#asra and beatrice have... a lot of history
juliandev0rak · 4 years
The Past And Pending
This is a super self indulgent fic about the events of the rest of the night and following day after Beatrice (and friends) defeat the Devil. It’s really got it all, fluff with Julian, exploring her (somewhat awkward) past with Asra, and reuniting with her sister Freya.
Again this is super self indulgent, but if you’re interested in nearly 4k words of Beatrice lore then read on 💗
There are brief allusions to spicy content, but nothing descriptive and mostly just vague humorous comments lol
Characters: My MC Beatrice x Julian, her sister Freya Viano, and the rest of the Arcana main characters
Warnings: brief mentions of past mature/spicy content, brief mentions of a parent pulling a child’s hair in a rough manner and raising their voice 
Words: 3958
The first night of the Masquerade felt like it was weeks long. So much had happened, and most of it in a realm where time ran differently.
After everyone arrived back to Vesuvia in one piece there wasn’t much to do but revel in the success. Beatrice can’t even remember how many hugs she was pulled into and how many times she’d been congratulated. She refused the praise every time, always directing attention back to Julian and to everyone really, she hadn’t defeated the Devil on her own. 
Eventually people had wandered off until finally it was just Beatrice, Julian, and Asra left. None of them felt like returning to the raucous party happening inside the palace so the three of them sat by the fountain in relative silence. Beatrice is exhausted at this point, head resting on Julian’s shoulder as he runs a soothing hand through her quite tangled hair. 
“I think I’d better go back to the shop.” Asra says, standing up with a smile. “I’m so tired I think I might nap for the next week. It looks like you’re in good hands, Beatrice.” 
“Don’t think I’m done questioning you about all of your secrets, Asra.” She threatens sleepily. There’s no malice behind her words, but she’s curious. He just laughs in response and ruffles her hair as he passes, stopping to give a meaningful glance to Julian. Beatrice is too tired to notice the non verbal conversation they’re having as Asra and Julian seem to come to some sort of agreement. It seems the two of them are finally on good terms again, all apologies accepted, and both Asra and Julian visibly relax a bit more at this realization.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Beatrice.” Asra says in goodbye. “Goodnight Ilya.”
“Goodnight, Asra.” Julian grins, his tone not portraying how tired he is. 
“Uhhuh goodnight..” She mutters back, her face now fully pressed into Julian’s jacketed shoulder. 
“Come on sleepy girl, up we go.” Julian says gently, trying not to disturb her too much as he picks her up. She protests weakly at being picked up but then seems to settle into his arms. He chuckles under his breath and looks down at her tired form. Her eyes are open, barely, and she’s smiling vaguely up at him. “Let’s get you some rest.” 
“Do you need help finding the room?” She asks, blinking up at him. Julian laughs again, he isn’t so sure she’d be able to help right now.
“I’ve got you, darling. I know how to find it.” He responds, navigating up the steps of the veranda to enter the palace. Luckily there don’t seem to be too many people in the halls but he still carefully weaves around any obstacles and turns, he’s carrying precious cargo after all. He soon arrives at the door to her guest room and walks in. As he surveys the room hesitation sets in. Should he have brought her back to the shop? Or to Mazelinka’s? Should he stay, would she want him to? His overthinking is interrupted by a sleepy sigh.
“Oh good, we’re here. Put me down so we can sleep.” Beatrice whines. He can’t help but smile at her tired behavior, she doesn’t seem aware that she’s being more brusque than usual. And the use of “we” soothes his unfounded fears that even now, after everything, she might still push him away. Confident in her affections, Julian complies with her wishes, setting her down on the bed. He takes a seat next to her and reaches for her boots to untie them. 
“You’ve taken care of me so much over the last few days, let me return the favor.” He murmurs as she looks at him in confusion. She nods simply and watches as he unties and removes her boots. His hands move next to her cloak, still pinned firmly around her neck. He pulls it off and gently lays it on the chair near the bed before returning to her side. She’s been pulling off clothes while his back was turned, throwing her fancy masquerade dress to the ground. She’s left in her thin shift and Julian can’t help the flush that fills his cheeks though he’s seen her more bared than this before. He keeps his distance as he pulls his own boots off, shedding his mask and feathered jacket.
“Come here.” Beatrice says, noticing his blushing indecision. He joins her on the bed with a smile and leans in to kiss her forehead gently. He moves to sit with his back against the headboard and pulls her into his lap between his legs, hands reaching for her hair. 
“I learned how to braid when I was little.” He explains in a near whisper, his hands digging lightly into her scalp. “The grandmas taught me, and Pasha always insisted I braid her hair.” 
She melts into his touch as he twists her unruly hair back from her face into a much more manageable braid. As his hands stop their movement she twists around to kiss him, catching him off guard. He smiles into the kiss and mumbles “I love you.” against her lips.
“I love you too, always.” She says back, pulling away to get beneath the blessedly comfortable bed covers. He follows after, pulling her close against him.
“Oof, we forgot the lights, I’ll get them.” He makes as if to move but Beatrice beats him to it, snuffing all the candles in a single lazy hand movement.
“I’m a magician, remember?” She says. “I’ll teach you that someday, if you want.” 
“Someday maybe,” He thinks of the magic she showed him in the Tower and the nearly intoxicating feeling of magic in his hands. “But for now, magician or not, you need to sleep.”
“Oh is that your medical opinion, Dr. Devorak?” She moves her face forward so their noses are pressed together.
“I think that’s an objective opinion, dear heart, we’re both exhausted.” He closes the distance between them to kiss her. She grumbles in response and gets comfy against the pillows and the half of Julian’s body she’s pressed against. For the first time since Nadia arrived at the shop she and Julian both sleep blissfully through the night without interruption. 
The next morning, or rather afternoon, they’re awoken by a knock on the door.
“It’s me, Portia! Are you decent?” Portia calls, her head peeking in through the cracked door. Beatrice sits up groggily and greets her as she steps in and goes to open the curtains to let the light in. 
“We’re decent.” Julian grins. “Good morning, Pasha.” 
“It seems you both slept well, it’s nearly lunchtime! I brought you some breakfast to tide you over, Nadia has a big lunch planned for all of us.” Portia bustles around the room, leaving a basket on the table in the middle of the room. When neither of them move to get out of bed she sighs in an exaggerated way and smiles. “I’ll leave you to it, I guess. I’ll come get you when lunch is ready.” 
She moves to leave but turns around, her hand on the door handle. 
“Oh, and Nadia says that the baths are open for your use again if you’d like.”
“Thanks, Portia.” Beatrice says sunnily, her voice full of contentment. 
“Shall we get up? I think I smell pastries.” She grins after Portia’s left. Julian’s eyes are full of affection as he regards her, hair half out of the braid, shift hanging off her shoulders. Her eyes are sleepy and her lips are chapped, but Julian thinks she’s never looked better. He presses a kiss to the tip of her nose and she gives a happy sigh.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get over waking up next to you, my dear.” Julian smiles. She shakes her head incredulously and kisses him. They remain like that for a while, limbs tangled in the sheets, mouths pressed together. Finally Beatrice’s sense of responsibility takes over and she pulls away.
“We’d better get up if we want to eat and take a bath before lunch.” She sighs.
“Oh you, always so practical.” Julian pouts, face still flushed to the ears. 
“Hey, it’s gotten us this far hasn’t it?” She laughs. He agrees and they slowly get out of bed and go about a morning routine. Beatrice gleefully digs into a flaky almond pastry and shoves the basket towards Julian, signalling that he needs to eat. After breakfast they head down the hall to the bath.
This time their bath is more utilitarian, though the two of them do get a bit distracted at times. After the bath they walk hand in hand to the dining room where Nadia, Asra, and Portia are already seated at a very full looking table heaped with food.
“Ah, there you are. I was wondering if I’d have to send a search party after the two of you.” Nadia says with a raised eyebrow, her smile gives away the humor behind her words. 
“I’m sorry we’re late Nadia.” Beatrice says chagrined, taking the open seat across from Asra. Julian sits down on her right. 
“It’s entirely my fault, I must apologize.” Julian smirks.
“Well, not entirely your fault..” She smiles at him causing a tell-tale flush to rise to his face. 
“Ok! That’s enough of that, you’re here now that’s what matters.” Portia says, clapping her hands together to signal that she really wants to change the subject.
“Yes, thank you Portia. Now that we’re all here we can begin.” Nadia nods to one of the servants in the corner of the room who begins to serve food onto everyone's plates. Portia looks like she wants to get up to help but Nadia trains a look at her and she rests into her seat, taking a sip of her wine in resignation. 
“I wanted to call all of us together this afternoon to check in, and to thank Beatrice once again for her valiant actions.” Nadia smiles at her and she retreats a bit into her chair, still quite uncomfortable with the attention. 
“Uh, thank you Nadia that’s very kind of you but as I said last night, there’s no need to do this! All of you helped, you know I didn’t do this on my own.” She’s blushing, staring intently at her plate.
“Well, yes, but you’re the one who dealt the final blow, the rest of us merely lent you power.” Nadia explains, hands laced together. 
“There was nothing “mere” about it.” Beatrice finally lifts her head, looking around at everyone at the table. There are a few friend’s missing, but presumably they had simply declined the invitation. 
“Well, I think this calls for a toast, to all of us.” Julian swoops in to save the day, noting her discomfort. She smiles gratefully at him and everyone raises their glasses in a cheer. The lunch moves on, everyone conversing freely and happily. After a few sips of wine Beatrice switches to water, she’s a lightweight and if she wants to get some answers from Asra this afternoon, and be ready for the Masquerade again tonight, she’ll need her wits about her. 
After lunch, Nadia dismisses everyone to start preparations for that night’s festivities. Portia follows behind, the two of them already deep in discussion about some of the party rooms which need repairs. Asra stands up and Beatrice follows suit.
“Asra, can we talk?” She says, not really asking a question.
“Of course, do you want to take a walk?” He smiles good naturedly, like he’d expected her to ask. He probably had, considering her determination last night. She nods and heads towards Asra and the door.
“I’ll just, uh, I think I’ll finally go tidy up my desk in the library.” Julian says, squeezing her hand as he walks out of the dining room. 
She and Asra go out to the gardens and talk for a long time. It’s the most honest he’s ever been with her and for once, talking about the past doesn’t hurt. They talk about what just happened, they talk about the last three years and where Asra went on his travels, how he had to lie or hide the truth to protect her. They talk about before, before she died, before the plague. She isn’t shocked when he reveals that, at one point, the two of them were very much in love.
“I still love you, of course, just not in the same way.” He says after he finishes giving a brief timeline of their lives before the plague. It doesn’t feel like he’s letting her down easy, or like the conversation is awkward or strained. Asra is her best friend, and it seems that’s all they were meant to be in the end.
“Well, I love you too of course!” Beatrice responds, pulling Asra into a hug. “I’m so glad I know the truth about everything now, I know who I am.” 
“WelI, I feel like I owe you one more truth.” He frowns, looking a bit embarrassed. “We uh, in the past we’ve uh… slept together, many times.”
“Oh.” She says simply, not quite knowing what to do with the knowledge. After a few seconds the silence stretches and she asks “Well… was I at least good?” Asra barks in laughter.
“Is that what you’re worried about? Yes, Beatrice you were good.” He smiles, shaking his head incredulously.  “I just thought you should know.... in case you and Julian..” He tapers off, now looking only slightly uncomfortable. 
“Oh.. we uh already have.” Beatrice says, folding her arms a bit defensively, braced for comment. 
“I guess I should’ve known, knowing Julian, and you I suppose.” Asra grins, eyes full of mischief.
“That reminds me…” She starts, taking in Asra’s raised eyebrow. “I know you and Julian have a history… did you ever…?” 
“Oh uh, yes a few times.” He blushes, not meeting her eyes. She laughs, making him look up in confusion. 
“I knew it!” She’s still laughing. “I just had a feeling.” Asra can't help but laugh with her, neither of them noticing the tall figure approaching them through the hedge maze. Asra and Beatrice have always been comfortable discussing everything, and it seems their shared romantic history isn’t off limits either.
“Does he still do that thing with his-” Asra starts, Beatrice listening eagerly, still half laughing.
“Do I still do what?” Julian says, looking somewhat flustered as he approaches the two of them, clearly having heard or understood some of their recent conversation. 
‘Uh.. nothing darling!” Beatrice stands up to greet him with a kiss to the cheek. Asra stands up with a smirk, laughing at Julian’s expression. 
“Don’t worry it was going to be a nice comment.” Asra claps Julian on the shoulder. 
“Well uh- in that case I’d like to hear it then.” He flushes. “But first, I came to tell you Beatrice, there’s a visitor here to see you.”
“A visitor?” Her  eyebrows furrow. 
“I didn’t get her name, Nadia sent me to find you.” Julian explains, leading them back towards the palace. “Now tell me, what is it that I do?” 
“I think maybe I’ll ask Beatrice and she can decide whether to tell you or not.” Asra says, smile still wide. He leans in to whisper in her ear and she stifles a bark of laughter.
“Oh yes, he definitely still does that.” She says with a grin to match Asra’s. Julian looks between the two of them in confusion, looking frustrated. “I’ll tell you later, don’t worry about it.” 
“Ugh... why must the both of you be so stubborn.” He shakes his head, offering Beatrice his arm as they walk up the slightly steep stairs to the veranda. Sitting at the table overlooking the gardens is Nadia, Portia standing slightly behind, and a woman with blonde hair wrapped elegantly in a silk scarf. Nadia smiles as she sees the trio arriving. 
“Ah, here she is.” Nadia gestures and the blonde woman turns around. Her eyes are wide as she takes in Beatrice, who looks at her without recognition. 
“Beatrice?” The woman says, standing up to take a step towards her. Beatrice still looks confused and nobody has said anything or made an effort to explain so far. 
“Freya?” Asra says, stepping towards the woman before she reaches Beatrice.
“Oh, Asra! I remember you! You’re still in Vesuvia after all this time?” The woman, presumably named Freya asks. 
“Uh Freya, I’m sorry but Beatrice has been through quite a lot in the last few years and she’s lost a lot of her memories. She probably doesn’t know who you are.” He explains with a frown, Freya nods slowly as if that makes sense but she frowns too. Julian’s got a slightly defensive arm around Beatrice but she looks at him gently and steps out of his arms towards the woman.
“I’m so sorry, but like Asra said I don’t have that much knowledge of my past. Who are you?” She asks, keeping her tone polite despite her burning curiosity. 
“Oh Beatrice! I thought I’d never see you again!” The woman says dramatically, flinging her arms around Beatrice who, to her credit, manages not to sway under the sudden embrace. 
“Uh, I’m so sorry but that doesn’t really answer my question?” Beatrice mutters, still trapped in the hug. 
“She’s your older sister, Freya.” Asra says gently, meeting hers over Freya’s shoulder.
“My… who?” Beatrice stares incredulously as she is finally released. Julian reaches out to steady her with a hand. 
“It’s like the magician said, Beatrice! I’m your older sister, I’ve finally come back home.” She grins at Beatrice expectantly. “Don’t you remember me at all?” 
She thinks really hard, straining to remember and suddenly gets thrown back into a memory. 
A young girl, no more than 10 years old with blonde hair in tight ringlet curls is singing at the top of her lungs, a younger girl sits next to her on a decrepit looking piano bench pounding onto the keys of a piano with a lot of gusto but no talent, her dark hair pulled into a tight braid. An older woman comes into frame grabbing the older girl by the wrist.
“You girls have chores to do! I can’t believe you’re playing around right now.” Her voice is brusque but at once familiar and the older Beatrice visibly winces as she watches the woman grab the younger girl by the braid, pulling her up and away from the piano. 
The scene changes and the two girls are giggling in a small bed, a blanket pulled over their heads as the younger girl, around 8 now, conjures a ball of light into her hand then vanishes it, repeating it a few times as the older girl, around 12, laughs. 
“How do you do that Beatrice?” The girl whispers.
“It’s magic Frey! I can teach you, here.” The younger girl smiles, passing the light into her older sister’s hands. The light fizzles out immediately as it leaves her hands.
“It’s no use, I’m not magic.” The blonde girl frowns, looking almost close to tears. 
“Of course you are! We’re sisters and if I can do it, so can you! I’ll help.” Young Beatrice reaches out to grab young Freya’s hands.
“If I can do it because we’re related, does that mean Mother can do it?” Young Freya asks with a teasing smirk. 
“Nooo she could never do magic, she’s too mean.” Young Beatrice’s face scrunches up and Young Freya laughs, a little too loudly. The girls stiffen as footsteps approach their small room and the two lay down immediately, pretending to sleep. 
The scene fades once again and Young Beatrice, now around 12, is staring out a window splattered with rain as a figure walks away, blonde hair just visible as the figure turns to wave one last time before disappearing from view. Younger Beatrice is crying.
“Why’d you have to leave me Freya… alone with her.” She says bitterly, wiping tears away with the back of her hand. “How could you… you PROMISED.” 
The mist at the corners of Beatrice’s mind fades as she’s wrenched back to reality. She stumbles a bit before Julian reaches for her again, arms wrapping tightly around her.
“Woah.” Portia says after a long moment of everyone looking around in confusion. “Did everyone see that?” 
“Yes, Portia, I think everyone watched those glimpses of the past.” Nadia says gently, pulling out a chair at the table and gesturing for Beatrice to sit. Julian helps her to sit and she seems to suddenly snap back to reality.
“I- think I remember you.” Beatrice smiles up at the blonde girl who looks down at her with an open mouth.
“Did you- do that?’ Freya says, mouth pulling into a matching smile. “You’ve always been so good at that magic stuff.” 
“I’m not sure, I think so.” Beatrice says, shaking her head to dispel the remnants of fog that still crowd the corners of her head.
“Darling, are you ok?” Julian leans in towards her with concern lacing his voice. “You look a little pale.”
“Oh puh-lease. She’s always been pale.” Freya laughs, taking in her sister. The girls are near opposites in looks, Freya blonde and blue eyed, taller and tanned, Beatrice pale and dark haired, dark eyed. But there are similarities, the exact same smattering of freckles, the face shape, identical noses, identical smiles. 
“Well, this is quite a surprise.” Nadia says, lacing her fingers together like she usually does when she’s thinking. “May I ask where you’ve been for the last few years, and why you’ve decided to come back?” 
“Oh, of course milady, I’d be happy to clear things up” Freya takes her seat across from Nadia again and takes a delicate sip of tea from the cup sitting there. 
“Please, call me Nadia.” She smiles, taking in Freya who is now unwinding her hair from the scarf, letting it fall in loose curls down her back. She shakes her head gently to toss her hair back and smiles at everyone around the table in turn, seeming fully at ease despite the curious faces watching her. Julian stays standing behind Beatrice, arms wrapped around her as she sits while Asra takes the open chair on her other side.
“Nadia.” Freya nods in affirmation. “Well, let’s see…. where shall I start.” 
“How about the beginning?” Beatrice suggests. Julian rubs her shoulders, still looking at her with concern as if she might faint at any moment. She twists around to meet his eyes. “I’m ok Julian, really.” 
“You should drink some tea, at least.” He reaches for the teapot, pouring her a cup. Everyone around the table watches the two of them and Freya’s eyes narrow a bit as she takes them in before her face spreads into a smile.
“Is he your boyfriend, Beatrice?” She grins, taking a sip of her own tea.
“I suppose you could call him that.” Beatrice looks up at Julian with a smile and he meets it, finally deciding she’s got her color back enough that he can pull up a chair and sit too. “But let’s get back on topic.” Freya nods, lacing her fingers together in a motion similar to Nadia.
“Beatrice,” Asra says, placing a hand on hers to get her attention. “How’s your head?
“I feel fine, really. You and Julian worry too much.” She brushes him off and he settles back into his chair with an affectionate smile.
“I suppose I’ll start at the very beginning then, if you don’t mind a story.” Freya says thoughtfully. “And seeing as Beatrice doesn’t remember anything, maybe this will help you remember.” 
Beatrice nods in agreement, and Freya begins.
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immortallaughter · 6 years
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These are my Original Characters for the game The Arcana by Nyx Hydra! (Finally)
 First off, we’ve got Beatrice Sana. (28) She’s a 6’0 stick full of sarcasm and a tragic angsty backstory. 
Being an ex mercenary she comes off brooding and mysterious, but she’s a trickster who loves pranks, especially since she’s an ice mage and can make snowballs to throw at people from rooftops. She has copper eyes, and stick straight brunette hair that fades into copper at the ends. There’s a cool looking scar that runs over her left eyebrow and it continues down her cheekbone.
She absolutely has no chill when it comes to social protocol, since she grew up breaking practically every law you can think of. 
Beatrice might not look like it, but she’s a lover and a hopeless romantic. Call her out on it and she’ll pretend to be mad. (She’s not mad at all and actually flattered anyone would think she’s attractive but you didn’t hear that from me) Despite her tawny skin being riddled with scars, she’s got a crooked grin that brings nothing but mischief and fun. Her name means bringer of joy and laughter is her favorite.
She hasn’t always been the cheerful prankster she is now, however. Her past is dark and she hates learning about it.
She was abducted from her home in Prakra when she was 10 and forced to be a mercenary after a sketchy magician took her memories from her. She didn’t know her name and was simply called Mage. When she turned 23, she met Lucio, who helped her escape her captors, only because he liked her skills (having no morals as a memoryless slave, she made for a ruthless killer) and she joined his crew until he became the count. She was a “law enforcer” of Vesuvia under Lucio’s orders until the whole fiasco with his death went down and she lost her memories…again.
She does NOT like Valerius. She has a little war going on with him, where she will steal his wine supply and gives it to her friends. (She doesn’t drink since she doesn’t like losing control of her powers) 
Her familiar is a blue nosed pitbull, named Risus. She loves that dog and he’s the goodest boi around…unless he sees Julian. Then he chases the tall cinnamon roll for fun.
So, she’s figuring out how to be a normal person, is more blunt than she should be, and won’t let anyone she considers a friend get hurt, if she’s got any say in the matter. It is advised that one stays on her good side. Beatrice has lots of potential, just needs some good influences around her. 
Now more about Eamon Frode. (27) A skinny 5′11 ft softy who looks like a cinnamon roll, is actually a cinnamon roll.
Eamon is a total sweetheart. Hates fighting, but could out think anyone around him. This freckle covered man has hazel eyes and can use telepathy to his advantage. He was a child prodigy and left his home in Vesuvia to go to a specialized school of learning in Prakra when he was about 7. Since then he has soaked up knowledge like a sponge, and can usually be found with his nose in a book. 
Since meeting Beatrice, he has taken it upon himself to teach her the educational things she never got to learn while in captivity. (she even tried to write his name in cursive and only sort of messed up!) His nickname is mushroom since his hair is ash brown and reminds Beatrice of mushrooms. 
His name means Protector of riches, which he considers the riches he protects are all the facts he has collected over his life. Ask him anything and he will most likely go on a long tangent about the history, mechanics, and semantics of said question. (Boy is too smart for his own good sometimes. If there is something he doesn’t know about and you bring it up, prepare to be interrogated.) 
Although he is kind, and loves all animals and everyone, if anyone tried to hurt him or those he loves he will stand his ground. 
Eamon will become flustered with just about anyone. He is pansexual and absolutely a mess who has no idea how to flirt. (like…at all) Although if someone could get past his awkwardness, he is a cuddler and kind of clingy but not TOO clingy. He is an amazing cook, btw, and he will be like a second mother if his significant other is not eating well. 
This precious soul is smart, loves yoga, and kind of adopted a sugar glider on an expedition one day who became his familiar. He named her Sweets, since where he found her was in his bag chomping down on his dried mango slices. (Those are his favorite things on the entire planet) Eamon cried when he saw Faust chasing his little gal, and has since made sure Faust is on good behavior when Sweets is around. (Faust thinks it is a game and make our poor boi worried)
He returned to Vesuvia to further practice magic with Asra, who he has fallen head over heels for. Eamon needs friends too, and someone to help Beatrice stay out of too much trouble. 
Any takers? (sorry for the short novel, but I love these two and wanted to give a good background) 
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