luli-luz · 5 months
Using only song titles from one band/artist, cleverly answer the questions and tag people.
I was tagged by @red-hot-moon :) Choosing a band with only one album was actually more funny than challenging lol
Artist: them crooked vultures
Gender: reptiles
How you feel: spinning in daffodils
If you could go anywhere: Warsaw or the first breath you take after you give up
Fav mode of transportation: elephants
If my life were a tv show: interlude with ludes
Relationship status: caligulove
Your fear: new fang
Tagging: @musette22 @lady-revan @hatchet-boy @astreetsussserenade @lucyfrostblades no pressure to do it! And whoever comes across this and wants to do it, consider yourself tagged by me (and tag me because I'm curious)
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mollynoble · 2 years
tagged by: @babygirleduardo thanks!
last song: we fell in love in october by girl in red 
last/show series: A Court of Fey & Flowers, which was truly a masterpiece 10/10 
currently watching: critical role campaign 3 and I am rewatching Escape From the Bloodkeep
favorite color: purple
sweet, spicy or savory: spicy for sure
currently reading: Ariadne by Jennifer Saint
what i'm working on: right now I am prepping for DnD on Sunday 
currently obsessed with: F1
tagging:  @javachik @bazanite @astreetsussserenade @indigorally @evansbuckleyy and @feuer-bluete
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I was tagged by the lovely @astreetsussserenade to share my favorite mugs. Small disclaimer, I’m still separated from a decent share of my collection so not pictured: the Sylvester mug that belonged to my grandma, and a white-and-black poetry mug that was a gift, and what’s technically an Alice in Wonderland mug that says “we’re all mad here” that I bought for the words.
Here’s what I have in-home: 
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And here’s close-ups:
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The starry one actually shows constellations when it’s hot, which is cool as hell and the reason why it’s one of the faves. 
The one in the middle belonged to my grandpa and I “inherited” it when my grandparents downsized.
And on the end, a mug that says “I cannot live without books” around its circumference which yeah.
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For these the lighting outside got weird. 
1. A mug my best friend got for me as a souvenier from San Francisco. She also got me the aforementioned poetry mug, which would be included if it weren’t at my parents’ house. Just look at those colors.
2. A mug from the Newseum (rip). One of the coolest museums I’ve ever visited and a tribute to the profession.
3. Housewarming gift from my mom. It’s cute and fun to hold and it was a nice gift I wasn’t expecting.
I use all of them for coffee. As well as mugs not pictured.
I also want to see everyone tagged along with me so @evansbuckleyy, @amy-vic, @astreetsussserenade and @mellowmoonballoon​
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bettsfic · 5 years
So I finished The OA this weekend and my husband and I were talking about it, the scene with the octopus in particular. And my husband, who is supposed to walk with me side by side through life asked, about that scene, "You thought it was sexual?" I feel like I've seen a whole new side of him. Who is he? What reality does he live in? What is it like to be inside his head? 😂😂😂
omg it’s a bdsm club and he’s asking “you thought it was sexual?” what show is he WATCHING. old night RIPS OFF HER DRESS (sort of). there are people WATCHING. there’s a SAFEWORD. i cannot BELIEVE.
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charlesanthonybruno · 5 years
Hello I love you and your romantic heart. Here is a flower. You can do it! 🌷
You are the kindest creature and I’m going to figure out how to insert emoji in messages just for you, gimme a sec.
*looks it up*
🌸 💐 🌻 🌺 🌼 🍀 🌟 !!!
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amelancholyuniverse · 6 years
HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT WRITING ADORABLE IN CHARACTER INTERNAL MONOLOGUE?! Can I have a tutorial? You're amazing. I'm dying to go back and read more than the one tiny scene I had time for this morning. You are a gift to this fandom and also to me personally, you make all the empty tumblr musings come true in the CUTEST WAYS.
I've been smiling at this message for like an hour and I want you to know you are the BEST cheerleader ever. Whenever I have a crisis in confidence in my writing I'm going to reread this message.
To answer your question: I have no idea haha! Sometimes I just see these posts and the fic writes itself.
Thank you so much for this message!!💜💜
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warriorgays · 6 years
I'm sorry if this is weird, but you had a post about the bradnateray OT3 and the galaxy brain meme - something about how writing NateRay as the established couple and Brad as the addition is the best? I can't find it (presumably because Tumblr is a nightmare?) and I want to link to it because you inspired me to write some ficlets. Do you know how/where I might find it?
ahh yes I had almost forgotten about that! here it is and thank you for doing the good work of writing more fic
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mellowmoonballoon · 6 years
astreetsussserenade replied to your post: i just saw you have to list 5 charaters-ships in...
no, no, do it! Once you get your square, you can choose to fill or not fill whichever prompts catch your fancy. Plus! You can do characters or ships, so you could do a Brad column, a Nate column and a Bradnate column and there’s three right there! AND you could write in qtip because the world needs more qtip (and by “the world” I mean me lol)
ooooh i totally do like qtip and christenson! ok i’m doing it! thanks! 
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We don't know each other, so sorry if I'm intruding, but I just wanted to say. I hope you don't give up. I'm sorry the suicidal thoughts are battering you, but I hope you'll keep fighting. For what it's worth, I always like seeing you on my dash. Your posts make my day brighter sometimes. No need to reply - just wanted you to know.
Not at all! I am glad to see you care and take some time out to write this to me, thank you so much for even just stumbling into my inbox :) I love seeing your posts too, thank you, this means so much ♥
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dollydagger87 · 7 years
Your Brad x Nate tag is an actual treasure trove, and you will notice that like 50% of my blog moving forward is going to be stuff I'm reblogging from you. So. Much. BradNate. Goodness!!!!!!
Haha! Well I’m glad you enjoy it! I post as much of it as I can, because outside of the OT4 it my favorite Generation Kill ship.
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mollynoble · 7 years
astreetsussserenade replied to your photo “Considering I’ve never even touched a knitting needle before I’m...”
I'm impressed it turned out so straight! The few times I tried to make a scarf, it ended up all squiggly
Thanks! so far so good:D
haruatori replied to your photo “Considering I’ve never even touched a knitting needle before I’m...”
Let us know when your shop opens :)
lol I don’t think i’ll be kitting for profit any time soon but i’ll keep you posted;p
bazanite replied to your photo “Considering I’ve never even touched a knitting needle before I’m...”
dude! this is amazing for a first timer! all of your stitches are so neat! it doesn't look like you dropped anything! ahhhhhh! you're kicking butt! :D
Thank you! I’m having so much fun! so far i haven’t dropped any fingers crossed but i have ended up with an extra stitch and have no idea how that happened:/ 
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Give me 10 for That's Showbiz and 19 for Apocalypse, please
Oh interesting questions
10: Who has been your favorite character to write about in "That's Showbiz?" What do they bring to the fic?
This is hard because half the fun of that fic was taking everyone's personalities, fitting them into that setting and then doing the character arc things to them.
But I think I've narrowed it down to Ray and Dick.
Both of them bring a lot of heart to the story in different forms of hard work. Ray was great for showing the "well you do what you gotta" part of theatre, and I love creative solutions to problems. I was also able to do something I love doing with Ray. I got to highlight how smart and capable he actually is, and how he's not just a constantly evolving punchline. And Ray's just a straight-up fun character to write.
And Dick let me dig into how good leaders fight for their people and care. Then there's a broader "heavy hangs the head" theme, but also the beautiful concept of competent leadership. So I got to explore leadership under a few different circumstances with him.
(But let's be honest the best character is Charlie the theater ghost)
19: 15 words to describe the aesthetic of "Apocalypse"
Sometimes survival means dodging bombs and kissing your soulmate in the destruction left behind.
But that's more of a description...
Good-old-fashioned having each other's backs while the world ends. Repressed feelings too.
Mood lighting from end-of-world fires. Depressing and uplifting. Humor to cope. Also kissing.
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thecasualalligator · 7 years
astreetsussserenade replied to your post “quick help my brain is numb”
On works just fine! If it feels awkward, you can say "on the new addition to your family" or "on welcoming [baby's name]" but your wording is also great!
You’re an actual lifesaver thank youuuuuuuuuuu!!!!
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bettsfic · 5 years
Not to be too much of a weirdo, but if you needed an ego boost today, you should know that I'm using having a fic consultation with you as like.....a reward for good behavior? AKA" If you do the dishes, you can write 500 words of that scene you want to have written before you send it to Betts." And the writing def isn't the reward, it's the thinking about talking about it with you that is. (Dear anyone thinking about hiring Betts: DO IT.)
omg i just finished talking with my friend about her thesis last night and was about to email you! i’m so excited to read the next installment and chat with you about it!!
also thank you for the promo. i appreciate it and you
for anyone interested, i haven’t promo’d it recently but i do writing consultations and take beta/editing commissions for both fanfic and ofic, or i’d be happy to discuss anything writing-wise with you, like careers in writing or getting published.
a writing consultation is really easy! you just send me a chapter of your work (or an outline, or even just a write-up of your idea) and we get on discord and talk about it for an hour, with the goal of fleshing out the idea and creating a step-by-step action plan to complete/revise the work (and for which i can help hold you accountable, if you work best with due dates). 
writing coaching is probably the singular exceptional talent i have, and i’ve coached hundreds of writers through their projects. feel free to message me if you’re interested!
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cheekbonejangles · 7 years
"This is my beautiful son he is not very smart but hes such a good kind boy"
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charlesanthonybruno · 6 years
astreetsussserenade replied to your post “How do you make a dating profile that says you’re looking for a...”
I believe you say you want someone who can "love you tender but fuxk you hard." Yes? ;P
You are absolutely right and I thank you :D (sorry for the delay, work is eating me alive)
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