#astra lore
wishmaker-astra · 5 days
You have any pokemon? even as pets?
Legally I am my own pokemon because Unovan regulations around "legendaries", licensing, religious practices, and a ton of things are a quagmire. And I managed to land riiiiiiiiiight in a blind spot of the law. Simplist solution to a number of things.
Yes, I have an "all other pokemon" and legendary endorsement without having a trainer license. Ask a lawyer about it if you want to see a legal professional get a migraine.
That said, no. I have zero pokemon besides myself in any capacity. I work well with them I'm told.
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galatoma · 4 months
There's something really sweet about Creation being so playful (saying "wheee!" In the boat, ringing the bell with chayanne, etc.) because despite how like, intimidating Creation looks, he was really made with the eggs in mind
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marcmorrigan · 3 months
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According to the artist, when it was suggested that a smile might benefit the look of the finished portrait, Attaché Nohell reportedly replied, "I thought the purpose of this was to be honest."
Super fun commission of @waterloggedsoliloquy's OC Sicely Nohell (they/them) and their terrible, horrible, no good, very bad lusus figure Commanding Officer.
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frogblast-the-ventcore · 10 months
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The Omnissiah’s own blessed caliber, .45, as passed down to archmagos John Moses Browning in mid 904.M2, and first used in stub guns in 907.M2.
The blessed and holy "Terran" pattern stub gun was first made in the polity now known as the United Hives of Merica in the year 911.M2, and reached its peak form in 924.M2.
It has been in the armories of humanity continuously since then, with various forges offering slightly varying patterns with numerous changes - the "Browning schism" is a historical argument over the proper caliber for such a stub gun, which has been observed in historical records as far back as the last 50 years of M2.
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Archmagos Browning is also known for creating the standard "Terran" pattern of heavy stubber still in use on new Space Marine vehicles and Imperial Knights, with its blessed .50 Browning caliber (named directly for said Archmagos), which has been in service since 921.M2, and in its current form since 0.788.010.M3.
Many examples of the weapon have been found with curious, crude engravings. Translations of some of these engravings have yielded alphanumeric strings (most in ancient, near-dead, or extinct tongues) such as OMAHA B. ‘44, K. SAHN ‘68, BAGHDAD '03, банмут ‘22, ANTARC '42, PANDORA 2170, and many more. Techpriests still debate whether these designate previous wielders of the weapon(s) or are perhaps some early, crude form of purity markings.
EDIT: heretekical errors corrected in following update data-pulse:
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bluuedraws · 3 months
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Even more fanart for the amazing @desertduality because the Ad Astra brain rot is still going strong xD
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tearsofastraeax · 6 months
König is so Mausi coded, I'm tearing up. So there's this lil trend among the German speaking girls, gays and theys, of calling everyone and anything Maus or Mausi. It's like this cute lil term of endearment, meaning mouse. The funniest thing to me though, I've seen several men online complaining about it, saying shit like 'I'm not a fucking mouse dude, like don't call me that cutesy shit.' It's too funny.
But I just know König would so hop on this trend and accidentally start calling everyone around him Maus ... like can you imagine?? With the most monotone, bored sounding voice known to mankind, he just blurts out 'Copy, Mausi' over the intercom as if that's not the strangest shit you could hear from someone that looks like a literal mountain incarnated.
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notgloomie · 1 year
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I lied. There is so much more I want to gush about.
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goddess-reborn · 2 months
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bellusastra · 1 month
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More alien AU stuff (time to never touch it again)
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notsquid · 5 days
So, I wanna introduce you all my new oc (and only OC not related to fandoms that I like)
This is Astra Memori ^^
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Some info about them under cut ^^
Also, going to make the ref after a while
☆Astra Memori☆
Pronouns she/they, she is aroace and her age is around 18-23
They are very sweet and kindhearted, she can’t really lie and she is sincere in general, mainly due to her memory issues
She has probable a with their memory and she can’t really remember things in the long-run if she didn’t record it on her video camera
This camera basically can’t break on its own and it can’t fully run out of battery (it means that it can’t turn off and after the battery turns 1% it stops to be able to record things, but it still works and helps her to remember things she previously recorded)
She is very afraid to forget about people she cares about :<
For living she tried many things. They used to work at laundry, then they worked at the flower shop and now they work at video store
She really loves the night sky, it makes her feel happy
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cattstep · 5 months
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dumb cat. -9 IQ
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wishmaker-astra · 1 day
So I talked to a Espeon... apparently practicing lucid dreaming and thinking of the psychic power as part of you and not something you have did help said Espeon learn how to use their psychic powers when they evolved... Hopefully this will help you. Good luck!
Hrm... will have to look into lucid dreaming techniques. I'm making progress in terms of other aspects, the main one is the visions. I do sort of view my abilities as something just... do... but also have? Not sure how to elaborate on that. Regardless, I appreciate it. If nothing else this is a solid lead to poke at some things.
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galatoma · 4 months
There's something really funny about qtubbo's increased bloodthirst rn. Like he's mentioning wanting to kill things and people, and he's picking fights with inanimate objects for slightly annoying him. He's got the energy of a person who accidentally walked into a table while mad as hell and started chewing out the furniture for getting in his way.
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chipsncookies · 6 months
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Some kids
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emmyp0ps · 1 month
hi Pip!! i saw you crash landed on Shiver Star, which must be quite the adventure! i was wondering, besides the cold, how do you find the environments there? are things like trees, flora, fauna and the like quite different from Popstar?
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"Although everything seemed just white and calm at first, after a while of being there something just felt off to me. Almost as if there was some sort of ominous feeling in the air... I do wonder sometimes if something big happened here in the past."
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"I'm really glad Astra found me when I first crash-landed here, otherwise I don't know what I would've done if I had to be here all alone."
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"Though it does make me wonder how she ended up here too, since as far I know she's the only person that still lives here. She hardly ever talks about herself."
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accidentwithapen · 1 year
Valorant Beach Episode:
cypher does Not dress for the beach and instead wears his whole ensemble but instead of his normal hat he just has a massive old lady sunhat
fade falls asleep and gekko and neon team up to bury her and make her a mermaid tail out of sand
brim also falls asleep but he makes sure hes wearing sunglasses and has a book in front of him so it looks like hes reading (hes done this before)
jett pheonix yoru and skye all play volleyball together. Yoru misses multiple times trying to impress skye
killjoy is running around with a camera taking millions of pictures
Sage is laying out on a float in the water, getting a well deserved break
Harbor found some kids and is making the waves big for them to play in
reyna and viper are relaxing on the sand and Will Not Hesitate to kill you if you get them wet.
Breach calls for a sandcastle building competition and calls Gekko a cheater for using Wingman
raze hides a grenade in her sand castle and calls it the big finale of the competition
chamber stays inside
omen joins him after accidentally popping the beach ball (he feels bad :/)
yoru is wearing one of those old timey swimsuits with the red and white stripes
sova is hunting for shells using his ult to toss up sand (he does not know what a seashell is)
astra is trying her damn hardest not to get sand in her gauntlet
Kay/O tries surfing (hes really good)
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