arsnovacadenza · 8 months
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Was super late to the party because of stuff, but
(Note: Tatsumiyajima's town design is based on the city of Onomichi, Hiroshima. It's now a favorite pilgrimage site for Fafner fans. If you go on Twitter, you'll see fans snapping pictures of a house that looks like Kazuki's house)
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arsnovacadenza · 9 months
Kazuki/Athrun from GSF? Something like a one night stand?
Ngehh prepare some popcorn or possibly tissues because boy tragic headcanons ahead. Somewhat Soukazu/Kazusou-centric on Kazuki's part. (hopefully spoiler-free. And yes, this gets mature)
They seek comfort in each other after losing their previous SO or some other sad stuff. For the spoiler-free version, Kazuki finds solace in Athrun after having a nasty fight with Soushi, which led to a sorta breakup. With Athrun and Cagalli, I think it's established that they remained apart at the end because Athrun understood that Cagalli has to put her duties first, so he left
sad sexytimes with Athrun just going at it as rough as possible to vent his feelings about Cagalli and to an extent, Kira. Kazuki just dissociates. There's no cuddling or pillow talk involved and they mostly avoid each other in public as well (though Maya and possibly Lunamaria know)
BUT THEN Athrun drops by at Rakuen for late night coffee and finds Kazuki still working. In the end, they talk and get to know each other better
And then comes a point where Athrun says "You're a nice guy, you deserve someone who treats you well. Who asks you out for coffee and ask about your day," and Kazuki answers "Well, why don't you?"
(Kazuki's actual motivation is making Soushi jealous but shhh)
They do go on dates like going to the beach together, go to cafes together but Athrun respectfully keeps his distance. Meanwhile, Kazuki listens to Athrun's problems without judging or giving unneeded advice (he got some practice with Soushi mansplaining his way through their conversations)
Athrun fell HARD. Kazuki's calm demeanor reminds him of Lacus a little bit, but whereas Athrun lowkey thinks of Lacus as out his league, Kazuki is more open and obtainable
So Athrun starts to get REALLY obvious about his feelings; getting somewhat aggressive when Kazuki interacts with potential rivals like Canon or Maya
Both are protective of Kazuki and DON'T like what they see but have no choice but respect Kazuki's feelings. Meanwhile, Soushi withdraws more and more, opting to focus on his job even if he knows it will hurt Kazuki
As for the GSEED side, er....I think it would be Kira who'd confront Athrun? He'd probably trigger Athrun by mentioning Cagalli and Athrun's like "Do you ever care about my feelings?" or something vaguely similar to a confession
Kazuki feels guilty that he's driven Athrun away from his friends and suggests a breakup. Hot angry sex ensues
Fast-forward because I have no clue what to do at this point, but Kazuki finally Athrun that he's suffocating too, that he wants to figure things out on his own. Finally, Athrun agrees
Even after their breakup, Athrun still thinks of Kazuki as Another One Who Got Away. Being with Kazuki was easy. And he didn't think he could ever find another somebody who'd give him as much solace
In the end, he reaches out to Cagalli again and they start over. They become a sorta-kinda-item by the end, but for once, they're both genuinely happy with each other.
But then Athrun sees a glimpse of Kazuki one day, also happy with Soushi and thinks "Ah, so nobody can beat him in your heart, huh," while also recognizing that he was fighting himself all along before getting this far
Boy that got too long and I'm getting sleepy. But if you're curious, anon, hit me up and I'll share y'all my AUs about these two
If this happened in SRW, the Gundam SEED folks would be like... "oh, that's heartbreaking but no wonder, Kazuki's a pretty man and Athrun gets what he wants" with some tearful moments from Cagalli
But Kazuki's harem, I imagine, would be out for blood
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