to myself. You can forget all about the music and think only of me today.
Haruka: This all feels like a dream. Bringing me to a place like this….
Ren: We won't be seen by other girls here. You can indulge yourself as much as you like, since I don't normally give you much attention.
Haruka: …Is it because all the girls are looking at you that you act so indifferent in class?
Ren: Yeah. It’s why I can't afford to give you special treatment. I don't want to see the girls fighting each other, and I don't want to get you involved in that kind of thing either.
Haruka: Oh…. I’m sorry I never realized. And um…. Thank you!
Ren: Sigh. You really don't need to thank me for that.
Haruka: But it makes me happy to know…. Ah, if Tomo-chan were here at a time like this, I would have reported it to her immediately. 
Ren: Reporting sounds a bit much. Tomo-chan is the girl you’re roomed with… what? Is she not there now?
Haruka: Well, she went back to her parents' house for summer vacation. I debated whether I should go home, too, but... I wanted to devote my time to composing….
That reminds me, aren't you going home for the summer too?
Ren: I… wouldn't want to go back to that place even if they begged me to.
Jinguji-san spits out coldly. 
...The mood changes into something different from usual.
Haruka: Um… Did you have a fight with someone at home?
Ren: There wasn't a fight, and there never would have been in the first place. I don’t matter to them.
I am merely a puppet to be handled. I never wanted to come to Saotome Academy.
They brought me here against my will for the sole purpose of turning me into a poster child for the family.
I remember that Jinguji-san once mentioned he came here for his family's sake.
And that's why he doesn't want to be an idol.
Ren: I got into a school I didn't want to go to, and sing songs I don't want to sing.
And after graduation, I'll be appearing in a lot of Jinguji-affiliated corporate commercials as an idol.
I guess the sudden surge in TV and magazine appearances prior to admission was part of the scheme.
Everyone here came with a dream.
I imagine it must be lonely not to be able to share in those dreams.
If it wasn't his own decision, but rather for the benefit of his family, I can see why he wouldn't be that committed to becoming an idol.
Jinguji-san was so radiant when he played the saxophone or sang.
I didn't believe he'd shine like that if he truly hated this. 
Perhaps it was just a selfish assumption on my part to think so.
Haruka: …You don't like to sing?...
It would be so sad if that were the case.
I would be forcing Jinguji-san to do something he doesn't want to do, if he doesn't like to sing.
I don't want to do that.
I want him to sing from his heart.
The song will never be good if he’s unwilling to do so.
Ren: …I don’t hate the singing itself…. I simply don’t want to comply with my family’s bidding and be forced into singing.
Haruka: If you really don’t want to… then don’t.
Ren: Huh…?
Haruka: If not that, then sing a song that is just for you. One your family has nothing to do with.
Ren: One my family… has nothing to do with?
Haruka: Yes, because you are you.
Ren: You’re the second person to have told me that, lady.
Though, I never meant to share these things with anyone. I dragged you here with the intention to work some magic on you.
Was I the one who was bewitched? Every time I'm with you, lady, I tend to reveal the things I've been hiding deep inside of me.
Haruka: Magic…?
Ren: Well, the magic talk is a figurative expression, but you do possess an air of mystery about you.
Haruka: Well, you said I was the second person. Is the other person someone who leaves that kind of impression as well?
Ren: Hm? No, that's not what I meant. The situation back then was different than it is now. The first person was… Masato Hijirikawa… you see.
Haruka: Hijirikawa-sama?
Ren: …That was a long time ago.
With a huff, a nostalgic expression appears on Jinguji-san's face.
Haruka: May I ask you more about it?
Ren: Are you really that interested in the guy?
Haruka: No, this is about you.
You’re super friendly and kind to everyone, but when it comes to Hijirikawa-sama… you get a little defensive.
I wanted to know why…. I've always been curious about what happened.
I worried a little about whether it was appropriate to ask such a question....
But I decided that it was now or never if I was going to.
Ren: I mean, it's nothing that serious, but... Yeah, it sure does get on my nerves to see the guy.
All right. Let's take a quick trip down memory lane.
It was around the time when our families started to be at odds with each other, and since I was close in age, I was constantly being compared.
It drove me crazy as a kid. I was being compared to someone younger than me, someone I'd never met, and they'd get mad at me, they'd scold me.
My father was a scary man. I never once saw him smile. He was always angry.
“Defeat Hijirikawa. It's the least you can do as the third son.”
“I will not have anyone in this house who can be beaten by the Hijirikawa son.”
“We only need a second son, the third is an extra.”
“I wish you'd never been born at all.”
I was despised and criticized for being the third son. In contrast, he is the heir to the family and respected within the Hijirikawa family. Why is there such a difference?
I spent my days feeling like nothing will ever be good enough.
Then one day, I met him at a party. I immediately went over to him and began to complain.
You know why? Because if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be getting so much grief.
Haruka: I see….
Ren: But he turned to me and said, “It doesn’t matter where you come from. You are you.”
He even said the feud between our families was of "no interest" to him. That was quite a shocker.
In those days, all I cared about was being useful to my family and being accepted by my father.
As I recall, you said something similar at first. How you’re not interested in anything but music.
Haruka: Oh, E-Excuse me. I didn’t mean to…
Ren: You're fine, it was quite remarkable.
Haruka: I’m sorry.
Ren: Don't be sorry. I was rather glad.
Anyway, enough about that for now.... After that, we kinda started talking. We were… friends.
In hindsight, I suppose we had what you might call a good friendship.
Haruka: You're not friends now? You’re roommates.
Ren: Us? No way. He's not my friend. He and I are very different.
We are no longer children capable of abandoning our family ties and getting involved with each other. We can never go back to those honest days.
Haruka: But you're both on the road to becoming an idol.
Ren: …Sure. But he’s the eldest Hijirikawa son and I’m irrelevant. That's a huge difference.
He was the one who sat at the table during conferences between the conglomerates, where I was told not to come. He was younger than me.
I couldn’t forgive him. I couldn’t get a place at the table no matter how hard I tried, and he got a seat without doing a thing.
In spite of how well I excelled in academics and sports, my father only ever loved my older brother. 
It didn't matter what I could do, I would never be the eldest son. The only thing I truly desired was fated to be beyond my reach from the moment I was born.
Jinguji-san clenches his fist tightly.
Ren: But not him. He was born with everything. A family, a fortune, and the love of his parents.
His tone grew heated, and it gradually became more impassioned.
Ren: And yet, he left it all behind and came to the academy. I felt it was "fate" that reunited us here.
This is my chance. I may be in a different position and grade, but it's the perfect opportunity for me to beat him.
I want to defeat him. I want to win and prove that I'm worthy too….
I can support the business. That I’m part of a respectable family.
He’s on fire.
It was a passion that knows no bounds.
I had no idea he could look like this.
Haruka: Then let’s win.
Ren: Huh…?
Haruka: I will write a song that will make you shine brighter than anyone else. And then, we'll prove just how amazing you are.
We'll show you off at the graduation audition.
I am dedicating myself to achieving this goal. I will now write a song just for you, and no one else.
A song not for you as a member of the Jinguji family, but for you, Ren Jinguji, as an individual.
Now, if you like what you hear... Will you sing for me?
Ren: A song just for me….
Haruka: Yes. Everything that’s happened up to this point has nothing to do with it.
Ren: I get it. Our efforts going forward will be put to the test, and we'll only be as good as what we're currently capable of.
That sounds like fun. Alright. I'll sing it for you if I like the song enough.
Select the phrase!
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R-Really? (+20 love, +10 music)
Haruka: That’d make me really happy. Thank you!
Ren: Heh. You surely exaggerate.
Haruka: …?
Ren: Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking how you must really like music.
Haruka: I do! I love it!
Ren: … You… love it?
Haruka: Yes! I'll finish the song as soon as I can.
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A few days later.
I finish composing a song just for Jinguji-san.
Haruka: Do you… like it…?
I hope it will be ok this time…
But you never can be 100% sure.
Ren: I see…. So this is the song you made for me….
Select the phrase!
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Yes. (+20 love, +5 music)
Ren: Hm. Alright… So this… is it.
Oh my god, is it still no good…?
My heart is about to burst out of my chest.
Ren: Well, alright, you pass.
Haruka: Huh…?
Ren: What I’m saying is that I’ll sing it for you, lady.
Haruka: A-Are you serious!!
Ren: Very. I think I can beat the guy with this.
Haruka: T-Thank you!
I’m over the moon. 
Ah, I’m so glad it all worked out!
Ren: Can I have the file for this song? It won't hurt to practice once in a while.
Haruka: O-Of course. I burned it on a CD.
That’s right! If you’re going to be singing my song, that means I won the bet!
Ren: That’s also true. I guess you've cleared the first stage, huh?
Haruka: I cleared the first stage…. Ah, I’m so happy.… Now we can also practice together!
Ren: You're such a... I can't figure out how you keep letting yourself inside of my head so easily.
Jinguji-san takes my hand and gazes intently at my fingers.
Ren: Without so much as a knock, you enter, and before I even realize, you're already sitting there. Curiously, though, I don't hate it.
You're generally a quiet, inconspicuous, ordinary girl, but from time to time you can be very daring… I guess, in this case, selflessness prevails?
A-Ah, I’m sorry….
I do sometimes overstep my boundaries....
Forgive me.
Ren: However, the real battle is yet to come. If we don't pass the graduation audition, none of this will mean anything.
Haruka: Yes! Ah… Which leads me to wonder, what would have happened if I had lost the bet?
Ren: You really want to know?
Haruka: Yes, I’m a little curious.
Ren: Then my lips are sealed. I’ll let you know only if you can pass the graduation audition. If you really want to find out, you'll have to work even harder than you are now.
Haruka: Deal!
Ren: Now… I've only just arrived but... I'll be leaving soon enough for today.
Haruka: Huh…?
Jinguji-san kisses the back of my hand.
Ren: If I stick around here any longer, I might turn into a wolf. I'll listen to this song in my room.
That being said, Jinguji-san heads back to his dorm room.
Haruka: Ah! W-What’s with him today? He’s always…
My heart was racing.
He's always so cool, but also more than that....
Besides, he said he would sing my song…
Ah, finally! The day has finally come!
But as Jinguji-san said, the battle is yet to come.
This song is not in its final form. 
I will put all of my heart and soul into it, so that we can pass the graduation audition for sure!
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Mini Game
Ryuya: Today we will be trying for a more advanced level of performance. I will teach you firsthand the techniques for playing a real instrument.
Learn as much as you can from me!
Although the melody remains the same, depending on the method, the quality of the music will improve. Stay on your toes and do your best!
Okay, let's get started!
Let the music begin!
Ren: You are a wonder. Your performance is so sincere that it touches my heart. I've never heard music like this before. I wish I could listen to it all the time.
Haruka: Ah… Thank you. But… I am always happy to play for you. Please don't hesitate to ask….
It would be a great pleasure to have Jinguji-san sing along to my performance. 
Jinguji-san’s singing….
I wish I could listen to it all the time.
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Chapter End
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