#at any given moment I am thinking about the ten years Hua Cheng spent in Tonglu alone
hunxi-after-hours · 4 years
I am, as always, thinking about the grotto of ten thousand gods, and why Feng Xin and Mu Qing freak the fuck out when they discover that all the statues are of Xie Lian, but meanwhile, Xie Lian isn’t remotely phased 
(and Hua Cheng is so deeply, terrifyingly angry, but also hurt)
because to anyone, anyone else, the idea that someone has carved ten thousand statues of your likeness seems obsessive, creepy, even stalker-ish--which, compounded with Hua Cheng’s behavior, is not an unreasonable conclusion to draw from the outside, and that’s not even getting to the mural that they didn’t let Xie Lian see
but Xie Lian isn’t remotely bothered, and the more I think about that, the more it makes sense:
he was once the beloved taizi dianxia of Xianle, he knows what it’s like to be worshiped, and he knows exactly how little that worship really means when the winds change
Hua Cheng has already proven himself, over and over again, that he wants nothing but the best for Xie Lian, Xie Lian’s safety and happiness above all else
more importantly, Hua Cheng has proven that he respects Xie Lian’s boundaries and agency, which, unfortunately, Feng Xin and Mu Qing do NOT
look, it’s Xie Lian. He would never judge someone solely by their worst moment in life, and if all Hua Cheng did in the depths of his despair was to create an astounding trove of art? Well, it’s a far sight better than Xie Lian’s coping mechanisms in book four
and really, it all comes back to the idea of unconditional love, and the way that Xie Lian’s divinity and talent and royal birth make it that so rare and precious for him
because as the crown prince, he was beloved for what he represented, rather than who he was
and as a god, he was worshipped for what he could do for his believers, rather than who he was
this is the thing about godhood in TGCF--it is not a guarantee of power, it not inherent, inalienable. Those heavenly perks come with caveats, that spiritual power comes with fine print
(gods can die in TGCF, just like any human, or monster, or ghost king)
no power is unbreakable. no adoration is unconditional
and then there’s Hua Cheng
the strength of Hua Cheng’s love can level mountains, topple the heavens, and most of all? it is completely unconditional
if Xie Lian decided to become his mask in book four, Hua Cheng would have stood by his side and unleashed a plague
if Xie Lian decided to dedicate the rest of his life to collecting scraps and barely scrape by, Hua Cheng would roll up his sleeves and carry trash right beside him
if Xie Lian decided to take all of that immense power and turn it on Hua Cheng, burn a ghost king, then burn the ashes, Hua Cheng would simply stand there and smile and say if that’s what gege wants and let him
it’s you, not the state of you
my dream is only you
I would be the stone beneath your feet you use to climb higher
I am forever your most loyal believer
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