king-there0f · 3 years
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Gonna answer this for Asphrea cuz I never talk about them lol
🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them
warnings for implied manipulation and some mention of violence. Asphrea is not a Nice Person. They will bait you into doing their dirty work for them and will flirt with you until they have what they need from you and then ghost you and leave without a trace. 
For that reason this one is under a readmore, just in case that doesn’t sit well with ya:
I met them by chance on a trade route into town. Complete coincidence. They were just walking along the side of the road, you should have seen how graceful - just, wow so beautiful. Anyway, they asked me for a ride into town. How could I say no? They were cautiously chatty - understandable cuz I was a complete stranger and all, but they were just so damn charming. Carried themself with a real poise and grace, ya know? Hard to imagine a Sylvari being royalty but they really had me sold on the idea. Their clothes were all velvets and silks in rich purples and golds and-- Anyway, I get them into town no trouble, drop them off. They tried to give me a small sum of gold for my trouble but I refused! Their company was payment enough. They left me with a wink and blew a kiss over their shoulder and I tell you, I’ve never been more smitten.
 I’ve seen them around town a few times since then. Even had the honor of spending some time in their company a handful of times. They really are just so charming. Sweet to. Always offering to connect me with their friends in high places - put in a good word for me, ya know? Work can be hard to come by these days. But they never ask me for nothing - always sayin’ spending time with me is enough. I’ve helped ‘em with the occasional problem though, I’m no slouch. I just feel honored that they feel comfortable talking to me about their problems at all. Must be hard to open up like that. So sometimes I take care of stuff for them when it’s upsetting ‘em.
 Like, this one time they seemed just so put out by this one guy - been messing with them or something, giving them just a real hard time, and for what? Something about being wrongly accused of smuggling or stealing or some shit. Some Seraph asshole by the sound of it. Gettin’ a big head even though he’s posted way out here in this tiny dump of a town instead of in the big city. Anyway, apparently he’s been giving them some trouble. Harassing and the like. What a brute. They’d never steal anything, look at ‘em! You think someone who wears clothes like that is wanting for cash? Hell, they offered me money for the puny little ride I gave them into town. Ridiculous is what it is. I tell you what , I gave that guy a real piece of my mind. Really gave him the what-for. Don’t think he’ll be around to bother them anymore, at least not for a while anyway, hah! 
They were so shocked when I told them, but I think they were impressed cuz they put a hand on my arm when they asked me if I was hurt. Said it was mighty brave of me to do what I did. Thought they wished I wouldn’t resort to such violence. I thought my heart was gonna leap into my throat, I’ve never blushed so hard in all my life. and for what, a little touch on the arm? I tell you what,  must be getting soft. I thought about it for the rest of the day, just, over and over. That little touch, the soft smile, the kiss they blew me when we parted ways. It’s like I’m a lovestruck kid again, I tell ya. 
 I’ve been saving up to buy them this fancy necklace  - I was gonna finally ask ‘em out you see -  spent a pretty penny on it. But I wanted them to like it and I know they have expensive taste. But  I gotta tell you though, I’ve been getting worried. I haven’t seen them in days and I’m a little afraid they might have started having trouble again. Do you think they’re okay? I’m sure it’s nothing, I know I’ve gotta respect their time. But. I just want to see them so badly. I’d just about give my right arm for them to say yes - don’t give me that look it’s just a turn of phrase. But honestly they’re worth it. They are everything to me. I’d do just about anything for them,  and they know it. Whenever they come back, and they will. I’ll be here for them, waiting. 
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king-there0f · 3 years
☁️CLOUD - a soft headcanon, for everyone if possible!
Omg EVERYONE??? There are…so many…but I am up for the challenge!!! Also I love soft headcanons 😭 so thank you! 
Gonna do literally everyone, cuz that’s the assignment buckle up!
most of these are just...”they actually really care for their friends and family and love people a lot and want them to be happy.” Because that’s just the head space I’m in. 
Guild Wars
Matthias - has always been very good with animals. Even when he was a more judgmental, less understanding person, you could always tell there was something kind and well meaning in his heart because without much effort on his part, all his animals adore him. (Tbh i have so many soft feelings about Matthias)
Sarah - though she will deny it, even to herself, she likes to see her friends happy and will do them favors behind their backs to make their lives easier. She is extremely soft for her girlfriend, Nierium, and likes to steal nice expensive things for her. Like, compact Asuran thermogenerators and experimental fusion stabilizers. You know, romantic things.
Marjah - is very good with children and is very good at cheering them up and making them feel safe. He has a very soothing presence
Thalliah - is incredibly personable and gets along with nearly everyone she meets. Her positive attitude is infectious and she is difficult to dislike. She usually understands peoples hardships surprisingly well
Astereaux - is an amateur astronomer and sometimes finds himself so overwhelmed with the beauty and vastness of the world and universe he lives in it moves him to tears
Nadiah - seems very aloof and ambitious but becomes the biggest softie around baby animals. Her demeanor changes almost entirely to the shock of everyone who knows her
Kerxsus - Loves his bugs and preserves them to pin and frame and hang on his walls when they die. No, it’s not weird
Asphrea - Fairly compensates anyone they commission to make custom clothes or fashion for them. Practices a lot of “self care!”
Vulcca - really wants to be good friends with his old war buddy Torbin and tries to participate in his interests even though they very much don’t see eye to eye
Kainei - keeps accidentally adopting children. She is the type who does the whole gruff stoic “Im leaving you for dead, I don’t even care” and then becomes their mom
Canella - is but a humble cook on a pirate ship, but genuinely loves her crew-mates and does her best with the limited resources at her disposal to try to cook them meals that make them happy or remind them of home or a place that brings them fond memories. Cooking reminds her of her home, which was a warm and comforting place, so she wants to give that to other people who maybe didn't come from nice homes. She runs her kitchen like she remembers her parents running theirs.
Mokona (gw1) - Though she lives in a place and time ravaged by plague and immense socioeconomic inequality, she is the one among her friends who makes sure they stop to have fun once in a while. Just because there are things that are really wrong with the world, doesn’t mean you should burn yourself out trying to put them right all by yourself. It’s okay to stop and smell the roses sometimes.
Jade - despite being snobbish about it, as well as being cursed to never play it again, Jade genuinely loves music and it is how he most likes to espress himself. Sometimes he goes to concerts or performances, sits in a dark corner in the back of the venue where no one will see him, and feels his feelings
Fish - is very quick to call people her best friend. To some this might come across as fickle, or silly, but she means it very genuinely and from the bottom of her heart
Barm - loves his daughter with his whole heart and soul. Thinks she made him a better person and helped him understand he could be more than just a soldier. She brought out the extremely caring and nurturing part of him and he acknowledges and appreciates that every day
Other characters
Rhys - while he is incredibly immature and likes to project a very “horny on main without a care in the world” attitude, he loves to make grand romantic gestures to his boyfriend, Vas. and he and his BFF Alstyr have a very “Close your eyes bro, that’s my world without you bro.” Kind of relationship and I love them.
Meave - Just a general sweetheart all around. She is often exasperated by her brother (Rhys) but cares deeply for him. While she is very much a pacifist and does her absolute best to avoid confrontation (it stresses her out) mess with a loved one and she’ll wreck you.
Ech0 - Is an aloof cyberpunk hacker who prioritizes a payday above almost all else. Has a somewhat intimidating and unapproachable vibe. He LOVES retro video games and will Gush about them when given the opportunity 
Lukas (Luke) - Loves his horse SO much. Like, LOVES his horse. She is his baby. Baby horse. Princess horse. Don’t touch his horse. Her name is Mousse.
Hikaru - LOVES rhythm games. A very studious and intellectual person, who takes her responsibilities seriously and might act like she doesn’t have time for fun. But she adores games like Beat Saber, Rhythm Heaven, Guitar Hero, and other mobile rhythm games.
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