#assuming some of the songs aren't repeats of the same songs on a different lyric video
thekoikitten · 4 months
fav song? or one of ur fav songs?
songs u hate intensely?
Here goes the list
It's a bit edgelord-y at times though so warning for that.
1: don't you dare forget the sun
2: little big boy
3: I/me/myself
4: bad apple
5: slipped away
6: the wolf fell in love with little red riding hood
7: what else can I do
8: rolling girl
9: cup of roasted/poisoned coffee
10: Devil town (all three versions)
11: seventeen - Marina and The diamonds
12: lower ones eyes
13: common world domination
14: the nights
15: aromantic moodboard
16: under heroine
17: two time - jack stauber
18: Ayano's theory of happiness
19: it's alright - mother mother
20: flashlight - the front bottoms
21: the pi song
22: the Vatican rag
23: fireflies never came
Bonus: the hated songs
1: twinkle twinkle little star (an animation of it made me cry as a kid and crying over a star still hurts my pride to this day)
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What makes you so sad? I think you're the saddest girl I ever met || Akemi and Helen
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Surprise! There's a part 2 for Akemi and Helen @nutaella-kookie’s oc!! The quote I used as the title is from this scene. Also what is it with Helen meeting dangerous vampires in school bathrooms-?
I tried to put some song lyrics in my works because Akemi is part of the theatre club.… I hope it’s not too bad? It’s called “Noel’s Lament”
Fun fact: Fata Naiva means silly girl in Romanian. At least that’s what I searched and double checked.
Warnings: Helen’s canon ed, Akemi’s past that includes attempted r*pe, murder, and violence.
Helen knew what some people think of her. Her reputation was never known to be the best and it didn't help that her list of ex-boyfriends added more fuel to the already nasty rumors that spread across Ryoutei Academy.
Amongst the rumors about her, Helen would also hear about another girl, Akemi Sakamaki. They called her cold, unapproachable, a frigid bitch if they felt extra spiteful, it was never consistent. Shu said that she was one of his cousins when he came over last time. She still remembers that day well, the afternoon sun shone through the windows and the chill of winter seeped into her bones.
“I didn't even know that she existed.” Shu sighed as he continued to slide the razor against his cheek. “She just appeared by the doorstep of the manor and she never left ever since,” he added while rinsing off the shaving cream on the razor. Curious, Helen decided to probe the blonde vampire a bit more while combing her hair back, black curls falling off her shoulder. “How does she look like? Is she pretty?”
Water ran down the cold steel blade and Shu grabbed a random towel to wipe off the remaining cream on his blade. “She can carry a note, unlike you”
“Oh come on! Aren't your brothers more... bothersome? Surely your cousins are different in some way.” Helen continued to ask, a sigh leaves Shu’s lips, and the expression on his face remains indiscernible. “Go and see her for yourself. Or ask her classmates.”
Yet not once did Helen see Akemi closely, her face was almost always hidden or seen from afar. Her blonde hair was always indicating where she was but always disappearing somewhere else. Other than the horrid rumor of sleeping with numerous people, Helen has always heard about another title that Akemi has. “The Enigma of the Theatre Club” as people questioned why they never seemed to spot her on stage performing, even if her name is posted with the other cast on the bulletin board. Seemingly hiding in plain sight.
Students would say that when the theatre’s club room was empty… you would hear someone singing.
Oh, Claude, my pimp, knows never mess with me
Last prick did that faded quick to black
I have no idea where to find him, officers
But if you do, please mention that I'd
Like to have returned the pretty knife
That I stuck. Ten. Times. In. His. Back.
Sometimes, Helen would hear the singing as she passed through the theatre club, the club members’ voices were always loud and clear and could be heard through the stage, especially who Helen could assume to be Akemi’s, is it really? The soft and clear voice seems to ring in Helen’s ears.
He said, "I think I am in love with you"
I've heard that lie a million times before
Oh, tonight I give in to the fantasy
Take love when you can, when you're a whore
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It was an ugly process, eating so much food you feel sick and then erasing it with the pull of a toilet’s lever. Watching your weight rise in numbers force those same numbers to drop, and Helen would repeat the cycle all over again.
Coughing, Helen reached out for the lever to flush the evidence away, leaning her back against the bathroom stall as her throat burned. Tiredly, Helen forced herself to stand up and pull her hair tie off, fanning her black curls out but still not wanting others to look at her right now. Not when she feels like nothing.
The door to the girl’s restroom opened before Helen could even leave the bathroom stall. Groaning quietly, Helen sunk to her back against the toilet seat, trying to listen to the pair of girls chattering away to find a chance to get out without being noticed.
“Ugh, I didn’t get the part to play Christine for Phantom of the Opera. I wasn’t even listed for understudy, can you believe that?” A girl cried out, stomping on her school shoes. “Yuki, I heard Akemi-senpai got the role.” Another girl added bitterly.
“Right? Like, who does she think she is? She's not even that good, she’s always a side character and then the club president just decided to make her of all people the star?” Yuki snapped, the clinking of makeup products echoed with quick snaps, reflecting her frustration.
“She probably slept her way up, how else would she get the part?” The other girl accused haughtily. Helen felt a headache forming in her temple.
“Honestly… hey, did you know that Subaru chased Akemi-senpai down the library? Do you think there's something between them?” The girls giggled, feeling proud of themselves as if they’d unlocked a mystery.
“For real, they’ve always been so close to one another it’s insane. I bet those two-”
“I bet they what? Do you mind if I listen?”
A girl’s voice echoed in the bathroom door, Helen could herself jolting in shock as the girls immediately stopped talking and Helen could only hear the long strides the girl took toward them from the bathroom stall she was in. The girl’s voice was sweet and soft, it sounded comforting like it was made to rock you to sleep. Yet that voice still sent shivers down Helen’s spine.
“Come on, you're making me curious.” The girl giggled, Helen winched at the sugary tone, immediately hearing the malice creeping up from the girl’s tone. “So let's recap, shall we, girls? In the library... Subaru and I did what?”
The silence was all-consuming and you could hear a pin drop. Helen’s heart was racing in her chest as she awaited whatever answer the girls would make. They better not say anything stupid.
Stammering, one of the girls finally spoke up. “I’m… I’m sorry, we need to go.” Helen could hear the girls scramble for their bags only to listen to them yelp like injured dogs as they stumbled on their own feet. “Oh no no no, why won’t you tell me? You can say it when you think I’m not around but you won’t tell me upfront?” Akemi chided mockingly, and the venom in her voice slowly grew more apparent.
Whimpering, the girls immediately made a break for the exit. “Talking behind my back won't get you the part for our play, you know?” the girl called out as the pair ran out of the bathroom, their tails between their legs.
Letting out a sigh, Akemi continued to talk to the air, her voice dropping to an octave. “After all... You would be stuck with me for the rest of the semester.” Helen slowly opened the bathroom stall’s door to peek, only to find blonde hair swish by heading towards the exit. Silence filled the girl’s restroom. She could hear her heart beating out of her chest.
Helen held her breath as she carefully opened the bathroom stall, hoping to leave and praying that she was alone in the bathroom. She had already heard too much, she rather goes back to her classroom and continue studying for another English Literature exam instead of dealing with whatever drama is brewing in that theatre club.
No, no, absolutely no-
“I know you heard them, Fata naiva.” Helen almost choked back a scream when she looked up only to find Akemi Sakamaki, sitting down on the bathroom countertop, dangling her long stocking-clad legs back and forth, childlike and almost innocent looking. Helen would have believed that if it weren't for...
“Yeah... so you have to deal with that too?” Helen replied carefully, watching the vampire in front of her in case she ever got close to her.
Akemi quietly hopped off the countertop, still poised and graceful in her stance, not getting too close to Helen. “You mean being too pretty for my own good? Yes, unfortunately… Did it get any better for you? Your name tends to float around, Helen is it?” Helen only gave Akemi a shrug, acting nonchalant. “The reputation is hard to rub off.”
“I guess so? I remember that the president told me about a girl who played Giselle from Swan Lake. Wasn't that you?” Helen looked over at the memory, recalling how unmoved the audience was but still applauded nevertheless. I didn't even get to sing, which is good I guess. Akemi let out a small chuckle escape her lips, amused at Helen’s reaction.
Helen rolled her eyes, trying to brush it off, the tension in her slowly dwindling away. “ Yeah... Not a fond moment I like to dwell on... So you’re in the theatre club?”
Akemi gave a little twirl, holding poise in her movements as her feet glided against the tiled floor. “Only one of the best actors in the club. Pleased to meet you.”
“I saw some of the plays, well it was required, but I never really saw you?” Helen asked, her eyebrows quirked up in confusion.
Smiling, Akemi placed a finger to her lips. “It’s easier to stand out on stage, that’s true. However it’s more impressive to blend in, but that’s just my opinion.” Helen could only shrug, knowing she can never conjure intense emotions for any performance without feeling stupid.
“Oh, I probably need to go to my next class, see you, I guess?” Spinning on her heels, Helen made a break to the only exit.
“Wait... Take this.” Confused, Helen turned around to find the girl reaching out for her hand and placing a paper-wrapped pastry in her hand. Chocolatine? “Thank you... I'm full actually.” Helen lied, she could still feel the imaginary bile in her throat, its sour aftertaste lingers on her tongue.
Akemi cock her head to the side, and her eyes met Helen’s. “Aren't you a dancer as well? Ballet, correct? It's in your posture.” Helen’s looked over to find Akemi with a worried expression on her face. “It wouldn't exactly be pleasant if you collapsed during rehearsals. It happens too often while we rehearse for our plays,’ more specifically with the girls.” Akemi added, still holding on to the chocolatine.
Reluctantly, Helen took the pastry out of Akemi’s hands. “Is knowing when someone is hungry a power of yours?” Helen questioned, taken aback at the sudden warmth of the pastry, and started tossing it back and forth between her hands.
Akemi only scrunched up her nose, for a moment she looked cold and haughty, minus the malice that comes with it. “Honey, I know what puke smells like. You should be taking care of yourself, missy.”
Helen let out a laugh, surprised at the fact someone was calling her ‘missy’. It sounded silly, even if the girl before her is centuries older than her. Yet what sounded silly sounded… familiar, the chuckle slowly died in Helen’s throat as she finally took a good look at Akemi, her soft features, doe eyes, and rosy cheeks.
Yet her face was overlapping with another, that girl she met at the club, Aurelia...
It can't be... can it? Same smile, different hair... I didn't even see her eyes. Even after the many nights we drank together, she wouldn’t look me in the eye.
Before Helen could hold her tongue, she spoke out. “You look familiar.” Akemi’s eyes widened slightly, taken aback by the statement, yet there is no hostility like what Helen expected, but curiosity. Relief, even?
“What makes you say that?” Akemi asked, her eyes softened. She looked gentle and assuring.
Helen hesitated. Should I really ask her… she won’t react badly… would she? Not like him…
Mustering up the courage, Helen decided to force herself to talk.
“Is that you, Aure-“
Before Helen could finish, the bell rang. Students rushed to their classrooms and their chatter filled the hallways. Akemi took her phone out to look at the time.
“I guess we should go to class?” Akemi questioned. Thinking to herself, Helen decided to take it as a way to escape, an option to avoid further conflict and hurt.
“Yeah, I guess I’ll see you? Thanks for the pastry.” Akemi only smiled, waving Helen goodbye as she watched the human’s silhouette disappear down the stairs.
Alone in the girl’s restroom, Akemi leaned back against the sink and guilt started to clog her throat. Akemi can’t find the urge to look at herself in the mirror, for all she would have seen would be the many faces she imitated all her life.
Angry and tired, Akemi felt the sudden burst of intense heat from the flames that she ignited on one side of her face. She curses to herself as the blue hue shone and flickered. Akemi recalled how it never left a mark on her skin no matter how hard she tried, always unscathed while everything burns around her.
She remembers the screams, the smell of smoke, cheap perfume, and the burnt flesh of the prostitutes who took care of her, and the men who tried to devour her filled her nostrils. Akemi’s let out a stuttered gasp for air, reminiscing over the painful memories.
Memories kept hidden came rushing back like a flood.
‘Monster’ Irina cried out in grief, Akemi knew she can’t comfort her… how can she? She killed her fiancé in the fire… pretended to be him, and lied to her, the soot dripping down from her hair, blurring her vision to black.
Oh how Akemi wanted to shake Irina then and there, scream at her.
You’re precious fiancé and his father tried to touch me while you waited for him. What does that make him?! TELL ME
Looking back at the mirror, Akemi only let out a sigh. She felt the urge to break it. Rip everything in front of her, but the urge left quickly. Even as Akemi stepped out of the girl’s restroom, the turmoil still boiled within her.
Oh Aurelia Eros, such a beautiful and cruel monster you are. Whenever will you stop hiding?
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