#astrological breakdowns
jyeshindra · 4 months
Mars: Ambition, drive, power, courage, instincts, anger, passion
Aries & Scorpio (Pluto)
Both are ambitious, driven people. Motivated by goals and desires. They want to take action and are independent people. Do not easily obey or submit to others. Passionate people and can be spiritual as well. They can both resist temptation and focus in on what they want.
Solitary people. Mars likes to operate on its own. Undisturbed and un-influenced. Can be loners or they just like to lead the pack. Both positions are lonely.
They both have excellent instinct and trust their natural talents. They have a strong sense of self built on their accomplishments. They are hard-working and can put their noses to the grindstone!
Scorpio is more subtle and reserved (yin/water) but ultimately has more stability and focus (fixed). Scorpio studies, analyzes, processes, interprets, understands. Pluto is the destroyer, so Scorpio has a lot of concentrated power. If Aries is a cannonball, Scorpio is a laser. 
Scorpio has more endurance (Scorpion). They can weather a lot of different situations and will defend themselves if they have to. But this won’t be their first response (yin). They’ll likely figure you out first, pinpoint your weaknesses, and keep their head above water. But best believe, they know what buttons to push and how to hit where it hurts. Cold people, ruthless at times. More feminine-leaning Scorpios can display this easily. Spiteful people, can hold a grudge if they really are emotionally invested. Eye for an eye kind of people. They will linger emotionally in situations and fester. 
Scorpio’s expression of Mars + Pluto creates this desiring nature. This kind of speaks to a Scorpio theme which is suffering. Scorpio can have a relationship with desire where it is extremes of grasping and staying away. Hot and cold hot and cold. Never satisfied. They are (yin) so they need something to fill them. Something to warm them up. They like to hold onto things. Some Scorpios can be indulgent (Taurus/Venus opposition) but it’s more like Scorpio will indulge their feelings. If they really want something and they’re fixated on it, they will indulge that desire. 
Aries on the other hand can be more dynamic and bold (Fire/Cardinal). They like to explore, try different things, and make progress towards what it is they have set their sights on. Aries is not like Scorpio in terms of endurance. They can burn out more quickly, get frustrated, quit, or just throw themselves at the same wall repeatedly. 
Aries is the baby (Ram/Lamb) of the zodiac so there is this theme of maturation with Aries. They need to master themselves and their abundant fiery energy. Scorpio is more likely to have the introspection available to understand their motivations and why they do things. Aries can be like this as well, but they can also be childish in their approach to matters.
Overestimating their abilities, underestimating their abilities, biting off more than they can chew, taking on too much at once. Their Martian energy wants to do, do, do, do, do, and it’s firing on all cylinders.
On the other hand, because Aries is so dynamic, their Martian energy is geared towards leadership (cardinal). Where they go, other people tend to follow or mimic. Something about their nature (fire) is infectious and inspiring. Their Martian energy manifests as a light for others to follow through the challenges they face.
Aries clears the path (cardinal) and breaks down walls. As it matures, it learns to focus its energy and apply itself in the right ways. It picks the positions that are suited for it. It does not only think of itself, it thinks of others too.
Scorpio learns to balance their control and surrender. They learn to investigate themselves and kill off the parts of them they no longer need. Ultimately, Scorpio achieves an inner peace and builds their inner security so there is no need to fixate or obsess. They channel that focused energy on the things that give back to them. On what makes them emotionally content.
Both energies are incredibly inspiring though, Scorpio + Aries. These people can bear a lot and are fierce protectors of the people they love. Aries may be more demonstrative (yang) while Scorpio will be subtle and quiet in their affections (yin).
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kwonhochi · 9 months
CATIFY YOURSELF!!!!1!!! my time has come thank you so much @meowonhao (the perfect url if you ask me…) <3
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tagging!!!! @xumoonhao @dumdum0515 @spaecgirl @junranghae @ashmp3 @pineapple-frenzy @mini-svt @ginooknook @ambivartence @heliianth + anyone who wants to join in 💝💝💝 feel free to ignore or do whenever ^_^
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yaseraphinee · 9 days
this has to be a joke atp (and a really bad one)
not my favorite tarot reader on tumblr posting this while I was LITERALLY getting tested ... I am too stunned to speak rn everything is going too fast lmaooo(laughing in spiritual pain)
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this has to be a set up i am already feeling the effects of the full moon in pisces and it is quite effective i must say..
Ill stop my moon in leo ass from dragging this shakespearian tragedy tyrade breakdown because it's getting ridiculous lmaoo
I hope that all of you have a fantastic day or night, that you get your 8 hours of sleep, that you're moisturized, blessed, loved and that either sides of your pillow are cold <3
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starshapedoasis · 5 months
Yall im comparing liam and Noel natal charts again, this part really struck me
Ascendant = Liam
Sun = Noel
This is a very good combination because these two people feel that they are meant for each other and that they balance each other out. The Ascendant person sees the Sun individual as “the right person” who can help to balance them out. The connection between these two is difficult to break. However, if one of them is immature or has a tendency to be defensive, they can argue frequently about who is right about various things.
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lovevalley45 · 1 year
i forgot jax was also a virgo n like. maybe that’s why i like him so much. the virgo connection
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dogwittaablog · 8 months
astrology signs you think nolan is compatible with? ✨🌛
So I don't know too much about astrology... very bare minimum knowledge. Though i'll probably base some of his compatibility off of his known friends, family and ex lovers.
OG TK/Tanner - Aquarius (Jan 28)
TRAVIS/TK - Pisces (March 11)
NICO - Capricorn (January 4)
STEVE (YES IM INCLUDING HIS DAD) - Aquarius (February 4th)
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jinxstrology · 2 years
Hi, can you talk about wooyoung’s chart? 🫢 I bias him and wanna know everything
Idk if I know literally everything, but I will do my best~
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Wooyoung (ATEEZ) Astrology Breakdown - Tropical Chart, Placidus
Optimistic, independent, honest
Loyal, nurturing, family-oriented
Intelligent, polite, restless
Intense, mysterious, realistic
Graceful, charming, elegant
Motivated, determined, controlled
Free-spirited, adventurous, open-minded
Charismatic, emotional, strong
Active, energetic, ambitious
Sun Sextile Neptune, Sun Sextile Ascendant, Venus Sextile Lilith, Neptune Trine Ascendant
T-Square, Yod (2), Cradle
Waning Gibbous
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milfsisyphus · 2 years
crying on camera in the work training zoom so everyone knows i’m a triple cancer with a theatre degree
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isaut · 1 year
sorry im not done
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aqua2fana · 2 years
Breakdown of Bruce Wayne’s Birthchart
For starts, this is within an 8° Orb meaning that there is an 8° margin of error for aspects
Disclaimer: While I do give in depth explanations of each planet and what effect their house and sign has on them, I don’t do the same for the aspects. The aspect descriptions I provide are generalized and don’t take the houses or signs involved into account, only the planets. For more insight into an aspect, check the individual planet descriptions to get an idea of the specifics of the relation between the two. It’s important to keep in mind that the entire chart matters. There are no planets that exist independent of all the others and their signs, houses, orbs, dominance, and all of their aspects will have an effect on the energy of that planet as a whole. Some of these readings will seem to contradict each other because they are read as though they are separated from everything else in the chart. To understand the overall energy of a planet you will need to look at everything that planet is a part of.
Dominant planets are colored (dominant planets are the top 3 planets with the most influence in a chart), Exact aspects are italicized (exact aspects are strong), the 👑 is next to the chart ruler (the planet ruled by the rising sign which says a lot about an individuals relationship with life)
I hope you’re ready to read this absolute novel of explanations compiled from various sources.
April 7, 1985 in Bridgeton, NJ at 12:00 pm
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0° Leo Rising: Proud but usually tries to be their best self at all times, thus earning the respect they crave. Dignified , usually with a loyalty and sense of integrity that are becoming rare in modern times. Weakness is rarely admitted, and a sense of lordly authority often comes naturally (usually without the authoritarianism that Capricorn, for example, displays). Hence, more an administrator than a dynamic leader. An open, honest manner with others elicits loyal and affectionate responses. People with Leo Ascendant need to use their creativity, authority and power. They are looking for love, admiration and applause. Some might push to the front by force and be eccentric. They should strive to become an independent and distinct person. Potential danger of these people is their pride. They must first show a good effort in order to deserve respect and admiration. Those who fail to shine may become bitter. A crucial turn is when they learn to give without expecting something in return. With the chart ruler being the sun, these people want to take control over their surroundings and they try to lead and direct. They get excited over a dream and they try to realise it. They try to increase the value of things; they want to become creators. With the sun being in Aries (exalted) these people are impulsive. They express themselves energetically and authoritatively. They are hot-tempered and somewhat irrational. They are enterprising. And with the Aries Sun being in the 10h these people rise higher and higher and they control others. Predisposition to leadership or to influence others.
0° Leo Rising trine 27° Scorpio Saturn 5h: The positive thing about this aspect is that these people are prudent and honest. With Saturn Trine to your Ascendant indicates that you are practical and restrained in your approach to others, and to life itself. You are able to contain your impulses, and to think before you act. You realize that you are responsible for your own actions and are more capable of self-discipline if you think the results will be worth the effort.
You can be a good communicator and have an air of superiority about you. Not that you probably are, it’s just this placement allows you to be quite commanding in your conversations which most people can sense and respect making you feel quite good about yourself. Though, you need to learn how to express yourself better in order to get to the point where you are respected. You have a more serious disposition with this aspect, and you should watch out for coming across as too dry or boring with your relationships. You don't like to waste your energy on trivial matters including superficial relationships or conversations. You are quite fair and just when it comes to your how you handle your relationships, but if someone does get on your bad side it is not so easy for you to forgive them. Your mental state may be a little rigid and conservative so be aware to try to keep an open mind to other people’s opinions or perspectives, trying to understand other people’s points of view can help you be more sympathetic and understanding of other people’s ideas. You are a good planner and could be successful in careers to do with planning, systems, law, media or education.
0° Leo Rising square 3° Scorpio Pluto 4h:
The positive thing about this aspect is that it gives people independent, sometimes even extreme behaviour and the ability to physically and mentally regenerate. The negative thing about this aspect is that these people do not realise what impression they are making on others and they often cause themselves harm because of it. With Pluto square your Natal Ascendant, power, control and manipulation can have an impact on your personality. Career, fame and recognition will important to you. You tend to be self-righteous and believe that you are always right when you are dealing with other people, especially business partnerships or with people of authority.
You can be quite aggressive and arrogant, and you want to push your agenda onto others and take things personally when people don’t accept your viewpoints or opinions. You need to relax your personality a little, realize that the compromise and cooperation with others will help you achieve your goals not thwart them.
You do have a strong and magnetic personality which people tend to like when they are on your good side. This positive trait allows you to be able to work with others in a managerial sense just as long you can learn to be more diplomatic in your ability to deal with others success can surely be yours.
0° Leo Rising square 23° Aries Lilith 10h: With Lilith square Ascendant, your personality/mask may be off-putting to others. Even when you try to seem pleasing, people still see the worst qualities of your Lilith expressed in the ascendant. Those Lilith-related taboos come out in a way that makes others nervous. With Lilith square Ascendant, you may have the aura of being surrounded by death or scandal, or perhaps you just have an unexplainably taboo energy. Others feel nervous in general, as though you’re hiding a deep dark secret.
0° Leo Rising sextile 5° Gemini Chiron 11h: You easily find the support you need in order to thrive in spite of past wounds and traumas. With these Natal Chiron – Ascendant aspects there is a wound connected to how you present to others and how are you perceived. Embracing your past wounds and accepting yourself is your key to healing. Part of your process of healing involves the physical and outward manifestation of your past traumas. You need to speak openly about your challenges and fears. As you embrace your own healing, you are able to be a strong spoke person for other people who are struggling with the same wounds. Also, you have the ability to instill confidence in other people. Overcoming major disappointments has taught you how to rebuild self-esteem even when it looked as you would never recover. Other people are inspired by your personality, resilience, and ability to sustain in the face of adversity. Also, you are a very compassionate and forgiving person. That is why you are a wonderful and loyal friend upon whom others can rely.
17° Aries MC: Those born with an Aries Midheaven are full of confidence. They are optimistic and actively pursue their goals. They know what they want from an early age and are strong enough to follow their dreams without needing the support of others. The Midheaven can be indicative of your true vocation in life. This can be identified by the sign it is in as well as its ruling planet. The ruling planet of Aries is Mars, look to its house in your natal chart to discover which area of life your true vocation is directed towards.
17° Aries MC conjunct 18° Aries Sun 10h: In a positive sense this aspect indicates the ability to succeed using own means or with the help of others. In the negative sense it indicates difficulties acknowledging own values. Even while you are young, personal success and achievement will be very important. You will want to shine among your friends and be someone to whom they can look up. You will measure your success in life not so much by your inner sense of values, but by the impact you make on other people. This aspect often means that you will be socially successful, but you must work for it; such success is not automatic.
You have a great need to be in control of your life. As you get older, you will try to work in a business in which you can be your own boss. You are very independent and do not like working under someone, which can create problems while you are young. Thinking that you know better than your elders, you may rebel against their power over you. If you establish a pattern of rebellion, personal success will be hard to come by. You need help from others to get anywhere. So, you must avoid being arrogant, for that will alienate people. However, if you are willing to learn from others while you are young and put all your energies into developing skills that will be useful later, you will probably achieve something important in your own terms. In that case, you will know what you want to do and how to guide others.
You can enable others to fulfill their destiny as you fulfill yours. During childhood, the influence of your father or of a similar guide figure is especially important to you.
17° Aries MC conjunct 10° Aries Mercury 9h: The positive thing about this aspect is that it gives people intellectual abilities, business talent and good relationships at work that help them succeed. The negative side of this aspect is that it gives people restlessness and distractibility that can jeopardize their success. This aspect means that you have a very sharp mind, which you will use to get ahead. Very early in your life, you will learn to look at the world clearly and objectively, and you will learn to communicate in ways that are very advanced for your age. You may or may not become an intellectual when you are older, but you will use your mind continually, always searching for stimulating and exciting experiences. Because you cannot stand boredom, you are sometimes very restless. Your most important task is to be more disciplined, so that you stick to a task long enough to get some real benefit from it. There is a real danger that your interest in any subject will be shallow. Another possible problem, which may seem less serious but is actually greater, is that you prefer to deal with the world through your mind rather than your feelings. This will keep you from really being in touch with some experiences in life - such as love and sensitivity to beauty - for which your mind alone is not enough. Also, you cannot really get in touch with other people through your mind alone. Unless you develop your emotions along with your mind, you may feel lonely and cut off from others. With your lively mind, you may enjoy playing practical jokes on people. This is fine if you are careful not to hurt people who are more sensitive than you.
17° Aries MC conjunct 11° Aries Venus 9h: The positive thing about this aspect is that these people are popular at work. The negative side of this aspect is that they tend to be jealous and dissatisfied in their work environment. At its best, this placement means that you are full of love and affection for others, but at the same time you can follow your own path and attract only those who are able to go along with you. You will be liked because you can be yourself without feeling that you must live up to other people's ideas of what you should be.
This aspect may also mean that you have considerable artistic ability, although there should be other indications in the chart to confirm that. Certainly, you enjoy and appreciate beauty, and you are able to bring beauty into your everyday life. You enjoy peace and harmony, and you get along very well with others. Wherever you go, you create a peaceful atmosphere. Your relationship with your parents, as well as with other authorities, such as teachers and employers, should be excellent.
The key element in your ability to get along is that you are true to yourself as well as fair to others. This placement may indicate a career involving either beauty and art or human relations - that is, getting people to work easily together. Or your career might be in entertainment of some field in which you make people feel good and lighthearted. In any career, your ability to get along easily with people will be an important part of your success.
17° Aries MC trine 17° Sagittarius Uranus 5h: The positive thing about this aspect is that it gives people skilful and original behaviour that helps them achieve their goals. Probably your beliefs and ideas are different from those of the people around you, and you put a different value on physical objects as well. You do not like to be tied to possessions that you must take care of. This means that eventually you will prefer to have as few possessions as possible so that you can go wherever you want without any worries.
Very early in life, you will decide that you have to follow a path that is uniquely your own and does not follow anyone else's ideas about what is good for you. You want to break new ground, but in order to get there you won't have to battle others, especially your parents or other authority figures.
You should be sufficiently creative so that you can make them see the desirability of letting you have your way to a reasonable extent. You may change your mind several times about what you want to do with your life, not so much because your mind is unstable but because it is so difficult to find exactly what you need. Incidentally, this can be a sign of an interest in or, later, a career in a technical field, such as electronics, computers, engineering or science. Or you may be interested in the occult and astrology. You like a certain amount of excitement in your life, to keep from getting bored. You prefer anything new to what is old, so you will not be particularly interested in keeping in touch with your childhood and your past once you are finished with it. You are future-oriented, always looking ahead to the next thing to come along.
17° Aries MC conjunct 23° Aries Lilith 10h: Your sexuality, power and inner feelings fuel your public image and can make you a formidable force in career and business. Your adversaries will not want to step on your toes because you will be fiercely protective of your ambitions. At the same time you may have to learn to trust your instincts and refute the status quo in order to succeed in your industry. You can rise to positions of leadership by being true to yourself and this can lead you to an unorthodox path to success and leadership. As you express your raw desire for independence and power, you’ll attract those who admire your authenticity but also alienate those who want to convince you to tone down your approach. You may become infamous or gain notoriety for your instinctive, raw emotion and acts of rebellion especially in rebelling against the status quo in your business, industry or career path. Sexual scandals or pushing sexual or gender boundaries can also lead to social recognition or influence your career path.
👑 18° Aries Sun 10h: With an Aries Sun you possess abundant creative energy and enthusiasm for life. Very brave, positive and competitive, you have natural leadership qualities. Obstacles are overcome by sheer physical courage. An enterprising nature, with a capability for seizing opportunities is a factor for success. Recklessness and arrogance are your worst traits. You can also be violent when roused. You value your freedom and independence, though this may be interpreted as selfishness by others. To develop your personality to its fullest potential, the main task is one of gaining complete control over the physical and emotional natures to avoid extremes of embarrassing behaviour. With the Sun in the Tenth House, much of your energy will be applied to vocational achievement, professional success, leadership, social power and prestige. Public life is all important and the desire for social recognition and financial success is strong. You are likely to rise to a position of responsibility, power and authority - but not without a lot of hard work and frustration on the way. You will meet with many challenges and difficult situations within your professional environment. The Sun in the tenth house means glory and honour, but sometimes it can mean scandal and disgrace instead. These people will definitely not miss public attention. They will try to get authority, power or responsibility. This position often indicates a career in politics or the achievement of notable personal ambitions. These people will be an example and inspiration to others and their tenacious efforts will likely bring them growing reputation. Only very few individuals with the Sun in the tenth house will not become well-known. These people need respect because they consider their high social status essential. They have a noble character and they hate anything degrading, demoralizing or immoral.
18° Aries Sun 10h conjunct 10° Aries Mercury 9h: People with this aspect are subjective and creative; they can express their ideas well and they are often very artistic. This is a great aspect for artists who perform on stage. These people are intellectuals, but their thinking is very subjective and they can sometimes lack objectivity or the ability to see things from the outside. This shows that your temperament is unilateral, or almost unaffected by conflicts with the will of others. Your personality is basically integrated, but this does not mean you will have a trouble-free life. It merely indicates that you are reasonably satisfied with yourself and with the goals you hope to realize. You do not adapt to circumstances unless doing so will serve your best interests. Because you are highly motivated to achieve your objectives, success is more than likely. You waste very little effort in activities unless they will benefit you in some way. You know how to co-ordinate your available resources with your life pursuits, and always have the skills required to carry out any special task you choose.
No-one is allowed to interfere in your affairs; nor do you concern yourself with the affairs of others. You establish a barrier between yourself and others and do not permit anyone to intrude. You can become enormously successful in your own estimation, even if others can't judge your success. You don't measure your level of accomplishments by the same devices most people use when making comparisons. You can best succeed when you work alone or at least can determine for yourself how or when you do your work. In spite of your seeming self-assurance, you are not too successful in relating to people except at the social level. You are so afraid to have your emotions trampled that you keep personal contacts at arm's length. Your sensitive nature is your Achilles tendon, which you try to protect. You depend heavily on small quiet moments to give you the spiritual nourishment that your outer life feeds on. Irritated by the constant distractions and the hustle and bustle of competitive society, you must periodically rejuvenate your forces privately, perhaps in meditation.
18° Aries Sun 10h conjunct 11° Aries Venus 9h: This aspect highlights feminine characteristics of both sexes. It also supports artistic and creative inclinations. These people are often optimistic and they enjoy the company of other people. They have a good taste for fashionable clothes. This conjunction conveys an optimistic and cheerful spirit, where you will greatly enjoy social company and the pleasures of life, so that aesthetic and hedonistic activities are indulged to stimulate your sensual nature.
Love and social relationships are highlighted, and you will be attracted to participate in the social whirl, circulating around your collection of friends, family and acquaintances. You feel it important to be liked by others, and this need may make you act in certain ways which gain the approval of people, so care may be required to ensure that you do not overly compromise your own feelings and thoughts in order to remain socially acceptable.
There can be a dramatic quality to your style of self-presentation, perhaps emerging out of an artistic and creative sensitivity, and this will be employed to gain the attention of people; you prefer to leave your mark and need to feel recognized. While some may see you in a superficial light, this is not how you desire to be socially acknowledged. The recognition you are looking for is of your whole personality, your talents and qualities, and as you grow older you will prefer to enjoy the company of those who can appreciate you more fully. This may be through mutual interests in art, culture or the beauty of nature, because lying beneath any socialite veneer is your real appreciation of the harmony of life and nature which evokes that romantic and poetic spirit that inspires your perception of life and infuses a hidden desire for inner peace and integration. You enjoy quality in life and will try to create a pleasing home environment which allows relaxation into domestic comforts and pleasures. You will attract others to your potent magnetic personality, and you are likely to experience a variety of relationships as a consequence of your romantic attitudes. You open easily to demonstrations of love and affection, and your heart can quickly melt. As a lover of life, a certain intensity will be present, as will the tides of love's joys and pains, but never attempt to turn off your developed love nature, or you may find that life rapidly loses its luster and becomes grey, mundane and lifeless. Part of your role is to spread life-appreciation, enlivening others so that they too can become sincere lovers of life, and isn't that a task well worth pursuing? Some may find you 'too alive' or narcissistic, so you may need to be aware of others' reactions, and if they are correct in their evaluation of your self-centeredness then some modification may be advised, so that you equally acknowledge their natures, qualities and personalities too. In conversations, the art of listening is as important as the art of communication, and your enthusiasms may require occasional toning down. You can bring positive benefits to those who become intimately close, through sharing your vitality, love and affections, and even if your relationships do not persist, you hope that those involved with you do not regret the time that has been shared.
18° Aries Sun 10h trine 17° Sagittarius Uranus 5h: This harmonious aspect brings conventionality and independence. It also gives these people creative dynamics and independent creativity. They like to work on projects that benefit their society; they are idealistic, progressive, intuitive and original. They have the need to be different and they want to show their uniqueness. They want to be teachers, mentors and examples to others. The natural attunement with the 'Universal Mind' should help you to receive valid insights and intuitions, especially at times when the trine is reactivated by transit or progression movements, which offer opportunities for greater creativity and usable ideas. Such periods may also stimulate a heightened awareness of your solar path and purpose and should be carefully noted so that you can hold your mind in a meditative and receptive mode of operation, in order for insights and promptings to be consciously registered and then acted upon. You should find it relatively easy to exploit your creativity, as this aspect releases a large quantity of potentially productive ideas into those areas of life for which you require inspiration. Study the house positions and signs of both Sun and Uranus for areas that may be specifically influenced by this trine. Aided by perseverance and the application of a focused will, you should have no real obstacles confronting your efforts to manifest creative idea. These can take a myriad of forms, from experimentations aimed at developing new projects, to more adequate modifications of existing products. There is likely to be an inner detachment to your searches and creativity, a perpetual quest of enquiry and fascination, with a form of creativity which works through the creator and is never perceived in any egotistical perspective. Your reformist, idealistic and humanitarian tendencies can find success through communication and sharing with others, and this can be important to your sense of well-being, as you do need to feel that you are of some use to others.
18° Aries Sun 10h conjunct 23° Aries Lilith 10h: The position of the Sun conjunct Black Moon Lilith might numb your pain of feeling an outcast. Establishing a strong bond with roots and family becomes the prime focus of this placement. If someone tries to become a hurdle in your cause or creates misunderstandings, you react impulsively. No one can put your voice down when you are right. You do not hesitate to talk about your pains and pleasures. You must learn to follow the directions of intuition to reach your highest potential in personal and professional domains. The Sun Conjunct Lilith in your birth chart resonates with the themes of love, life, and relations. Your feelings encourage you to change yourself whenever and wherever necessary to achieve what you want in life. The Sun conjunct Black Moon Lilith is associated with a confident sense of right and wrong and steering yourself into righteous direction even if the majority thinks it is wrong. Those governing this aspect rebel against the status quo and believe in equality while empowering others.
The closeness of Lilith with the Sun makes it feel eclipsed and extends sensitivity to you. Despite the counter-cultural behaviour,  your natural sexual instincts help you connect with nature and instil a desire to strengthen your bond with family. The conjunct makes you feel at home with your unique style and flamboyant personality.
The support of Lilith makes you open-minded & welcoming to transformations and ensuring your voice is heard and acknowledged. Becoming a poster child for community work is highly likeable for you.
Key themes associated with the Sun conjunct Lilith are remarkable talents and leadership skills, activism, enjoying creative imagination and sexuality and drawing attention towards solving critical issues.
16° Taurus Mars 10h: Mars in Taurus strengthens the practical side of your nature. You assert yourself in a persistent, determined and hard-working manner. Energy is channeled into worthwhile tasks that will produce practical and useful results. Primarily, these qualities are used to ensure financial security and a good life generally. On occasion you can be inflexible, stubborn and single-minded. The sex drive is strong and healthy, but it can turn jealous and possessive. Their sexual energy may be compared to "the vehicle driving at the lowest possible speed", the start is slow and it is difficult to stop, but it has an amazing towing power. Good lovemaking requires dominance and tasteful surrounding. People with Mars in Taurus do not like to waste time daydreaming. In other words, when they make plans, they are realistic and they will accomplish what they plan. People with Mars in Taurus are able to proceed steadily with their material goals in life, and use their patience and realistic approach to increase the value of their property or at least to secure a quiet place to live. Since they are determined to achieve stability they know that the secret lies in the fact that they themselves determine what stability is instead of blindly accepting the materialistic idea of society. This clearly indicates the need to change direction. Whenever they make changes, whether personal or professional, the change is irreversible.
With Mars in the Tenth House you are likely to exert your energy and initiative by actively pursuing fame and social status. Courage, ambition, energy, enterprise, force, emotional involvement, business acumen and a strong compulsive drive for success may lead to public achievement or professional recognition. You like to see practical results for your efforts and take pride in doing a job correctly. You may become a force to be reckoned with in career and professional life, however your argumentative, aggressive and quarrelsome nature may create difficulties on occasion. Patience, tolerance and a less-hasty attitude to events should be cultivated. Mars in the tenth house suggests people who want to improve their social status. Their energy is focused on career and they want to be successful. Mars in this position usually means interest in politics or the army. These people are often managers. They show initiative and they have the ability to achieve their goals. It is a powerful position that does not suggests a participatory attitude towards others unless it is mentioned in another part of the horoscope. Regardless of the influences of the other parts of the horoscope, they are usually people with leadership skills.
16° Taurus Mars 10h opposition 19° Scorpio Moon 4h: These people often suffer from emotional tension and they are ruthless and indecisive. They love conflicts at home and they know how to win them. They are bossy, they lead adventurous life and find it hard to conform and settle down. Inner tensions and unresolved issues are likely to be projected into social relationships, this creates difficult experiences and a scene for crisis’ or turning points. Your inner pressures are released within relationships, through arguments, dissension, provocation, and antagonism; you take advantage of even trivial issues to turn them into energy-filled confrontations and clashes.
This will obviously affect career prospects and domestic life; these rebellious feelings will always be stimulated by anyone imposing his or her will on you through authority, orders, or criticism. Anyone crossing this line and irritating your feelings is liable to be confronted by an extremely obstinate and stubborn character. Co-workers will soon lose patience with an emotionally erratic colleague, who can suddenly become aggressive when facing criticism or personal comment; people will learn to withdraw from contact if you behave in this way. You feel emotionally uncomfortable; others may find you hard to understand. You need to resolve the difficulty of instincts and emotions co-operating with an active and assertive Martian energy. Sometimes you may favor one of the planets, when this is temporarily Mars, you are liable to act impulsively, making sudden decisions which could be irrational, foolish, and lacking in forethought. Yet such actions may sometimes allow you to break free from restrictive situations. Expressing the lunar energy may encourage cautious self-protection, remaining with the status quo, and being afraid to move beyond familiar behavior patterns. The challenge is to unite both energies, honoring each as equally valid and necessary for a well-balanced personality. You hate others resisting your will and when this happens, you respond with a personal attack. Sometimes such an antagonistic stance may succeed; but eventually its costs far exceed those of other more moderate approaches. Yet your personality can appear attractive to many and there is certainly a validity that can intrigue some, even though it is often a distorted expression of the planetary energies. Choosing companions, both friends and lovers, is one area where weaknesses may appear, as you are often attracted to people who turn out to be unsuitable characters with equally volatile emotional difficulties. Intimate relationships may be limited to physical expression, or entered for material reasons, as you may repress the deeper emotional and subtler dimensions of interpersonal contact. Sustaining relationships is difficult as time passes and once initial attractions fade, relationships collapse; satiating superficial feelings is easier than dealing with your deeper needs; and you prefer to avoid these.
16° Taurus Mars 10h square 12° Aquarius Jupiter 7h: This aspect causes reckless and extreme reactions. These people are also relatively persistent in their activities and they often do not perceive the impact of their actions on their immediate surroundings. There are two developmental branches of this aspect- one leads to the desire for property, money and power, and the other focuses on idealistic movements and groups. In any case, this aspect also raises the desire for travel and adventure. With Mars Square Jupiter in your Natal Chart you will have an abundance of energy and enthusiasm that will take you some time to gain full control over. On the positive side, this aspect gives you the ability to move mountains or at least the belief that you can do so. You are greatly attracted towards adventure and exploration; this will give you the ability to explore many subjects and life experience.
On the Negative side, the Mars energy is amplified by the expansive effects of Jupiter however with the Square aspect this is normally too excessive. This brings about a large amount of impulsiveness, desires and being drawn more towards sensual pleasure. You need excitement, freedom and new experiences to keep you satisfied. You need to plan everything you do so that you do not waste any time. It is too easy for you to act impulsively, and it will take some time for you to overcome this obstacle.
You may also need to work on your attitudes towards others. You may be overly competitive and try to prove yourself as better or superior. You are not necessarily aggressive in your manner; you just need to reevaluate the way you come across with people you deal with.
16° Taurus Mars 10h conjunct 18° Taurus N Node 10h: The positive thing about this aspect is that it gives people vigour and determination that help them achieve their goals. They can fight with passion for what is important to them.
The negative side of this aspect is that it can cause great inner tension and frustration, because the fighting spirit and the desire to conquer can distract these people from the focal point if their life instead of pulling them towards it. There is a danger that they will create artificial image of their enemy as a result of suppressed aggression. The behaviour of these people is often inappropriate and their responses may be exaggerated. North Node conjunct Mars is a powerful aspect, providing a lot of physical strength, endurance, and ability. You are driven, ambitious and intensely involved in life. You have been endowed with the stamina to pursue adventures and get noticed the past they were perhaps busy doing for others and not given this chance.
You may not be content to wait for opportunities. You go out and make your own. No matter what line of work you take up, you will establish your identity and excel in their field. Mars is always first in line and often you make a name for yourself by being the first to accomplish a thing. Setting the pace, frequently having a huge influence on those following in the same footsteps or having similar interests. You can act brave, rugged, and tough. You are willing to venture out first and not afraid to act decisively and quickly in reaction to situations. You can make an excellent entrepreneur because you aren't afraid to pioneer into new territory.
19° Scorpio Moon 4h: Moon in Scorpio creates the need to delve into your feelings as deep as possible and this brings great vulnerability. You never forget anything that was done to you. It's hard to force you to do anything. The Moon in Scorpio gives you a firm, determined, positive, energetic, self-reliant and self-assured disposition - well able to stand alone and fight your own battles. This placing indicates strong emotional and sensual desires which at times could overpower your personality. You enjoy the company of the other sex and are fond of the good things of life. You can, on occasion, be abrupt and plain-spoken - avoid the tendency to be possessive, jealous, or to hold grudges with a view to revenge. You need to recover, accept and express our feelings and emotional needs, not just your sexual desires. You need to contact your own core, to posses yourself rather than others, and to learn how to constuctively channel your passion. Your temperament is well-suited to hard work, motivating others and just plain 'getting things done. The Moon in the fourth house means a strong connection with home - not only the house where people live, but also with home in a broader sense - with their country, traditions, nature etc. These people usually have the need to feel a connection with the past and they are interested in things like antiques or their family tree. They often remain under the strong influence of their parents. The Moon in the fourth house indicates that they want to distance themselves from the reality and they have subjectivist inclinations. These people may be insecure. Their nature needs stable and reliable roots.
19° Scorpio Moon 4h square 12° Aquarius Jupiter 7h: This aspect causes constantly increasing needs – for emotions, care and comfort. These people are introverts who seek intense spiritual life. They are very dependent on external conditions and they need to find their purpose of life. The square indicates possible difficulty in uniting your sensitive feelings and emotions with your impulse to expand and manifest potential; the two sets of inner messages either conflict or fail to combine, reducing purpose and motivation. For example, you may possess creative ability, yet fail to demonstrate this tangibly due to not making sufficient effort to develop latent talents. Intimate and social relationships may be erratic at times, as you can fluctuate between extroverted moods and introspection, depending on the relative strengths of either Jupiter or Moon. With an independent spirit, you may often feel you do not need much social contact, and so friendships may become characterized by infrequent contact, indifference, and fickleness at times. You will do your own thing, either with complete enthusiasm and temporary commitment, or by slipping into apathetic disinterest. These fluctuating tendencies can be changed if you choose to do so.
19° Scorpio Moon 4h conjunct 27° Scorpio Saturn 5h: This conjunction gives people stability and honesty, even in difficult situations. However, these people do not trust their feelings much and they may seem cold and reserved. They tend to have emotional problems and they look for older partners. Their feelings are stable, but they find it hard to express them. The Saturn-Moon combination is not a particularly harmonious one; and in these contacts the individual lunar nature is often detrimentally affected. You can display a sober, self-restrained, conservative personality.
Your social relationships can lack spontaneity, enthusiasm, and naturalness, inhibited by emotional defensiveness, reserve, and caution. Self-esteem is weakened by such attitudes, which fall like a shadow across your relationships and experiences. One source of this may have been childhood and early social conditioning. Emotional integration can be lacking; it is part of your nature that remains uncomfortable and relatively immature, and which will interfere with adult relationships that may prove difficult to develop beyond the early stages. A lack of self-confidence, and reluctance to reveal your vulnerable feelings to others, make you withdraw into negative behavior patterns whenever the possibility of a close relationship occurs.
Liberation from the past's chains will bring relief and release; it may not be easy yet could provide the keys to a bright new future. You may be surprised at how much past experience and conditioning have shaped your adult personality; looking for ways to heal and integrate your inner child would be extremely beneficial and transformative.
19° Scorpio Moon 4h opposition 18° Taurus N Node 10h: Desires of the Moon and its demands on emotional safety and affection are in opposition with the position of the lunar node and with life tasks associated with it. These people are hesitant, irritated and dissatisfied all their lives. The emotions undergo difficult spells, especially you have trouble expressing your sensitive side, causing others to see you as cold or more standoffish offish than they really are.
Getting the support of others does not come easily, you may feel alone, forced to rely on themselves. Losing loved ones is extremely hard on them. The mind is of an unusual nature and the thought processes are different. There are anxieties verging on paranoia or causing crippling fears. You may not be comfortable dealing with crowds. Memories of difficult experiences working with the public from previous incarnations may inhibit your expression and evolution You are working on strengthening and balancing the emotions, stabilizing the mind, and handling the impressions coming in. If the impressions get away from them, there can be a fascination with occult practices of an unhealthy sort. In some cases, the South Node influence destroys the sensitivity of the Moon, bringing out a cruel and hurtful personality. There is a tendency to feel alienated by others’ lack of cooperation and support, and you may feel that you have bad timing. As a result, you isolate yourself further as a defense mechanism and create a perpetual cycle where you feel lonely and negative all the time. You must learn to stop being so defensive and develop a backbone. Learn to be more malleable in adverse situations. Not everyone is out to get you or take advantage of your vulnerability.
11° Aries Venus 9h: Venus in Aries indicates an impulsive, passionate, extrovert and bold romantic nature. There is a need for constant variety in both your romantic and social lives. You make friends easily and are fond of love and admiration. You make an enthusiastic, lively friend and an energetic colleague. Very easily influenced by the attraction of the opposite sex, your refined appearance slips on occasion to reveal a very sensuous nature. An early marriage is probable. You can be a bit of a show-off, enjoy fine clothes, ornaments and all forms of luxury, and you are inclined at times to extravagance, having an 'easy come - easy go' attitude towards money. Avoid coarseness and childish tantrums. These people are impishly immoral. They are shameless in the way they blatantly pursue the object of their desire. They are very impulsive and impatient in everything related to love and relationships. The more cultured parts of their personality can try to suppress it, but there is something wild in their way of loving, something that can never be completely suppressed by so-called civilised behaviour. Venus in Aries adds passion to feelings because its influence is mixed with the passion of Mars, which rules this sign. These people are not afraid to show their feelings and they do so with passion, and this makes them usually popular with the other sex. They may marry in a rush. However, this kind of love cannot last long. The fire of passion finally burns love, and marriages that are the result of this love are the sources of family misfortune. Venus in Aries also tempts these people to spend more money than they can afford. When it comes to love, they always lose their head. They throw themselves into a love affair and they are convinced that this is the only true love between two people in the entire world, well, maybe with one exception: Romeo and Juliet. When their love ends, they pick up the pieces and try to save the dead relationship in all possible ways. If it fails, they start again and it will be the same as the first time. Regardless of the number of mistakes they make in their love life they are sure that the true love is within reach. Venus in the ninth house is related to higher education, travel and philosophical thinking. These people enjoy learning, religion or art. They are intuitive people with fine taste. They long for beautiful things. Venus in this house suggests pleasant trips, expeditions and perhaps even longer journeys that create opportunities for important social contacts and romantic encounters. These people will probably have close contacts with foreigners or people coming from different environments. The areas of life where you are most likely to express your social, romantic and artistic qualities are through a love of philosophy, study, intellectual interests, traveling abroad for pleasure, religion and art. A wise, relaxed and pleasantly philosophical attitude towards life is very apparent, and you may dream of living in an idealistic world that is beautiful and peaceful.
11° Aries Venus 9h conjunct 10° Aries Mercury 9h: This conjunction gives people good manners and mental balance. They can express themselves well and they are convincing. Their views are also well-balanced. Their thinking is often so rational that they are not able to express their feelings too openly. You are charming and gracious, poetic in your self-expression, and usually very polite. This position brings refinement to the nature and an appreciation for the arts. You aim to balance and bring harmony to your world.
You can be, at times, quite indecisive, as you tend to see everyone's point of view, and can see value in almost any perspective or opinion. You have a strong sense of fairness. You are very agreeable and enjoy socializing. Some with this aspect are a little on the lazy side, preferring to socialize than work. You might intellectualize or rationalize your feelings, perhaps thinking a little too much about love and relationship to the point that you lose touch with how you truly feel. You might be attracted to, or attract, intellectual sorts as partners. If this conjunction is challenged, you might frequently attract partners who are tricky or conniving.
11° Aries Venus 9h sextile 12° Aquarius Jupiter 7h: People with this harmonious aspect are kind and cordial. They easily adapt to new social trends and demands, and they like fashion. This aspect brings hospitality and generosity. It is also useful in case of legal disputes. With Venus Sextile your Natal Jupiter you expect trustworthiness and genuineness from anybody with whom you have more than an easy-going relationship. You have an easy smile, a warm and responsive sense of humor, and a rather easy-going manner when they’re feeling comfortable. Although they are unlikely to seek out people to help, they’re quite quick to lend a helping hand if the need arises. Travel, social exercises, music, workmanship, and theater are a portion of the numerous premiums that enhance you and give you joy. You appreciate these interests as an observer, as well as partake in them when you can. You expect to grow in their social and personal relationships. Stagnation makes little if any sense and your appreciation for the good things in life is evident but not excessive. For you, a love affair is an opportunity to grow, to learn, to change in a positive way. Even your relationships that have ended were a welcome learning experience for you. You understand that the more you love, the more love comes into your life; that's an important equation, and one that many people seem to miss out on. You can be lazy if you’re not motivated enough and are a loyal person in love and friendship. You really want the good life with an agreeable environment, a sumptuously outfitted home, great companions, and a lot of social action. It is good to utilize your creative talents as much as possible even if it is not for your career, it can expand your personality and depth.  
11° Aries Venus 9h trine 17° Sagittarius Uranus 5h: People with this harmonious aspect require constant change and initiative from their friends. They are emotionally independent and they do not usually seek long-term relationships. They start their relationships easily but their relationships are usually not long-lasting. The expression of the trine has several similarities to that of the sextile, and usually enables these two planetary energies to work well together. The social sphere of life will be of considerable importance to you, both as a personal need for contact with others, and in the enjoyment that you derive from it. Whilst you develop your own individuality and style, you have a 'community attitude'; your ideal is to live in a way that both succeeds in satisfying your needs and has a beneficial effect upon the wider world. The ability to have positive relationships with people may be used through work which brings you into broader contact with the public. This can be through teaching or communication in some way. Possibly your talents can be expressed via artistic creations or music, which embody your Venusian sense of harmony and beauty. In your intimate partnerships, you find it easy to express your feelings, and these will remain more consistent than with the conjunction aspect. With these Venus-Uranus aspects, though, there is the tendency to be affectionate and sympathetic with the majority of people, a form of diffused love which is universal rather than individually orientated. This can cause some unease and confusion within a partner who fails to be convinced of your specific love for him or her.
10° Aries Mercury 9h: Gives a decisive, quick-witted, observant, sharp, original, inventive and competitive mind - well-able to originate ideas and put them into practice. Your talent for writing, speaking and debate enables you to influence others and promote your own ideas. At times you can be sarcastic, over-enthusiastic, excitable and given to exaggeration. People with Mercury in Aries do everything quickly and they sometimes say things without thinking. Their enthusiasm may be quickly replaced with an interest in a new thing or another exciting experience. It may seem to other people that there is a fire behind them that is forcing them to act fast. Mercury affects fiery signs by creating lively imps who are interested in anything that attracts their attention. Their mind is active and wants thoughts and words to become deeds. However, it is important to accept not only mental stimulation but also challenges, and acknowledge that it takes some time before an idea or goal can be realised. Mercury in the ninth house creates a connection with higher education. It indicates interest in philosophy, law, publishing, religion or other areas of knowledge. These people are imaginative; they have an insight into various disciplines and express themselves with authority. They are often talented teachers or writers. They like to travel, they are interested in other countries and they learn foreign languages easily. Your mental and communicative abilities will largely be applied to the expansion of the intellect through foreign travel, philosophy, higher education and other profound studies. Your mental disposition is well-suited to positions of authority; likely occupations could include law, religion, science, medicine, teaching, literature and philosophy. You may have a deep desire to reach a position of intellectual superiority in your chosen field.
10° Aries Mercury 9h sextile 12° Aquarius Jupiter 7h: This harmonious aspect brings optimism, kindness and openness. These people are often great philosophers. However, they like to satisfy their mental interests even if they do not have the money for it. They like to travel and they do not stay long in one place. With Mercury Sextile your Jupiter your mind is very tolerant towards others and you have to ability to comprehend many topics but may be overly contemplative. This aspect is good if you are involved in higher education, religion, philosophy. You are a good communicator and can project your ideas with ease and confidence and have others accept them. You have good judgment, keen powers of observation, above average intelligence and integrity and you naturally consider the moral and ethical implications of your thoughts and actions. Your mind is active but often unoriginal. You can tend to lack ambition or persistence and can be stubborn and usually avoid controversy. But your good nature, mild-temper and generous attitude can make you well liked among friends and colleges. You enjoy entertaining in your home and want it to be conducive to social harmony and intellectual pursuits. You usually have a large personal library. You're generally fond of travel, both physical and mental. You exemplify the principle of positive thinking and your mental optimism helps you to succeed. You could make a good teacher with your sincere love of learning and sharing ideas with others. You are also very positive in your communications, readily inspiring others with what you say and how you say it. You are skilled at turning information into an advantage, and in some ways seem to be quite lucky. You have a lot of ability for organizing and planning enterprises and Travel is something that you are strongly attracted to. You may be attracted to learning other languages and learning about foreign cultures.
10° Aries Mercury 9h trine 17° Sagittarius Uranus 5h: This harmonious aspect is very inspirational and it gives these people the ability to discover and invent new things. These people like new technologies. They often need to exchanges ideas and opinions with others. They are curious, intelligent and creative. They have novel way of thinking and they like to argue about opinions. with creative imagination, you should be able to channel this toward building new enterprises and businesses; you have adequate energy and enthusiasm to do so, linked with commitment for personal success. Your attraction toward the new is likely to be for 'group benefit' rather than toward fulfilling private needs and desires. Your vision will have a futuristic attitude and perspective. Here, the Uranian influence will shine through more strongly. If Uranus remains a dominant planetary influence, your domestic and personal life may appear unconventional and unusual to some, although it will probably seem perfectly natural to you. There can be inner fears that tradition and predictable behavior patterns could become life-destroying, limiting freedom and exploration, especially when your 'Uranus needs' conflict with lunar needs. While you may not feel committed to open opposition, you certainly will not feel any obligation to surrender power to tradition by assuming a submissive attitude.
Some kinds of authority you can respect; but your attitudes will be rebellious, and you will be scathing in your denunciation whenever you believe that abuses of power are occurring. Using this energy effectively will depend on discovering suitable channels of expression. You may need to create these or could ally with others in a communal future-orientated venture. This sense or intuition of inter-relatedness acts as a guide and is very important in your life.
10° Aries Mercury 9h square 3° Capricorn Neptune 6h: This aspect considerably complicates practical life. Eccentric artists and spiritual explorers sometimes have this aspect in their horoscope. These people change their opinions often and unexpectedly. When they get in trouble they do not hesitate to use lies or deceive themselves or others. These people do not express themselves very well and they tend to be dreamers. In order to grow they need to have creative people around them. They often close themselves in their own fantasy word and they do not have a very good short-term memory. They are aware of their special abilities but they are not always able to use them. Depending on other aspects, other people may take advantage of them. Others may find it hard to deal with their chaotic thinking and lack of order. This aspect indicates a difficulty with an overactive imagination interfering with rational and logical processes of thought; this can result in self-deception and the construction of a private version of truth and reality. There can be a preference for mental avoidance and for escaping from directly confronting aspects of life that you find unpleasant, such as personal truths and social problems. Sometimes your logic is very circuitous, too personal or abstracted for easy communication to either yourself or others, and, as it often absorbs an imaginative influence, it can veil the truth from sight. You can shy away from accepting responsibilities, domestic, family and marriage ones especially, as you can feel uneasy with your emotions, and this results in you often becoming unreliable with others. Whilst you may often have insight into the motivations of others, you need greater clarity in your own nature. Relationships may remain problematical for you until some degree of personal change has been achieved, and you may be advised to be cautious within your emotional commitments. This is basically because of elements of illusion that can afflict you, and that tendency to avoid facing facts that you do not want to see, such as the fundamental that a relationship is not mutually satisfying if you need it to continue. Those dreams of the ideal lover and partner will be present, and it is always difficult not to project these onto others or use them as comparison markers. Some may take emotional advantage of you, and you may experience that victim syndrome of the Neptunian vibration by falling prey to your own tendencies and the selfish desires of others. Yet as you change, your potential for better and more fulfilling relationships increases as clarity intensifies. As always, the decision to change is yours to take.
12° Aquarius Jupiter 7h: Jupiter in Aquarius raises the question of how this world should be like. So these people want to perceive life as democratically and openly as possible. They feel that in order to make plans for the future there needs to be some form of consensus of opinion. They have to make the first steps with their belief on their own, only then they can offer it to others. And then, by mixing the beliefs of other people, they will develop a system of belief that suits the goals and purpose of the whole group. Their idea is that if they continue like this step-by-step, all mankind will eventually share a common ideology. They see God as a world religion. Jupiter in Aquarius gives you the opportunity to develop an independent, self-willed, tolerant, humanitarian, broad-minded, optimistic, inventive, democratic and original nature. There is an innate desire to penetrate the deeper subjects of life such as social science, new technology, philosophy, religion, astrology, metaphysics and occult wisdom. These qualities are necessary in order to expand your personality and life experience. Social life is extremely important and you will tend to associate with friends that are seeking to pioneer some new, noble way of life for humanity. You come to understand that any form of social reform should be in line with humanitarian and moral principles. Jupiter in the seventh house suggests that this planet will bring happiness in marriage or partnership. These people are friendly, charitable and fair. Their success will be at least partly the result of their good judgment in choosing a good partner and developing a successful relationship. Other negative aspects of the horoscope may affect this area and cause too much optimism about personal relationships and marriage. With Jupiter in the Seventh House you will find luck, ease of working and general good fortune coming through a good marriage and other social or business partnerships. There is likely to be success, gain and happiness through a loyal and faithful marriage partner. Your spouse will probably be of good social and financial standing, possibly older, more patient, profound or religious than yourself. Success in promised through partnerships and your ability to co-operate well with others generally. Gain through litigation or legal affairs may be a feature.
12° Aquarius Jupiter 7h square 18° Taurus N Node 10h: The positive thing about this aspect is that these people are confident in their abilities and this helps them overcome challenges in life. Their life challenges are often connected with profound sensory experience and it gives people luck on their life journey. The negative side of this aspect is that there is no harmony between the meaning of life and searching for its focal point. There may be strong internal dissatisfaction and excessive, unrealistic expectations. These people usually want more from life then they can get and they push everything negative out. Some people within astrology consider squares to the lunar nodes as ‘skipped steps’ lessons you struggled to complete in a past life and are now forced to address in this life with heavier karmic debt. With nodal squares, there can be these frustrating or even painful repeated themes that are continuously brought up in your life, to nudge you to fulfill your karmic lessons in this life since you failed to do so in the past (South Node). North Node square Jupiter is a philosophical aspect. Jupiter rules philosophy, law, and religious study, so you may enter this life with experience and knowledge that has contributed to your beliefs. You have some very definite views and now feel a responsibility to pass along what you have learned. You may use your wisdom to contribute to the social morals in a positive way or negatively, you might be narrow or forceful in your views. Your ambitions and ideals are noble and grand but be aware of a tendency to lose yourself in the big picture.
12° Aquarius Jupiter 7h trine 5° Gemini Chiron 11h: You are likely to be benevolent because of your own hardships. When you face a loss, you don’t become stingy or resentful, rather you open up your heart and become more giving and charitable. You are compassionate and confident and may have had to find your own way through hardships and conflicts, perceiving or facing insufficiencies of positive role models at times you needed them. This doesn’t interfere with your success, in fact, you may be more successful because you learned your strengths and full potential without anyone holding you back with seemingly ‘good’ advice. You may feel lucky to get away from major wounds or crises relatively unscathed and find the resources you need to succeed regardless of limitations.
27° Scorpio Saturn 5h: People with Saturn in Scorpio cannot be described as insignificant. If they try to object or they decide to keep their distance, it will have a retroactive effect and they will get the reputation of a smart cookie. It's an ambitious position for Saturn because this planet, just like Scorpio, likes to control others. This position hides the instinct to kill, and it can manifest in a ruthless and intriguing way. Saturn tells us about what we need to learn in life (and what we are the least confident in) and what we can possibly master. Scorpio indicates power, influence, sex and death. Its authority definitely comes from the depth; superficial motivation and civilisation approach have no chance. Saturn in Scorpio indicates business. The ability to understand things and other abilities these people have should not be forgotten or be only used for its effect. It is a powerful position that gives people occult talent, perseverance and foresight. These people usually live until old age. Your Saturn placement is deeply wrapped up in the deep, the dark and the hidden. What people are not supposed to talk about or are afraid to talk about: sexuality, intimacy, taxes, other people’s money, death, trauma, crisis, the occult… And fears or lessons around all of these uncomfortable things that we all face and deal with.
Finding self-mastery within a crisis is what it’s all about ~ feeling steady in the eye of the storm, rather than running from it or getting swept up into it. When it comes to intimacy, vulnerability and sexuality, there are a few ways that this can manifest for you. The first way that we see a lot is in cutting yourself off from the emotional aspects of sexuality and perhaps going the more promiscuous route, connecting with people in a very superficial and surface way out of fear of making a deeper, more profound emotional connection with someone. Another way that this can show up is in the way of being excessively puritanical, obsessed with sexual cleanliness and not endeavoring upon any intimacy at all. Both of these responses can be a reaction to trauma, and are ultimately keeping you from getting close to others. When you finally do drop into emotional intimacy and you traverse that discomfort, you can find a lot of healing and fulfillment within partnership.
Saturn in the fifth house refers to the romantic aspect of the person´s character, creativity and perception. This planet of limitations and discipline suggests people that find it hard to relax and have fun. Love is a serious matter for them because it can bring more pain than joy. Their partner will probably be somewhat older and love will bring them responsibility. Education of their children will be difficult and they should invest their money carefully. They will put their skills in use in the business world or in politics. They will find it hard to express themselves with their creative talent - maybe when they get older. The creative process is definitely an interesting one because it can either consume you, taking you with it, or it can feel a bit awkward, especially if anyone is watching. You may not have an easy time showing people your creations, or you may be hyper-critical of them and put too much weight on them, as if showing them to anyone should be taken as seriously as a recital at Carnegie Mellon. Connecting with the divine inner child or perhaps even rebellious teenager within you that simply doesn’t care about the outer world’s opinion or approval is one of the best practices you can endeavor upon. Romantic relationships are another space where your Saturn placement really shows itself. There are several manifestations that can stem from this… from pushing love away altogether, to finding yourself grasping for a love that you haven’t felt or received with nothing really adding up to the ideal. It’s also possible to confuse love with attachment, obligation, duty, loyalty… and hold onto relationships long after their expiration date as a result of that. You may have difficulty expressing the love that you feel for others.
27° Scorpio Saturn 5h opposition 18° Taurus N Node 10h: The positive thing about this aspect is that these people are focused on overcoming challenges in their life. They are consistent, aware of their responsibilities, and they walks tirelessly along their life path. They have high standards for themselves and they set ambitious goals. They are able to overcome their limits.
The negative side of this aspect is that it also gives people pessimism or even hopelessness about overcoming challenges in their life. They live lives full of obstacles and they are afraid to cross the threshold in order to become themselves. They often believe that their responsibilities stop them from reaching their soul. They often fall back into their old patterns. They frequently overload themselves.
27° Scorpio Saturn 5h opposition 5° Gemini Chiron 11h: Individuals with this configuration in their natal chart may act like a “rock” for those who are vulnerable, physically or psychologically wounded, or somehow unfitting into what is sanctioned as “normal” or “healthy.” However, this focus on the other is bound to polarize the individual from her own vulnerability, thus keeping her comfortably unaware of her own wounds or problems regarding the notions of reliance, trustworthiness, protection, or patronage.
With this configuration in the natal chart, the consciousness formed based on conditioning (Saturn) may indeed disown that which is awkward or embarrassing (Chiron) rather than accepting it and letting it get integrated into the conscious realm of the human experience. In this case, one may consciously perceive herself as invulnerable and others as wounded or problematic, or one may alternatively feel attracted to Chironic themes, either theoretically (healing and wounding process as a topic) or practically (working with people as a healer or facilitator).
17° Sagittarius Uranus 5h: People with Uranus in Sagittarius strive for spiritual progress and intellectual growth. They often have revolutionary thoughts. They see other races as equals and they often fight against xenophobia. They love flying and they consider expeditions to space very exciting. They bring new directions to philosophy. They are optimistic and they tend to make unexpected and unplanned journeys to other countries. You, and most of your peers, have the tendency to think that all ideas, customs and traditions from the past are outmoded and irrelevant. You are attracted to radically new ideas, philosophies and religions that will, hopefully, cause sweeping changes throughout the world. Uranus in the fifth house brings turbulence and changes to the house of love, personal creativity and children. These people are usually inventive and creative, but they may suffer from a lack of discipline. They may be careless or ruthless, and their ideas may cost them dearly. They usually long for freedom and independence. These attitudes will be passed on to their children. These people need good governance since they are little otherwise they will get into trouble. They’re usually not very conventional personal relationships are established quickly and they often end just as abruptly. You are likely to seek individual freedom of expression through inventive and creative activity, unusual pleasures or an unconventional love life. There is a liking for odd, new or daring pleasures, or unusual places of amusement.
17° Sagittarius Uranus 5h trine 23° Aries Lilith 10h: You easily express your individualistic and even shocking nature without having much regard for what others think of you. This makes it easy for you to express your unique perspective and assert your independence. You can also be a rebel when it comes to your sexual interests but your passion and freethinking ways inspire others. You have a gift for making even the most dramatic and shocking situations into opportunities for personal growth and advancement. No matter how unpredictable a situation is, you find a way to reclaim your power through dramatic changes.
3° Capricorn Neptune 6h: Neptune in Capricorn gives people determination and the ability to concentrate. However, it can ruin their typical Capricorn rationality. This position somewhat shatters their natural desire for perfection, but it gives people desire to achieve spiritual goals. This generation should represent quite a reaction against the previous one. These children will probably idealize work, thrift, practicality and duty rather than the abstract spiritual ideals of the preceding generation. Neptune in the sixth house suggests a connection with the work environment, the need to provide services and also with health. These people may have the spiritual urge to help others. They may have illusions about their job and have somewhat grandiose attitude towards their job. They often have difficulties fulfilling their everyday duties and with small things. They are not good organizers and they are not very practical. They have to pay attention to their health. Neptune in the Sixth House may indicate that your imaginative and spiritual potential will manifest through work, service and self-sacrifice - possibly in seclusion. Diet and health matters are stressed - neglect could lead to severe sickness that is difficult to diagnose and treat. You may become interested in spiritual healing, health foods and natural cures. On occasion, an impracticable and unrealistic approach to work may bring problems.
3° Capricorn Neptune 6h sextile 3° Scorpio Pluto 4h: This harmonious aspect is long-lasting and it affects peace-making attitudes. In connection with other aspects it can further enhance peace-building and transformative actions on global scale. Whether it’s science or mysticism, there is an attempt to understand the nature and composition of the universe.
3° Scorpio Pluto 4h: People with Pluto in Scorpio have a passionate desire for mystery. They like to use intrigues and they have a great disposition for personal transformation that can happen especially through their desires. They are prolific, universal and capable. They radiate occult powers. Their sexuality is also transforming for them, but at the same time they can feel restricted by it. Pluto in the fourth house creates tension at home. These people will have the tendency to be domineering towards their friends and relatives. In such a home environment there may be a struggle for power among family members. These people have a strong bond with their home or country. In some cases, they will be interested in science or jobs that deal with their country or the world. Opportunities for transforming or regenerating yourself may come through experiences associated with the home and family environment. A danger of this placing is a tendency to dominate and coerce - this could alienate others against you and create a power struggle with family members. There may be some mystery or secret relating to home activities and this is strictly confined to the family circle. Pluto being in the fourth house can also indicate exposure to the darker parts of life during childhood.
23° Aries Lilith 10h: Blind force, a brutal indulgence in challenges that are often devastating. Lilith in this position emphasizes spontaneity and impulsivity of Aries. These people are active and difficult to control. They want to conquer or create something ideal, replace something old with something new, and break or overcome old standards. They possess the ability to self-develop and act and they are able to think and create in their own way. Beware of head injuries, cuts, scars and violence. This placement impacts your public standing. If you were born with Black Moon Lilith in your 10th House, you may possess a hunger for success and stature, which may not always have been well received by your parents, elders, or peers. In your reputation or career, you may be viewed as unconventional or disruptive, and face scrutiny from conservative social or professional structures. Similarly, you may also attract judgement and gossip, especially from those jealous of your presence and power, regardless of your behavior. However, your conduct may be transgressive as well. Commanding forceful control over your work, you may clash with bosses and authorities, and struggle to fairly collaborate through teamwork.
5° Gemini Chiron 11h: Without success, these people keep trying to explain to other what they wanted to say, what they said and what they meant by it. They either believe that nobody listens to them, or that no matter how hard they try, others cannot understand them or do not want to understand them. The more they try to correct this misunderstanding, the more this sense of misunderstanding that they can never overcome hurts them. You may have problems to communicate and make yourself heard or feel unable to communicate clearly with others or fit in socially. Recognise and embrace your intelligence in whatever form it takes. You may have mediumistic or prophetic gifts, or express yourself better through non-verbal means of communication such as art or music. You can also express emotions and feelings clearly in words, and may be able to give expression to other dimensions of reality. When you have Chiron in your 11th house it signals a crisis over the possibility of playing a unique role in culture. The eleventh house is the place of opportunity for each one of us to give our creative gift during our lifetime. Chiron in the eleventh stimulates Uranus to create an outlet for our unique individuality. To understand detachment and letting go.You may feel like an alien when in groups of people. You can be shy while being around others, and unable to express his thoughts and feelings. You may have a subconscious fear of not being accepted or even ridiculed. You may have issues with your sense of individuality and group participation. You may avoid expressing original ideas due to fear of not being accepted or misunderstood by others or are prone to stereotyped thinking or being enslaved by the thinking of a group. You may also be critical of society and may reject it through acts of rebellion and destructiveness. Trauma caused by inability to implement Utopian visions, the impossibility of carrying out reforms in society and building the ideal society. Disappointment in friends that often does not cease to hurt even in old age, and from time to time this wound reopens.
18° Taurus N Node 10h: North Node in Taurus brings the conflict between keeping everything on the one hand, and wanting to leave everything outdated and unnecessary behind on the other. These people need to learn to trust and they have to accept the need for proximity, confidentiality and physical contact. They need to recognize their own value, feel their own importance, and like themselves for who they are. They should develop everything that promises security: material security, inner security and self-confidence. They should beware of abusing their power.
North Node in the tenth house brings the conflict between personal life, public career and spiritual self-awareness. These people need to learn to get out of their fragile shells. They need to grow up, develop discipline, consistency and be more outspoken. They should get rid of emotional addictions and learn not to emphasize their own needs. Beware of emotional dependence and being in the position of a hurt child who is looking for the culprits of his failures. Beware of clinging to affection and protection instead of finding the courage to acknowledge the harsh reality. A tendency to define our own worth and values in terms of our significant others, to be wrapped up in the needs of others at the expense of our own needs, and to attract confusing and intense life situations at the expense of comfort and peace are some of the issues this position suggests.
With this position, we need to discover our own values, to depend on ourselves and to establish our self-worth through our own efforts, and to enjoy life's more serene moments without the unconscious need to create crises. We may invest too much time and energy into supporting others at the expense of our own comfort and needs. We cannot develop our self-worth through others alone?it needs to come from within. Learning to define our goals based on our own values, and then to work toward achieving them in a patient manner, will help us achieve more happiness and inner balance. There is a tendency to be overly attached to our childhood and past, to be dependent on others and avoid accepting responsibility for our lives, to fear rejection to an extreme thereby missing opportunities, and to be overly focused on emotional problems are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to take charge of our lives and accept responsibility for our actions. We may too easily blame our past or focus on our insecurities and emotional difficulties instead of moving forward and learning to depend on ourselves.
We want to feel secure more than anything, but security can only come once we let go of our dependencies and carve out a life that reflects a true feeling of responsibility to ourselves as well as to others. We are more aware of our emotions than most people, but in order to grow, we must learn to strike a balance between sensitivity and responsibility. We cannot use our sensitivity as a crutch, although we may spend the first half of our life trying to do so! Recognition will come, at some point in our journey, that clinging to the comforts of childhood will in fact hold us back from achieving a comfortable future! By defining solid goals and a mature direction in our lives, as well as letting go of some of our over-attachment to our childhood, we will be able to achieve the financial and emotional security that we so crave.
Next we have chart patterns: Bruce has an Aries Stellium, a T-Square, and 2 Yods
The Aries stellium suggests a warriors personality, Bruce obviously is very courageous and driven like an Aries and his MC, Sun, Venus, and Mercury are a part of it meaning his impassioned and driven mars like nature is expressed through his basic personality, his career, his relationships/approach to love/material possessions, and his communication skills/intellect/organizational habits.
A T-Square is when you have two planets opposing each other and a third planet that is square to both of them. The two planets opposing each other will kind of divert their energy towards the tip of the triangle and create a point of tension. At first this is a very challenging pattern however learning the lesson it’s trying to teach will make these people very powerful. The way out of a T-Square is usually through developing the opposite of the focal point. In this case Bruce’s 10h Taurus Mars (his steady, patient, realistic and determined approach to public image and his career) is in opposition to his 4h Scorpio Moon (deep, intense emotions and secretive tendencies centered around the home/family) and the energy of these two planets are being pushed towards 7h Aquarius Jupiter (focused on an idealistic sense of community/philosophy/society and the expansion of relationships) this makes sense because where these two sides of his life combine or cause problems the most is within the justice league but also within his own philosophy and moral code. The only way out would be through developing 1st house Leo (developing a sense of confident unified identity and self love, as well as self expression)
Next you’ve got the Yods. Yods are also referred to as the “finger of god” and refers to when there is a sextile between two planets and then those two planets are quincunx a third planet. The finger of god points towards a problem that needs solving in life. The two sextile planets at the base get along but the planet that is quincunx pushes the two of them to address an issue stemming from the quincunx planet. In this case Bruce has his Leo Rising and 11h Gemini Chiron quincunx (an aspect that could provide a strong base for healing his sense of self so long as he stops ignoring past trauma and learns to express himself better) his 6h Capricorn Neptune. The issue then is uncertainty in his ability to make his ideal a reality, issues with communication (a recurring theme in his chart) and a tendency to put himself down and have a somewhat fragmented ego or imbalanced sense of self. There may also be a sense of perfectionism in his ideal world that is simply impossible to make a reality.
Yod #2 is between 6h Capricorn Neptune and 4h Scorpio Pluto pointed at 11h Gemini Chiron. While his dark past and sense of duty get along with each other and consolidate his powerful connection to his past and family as well as his sense of duty to his cause, they are both quincunx Chiron. This causes his Pluto and sense of authority/power to feel challenged or undermined by the wound his Chiron represents (inability to utilize utopian visions, feeling misunderstood, not communicating very well or in his case to bluntly or aggressively (Aries Mercury)) and his Neptune represents a struggle against the emotions Chiron causes and a tendency to either avoid or overcompensate for those issues.
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lilacstro · 1 month
my personal opinions on your big 3: your sun, moon, rising
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I was remembering the time when I was 10 years old and used to read those astrology posts that said things like "zodiacs in school", "what does your sun sign do when bored" and I wanted to make a less complicated, fun post just like that but wanted it to still be in accordance to people I have seen so far, so expect this post to be more fun and very not serious and rather light hearted, so here we goooo so since it is like so, please scroll past if you do not resonate :) I would be posting more serious stuff kind of what i learnt from my diploma the following week if possible, luv you<3
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Sun: You guys are so full of passion omg. Sun is really powerful here and you guys actually shine, so passionate and full of energy. Every Aries Sun I have seen befriends anyone within 5 cm radius to them and has a very extroverted energy. If you are close to them, they will make sure to fight for you and protect you for sure.
Moon: Chaotic emotions and restless, but this restlessness always leads to some kind of creation. The types who work out to release pent up energy. It is possible you guys keep on discarding and making new habits and do not stick to one. Very destructive if provoked, especially emotionally
Rising: Beautiful people. You guys are likely to have a intense energy and aura around. Unlike Aries Sun, many Aries risings could be reserved at times. I think you are the people everyone is afraid of to participate along with in any competition because you scream this energy of "competitive, I am gonna win you see" without even trying!
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Sun: LORD YALL ARE SO CHILL, but probably sometimes way to chill and turn ice, I mean not ice cold(yes if you are annoyed by someone lmao) but sometimes may become too boring in the sense that you may not want to do crazy things, you like stable, calm energy. The types to watch a movie, or do some art when they are bored. ALSO VERY STUBBORN but also not mad easily but if mad really really angry. ALSO yall are so beautiful and elegant without even trying
Moon: This archetype is the mother in zodiacs. But you guys indeed if once emotionally connected to someone, would make sure they are well fed and had 8 hours of sleep and make sure they are feeling ok while having 10 mental breakdowns. Also, you guys can hold more grudges than Taurus Suns and Mars, and can sometimes or maybe most of the times be unwilling to change opinions.
Rising: Gorgeous Gorgeous people, who are a little shy at first and once comfortable, everything else, whatever that is, comes out. You guys are actually really good at cooking and also, even though Taurus is the sign of wealth and stability, I have seen many Taurus risings be good with money until its the time to spend on something they like, they spend crazy lmao. Very comfortable energy around you, make other people comfortable once they are.
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Sun: Do you want to know Gossips? Ask your Gemini Suns, I bet they know a new one from 10 minutes ago. They are updated fast on drama than most google sites. Also, they have pure crackhead energy no doubt, but they can carry a conversation so well and talk about anything you want, even though might have no idea about it
Moon: Crackhead energy once again. If you want a good time and do not take things seriously or do not get offended easily, go to your Gemini Moon friends, they indeed say the most out of pocked things at times, but they are very funny. But if you are serious and want to have serious conversation, it is 9/10 chances that you would not be taken much seriously, since anything that is boring distracts gemini moons to zone out, so they probably heard you half and would comment on that half info without asking you to repeat because they do not want to listen again lmaooo But for the 1/10 times they listen seriously, they offer really good and short and simple advice.
Rising: These people are like chameleon to me, I mean they adapt so well to wherever they are and who they with. They also are very hard to recognize since they come in all different beauty and styles and aesthetics. Very good conversationalists once again and always seem to be talking about something or to someone, never really idle. Good at texting and probably post many selfies on social media.
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Sun: GOD you all are so innocent and cute until someone really gets to see past that lmao, or I may rather say, you let someone see. For some reason you guys always have your guards up, but you are good at fooling people by making them think they probably have seen all your cards, especially in terms of what you are really capable of. Most cancer suns I have seen, regardless of whatever kind of relationship they may have with their moms, they seek their validation somehow.
Moon: Very intuitive and sensitive to emotions, especially of other peoples. Really good at understanding others and healing them, they are really soft people honestly. They are again very unlikely to show you your feelings and emotions, but somehow would see yours. Very nurturing and caring, especially emotionally. Your comfort friends who treat you with ice cream and listen to your sob story.
Risings: Wonderful people, very kind and loving and caring. I have often seen Cancer risings are very keen on making people around them feel seen and heard and cared for, they carry so much charm in them. Very down to earth, and they are always willing to listen. Very emotional people like all Cancer placements and very empathetic, would try their best to make you feel warm and they do it so well that people can let their guards down and connect to them, probably even spill their secrets.
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Sun: SHOW STOPPERS. So charismatic, and even if they are not loud like most leos, there is a 9.9/10 chance that you have atleast seen them once or heard about them once it is impossible that you are not aware about their existence. They usually like attention and validation from other people, but if no one would do that, they do it themselves and then other people reflect that energy back and yeah...the cycle never ends. I do know that people say Leo Suns are selfish and egoistic, while that maybe true on some level, they are really good at making people feel confident and worthy and also very generous.
Moon: 9/10 Leo moons I have seen have some kind of egoic validation and connection related to their mother. They are likely to be people who are "mumma's girls/boys" because until and unless they feel their moms validation, they would not proceed. Cancer Moons are like so too, but somewhat less than Leo Moons. Also, very possible that you are the oldest, or you act like the oldest. Very charming people though. If they are introverted, their energy is loud and charismatic without even trying, and if they are outgoing, then it is visible and double charismatic of how they are able to validate their emotions and act on them, be verbal about it. BUT BUT sometimes or I may say, most, you guys are really dramatic when hurt and high on emotions. You cannot stand being ignored I knowwww.
Rising: Um how do I say it. Leo suns are bright bright sun, Leo moons are golden enveloped kind of shiny, while Leo risings have a halo on their head and back. I mean it is an energy that you look at and feel drawn to, you do not force yourself like wanting to see the Sun in the eyes but you just see them somehow, they have a warmth around them. Usually very outgoing, great sense of style, and befriend people easily. Although all Leo placements are comfortable to put a fight, Leo risings would especially are not afraid either, especially if they feel the challenge at themselves or hurt at the ego. They are usually very kind and I have seen trust people easily irdk why. They often try to direct their light on other people and try to shine them along. Though, I sometimes see such people dimming their own light to get along with others. Generous people at hearts.
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Sun: You guys are the ones who are so serious about the next exam 2 months in advance, probably even before the exams are announced. Very critical of themselves, usually very introspective and rather quiet and even if you are outgoing, it is ambiverted, you are not in someone's face lmao. Very organized and may tie their worth to studies and grades, and their friends too, often. YOU GUYS DO NOT LIKE INTERUPTIONS IN PLANS LMAO
Moon: Logic with emotions, you do not let things hurt you until you have processed the feelings mentally. Your feelings do not go to the heart directly, it first goes to the mind and then you decide if you can make sense out of it, which most of the times you cannot, so you hurt your head with brainstorming as an extra with your heart. It feels like you guys have compartments in your head, and you put those memories and feelings in each so you can pull them up asap when needed to retrieve. Usually good at following routines and structures and like predictability in some form. If they are not in a clean or organized they do not feel good, whatever that means to them, whether that means trash in their room or floors so clean you see your face
Rising: Beautiful people yet again. Look very youthful and young. Really work oriented, and would really really want that they be seen and recognized at work/school for their efforts or can feel upset otherwise. They say and do things in exact manner, no less no more and usually avoid fuss and drama. Like showing up in a rather neat and clean, minimalistic manner than being more big and bold, all with their appearance and emotions and words. Just like Virgo Moons, these people like clean places especially and cannot handle unhygienic people and places at all. The types to be careful with spellings at school and work and while texting and maybe avoid emojis or use wrong ones.
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Sun: I think the more you guys like justice and harmony, most Libra Suns I have seen have rather disbalanced scales are WILD, but the justice is indeed super important when it comes down to them ahem ahem. I also see you guys put great efforts in wanting to be liked by people often, and sometimes if not all, would try to make efforts to do that. Usually very charming and friendly and would even make a beautiful smile on their face for their worst enemy in social settings rather than letting people know they hate them. They can hate many people honestly, but with you, you are the best one and the most special person ever, behind your back, idk depends vastly honestly, so if you ever confided in a Libra Sun because of their nice nature in the 1st meeting, good luck babe!
Moons: I think Libra Moons are very nice again and do all the nice talking to make you comfortable but they are actually most justice oriented and fair than Libra Suns. Their mood can actually depend on how good they look honestly. Also very kind and nice and usually would say the things someone would blow up on your face for in the nicest manner idk how do they have so much patience. Also they have a silent charisma to them often I have seen. They again are nice to everyone and never really blow up even when the scales are highly unbalanced or I may say, unless the scales are trashed :D
Risings: AH SUPER CHARISMATIC. Very lovely people. And super attractive I must say, and I would say effortlessly idk how. If I could describe libra risings by one color I would say pastel pink idk every thing about them screams aesthetic and pretty, their aura is usually very fun and uplifting and it is unlikely they take any kind romance they have ignited in people by their words and charisma to be taken seriously. Popular people, liked by everyone kind of placement. I mean they can be worst people too but atleast from far and in the first glance, it is highly unlikely you would be able to guess.
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Sun: I would say they are either of extremes, either you have never seen or heard from them are they are one of the mysteries of the world and super quiet or they are LOUDDDDDDD there is no in between and regardless, these people have some kind of charm and I would say MAGNET in them. They can be the most toxic people (they are not, tho there are exceptions) but you would still feel attracted to them idk why would be that so, but it would be like that most of the times. Also sometimes I have seen these people often cannot stay in friend groups for too long even if they tried to, some kind of drama would always happen if there is a friend with Scorpio Sun in the group because these people are actually super sensitive, though I never say its a bad things. I have seen whenever I simply hear or even sit near a frustrated or jealous or angry Scorpio Sun I feel a certain kind of vibe to them. It feels like heaty and heavy I cannot explain. But yeah strong emotional reactions, even if quiet or even if someone else is narrating it, I can know it was a Scorpio Sun idk how. Very territorial and possessive and if they know someone did their friend wrong they better fear lives but it only happens when they feel close to you or vice versa and that happens super rare....But once they decide they really want to keep you, it is a long friendship.
Moons: Tough, Strong people. They are brave and fight the worst adversities that are thrown on them. Their emotions change them in the sense that before going through anything they would sense a storm is about to come, and their emotions would adapt to the change before their mind and body. Really good at reading people and the room and understanding your deepest, most unexplainable feelings as if they have experienced every kind of emotion possible. Usually psychic, intuitive and empathetic. Could often dream about the past and can have troubles breaking mental patterns especially if they are harmful in some way.
Risings: They remind me of the black and white filter honestly idk why. I think I can say most scorpio risings are not as loud or outgoing, they can be fun and wild but they usually have an intimidating aura, I would say more intimidating that Sun and Moons. Often seen them have shadows on their face, and also, sleepy eyes like they do not seem intoxicated exactly but their eyes are not wide awake normal like most people. You can never know them honestly, just like any scorpio placement and they can merge into the background if they wanna hide and you would not know. They are the friends who respond to your texts 2 months later or are out of reach every 2 months. Never consistent on social media or never post is one more thing.
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Sun: AH VERY BLUNT LMAO. Most Sag Suns I have met are very blunt especially if they are comfortable with you or your friend. Always have a world of their own, maybe they have occupied their mind in some movie or drama or maybe they are busy creating some art or lost in their day dreams they are not really present in the current world and I guess that is why they have energy, especially physical energy I must say. Every Sag Sun I have seen has liked dancing at one point and always has some kind of engagement outside their own culture, be it supporting a sports team different from their own country or being invested in some other culture's movies and entertainment.
Moon: Sag Moons I know sometimes seem to have problems in understanding other people's emotions because theirs are so big and expanded that they cannot really see it for other people. I have seen Sag Moons are often the kinds of people to develop an affinity for some kind of place or person they have never met very easily. They are actually very dramatic just like Leo Moons honestly but different in the sense that it takes longer for them to see things clearly I feel. Usually very optimistic and motivating and very hopeful for the future. The most bold and big actions they take are when they are impulsive because of high emotions I have seen.
Risings: AH I do not know why but Sag risings are very beautiful, yes, beautiful. Literally. Such a beauty to them, even if they may not be conventionally or beauty standard pretty, they feel beautiful. These kinds of people who you sit with for 10 minutes and they say the most life changing things in a single line without even them realizing, maybe while doing random things and they do not even realize it. Always wanting to travel or connect with other cultures, more proactively than other people I feel.
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Sun: I do not know but every Capricorn sun I have seen has a vibe of "do not touch me you peasant" or "no thanks, do not wanna hear your good morning I have a business meeting" and this is when you would be seeing them at lunch in the cafeteria, probably even in high school irdk. A serious persona and appeal idk they also seem mysterious for some reason and feel like they are unwilling to talk, its a hard and confusing energy. Also you can be their friend for years and you do not really know if they are your friend. I think the best way to know if a Capricorn Sun is your friend is when you see them respond to your texts in time, give you their time and energy. And if a Capricorn sun is spending money on you, I feel you are really serious for them lmao
Moon: STOICS. You can never read them. They will never tell you about their emotions even after they die, especially if they have specially decided not to. They hold their emotions back, and often wait for some kind of time or opportunity, which does not make it better but probably worse since the jist of the emotions and when was the right time to say was probably gone. If you are a Capricorn Moon, please tell your crush you like them before they have 10 grandkids. ALSO, you guys are good in this sense that you do not disassociate at worst emotional pressures and dramas and never act out on your emotions no matter how DRAMATIC AND INTENSE the situation is so you never really make a fool of yourself actually.
Risings: AH Capricorn risings, they are actually elites, or they feel like that. They have that serious and "do not waste my time if you have nothing important to say" kind of look. Very savage and people fear you for some reason and your intensity and seriousness is not something you try to do, its just silently felt lmao. The kind of friend in the friend group where after cracking a joke people see if you laughed, and if you did not, they feel they messed up and even if you did, they ask you if you were not offended lmao. Good people to go to for taking serious advices/conversations they have capacity for that.
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Sun: Honestly I cannot even lie anymore, I have never seen an Aquarius who does not has completely, completely different and sometimes, even concerning views on the most common things and they are actually proud of it and its crazy. You wanna compete with your Aquarius Sun friend in what most weird things have happened to you, you cant actually LMAO. Also, most Aqua Suns can have really good emotional intelligence in understanding other people, but themselves. Always aware on what is happening in the world, and also, good with internet and computers. Kind and Generous at hearts<3 Also idk why do most of them speak with a lot of pauses in between.
Moon: I have seen 9/10 times people with Aquarius Moons have some very weird relationship with their mother. Either she is absent but not absent really, and she loves you but does not love you idk. I also feel as a child you could have been the weired one, the one people tried to tame but in the end YOU are the one who ends up doing something completely different from their family and usually succeed (especially if you do it consistently and do not get a superior complex in between) I have often seen regardless of how good and bad it is, these natives are always distant from their family emotionally, and more connected to their grandparents than their own parents. Usually people you can share anything with! and they take their friends very seriously I have seen.
Rising: Aquarius risings I have seen are mostly active on social media, and are very likely not posting themselves but rather posts on geopolitics, or maybe poetry or maybe something that people would find relatable. They also seem to be people who make you comfortable being weird around them without even trying. It is like you can say something really quirky or weird around them that people would probably make faces at you for, but they would respond genuinely without judgement lmao. Very friendly and welcoming to all kinds of people and as a result have a very colorful friend group.
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Sun: Very sweet people and usually very introverted but they are always occupied and they are always doing something, especially artistic or musical. Most Pisces Suns I know are actually really good at artistic stuff. The types to doodle at the back of their notebook, or zone out in classes. They are usually very kind but actually very sensitive. Also even if you probably bother them, they would not say much but if you bother someone they feel protective about then that is another thing. Very emotional. Random but I have often seen these people confuse romantic and platonic love they feel, so I do not know if I would say they are emotionally intelligent in that way.
Moon: Pisces Moons I know really really connect to music, or do music in some shape or forms. Really artistic. Also, I would not like to be awful and generalizing, but out of Sun and Rising, Pisces Moons are in their feels really easily. They attach themselves to things and people super easily as well. Apart from Sag Moons, Pisces Moons are also able to attach themselves to people and places they never seen and even dream about them. But they actually have really intense connections to their imaginations are fully emotionally invested in their hopes and dreams, even the ones they see in sleep. Really good at manifesting. idk but Pisces Moons are also good at lying and also making up real emotions when they need to, its like their super power.
Risings: I personally have never known a Pisces rising. But I would talk from what I have seen so yeah. First of all regardless of gender, people with Pisces rising have some kind of feminine look to them, like how do I explain, like pretty white stars shining on them. I feel most Pisces risings, at some point in their life, have been really gullible. I also feel Pisces rising really do have two completely different. opposite sides to them, now if is apparent to them or people is one other thing. Good at artsy stuff and have really good skin. Really beautiful, probably a little downturned eyes, it looks like their eyes have stars and dreams and hopes in them, and this is something I have seen be constant. Idk for some reason it feels they somehow always carry their past with them and probably never really show their vulnerable side
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yuveenti-blog · 2 months
Astrology Observations 07/30/2024
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Sign Parings That Annoy, Irritate, or Eaisly Upset Each Other
Aries — Scorpio
Gemini— Capricorn
Cancer — Libra
Virgo— Gemini
Libra— Taurus
Scorpio— Gemini
Sagittarius— Capricorn
Capricorn— Pisces
Pisces — Capricorn
A Sentence To Describe Your Moon Sign
Aries: This too shall pass, but when it’s here I’m going to act-up.
Taurus: I don’t feel like doing that, sorry.
Gemini: Hey everyone, this is my newest fascination.
Cancer: I want to eat my favorite food and scroll through my phone.
Leo: I need as much validation as possible right now.
Virgo: Let me do it my way or I’ll have a breakdown. 
Libra: I just want to go out and have a good time, let’s vibe.
Scorpio: I’m going to sit in the dark and overthink my entire life until I feel terrible.
Sagittarius: Fuck this, I’m going to go somewhere else where I’m appreciated.
Capricorn: I don’t even feel that way. You are the problem.
Aquarius: If I was to breakdown what I feel it would be that I’m just way too smart and people can’t understand me.
Pisces: Wait, what’s going on?
Signs That Have An Instant Connection
Aries & Leo
Taurus & Sagittarius
Gemini & Sagittarius
Cancer & Pisces
Leo & Pisces
Virgo & Aquarius
Libra & Pisces
Scorpio & Leo
Sagittarius & Aquarius
Capricorn & Scorpio
Aquarius & Scorpio
Pisces & Libra
Ascendant ( Rising Sign) & How It Relates To Your Personality
Aries Ascendant: Dare-devils, risk-takers, blunt. These people are easily noticed because they always have a unique or distinctive feature to their look. Loners. In a rush type of energy. Changes hair and looks a lot.
Taurus Ascendant: Chill, nonchalant, nature-oriented, needs to be in places with nice vibes. Luxury people. Quality oriented. Into their looks and will keep up on them. Can have really soothing or nice voices to hear.
Gemini Ascendant: Talkative and chatty, great at talking to others, feels the vibe of the room before interacting. Funny and loves to laugh and make others laugh. Thoughtful in their perspectives and mindful of how they come across. Can talk with their hands a lot.
Cancer Ascendant: Reserved, polite, funny, and has a lot of stories to tell. They can take time to warm up to others but are actually very talkative. Great story tellers and generous. Sensitive, but can reserve their tenderness for people in their close circles. If they gain weight it can be in their upper body.
Leo Ascendant: Talkative, always need a friend beside them or a main person, charismatic, funny, always knows how to put that shit on ( dress well), draws attention easily ( positive or negative), think of themselves well and really enjoy compliments ( changes their whole day). People with big hearts.
Virgo Ascendant: Simple dressers, nit-picky with a lot of things ( food, hygiene, looks, items). They can look/smell something and know if they like it or not. They can be super sensitive physically and enjoy alone time. Loners as well. If they’re interested in something they really are into learning everything about it. Great talkers and can capture people’s attention when they do open their mouth and talk. They can have either defined eyes or unique ears. They also might get an upset stomach faster than others.
Libra Ascendant: Alluring, has a striking beauty about them ( usually stand out beautiful features), these are the people who will strike up a conversation with anyone, they love flirting and love getting attention. Social chameleons they can blend in many environments, a lot of people tend to like them. Sensitive and easily offended, will strive to always have good relationships with others. May be prone to getting stressed easily.
Scorpio Ascendant: Observant, fascinated, obsessive, sensitive, private, sexual, jealous. They prefer to get to know people and build unbreakable bonds. They can be very stubborn to what people say about them, refuse to give people power over their own minds and self. Chooses what to share and usually shares information when they decide. Anything can hurt their feelings but they won’t tell you that. Has a super kinky mind and can be possessive over those in their lives. Can masturbate or enjoy it a lot.
Sagittarius Ascendant: The person who always seems positive and upbeat, a pronounced smile, talkative, expressive, always down for an adventure, open-minded, loves learning and always learning something new, a huge flirt, sexual, and says things that others won’t dare to say. They can be unpredictable and tend to try new things. Strong legs or a nice ass. They can be strong physically.
Capricorn Ascendant: They can be the type of person who follows rules and behaves well publicly and get wild in their private space. Brags a lot and likes to talk about what they have or do. Always having to look out for someone else either a sibling, a friend, or family member. They can mature fast physically and look older than their age or mentally mature fast. Tend to respect their parents a lot or at least can hold their parents dear to their heart. May feel like things take more effort in their life to get or that they have to work hard for all they get. Can have very nice skin or skin issues. Serious look when not smiling.
Aquarius Ascendant: Loves to stand out, the friend who works at a non-profit, social justice warrior, or goes to protests. Scattered brain with so many ideas. They are into unconventional ways of living. Probably interested in human psychology. Probably goes through many phases with their aesthetic and interests, depending on who they’re around. Whatever race or background they’re from they may not follow their tradition/culture. They are the type to find interest in unique people and niche groups.
Pisces Ascendant: The artist, poet, spiritual person. Sensitive, understanding, optimistic, loves being around others but always needs time for themselves. Can feel as if life is too much and prefers to escape into their own reality ( hobbies, having fun and pleasure, being apart of communities away from society, drugs). Loves so deeply and willing to sacrifice, friends with all different types of people. Naive and can fall into their own demise if not grounded. Can be eternally sleepy and ready for bed.
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mercurytrinemoon · 2 years
PSA that a harmless moon transit can trigger the negative ones that have been hanging around.
Example: my mom, a 22 degree sagittarius moon injured her leg right on her moon return. Mars is separating from the opposition to her natal moon but the transiting moon triggered that. Mars is rx in her 3rd house so these can be any kind of accidents.
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forgottenbones · 2 years
Hasanabi hates Ryan Reynolds
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theladybrownstarot · 5 months
Future Spouse first impression V/s Yours
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❀ This pac will be guiding you to how to manifest your connection with some channeld messages from them
Pile 1 . Pile 2. Pile 3.
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𐙚 Pile 1 .
Namaste pile 1 ! Let's get with your reading :-
❀ Their first impression over you :
Okay , pile 1, from what I can see feel read and understand is that this person is gonna think of you someone as a hopeful person , even when you are in difficulty you will get instant solution . I guess when you will be meeting them you two or either one of you maybe going thru some problems and one of you will offer help .
They may see you as someone serious also . they feel that light and passion dripping from your eyes and melting their hearts to see as who you are . they will see you as someone brave , passionate , bold , honest , warrior or fighter , someone who stands out among everyone , someone who they can depend on wow pile 1 hands up to you ! this person is gonna study you like their favorited subjects .
They will see you as someone who doesn't give up and really you will be their type they had like to be passionate with . They think that you expect honesty from everyone and really they will do same for you ..they will show who are they like in actual to win your heart and they do see you as someone rational and smart and someone who is good at proving their logic.
It is possible that you may appear cold , defensive and bit egotist but its okay because for them you will matter most . this is gonna be an instant strong attraction for them .
❀ Your first impression of them :-
okay pile 1 are you ready for it ?! lets dive in buds, hmm so it maybe possible that you will actually feel like " finally I found you at last" when you will meet this person for sure . I can see you thinking about them as an achiever ; who got may accomplishment . this person is gonna astound you up for sure haha .
you will see them as someone is who is giving , loving , caring and who got people to support them . I can see you as if you will feel like he\she is my pure air to breathe under in forever . I feel this person is very good by heart and nature . you will think of them as someone calm , rich , luxurious by their nature , appearance and personality . they are an extrovert for sure , but ig u may even thin that this person may give a lot but in end may sometime get in trouble but I also feel that this person won't hold grudges because they don't care about people , they have best emotional and mental control babies and i guess you want someone like them . This will be a dream come true for sure for y'all .
𐙚❀˖° How to manifest with connection fast ?
you need to be expressive of your emotions and about yourself so you can transfer and spread your energy in this crowded world to signal them .
𐙚❀˖° Channeled Messages From Them :-
(1) just hang in there my love im coming so don't be sad I will save you up from the darkness .
(2) meet more people and find me darlo , I m around you haha .
(3) with you my life seems more prosperous and I will be blessed to u have you as my greatest gift .
𐙚 Pile 2 .
Namaste pile 2 ! Let's get with your reading :-
❀ Their first impression of You :-
so i see that this person will think of you as someone strong minded or we say overall strong in nature . someone who can take a stand alone for themselves in the worst situations , someone really positive during hard times. aah i see self made individuals an mature people .i see leo and sun astrologically by vision . they will see you someone who is really charming even when you are silent .
okay , it must be possible that when you will meet this person you will a some sort of breakup or breakdown out there . this person will want to hug and console you for sure . i don it just hit me maybe when you cry you look more beautiful . or it maybe at least case that they had a breakup when they met you .
They will see you someone very charming , transparent , innocent , clear minded, focused , beautiful for sure .
❀ Your first impression of them :-
Okay , i can see you seeing them haha someone of a dominant personality lmao . this person ur future wife/ husband basically will be of an obsessive of nature . you may see them as someone who may restrict or cross boundaries of someone else . they person will be strong minded for sure . they will be strategic . could be boss or into military or police service . they will be muscular .
since i you will see them who is clear headed to do achieve the aim . they aren't that dominant to but can be little bit more caring . its possible that this person is gonnaaa be lazyy uff ... and could be that isn't that adventurous or stuck somewhere in their life ..will be having some transition and will be kinda scared or confused to how to go through this transformation . maybe you can help them somewhere.
𐙚❀˖° How to manifest this connection fast ?
SO , u may meet them at some sort of celebration or something maybe a party . you need to maintain your ownself like be careful of what you do and think plus be yourself ! enjoy your life .
𐙚❀˖° Channeled Messages from Them :-
(1) You know i need some time ; i'm stuck try now .
(2) I will come to you when you will show you real self .
(3) I want to have a happy family with you . i wanna take care of you as a queen/king of my life and will be loyal to .
(4) I want some rest i'm tired mentally .
𐙚 Pile 3 .
Namaste pile 3 ! Let's get with your reading :-
❀ Their first impression over you :-
Okay , I sense that this person will think of you as someone who is doing alot of self love or we say someone who is interested in themselves.
They won't be shocked to see you at first instead I see them as being like I wanna be with her/him even If I have to let go of things .
I see that u maybe would have left toxic people behind in your life to know and establish your own self worth and this person will sense same .
They Will daydream about u and their scenarios in Mind haha ♡ cute ! They will see you as someone beautiful and maybe one part of ur body is chubby like 🧸 ♡ .
❀ Your first impression of them :-
Okay , it feels like that you may not notice them as you must be having some fights and mental conflicts and even when you will see this person you may see them as someone smart, observant and intelligent. Your Mind will be playing games with you tbh . You will feel shy infront of this person.
For some people OR few I see that u may see them as someone who is experienced and matured after prolong emotional breakage .like bad relationship experience and failures ect or vice - versa .
It might be possible that you will get people saying that no bro don't focus on that person,that person is mine kinda jealousy vibes tbh .
I see for most of the people that u will be meeting them during high-school time.
𐙚❀˖° How to manifest this connection fast ?
You are being told to cooperate with others . To ask help from others like your friends or colleague to recommend some choices and all . For least to go on a trip of some sort .
𐙚❀˖° Channeled Messages from them :-
(1) show ur strength but be In a flow .
(2) I'm so attracted to you that I wanna take you from everyone ,just to trap u and protect u in my heart .
(3) you are my most unexpected gift from divine and universe .
©️ @theladybrownstarot 2023 all rights reserved. Any stealing or copying of work will be a punishable offence.
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uyuforu · 5 months
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Astrology Observations VI
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All pictures were found on Pinterest
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❀˖° Having a 12H Sun in Solar Return Chart is not for the weak. Your life could "fall apart" during this time, you can have a spiritual awakening, a very hard time in fact. I also noticed it can also mean (doesn’t need to be that, it CAN mean) one of your loved one can pass away unfortunately. It happened to me and a lot of people who also had their sun in their 12h, but not all of them! Usually, you have a hard time in general. But you’ll be fine, it is meant to happen for a reason.
❀˖° Synastry aspects are good to look at but the houses where the aspects fall is very important!! Sun conjunct Moon will have a different meaning where it falls.
❀˖° 7H synastry can mean a wonderful connection and desires to marry. BUT! The 7H can also be the house of enemies, so not everyone’s sun falling in your 7H means you have a good connection with them! I found myself not enjoying most of the people who’s sun fell in my 7H…
❀˖° Underrated Houses in Synastry: 2H, 4H, 6H, 10H.
❀˖° When looking at your Solar Return Chart, check the Synastry it has with your Natal Chart. It will tell you where those placements are felt within you. For example, my SRC’s Sun is in 12H and fall in my 10H this year. I’m having a lot of mental breakdown when it comes to my career, and since it conjuncts a big stellium of mine in my Natal, I just feel like my whole world is falling apart 🥲
❀˖° Please remember: North Node PC will tell you about your Soul purpose WHILE your MC will tell you about your career that is best suit for you. Your NN will never tell you about your career!!
❀˖° Union in your SRC could be the person you will meet this year that will have the strongest influence for you this year.
❀˖° 10H will tell you where your FS was born... ☺️
❀˖° 4H Sun people love to stay at home! Even if they are on a date, they will try to continue the date at home, because this is where they feel the most comfortable.
❀˖° Sun conjunct Mercury in a MC PC is a huge indicator of using communication daily to work, your tool n°1 is your voice!
❀˖° Aquarius Sun 4H are so private!! Aquarius usually are quite private people because they enjoy being mysterious and controlling what people think of them, they like that people don't understand them. But in 4H??? they will lie for the sake of their privacy.
❀˖° Opposite signs aren't that different in the end, they are very similar in fact. Capricorn & Cancer are both very family oriented for example. One is logical minded while the other is more feeling driven.
❀˖° Scorpio Rising have something so intense in their gaze, it's truly something you can't put words on. But once you see this gaze, you know.
❀˖° Chiron in 9H Synastry could be that you think you are too different because of the culture, the language, the beliefs, etc. BUT! If you are from the same place, it can just mean you don't understand each other, you are just basically too different.
❀˖° My step mother and I hated each other, and she had her Moon and Mercury in my 7H. Yep, she hated me. She was often insulting me or even trying to manipulate me with words.
❀˖° Saturn 7H Synastry can mean Saturn person feel like it will never work out between you two. But it could also mean they see you long term, depending of other placements.
❀˖° Sun in 5H Synastry usually means the person really enjoy your presence and think you are fun!
❀˖° Venus 6H Synastry means the Venus Person feels safe around you.
❀˖° You can tell by doing a Synastry with a Celebrity if you can hope to meet them one day. Usually Saturn in 9H or 1H is a sign you will never meet them. Of course, this is just an observation.
❀˖° I checked my Synastry with my first love, and it explained a lot. I have a stellium in his 7H, and of course, he was my first love.
❀˖° But I never expected to got his Venus in my 5H! I never knew if he had a crush on me too or if I was delusional lol.
❀˖° His Sun conjuncted my Neptune, he misunderstood me most of the time. He was seeing me in a way that was so untrue lol.
❀˖° He also had his Sun 1H, he was soooo popular among girls! Any girls from middle school had a huge crush on him at some point.
❀˖° He also had a stellium in my 4H and we were childhood friends.
❀˖° My sun conjuncted his Moon. Now, I had nothing against him, I thought he was funny. But he was indeed seeing me in a light that wasn't me.
❀˖° My Venus conjuncted his Vertex, I suddenly fell for him, and it must have been fated in a way?
❀˖° Though, his Mars fell in my 1H... man thought I was very good looking (he told lmao).
❀˖° Sagittarius Rising in Composite could indicate a mixed couple, but it can also mean you are so different no one expected you two to be together.
❀˖° Union 9H in Composite could mean you met in a foreign country, but also in school!
❀˖° Sun in 11H Composite means you are friends originally. Or just friends lol.
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❀˖° Ceres 7H Composite could mean you care a lot about each other.
❀˖° Venus in 7H or conjuncting DSC Composite means one of you or both of you desire to marry each other.
❀˖° Pluto 12H to me is not that good usually. Anytime I saw this placement in Composite, the couple or the people never stayed together. It always ends. There can be exceptions of course.
❀˖° Saturn 5H in a romantic Composite means you will most likely never date, there could be obstacles in this union.
❀˖° Mercury conjunct Saturn Composite means misunderstandings and miscommunication.
❀˖° The year I had this first love, I had a 5H stellium in my SRC, and this stellium fell in my Natal 9H! It was indeed a school love lol.
❀˖° I also had Venus conjunct Vertex, it was my first time falling for anyone.
❀˖° The year I told him my feeling and got rejected I had Venus conjunct Mercury in 12H!
❀˖° Juno 12H in SRC could mean you have a secret crush!
❀˖° Sun conjunct Juno Solar Return Synastry is a big indicator of having a crush on the Sun person.
❀˖° Juno/ Mars/ Neptune in 1H Synastry Solar Return is an indicators of finding 1H person veryyyy attractive, it can be love at first sight, but it is def a crush!
❀˖° Transits Moon conjunct your Natal Mars will make your emotions boil lol. You could complain a lot or have a lot of negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, etc.
❀˖° Union asteroid conjunct Part of Fortune Synastry is a sign you were meant to meet in order to bless each other. It's a lucky meeting. It is very good and shows that you will do well in each other's life.
❀˖° My FS is a Pisces Venus 4H and he is the softest!! Just very cute and very soft person... I love him very much lol.
❀˖° He also has Neptune 3H, he tends to lie to protect himself (Sun 4H makes this effect too), but he is also a very good poet writer. He wrote me poems before and I believe he would do well for poetry writing in general.
❀˖° Pluto 1H could be a sign you will experience a drastic change in your appearance some day. If Jupiter is also there, it could indicate a big and major glow up.
❀˖° Juno 12H could mean your FS is a soul connection, someone who could be spiritual and awaken. If it is very close to the Rising, or conjunct 1H, OR in 1H, it could mean you'll probably have love at first sight for them.
❀˖° Chiron Virgo/ 6H/ Capricorn/ 10H could indicate a burn out at some point in your life.
❀˖° North Node conjunct Pluto could mean your purpose in your life will transform you deeply, mostly if it is in the 1H. You will live a drastic change in your life.
❀˖° Sun conjunct Mercury 1H in Solar Return Chart means you could think a lot about you this year, and think about your choices, and how it will play out for you. You will do more "selfish" choices because you want to make the best for you.
❀˖° Do I love stalking people I love or do I just have some heavy Scorpio/ 8H placements?
❀˖° Yeah indeed, Scorpio love stalking, but Gemini love that too!
❀˖° I have Gemini Moon 8H... u get it? lol
❀˖° It is a known thing, but in SRC, 4H's ruler in 9H means moving abroad! Another indication could be a stellium in 9H. But the stellium could also mean coming back to school, so it depends.
❀˖° SRC 4H Ruler in 12H could mean the same thing. It could simply be moving out.
❀˖° Speaking of the 12H in SRC, Pluto & Venus there could be end of a relationship BUT it could also be a spiritual love and you will learn lessons because of it.
❀˖° SRC 7H ruler in 1H could mean being in a relationships and it being part of who you are this year. Or you could appear as very romantic, very loyal too. Could also attract more contracts.
❀˖° Mars 7H in SRC could be an indicator you have a fight with the one you love, more if Venus squares/ quincunx/ opposite it. If you are single, it could show also more motivation towards long term connections.
❀˖° SRC 5H ruler being in the 7H could mean being in a long term relationship but also finding the one you want to marry.
❀˖° Once again, SRC Juno conjunct Chiron could mean you will suffer in love but it is indeed for healing.
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