#at a snail pace too
hedgehog-moss · 3 months
Poldine has been shorn! It was my first time shearing a llama and her first time being shorn, so, a big adventure for us both. I'll make a longer post about it tomorrow but first of all, let me post my new favourite photo of her ever.
She looks like if eggs were mammals.
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She looks like a Vermicious Knid upside down with a beard.
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Nooooo just kidding you're cute<3
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dizzybizz · 4 months
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some haikyuus
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pumpkster · 8 months
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artzybumpkin · 2 months
i feel like it would take a/llan a while to get used to the baby moving - I think it would be cute to see him trying his best to get used to it at work ! :) (love ur art btw)
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Oh you know it!!😂
It takes him a good minute to get used to the sudden pokes and jabs. Especially in the weeks following, as she starts getting bigger(and stronger at that hehe)
It's obvious when she's active, as throughout the day he'll consistently flinch and/or shudder at the feeling. And while it's not painful (yet >>'), it's intense enough to become a distraction a lot of times
Peanut's discovered she has legs, and by God she's gonna USE 'em!
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puppyeared · 3 months
Was nobody gonna warn me that I would fall a little bit in love with every character in Stardew
#I am literally following them around and getting excited like a little puppy its insane#I cant decide who I wanna marry I like all of them… I was a little torn between Sebastian and Harvey at first but now Alex is an#unexpected fav??? and I like Elliott and Sam theyre so goofy.. and I appreciate how down to earth Leah is#Emily is also quickly growing on me she feels like the valleys manic pixie dream girl to me. or at least Clint’s manic pixie dream girl#the only characters I don’t have much to say abt are Shane and maru.. Shane’s still a little mean to me like I know he warms up to u as#u get to know him but I’m not there yet.. and I’m just not all that interested in Maru sadly#it’s not just the marriage candidates its almost all the NPCs especially Granny Evelyn SHES SO NICE?? shes fun to talk to I love giving#her my best flowers.. I also like saying hi to Willy and Marnie they’re nice!!! I love Marnie’s smile it’s so cute#I’m also fond of gus after seeing Linus’ 2 heart event that was so sweet of him… mister gus I’ll give u my best ingredience……..#I’m too busy trying to finish the community centre and make money before I go around marrying anyone or building up friendship#so I haven’t had a lot of time to get to know everyone ;w; I’m trying to trigger the wizards heart events now that I’m at like 9 hearts#with him cuz I wanna be able to move my buildings around#I actually have 2 saves rn one on my brothers pc and one on iOS. but the one on iOS is cosmos file and it just playing as him as a character#not as myself and I think he would marry Alex. but my pc save is my personal file so I’m marrying Harvey#until my pen gets fixed I’ll be drawing at a snails pace pairing the stupid thing but Im making cosmo a ref definitely#I kinda wanna get to know Pam too.. she’s like rough around the edges but in a jaded way I wanna know what she’s like yk#stardew valley#puppy plays sdv#sdv#Stardew#yapping
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ratcandy · 3 months
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collection of moth things i never posted all of varying quality and age
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 8 months
Re-reading jttw after so many years is wild because my reading comprehension has improved so much. I didn't realize how many gods just straight up lied to the jade emperor and others about swk like bro those peach maiden gals fr said he beat the crap outta them when the mans never laid a hand on them-
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swordmaid · 1 year
i dont want to keep posting abt this brienne wip ive been posting but i want to. she looks so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD.
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inkblackorchid · 1 year
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Love how this outtro contains both the biggest slap in the face the show has to offer as well as arguably my favourite shot of all outtros, full stop.
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cheezyfucc · 9 months
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veradune · 6 months
Update on 48 hour apartment purge: so it's extending for the rest of the long weekend at this rate and I managed to snap a hole in the bathroom sink pipe while trying to get the accursed pop-up drain aligned so it would actually, maybe, stop the sink 🙃
I love having to frantically empty a wet cabinet at 2am (why did I start fussing with it thennnn)
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jamandjazz · 3 months
I have mixed feelings on Ponyboy’s hair post-canon. Like on one hand I hate him blond (I just don’t think it suits him) so I think he should dye it immediately back to his natural hair color. But on the OTHER hand… the things some people make it symbolize is amazing.
Like when people make him cutting the last bit of blond off after clinging to it after Dally and Johnny’s deaths. When he had been putting it off because it would cement the fact they were gone in his head even more. When him cutting it off isn’t him finishing grieving exactly but him coming to terms with their deaths. It’s like it’s the last bit of them he’s finally willing to let go. It shows he isn’t clinging to the past anymore. Because “you don’t just stop living because you lose someone.”
There’s also the people that make him KEEP the blond afterwards. People that have him re-dye the hair. Which is amazing in its own right. Because Pony’s hair is so important to him canonically, them using it as a way to have him feel connected to them feels so special. Like it’s his own way of keeping their memory alive while also not dwelling on it in an unhealthy manner. When it’s something he grows to love, a fond memory he has to look back on. Something that he goes out of his way to do but not something that he lets tie him down.
I could go on and on about Pony’s hair but honestly I think this post is getting long enough with it just being about hair.
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echoesofadream · 9 months
so many books on my tbr and also so many books i have started but not finished and im thinking about reading dostojevskij instead
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fleursbending · 2 years
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thinking abt this scene .... yeah !. HIS EYES SPEAK AND CONVEY SM.. first time i saw this scene i was like 😟🫢.
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wovenstarlight · 8 months
weaning myself off mtl and into direct translating... slow going but it is SO satisfying
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 4 months
Maybe the fact I don't have an iPad or something portable and digital to draw on is a good thing I'd be too powerful I'd be awake at 1am and just start drawing and never get any sleep ever
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