ask-turo-and-sada 1 year
Can I marry you both 馃拲馃拲
"No?" Turo and Sada said, confused.
"We're happy with each other," Sada said.
"And not interested in a poly relationship."
"He's my ride or die."
Sada smirked. "Though I do one more than the other."
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ask-turo-and-sada 10 months
Probably not coming back to this. It's not that popular anymore and I'm not interested in it either so *shrugs*
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ask-turo-and-sada 10 months
Wow your braincells really do cancel out when you're together! Of course I don't mean Arven! What about the "kid with the headphones" and the "ninja lad"? Are they also your sons?
"Ah, you mean the children of Team Star?" Turo asked. "Of course they are our children. Sada has unofficially adopted all of them."
"They need a good parental figure in their lives!"
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ask-turo-and-sada 2 years
have yall had Arven in your classes before? if so how did that go? xD
"Arven usually avoids our classes," Sada said, looking up from grading quizzes. "Though, he did have my archeology class one semester."
Sada chuckled, shaking her head. "It went about as well as you'd expect. He was a bit rough with certain rare artifacts, so it was best he transfer to another class where he wasn't a danger to history."
"Who are you talking to, wildflower?" Turo asked as he came into the room. He leaned against her, rubbing his cheek against Sada's in greeting.
"I was recounting the time Arven was in my archeology class and how he ruined artifacts on accident."
"Yes, I remember that. He came home complaining about how fragile things were in the past. Blamed it on your insane strength genes." Turo chuckled. "He's better off sticking with sandwich making."
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ask-turo-and-sada 2 years
Rules and World Information
-Asks must be geared towards both professors, but there may be some times when one professor is busy teaching class and the other is free to answer asks.
-No NSFW asks
-Be civil
-Asks will be answered in written format
-this blog will not interact with other turo, sada, or arven blogs; that includes reblogs with in character replies from both sides.
Arven asks are now open!
-if you wish to speak with Arven, say "hey Arven!"
-sometimes, Arven will not answer as he will be in class. Other times, you may get lucky and he'll have special guests with him!
-please remember this is still a Turo/Sada blog, so don't inundate the asks with Arven questions!
World Information:
-Canon divergent
-The Professors never delved into what would be known Area Zero so the events of Scarlet and Violet never happen. Paradox 'Mons are not a thing.
-they did go into the Crater though
-Tera Orbs are still a thing and the Professors worked together in crafting them.
-They are in their mid-forties. Arven is 15.
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ask-turo-and-sada 2 years
Turo how'd you get ///SADA/// to fall for someone like you? 馃
"I am so glad you asked!" Turo flipped over a whiteboard to show pictures of Sada and red yarn like he was processing aconspiracy theory. "I ask myself that every day. You see, Sada is pure perfection whose smile clears water and nourishes crops. Then you have me, who's willing to stick a fork in the microwave to test a hypothesis."
Turo shook his head. "By all accounts, it doesn't make sense."
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ask-turo-and-sada 1 year
"Galla!" Gallade called. Before he could use Psychic to catch Turo before he hit the ground, Turo stopped in mid-air. "Galla?"
Turo cautiously opened his eyes when he hadn't hit the ground yet.
"Huh?" He turned to look behind him and saw that it was a Gengar that had caught him.
The Gengar grinned. "Gar!"
The Gengar floated Turo back to the attic, carefully setting him on the ground. It looked abashed, rubbing the back of its head. "Gengar gen...gengar..."
Gallade started to reprimand the Gengar. "Galla! Gal Gallade!"
"Gar..." the Gengar melted into a sad puddle, sniffing. "Gengar..."
Turo looked between the miserable Gengar and Gallade who looked ready to murder the Gengar. He didn't need to speak Pok茅mon to understand what was happening.
It was Gengar who had caused the clock to go off, startling Turo and subsequently causing him to fall into the weak window. The Gengar hadn't meant for its prank to turn into something dangerous. It was looking to merely frighten Turo instead.
"Oh, come on, Gallade, be nice. He didn't mean to make me smash into the window."
Gallade gave Turo a withering look. This was a serious matter, and Turo shouldn't forgive Gengar for what happened. His master was too nice.
Turo looked at the Gengar, still in a miserable puddle on the floor. "It's all right. Thank you for catching me."
The Gengar perked up a bit at that. "Gar?"
"Guess you were looking for someone to play with too, huh?"
"Gen!" Gengar hopped out of its puddle, grinning. "Gengar!"
Turo chuckled as Gengar began a game of hide and seek, fading in and out of sight to try and startle Turo. "See, Gallade? He's nice. He was just lonely."
"Gallade!" Gallade threw his arms in the air, giving up. "Galla..."
Turo attempted to stand up so they could leave the attic, but found he couldn't get his footing now that the adrenaline was wearing off. He decided to stay sitting. "How about we take a break right here? We can split one of the Old Gateaux bars."
Current Time: 11:15 p.m.
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ask-turo-and-sada 1 year
Play more? Maybe try and tire the ghost out?
"All right. Do you want to hear a story?"
The girl perked up before giving a fierce nod.
"Let's see..." Turo thought about it. He wasn't the best storyteller, but he did know one story Sada had been fond of. "How about the tale of the merchant and the chief of diamonds?"
Sitting down, the girl stared at Turo with huge eyes, waiting for him to start his tale.
"Once upon a time, back when Sinnoh was a wild place with even wilder Pok茅mon, there was a traveling merchant. He sold a lot of things he found during his travels; rare artifacts and shards. One day, he visited a small clan to sell his wares and ran into the chief of the village, a young man around his age. The two talked about more than just business, asking about each other and their likes. The young merchant visited old ruins during his travels, learning about the past of the region and potentially, their future. The chief was enthralled by his tales of ruin delving and asked if he could join the merchant in his next delve."
"Did the merchant say yes?"
Turo smiled at the girl's question before holding up his hand. "The merchant, who had never had anyone interested in his passions, was confused at the request. He asked if the chief truly was certain he wanted to spend time around a monster. The chief smiled and responded with 'if you're a monster, you're the most beautiful one I've met.' Amused, the merchant told the chief to meet him during the next full moon by the cliff overlooking the sea. Then he left to resume selling his wares."
"The chief went, right?" The girl bounced impatiently. "He had to go!"
"Of course he went. They kept meeting in that spot for years. Some say, if you go to that cliff during a full moon, you'll see them there, staring out at the sea."
The girl clapped excitedly. "Another!"
Current time: 9:45 pm.
[One more story or attempt to leave?]
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ask-turo-and-sada 1 year
Sada how do you feel about Turo's name being first? "Sada and Turo" sounds waaaay better!!
Turo chuckled. "We decided on the name together."
"Besides, you can't understand the future unless you look at the past."
"And I love looking at you every day, wildflower."
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ask-turo-and-sada 1 year
I thought Arven had a crush on Giacomo, oh well.
"Who?" Sada asked.
"The kid with the headphones, I think," Turo supplied.
"Ah, the boy chasing after that ninja lad. Arceus, no. Arven may be bi, but he doesn't like that boy like that."
"It's obvious Giacomo is smitten with that ninja boy anyway by how he's always following him like a lost Growlithe."
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ask-turo-and-sada 1 year
Bet it's class president Ne- *dies*
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Sada grinned devilishly, rubbing her hands together. "We should do a betting pool on who confesses first."
"Don't encourage them to harrass our son about his love life," Turo said, scratching the gauze on his arm. "No. Stop. The tragedy."
Sweet, sweet revenge.
"Stop that." Sada swatted his hand. "You'll make it worse."
"It itches!"
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ask-turo-and-sada 1 year
Ooooo Arven has a crush?!
"No! Who said you could stay here?! Go away!"
"It's the most adorable crush too!" Sada cooed. "It's his 'rival'."
Arven bristled. "She's not my rival!"
"Really?" Turo asked, amused by son's defensiveness. "By the way you go "battle girl" this and "battle girl" that, we thought you were rivals."
"Shut up or you'll summon her!"
Sada snorted. "Oh come on now. Isn't she busy with classes as you should be?"
"She has a weird sixth sense when someone talks about her!" Arven pointed at Turo. "We're going to talk about that window stunt after class!"
"Did he imply I'm grounded?" Turo muttered as Arven left the room.
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ask-turo-and-sada 1 year
Poor Arven, he has to deal with his dumbass parents
"Hey, we're not dumbasses," Turo muttered.
"You stick forks into microwaves to see what happens," Arven reminded.
"Every fork has a different metallurgic composition--"
"I've seen you run into the doorframe when you're looking at that girl you like," Sada pointed out with a grin.
Arven flushed. "It was one time!"
"Who's the dumbass now, Arvie?"
"Don't call me that. I'm not five."
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ask-turo-and-sada 1 year
Yeah Turo tripped out a window. Luckily Gengar saved him.
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Arven did, indeed, want to disown his parents.
"I cannot believe you." Arven sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Sometimes, he wondered who was parenting who. "You could have died!"
"But I didn't!"
"Because of Gengar! Who caused your almost death in the first place."
Turo didn't say anything for a bit before he mumbled, "'S a lil scratch..."
Arven threw up his hands in defeat. "Arceus, how are you so dumb and so brilliant at the same time?"
"It's part of his charm," Sada cooed, running her hands through Turo's hair.
"Aw, wildflower..."
Arven groaned. "Ugh. Kill me."
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ask-turo-and-sada 1 year
A fren! Hi Arven!
"Hey?" Arven replied, mildly confused. He looked at his parents, putting his hands on his hips. "Is this what you guys have been doing lately? Is this why his arm is hurt?"
"It had nothing to do with ghosts!" Turo said quickly. He yelped when Sada grabbed his arm harder than necessary.
"What he means to say is it was an accident."
Arven raised an eyebrow. "Is someone picking on dad?"
"Even your father can fistfight, Arven. It was a little...dare. He had to spend the night at a haunted house."
"He spent the night in a haunted house?" Arven asked, doubtful. He knew Turo's fear of horror movies and yet he spent the night at a supposedly haunted house?
"It was a few hours!" Turo responded. He ignored Sada muttering how it was longer than she had predicted. "Then I kind of fell out a window."
"You fell out a what ?"
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ask-turo-and-sada 1 year
So are Rotom and Gengar part of the family now?
"Yeah, they just followed Turo home!" Sada said. "Guess they didn't want him to leave without them. Ghost types have always been a bit fond of Turo and I still don't understand why he doesn't use ghost types on his team. Something about statistics and managing weaknesses."
Sada rolled her eyes as she rubbed Gengar's head. Rotom was investigating a light bulb laying on the desk, causing it to light up from proximity alone. Bagon spit embers at the lack of attention in its direction, plopping on the ground.
"Not that it matters since he's never beaten me." Sada picked up Bagon before it could start throwing a fit. "In Pok茅mon battles. He's never beaten me in Pok茅mon battles."
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