a-sweet-pea · 3 years
Today’s Mood
I want to be LARGE and hanging out in a field having a picnic with tiny lil introverts. Theyre just leaning on me in a big pile and I’m reading aloud one of my favorite books. Some people are listening intently, some people are asleep, some people are mindlessly scrolling their phones and just enjoying the backround sound of my voice, its all good. Occasionally, i’ll grab a few peaches from a nearby tree for us to snack on, and there’s a background insect buzz, and its 71 degrees and shady, and all is right with the world.
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Smol mutuals are invited to this summertime cuddle pile, it starts right now in your imagination.
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a-sweet-pea · 3 years
P.s, really excited for the James/Elle gulliver fic! Have a great day/night!
So, fun fact:
When I was young, I always identified in the Giant position; my daydreams were all being washed up in Lilliput, or finding a borrower on the school bus (that was a classic morning bus-ride daydream) but as I got older, I graduallly started toying with the role of a tiny. This changeover happened to coincide with puberty and the imagined giant was a handsome man around my age, and it took me an embarrassingly long time to put two and two together as to why that was.
Nowadays, just about all my daydreams are of me as the tiny, and only around a very particular individual (no prizes for guessing who), but I still really enjoy art and stories and the occasional daydream about taking on the giant role, and I’ve come up with some armchair psychology about why.
There’s this excellent Ted-Talk that Dan Dennet did about the evolutionary roots of why humans like sweet things, and why we find babies cute, and all that kind of stuff (google it, it’s a great watch) and he makes this point about the fact that human’s crave sweetness because sugar is so calorically dense and we lived for such a long time with unreliable food sources so we were incentivized to load up on calorically dense stuff, and things like chocolate cake are like, super hyper stimulus to our dumb monkey brains (I know this is the world’s longest and seemingly off-topic tangent, but here’s the part where I bring it around).
Doing good deeds makes me so happy. That’s nothing particularly unique to me, humans are highly empathetic; when people around us are happy, it makes us happy, so making somebody ELSE happy makes us happy too. Making my friend a big pot of tea when she’s sick, picking out highly thoughtful christmas presents, this is the shit I live for.
Also, it’s like, a thing, that the sadder/worse off someone is, the better it feels to cheer them up or help them. That’s why giving a millionaire a thousand dollars is like…nothing, but giving a poor starving child a bowl of mac and cheese makes the happy chemicals go brrrrrr. It’s why hurt/comfort is a whole-ass genre of fic; the sadder the chaarcter is, the more they suffer, the better it feels when they are saved and cared for.
So, imagining a scenario where someone is terrified for their LIFE, and I can help just by being like “Hey, no, it’s ok! I’m not going to hurt you!” Like, the differential between the initial sadness/fear/suffering and the later comfort and safety is so huge, it makes all the parts of my brain that want to nurture and help people go off like fuckin fireworks.
Basically the point of his rambling treatise is that to me, the thought of being a giant is like the chocolate cake of the nurturing instinct, which I posit based off of little to no scientific inquiry or expertise, but it’s as good an explanation as any as to why it gives me the warm fuzzies to imagine scooping up all my mutuals, wrapping you up in little handkerchief blankets, setting you down on the couch cushion next to me, and giving you each an MnM to nibble on while you listen to me read aloud from the collected work of A. A Milne.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
(As for what I find appealing about being tiny, that would require a Ted XXX talk)(hehehehe, gettit)(It’s actually not even that NSFW content-wise, but it would involve in depth discussion of getting horny on main)(and I’m vaguely committed to keeping this a cozy sfw zone)
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