#assuming you meant vyv c:
refinedstorage · 3 years
Assorted asks, part one, by @dep-yo-tee​ for my V, thank you so much!
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1. Why did you pick their name? It's a nod to The Young Ones' punk Vyvyan Basterd, also wanted something that made it likely it'd be abbreviated to "V"
2. Why did your character get that name in-universe? I like to think Vyv's parents named him after a family member generations back, like his great-great-grandmother or smth. I don't think he ever learns about that though, he's had a spotty relationship with his birth parents at best and left home at a very young age.
9. What’s their most annoying trait? Has a tendency to severely overestimate his own capabilities (esp. in combat) which puts his close ones into peril on numerous occasions (unfortunately, realistically, he is not cut out be a major leagues merc in any capacity )
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quieres.png or, aka thebadhairleague
10. What makes them nice to be around? Generally optimistic and sunny disposition c:  And his ability to veer back from failure real quick
14. Good or bad at math? Haha counts enemies & odds as such: one two three f*cked
18. Do they have a favourite accessory / item of clothing? If yes, why that? I bet he has a fave pair of sneakers every other week or smth. He’s perfected the art of having a penchant for gaudy expensive shit and not really caring what he looks like at the same time. There's always something newer and shinier to covet, tho maybe he has a little keepsake or something that's dear to him but I'm can't come up with anything rn :V
20. What kind of people are their type that they find most attractive? (Either platonic, romantic or sexual attraction.) Vyv is a complete product of Night City culture and is very attracted to superficial beauty in his casual encounters. He's attracted to glitz and glitter to a fault, and being smitten with people in the spotlight is part of that- it's why he is absolutely over the moon when Kerry takes a shine to him, or when LizzyWizzy or Us Cracks reach out. As for types in general, he has very broad tastes both in friends and partners, but his life's story for the past few years has been too hectic and splotchy for anything meaningful to exist long term romantically. (As an aside- I like to think his stint in "Atlanta" was actually a panicked diving under for a while after screwing over a major crime boss in NC or smth rather than "trying to make it there"...)  As for friends- I'm sure he has a few lifelong friendships with people back in Heywood, and he grows real close real fast with Jackie & T-Bug (T.T) and Judy.
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