#astoria greengrass x millicent bullstrode
luxuriousmalfoy · 2 years
Meddling Sister
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wc: 465 | femslash february: day 4, "One more word on this topic and I'll kill you." | hp shipuary: day 4, Astoria Greengrass | fluffbruary: day 4, daydream | hp saffics femslash bingo: I1, outsider POV | fluffy february: day 4, starlight
@hpshipuary @hpsaffics @fluffbruary @fluffyfebruary
“You’ve read my diary, haven’t you?” Astoria shouted. Daphne quickly dodged a flying pillow and ran across her bedroom. One would think they could avoid projectile bedding in their own room, she thought to herself. 
“I swear I didn’t!” She put both her hands up in surrender, earning a skeptical glare from her younger sister. “I do have eyes of my own, you know! I noticed on my own! Plus, I am positive she likes you—you should just tell her how you feel!”
Astoria’s face reddened instantly. “One more word on this topic and I’ll kill you.”
With that, she stormed out—leaving Daphne in peace. 
Any person could notice the change in Astoria, really. Daphne found it laughable that the girl thought she’d been subtle in any sense of the word. At any point in the day, one was sure to see her doodling Mrs Astoria Bullstrode in her notebook. If she wasn’t doing that, she was daydreaming—somewhere off in space. 
Daphne did pity the fact that her best friend was hopeless when it came to picking up signals. Millicent wouldn’t notice someone flirting with her unless they made a large sign and printed the words, ‘I’m flirting with you because I like you’ on it. Daphne knew that if those two idiots were to get together, she’d have to be the one to push them there.
That night, after the pillow assault, Daphne called her friend. 
“Millie! Come over,” she said. Don’t be suspicious, stupid. “I was thinking this would be a good night for the hot tub.”
“Uh, sure.” She agreed without question. Daphne sighed in relief. 
“Great! I’ll already be outside, so feel free to dress out in my bedroom and meet me there.”
The next task would be more difficult.
“Hey, Stor,” Daphne knocked at her sister’s room. “Wanna hot tub with me and call a truce?”
She heard shuffling, but Astoria said nothing until she appeared at the door. “Okay.”
When she heard Millie’s car drive up, Daphne tried not to show on her face how pleased she was that it was all coming together.
“Who’s that?” Astoria asked. Daphne shrugged and stood up. 
“I Doordashed a smoothie.” She darted into the house, not caring that she was dripping water everywhere. She hid behind the kitchen island, waiting for Millie to walk through the house. All that was left to do was find a good vantage point to watch everything fall into place.  
She couldn’t hear them through the sliding glass door, but the starlight illuminated them perfectly. Millie sat across from Astoria, so Daphne could only see her friend’s expressions. 
Eyebrows raised.
Furious blush. 
Soft smile. 
Millie moved to be on Astoria’s side of the hot tub. 
“I am the perfect matchmaker,” Daphne said to herself.
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