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academic-assistance · 6 months
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assignmenthelppro001 · 7 months
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By following these guidelines, you can confidently choose the right assignment help Perth. Contact us today for professional assistance tailored to your academic needs and elevate your academic journey!
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alex-abbott · 1 year
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academic-assistance · 6 months
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Seeking assignment writers in Perth? Get professional assistance tailored to your needs. Achieve academic success with confidence.
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assignmenthelppro001 · 7 months
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The Ultimate List of Assignment Help Resources in Perth
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"Unlock academic success in Perth with the ultimate list of assignment help Perth resources! Explore a curated selection of reputable platforms designed to elevate your educational journey.
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gaiaxygang · 10 months
The Too-Long PerthChimon Review: Part 1
In this part, I will be covering the three (!) shows both Perth and Chimon were in. One is a non-BL where their characters do not interact, but the other two (which you've probably watched, if you're reading this) are BLs and feature them as a couple!
(I segmented them for readability. If there's a better way to do it please lmk oops)
Please… Siang Riak Winyan aka Please… Soul Call
I only watched 4 episodes, because that was all that was available with subtitles. The other two are online somewhere, but I wasn't very inclined to continue.
'Please' is a short horror series where Win (Chimon) and his classmates encounter… ghosts, or something. I don't remember much about this one, if I'm being honest. They accidentally contact some ghosts in a school bathroom and they suffer because of it for 6 episodes. It's not particularly memorable, and the horror elements weren't super good but I am willing to cut it some slack in that aspect.
What I did find interesting is Perth's character, Breeze. Breeze is a transfer student who is later revealed to be the younger half-brother of another character, Be. The two aren't close, but their interactions in the show are quite heartfelt.
However, this whole half-siblings subplot kind of comes out of nowhere…? And neither does it really lead anywhere. Be and Breeze aren't part of the main friend group in Please, and don't have much importance outside of this.
The only purpose this storyline serves is to explain the origins of the main ghost that's been haunting Win and friends (this is an assumption. I did not watch episodes 5 and 6 but it's heavily implied in the earlier episodes so I will stick with it).
Please is rather unremarkable as a series, but as an actor fan it really makes me want to claw at the walls.
First, this is where PerthChimon met. They've mentioned talking a little at the workshops in some of their interviews.
Second, this is Perth's first TV series as well as Chimon's first lead role in a series (he was the lead of a movie I'll discuss in another part).
Third, this series is likely where director New Siwaj started picking favourite actors. Alongside Perth, Mark Siwat and Sood Yacht (I am so sorry if I got his name wrong I'm not familiar with him) are also in this series. The three of them would get cast in Love By Chance not long after, with Perth and Yacht appearing in several of New's shows after that.
Lastly, Perth and Mark Siwat (who plays Be) became friends on this set! Mark was Perth's first friend in the industry, and they're still good friends now as far as I know. I enjoyed watching them work together, but I'll get into that more when I talk about The Stranded. This paragraph is already longer than it should be.
Never Let Me Go
This is a show I have opinions that I struggle to put into words about. Never Let Me Go is a series about the heir to a prestigious family, Nuengdiao, and the bodyguard assigned to him after his father is shot and killed, Palm. Perth plays Nuengdiao's cousin Chopper, while Chimon plays Ben, a classmate of theirs.
I did not like this show. The storyline is messy at times, the characters (with the exception of Chopper) are often underwhelming and don't reach their full potential.
It has an interesting premise, but fails to deliver at almost every turn after the first few episodes. I will be focusing on Chopper and Ben but one thing I particularly disliked about Palm and Nueng is that Palm is a very bland character.
We never learn much about him beyond his protectiveness and his existence as The Love Interest, and he lacks a distinct personality. This is a problem with Mork in Fish Upon The Sky as well (sorry Pond) but it's more noticable in NLMG due to it's more serious tone, which requires better developed characters than a romcom like FUTS would.
There were some things I enjoyed about the show! It's very nice to look at. The visuals are good! The cast being pretty also helps. I loved Perth's performance as Chopper, it is by far the strongest performance in the cast.
It's not that the rest of them are bad actors, rather strong actors like Chimon and Pawin were dragged down because they aren't given very much to work with. When good actors are given subpar scripts or underdeveloped characters, they'll try their best but their performance will Not be as good!!! Which is unfortunate.
Chopper is the only well-rounded character in this series. I assume there were rewrites along the way, since Chopper is quite different from the novel that was written alongside the series and ChopperBen were likely added in only after Perth joined the cast, to promote PerthChimon before Dangerous Romance. I personally have a soft spot for Ben (I have a big gay crush on Chimon) but Chopper is my favourite character overall in NLMG.
NLMG feels very much like a PG-13 Kinnporsche that misses everything that made KP… well, KP. This is probably a coincidence but I watched them one after another so NLMG's flaws were more obvious to me. By episode 12 I was only watching for ChopperBen and I had no interest in PalmNueng, which rarely happens even if I favour the side pair. NLMG just feels lacking in many ways, to the point where I enjoyed FUTS more (despite being equally bad) just because it's funny.
There are a few things I wished the series took from the novel. The ChopperBen epilogue set shortly after they move overseas together is something that I think the series desperately needed. It makes Ben's storyline (which the novel has a heavier emphasis on) more complete, and considering we didn't get ChopperBen in Our Skyy 2, it would have been a good conclusion to ChopperBen as a whole.
I also liked the PalmNueng rooftop scene but I understand why they left it out of the series. The novel also kills off Kit after the final confrontation in episode 12, but I assume the series didn't want to deal with the implications of Chopper patricide.
I didn't finish the NLMG Our Skyy 2 episodes but the slightly lighter tone definitely helped a lot. A bit of a weird choice to give bully kid whats-his-name a boyfriend out of nowhere but as a MarcPawin fan I respect it.
This series was… a mess. But I love ChopperBen dearly! They're something special and I spend a much longer time thinking about them than I show. They're what got me into PerthChimon and I'll never regret watching NLMG for that alone.
Dangerous Romance
Finally, their most recent work, Dangerous Romance. I was waiting for this one for months and definitely not disappointed, even if it wasn't what I expected! (Just a warning. I will be criticising DR a bit here.)
The character relationships are the strongest part of DR. KanghanSailom's development over the episodes, navigating how to love eachother and growing as people together, was incredible to watch over 12 weeks. The way it all comes together is amazing.
GuyNava and NameSaifah, although lacking screentime, were super interesting to me. They managed to sell us (even View and June, who referred to them as another couple in DR on Live House) on NameSaifah in around 3 episodes total somehow which I find hilarious. PimfahNabdao didn't get much screentime but they were cute and I hope we get a continuation of their story!
DR also looks VERY good. Some of the visuals are amazing. The windmill location is gorgeous and I assume it looks even better in person (I HAVE to visit someday… A few Japanese fans I know flew to Thailand and visited it. I wish I were them).
However, DR often struggles to get from point A to point B. This isn't a huge problem because the A and B in question are well-written, but it really feels like they had a few scenes planned but couldn't figure out how to connect them. They knew the direction they wanted to take KanghanSailom and GuyNava, but had difficulty writing the 'to' in 'enemies to lovers'. This is evident with other scenes too but it's very obvious when it comes to the main couple and the primary side couple of a BL.
Some of the direction is also a bit questionable. I personally don't like the overuse of flashbacks and OST (it reminds me of Double Savage and that's not a good thing) but I've accepted that its just a DR thing.
I like what the costuming team has come up with, bless whoever managed to make Pawin look 10 years younger than he is and the same age as actors 4 to 6 years younger than him. The details in how the wardrobe of the friendgroup, down to the colour of their uniforms is a nice touch too. This crew definitely has a lot of love for the series and I like that!!!
DR is hurt a lot by what it sets itself up to be. When viewed as a typical BL with interesting romantic storylines, it's very good.
However, the promotion tends to frame it as something darker than what we ended up with, a unique storyline that happens to be BL (similar to Only Friends in that sense). The pilot trailer also doesn't help, since it promised a darker overall feel with meaner characters. The themes of poverty and class differences aren't handled very well but people who think more about DR's themes than me have discussed this. I was here to watch KanghanSailom be cute after episode 3.
This difference between what was expected from the pilot and trailers and the final product is what I suspect causes people to view DR as worse than it is. Looking past that, DR is a flawed but great BL series, one of the better shows to come out of the GMMTV2023 lineup.
I'm also one of the people who were skeptical about the difference in the feel of the pilot and the official trailers. The pilot trailer occupies a good 15% of my brainspace and I will always miss all it gave us (the rain kiss!!!!! THE VIBE OF THE BACKING SONG!!!!!!) but DR is something that exists separate from that now and as it's own thing, I adore it.
What I really love about DR is how PerthChimon it is. It's a very significant show for both of them in so many ways! It's their "official" return to BL (Perth hasn't done BL since 2020, Chimon not since 2018) and I don't think there would've been a better show for this.
Kanghan and Sailom have a lot of Perth and Chimon in them, and I don't even know if it was intentional. Perth and Chimon both relate a lot to their characters (for reasons they have mentioned in interviews) and when listening to what Perth said when he was asked what Kanghan wants to say to Sailom I wanted to run around in circles and scream because you could really tell it came from his heart.
It's also the first time Chimon has released a song, and the first time Perth has sung a duet.
You can see the PerthChimon in some scenes like when Kanghan is feeding Sailom in their studying montage, and one entire postcredits Oishi segment (I don't remember which episode, I think it's the open house one). As a PerthChimon fan Dangerous Romance is incredible because of all this!!!
There's also a line before they perform Sunset at the open house that stuck out to me. Kanghan's line about how Sailom is talented but rarely has the chance to showcase his talents is just a little awkward by itself but it gets me very emotional because Chimon has talked about how he turned down singing jobs in the past due to trauma and still gets nervous on stage, something which Perth supports him through whenever they sing together.
(Since I first typed this, a clip has been posted where the directors talk about how a lot of the sweet KanghanSailom scenes were improvised. Incredible work from PerthChimon, 10/10 no notes.)
DR is filmed in the same campus building as several other Chimon shows like Edge of 17 and The Gifted which is a whole other thing I think about sometimes. Especially Edge of 17, his first BL series with Pluem Purim. Comparing Sun and Sailom, you can really see how much Chimon has grown in those SIX?! years.
I also love seeing PerthChimon work together. They're very comfortable with eachother, and Perth has said that Chimon is the partner he's felt the most comfortable with (knowing Perth's acting history, this is a very bold statement but I believe he means it). I hope DR is just the start for PerthChimon and they continue working together for a long time.
(Similarly to NLMG, I responded to an ask about DR's flaws recently. I talk about the pacing issues here as well!)
And that's the end of part one. Thank you for reading!!! You can always drop me an ask if you have anything to say, my inbox is open. The next parts will be uploaded slowly.
Intro / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 (I'll edit to link them when I get these up!!!)
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bl-inded · 1 year
Our skyy 2- Wrap Up
Since this is an anthology and I, being the simp that I am, have watched all of the original shows, I thought it'd be fun to rank all the episodes.
The thing is, even though I have watched all of the shows, my opinion on these episodes are very reliant on my opinions of the original show as well. Meaning if I loved the original show and the our skyy episode was meh, it might be ranked lower than shows I didn't feel so highly about, but the our skyy episode delivered. Anywho-
7. Sky in your heart (ep 3-4)
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Tbh I wasn't the biggest fan of the original show, but this episode was very in tone with said show. It was overall, cute. The greenflags were greening with the communication and lack of jealousy. You go boys! Live your happiest life.
But I did miss the other pair of the show (idk if you can technically count it as this show since they were two 7 episode series, but I would have liked to see even a cameo from them). Good vibes. I liked it.
(what i didn't like in a side note is the chunky ring design)
6. My school president (ep 9-10)
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To anyone who hasn't already, you havvvveee to go watch the original show. It is so sweet it will give you diabetes. And I loved the concept of this episode.
As a fanfic author I was mostly here for the validation that all our headcanons are canon. But, it felt like a highlight reel with roles reversed. Which is interesting but 2 episodes wasn't enough time to develop that story.
For what they attempted they did aight! I kinda wish we got something more post canon in their universe, happy cute boyfriends™, but yk. It's okay. More Fourth and Gemini always makes me happy. Plus the cast seemed to have fun filming it if the behind the scenes are any indication.
5. A boss and a babe (ep 11-12)
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Listen, half the excitement of our skyy is missing these characters. So it was surely a choice by gmm to time this episode riiiighhhttt after the finale of the show.
That being said, this episode was pretty dang fun. Am I still mourning the loss of multiple unresolved storylines from the show they set up and literally forgot about- yes (Drake, you deserved better🤧). But considering our skyy 2 is the biggest "who took my FANFIC out of ao3 and into YouTube" plot ever, I'll overlook it.
This episode managed to do what neither enchanté nor abaab did- show me the appeal of forcebook. They are very cute in light-hearted settings. I'm yet to see them thrive in the drama, but only friends is happening soon... Soooooo
4. Never Let Me Go (ep 1-2)
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Now thiss was a perfect soulmates AU for TV (or YouTube in this case) if I've ever seen one. We got the time travel, the drama, the classism all wrapped in a ball of all fluff and no angst. They understood the assignment.
Again. I missed my second couple (I am Perth Stan, I can't help myself. The 6 of us who demanded justice for Chopper, I see you!) But I didn't miss them too much, coz the premise was fun.
(I also loved the house set that they had!! I wanna go visit it if it's real!)
3. The Eclipse (ep 5-6)
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These two episodes are single-handedly responsible for increasing the average number of kisses in Our Skyy. I wasn't even expecting this many? Even if it was basically just prep for Khao and First in Only friends, I'm still here for it.
It was also surprisingly an episode that caused a lot of debate about Akk and/or Ayan being out of character, which I didn't expect, but have my opinions on.
But overall, it was an extremely sweet episode with political and social commentary that the show had, but commentary lite. The locations were fantastic! I honestly just want more First and Khao in everything, please and thank you.
2. Bad Buddy x A Tale of a Thousand Stars (ep 13-16)
(please don't kill me)
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Speaking of who took my fanfic out of ao3, OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. I knewwww we can trust in P'Aof for delivering a story. BUT DID I EXPECT HIM TO PUT ALL MY FAVS IN THE SAME SCREEN AT THE SAME TIME???? What great times we're living in *sighs in bl*.
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Watching EarthMix slip back into phuphatian was a pleasure. Ohm and Nanon are sooo awesome! I missed Pat and Pran so much. The crossover could have easily gone into the forced-for-fanservice territory, but they had a plot for it!🤌🏼
They brought back characters that felt like home. Even the conflicts were so lived in. It is self aware in what small things can blow out of proportion.
Watching Pat and Pran in their college years hiding their relationship after reading countless fanfics about it- just, tears. Thanks! I love them. I missed them. I'm living for this. I see why this was at the end. Worth all the hype and more.
Still screaming about this, and have been for two weeks. Will keep you updated on when or if I stop.
Buuuut the reason I didn't rank this at the top is because we didn't get enough bad buddy in the crossover. I loved both the shows, but i feel like pat pran were slightly overshadowed. I was lowkey cringing by the end too with the second atots recreation of the series!? Oh god. But we got a proposal! And the confirmation it's an open secret?!? And whatever tf it was that korn and wai were doing backstage🤡. So it was almost in the number one spot, it's just that I preferred my actual number one spot episode more.
1. Vice Versa (ep 7-8)
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Did I expect vice versa to be this high on my list, nope. Did I fall and virtually adopt this kid as soon as he came on screen... Maybe👀. Are Jimmy and Sea climbing up on my couples i can't wait to see more of this yes- also maybe.
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But even otherwise, I think this episode had the most solid and cohesive storyline. Everyone felt familiar and acted in character. They even wrapped up the whole random-kid-showed-up-at-our-front-door plot surprisingly well. Like if you watched the episode, they left very clear hints.
They even kept the colour theme (even though multi colour isn't technically a colour, would have gone with white or black maybe, but that's just me).
I did not expect this to be my number 1. Actually, i was barely even looking forward to this episode. But it was a pleasant surprise.
And I was shooketh, considering my biggest complaint about the original show was that they left too many threads loose.
Jimmy and Sea were so good! Got me even more excited to see them in Last Twilight (in P'Aof we trust).
Now that that is over (and if you're reading this far) can we talk about how many birthday plots there were??? I feel like every other week there was a birthday. Just confused about it, that's all.
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alex-abbott · 1 year
Assignment help Perth refers to the services offered by online academic assistance providers to students in Perth, Western Australia, who require help with their academic assignments. These services are available for students studying at all levels, from high school to university, and cover various subjects and topics
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Australia's biggest Twenty20 cricket league, the Big Bash League (BBL), is made up of teams located in cities. It is well-known for its fast-paced and exciting structure, and it usually runs from December to February. Since its founding in 2011, the league has gained prominence and drawn both Australian talent and talents from other countries. Teams like the Sydney Sixers, Melbourne Stars, and Perth Scorchers battle it out for the championship in famous venues across the nation. The Australian cricket season's biggest event, the BBL is renowned for its exciting atmosphere, engaging fan base, and high-scoring matches. The BBL gives players a competitive edge and a worldwide appeal by featuring both established international cricket stars and up-and-coming talent. Finally, the league has made a substantial contribution to the expansion of T20 cricket by highlighting the exciting elements of the format and helping to nurture players who succeed in this shortened version of the game.
The way that Cricket Australia has responded strategically to the recent turmoil surrounding the Sydney Sixers in the Big Bash League is a very well thought out plan. The challenging assignment essentially entails requesting detailed proposals from prospective Team owners who have already contacted a player to captain their teams. The last four possibilities have been selected by Cricket Australia, which will choose the best one to form a new Big Bash League team. In-depth analyses of the suggested cricket infrastructure, cutting-edge team facilities, creative marketing approaches, and comprehensive community engagement programs would all be necessary for CA. Carefully vetting each proposal is the responsibility of a carefully chosen selection committee made up of business professionals, league executives, and seasoned cricketing greats. Beyond the obvious, the criteria consider the importance of cricket to the club owners, the size of the leaders' current fan base, economic feasibility studies, and the possibility of igniting a thriving cricket culture in the neighborhood. Concurrently, the committee is developing strict ownership and management policies to create a model for openness, moral behavior, and sound financial standing.
This comprehensive and complex strategy aims to create a revolutionary change in the league's course rather than just solving the problems that plagued the Sydney Sixers. Cricket Australia hopes to establish a new side that will play at the highest level of T20 cricket while also fitting in well with the local sports culture. Through the cultivation of a culture that is marked by impartiality, absolute responsibility, and proactive engagement with the community, this all-encompassing project seeks to establish the Big Bash League as the pinnacle of quality and enjoyment within the international cricket scene.
Task in hand
For the CA to select you as the next team in the Big Bash League, you will need to make a proposal presentation. You will be given one business owner and a team captain. Your proposal pitch needs to contain-
• strategies to persuade Cricket Australia
• marketing strategies
• a three-year financial plan that accounts for player acquisition costs
• public relations strategies
• a jingle
• the team logo
• star player hiring plans
• a press release for the team
• 15-player squad.
Ppt not more than 7 slides
Report not more than 20 pages Extra deliverables are appreciated
A jingle
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