caacklesarchive2 · 8 years
“Do you not know how men work or...” Woohyuk trailed off, his voice blending into laughter. “As someone who has wanted to get up under a waitress before -- not at some stupid hippo cafe, I know exactly what he’s doing and he’s biding his time until he thinks it’s okay to ask you what he really wants and it’s most likely not your favorite thing on the menu.” He didn’t mean to make the girl uncomfortable, merely just nosy and curious by nature. “He’s going to ask you out on a date and then invite you over to his place for ramen...” okay, now Woohyuk was just teasing. || @astenoia
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asteiios-blog · 8 years
↪ @astenoia relocated from here.
“i would consider it an honor to eat my dust.” 
the impact of her shove was strong enough to push the controller out of his hand. it didn’t help one bit that his palms were sweaty from the intensity of their fight, making it easier for the device to slip out. “oh, what the hell!” he reaches for the controller, playing on the floor now and hoping that didn’t give her enough time to eliminate him. “that was so cheap!”
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maligrity-blog · 8 years
hyunjeong narrowed her eyes at the taller female, arms crossing over her chest. she could feel her ears heat up, a clear sign that she was getting a little agitated. the young female had tried for years to control her facial expressions but her body would simply fail her every single time. “shut up, you.. you giant!” she huffed, lifting a finger up to point at the older female.
it was funny, she couldn’t help but to let the laughter trail from the crescent of her neutral toned lips, the mac lipstick shade creme de nude glistening across her lips as she gave a little playful smack to create a popping sound, kind of similar to when a drum set is hit after a joke-- whether the joke was actually funny or not. i mean, at least in this scenario everything was playing in her favour, her frame standing tall and prominent alongside the females height difference. in a way, it was actually quite cute. kind of like they were a mini and smaller version of each other. she smiled though, her body lowering downwards to press weight onto the force of her knees. at this height their faces were nearly much closer, jian’s brown hair brushing past her shoulders as she innocently waved at hyunjeong. “this giant eonni will let you pinch her nose too, since she made fun of you.” would she really though? “or am i still up too high for you to reach?” and again, she was snickering and laughing, her body bouncing back up to her full height as she let out a small snort of ‘sike!’ before she even let the girl have a quick chance at getting her grabby fingers on her. 
“have you ever considered taking growth pills? or googled some way to grow instantly over night? i’ve seen some wild shit, man...” in a way she was going to try and appeal as relatable, “when i was younger i used to get always asked that dumb joke ‘how is the weather up there?’ just cuz kids were jealous i was taller than them. eonni supports you kicking anyone that makes short jokes at you, except for her. eonni is the only one who can.”
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goldcngirls-blog · 8 years
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ieuijin · 8 years
in reply to: @astenoia, x!
— (#나너좋아해) —   “I don’t get it,” she mumbled under her breath as she took the other’s phone to give the game another try. When it comes to games, Euijin would often get herself too invested in them. She fully immersed herself in whatever video game she had in hand but Five Nights At Freddy’s was killing her. Each time a robot mascot would pop up, she’d let out a loud yell and her fingers would immediately go everywhere on the screen. Horror games weren’t her cup of tea at all. “Honestly, if I play another round, I might have to buy you  a new phone...”
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ahnpia-blog · 8 years
A  VERY  DESCRIPTIVE  &  DETAILED  PROFILE  OF  YOUR  MUSE. repost with  the  information  of  your  muse,  including  headcanons,  etc. when  you’re  done,  tag 15 other  people  to  do  the  same!
NAME: ahn olympia AGE: 20 ( intl. ) / 22 ( krn. ) SPECIES: human GENDER: female ORIENTATION: straight PROFESSION: model / assistant / student 
BODY TYPE: slim, tall HAIR: black EYES: dark brown  SKIN: lightly tanned HEIGHT: 176cm
[    FAMILY    ]
SIBLINGS: none PARENTS: father, mother ( deceased. ) CHILDREN: none ANY PETS?: yes [ x ]  | no  [  ]
[    LIKES    ]
COLORS: smokey blue SMELLS: winter air, coffee, green tea, blueberry, vanilla, coconut, oil, the sea, smoke from a fire FOOD / DRINKS: her ( maternal ) aunt’s yaki udon and ddaro gukbap, fried chicken, jjajangmyun / water, cola, soju ( peach is really her favorite but really... she won’t turn any down. ) ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES?: yes  [ x ]  || rarely [  ] || no [  ] FAVORITES: reading, cooking, writing, lounging, taking pictures, exploring, car rides
[    OTHER    DETAILS    ]
SMOKES?: yes  [  ]   ||   no  [  ]   ||   occasionally  [ x ] DRUGS?: yes  [  ]   ||   no  [ x ]   ||   occasionally  [   ] DRIVER LICENSE?:  yes  [  ]   ||   no  [ x ] EVER BEEN ARRESTED?: yes  [  ]   ||   no  [ x ]   ||   almost/detained  [  ]
TAGGED BY: @juhelious (  thank you so much ! ) TAGGING: @cosmqs, @boksoonie, @astenoia, @daffodiel, @gimbabs, @keubrik, @chwrng, @ariyuns, otl... can’t think of any more off the top of my head... just do it if ya wanna!
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weylyns · 8 years
ever since the death of her parents, hyunjeong’s older sister dedicated all of her time to her job which left the young female alone, letting her recall those last moments. she would attempt to distract herself by working or studying but it was not enough. she needed someone to talk to; her sister, perhaps, or maybe her aunt but she didn’t want to burden them. hyunjeong considered visiting a professional but didn’t want to take any medication for it.
hyunjeong met the other quite some time ago and just like everyone else in her life, she didn’t want to bother weylyn with her problems. so hearing the words from the other caught her by surprise; did her facial expressions and body language give it away? did she fail to control them yet again? clearing her throat, the young female smiled softly before nodding. “thank you, really.”
♡. 黛玉 — it was easy for weylyn to see if someone was bothered by something or just simply sad. why? because she has seen all those changes of expressions on herself. of course, she could be wrong sometimes about it, but she had nothing to lose. you don’t need a particular reason to tell someone that they’re not alone. weylyn was always ready to support her friends or even strangers. that was just how her mother had raised her from the start, so even after her death, she couldn’t stop behaving in that certain way. there was, of course, an exception to that; she was only human after all.
“no need to thank me. you know, i’m always there for you -- if you need someone to talk to? i’m your man-- i mean woman. i’m not that great at comforting people, but i sure know how to listen and understand your problem?” a smile of her own curled those light pink tiers as she reached around the other’s shoulders, giving them a rather tight -- but playful hug. “please don’t hesitate to run to me whenever, okay? i promise, i will listen.”
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