#aspects like gluttony and greedy really won't apply in material cases
scarletooyoroi · 2 years
Small points of note! Once again, a lil headcanon batch (which is moreso inference from character story tidbits.)
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Well tuck this under a read more due to just the size of the images. >:
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This serves pretty much as the reason he's gained his Fixer moniker. Thoma enjoys letting his expertise float around being a center point source, a means to let his allies network with others he knows. Due to his extended business dealings both in Ritou, the ore trade alongside knowing some high ends, there's no shortage of what he can scrabble together. This goes both for resources and information.
It also opens the door of people around all of Teyvat knowing him to some capacity. This serves as one of the key reasons alongside just not letting outlanders feel alone that he conducts business in Ritou. He holds a firm code of conduct never to take cold advantage of his resources. So he's never fully alone regardless of where he decides to travel, someone out there will manage to see him as a familiar face.
At most, they're used in the exercise of exchange. Conduct deals with Thoma and he'll always ensure that you're splitting even.
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This is virtually one of his guiding principles of going through life. He believes it's a gift to be cherished, protected and woven together in a way where you can enjoy many of the bounties in being apart of Teyvat.
These are measures he can understand for both the innocent and the cruel. To the cruel however, it's also by understanding and respecting solely their will to 'make the most', that he doesn't hesitate to meet their measures and utterly destroy boons and bounties made cruelly upon the backs of others.
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I think this one in particular goes the most unknown! Surprisingly, despite how popular people love to play on his homesick involving Mondstadt. Through blood, Thoma has two lands nurtured by elements, archons and human effort that he calls home. Mondstadt's jovial atmosphere in the recent days have developed his sunny nature, as Inazuma served as the cruel but effective teacher in nurturing ambition and the means to protect such a lifestyle.
To hold a noble heart offers the means to properly appreciate life, that of yourself and that of others.
To weave together strength by this practice is to offer the means to prolong abrupt and cold endings due to danger. To use this strength in the name of protecting, both life and the wills of those who go for an honest day's work and effort.
Mondstadt and Inazuma cultivated and polished positive traits that he will never stop showing gratitude for. The said gratitude is exercised in the way he treats others and the situations that comes his way.
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What I want to bring the most attention towards here is how Thoma treats the essence of achievement. Glory chasing from the beginning has never been the part of his MO. From this particular pot of life, he'll only take what is necessary for procedures to continue via smooth sailing.
Let himself be known well enough to be a name of influence for his business, it doesn't need to shoot for the stars.
For him, the personal satisfaction of his work is to just see peace simply be prolonged. Things are secure, things are safe, he truly needs no better than that for him to happily go about his day. His style and approach towards life is to hold gratitude for what you have, and let that be shown both by emotion and by the efforts you put forth.
How far he intends to take these strides depends on the danger to both his homes and those important to him. Only when the stakes reveal their fangs, does he accordingly ups his ante in order to combat such details in kind. This is why you'll often see him playing little mind to the amount of renown to his name.
That said? He's very protective of the honor of those he care for on the other hand. Its a touch hypocritical seeing how he treats his own line of achievement, but he never wants another to try sullying the good imagery or the particular imagery that you put up for yourself.
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