#at least I got 1 hrid and 1 thrasir
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nammyfanficsblog · 5 years ago
you know, Feh always comes up with good news on my busiest days....but I feel really excited and like her anyway lolololol
let’s start with my reaction shall we?, 
- WHAT IS THAT FARMING MINIGAME ON AETHER RESORT????? definately fire emblem heroes is just a pokemon game lololol but I LOVE IT <3 <3 <3 <3 (I may not look like a farming game lover but actually I am lololool) other than normal crop we can grow DRAGON FLOWER??? ok, i’m really interested right now!
- DINNING HALL FOR FEEDING YOUR HEROES?!?!?!?! (why they don’t just be like poke amie....lololololol) I don’t really know what is the good point of it (maybe support rank up or just feeding for fun??? oh wait, it’s feeding for hero feather reward..... ) but I really looking forward to this function as well <3 <3 <3 (I will feed Hrid , Eliwood , Ephraim and Roy <3 <3 <3 then, )
- NEW HALLOWEEN HEROES ALREADY!??!?!?!  but i’m just ran out of orbs just now ; w ; 
Mad scientist L’archel??? and Frankenstien Dozla??? wow!! I’m just start playing FEsacred stones just now and they come up!! (kinda wish for Halloween Ephraim or Lyon or Knoll but....anyway....)
Vampire lady Llyana and ghost gordin.....I mean Rolf????? (don’t know them but I kinda sure that Rolf must be related to Oscar right? and we gonna get him as F2P so ok I guess,) 
WHAT IS THAT HECTOR AND LITTLE LILINA????? A DUO HEROES?!?!?!?! ok, they are only one who got my interest lolololol First of all, THEY ARE TOO CUTE!!!! >w< I WANT THEM ALREADY!!!! AND THEY EVEN HAVE SPECIAL VOICE QUOTE????? ASDFGHJKLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (but with 0 orbs I think I’ll have to pass T^T ToT ) I kinda wish Hector would use magic on this but..... ; w ; 
- Bonus map and BHB revival is another chance for orbs then....oh Feh’s quiz too...ok I’m going to collect more orbs and mark my calendar for them now.
- The last one ---> HALL OF FORMS??? with testing...I mean Forma unit.....hmmm, a new game with fix heroes that I haven’t get yet for free but no skill slot on them???? hmmm......as long as it gives orbs....I will try it then, (not to mention how poor skill of tactics I am...; w ; but I’ll try.....)
PS. good luck to you all ^w^ me, I just wish that I would get Hector.......
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crystalelemental · 4 years ago
“homestuck-and-the-monomyth: Yeah, we wildly disagree there. I’ll give you that Book 2 mostly kept its shit together, but then…that’s really easy to do when you’re not doing anything. Call it personal preference but I just absolutely hate the Nifl royals, there’s just so little going on with any of them and they don’t even have the courtesy to kill Fjorm off like was supposed to happen. Muspell is better by virtue of having the flame sisters and Helbindi, but they get so little time as compared to Surtr.
I give Book 3 way more credit for turning Alfonse from a mediocre ally into a fascinating antagonist in Lif, even if that doesn’t leave them much time to resolve Hel and Eir. And even then the pair of them start so much more interesting than Fjorm and Surtr that they don’t need as much room to grow comparatively (not that Fjorm and Surtr really grow either). 
Book 4…yeah, they kinda get up their own ass a bit with the Inception plotline, and I’ll never forgive them for pussying out of actually killing Alfonse. But I’d disagree that none of the villains get any time to stand out. Freyja and Triandra (especially Triandra) are two of the best villains we’ve seen in FEH imo.
Book 5 has definitely fallen from there. Reginn and Fafnir both suck and the jaunt to Jotunheimr seemed inconsequential at best, although I have to give Dagr credit for being really fucking funny. At this point it’s just a question of whether whatever Otr and Eitri are hiding is interesting enough that they can stick the landing.”
Lif at least has something, but I feel like they fucked up Eir so bad that it all evens out to “Not that great,” especially since Hel and Thrasir get nothing at all.  Book 4 tried to do things with Freyja but ultimately never really got to do it well.  They tried to make her complex, between her revenge on mortals and taking over the dream world but actually caring about Triandra and Plumeria and realizing she’s alone once they fall, but it never amounts to much.  Just like everything else that book.  And personally Triandra’s story didn’t do much for me.  Like it’s solid, definitely one of the better ones, but better than Laegjarn and Helbindi overall?  I don’t think I’d agree.
I cannot stand the cast of Book 5.  It’s a more interesting plot, in that it has managed to surprise me with some of the twists and turns, but I don’t really care about anyone involved which severely holds it back.  That’s what I think Book 2 did better for me: I gave a shit.  I like Fjorm.  I have no problem with anything going on in her story.  Yes, even the “Should have died” thing, because ultimately her condition was just “Dies young” not “dies immediately.”  We have no sense of how much time passes within FEH’s continuity, and even if it’s 1:1 with the real world that’s only like three years, which is perfectly reasonable for her to hang on for.  I wish they’d reference it more in, say, Forging Bonds stuff, but it’s ultimately fine, and having the Ice Princess be driven by revenge and putting Surtr in the ground?  That’s the kind of stuff that makes Leif stand out, and I appreciate it.  Hrid and Ylgr aren’t quite as engaging, but I wouldn’t say they’re any worse than Zacharias, who we do have a handle on but hasn’t really done much.  Muspell carries because of how well they set up Helbindi and Laegjarn, but Laevatein gets a good amount of development by connection to her sister.  Maybe they could have gotten more time, but the time they got handled them well and developed a really solid character, as opposed to having a much longer story section and ending on “It literally does not matter, and half of it wasn’t even real!”
Gunnthra I fully admit to just a character preference.  She’s super pretty and has ice and dream powers, that’s fucking cool.
The thing is that...with the comparison to Hel and Eir starting off more interesting, I think their problem is that Eir is supposed to develop, and her development sucks.  But not everyone necessarily needs to grow.  Surtr exists to just be the big evil guy to overcome.  Fjorm exists on a path to kill Surtr to end the invasion of her country.  There doesn’t need to be a big twist or change in their character.  Fjorm’s story is more about seeing how far she goes, and ultimately I do think the pact shortening her lifespan is handled well.  Comparatively, Eir’s been working under Hel, who is all about the cruelty of death, but was supposed to be the opposite perspective: a merciful death.  And instead they completely undermine that to focus on “Actually she’s from the Life Dragon kingdom and is all about Life and good things and not about death at all!”  Which fucking blows, and removes any interesting connection the two had from that thematic sense.  Sure, we still have the whole abused child thing, but Nino already did that better.  Eir is one of the few OCs who actually backpedals in how interesting she is, and I’m starting to regret putting her so high on the tier list at all. 
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crystalelemental · 5 years ago
Oh man.  GamePress apparently updated the offensive tier list to be AR exclusive, and boy have there been some changes.  You know I have opinions on this one.
Okay let’s start with the obvious part: how in the hell is any Legendary hero considered above Tier 2?  Like, are we not factoring in score?  Or are we only accounting for if they score well?  Because realistically, half the time, a legendary hero is an active detriment to the scoring.  Also it turns out this isn’t just offense, but both offense AND defense, since Mirabilis is Tier 1.  So that’s gonna be...honestly, a bit confusing.  I’m sure some people can tell which is which, but I’m willing to bet others aren’t clear.
Let’s start with the biggest changes at the top.  Eliwood and Brave Roy are now Tier 1, likely because Galeforce.  Nothing else is different that I can tell.  Maybe some demotion?  But nothing substantial.  Lysithea is finally recognized as Tier 1, and I’m certain it’s because of her power on AR-D.  Girl is obscene.  Otherwise, Fallen Julia is the only other T1 Red Mage, and damn good on her.  Idunn demoted, but honestly, fair.  AR is not for her.  Armor units are not hard to handle, and are pretty bad on offense.  Especially with Thrasir existing, armor dragons just have a rough go.  Spring Idunn and Tibarn alone are T1.  What I do find interesting is that Dancer Micaiah didn’t maintain.  I guess the Hardy Bearing effect isn’t as impressive anymore.  Also Karla stayed T2, that’s...astonishing, actually.  Duo Byleth is also T2, which kinda makes sense.  Defense can’t make use of her Duo skill, and her bulk is pathetic, so any typical ranged defense unit can handle her.  On offense, it’s going to be tough.  Desperation effect is good, but conditional on having a fast team, not to mention Galeforce sets can require the foe to retaliate, like with Eliwood/Brave Roy.  So I can’t say I’m surprised she’s not on top.
Lance seems to just be B!Lucina, Duo Ephraim, and Trio Palla.  Which is fair.  Blue mages, though?  Damn is this crowded.  L!Azura and Peony, because obscene dancers.  Ophelia, because bitch.  Duo Alphonse, because immortality.  Brunnya, because honestly Fimbulvetr is perfect for this game mode, and she’s got the infantry status and abilities to do whatever she wants.  And L!Julia.  I’m willing to bet she’s more AR-D focused.  Rafiel and L!Chrom are also T1, of course.  I think what really surprises me is that Reinhardt is T2.  Is anyone else surprised about this?  I guess he’s not the most threatening thing in the world anymore, but still.  Actually wait, what’s REALLY neat is that Naga is T3.  So clearly scoring considerations are not paramount.
Axes have V!Duo Alm, Annette, L!Edelgard, and B!Ike.  Because of course.  All of them are ridiculous.  Mages have L!Celica, Thrasir, and Fallen Lyon, with beasts/dragons having Reyson.  Which, again, makes sense.  I’m glad Surtr demoted to T2.  I really don’t think of him as the most threatening aspect of AR anymore, even on dedicated stall, so this feels overdue.  Yune’s also T2, which..okay, fair.  While I think she’s great, she’s a ranged flying unit who plays defense, and her debuff game is crippled severely by Eir’s bonuses.  It’s super weird that F!Kana demoted, though.  She was T1 before, and that was entirely based on AR potential, so...okay.  Guess the meta has shifted hard enough against her.  Also, big shoutouts to Julia for maintaining T2 status.  That’s my girl.
Bows have L!Alm, L!Leif, V!Faye, and Duo Marth.  I can’t speak for Duo Marth, I don’t have him, but I feel like the fact I’ve never faced one means he’s at least not good on AR-D.  I can vouch for V!Faye, though, holy shit.  In fact can we establish Tier 0 for the primordial beings that break the world over their knees?  Anyway, Bernadetta and B!Lyn are T2, and I’m betting that’s for hit-and-run offense teams.  Also Norne’s T2 now, which is super correct.  I’ve felt this for a while, and the forum backs me up pretty hard on it: Norne’s the best common archer by a mile.  But of course, you all know what I’m going to say.  There is no way Faye is T3.  I have played her ranged defense game long enough to know that she is really strong at it.  While some threats like Lysithea can blow past her, and Thrasir isn’t always one-shot with my current supports, she is very capable of performing better than T3.  Also, poor Clarisse.  Finally gets a kickass refine that’s just not particularly great for AR, and instead of climbing the ranks of the offensive tier list, they change the conditions on her.  Girl can’t catch a break.
Dagger/Mage combos have, of course, Bramimond, Leila, Eir, and Duo Micaiah.  Absolutely no surprises here.  What is surprising, maybe just to me, is that Winter Cecilia is down to T3.  She was considered T2 for a long while, and I’d guessed that was based on AR potential.  I guess Duo Micaiah is causing substantial problems for armors across the board?  But man, Larum is T2.  LARUM.  Larum sucks, what could she possibly be doing that’s useful?
Dragons/Beasts have Fallen Female Corrin, Leanne, Mila, and Velouria.  I love everything about this.  Leanne makes sense for Defense teams, Velouria is a great Galeforcer, Mila is probably the best Light mythic for supertank strategies, and Fallen Female Corrin makes me happy because Fallen Male Corrin is only T2.  Get fucked, loser.  Your higher BST does nothing for your shit ass.  I do think there’s an argument for Caineghis in T1 for an offensive supertank, but honestly, he struggles.  To a degree I’d say he’s worse than Faye.  We don’t have any beast Mythics, and the only offensive dragon is Mila.  His DC is conditional on transforming, and he’s an armor unit.  He can’t run Null C-Disrupt, or Null Follow-Up like she can, so there are defense teams that can beat him by exploiting this.  I feel like Faye’s a lot better, but hey, what do I know.
And finally, staves.  Bridal Fjorm is the only one in T1.  Brave Veronica actually dropped, which is funny because she was T1 before solely on AR.  She doesn’t place in Arena.  I guess the meta has shifted away from Brave Veronica lately.  I haven’t been scared of one in a long time.  And hey, Maribelle is T2 as well, and Forrest got pushed up to T3!  Unfortunately, Brave Camilla was reduced to T3, so she’s still below B!Veronica.  Which in this game mode I guess is fair.
Now for the opposite end of the spectrum.  There are now 6 tiers, which I like.  I feel the subdivisions are appropriate, we have enough units that categorization was tough.  T4 for lances and swords was like 60 units before, I’m glad it got cleaned up a bit.  For red stuff, Alfonse remains at the bottom, but is no longer alone.  NY!Camilla, Chrom, V!Conrad, Beach Fiora, Hinata, and NY!Hrid are also down there.  Haha, Hrid, get fucked you loser.  That’s for January 2019, you fuck.  Mages here include Canas, Julius (ouch), Leo, Beach Leo, Raigh, and Beach Lorenz.  No surprises.  There are no dragons, daggers, or bows for red down here, the lowest they go is T4.  Hysterically, every form of red Tiki is in T4.  Also, maybe this is me not understanding something, but NY!Anna and NY!Eir in T4 surprises me.  I thought their weapons were considered great team support.  Are their stats just not optimized for it? 
T6 lances are many.  Too many, I’m not listing all of that.  What I will say is, tell my Forma Finn running on the double cav Galeforce defense team that he’s T6.  Considering I only lost two matches at all last season, and only 38 Lift, I’d say he’s doing alright.  But there are probably better options out there, I’m just working with what I have.  Mages are just Oliver and M!Robin.  Man, I hope M!Robin goes up with the resplendent.  Leave Oliver to die.  No dragons, bows, or daggers, they’re all up in T4 where...where...no.  No, there’s no way.  Lilith has warp abilities from anywhere.  NAESALA is considered T4, despite being paired with Tibarn for some of the nastiest offensive AR-D strategies out there.  Mordecai has the Smite thing.  I don’t agree with this at all.  And Ninian is T3?  Even though she’s one of the top picks for Infantry Pulse AR-D dancers?  I know Nils exists and is better in every way pretty much, but that’s a bit much to me.  I think the blue dragon/beast section is the most ridiculous by far.
There are also a lot of axes down in T6, but I agree with all of them.  The green mages make me sad, though.  Picnic Leo, Cecilia, and Female Robin.  I do think F!Robin has a lot of utility within the game, but...honestly they’re super right, she cannot possibly compete in AR.  Defense teams have no use for her, and offensive teams using her as a support are a bad idea with Panic Manor around.  Mostly Cecilia makes my heart hurt.  Come on, IS.  Null C-Disrupt Raven Tome when?  As with the other tiers, all dragons, bows, and daggers of this color are higher ranked.  That said, L!Lyn in T5.  Get fucked.  There’s also...absolutely nothing controversial about their T4 picks.  Green’s pretty well sorted, good job team.
The only colorless option with units in T6 are healers, where we have Azama, Mist, Wrys, Sakura, and Lissa.  Nothing controversial here.  In fact, nothing controversial in T5, either.  What is sad but super true, is that F!Grima’s here.  All the other colorless beasts and dragons are clustered in T1 and T2, but she’s down in T5.  Expiration refine when?  Felicia and Jaffar are the lowest ranked daggers, to no one’s surprise.  None of the bows are shocking either, except I’m kinda surprised Niles isn’t at least a little higher.  I feel like his massive Res must account for something when attempting to tank out the many ranged magic threats on AR-D, right?
Overall, I...actually agree with the majority of this.  It’s a solid tierlist for Aether Raids.  There are some things I don’t entirely agree with, but would have trouble arguing in their favor in the current meta.  Like Micaiah.  As we move entirely away from armor units, Micaiah becomes less and less significant.  I do think the blue dragon/beast section could take some revisiting, given that goddamn Naesala is down in T4, but one area that seems off isn’t bad when you have so much to organize.  I like it.  Definitely a lot better than the previous list, because at least now we’re specialized.  Before, there was always an argument that a certain unit was better or worse based on performance in a specific area.  But here, it’s more stable.  I’m not sure if there’s intent to make an Arena one, or if that’s even necessary since scoring is a lot more specific for Arena, but we’ll see.
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